예제 #1
def opt_IA_surrogate_and_search_assist(fun, lbounds, ubounds, budget):
    """Efficient implementation of uniform random search between
    `lbounds` and `ubounds`
    lbounds, ubounds = np.array(lbounds), np.array(ubounds)
    dim, x_min, f_min = len(lbounds), None, None

    opt_ia = optIA.OptIA(fun, lbounds, ubounds, ssa=True, sua=True)
    max_chunk_size = 1 + 4e4 / dim
    x_min = opt_ia.opt_ia(budget)

    return x_min
예제 #2
def opt_IA_random_generation(fun, lbounds, ubounds, budget):
    """Efficient implementation of uniform random search between
    `lbounds` and `ubounds`
    lbounds, ubounds = np.array(lbounds), np.array(ubounds)
    dim, x_min, f_min = len(lbounds), None, None

    opt_ia = optIA.OptIA(fun, lbounds, ubounds, sobol=False)
    max_chunk_size = 1 + 4e4 / dim
    x_min = opt_ia.opt_ia(budget)

    return x_min