예제 #1
def dipoleCoupling(allDipoles):
    numDipoles = len(allDipoles[:, 0])
    #The dipoles are stored as nx3
    coupling = 0
    for i in range(numDipoles):
        tempNeigh = np.zeros((4, 2))
        op.gothrough(allDipoles[0, :], allDipoles, tempNeigh)
        for j in range(3):
            coupling += np.dot(allDipoles[0, :],
                               allDipoles[int(tempNeigh[j + 1, 0])])

    return coupling / 24
예제 #2
def findNeighbor(coords, lattice):
    original_n = coords
    #Just being lazy

    NN = np.zeros((24, ))
    #Store the distance
    tempNN = np.zeros((48, 1))
    #because of the double counting
    count = 0
    for i in range(8):
        tempN = np.zeros((4, 2))
        axis = np.zeros((3, 1))
        op.gothrough(original_n[i, :], original_n, tempN)
        for j in range(3):
            tempNN[count] = tempN[j + 1, 1]
            count += 1
            nnVec = original_n[int(tempN[j + 1, 0]), :] - original_n[i, :]
            axis[j] = determineAxis(nnVec)
            if axis[j] > 0:
                anotherN = original_n[int(tempN[j + 1,
                                                0]), :] - lattice[int(axis[j] -
                                                                      1), :]
                tempNN[count] = np.linalg.norm(anotherN - original_n[i, :])
                count += 1
                anotherN = original_n[int(tempN[j + 1, 0]), :] + lattice[
                    -int(axis[j] + 1), :]
                tempNN[count] = np.linalg.norm(anotherN - original_n[i, :])
                count += 1
    '''Remove Double Counting'''
    count = 0
    NN[0] = tempNN[0]
    for i in range(48):
        count2 = 0
        for j in range(count):
            if tempNN[i] == NN[j]:
                count2 += 1

        if count2 == 0:
            NN[count] = tempNN[i]
            count += 1
            if count == 24:

    return NN
예제 #3
def findMolecules(name):
    #import the coordinates
    lattice = np.zeros((3, 3))
    original_pb = np.zeros((8, 3))
    original_cl = np.zeros((24, 3))
    original_c = np.zeros((8, 3))
    original_n = np.zeros((8, 3))
    original_h = np.zeros((48, 3))

    op.in_coord(name, lattice, original_pb, original_cl, original_c,
                original_n, original_h)

    molecules = np.zeros((8, 3))
    for i in range(8):
        tempN = np.zeros((3, 2))
        op.gothrough(original_c[i, :], original_n, tempN)
        molecules[i] = original_n[int(tempN[0, 0]), :] - original_c[i, :]

    return molecules
예제 #4
def findDeviation(name):
    lattice = np.zeros((3, 3))
    original_pb = np.zeros((8, 3))
    original_cl = np.zeros((24, 3))
    original_c = np.zeros((8, 3))
    original_n = np.zeros((8, 3))
    original_h = np.zeros((48, 3))

    op.in_coord(name, lattice, original_pb, original_cl, original_c,
                original_n, original_h)
    #enlarge the unit cell by 8 times
    pb = np.zeros((64, 3))
    cl = np.zeros((192, 3))
    c = np.zeros((64, 3))
    n = np.zeros((64, 3))
    h = np.zeros((384, 3))

    op.enlarge(original_pb, pb, lattice, 8)
    op.enlarge(original_cl, cl, lattice, 24)
    op.enlarge(original_c, c, lattice, 8)
    op.enlarge(original_n, n, lattice, 8)
    op.enlarge(original_h, h, lattice, 48)

    #find the center of C-N
    CNCenter = np.zeros((64, 3))
    for i in range(64):
        temp = np.zeros((3, 2))
        op.gothrough(n[i], c, temp)
        CNCenter[i] = 1 / 2 * (n[i] + c[int(temp[0, 0])])

    #Find the 4 molecules that surround the Cl atoms. Take N atoms as indicator. Store the index
    cl_n = np.zeros((24, 4))

    for i in range(24):
        temp = np.zeros((4, 2))
        op.gothrough(original_cl[i], CNCenter, temp)
        if temp[-1, 1] > 6:
            print("There is something wrong my friend.")
        cl_n[i, :] = temp[:, 0]

    #Assume the ideal ideal hydrogen bond number is 1 for each Cl atom
    NumHBond = np.zeros((24, 1))
    r0 = 2.2
    B = 0.3
    for i in range(24):
        for j in range(4):
            tempH = np.zeros((3, 2))
            indexN = int(cl_n[i, j])
            op.gothrough(n[indexN], h, tempH)
            for k in range(3):
                dij = np.linalg.norm(original_cl[i, :] - h[int(tempH[k, 0])])
                NumHBond[i, 0] += countFD(r0, B, dij)

    deviation = np.zeros((8, 1))
    deviation = np.square(NumHBond - 1)
    totDevi = np.sum(deviation)
    return totDevi
예제 #5
def euler(index_pb, original_pb, cl):
    pb = original_pb[int(index_pb), :]
    temp_cl = np.zeros((6, 2))
    the_cl = np.zeros((6, 3))
    op.gothrough(pb, cl, temp_cl)
    for i in range(6):
        the_cl[i, :] = cl[int(temp_cl[i][0]), :]

    #Determine the new x,y,z principal axis
    axis_index = np.full((3, 2), -1)
    #x-x, y-y, z-z
    max_xyz = np.zeros((3, 1))
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range(i, 6, 1):
            for k in range(3):
                distance = abs(the_cl[i][k] - the_cl[j][k])
                if distance > max_xyz[k]:
                    max_xyz[k] = distance
                    axis_index[k][0] = i
                    axis_index[k][1] = j

    principal = np.zeros((3, 3))
    #x,y,z new principal axis
    for i in range(3):
        principal[i, :] = the_cl[int(axis_index[i][0])] - the_cl[int(
        if principal[i][i] < 0:
            principal[i, :] = -1 * principal[i, :]

        principal[i, :] = principal[i, :] / np.linalg.norm(principal[i, :])

    ##===z followed by y followed by x===####
    alpha = ma.asin(-principal[2][1] / ma.sqrt(1 - principal[2][0]**2))
    beta = ma.asin(principal[2][0])
    gamma = ma.asin(-principal[1][0] / ma.sqrt(1 - principal[2][0]**2))

    return alpha * 180 / ma.pi, beta * 180 / ma.pi, gamma * 180 / ma.pi
def findNHBond(name):
    #import the coordinates
    lattice = np.zeros((3,3));
    original_pb = np.zeros((8,3));
    original_cl = np.zeros((24,3));
    original_c = np.zeros((8,3));
    original_n = np.zeros((8,3));
    original_h = np.zeros((48,3));

    op.in_coord(name, lattice, original_pb, original_cl, original_c, original_n, original_h);
    #enlarge the unit cell by 8 times
    pb = np.zeros((64,3));
    cl = np.zeros((192,3));
    c = np.zeros((64,3));
    n = np.zeros((64,3));
    h = np.zeros((384,3));


    the_n = np.zeros((8,3));
    index_n = np.zeros((8,1));
    the_c = np.zeros((8,3));
    index_c = np.zeros((8,1));
    the_cl = np.zeros((8,12,3));
    the_pb = np.zeros((8,8,3));

    distance_o_cl = np.zeros((8,12));
    distance_h_cl = np.zeros((8,3));

    #first get one small cell
    count = 0;
    for i in range(64):
        temp_n = n[i];
        temp_center = np.zeros((3,1));
        temp_cn = np.zeros((64,2));
        temp_c = c[int(temp_cn[0][0])];

        op.midpoint(temp_c,temp_n,temp_center);#determine the center coordinate
        #determine the neighbor Cl atoms
        temp_o_cl = np.zeros((12,2));
        op.gothrough(temp_center, cl, temp_o_cl);
        #determine the neighbor Pb atoms
        temp_o_pb = np.zeros((8,2));
        if temp_o_cl[11][1] > 5.5:
            #determine the H(N) atoms in this unit cell
            temp_h_n = np.zeros((3,2));
            op.gothrough(temp_n, h, temp_h_n);
            temp_nh_cl = np.zeros((3,2));
            for j in range(3):

            #decide whether we choose this unit cell or not, trying to avoid overlap
            count2 = 0;
            for j in range(count+1):
                indicator1 = np.linalg.norm(temp_o_cl[:,1] - distance_o_cl[j,:]);
                indicator2 = np.linalg.norm(temp_nh_cl[:,1] - distance_h_cl[j,:]);
    #            print(indicator1)
    #            print(indicator2)
                if indicator1 > 0.0000001 and indicator2 > 0.0000001:
                    count2 = count2 + 1;

            if count2 == count+1:
                distance_o_cl[count,:] = temp_o_cl[:,1];
                distance_h_cl[count,:] = temp_nh_cl[:,1];

                the_n[count] = temp_n;
                the_c[count] = temp_c;
                index_n[count] = i;
                index_c[count] = temp_cn[0][0];
                for k in range(12):
                    the_cl[count][k] = cl[int(temp_o_cl[k][0])];
                for k in range(8):
                    the_pb[count][k] = pb[int(temp_o_pb[k][0])];

                count = count + 1;

    #rearrange the chlorine atoms
    for i in range(8):

    #After spliting into small cell, let's calculate the hydrogen bonds length.
    #Every Hydrogen atom keep its first two shortest distances between Cl
    the_nh = np.zeros((8,3,3));
    the_ch = np.zeros((8,3,3));
    for i in range(8):
        temp_h_n = np.zeros((3,2));
        temp_h_c = np.zeros((3,2));
        for j in range(3):
            the_nh[i][j] = h[int(temp_h_n[j][0])];
            the_ch[i][j] = h[int(temp_h_c[j][0])];

    #3rd method
    r0 = 2.2;
    B = 0.3;
    numHBond = np.zeros((8,1));
    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(12):
                dij = np.linalg.norm(the_nh[i][j] - the_cl[i][k]);
                numHBond[i,0] += countFD(r0,B,dij);
    aveBond = np.sum(numHBond)/24;
    return aveBond;
예제 #7
def findNHBond(name):
    #import the coordinates
    lattice = np.zeros((3, 3))
    original_pb = np.zeros((8, 3))
    original_cl = np.zeros((24, 3))
    original_c = np.zeros((8, 3))
    original_n = np.zeros((8, 3))
    original_h = np.zeros((48, 3))

    op.in_coord(name, lattice, original_pb, original_cl, original_c,
                original_n, original_h)
    #enlarge the unit cell by 8 times
    pb = np.zeros((64, 3))
    cl = np.zeros((192, 3))
    c = np.zeros((64, 3))
    n = np.zeros((64, 3))
    h = np.zeros((384, 3))

    op.enlarge(original_pb, pb, lattice, 8)
    op.enlarge(original_cl, cl, lattice, 24)
    op.enlarge(original_c, c, lattice, 8)
    op.enlarge(original_n, n, lattice, 8)
    op.enlarge(original_h, h, lattice, 48)

    the_n = np.zeros((8, 3))
    index_n = np.zeros((8, 1))
    the_c = np.zeros((8, 3))
    index_c = np.zeros((8, 1))
    the_cl = np.zeros((8, 12, 3))
    the_pb = np.zeros((8, 8, 3))

    distance_o_cl = np.zeros((8, 12))
    distance_h_cl = np.zeros((8, 3))

    #first get one small cell
    count = 0
    for i in range(64):
        temp_n = n[i]
        temp_center = np.zeros((3, 1))
        temp_cn = np.zeros((64, 2))
        op.gothrough(temp_n, c, temp_cn)
        temp_c = c[int(temp_cn[0][0])]

        op.midpoint(temp_c, temp_n, temp_center)
        #determine the center coordinate
        #determine the neighbor Cl atoms
        temp_o_cl = np.zeros((12, 2))
        op.gothrough(temp_center, cl, temp_o_cl)
        #determine the neighbor Pb atoms
        temp_o_pb = np.zeros((8, 2))
        op.gothrough(temp_center, pb, temp_o_pb)
        if temp_o_cl[11][1] > 5.5:
            #determine the H(N) atoms in this unit cell
            temp_h_n = np.zeros((3, 2))
            op.gothrough(temp_n, h, temp_h_n)
            temp_nh_cl = np.zeros((3, 2))
            for j in range(3):
                op.gothrough(h[int(temp_h_n[j][0])], cl, temp_nh_cl[j, :])

            #decide whether we choose this unit cell or not, trying to avoid overlap
            count2 = 0
            for j in range(count + 1):
                indicator1 = np.linalg.norm(temp_o_cl[:, 1] -
                                            distance_o_cl[j, :])
                indicator2 = np.linalg.norm(temp_nh_cl[:, 1] -
                                            distance_h_cl[j, :])
                #            print(indicator1)
                #            print(indicator2)
                if indicator1 > 0.0000001 and indicator2 > 0.0000001:
                    count2 = count2 + 1

            if count2 == count + 1:
                distance_o_cl[count, :] = temp_o_cl[:, 1]
                distance_h_cl[count, :] = temp_nh_cl[:, 1]

                the_n[count] = temp_n
                the_c[count] = temp_c
                index_n[count] = i
                index_c[count] = temp_cn[0][0]
                for k in range(12):
                    the_cl[count][k] = cl[int(temp_o_cl[k][0])]
                for k in range(8):
                    the_pb[count][k] = pb[int(temp_o_pb[k][0])]

                count = count + 1

    #rearrange the chlorine atoms
    for i in range(8):

    #After spliting into small cell, let's calculate the hydrogen bonds length.
    the_nh = np.zeros((8, 3, 3))
    the_ch = np.zeros((8, 3, 3))
    for i in range(8):
        temp_h_n = np.zeros((3, 2))
        temp_h_c = np.zeros((3, 2))
        op.gothrough(the_n[i], h, temp_h_n)
        op.gothrough(the_c[i], h, temp_h_c)
        for j in range(3):
            the_nh[i][j] = h[int(temp_h_n[j][0])]
            the_ch[i][j] = h[int(temp_h_c[j][0])]

    #Now starting to calculate the LJ terms
    #For all Cl atoms in one small cell
    HCl_6LJ = np.zeros((8, 1))
    HCl_12LJ = np.zeros((8, 1))

    CHCl_6LJ = np.zeros((8, 1))
    CHCl_12LJ = np.zeros((8, 1))

    NCl_6LJ = np.zeros((8, 1))
    NCl_12LJ = np.zeros((8, 1))

    CCl_6LJ = np.zeros((8, 1))
    CCl_12LJ = np.zeros((8, 1))

    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(12):
            dij_NCl = np.linalg.norm(the_n[i] - the_cl[i, j])
            dij_CCl = np.linalg.norm(the_c[i] - the_cl[i, j])
            NCl_6LJ[i, 0] += count6LJ(dij_NCl)
            NCl_12LJ[i, 0] += count12LJ(dij_NCl)
            CCl_6LJ[i, 0] += count6LJ(dij_CCl)
            CCl_12LJ[i, 0] += count12LJ(dij_CCl)

        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(12):
                dij = np.linalg.norm(the_nh[i][j] - the_cl[i][k])
                dij_CH = np.linalg.norm(the_ch[i][j] - the_cl[i][k])

                HCl_6LJ[i, 0] += count6LJ(dij)
                HCl_12LJ[i, 0] += count12LJ(dij)
                CHCl_6LJ[i, 0] += count6LJ(dij_CH)
                CHCl_12LJ[i, 0] += count12LJ(dij_CH)

    #For the nearest 3 Cl atoms for H
#    for i in range(8):
#        for j in range(12):
#            dij_NCl = np.linalg.norm(the_n[i] - the_cl[i,j]);
#            NCl_6LJ[i,0] += count6LJ(dij_NCl);
#            NCl_12LJ[i,0] += count12LJ(dij_NCl);
#        for j in range(3):
#            tempCl = np.zeros((3,2));
#            op.gothrough(the_nh[i,j],the_cl[i],tempCl);
#            for k in range(3):
#                dij = tempCl[k,1];
#                HCl_6LJ[i,0] += count6LJ(dij);
#                HCl_12LJ[i,0] += count12LJ(dij);

    return np.sum(HCl_6LJ), np.sum(HCl_12LJ), np.sum(CHCl_6LJ),\
    np.sum(CHCl_12LJ),np.sum(NCl_6LJ), np.sum(NCl_12LJ),np.sum(CCl_6LJ), np.sum(CCl_12LJ)
예제 #8
def findChargeCenter(name):
    '''Atoms and Charge should be one-to-one correspondance'''
    #import the coordinates
    lattice = np.zeros((3, 3))
    original_pb = np.zeros((8, 3))
    original_cl = np.zeros((24, 3))
    original_c = np.zeros((8, 3))
    original_n = np.zeros((8, 3))
    original_h = np.zeros((48, 3))

    op.in_coord(name, lattice, original_pb, original_cl, original_c,
                original_n, original_h)
    #enlarge the unit cell by 8 times
    pb = np.zeros((64, 3))
    cl = np.zeros((192, 3))
    c = np.zeros((64, 3))
    n = np.zeros((64, 3))
    h = np.zeros((384, 3))

    op.enlarge(original_pb, pb, lattice, 8)
    op.enlarge(original_cl, cl, lattice, 24)
    op.enlarge(original_c, c, lattice, 8)
    op.enlarge(original_n, n, lattice, 8)
    op.enlarge(original_h, h, lattice, 48)

    the_n = np.zeros((8, 3))
    index_n = np.zeros((8, 1))
    the_c = np.zeros((8, 3))
    index_c = np.zeros((8, 1))
    the_cl = np.zeros((8, 12, 3))
    the_pb = np.zeros((8, 8, 3))

    distance_o_cl = np.zeros((8, 12))
    distance_h_cl = np.zeros((8, 3))

    #    mapToOrigin = np.zeros((8,2));# Tell which original molecule they actually correspond to
    #    mapToOrigin[:,0] = np.arange(0,8,1);
    mapToOrigin = np.zeros((8, 1))
    #first get one small cell
    count = 0
    for i in range(64):
        temp_n = n[i]
        temp_center = np.zeros((3, 1))
        temp_cn = np.zeros((64, 2))
        op.gothrough(temp_n, c, temp_cn)
        temp_c = c[int(temp_cn[0][0])]

        op.midpoint(temp_c, temp_n, temp_center)
        #determine the center coordinate
        #determine the neighbor Cl atoms
        temp_o_cl = np.zeros((12, 2))
        op.gothrough(temp_center, cl, temp_o_cl)
        #determine the neighbor Pb atoms
        temp_o_pb = np.zeros((8, 2))
        op.gothrough(temp_center, pb, temp_o_pb)
        if temp_o_cl[11][1] > 5.5:
            #determine the H(N) atoms in this unit cell
            temp_h_n = np.zeros((3, 2))
            op.gothrough(temp_n, h, temp_h_n)
            temp_nh_cl = np.zeros((3, 2))
            for j in range(3):
                op.gothrough(h[int(temp_h_n[j][0])], cl, temp_nh_cl[j, :])

            #decide whether we choose this unit cell or not, trying to avoid overlap
            count2 = 0
            for j in range(count + 1):
                indicator1 = np.linalg.norm(temp_o_cl[:, 1] -
                                            distance_o_cl[j, :])
                indicator2 = np.linalg.norm(temp_nh_cl[:, 1] -
                                            distance_h_cl[j, :])
                if indicator1 > 0.0000001 and indicator2 > 0.0000001:
                    count2 = count2 + 1

            if count2 == count + 1:
                distance_o_cl[count, :] = temp_o_cl[:, 1]
                distance_h_cl[count, :] = temp_nh_cl[:, 1]

                the_n[count] = temp_n
                the_c[count] = temp_c
                index_n[count] = i
                mapToOrigin[count] = i % 8
                index_c[count] = temp_cn[0][0]
                for k in range(12):
                    the_cl[count][k] = cl[int(temp_o_cl[k][0])]
                for k in range(8):
                    the_pb[count][k] = pb[int(temp_o_pb[k][0])]

                count = count + 1

    #rearrange the chlorine atoms
    for i in range(8):

    #Find the hydrogen atoms in each of the cell
    the_nh = np.zeros((8, 3, 3))
    the_ch = np.zeros((8, 3, 3))
    for i in range(8):
        temp_h_n = np.zeros((3, 2))
        temp_h_c = np.zeros((3, 2))
        op.gothrough(the_n[i], h, temp_h_n)
        op.gothrough(the_c[i], h, temp_h_c)
        for j in range(3):
            the_nh[i][j] = h[int(temp_h_n[j][0])]
            the_ch[i][j] = h[int(temp_h_c[j][0])]
    '''Charges. Could be replaced with Bader Charge'''
    qCl = -1
    qPb = 2
    qC = -2
    qN = -3
    qH = 1

    orgoCenter = np.zeros((8, 3))
    inorgoCenter = np.zeros((8, 3))
    for i in range(8):
        tempCenter = np.zeros((1, 3))
        for j in range(8):
            tempCenter += abs(qPb) * the_pb[i][j][:]
        for j in range(12):
            tempCenter += abs(qCl) * the_cl[i][j][:]
        inorgoCenter[i, :] = tempCenter / (8 * abs(qPb) + 12 * abs(qCl))
        pullBackFactor = np.round(
                      n[int(index_n[i])] - n[int(mapToOrigin[i])]))
        inorgoCenter[i, :] = inorgoCenter[i, :] - np.matmul(
            lattice, pullBackFactor)

    for i in range(8):
        tempCenter = np.zeros((1, 3))
        for j in range(3):
            tempCenter += abs(qH) * the_nh[i][j][:]
        for j in range(3):
            tempCenter += abs(qH) * the_ch[i][j][:]
        tempCenter += abs(qC) * the_c[i, :] + abs(qN) * the_n[i, :]

        orgoCenter[i, :] = tempCenter / (6 * abs(qH) + abs(qC) + abs(qN))
        pullBackFactor = np.round(
                      n[int(index_n[i])] - n[int(mapToOrigin[i])]))
        orgoCenter[i, :] = orgoCenter[i, :] - np.matmul(
            lattice, pullBackFactor)

    mapToOrigin = np.argsort(mapToOrigin, axis=0)

    orgo = orgoCenter[np.int64(mapToOrigin[:, 0]).reshape([8, 1]), [0, 1, 2]]
    inorgo = inorgoCenter[np.int64(mapToOrigin[:, 0]).reshape([8, 1]),
                          [0, 1, 2]]

    return orgo, inorgo
예제 #9
    NIcouple = np.zeros((200, 1))

    NHighSymCouple = np.zeros((200, 1))
    '''One body term'''
    d2 = np.zeros((200, 8))
    d4 = np.zeros((200, 8))

    for i in range(200):
        name = 'rand_' + str(i + 51) + '.xsf'
        NN[i, :], original_N = findNN(name)
        molecules[i] = findMolecules(name)

        #Find the nearest high symmetry position
        for j in range(8):
            tempHighSym = np.zeros((3, 2))
            op.gothrough(original_N[j, :], highSym, tempHighSym)
            dipoleNHighSym[i, j, :] = original_N[j, :] - highSym[int(
                tempHighSym[0, 0])]

        d2[i] = np.square(np.linalg.norm(dipoleNHighSym[i], axis=1))
        #        d2[i] = np.square(np.linalg.norm(molecules[i],axis=1));
        d4[i] = np.sum(np.power(dipoleNHighSym[i], 4), axis=1)

        #        for j in range(8):
        #            d2[i,j] = molecules[i,j,0]**2 + molecules[i,j,1]**2 + molecules[i,j,2]**2;
        #            d4[i,j] = molecules[i,j,0]**4 + molecules[i,j,1]**4 + molecules[i,j,2]**4;

#        print(molecules)

#        aveNN[i] = np.mean(NN[i,:]);
예제 #10
    for j in range(4):
        for k in range(3):
            diff_pb[j][k] = round(diff_pb[j][k] / lattice[k][k])
        all_pb[i][j] = all_pb[i][j] - np.matmul(diff_pb[j], lattice)

    for j in range(12):
        for k in range(3):
            diff_i[j][k] = round(diff_i[j][k] / lattice[k][k])
        all_i[i][j] = all_i[i][j] - np.matmul(diff_i[j], lattice)
'''Get the rotation of each molecule. phi, cos(theta)'''
molecules = np.zeros((numStruct, 4, 2))
for i in range(numStruct):
    for j in range(4):
        tempN = np.zeros((3, 2))
        op.gothrough(all_c[i][j], all_n[i], tempN)
        tempMolecule = all_n[i][int(tempN[0][0])] - all_c[i][j]
        tempMolecule = tempMolecule / np.linalg.norm(tempMolecule)
        molecules[i][j][1] = tempMolecule[2]
        x = tempMolecule[0]
        y = tempMolecule[1]
        if tempMolecule[1] > 0:
            molecules[i][j][0] = ma.acos(x / (x**2 + y**2)**0.5) / ma.pi * 180
            molecules[i][j][0] = 360 - ma.acos(
                x / (x**2 + y**2)**0.5) / ma.pi * 180

fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 16))
mole1 = fig1.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
mole1.plot(molecules[:, 0, 0])
plt.title('Molecule 1', fontsize=20)