예제 #1
    def build_condition_list(self, materialVariable):
        self.condition_list = [] #empty the condition list
        dm = 1e-6
        for node in self.nodes(): #Loop through nodes of graph
            for otherNode in self[node].keys(): #loop through all egdes from a given node
                #if node < otherNode:
                #this returns true for all particles with materialIndex == node (direct comparison isn't supported)
                checkFrom = operator.and_((materialVariable > (node - dm) ),
                           (materialVariable < (node + dm) ))
                condIt = 0
                for cond in self[node][otherNode].keys(): #loop through all conditions attached to the graph edge
                    op = self[node][otherNode][cond]['operator']    #
                    fun = self[node][otherNode][cond]['function']   #{extract function, operator, value}
                    val = self[node][otherNode][cond]['value']      #
                    condExp = op(fun, val)  #Now provide the function & value to the operator, return result as a variable
                    if condIt == 0:
                        totCond = condExp #if this is the first condition, assign to totCond
                    else: #if this is the NOT first condition, combine conditin with previous totCond (using AND or OR)
                        if self[node][otherNode].values()[0]['combineby'] == 'or':
                            totCond = operator.or_(totCond, condExp)
                            totCond = operator.and_(totCond, condExp)
                    condIt += 1

                #When we pass this on to fn.branching.conditional, we only want to apply it to paticles where
                # matIndex == node, which occurs where checkFrom == True, 1
                combCond = operator.and_(totCond, checkFrom)
                #combCond = totCond
                self.condition_list.append(((combCond), otherNode))
        self.condition_list.append((True ,          materialVariable)) #if no conditions are true, return current matId
예제 #2
def N(x, epsilon=1E-4):
	Plots the hat function but without the discontinuity at x = 1
	[1-epsilon, 1+epsilon] is the interval which we correct
	for the discontinuity in the derivative by replacing it
	with a cubic function
	a1 = 1./3*epsilon**-2
	a2 = -a1
	d1 = 1 - epsilon + a1*epsilon**3
	d2 = 1 - epsilon - a2*epsilon**3
	b = 0
	c = 0

	import operator
	r = where(x < 0, 0, x)
	condition = operator.and_(0 <= x, x < 1-epsilon)
	r = where(condition, x, r)
	condition = operator.and_(1-epsilon <= x, x < 1)
	expr = a1*(x-1.)**3 + b*(x-1) + c*(x-1) + d1
	r = where(condition, expr, r)
	condition = operator.and_(1 <= x, x < 1+epsilon)
	expr = a2*(x-1.)**3 + b*(x-1) + c*(x-1) + d2
	r = where(condition, expr, r)
	condition = operator.and_(1+epsilon <= x, x < 2)
	r = where(condition, 2-x, r)
	r = where(x >= 2, 0, r)

	return r
예제 #3
 def list(self):
     ''' Show table '''
     # get page index
     current_page    = int(request.GET['page'] if 'page' in request.GET else 1)
     only_trashed    = True if 'trash' in request.GET and request.GET['trash'] == '1' else False
     # determine limit and offset
     limit   = self.__row_per_page__
     offset  = (current_page-1) * limit
     # get the data
     data_list = self.__model__.get(and_(self.default_criterion(), self.search_criterion()), limit = limit, offset = offset, only_trashed = only_trashed)
     for data in data_list:
     # calculate page count
     page_count = int(math.ceil(float(self.__model__.count(and_(self.default_criterion(), self.search_criterion()))/float(limit))))
     # serialized get
     get_pair = []
     for key in request.GET:
         if key == 'page' or request.GET[key] == '':
         get_pair.append(key + '=' + str(request.GET[key]))
     get_pair = '&'.join(get_pair)
     # load the view
     self._set_view_parameter(self.__model_name__+'_list', data_list)
     self._set_view_parameter(self.__model_name__.title(), self.__model__)
     self._set_view_parameter('__token', self._set_token())
     self._set_view_parameter('current_page', current_page)
     self._set_view_parameter('page_count', page_count)
     self._set_view_parameter('search_input', self.search_input())
     self._set_view_parameter('serialized_get', get_pair)
     self._set_view_parameter('only_trashed', only_trashed)
     return self._load_view('list')
예제 #4
    def test_jbool_functions_fexprs(self):
        jl = JeevesLib

        x = jl.mkLabel('x')
        jl.restrict(x, lambda (a,_) : a == 42)

        for lh in (True, False):
            for ll in (True, False):
                for rh in (True, False):
                    for rl in (True, False):
                        l = jl.mkSensitive(x, lh, ll)
                        r = jl.mkSensitive(x, rh, rl)
                              jl.concretize((42,0), l and r)
                            , operator.and_(lh, rh))
                              jl.concretize((42,0), l and r)
                            , operator.and_(lh, rh))
                              jl.concretize((10,0), l and r)
                            , operator.and_(ll, rl))
                              jl.concretize((10,0), l and r)
                            , operator.and_(ll, rl))
예제 #5
파일: myairsea.py 프로젝트: mrayson/soda
def convertSpeedDirn(theta,rho):
    (modifed from MATLAB compass2cart function)
    %COMPASS2CART convert speed and direction data (degN) into
    % cartesian coordinates.
    %   COMPASS2CART(THETA,RHO) convert the vector rho (e.g. speed) with
    %      direction theta (degree North) into cartesian coordinates u and v.
    %      note: theta is in degrees and between 0 and 360.
        if theta >= 0 and theta <90:
        elif theta >= 90 and theta <= 360:
        idx = operator.and_(theta>=0.,theta<90.)
        theta[idx] = np.abs(theta[idx]-90.)

        idx = operator.and_(theta>=90.,theta<=360.)
        theta[idx] = np.abs(450.-theta)
    u,v = pol2cart(theta*np.pi/180,rho)
    return u, v
예제 #6
def f(t, T):
    import operator
    condition = operator.and_(0 < t, t <= T/2.0)
    x = where(condition,1,t)
    x = where(t == T/2.0, 0, x)
    condition = operator.and_(T/2.0 < t, t < T)
    x = where(condition, -1, x)
    return x
예제 #7
def Nv(x):
    r = where(x < 0, 0.0, x)
    condition = operator.and_(0 <= x, x < 1)
    r = where(condition, x, r)
    condition = operator.and_(1 <= x, x < 2)
    r = where(condition, 2-x, r)
    r = where(x >= 2, 0.0, r)
    return r
예제 #8
def Nv2(x):
    r = x.copy()  # avoid modifying x in-place
    r[x < 0.0] = 0.0
    condition = operator.and_(0 <= x, x < 1)
    r[condition] = x[condition]
    condition = operator.and_(1 <= x, x < 2)
    r[condition] = 2-x[condition]
    r[x >= 2] = 0.0
    return r
 def writeCaseCallingLines (self, pCallingTexts, pCustomOnly, pFD):
     # for all the case changes that are needed, writes a line out to call
     # the method that makes that change
     for iCallingText in pCallingTexts:
         if operator.and_ (pCustomOnly==True, iCallingText.find("_clink")!=-1):
             pFD.write (iCallingText + "(l_make_changes?, p_case_name)\n")
         if operator.and_ (pCustomOnly==False, iCallingText.find("_clink")==-1):
             pFD.write (iCallingText + "(l_make_changes?, p_case_name)\n")
예제 #10
파일: suntrack.py 프로젝트: mrayson/soda
    def checkVerticalBounds(self,x,y,z):
        Checks that particles are not above the surface or below the seabed
        (Artificially moves them to the surface or bed if they are).
        SMALL = 0.001
        #zbed = -self.dv
        zbed = -self.z_w[self.Nk-1] # Set the bottom one layer above the seabed
            ## find the free surface and seabed at the particle locations
            #if not self.interp_method == 'mesh':
            #    eta_P = self.Hinterp(x,y,z,self.eta)
            #    h_P = self.Hinterp(x,y,z,zbed)
            #    ind = self.UVWinterp.cellind
            #    mask=ind==-1
            #    ind[mask]=0.0
            #    eta_P = self.eta[ind]
            #    h_P = zbed[ind]
            #    eta_P[mask]=0.0
            #    h_P[mask]=0.0
        #indtop = np.where(z>eta_P)
        #indbot = np.where(z<h_P)
        #z[indtop[0]] = eta_P[indtop[0]]-SMALL
        #z[indbot[0]] = h_P[indbot[0]]+SMALL

        if not self.interp_method == 'mesh':
            eta_P = self.Hinterp(x,y,z,self.eta)
            h_P = self.Hinterp(x,y,z,zbed)
            ind = self.UVWinterp.cellind
            eta_P = self.eta[ind]
            h_P = zbed[ind]
        #indtop = np.where( operator.and_(z>eta_P, ind!=-1) )
        #indbot = np.where( operator.and_(z<h_P, ind!=-1) )

        #z[indtop[0]] = eta_P[indtop[0]]-SMALL
        #z[indbot[0]] = h_P[indbot[0]]+SMALL
        indtop = operator.and_(z>eta_P, ind!=-1)
        indbot = operator.and_(z<h_P, ind!=-1) 

        #if np.any(indbot):
        #    pdb.set_trace()

        z[indtop] = eta_P[indtop]-SMALL
        z[indbot] = h_P[indbot]+SMALL

        #np.where(z > eta_P, eta_P-SMALL, z)
        #np.where(z < h_P, h_P+SMALL, z)
        return z
예제 #11
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: lubson/Todorida
 def getAllProjects(self, state=None, next=False):
     query = meta.Session.query(Project)
     if next:
         projects = query.filter(and_(
                     self.id == Project.realm_id, state == Project.state )).order_by(
         projects = query.filter(and_(
                     self.id == Project.realm_id, and_(state == Project.state, 'next' != Project.name))).order_by(
     return projects
예제 #12
def Nv1(x):
    condition1 = x < 0
    condition2 = operator.and_(0 <= x, x < 1)
    condition3 = operator.and_(1 <= x, x < 2)
    condition4 = x >= 2

    r = np.where(condition1, 0.0, 0.0)
    r = np.where(condition2, x,   r)
    r = np.where(condition3, 2-x, r)
    r = np.where(condition4, 0.0, r)
    return r
예제 #13
 def update_request(self, userId, groupId, adminId, response):
     u = self.requestTable.update(and_(and_(
             self.requestTable.c.user_id == userId,
             self.requestTable.c.group_id == groupId),
             self.requestTable.c.response_date == None))
     now = datetime.now(UTC)
     session = getSession()
     session.execute(u, params={'responding_user_id': adminId,
                                'response_date': now,
                                'accepted': response})
예제 #14
def Nv2(x):
    condition1 = x < 0
    condition2 = operator.and_(0 <= x, x < 1)
    condition3 = operator.and_(1 <= x, x < 2)
    condition4 = x >= 2

    r = np.zeros(len(x))
    r[condition1] = 0.0
    r[condition2] = x[condition2]
    r[condition3] = 2-x[condition3]
    r[condition4] = 0.0
    return r
예제 #15
def f(t, T):
    cond1 = operator.and_(0 <= t, t < T / 2.)
    cond2 = abs(t - T / 2.) < 1E-16
    cond3 = operator.and_(T / 2. < t, t <= T)
    cond4 = operator.and_(t < 0, t > T)
    r = np.zeros(len(t))
    r[cond1] = 1
    r[cond2] = 0
    r[cond3] = -1
    r[cond4] = 111   # Error code
    if len(r[r == 111]) > 0:
        print 'Error: t must be between 0 and T'
        r = None
    return r
예제 #16
def atang(xy):
    den = xy[0]**(-1)
    alpha = np.arctan(xy[1]*den)*180.0/pi
    import operator
    condition1 = operator.and_(xy[0] < 0.00, xy[1] < 0.0)
    condition2 = operator.and_(xy[0] > 0.0, xy[1] > 0.0)
    condition3 = operator.and_(xy[0] > 0.0, xy[1] < 0.0)
    condition4 = operator.and_(xy[0] < 0.0, xy[1] > 0.0)
    condition23 =operator.or_(condition2, condition3)
    r = np.where(condition4, alpha + 180.0,
        np.where(condition23, alpha, 
        np.where(condition1, alpha - 180.0, 0.0)))

    return r
예제 #17
 def piecewise_vec(x, data):
     r = np.zeros(len(x))
     for i in xrange(len(data) - 1):
         cond = operator.and_(data[i][1] <= x, x < data[i + 1][1])
         cond = operator.or_(cond, x == data[-1][1])
         r[cond] = data[i][0]
     return r
예제 #18
    def test_percentile_nasty_partitions(self):
        # Test percentile with nasty partitions: divide up 5 assets into
        # quartiles.
        # There isn't a nice mathematical definition of correct behavior here,
        # so for now we guarantee the behavior of numpy.nanpercentile.  This is
        # mostly for regression testing in case we write our own specialized
        # percentile calculation at some point in the future.

        data = arange(25, dtype=float).reshape(5, 5) % 4
        quartiles = range(4)
        filter_names = ['pct_' + str(q) for q in quartiles]

        graph = TermGraph(
                name: self.f.percentile_between(q * 25.0, (q + 1) * 25.0)
                for name, q in zip(filter_names, quartiles)
        results = self.run_graph(
            initial_workspace={self.f: data},
            mask=self.build_mask(ones((5, 5))),

        for name, quartile in zip(filter_names, quartiles):
            result = results[name]
            lower = quartile * 25.0
            upper = (quartile + 1) * 25.0
            expected = and_(
                nanpercentile(data, lower, axis=1, keepdims=True) <= data,
                data <= nanpercentile(data, upper, axis=1, keepdims=True),
            check_arrays(result, expected)
예제 #19
파일: gridsearch.py 프로젝트: mrayson/soda
    def tsearch(self,xin,yin,MAXNODES=8):
        Vectorized version of tseach
        xyin  = np.vstack((xin,yin)).T
        node =  self.findnearest(xyin)
        Np = xin.shape[0]

        cell = -1*np.ones((Np,MAXNODES),dtype=np.int32)
        for nn in range(Np):
            p2c = self.my_pnt2cells(node[nn])
        #cell = [self.pnt2cells(node[nn]) for nn in range(Np)]
        cellind = -1*np.ones((Np,),dtype=np.int32)
        for ii in range(MAXNODES):
            ind = op.and_(cell[:,ii]!=-1,cellind==-1)
            if any(ind):
                ind2 = self.inCellVec(cell[ind,ii],xin[ind],yin[ind])
                cellind[ind3[0][ind2]]= cell[ind3[0][ind2],ii]
        return cellind
    def select_given_all_true(self, conditions, cols_to_select='all'):
        """Select all the listed columns and return all entries where all the conditions are true. Returns
           @param conditions       list of tuples describing conditions upon each column
                                   (colname/index, 'operator', value)
           @param cols_to_select   list of column names OR list of column numbers OR select all columns
           For example:
           select_given_all_true([("uband", "<", 21), ("redshift", ">=", 0.1)])
           select_given_all_true([("uband", "<", 21), ("redshift", ">=", 0.1)], ["ra", "dec"])
           select_given_all_true([(10, "<", 21), (1, ">=", 0.1)], [2, 3])
        # check all the column names to return
        if isinstance(cols_to_select, list):
            for column in cols_to_select:
        # make condition, start with everything true
        final_condition = pd.Series(np.ones(self._data.shape[0], dtype=bool))
        for condition in conditions:
            condition_col = condition[0]
            op = condition[1]
            val = condition[2]
            print "Adding condition that column: ", condition_col , op , val
            final_condition = operator.and_( final_condition, ops[op](self._data[condition_col],val) )

        if isinstance(cols_to_select, list):
            return self._data[final_condition][cols_to_select]
            return self._data[final_condition]
예제 #21
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: agdsn/pycroft
def building_level_rooms_json(level, building_id=None, building_shortname=None):
    building = facilities.determine_building(id=building_id, shortname=building_shortname)

    if building is None:
        flash(u"Gebäude existiert nicht!", 'error')

    all_users = bool(request.args.get('all_users', 0, type=int))
    # We need to alias User, otherwise sqlalchemy selects User.id as user_id,
    # which collides with the joined-loaded user.current_properties.user_id.
    user = aliased(User)
    rooms_users_q = (session.session.query(Room, user)
                     .filter(and_(Room.building == building, Room.level == level))
    if not all_users:
        rooms_users_q = (
            .filter(CurrentProperty.property_name == 'network_access')
    level_inhabitants = defaultdict(lambda: [])
    for room, user in rooms_users_q.all():

    return jsonify(items=[{
            'room': {
                'href': url_for(".room_show", room_id=room.id),
                'title': "{:02d} - {}".format(level, room.number)
            'inhabitants': [user_button(i) for i in inhabitants]
        } for room, inhabitants in level_inhabitants.items()])
 def get_queryset(self):
     # split the querystring
     keywords = self.kwargs["query"].split(" ")
     # AND the words together
     filter_keywords = reduce(operator.and_, (Q(title__icontains=keyword) for keyword in keywords))
     # filter queryset
     return Story.objects.filter(operator.and_(filter_keywords, Q(temporary=False)))
예제 #23
파일: views.py 프로젝트: jyundt/oval
def index():
    """Fills and renders the front page index.html template
    Only display recent results when they're within the past ~three months.
    recent_time = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=90)
    recent_results = (
        .join(Participant, Race.id == Participant.race_id)
        .filter(Race.date > recent_time)
        .having(func.count(Participant.id) > 0))
    r1 = recent_results.subquery('r1')
    r2 = recent_results.subquery('r2')
    latest_races = (
        .join(r2, and_(r1.c.class_id == r2.c.class_id, r1.c.date < r2.c.date), isouter=True)
        .join(RaceClass, RaceClass.id == r1.c.class_id)
        .order_by(r1.c.date.desc(), RaceClass.id))
    races = latest_races.all()
    return render_template('index.html', races=races)
예제 #24
파일: modvsobs.py 프로젝트: mrayson/soda
    def qqplot(self, percentiles=[1.,5.,25.,50.,75.,95.,99.],\
                ylims=None, **kwargs):
        Quantile-quantile plot
        idx = operator.and_( ~np.isnan(self.TSmod.y), ~np.isnan(self.TSobs.y) )
        q_mod = np.percentile(self.TSmod.y[idx], percentiles)
        q_obs = np.percentile(self.TSobs.y[idx], percentiles)

        if ylims is None:
            ylims = self.ylims

        # scale the marker size
        sizes = (1 - np.abs(np.array(percentiles)-50)/50)*50

        h1 = plt.scatter(q_obs, q_mod,s=sizes, **kwargs)

        ax = plt.gca()

        return h1, ax
def smoothed_Heaviside(x, e=1E-2):
    cond = operator.and_(-e <= x, x <= e)
    r = np.zeros(len(x))
    r[x < -e] = 0.0
    r[cond] = 0.5 + x[cond] / (2 * e) + 1 / (2 * pi) * sin(pi * x[cond] / e)
    r[x > e] = 1.0
    return r
    def buildSWField(self, pSheet, pRow):
        # Looks through the row given in pRow and constructs a
        # XLSToSWField object that contains the data, returns the field record.

        lUsed = pSheet.cell_value(pRow, SSHEETCOLUMN_MAPFIELD_P)
        if operator.or_(lUsed.lower() == 'no',
                        lUsed.lower() == 'no-temporary'):
            raise XLSToSWExceptions.FieldNotMapped(
                repr(pSheet) + ':' + repr(pRow))

        lFieldDefaultValue = ''
        lClassName = pSheet.cell_value(pRow, SSHEETCOLUMN_PNITABLENAME).strip()
        lFieldName = pSheet.cell_value(pRow,
        lFieldExternalName = pSheet.cell_value(
        lFieldType = pSheet.cell_value(pRow,
        lFieldDefaultValue = pSheet.cell_value(
        lFieldLength = pSheet.cell_value(pRow, SSHEETCOLUMN_PNIATTRIBUTELENGTH)
        lFieldPriority = pSheet.cell_value(pRow,
        lFieldText = self.buildSWFieldComment(pSheet, pRow)
        lFieldFromTable = pSheet.cell_value(
        lFieldFromField = pSheet.cell_value(

        lFeaturePoint = pSheet.cell_value(
        if operator.and_(lFeaturePoint != "", self.s_show_features_p == True):
            print("----------Feature " + repr(lFeaturePoint))

        lField = XLSToSWField.XLSToSWField(lClassName, lFieldName, lFieldType)
        lField.s_field_external_name = lFieldExternalName
        if lFieldLength != '':
            lField.s_field_length = lFieldLength
        if lFieldPriority != '':
            lField.s_field_priority = lFieldPriority
        if lFieldText != '':
            lField.s_field_comment = lFieldText
        if lFieldDefaultValue != '':
            lField.s_field_default_value = lFieldDefaultValue
        if lField.fieldType().lower() == "join":
            lField.s_field_join_type = pSheet.cell_value(
            lField.s_field_join_to = pSheet.cell_value(pRow,
            print("is a valid join " + repr(lField.isValidJoin()))
            if lField.isValidJoin() == False:
                print("found an invalid join ")

        if lFieldFromTable != '':
            lField.s_field_from_table = lFieldFromTable
        if lFieldFromField != '':
            lField.s_field_from_field = lFieldFromField

        return lField
def pause_count(records, min_pause, max_pause):  # The meaning of minVol
    # is still the minimum volume to count, but now it determines
    # exclusion not inclusion.
    silences = filter(lambda x: (operator.eq(0, int(x[3]))), records)
    time_diffs = [int(records[i][0]) - int(records[i - 1][0]) for i in range(len(records))]
    return len(
        filter(lambda x: (operator.and_(operator.gt(x, min_pause), operator.lt(x, max_pause))), time_diffs)
    ) / float(len(records) - 1)
    def findField (self, pClassName, pFieldName):
        # Returns the XLSToSWField for th epClassName, pFieldName pair
        for iField in self.s_fields:
            if operator.and_((iField.className() == pClassName),(iField.fieldName() == pFieldName)):
                return iField                

        return False
예제 #29
def filtro_item(item, **parametros):
    """ docstring """
    resultado = True
    for valor in parametros:
        resultado = operator.and_(resultado, operator.eq(
    return resultado
예제 #30
    def get_object_list(self, request):
        current_user = Users.objects.get(email=request.user.username)
        invoices = reduce(operator.or_, [c.invoices_set.all() for c in current_user.clients_set.all()])
        if not invoices:
            return InvoiceTransaction.objects.none()
        queryset = reduce(operator.or_, [t.invoicetransaction_set.all() for t in invoices])

        return operator.and_(super(HiPayInvoice, self).get_object_list(request).all(), queryset).distinct()
예제 #31
 def and_(self, a, b):
     return operator.and_(a, b)
 def __rand__(self, y):
   return NonStandardInteger(operator.and_(y, self.val))
예제 #33
    def testOperators(self):
        with self.cached_session():
            var_f = variables.Variable([2.0])
            add = var_f + 0.0
            radd = 1.0 + var_f
            sub = var_f - 1.0
            rsub = 1.0 - var_f
            mul = var_f * 10.0
            rmul = 10.0 * var_f
            div = var_f / 10.0
            rdiv = 10.0 / var_f
            lt = var_f < 3.0
            rlt = 3.0 < var_f
            le = var_f <= 2.0
            rle = 2.0 <= var_f
            gt = var_f > 3.0
            rgt = 3.0 > var_f
            ge = var_f >= 2.0
            rge = 2.0 >= var_f
            neg = -var_f
            abs_v = abs(var_f)

            var_i = variables.Variable([20])
            mod = var_i % 7
            rmod = 103 % var_i

            var_b = variables.Variable([True, False])
            and_v = operator.and_(var_b, [True, True])
            or_v = operator.or_(var_b, [False, True])
            xor_v = operator.xor(var_b, [False, False])
            invert_v = ~var_b

            rnd = np.random.rand(4, 4).astype("f")
            var_t = variables.Variable(rnd)
            slice_v = var_t[2, 0:0]

            var_m = variables.Variable([[2.0, 3.0]])
            matmul = var_m.__matmul__([[10.0], [20.0]])
            rmatmul = var_m.__rmatmul__([[10.0], [20.0]])

            self.assertAllClose([2.0], self.evaluate(add))
            self.assertAllClose([3.0], self.evaluate(radd))
            self.assertAllClose([1.0], self.evaluate(sub))
            self.assertAllClose([-1.0], self.evaluate(rsub))
            self.assertAllClose([20.0], self.evaluate(mul))
            self.assertAllClose([20.0], self.evaluate(rmul))
            self.assertAllClose([0.2], self.evaluate(div))
            self.assertAllClose([5.0], self.evaluate(rdiv))
            self.assertAllClose([-2.0], self.evaluate(neg))
            self.assertAllClose([2.0], self.evaluate(abs_v))
            self.assertAllClose([True], self.evaluate(lt))
            self.assertAllClose([False], self.evaluate(rlt))
            self.assertAllClose([True], self.evaluate(le))
            self.assertAllClose([True], self.evaluate(rle))
            self.assertAllClose([False], self.evaluate(gt))
            self.assertAllClose([True], self.evaluate(rgt))
            self.assertAllClose([True], self.evaluate(ge))
            self.assertAllClose([True], self.evaluate(rge))

            self.assertAllClose([6], self.evaluate(mod))
            self.assertAllClose([3], self.evaluate(rmod))

            self.assertAllClose([True, False], self.evaluate(and_v))
            self.assertAllClose([True, True], self.evaluate(or_v))
            self.assertAllClose([True, False], self.evaluate(xor_v))
            self.assertAllClose([False, True], self.evaluate(invert_v))

            self.assertAllClose(rnd[2, 0:0], self.evaluate(slice_v))

            self.assertAllClose([[80.0]], self.evaluate(matmul))
            self.assertAllClose([[20.0, 30.0], [40.0, 60.0]],
 def __and__(self, y):
   return NonStandardInteger(operator.and_(self.val, y))
예제 #35
Побитовое И
from operator import and_

x = 1  # 0001

a = x & 1  # bitwise AND: 0001

b = and_(x, 1)

print(a, b)
예제 #36
def _create_methods(arith_method, radd_func, comp_method, bool_method,
                    use_numexpr, special=False, default_axis='columns'):
    # creates actual methods based upon arithmetic, comp and bool method
    # constructors.

    # NOTE: Only frame cares about default_axis, specifically: special methods
    # have default axis None, whereas flex methods have default axis 'columns'
    # if we're not using numexpr, then don't pass a str_rep
    if use_numexpr:
        op = lambda x: x
        op = lambda x: None
    if special:
        def names(x):
            if x[-1] == "_":
                return "__%s_" % x
                return "__%s__" % x
        names = lambda x: x
    radd_func = radd_func or operator.add
    # Inframe, all special methods have default_axis=None, flex methods have
    # default_axis set to the default (columns)
    new_methods = dict(
        add=arith_method(operator.add, names('add'), op('+'),
        radd=arith_method(radd_func, names('radd'), op('+'),
        sub=arith_method(operator.sub, names('sub'), op('-'),
        mul=arith_method(operator.mul, names('mul'), op('*'),
        truediv=arith_method(operator.truediv, names('truediv'), op('/'),
                             truediv=True, fill_zeros=np.inf,
        floordiv=arith_method(operator.floordiv, names('floordiv'), op('//'),
                              default_axis=default_axis, fill_zeros=np.inf),
        # Causes a floating point exception in the tests when numexpr
        # enabled, so for now no speedup
        mod=arith_method(operator.mod, names('mod'), None,
                         default_axis=default_axis, fill_zeros=np.nan),
        pow=arith_method(operator.pow, names('pow'), op('**'),
        # not entirely sure why this is necessary, but previously was included
        # so it's here to maintain compatibility
        rmul=arith_method(operator.mul, names('rmul'), op('*'),
                          default_axis=default_axis, reversed=True),
        rsub=arith_method(lambda x, y: y - x, names('rsub'), op('-'),
                          default_axis=default_axis, reversed=True),
        rtruediv=arith_method(lambda x, y: operator.truediv(y, x),
                              names('rtruediv'), op('/'), truediv=True,
                              fill_zeros=np.inf, default_axis=default_axis,
        rfloordiv=arith_method(lambda x, y: operator.floordiv(y, x),
                               names('rfloordiv'), op('//'),
                               default_axis=default_axis, fill_zeros=np.inf,
        rpow=arith_method(lambda x, y: y ** x, names('rpow'), op('**'),
                          default_axis=default_axis, reversed=True),
        rmod=arith_method(lambda x, y: y % x, names('rmod'), op('%'),
                          default_axis=default_axis, fill_zeros=np.nan,
    new_methods['div'] = new_methods['truediv']
    new_methods['rdiv'] = new_methods['rtruediv']

    # Comp methods never had a default axis set
    if comp_method:
            eq=comp_method(operator.eq, names('eq'), op('==')),
            ne=comp_method(operator.ne, names('ne'), op('!='), masker=True),
            lt=comp_method(operator.lt, names('lt'), op('<')),
            gt=comp_method(operator.gt, names('gt'), op('>')),
            le=comp_method(operator.le, names('le'), op('<=')),
            ge=comp_method(operator.ge, names('ge'), op('>=')),
    if bool_method:
            and_=bool_method(operator.and_, names('and_'), op('&')),
            or_=bool_method(operator.or_, names('or_'), op('|')),
            # For some reason ``^`` wasn't used in original.
            xor=bool_method(operator.xor, names('xor'), op('^')),
            rand_=bool_method(lambda x, y: operator.and_(y, x),
                              names('rand_'), op('&')),
            ror_=bool_method(lambda x, y: operator.or_(y, x), names('ror_'), op('|')),
            rxor=bool_method(lambda x, y: operator.xor(y, x), names('rxor'), op('^'))

    new_methods = dict((names(k), v) for k, v in new_methods.items())
    return new_methods
예제 #37
# --------------- Python 10 ---------------
# ----------- Logicke Operacije -----------

import operator

x = True
y = False

# Binarni operator logicko i (&):
print("binarni operator logicko i - x&y je: ", end="")
print(operator.and_(x, y))

# Binarni operator logicko ili (|):
print("binarni operator logicko ili - x|y je: ", end="")
print(operator.or_(x, y))

# Unarni operator negacije (~x):
print("Unarni operator negacije - ~x: ", end="")
''' Operand 1     and      or    Operand 2
     True        True     True    True
     True        False    True    False
     False       False    True    True
     False       False    False   False
예제 #38
파일: test_operator.py 프로젝트: suned/pfun
def test_and_(a: bool, b: bool):
    assert op.and_(a)(b) == operator.and_(a, b)
예제 #39
class TVMScriptParser(Transformer):
    """Synr AST visitor pass which finally lowers to TIR.

    Notes for Extension
    1. To support a new type of AST node, add a function transform_xxx().
    2. To support new functions, add the function to the appropriate registry:
        We divide allowed function calls in TVM script into 3 categories,
        intrin, scope_handler and special_stmt.
        1. intrin functions are low level functions like mod, load, and
           constants. They correspond to a tir `IRNode`. They must have a
           return value. The user can register intrin functions for the parser to
        2. scope_handler functions have no return value. They take two
           arguments: the parser and the AST node. scope_handler functions are
           used in with and for statements.
        3. special_stmt functions handle cases that do not have a corresponding
           tir `IRNode`. These functions take the parser and the AST node as
           arguments and may return a value.
        When visiting a Call node, we check the special_stmt registry first. If
        no registered function is found, we then check the intrin registry.
        When visiting With node, we check the with_scope registry.
        When visiting For node, we check the for_scope registry.

    _binop_maker = {
        ast.BuiltinOp.Add: tvm.tir.Add,
        ast.BuiltinOp.Sub: tvm.tir.Sub,
        ast.BuiltinOp.Mul: tvm.tir.Mul,
        ast.BuiltinOp.Div: tvm.tir.Div,
        ast.BuiltinOp.FloorDiv: tvm.tir.FloorDiv,
        ast.BuiltinOp.Mod: tvm.tir.FloorMod,
        ast.BuiltinOp.BitOr: lambda lhs, rhs, span: operator.or_(lhs, rhs),
        ast.BuiltinOp.BitAnd: lambda lhs, rhs, span: operator.and_(lhs, rhs),
        ast.BuiltinOp.BitXor: lambda lhs, rhs, span: operator.xor(lhs, rhs),
        ast.BuiltinOp.GT: tvm.tir.GT,
        ast.BuiltinOp.GE: tvm.tir.GE,
        ast.BuiltinOp.LT: tvm.tir.LT,
        ast.BuiltinOp.LE: tvm.tir.LE,
        ast.BuiltinOp.Eq: tvm.tir.EQ,
        ast.BuiltinOp.NotEq: tvm.tir.NE,
        ast.BuiltinOp.And: tvm.tir.And,
        ast.BuiltinOp.Or: tvm.tir.Or,

    _unaryop_maker = {
        ast.BuiltinOp.USub: lambda rhs, span: operator.neg(rhs),
        ast.BuiltinOp.Invert: lambda rhs, span: operator.invert(rhs),
        ast.BuiltinOp.Not: tvm.tir.Not,

    def __init__(self, base_lienno, tir_namespace):
        self.context = None

        self.base_lineno = base_lienno
        self.current_lineno = 0
        self.current_col_offset = 0
        self.tir_namespace = tir_namespace
        self.meta = None

    def init_function_parsing_env(self):
        """Initialize function parsing environment"""
        self.context = ContextMaintainer(self.report_error)  # scope emitter

    def init_meta(self, meta_dict):
        if meta_dict is not None:
            self.meta = tvm.ir.load_json(json.dumps(meta_dict))

    def transform(self, node):
        """Generic transformation for visiting the AST. Dispatches to
        `transform_ClassName` for the appropriate ClassName."""
        old_lineno, old_col_offset = self.current_lineno, self.current_col_offset

        if hasattr(node, "lineno"):
            self.current_lineno = self.base_lineno + node.lineno - 1
        if hasattr(node, "col_offset"):
            self.current_col_offset = node.col_offset

        method = "transform_" + node.__class__.__name__
        visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit)
        transform_res = visitor(node)

        self.current_lineno, self.current_col_offset = old_lineno, old_col_offset

        return transform_res

    def match_tir_namespace(self, identifier: str) -> bool:
        """Check if the namespace is equal to tvm.script.tir"""
        return identifier in self.tir_namespace

    def report_error(self, message: str, span: Union[ast.Span, tvm.ir.Span]):
        """Report an error occuring at a location.

        This just dispatches to synr's DiagnosticContext.

        message : str
            Error message
        span : Union[synr.ast.Span, tvm.ir.Span】
            Location of the error
        if isinstance(span, tvm.ir.Span):
            span = synr_span_from_tvm(span)
        self.error(message, span)

    def parse_body(self, parent):
        """Parse remaining statements in this scope.

        parent : synr.ast.Node
            Parent node of this scope. Errors will be reported here.
        body = []
        spans = []
        stmt = parent
        while len(self.context.node_stack[-1]) > 0:
            stmt = self.context.node_stack[-1].pop()
            res = self.transform(stmt)
            if res is not None:
        if len(body) == 0:
                "Expected another statement at the end of this block. Perhaps you "
                "used a concise statement and forgot to include a body afterwards.",
            return (
                tvm.tir.SeqStmt(body, tvm_span_from_synr(ast.Span.union(spans)))
                if len(body) > 1
                else body[0]

    def parse_arg_list(self, func, node_call):
        """Match the arguments of a function call in the AST to the required
        arguments of the function. This handles positional arguments,
        positional arguments specified by name, keyword arguments, and varargs.

        func : Function
            The function that provides the signature

        node_call: ast.Call
            The AST call node that calls into the function.

        arg_list : list
            The parsed positional argument.
        assert isinstance(node_call, ast.Call)
        # collect arguments
        args = [self.transform(arg) for arg in node_call.params]
        kw_args = {
            self.transform(k): self.transform(v) for k, v in node_call.keyword_params.items()
        # get the name and parameter list of func
        if isinstance(func, (Intrin, ScopeHandler, SpecialStmt)):
            func_name, param_list = func.signature()
                "Internal Error: function must be of type Intrin, ScopeHandler or SpecialStmt, "
                f"but it is {type(func).__name__}",
        # check arguments and parameter list and get a list of arguments
        reader = CallArgumentReader(func_name, args, kw_args, self, node_call)
        pos_only, kwargs, varargs = param_list
        internal_args = list()
        for i, arg_name in enumerate(pos_only):
            internal_args.append(reader.get_pos_only_arg(i + 1, arg_name))
        for i, arg_info in enumerate(kwargs):
            arg_name, default = arg_info
            internal_args.append(reader.get_kwarg(i + 1 + len(pos_only), arg_name, default=default))
        if varargs is not None:
            internal_args.extend(reader.get_varargs(len(pos_only) + len(kwargs) + 1))
        elif len(args) + len(kw_args) > len(pos_only) + len(kwargs):
                "Arguments mismatched. "
                + f"Expected {len(pos_only) + len(kwargs)} args but got "
                + f"{len(args) + len(kw_args)}",
        return internal_args

    def parse_type(self, type_node, parent):
        """Parse a type annotation.

        We require the parent object to the type so that we have a place to
        report the error message if the type does not exist.
        if type_node is None:
            self.report_error("A type annotation is required", parent.span)
        res_type = self.transform(type_node)
        return tvm.ir.TupleType([]) if res_type is None else res_type.evaluate()

    def generic_visit(self, node):
        """Fallback visitor if node type is not handled. Reports an error."""

        self.report_error(type(node).__name__ + " AST node is not supported", node.span)

    def transform_Module(self, node):
        """Module visitor

        Right now, we only support two formats for TVM Script.

        1. Generate a PrimFunc (If the code is printed, then it may also contain metadata)
        .. code-block:: python

            import tvm

            def A(...):

            # returns a PrimFunc
            func = A

        2. Generate an IRModule
        .. code-block:: python

            import tvm

            class MyMod():
                def A(...):
                def B(...):

                __tvm_meta__ = ...

            # returns an IRModule
            mod = MyMod
        if len(node.funcs) == 1:
            return self.transform(next(iter(node.funcs.values())))
        elif len(node.func) == 0:
                "You must supply at least one class or function definition", node.span
                "Only one-function, one-class or function-with-meta source code is allowed",
                ast.Span.union([x.span for x in list(node.funcs.values())[1:]]),

    def transform_Class(self, node):
        """Class definition visitor.

        A class can have multiple function definitions and a single
        :code:`__tvm_meta__` statement. Each class corresponds to a single

        .. code-block:: python

            class MyClass:
                __tvm_meta__ = {}
                def A():
        if len(node.assignments) == 1:
            if not (
                len(node.assignments[0].lhs) == 1
                and isinstance(node.assignments[0].lhs[0], ast.Var)
                and node.assignments[0].lhs[0].id.name == "__tvm_meta__"
                    "The only top level assignments allowed are `__tvm_meta__ = ...`",
                MetaUnparser().do_transform(node.assignments[0].rhs, self._diagnostic_context)
        elif len(node.assignments) > 1:
                "Only a single top level `__tvm_meta__` is allowed",
                ast.Span.union([x.span for x in node.assignments[1:]]),

        return IRModule(
            {GlobalVar(name): self.transform(func) for name, func in node.funcs.items()}

    def transform_Function(self, node):
        """Function definition visitor.

        Each function definition is translated to a single :code:`PrimFunc`.

        There are a couple restrictions on TVM Script functions:
        1. Function arguments must have their types specified.
        2. The body of the function can contain :code:`func_attr` to specify
           attributes of the function (like it's name).
        3. The body of the function can also contain multiple :code:`buffer_bind`s,
           which give shape and dtype information to arguments.
        4. Return statements are implicit.

        .. code-block:: python

            def my_function(x: T.handle):  # 1. Argument types
                T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "mmult"})  # 2. Function attributes
                X_1 = tir.buffer_bind(x, [1024, 1024])  # 3. Buffer binding
                T.evaluate(0)  # 4. This function returns 0

        def check_decorator(decorators: List[ast.Expr]) -> bool:
            """Check the decorator is `T.prim_func"""
            if len(decorators) != 1:
                return False
            d: ast.Expr = decorators[0]
            return (
                isinstance(d, ast.Attr)
                and isinstance(d.object, ast.Var)
                and self.match_tir_namespace(d.object.id.name)
                and d.field.name == "prim_func"


        # add parameters of function
        for arg in node.params:
            arg_var = tvm.te.var(arg.name, self.parse_type(arg.ty, arg))
            self.context.update_symbol(arg.name, arg_var, node)

        if not check_decorator(node.decorators):
                "All functions should be decorated by `T.prim_func`",

        # fetch the body of root block
        body = self.parse_body(node.body)

        # return a tir.PrimFunc
        dict_attr = self.context.func_dict_attr
        ret_type = self.parse_type(node.ret_type, node) if node.ret_type is not None else None
        func = tvm.tir.PrimFunc(
            attrs=tvm.ir.make_node("DictAttrs", **dict_attr) if dict_attr else None,

        # New Scope : Implicit root block
        # Each function contains an implicit root block in TensorIR,
        # so here we need a block scope for it.
        # If the PrimFunc is not a TensorIR func (e.g. TE scheduled func or low-level func),
        # the root block will not be added. The logic to add root block is in `_ffi_api.Complete`

        # Fix the PrimFunc
        # 1. generate root block if necessary
        # 2. generate surrounding loops for blocks if necessary

        func = call_with_error_reporting(

        return func

    def transform_Lambda(self, node):
        """Lambda visitor

        Return an array of input parameters and the transformed lambda body.


        # add parameters of the lambda
        arg_vars = []
        for arg in node.params:
            arg_var = tvm.te.var(arg.name)
            self.context.update_symbol(arg.name, arg_var, node)

        # the body of a lambda must be an expr
        if not isinstance(node.body, ast.Expr):
            self.report_error("The body of a lambda must be an expression", node.span)

        # transform the body of the lambda
        body = self.transform(node.body)

        return arg_vars, body

    def transform_Assign(self, node):
        """Assign visitor
        AST abstract grammar:
            Assign(expr* targets, expr value, string? type_comment)

        By now 3 patterns of Assign is supported:
            1. special stmts with return value
                1.1 Buffer = T.match_buffer()/T.buffer_decl()
                1.2 Var = T.var()
                1.3 Var = T.env_thread()
            2. (BufferStore) Buffer[PrimExpr, PrimExpr, ..., PrimExpr] = PrimExpr
            3. (Store)       Var[PrimExpr] = PrimExpr
            4. with scope handlers with concise scoping and var def
                4.1 var = T.allocate()

        if isinstance(node.rhs, ast.Call):
            # Pattern 1 & Pattern 4
            func = self.transform(node.rhs.func_name)
            if isinstance(func, WithScopeHandler):
                if not func.concise_scope or not func.def_symbol:
                        "with scope handler " + func.signature()[0] + " is not suitable here",
                # Pattern 4
                arg_list = self.parse_arg_list(func, node.rhs)
                func.enter_scope(node, self.context, arg_list, node.rhs.func_name.span)
                func.body = self.parse_body(node)
                return func.exit_scope(node, self.context, arg_list, node.rhs.func_name.span)
            elif isinstance(func, SpecialStmt):
                # Pattern 1
                arg_list = self.parse_arg_list(func, node.rhs)
                func.handle(node, self.context, arg_list, node.rhs.func_name.span)
                return self.parse_body(node)
                value = self.transform(node.rhs)
                if len(node.lhs) == 1 and not isinstance(node.lhs[0], ast.Var):
                    # This is a little confusing because it only is true when
                    # we have taken this branch. We might need to clarify what
                    # exectly is allowed in Assignments in tvmscript.
                        "Left hand side of assignment must be an unqualified variable",
                ast_var = node.lhs[0]
                var = tvm.te.var(
                    self.parse_type(node.ty, ast_var),
                self.context.update_symbol(var.name, var, node)
                body = self.parse_body(node)
                return tvm.tir.LetStmt(var, value, body, span=tvm_span_from_synr(node.span))

            """Assignments should be either
            1. A "special statement" with return value
                1.1 Buffer = T.match_buffer()/T.buffer_decl()
                1.2 Var = T.var()
                1.3 Var = T.env_thread()
            2. A store into a buffer: Buffer[PrimExpr, PrimExpr, ..., PrimExpr] = PrimExpr
            3. A store into a variable: Var[PrimExpr] = PrimExpr
            4. A with scope handler with concise scoping and var def
                4.1 var = T.allocate()""",

    def transform_SubscriptAssign(self, node):
        """Visitor for statements of the form :code:`x[1] = 2`."""
        symbol = self.transform(node.params[0])
        indexes = self.transform(node.params[1])
        rhs = self.transform(node.params[2])
        rhs_span = tvm_span_from_synr(node.params[2].span)
        if isinstance(symbol, tvm.tir.Buffer):
            # BufferStore
            return tvm.tir.BufferStore(
                tvm.runtime.convert(rhs, span=rhs_span),
            if symbol.dtype == "handle" and len(indexes) != 1:
                    "Handles only support one-dimensional indexing. Use `T.match_buffer` to "
                    "construct a multidimensional buffer from a handle.",
            if len(indexes) != 1:
                    f"Store is only allowed with one index, but {len(indexes)} were provided.",
            # Store
            return tvm.tir.Store(
                tvm.runtime.convert(rhs, span=rhs_span),
                tvm.runtime.convert(True, span=tvm_span_from_synr(node.span)),

    def transform_Assert(self, node):
        """Assert visitor

        Pattern corresponds to concise mode of :code:`with T.Assert()`.

        condition = self.transform(node.condition)
        if node.msg is None:
            self.report_error("Assert statements must have an error message.", node.span)
        message = self.transform(node.msg)
        body = self.parse_body(node)
        return tvm.tir.AssertStmt(
            condition, tvm.runtime.convert(message), body, span=tvm_span_from_synr(node.span)

    def transform_For(self, node):
        """For visitor
        AST abstract grammar:
            For(expr target, expr iter, stmt* body, stmt* orelse, string? type_comment)
        By now 1 pattern of For is supported:
            1. for scope handler
                for name in T.serial()/T.parallel()/T.vectorized()/T.unroll()/range()/

        if not isinstance(node.rhs, ast.Call):
            self.report_error("The loop iterator should be a function call.", node.rhs.span)
        func = self.transform(node.rhs.func_name)
        if not isinstance(func, ForScopeHandler):
                "Only For scope handlers can be used in a for statement.", node.rhs.func_name.span
        # prepare for new for scope
        old_lineno, old_col_offset = self.current_lineno, self.current_col_offset
        self.current_lineno = node.span.start_line
        self.current_col_offset = node.span.start_column
        # for scope handler process the scope
        arg_list = self.parse_arg_list(func, node.rhs)
        func.enter_scope(node, self.context, arg_list, node.rhs.func_name.span)
        func.body = self.parse_body(node)
        res = func.exit_scope(node, self.context, arg_list, node.rhs.func_name.span)
        # exit the scope
        self.current_lineno, self.current_col_offset = old_lineno, old_col_offset
        return res

    def transform_While(self, node):
        """While visitor
        AST abstract grammar:
            While(expr condition, stmt* body)
        condition = self.transform(node.condition)
        # body
        body = self.parse_body(node)

        return tvm.tir.While(condition, body, span=tvm_span_from_synr(node.span))

    def transform_With(self, node):
        """With visitor
        AST abstract grammar:
            With(withitem* items, stmt* body, string? type_comment)
            withitem = (expr context_expr, expr? optional_vars)
        By now 2 patterns of With is supported:
            1. with scope handler with symbol def
                with T.block(*axes)/T.allocate() as targets:
            2. with scope handler without symbol def
                with T.let()/T.Assert()/T.attr()/T.realize()

        if not isinstance(node.rhs, ast.Call):
                "The context expression of a `with` statement should be a function call.",

        func = self.transform(node.rhs.func_name)

        if not isinstance(func, WithScopeHandler):
                f"Function {func} cannot be used in a `with` statement.", node.rhs.func_name.span
        # prepare for new block scope
        old_lineno, old_col_offset = self.current_lineno, self.current_col_offset
        self.current_lineno = node.body.span.start_line
        self.current_col_offset = node.body.span.start_column
        # with scope handler process the scope
        arg_list = self.parse_arg_list(func, node.rhs)
        func.enter_scope(node, self.context, arg_list, node.rhs.func_name.span)
        func.body = self.parse_body(node)
        res = func.exit_scope(node, self.context, arg_list, node.rhs.func_name.span)
        # exit the scope
        self.current_lineno, self.current_col_offset = old_lineno, old_col_offset
        return res

    def transform_If(self, node):
        """If visitor
        AST abstract grammar:
            If(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse)

        condition = self.transform(node.condition)
        # then body
        then_body = self.parse_body(node)

        # else body
        if len(node.false.stmts) > 0:
            else_body = self.parse_body(node)
            else_body = None

        return tvm.tir.IfThenElse(
            condition, then_body, else_body, span=tvm_span_from_synr(node.span)

    def transform_Call(self, node):
        """Call visitor

        3 different Call patterns are allowed:
            1. Intrin representing a PrimExpr/IterVar
                1.1 tir.int/uint/float8/16/32/64/floormod/floordiv/load/cast/ramp/broadcast/max
                1.2 tir.range/reduce_axis/scan_axis/opaque_axis
            2. tir.Op(dtype, ...)
            3. other callable functions

        if isinstance(node.func_name, ast.Op):
            if node.func_name.name == ast.BuiltinOp.Subscript:
                return self.transform_Subscript(node)
            if node.func_name.name in self._binop_maker:
                lhs = self.transform(node.params[0])
                # There is no supertype for everything that can appear in
                # an expression, so we manually add what we might get here.
                if not isinstance(lhs, (tvm.tir.PrimExpr, BufferSlice)):
                    # We would really like to report a more specific
                    # error here, but this parser contains no distinction
                    # between parsing statements and parsing expressions. All
                    # rules just call `transform`.
                        f"Left hand side of binary op must be a PrimExpr, "
                        "but it is a {type(lhs).__name__}",
                rhs = self.transform(node.params[1])
                if not isinstance(rhs, (tvm.tir.PrimExpr, BufferSlice)):
                        f"Right hand side of binary op must be a PrimExpr, "
                        "but it is a {type(rhs).__name__}",
                return call_with_error_reporting(
                    lambda node, lhs, rhs, span: self._binop_maker[node.func_name.name](
                        lhs, rhs, span=span
            if node.func_name.name in self._unaryop_maker:
                rhs = self.transform(node.params[0])
                return self._unaryop_maker[node.func_name.name](
                    rhs, span=tvm_span_from_synr(node.span)
            self.report_error(f"Unsupported operator {node.func_name.name}.", node.func_name.span)
            func = self.transform(node.func_name)
            if isinstance(func, Intrin) and not func.stmt:
                # pattern 1
                arg_list = self.parse_arg_list(func, node)
                return call_with_error_reporting(
                args = [self.transform(arg) for arg in node.params]
                kw_args = {
                    self.transform(k): self.transform(v) for k, v in node.keyword_params.items()
                if isinstance(func, tvm.tir.op.Op):
                    if not "dtype" in kw_args.keys():
                        self.report_error(f"{func} requires a dtype keyword argument.", node.span)
                    # pattern 2
                    return tvm.tir.Call(
                        kw_args["dtype"], func, args, span=tvm_span_from_synr(node.span)
                elif callable(func):
                    # pattern 3
                    return func(*args, **kw_args)
                        f"Function is neither callable nor a tvm.tir.op.Op (it is a {type(func)}).",

    def transform_UnassignedCall(self, node):
        """Visitor for statements that are function calls.

        This handles function calls that appear on thier own line like `tir.realize`.

        .. code-block:: python

            def f():
                A = T.buffer_decl([10, 10])
                T.realize(A[1:2, 1:2], "")  # This is an UnassignedCall
                A[1, 1] = 2  # This is also an UnassignedCall
        # Only allowed builtin operator that can be a statement is x[1] = 3 i.e. subscript assign.
        if isinstance(node.call.func_name, ast.Op):
            if node.call.func_name.name != ast.BuiltinOp.SubscriptAssign:
                    "Binary and unary operators are not allowed as a statement", node.span
                return self.transform_SubscriptAssign(node.call)

        # handle a regular function call
        func = self.transform(node.call.func_name)
        arg_list = self.parse_arg_list(func, node.call)

        if isinstance(func, tir.scope_handler.AssertHandler):
                "A standalone `T.Assert` is not allowed. Use `assert condition, message` "

        if isinstance(func, Intrin):
            if func.stmt:
                return call_with_error_reporting(
                self.report_error(f"This intrinsic cannot be used as a statement.", node.call.span)
        elif isinstance(func, WithScopeHandler) and func.concise_scope and not func.def_symbol:
            func.enter_scope(node, self.context, arg_list, node.call.func_name.span)
            func.body = self.parse_body(node)
            return func.exit_scope(node, self.context, arg_list, node.call.func_name.span)
        elif isinstance(func, SpecialStmt) and not func.def_symbol:
            func.handle(node, self.context, arg_list, node.call.func_name.span)

            "Unexpected statement. Expected an assert, an intrinsic, a with statement, or a "
            f"special statement, but got {type(func).__name__}.",

    def transform_Slice(self, node):
        start = self.transform(node.start)
        end = self.transform(node.end)
        if not (isinstance(node.step, ast.Constant) and node.step.value == 1):
            self.report_error("Only step size 1 is supported for slices.", node.step.span)
        return Slice(start, end)

    def transform_Subscript(self, node):
        """Array access visitor.

        By now only 3 types of Subscript are supported:
            1. Buffer[index, index, ...], Buffer element access(BufferLoad & BufferStore)
               Var[index] Buffer element access()
            2. Buffer[start: stop, start: stop, ...], BufferRealize(realize(buffer[...]))
            3. Array[index], Buffer element access

        symbol = self.transform(node.params[0])
        if symbol is None:
                f"Variable {node.params[0].id.name} is not defined.", node.params[0].span

        indexes = [self.transform(x) for x in node.params[1].values]
        if isinstance(symbol, tvm.tir.expr.Var):
            if symbol.dtype == "handle":
                    "Cannot read directly from a handle, use `T.match_buffer` "
                    "to create a buffer to read from.",
            if len(indexes) > 1:
                    "Only a single index can be provided when indexing into a `var`.",
            index = indexes[0]
            if not isinstance(index, (tvm.tir.PrimExpr, int)):
                    "Var load index should be an int or PrimExpr, but it is a" + type(index),

            return call_with_error_reporting(
        elif isinstance(symbol, tvm.tir.Buffer):
            return BufferSlice(
                symbol, indexes, self.report_error, span=tvm_span_from_synr(node.span)
        elif isinstance(symbol, tvm.container.Array):
            if len(indexes) > 1:
                    "Array access should be one-dimension access, but the indices are "
                    + str(indexes),
            index = indexes[0]
            if not isinstance(index, (int, tvm.tir.expr.IntImm)):
                    "Array access index expected int or IntImm, but got " + type(index),
            if int(index) >= len(symbol):
                    f"Array access out of bound, size: {len(symbol)}, got index {index}.",
            return symbol[int(index)]
                f"Cannot subscript from a {type(symbol).__name__}. Only variables and "
                "buffers are supported.",

    def transform_Attr(self, node):
        """Visitor for field access of the form `x.y`.

        This visitor is used to lookup function and symbol names. We have two
        cases to handle here:
        1. If we have a statement of the form `tir.something`, then we lookup
           `tir.something` in the `Registry`. If the function is not in the
           registry, then we try to find a `tvm.ir.op.Op` with the same name.
        2. All other names `tvm.something` are lookup up in this current python

        def get_full_attr_name(node: ast.Attr) -> str:
            reverse_field_names = [node.field.name]
            while isinstance(node.object, ast.Attr):
                node = node.object
            if isinstance(node.object, ast.Var):
            return ".".join(reversed(reverse_field_names))

        if isinstance(node.object, (ast.Var, ast.Attr)):
            full_attr_name = get_full_attr_name(node)
            attr_object, fields = full_attr_name.split(".", maxsplit=1)
            if self.match_tir_namespace(attr_object):
                func_name = "tir." + fields
                res = Registry.lookup(func_name)
                if res is not None:
                    return res
                    return tvm.ir.op.Op.get(func_name)
                except TVMError as e:
                    # Check if we got an attribute error
                    if e.args[0].find("AttributeError"):
                        self.report_error(f"Unregistered function `tir.{fields}`.", node.span)
                        raise e

        symbol = self.transform(node.object)
        if symbol is None:
            self.report_error("Unsupported Attribute expression.", node.object.span)
        if not hasattr(symbol, node.field.name):
                f"Type {type(symbol)} does not have a field called `{node.field.name}`.", node.span
        res = getattr(symbol, node.field.name)
        return res

    def transform_TypeAttr(self, node):
        """Visitor for field access of the form `x.y` for types.

        We have two cases here:
        1. If the type is of the form `T.something`, we look up the type in
           the `tir` namespace in this module.
        2. If the type is of the form `tvm.x.something` then we look up
           `tvm.x.something` in this modules namespace.
        if isinstance(node.object, ast.TypeVar):
            if self.match_tir_namespace(node.object.id.name):
                if not hasattr(tir, node.field.name):
                        f"Invalid type annotation `tir.{node.field.name}`.", node.span
                return getattr(tir, node.field.name)

        symbol = self.transform(node.object)
        if symbol is None:
            self.report_error("Unsupported Attribute expression", node.object.span)
        if not hasattr(symbol, node.field):
                f"Type {type(symbol)} does not have a field called `{node.field}`.", node.span
        res = getattr(symbol, node.field)
        return res

    def transform_DictLiteral(self, node):
        """Dictionary literal visitor.

        Handles dictionary literals of the form `{x:y, z:2}`.

        keys = [self.transform(key) for key in node.keys]
        values = [self.transform(value) for value in node.values]

        return dict(zip(keys, values))

    def transform_Tuple(self, node):
        """Tuple visitor.

        Handles tuples of the form `(x, y, 2)`.

        return tuple(self.transform(element) for element in node.values)

    def transform_ArrayLiteral(self, node):
        """List literal visitor.

        Handles lists of the form `[x, 2, 3]`.

        return [self.transform(element) for element in node.values]

    def transform_Var(self, node):
        """Variable visitor

        Handles variables like `x` in `x = 2`.

        name = node.id.name
        if name == "meta":
            return self.meta
        symbol = Registry.lookup(name)
        if symbol is not None:
            return symbol
        symbol = self.context.lookup_symbol(name)
        if symbol is not None:
            return symbol
        self.report_error(f"Unknown identifier {name}.", node.span)

    def transform_TypeVar(self, node):
        """Type variable visitor.

        Equivalent to `transform_Var` but for types.
        name = node.id.name
        symbol = Registry.lookup(name) or self.context.lookup_symbol(name)
        if symbol is not None:
            return symbol
        self.report_error(f"Unknown identifier {name}.", node.span)

    def transform_Constant(self, node):
        """Constant value visitor.

        Constant values include `None`, `"strings"`, `2` (integers), `4.2`
        (floats), and `true` (booleans).
        return tvm.runtime.convert(node.value, span=tvm_span_from_synr(node.span))

    def transform_TypeConstant(self, node):
        """Constant value visitor for types.

        See `transform_Constant`.
        return node.value

    def transform_Return(self, node):
            "TVM script does not support return statements. Instead the last statement in any "
            "block is implicitly returned.",
예제 #40
    def set_proximity_director(self,

        |  \  / locFacNeg*-1
        |   \/
        |   /\
        |  /  \ locFacPos

        locFacPos = self.thickness - (self.thickness * locFac)
        locFacNeg = -1. * (self.thickness * locFac)

        #this is a relative thickness, default is 1.
        #try to save an evaluation
        if type(minDistanceFn) == uw.function.misc.constant:
            thickness = minDistanceFn.value
            thickness = minDistanceFn.evaluate(swarm)

        #First, we want to rebuild the minimum distance...
        sd, pts0 = self.compute_signed_distance(swarm.particleCoordinates.data,
                                                distance=searchFac *

        #if any Nans appears set them to infs
        sd[np.where(np.isnan(sd))[0]] = np.inf

        #everthing in the min dist halo becomes fault.
        if not self.empty:
            mask = np.logical_and(
                sd < locFacPos * thickness,  #positive side of fault
                sd > locFacNeg * thickness)[:, 0]  #negative side of fault

            proximityVar.data[mask] = self.ID  #set to Id


        #particles with proximity == self.ID, beyond the retention distance, set to zero
        #I had to do these separately for the two sides of the fault

        #thickness becomes the maxDistanceFunction
        #try to save an evaluation
        if type(maxDistanceFn) == uw.function.misc.constant:
            thickness = maxDistanceFn.value
            thickness = maxDistanceFn.evaluate(swarm)

        #treat each side of the fault seperately
        #parallel protection
        if sd.shape[0] == proximityVar.data.shape[0]:
            mask1 = operator.and_(sd > locFacPos * thickness,
                                  proximityVar.data == self.ID)
            proximityVar.data[mask1] = 0
            mask2 = operator.and_(sd < locFacNeg * thickness,
                                  proximityVar.data == self.ID)
            proximityVar.data[mask2] = 0


        if directorVar:
            #director domain will be larger than proximity, but proximity will control rheology
            #searchFac *self.thickness should capture the max proximity distance from the fault
            #hence, must be set in relation to the maxDistanceFn
            dv, nzv = self.compute_normals(swarm.particleCoordinates.data,
                                           searchFac * self.thickness)
            mask = np.where(proximityVar.data == self.ID)[0]
            directorVar.data[mask, :] = dv[mask, :]
예제 #41
 def bitwise_and_usecase(x, y):
     return operator.and_(x, y)
예제 #42
파일: roperator.py 프로젝트: sduzjp/Python
def rand_(left, right):
    return operator.and_(right, left)
예제 #43
def get_results_by_query(startPage, perPageRecords, node_id, name, args=None):
    searchTerm = None
    columns = []
    columnsDefined = False
        startPage = int(args['start'])
        perPageRecords = int(args['length'])
        if 'search[value]' in args and (args['search[value]'] != ""):
            searchTerm = (args['search[value]'])
        if (args['columns[0][data]']):
            columnsDefined = True
        print('error in request')
    results = []
    count = db.session.query(ResultLog).filter(
        and_(ResultLog.name == name,
             and_(ResultLog.node_id == node_id,
                  ResultLog.action != 'removed'))).count()
    countFiltered = count

    if searchTerm:
        queryCountStr = "select count(distinct id) from result_log join jsonb_each_text(result_log.columns) e on true where  node_id='" + str(
        ) + "' and e.value ilike " + "'%" + searchTerm + "%'" + " and name=" + "'" + name + "'" + " and action!='removed'"

        filtered_quer = db.engine.execute(sqlalchemy.text(queryCountStr))
        for r in filtered_quer:
            countFiltered = r[0]

        queryStr = "select distinct id,columns from result_log join jsonb_each_text(result_log.columns) e on true where  node_id='" + str(
        ) + "' and e.value ilike " + "'%" + searchTerm + "%'" + " and name=" + "'" + name + "'" + " and action!='removed' order by id desc OFFSET " + str(
            startPage) + "  LIMIT " + str(perPageRecords)
        record_query = db.engine.execute(sqlalchemy.text(queryStr))
        for r in record_query:

        record_query = db.session.query(ResultLog.columns).filter(
            and_(ResultLog.node_id == (node_id),
                 and_(ResultLog.name == name,
                      ResultLog.action != 'removed'))).order_by(
        results = [r for r, in record_query]

        if results:
            firstRecord = results[0]

            TO_CAPTURE_COlUMNS = []
            if 'action' in firstRecord:
                if 'PROC_' in firstRecord['action']:
                    TO_CAPTURE_COlUMNS = [
                        'utc_time', 'action', 'path', 'parent_path'
                elif 'Close' in firstRecord[
                        'action'] or 'Accept' in firstRecord[
                            'action'] or 'Connect' in firstRecord['action']:
                    TO_CAPTURE_COlUMNS = [
                        'utc_time', 'action', 'process_name', 'protocol',
                        'local_address', 'local_port', 'remote_address'
                elif 'DELETE' in firstRecord['action'] or 'READ' in firstRecord[
                        'action'] or 'WRITE' in firstRecord['action']:
                    TO_CAPTURE_COlUMNS = [
                        'utc_time', 'action', 'process_name', 'md5',

            elif 'event_type' in firstRecord:
                if 'dns_req' == firstRecord[
                        'event_type'] or 'dns_res' == firstRecord['event_type']:
                    TO_CAPTURE_COlUMNS = [
                        'domain_name', 'resolved_ip', 'utc_time',
                        'request_type', 'request_class'
                elif 'http_req' == firstRecord['event_type']:
                    TO_CAPTURE_COlUMNS = [
                        'utc_time', 'url', 'remote_port', 'process_name'

            if len(TO_CAPTURE_COlUMNS) == 0:
                for key in firstRecord.keys():
                    columns.append({'data': key, 'title': key})
                    "className": 'details-control',
                    "orderable": False,
                    "data": None,
                    "defaultContent": ''
                for key in firstRecord.keys():
                    if key in TO_CAPTURE_COlUMNS:
                        columns.append({'data': key, 'title': key})

    output = {}
        output['sEcho'] = str(int(request.values['sEcho']))
        print('error in echo')
    output['iRecordsFiltered'] = str(countFiltered)
    output['iTotalRecords'] = str(count)
    output['pageLength'] = str(perPageRecords)

    output['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = str(countFiltered)
    aaData_rows = results

    # add additional rows here that are not represented in the database
    # aaData_row.append(('''''' % (str(row[ self.index ]))).replace('\\', ''))
    if not columnsDefined:
        output['columns'] = columns
    output['aaData'] = aaData_rows

    return output
예제 #44
 def test_bitwise_and(self):
     self.failUnless(operator.and_(0xf, 0xa) == 0xa)
예제 #45
def intersectvec(A,B,C,D):
	return op.and_( op.ne(ccwvec(A,C,D),ccwvec(B,C,D)),op.ne(ccwvec(A,B,C),ccwvec(A,B,D)) )
예제 #46
 def test_bitwise_and(self):
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, operator.and_)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, operator.and_, None, None)
     self.assertTrue(operator.and_(0xf, 0xa) == 0xa)
예제 #47
 def test_bitwise_and(self):
     self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, operator.and_)
     self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, operator.and_, None, None)
     self.failUnless(operator.and_(0xf, 0xa) == 0xa)
예제 #48
operator.delitem(li,slice(2, 4))
print("\nthe modified list after delitem() is : ",end="")
for i in range(0,len(li)):
    print(li[i],end=" ")

print("\nthe 1st and 2nd element of list is : ",end=" ")
print(operator.getitem(li,slice(0, 2)))

s1 = "geeksfor"
s2 = "geeks"
print("\nthe concatenated string is : ",end="")
print(operator.concat(s1, s2))

if(operator.contains(s1, s2)):
    print("geeksfor contain geeks")
    print("geeksfor does not contain geeks")

a = 3
b= 4
print("\nthe bitwise and of a and b is : ",end="")
print(operator.and_(a, b))
print("the bitwise or of a and b is : ",end="")
print(operator.or_(a, b))
print("the bitwise xor of a and b is : ",end=" ")
print(operator.xor(a, b))
print("the inverted value of a is : ",end="")
예제 #49
def get_category_with_id_and_current_user_id(categoryId):
    return Category.query.filter(
        and_(Category.id == int(categoryId),
             Category.userId == current_user.id)).first()
예제 #50
 def notified_thesedays(cls, now, user_id):
     session = Session()
     return session.query(
             and_(cls.target_user == user_id, cls.created_at >
                  (now - timedelta(days=3)))).exists()).scalar()
예제 #51
def owns_current_user_categoryType(type):
    return Category.query.filter(
        and_(Category.type == type,
             Category.userId == current_user.id)).first() is not None
예제 #52
def job():

    now = datetime.now()

    current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")

    global position

    # Generate a panda from alpaca data
    panda = api.get_barset(alpacaTicker, '5Min', limit=600).df
    # Turn panda to csv
    panda.to_csv(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) + '/' + ticker + '.csv')
    # This function to calculate the indicator values on the csv and update
    # Read the updated csv to a panda
    nowData = pd.read_csv(file1)
    # Get the last row date of the panda.
    Date = nowData["Unnamed: 0"][nowData.index[-1]]

    toolbox = base.Toolbox()
    toolbox.register("compile", gp.compile, pset=pset)

    i = operator.and_(
        if_then_else(position, operator.gt(rsi(Date, 7), 42),
                     operator.lt(rsi(Date, 7), 53)),
        operator.lt(ma(Date, 50), ma(Date, 10)))
    rule = toolbox.compile(expr=i)

    action = rule(Date, position)

    if action and position == False:
        buy = True
        sell = False
    elif not action and position == False:
        sell = False
        buy = False
    elif action and position == True:
        sell = False
        buy = False
    elif not action and position == True:
        sell = True
        buy = False

    if buy:
        print(current_time, ": Buy")
        position = True

        if trade:

    elif sell:
        print(current_time, ": Sell")
        position = False

        if trade:

    elif position == False:
        print(current_time, ": Wait")

        print(current_time, ": Hold")

예제 #53
def owns_current_user_noteId(noteId):
    return (Note.query.filter(
        and_(Note.id == int(noteId),
             Note.userId == current_user.id)).first()) is not None
예제 #54
def owns_current_user_categoryId(categoryId):
    return Category.query.filter(
        and_(Category.id == int(categoryId),
             Category.userId == current_user.id)).first() is not None
예제 #55
# In[556]:

dimTemp = dp.deltaTemp * temperatureField + dp.surfaceTemp + dp.potentialTemp * fn.math.exp(
    ndp.dissipation * depthFn) - dp.potentialTemp

# ## Critical temperature analysis

# In[558]:

TC_K0 = 1250 + 273.
TC_K1 = 1300 + 273.

# In[562]:

conditions = [(operator.and_(dimTemp > TC_K0, dimTemp < TC_K1), 1.),
              (True, 0.)]

critTempFn = fn.branching.conditional(conditions)

# In[564]:

get_ipython().magic(u'pinfo glucifer.objects.Contours')

# In[567]:

fig = glucifer.Figure(quality=3)

fig.append(glucifer.objects.Points(swarm, critTempFn, pointSize=2))

#fig.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, pressureField,valueRange=[-1e3, 1e3], pointSize=1))
예제 #56
def get_category_with_type_and_current_user_id(type):
    return Category.query.filter(
        and_(Category.type == type,
             Category.userId == current_user.id)).first()
예제 #57
class ExpressionError(SyntaxError):
    """A Snuggs-specific syntax error."""

    filename = "<string>"
    lineno = 1

op_map = {
    '*': lambda *args: functools.reduce(lambda x, y: operator.mul(x, y), args),
    '+': lambda *args: functools.reduce(lambda x, y: operator.add(x, y), args),
    lambda *args: functools.reduce(lambda x, y: operator.truediv(x, y), args),
    '-': lambda *args: functools.reduce(lambda x, y: operator.sub(x, y), args),
    lambda *args: functools.reduce(lambda x, y: operator.and_(x, y), args),
    '|': lambda *args: functools.reduce(lambda x, y: operator.or_(x, y), args),
    '<': operator.lt,
    '<=': operator.le,
    '==': operator.eq,
    '!=': operator.ne,
    '>=': operator.ge,
    '>': operator.gt

def asarray(*args):
    if len(args) == 1 and hasattr(args[0], '__iter__'):
        return numpy.asanyarray(list(args[0]))
        return numpy.asanyarray(list(args))
예제 #58
    def testOperators(self):
        with self.test_session():
            var_f = tf.Variable([2.0])
            add = var_f + 0.0
            radd = 1.0 + var_f
            sub = var_f - 1.0
            rsub = 1.0 - var_f
            mul = var_f * 10.0
            rmul = 10.0 * var_f
            div = var_f / 10.0
            rdiv = 10.0 / var_f
            lt = var_f < 3.0
            rlt = 3.0 < var_f
            le = var_f <= 2.0
            rle = 2.0 <= var_f
            gt = var_f > 3.0
            rgt = 3.0 > var_f
            ge = var_f >= 2.0
            rge = 2.0 >= var_f
            neg = -var_f
            abs_v = abs(var_f)

            var_i = tf.Variable([20])
            mod = var_i % 7
            rmod = 103 % var_i

            var_b = tf.Variable([True, False])
            and_v = operator.and_(var_b, [True, True])
            or_v = operator.or_(var_b, [False, True])
            xor_v = operator.xor(var_b, [False, False])
            invert_v = ~var_b

            rnd = np.random.rand(4, 4).astype("f")
            var_t = tf.Variable(rnd)
            slice_v = var_t[2, 0:0]

            self.assertAllClose([2.0], add.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([3.0], radd.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([1.0], sub.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([-1.0], rsub.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([20.0], mul.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([20.0], rmul.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([0.2], div.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([5.0], rdiv.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([-2.0], neg.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([2.0], abs_v.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([True], lt.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([False], rlt.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([True], le.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([True], rle.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([False], gt.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([True], rgt.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([True], ge.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([True], rge.eval())

            self.assertAllClose([6], mod.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([3], rmod.eval())

            self.assertAllClose([True, False], and_v.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([True, True], or_v.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([True, False], xor_v.eval())
            self.assertAllClose([False, True], invert_v.eval())

            self.assertAllClose(rnd[2, 0:0], slice_v.eval())
예제 #59
def smart_mul(a, b):
    if all_((a, b), lambda x: isinstance(x, set)):
        return and_(a, b)
    return mul(a, b)
예제 #60
def get_note_with_id_and_current_user_id(noteId):
    return Note.query.filter(
        and_(Note.id == int(noteId), Note.userId == current_user.id)).first()