예제 #1
    def extract(cls, node):
        shape = shape_array([])
        # Extract output shape from `shape` attribute
        extracted_shape = tf_tensor_shape(node.pb.attr["shape"].shape)
        if len(extracted_shape) != 0:
            shape = extracted_shape
            # Extract output shape from `_output_shapes` attribute if it is possible
            extracted_output_shapes = node.pb.attr["_output_shapes"].list.shape
            if len(extracted_output_shapes) == 1:   # check if attribute not empty
                extracted_output_shapes = tf_tensor_shape(extracted_output_shapes[0])

                # Check equality of extracted shapes. We know some cases then Placeholder operation has empty `shape`
                # attribute value and non-empty `_output_shapes` attribute value and need co handle and support it.
                if len(extracted_output_shapes) > len(extracted_shape):
                    log.warning('Extracted shapes for Placeholder operation {} have different lengths: `shape` {} and '
                                '`_output_shapes` {}. Please, check if model is consistent'.format(
                        node.pb.name, extracted_shape, extracted_output_shapes))
                    if len(extracted_output_shapes) != 0:
                        shape = extracted_output_shapes

        attrs = {
            'data_type': tf_dtype_extractor(node.pb.attr["dtype"].type),
            'shape': shape,
            'permute_attrs': PermuteAttrs().update_attrs(attrs=[('shape', 'output:0')])
        if node.pb.attr["shape"].shape.unknown_rank:
            attrs['shape'] = None
        Parameter.update_node_stat(node, attrs)
        return cls.enabled
예제 #2
파일: tf.py 프로젝트: yury-intel/openvino
def generate_feed_dict(graph: tf_v1.Graph, node: Node):
    The first value in the return tuple is True if all inputs for the node has constant values.
    The second returned value is mapping of placeholder tensor to the numpy arrays with the values for these
    :param graph: the TensorFlow Graph to generate feed dictionary to.
    :param node: the node which represents TensorFlow sub-graph of operations.
    :return: pair where the first element is a flag that specifies that all node inputs are constants and a dictionary
    where key is the input Tensor object and the value is the tensor value.
    all_constants = True
    feed_dict = dict()
    for in_data_node_name, edge_attrs in node.get_inputs():
        if 'control_flow_edge' in edge_attrs and edge_attrs[
        value = node.in_node(edge_attrs['in']).value
        if value is None:
            all_constants = False
            placeholder_pb = node['pbs'][edge_attrs['placeholder_name']]
            value = np.ones(
        feed_dict[graph.get_tensor_by_name(edge_attrs['placeholder_name'] +
                                           ":0")] = value
    return all_constants, feed_dict
예제 #3
 def extract(cls, node: Node):
     attrs = {
         'op': __class__.op,
         'element_shape': tf_tensor_shape(node.pb.attr["element_shape"].shape),
     TensorArrayGather.update_node_stat(node, attrs)
     return cls.enabled
 def extract(cls, node):
     attrs = {
         'data_type': tf_dtype_extractor(node.pb.attr["dtype"].type),
         'shape': tf_tensor_shape(node.pb.attr["shape"].shape),
         'identity': True,
         'infer': lambda node: copy_shape_infer(node, value_infer=copy_value),
     Op.update_node_stat(node, attrs)
     return cls.enabled
예제 #5
 def extract(cls, node):
     pb_tensor = node.pb.attr["value"].tensor
     shape = tf_tensor_shape(pb_tensor.tensor_shape)
     attrs = {
         'shape': shape,
         'value': tf_tensor_content(pb_tensor.dtype, shape, pb_tensor),
         'data_type': tf_dtype_extractor(pb_tensor.dtype),
     Const.update_node_stat(node, attrs)
     return cls.enabled
예제 #6
 def extract(cls, node):
     attrs = {
         'data_type': tf_dtype_extractor(node.pb.attr["dtype"].type),
         'shape': tf_tensor_shape(node.pb.attr["shape"].shape),
         'permute_attrs': PermuteAttrs().update_attrs(attrs=[('shape', 'output:0')])
     if node.pb.attr["shape"].shape.unknown_rank:
         attrs['shape'] = None
     Parameter.update_node_stat(node, attrs)
     return cls.enabled
예제 #7
    def update_placeholder_shape_and_add_transpose(node: Node):
        The function changes placeholders shapes from NHWC to NCHW format and add transpose operations if needed.
        :param node: node to operate on.
        :return: None
            import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf_v1
            # disable eager execution of TensorFlow 2 environment immediately
        except ImportError:
            import tensorflow as tf_v1
        from openvino.tools.mo.front.common.layout import convert_shape, nhwc_to_nchw_permute, nchw_to_nhwc_permute
        from openvino.tools.mo.front.tf.extractors.utils import tf_tensor_shape
        from openvino.tools.mo.front.tf.partial_infer.tf import add_node_def_to_subgraph, update_input_in_pbs


        inputs_replacements = list()

        # transpose permutation constant
        nchw_to_nhwc_constant = tf_v1.constant(nchw_to_nhwc_permute, dtype=tf_v1.int32, name=nchw_to_nhwc_constant_name)
        nhwc_to_nchw_constant = tf_v1.constant(nhwc_to_nchw_permute, dtype=tf_v1.int32, name=nhwc_to_nchw_constant_name)

        for placeholder_name in node['input_nodes_names']:
            # dummy node which we can refer to as input in the transpose for the output node
            # dummy node should be unique for each placeholder
            dummy_node = tf_v1.constant(value=[[[[1]]]], dtype=tf_v1.float32,
                                        name='random_dummy_name_' + placeholder_name)

            placeholder = node['pbs'][placeholder_name]
            cur_shape = tf_tensor_shape(placeholder.attr['shape'].shape)
            if len(cur_shape) == 4:  # TODO think about better check that transpose is required
                nchw_shape = convert_shape(cur_shape, nhwc_to_nchw_permute)
                for ind in range(len(cur_shape)):
                    placeholder.attr['shape'].shape.dim[ind].size = nchw_shape[ind]
                transpose_name = placeholder.name + '_transpose'
                transpose = tf_v1.transpose(dummy_node, nchw_to_nhwc_constant, transpose_name)  # NCHW -> NHWC

                # add transpose operations to GraphDef after placeholders
                add_node_def_to_subgraph(node, transpose.op.node_def, transpose_name, len(node['input_nodes_names']))
                inputs_replacements.append((placeholder.name, transpose_name))
                inputs_replacements.append((dummy_node.name, placeholder.name))
        add_node_def_to_subgraph(node, nchw_to_nhwc_constant.op.node_def)
        add_node_def_to_subgraph(node, nhwc_to_nchw_constant.op.node_def)

        # update initial input names to a transposed ones
        for old_input_tensor_name, new_name in inputs_replacements:
            update_input_in_pbs(node, old_input_tensor_name, new_name)
예제 #8
 def extract(cls, node):
     shapes = node.pb.attr['output_shapes'].list.shape
     tf_types = node.pb.attr['output_types'].list.type
     extracted_types = []
     for t in tf_types:
     result_shapes = []
     for shape_pb in shapes:
         node, {
             'shapes': result_shapes,
             'types': extracted_types,
             'out_ports_count': 1
     return cls.enabled
예제 #9
def get_attrs(node: Node):
    shapes = node.pb.attr["_output_shapes"].list.shape
    tf_types = node.pb.attr["component_types"].list.type
    extracted_types = []
    for t in tf_types:
    result_shapes = []
    for shape_pb in shapes:
    assert len(result_shapes) == len(extracted_types), "Output shapes do not match output" \
                                                       "types in the node {}".format(node.soft_get('name', node.id))
    attrs = {
        "shapes": result_shapes,
        "types": extracted_types,
        'out_ports_count': len(result_shapes)
    return attrs