def test_upsample_bilinear_inverted_by_bilinear(self): test_input = tf.reshape( tf.constant(np.arange(0, 2 * 8 * 8 * 3) / (2 * 8 * 8 * 3), dtype=tf.float32), [2, 8, 8, 3]) up_x = upsample(test_input, "bilinear") down_x = downsample(up_x, "bilinear") np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan, suppress=True) self.assertAllClose(down_x, test_input, atol=.02)
def test_upsample_nn_inverted_by_avg_pool(self): test_input = tf.constant(np.random.normal(0., 1., size=[2, 4, 4, 3]), dtype=tf.float32) up_x = upsample(test_input, "nearest_neighbor") down_x = tf.nn.avg_pool(up_x, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') self.assertAllEqual(down_x, test_input)
def test_upsample_nn(self): test_input_spatial = [[0., 1.], [2., 3.]] test_input = tf.transpose( tf.constant([[test_input_spatial] * 3] * 2, dtype=tf.float32), (0, 2, 3, 1)) # b, h, w, c x = upsample(test_input, method='nearest_neighbor') spatial_target = [[0., 0., 1., 1.], [0., 0., 1., 1.], [2., 2., 3., 3.], [2., 2., 3., 3.]] target_array = tf.constant([[spatial_target] * 3] * 2) # b, c, h, w x = tf.transpose(x, (0, 3, 1, 2)) # b, c, h, w self.assertAllEqual(x, target_array)
def test_upsample_bilinear(self): test_input_spatial = [[0., .1], [.2, .3]] test_input = tf.transpose( tf.constant([[test_input_spatial] * 3] * 2, dtype=tf.float32), (0, 2, 3, 1)) # b, h, w, c x = upsample(test_input, method='bilinear') # skimage.transform.resize (mode='edge') result (a bit different than tf.image.resize_bilinear) spatial_target = [[0., 0.025, 0.075, 0.1], [0.05, 0.075, 0.125, 0.15], [0.15, 0.175, 0.225, 0.25], [0.2, 0.225, 0.275, 0.3]] target_array = tf.constant([[spatial_target] * 3] * 2) # b, c, h, w x = tf.transpose(x, (0, 3, 1, 2)) # b, c, h, w self.assertAllClose(x, target_array, atol=.02)
def __init__(self, sig, sampling_rate, r, sess, inputs, predictions, interp=True): self.rate = sampling_rate self.inputs = inputs self.predictions = predictions self.sess = sess patch_dimension = int(inputs[0].shape[1]) num_to_keep = int( np.floor(len(sig) / patch_dimension) * patch_dimension) sig = sig[:num_to_keep] sig = sig[:len(sig) - ( len(sig) % r )] # Es: scaling_factor = 2 -> se il numero di campioni (lunghezza di x) è pari, allora non succede nulla. Se è dispari, invece, l'ultimo campione viene rimosso. sig_lr = decimate(sig, r) if interp: sig_lr = upsample(sig_lr, r) assert len(sig_lr) == len(sig) num_y = int(sig.shape[0] / patch_dimension) #generate patches self.Y = np.expand_dims(chunkIt(sig, num_y), axis=-1) if interp: self.X_lr = np.expand_dims(chunkIt(sig_lr, num_y), axis=-1) else: self.X_lr = np.expand_dims(chunkIt(sig_lr, int(num_y / r)), axis=-1) self.batches = (self.X_lr, self.Y)
def call(self, alpha, zs=None, intermediate_ws=None, mapping_network=None, cgan_w=None, crossover_list=None, random_crossover=False): """ :param alpha: :param zs: :param intermediate_ws: :param mapping_network: :param cgan_w: :param crossover_list: :param random_crossover: :return: """ intermediate_mode = (intermediate_ws is not None) mixing_mode = isinstance(zs, list) or isinstance(intermediate_ws, list) style_mixing = random_crossover or crossover_list is not None if zs is None and intermediate_ws is None: raise ValueError("Need z or intermediate") if self.use_mapping_network and (mapping_network is None and intermediate_ws is None): raise ValueError("No mapping network supplied to generator call") if not mixing_mode: if intermediate_mode: intermediate_ws = [intermediate_ws] else: zs = [zs] if not intermediate_mode: intermediate_ws = [] for z in zs: z_shape = z.get_shape().as_list() if self.use_pixel_norm: z = pixel_norm(z) # todo: verify correct if len(z_shape) == 2: # [batch size, z dim] if self.map_cond and cgan_w is not None: z = tf.concat([z, cgan_w], -1) intermediate_latent = mapping_network(z) z = tf.expand_dims(z, 1) z = tf.expand_dims(z, 1) #z = tf.reshape(z, [z_shape[0], 1, 1, -1]) else: # [batch size, 1, 1, z dim] z_flat = tf.squeeze(z, axis=[1, 2]) if self.map_cond and cgan_w is not None: z_flat = tf.concat([z_flat, cgan_w], -1) intermediate_latent = mapping_network(z_flat) intermediate_ws.append(intermediate_latent) if len(intermediate_ws) > 1 and not random_crossover and crossover_list is None: raise ValueError("Need crossover for mixing mode") if cgan_w is not None and not self.map_cond: intermediate_latent_cond = tf.concat([intermediate_latent, cgan_w], -1) else: intermediate_latent_cond = None intermediate_latent_cond = None batch_size = tf.shape(intermediate_ws[0])[0] latent_size = tf.shape(intermediate_ws[0])[1] if self.learned_input is not None: z = tf.expand_dims(self.learned_input(None), axis=0) x = tf.tile(z, [batch_size, 1, 1, 1]) else: x = tf.pad(z, [[0, 0], [3, 3], [3, 3], [0, 0]]) if self.model_res_w == 1: # for testing purposes return x current_res = self.start_shape[1] # Inefficient implementation, will have to redo with tf.name_scope("style_mixing"): intermediate_for_layer_list = [] if random_crossover: intermediate_for_layer_list = [] intermediate_mixing_schedule = tf.random.uniform([batch_size], 0, len(self.model_layers), dtype=tf.int32) intermediate_mixing_schedule = tf.transpose( tf.one_hot(intermediate_mixing_schedule, depth=len(self.model_layers), dtype=tf.int32)) intermediate_multiplier_for_current_layer = tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.int32) for i in range(0, len(self.model_layers)): intermediate_multiplier_for_current_layer = tf.bitwise.bitwise_or( intermediate_multiplier_for_current_layer, intermediate_mixing_schedule[i]) intermediate_multiplier = tf.cast(intermediate_multiplier_for_current_layer, dtype=tf.float32) intermediate_multiplier = tf.expand_dims(intermediate_multiplier, 1) intermediate_for_layer_list.append( (1-intermediate_multiplier)*intermediate_ws[0] + intermediate_multiplier*intermediate_ws[1]) elif crossover_list: for i in range(0, len(self.model_layers)): intermediate_index = 0 for c in crossover_list: if i >= c: intermediate_index += 1 intermediate_for_layer_list.append(intermediate_ws[intermediate_index]) to_rgb_lower = 0. layer_counter = 0 # shape: [num_layers, batch_size, len(intermediate_w)] # for i in range(0, len(self.model_layers)): # latents_to_swap = tf.random.categorical([batch_size, 2]) # ([batch_size, latent_size], minval=0, maxval=1, dtype=tf.int32, ) # intermediate_for_layer_list # if random_crossover: # crossover_layer = tf.random_uniform([tf.shape(intermediate_ws[0])[0], 1], 0, len(self.model_layers), # dtype=tf.int32) for conv1, noise1, bias1, tostyle1, conv2, noise2, bias2, tostyle2 in self.model_layers: with tf.name_scope("Res%d"%current_res): #apply_conditioning = intermediate_latent_cond is not None and \ # (self.cond_layers is None or # layer_counter in self.cond_layers) apply_conditioning = False if (self.include_fmap_add_ops): x += tf.zeros([tf.shape(x)], dtype=tf.float32, name="FmapRes%d") if layer_counter != 0 or self.learned_input is None: x = conv1(x) if self.add_noise: with tf.name_scope("noise_add1"): noise_inputs = noise1(False) assert(x.get_shape().as_list()[1:] == noise_inputs.get_shape().as_list()[1:]) x += noise_inputs x = bias1(x) x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=.2) if self.use_pixel_norm: x = pixel_norm(x) if apply_conditioning: ys, yb = tostyle1(intermediate_latent_cond) else: if style_mixing: ys, yb = tostyle1(intermediate_for_layer_list[layer_counter]) else: ys, yb = tostyle1(intermediate_ws[0]) x = adaptive_instance_norm(x, ys, yb) x = conv2(x) if self.use_pixel_norm: x = pixel_norm(x) if self.add_noise: with tf.name_scope("noise_add2"): noise_inputs = noise2(False) assert(x.get_shape().as_list()[1:] == noise_inputs.get_shape().as_list()[1:]) x += noise_inputs x = bias2(x) x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=.2) if apply_conditioning: ys, yb = tostyle2(intermediate_latent_cond) else: if style_mixing: ys, yb = tostyle1(intermediate_for_layer_list[layer_counter]) else: ys, yb = tostyle1(intermediate_ws[0]) x = adaptive_instance_norm(x, ys, yb) if current_res == self.model_res_w // 2: to_rgb_lower = upsample(self.toRGB_lower(x), method=self.resize_method) if current_res != self.model_res_w: x = upsample(x, method=self.resize_method) layer_counter += 1 current_res *= 2 to_rgb = self.toRGB(x) output = to_rgb_lower + alpha * (to_rgb - to_rgb_lower) if self.output_res_w//self.model_res_w >= 2: output = upsample(output, method='nearest_neighbor', factor=self.output_res_w//self.model_res_w) return output
def train(hps, files): ngpus = hps.ngpus config = tf.ConfigProto() if ngpus > 1: try: import horovod.tensorflow as hvd config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = str(hvd.local_rank()) except ImportError: hvd = None print("horovod not available, can only use 1 gpu") ngpus = 1 # todo: organize current_res_w = hps.current_res_w res_multiplier = current_res_w // hps.start_res_w current_res_h = hps.start_res_h * res_multiplier tfrecord_input = any('.tfrecords' in fname for fname in files) # if using tfrecord, assume dataset is duplicated across multiple resolutions if tfrecord_input: num_files = 0 for fname in [fname for fname in files if "res%d" % current_res_w in fname]: for record in tf.compat.v1.python_io.tf_record_iterator(fname): num_files += 1 else: num_files = len(files) label_list = [] total_classes = 0 if hps.label_file: do_cgan = True label_list, total_classes = build_label_list_from_file(hps.label_file) else: do_cgan = False print("dataset has %d files" % num_files) try: batch_size = int(hps.batch_size) try_schedule = False except ValueError: try_schedule = True if try_schedule: batch_schedule = ast.literal_eval(hps.batch_size) else: batch_schedule = None # always generate 32 sample images (should be feasible at high resolutions due to no training) # will probably need to edit for > 128x128 sample_batch = 32 sample_latent_numpy = np.random.normal(0., 1., [sample_batch, 512]) if do_cgan: examples_per_class = sample_batch // total_classes remainder = sample_batch % total_classes sample_cgan_latent_numpy = None for i in range(0, total_classes): class_vector = [0.] * total_classes class_vector[i] = 1. if sample_cgan_latent_numpy is None: sample_cgan_latent_numpy = [class_vector] * (examples_per_class + remainder) else: sample_cgan_latent_numpy += [class_vector] * examples_per_class sample_cgan_latent_numpy = np.array(sample_cgan_latent_numpy) use_beholder = hps.use_beholder if use_beholder: try: from tensorboard.plugins.beholder import Beholder except ImportError: print("Could not import beholder") use_beholder = False while current_res_w <= hps.res_w: if ngpus > 1: hvd.init() print("building graph") if batch_schedule is not None: batch_size = batch_schedule[current_res_w] print("res %d batch size is now %d" % (current_res_w, batch_size)) gen_model, mapping_network, dis_model, sampling_model = \ build_models(hps, current_res_w, use_ema_sampling=True, num_classes=total_classes, label_list=label_list if hps.conditional_type == "acgan" else None) with tf.name_scope("optimizers"): optimizer_d, optimizer_g, optimizer_m = build_optimizers(hps) if ngpus > 1: optimizer_d = hvd.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer_d) optimizer_g = hvd.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer_g) optimizer_m = hvd.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer_m) with tf.name_scope("data"): num_shards = None if ngpus == 1 else ngpus shard_index = None if ngpus == 1 else hvd.rank() it = build_data_iterator(hps, files, current_res_h, current_res_w, batch_size, label_list=label_list, num_shards=num_shards, shard_index=shard_index) next_batch = it.get_next() real_image = next_batch['data'] fake_latent1 = tf.random_normal([batch_size, 512], 0., 1., name="fake_latent") fake_latent2 = tf.random_normal([batch_size, 512], 0., 1., name="fake_latent") fake_label_dict = None real_label_dict = None if do_cgan: fake_label_dict = {} real_label_dict = {} for label in label_list: if hps.cond_uniform_fake: distribution = np.ones_like([label.probabilities]) else: distribution = np.log([label.probabilities]) fake_labels = tf.random.categorical(distribution, batch_size) if label.multi_dim is False: normalized_labels = (fake_labels - tf.reduce_min(fake_labels)) / \ (tf.reduce_max(fake_labels) - tf.reduce_min(fake_labels)) fake_labels = tf.reshape(normalized_labels, [batch_size, 1]) else: fake_labels = tf.reshape(tf.one_hot(fake_labels, label.num_classes), [batch_size, label.num_classes]) fake_label_dict[] = fake_labels real_label_dict[] = next_batch[] #fake_label_list.append(fake_labels) # ideally would handle one dimensional labels differently, theory isn't well supported # for that though (example: categorical values of short, medium, tall are on one dimension) # real_labels = tf.reshape(tf.one_hot(tf.cast(next_batch[], tf.int32), num_classes), # [batch_size, num_classes]) #real_label_list.append(real_labels) fake_label_tensor = tf.concat([fake_label_dict[l] for l in fake_label_dict.keys()], axis=-1) real_label_tensor = tf.concat([real_label_dict[l] for l in real_label_dict.keys()], axis=-1) sample_latent = tf.constant(sample_latent_numpy, dtype=tf.float32, name="sample_latent") if do_cgan: sample_cgan_w = tf.constant(sample_cgan_latent_numpy, dtype=tf.float32, name="sample_cgan_latent") alpha_ph = tf.placeholder(shape=(), dtype=tf.float32, name="alpha") # From Fig 2: "During a resolution transition, # we interpolate between two resolutions of the real images" real_image = real_image*alpha_ph + \ (1-alpha_ph)*upsample(downsample_nv(real_image), method="nearest_neighbor") real_image = upsample(real_image, method='nearest_neighbor', factor=hps.res_w//current_res_w) if do_cgan: with tf.name_scope("gen_synthesis"): fake_image = gen_model(alpha_ph, zs=[fake_latent1, fake_latent2], mapping_network=mapping_network, cgan_w=fake_label_tensor, random_crossover=True) real_logit, real_class_logits = dis_model(real_image, alpha_ph, real_label_tensor if hps.conditional_type == "proj" else None) fake_logit, fake_class_logits = dis_model(fake_image, alpha_ph, fake_label_tensor if hps.conditional_type == "proj" else None) else: with tf.name_scope("gen_synthesis"): fake_image = gen_model(alpha_ph, zs=[fake_latent1, fake_latent2], mapping_network=mapping_network, random_crossover=True) real_logit, real_class_logits = dis_model(real_image, alpha_ph) # todo: make work with other labels fake_logit, fake_class_logits = dis_model(fake_image, alpha_ph) with tf.name_scope("gen_sampling"): average_latent = tf.constant(np.random.normal(0., 1., [10000, 512]), dtype=tf.float32) low_psi = 0.20 if hps.map_cond: class_vector = [0.] * total_classes class_vector[0] = 1. # one hot encoding average_w = tf.reduce_mean(mapping_network(tf.concat([average_latent, [class_vector]*10000], axis=-1)), axis=0) sample_latent_lowpsi = average_w + low_psi * \ (mapping_network(tf.concat([sample_latent, [class_vector]*sample_batch], axis=-1)) - average_w) else: average_w = tf.reduce_mean(mapping_network(average_latent), axis=0) sample_latent_lowpsi = average_w + low_psi * (mapping_network(sample_latent) - average_w) average_w_batch = tf.tile(tf.reshape(average_w, [1, 512]), [sample_batch, 1]) if do_cgan: sample_img_lowpsi = sampling_model(alpha_ph, intermediate_ws=sample_latent_lowpsi, cgan_w=sample_cgan_w) sample_img_base = sampling_model(alpha_ph, zs=sample_latent, mapping_network=mapping_network, cgan_w=sample_cgan_w) sample_img_mode = sampling_model(alpha_ph, intermediate_ws=average_w_batch, cgan_w=sample_cgan_w) sample_img_mode = tf.concat([sample_img_mode[0:2] + sample_img_mode[-3:-1]], axis=0) else: sample_img_lowpsi = sampling_model(alpha_ph, intermediate_ws=sample_latent_lowpsi) sample_img_base = sampling_model(alpha_ph, zs=sample_latent, mapping_network=mapping_network) sample_img_mode = sampling_model(alpha_ph, intermediate_ws=average_w_batch)[0:4] sample_images = tf.concat([sample_img_lowpsi, sample_img_mode, sample_img_base], axis=0) sampling_model_init_ops = weight_following_ema_ops(average_model=sampling_model, reference_model=gen_model) #sample_img_base = gen_model(sample_latent, alpha_ph, mapping_network) with tf.name_scope("loss"): loss_discriminator, loss_generator = hps.loss_fn(real_logit, fake_logit) if real_class_logits is not None: for label in label_list: label_loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=next_batch[], logits=real_class_logits[]) loss_discriminator += label_loss * hps.cond_weight * 1./(len(label_list)) tf.summary.scalar("label_loss_real", tf.reduce_mean(label_loss)) if fake_class_logits is not None: for label in label_list: label_loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=fake_label_dict[], logits=fake_class_logits[]) loss_discriminator += label_loss * hps.cond_weight * 1./(len(label_list)) tf.summary.scalar("label_loss_fake", tf.reduce_mean(label_loss)) loss_generator += label_loss * hps.cond_weight * 1./(len(label_list)) if hps.gp_fn: gp = hps.gp_fn(fake_image, real_image, dis_model, alpha_ph, real_label_dict, conditional_type=hps.conditional_type) tf.summary.scalar("gradient_penalty", tf.reduce_mean(gp)) loss_discriminator += hps.lambda_gp*gp dp = drift_penalty(real_logit) tf.summary.scalar("drift_penalty", tf.reduce_mean(dp)) if hps.lambda_drift != 0.: loss_discriminator = tf.expand_dims(loss_discriminator, -1) + hps.lambda_drift * dp loss_discriminator_avg = tf.reduce_mean(loss_discriminator) loss_generator_avg = tf.reduce_mean(loss_generator) with tf.name_scope("train"): train_step_d = optimizer_d.minimize(loss_discriminator_avg, var_list=dis_model.trainable_variables) # todo: test this with tf.control_dependencies(weight_following_ema_ops(average_model=sampling_model, reference_model=gen_model)): train_step_g = [optimizer_g.minimize(loss_generator_avg, var_list=gen_model.trainable_variables)] if hps.do_mapping_network: train_step_g.append( optimizer_m.minimize(loss_generator_avg, var_list=mapping_network.trainable_variables)) with tf.name_scope("summary"): tf.summary.histogram("real_scores", real_logit) tf.summary.scalar("loss_discriminator", loss_discriminator_avg) tf.summary.scalar("loss_generator", loss_generator_avg) tf.summary.scalar("real_logit", tf.reduce_mean(real_logit)) tf.summary.scalar("fake_logit", tf.reduce_mean(fake_logit)) tf.summary.histogram("real_logit", real_logit) tf.summary.histogram("fake_logit", fake_logit) tf.summary.scalar("alpha", alpha_ph) merged = tf.summary.merge_all() image_summary_real = generate_image_summary(real_image, "real") image_summary_fake_avg = generate_image_summary(sample_images, "fake_avg") #image_summary_fake = generate_image_summary(sample_img_base, "fake") global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() if hps.profile: builder = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder opts = builder(builder.time_and_memory()).order_by('micros').build() with tf.contrib.tfprof.ProfileContext(hps.model_dir, trace_steps=[], dump_steps=[]) as pctx: with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: #if hps.tboard_debug: # sess = tf_debug.TensorBoardDebugWrapperSession(sess, "localhost:6064") #elif hps.cli_debug: # sess = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession(sess) alpha = 1. step = 0 if os.path.exists(hps.save_paths.gen_model) and os.path.exists(hps.save_paths.dis_model): if ngpus == 1 or hvd.rank() == 0: print("restoring") restore_models_and_optimizers(sess, gen_model, dis_model, mapping_network, sampling_model, optimizer_g, optimizer_d, optimizer_m, hps.save_paths) if os.path.exists(hps.save_paths.alpha) and os.path.exists(hps.save_paths.step): alpha, step = restore_alpha_and_step(hps.save_paths) print("alpha") print(alpha) if alpha != 1.: alpha_inc = 1. / (hps.epochs_per_res * (num_files / batch_size)) else: alpha_inc = 0. writer_path = \ os.path.join(hps.model_dir, "summary_%d" % current_res_w, "alpha_start_%d" % alpha) if use_beholder: beholder = Beholder(writer_path) writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(writer_path, sess.graph) writer.add_summary(image_summary_real.eval(feed_dict={alpha_ph: alpha}), step) print("Starting res %d training" % current_res_w) t = trange(hps.epochs_per_res * num_files // batch_size, desc='Training') if ngpus > 1: for phase_step in t: try: for i in range(0, hps.ncritic): if hps.profile: pctx.trace_next_step() pctx.dump_next_step() if step % 5 == 0: summary, ld, _ =[merged, loss_discriminator_avg, train_step_d if not hps.no_train else tf.no_op()], feed_dict={alpha_ph: alpha}) writer.add_summary(summary, step) else: ld, _ =[loss_discriminator_avg, train_step_d if not hps.no_train else tf.no_op()], feed_dict={alpha_ph: alpha}) if hps.profile: pctx.profiler.profile_operations(options=opts) if hps.profile: pctx.trace_next_step() pctx.dump_next_step() lg, _ =[loss_generator_avg, train_step_g if not hps.no_train else tf.no_op()], feed_dict={alpha_ph: alpha}) if hps.profile: pctx.profiler.profile_operations(options=opts) alpha = min(alpha+alpha_inc, 1.) #print("step: %d" % step) #print("loss_d: %f" % ld) #print("loss_g: %f\n" % lg) t.set_description('Overall step %d, loss d %f, loss g %f' % (step+1, ld, lg)) if use_beholder: try: beholder.update(session=sess) except Exception as e: print("Beholder failed: " + str(e)) use_beholder = False if phase_step < 5 or (phase_step < 500 and phase_step % 10 == 0) or (step % 1000 == 0): writer.add_summary(image_summary_fake_avg.eval( feed_dict={alpha_ph: alpha}), step) #writer.add_summary(image_summary_fake.eval( # feed_dict={alpha_ph: alpha}), step) if hps.steps_per_save is not None and step % hps.steps_per_save == 0 and (ngpus == 1 or hvd.rank() == 0): save_models_and_optimizers(sess, gen_model, dis_model, mapping_network, sampling_model, optimizer_g, optimizer_d, optimizer_m, hps.save_paths) save_alpha_and_step(1. if alpha_inc != 0. else 0., step, hps.save_paths) step += 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break assert (abs(alpha - 1.) < .1), "Alpha should be close to 1., not %f" % alpha # alpha close to 1. (dataset divisible by batch_size for small sets) if ngpus == 1 or hvd.rank() == 0: print(1. if alpha_inc != 0. else 0.) save_models_and_optimizers(sess, gen_model, dis_model, mapping_network, sampling_model, optimizer_g, optimizer_d, optimizer_m, hps.save_paths) backup_model_for_this_phase(hps.save_paths, writer_path) save_alpha_and_step(1. if alpha_inc != 0. else 0., step, hps.save_paths) # Will generate Out of range errors, see if it's easy to save a tensor so get_next() doesn't need # a new value #writer.add_summary(image_summary_real.eval(feed_dict={alpha_ph: 1.}), step) #writer.add_summary(image_summary_fake.eval(feed_dict={alpha_ph: 1.}), step) tf.reset_default_graph() if alpha_inc == 0: current_res_h *= 2 current_res_w *= 2