def correct_TR(struct, incidence="top"):
    if not struct._TR_calculated:
    # Commented out because right now wl_A and struct.wl
    # have the same range and step        
##    T0 = calc.interpolate(struct.wl, struct.T, wl_A)
##    R0 = calc.interpolate(struct.wl, struct.R, wl_A)
    T0 = struct.T
    R0 = struct.R

    _layers_list = struct._layers_list[:]
    struct_rev = ML(_layers_list, unit=struct.unit,
                    label=struct.label+"_rev", min_wl=struct._min_wl,
                    max_wl = struct._max_wl, wl_step=struct._wl_step,
                    n0=struct.ns, ns=struct.n0)

##    Tr0 = calc.interpolate(struct_rev.wl, struct_rev.T, wl_A)
##    Rr0 = calc.interpolate(struct_rev.wl, struct_rev.R, wl_A)
    Tr0 = struct_rev.T
    Rr0 = struct_rev.R

    if incidence == "top":
        T = (1 - A) * Tg * T0 / (1 - (1 - A)**2 * Rg * Rr0)
        R = R0 + (1 - A)**2 * Rg * T0 * Tr0 / (1 - (1 - A)**2 * Rg * Rr0)
    elif incidence == "bot":
        T = (1 - A) * Tg * Tr0 / (1 - (1 - A)**2 * Rg * Rr0)
        R = Rg + (1 - A)**2 * Rr0 * Tg * Tg / (1 - (1 - A)**2 * Rg * Rr0)

    return T, R
예제 #2
def recalculate_priority(arg):
This function returns a tuple containing a list of layers with calculated priority.
The structure is given as an argument
    first = Ag(arg[1])
    second = DLC80WA(arg[2])
    third = Ag(arg[3])
    fourth = DLC80WA(arg[4])
    mystruct = ML([first, second, third, fourth], min_wl=230, max_wl=2476)

    #### Uncomment for 6-layer structure

    ##    fifth = Ag(arg[5])
    ##    sixth = DLC80WA(arg[6])
    ##    mystruct = ML([first, second, third, fourth,
    ##                   fifth, sixth, AlN(20)],
    ##                  min_wl=230, max_wl=2476)
    ##    ML.calculate_TR(mystruct)

    # Doing unchecked attribute mutation here...future person beware. This
    # only applies because of comment above in correct_TR
    mystruct.T, mystruct.R = correct_TR(mystruct)

    index_lower = 0
    index_middle = 0
    upper_middle = 0
    index_upper = 0

    if mystruct.wl[len(mystruct.wl) - 1] < 3000:
        index_upper = len(mystruct.wl) - 1
    for index, i in enumerate(mystruct.wl):
        if index_lower == 0 and i >= myConst.lower_limit:
            index_lower = index
        elif index_middle == 0 and i >= myConst.upper_limit:
            index_middle = index
        elif myConst.upper_limit != 700 and upper_middle == 0:
            if i >= 700:
                upper_middle = index
        elif index_upper == 0 and i >= 3000:
            index_upper = index
    if myConst.upper_limit == 700:
        upper_middle = index_middle

    T_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_middle], P_data[:, 0],
                        P_data[:, 1])
    R_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[upper_middle:index_upper], S_data[:, 0],
                        S_data[:, 3])

    Transmittance = sum(
        mystruct.T[index_lower:index_middle] * T_array) / (sum(T_array))
    Reflectance = sum(
        mystruct.R[upper_middle:index_upper] * R_array) / (sum(R_array))

    priority = myConst.R_factor * Reflectance + myConst.T_factor * Transmittance

    return (priority, arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4])
def plot_structure(arg):
Basically, this function plots the graph of reflectance and transmittance of a
given three layer structure versus wavelength. The argument is given as a tuple or a list of 3 elements.
In addition, it provides the values of reflectance, transmittance, R_color and T_color.
    first = DLC80WA(arg[0])
    second = Ag(arg[1])
    third = DLC80WA(arg[2])
    fourth = Ag(arg[3])
    fifth = DLC80WA(arg[4])
    sixth = Ag(arg[5])
    seventh = DLC80WA(arg[6])
    mystruct = ML([first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh])
    print mystruct


    index_lower = 0
    index_middle = 0
    upper_middle = 0
    index_upper = 0

    if mystruct.wl[len(mystruct.wl) - 1] < 3000:
        index_upper = len(mystruct.wl) - 1
    for index, i in enumerate(mystruct.wl):
        if index_lower == 0 and i >= myConst.lower_limit:
            index_lower = index
        elif index_middle == 0 and i >= myConst.upper_limit:
            index_middle = index
        elif myConst.upper_limit != 700 and upper_middle == 0:
            if i >= 700:
                upper_middle = index
        elif index_upper == 0 and i >= 3000:
            index_upper = index
    if myConst.upper_limit == 700:
        upper_middle = index_middle

    T_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_middle], P_data[:, 0],
                        P_data[:, 1])
    R_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[upper_middle:index_upper], S_data[:, 0],
                        S_data[:, 3])

    Transmittance = sum(
        mystruct.T[index_lower:index_middle] * T_array) / (sum(T_array))
    Reflectance = sum(
        mystruct.R[upper_middle:index_upper] * R_array) / (sum(R_array))

    priority_value = myConst.R_factor * Reflectance + myConst.T_factor * Transmittance

    print 'Reflectance=%s' % float("{0:.4f}".format(Reflectance))

    print 'Transmittance =%s' % float("{0:.4f}".format(Transmittance))

    print 'T color:', mystruct.T_color
    print 'R color:', mystruct.R_color

def plot_structure(arg):
Basically, this function plots the graph of reflectance and transmittance of a
given three layer structure versus wavelength. The argument is given as a tuple or a list of 3 elements.
In addition, it provides the values of reflectance, transmittance, R_color and T_color.
    first = Ag(arg[0])
    second = DLC80WA(arg[1])
    mystruct = ML([first, second])
    print mystruct
    TR(mystruct, min_wl=200, max_wl=2500, legend=False, show_solar=True)
    plot.plt.plot([400,400], [0,1], "k--")
    plot.plt.plot([700,700], [0,1], "k--")
    plot.plt.text(440, 0.70, "visible", fontsize=16)
    if mystruct.wl[len(mystruct.wl)-1]<3000:
    for index,  i in enumerate(mystruct.wl):
        if index_lower ==0 and i>=myConst.lower_limit:
            index_lower = index
        elif index_middle==0 and i>=myConst.upper_limit:
        elif myConst.upper_limit!= 700 and upper_middle==0:
            if i>=700:
        elif index_upper==0 and i>=3000:
    if myConst.upper_limit==700:
    T_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_middle],P_data[:, 0] , P_data[:, 1])
    R_array=  np.interp(mystruct.wl[upper_middle:index_upper],S_data[:, 0] , S_data[:, 3])
    Transmittance = sum(mystruct.T[index_lower:index_middle]*T_array)/(sum(T_array))
    Reflectance = sum(mystruct.R[upper_middle:index_upper]*R_array)/(sum(R_array))

    priority_value = myConst.R_factor*Reflectance + myConst.T_factor*Transmittance
    print 'Reflectance=%s' % float("{0:.4f}".format(Reflectance))

    print 'Transmittance =%s' % float("{0:.4f}".format(Transmittance))
    print 'T color:', mystruct.T_color
    print 'R color:', mystruct.R_color

def create_structure():
  This function creates a structure composed of randomly generated thicknesses.
  It returns a tuple with a list of layer thicknesses and priority value. 
    L1_thickness = random.uniform(20.0, myConst.max_DLC_thickness)
    L1_thickness = float("{0:.1f}".format(L1_thickness))
    layer_one = DLC80WA(L1_thickness)

    L2_thickness = random.uniform(3.0, 20.0)
    L2_thickness = float("{0:.1f}".format(L2_thickness))
    layer_two = Ag(L2_thickness)

    L3_thickness = random.uniform(20.0, myConst.max_DLC_thickness)
    L3_thickness = float("{0:.1f}".format(L3_thickness))
    layer_three = DLC80WA(L3_thickness)

    mystruct = ML([layer_one, layer_two, layer_three])

    index_lower = 0
    index_middle = 0
    upper_middle = 0
    index_upper = 0
    if mystruct.wl[len(mystruct.wl) - 1] < 3000:
        index_upper = len(mystruct.wl) - 1
    for index, i in enumerate(mystruct.wl):
        if index_lower == 0 and i >= myConst.lower_limit:
            index_lower = index
        elif index_middle == 0 and i >= myConst.upper_limit:
            index_middle = index
        elif myConst.upper_limit != 700 and upper_middle == 0:
            if i >= 700:
                upper_middle = index
        elif index_upper == 0 and i >= 3000:
            index_upper = index
    if myConst.upper_limit == 700:
        upper_middle = index_middle

    T_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_middle], P_data[:, 0],
                        P_data[:, 1])
    R_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[upper_middle:index_upper], S_data[:, 0],
                        S_data[:, 3])

    Transmittance = sum(
        mystruct.T[index_lower:index_middle] * T_array) / (sum(T_array))
    Reflectance = sum(
        mystruct.R[upper_middle:index_upper] * R_array) / (sum(R_array))

    priority = myConst.R_factor * Reflectance + myConst.T_factor * Transmittance

    return (priority, L1_thickness, L2_thickness, L3_thickness)
def recalculate_priority(arg):
This function returns a tuple containing a list of layers with calculated priority.
The structure is given as an argument
    second =DLC80WA (arg[2])
    mystruct = ML([first, second, third, fourth],
                  min_wl=230, max_wl=2476)

    # Doing unchecked attribute mutation here...future person beware. This
    # only applies because of comment above in correct_TR
    mystruct.T, mystruct.R = correct_TR(mystruct)


    if mystruct.wl[len(mystruct.wl)-1]<3000:
    for index,  i in enumerate(mystruct.wl):
        if index_lower ==0 and i>=myConst.lower_limit:
            index_lower = index
        elif index_middle==0 and i>=myConst.upper_limit:
        elif myConst.upper_limit!= 700 and upper_middle==0:
            if i>=700:
        elif index_upper==0 and i>=3000:
    if myConst.upper_limit==700:
    T_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_middle],P_data[:, 0] , P_data[:, 1])
    sol_array=  np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_upper],S_data[:, 0] , S_data[:, 3])
    Tvis = sum(mystruct.T[index_lower:index_middle]*T_array)/(sum(T_array))
    TSER = 1 - sum(mystruct.T[index_lower:index_upper]*sol_array)/(sum(sol_array)) - 0.04
    priority = -1 / (Tvis - myConst.p1) - \
               abs(myConst.p2 * (TSER - myConst.wanted_TSER))

    return (priority, arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], Tvis, TSER)
def recalculate_priority(arg):
This function returns a tuple containing a list of layers with calculated priority.
The structure is given as an argument
    first = DLC80WA(arg[1])
    second = Ag(arg[2])
    third = DLC80WA(arg[3])
    fourth = Ag(arg[4])
    fifth = DLC80WA(arg[5])
    sixth = Ag(arg[6])
    seventh = DLC80WA(arg[7])

    mystruct = ML([first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh])

    index_lower = 0
    index_middle = 0
    upper_middle = 0
    index_upper = 0

    if mystruct.wl[len(mystruct.wl) - 1] < 3000:
        index_upper = len(mystruct.wl) - 1
    for index, i in enumerate(mystruct.wl):
        if index_lower == 0 and i >= myConst.lower_limit:
            index_lower = index
        elif index_middle == 0 and i >= myConst.upper_limit:
            index_middle = index
        elif myConst.upper_limit != 700 and upper_middle == 0:
            if i >= 700:
                upper_middle = index
        elif index_upper == 0 and i >= 3000:
            index_upper = index
    if myConst.upper_limit == 700:
        upper_middle = index_middle

    T_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_middle], P_data[:, 0],
                        P_data[:, 1])
    R_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[upper_middle:index_upper], S_data[:, 0],
                        S_data[:, 3])

    Transmittance = sum(
        mystruct.T[index_lower:index_middle] * T_array) / (sum(T_array))
    Reflectance = sum(
        mystruct.R[upper_middle:index_upper] * R_array) / (sum(R_array))

    priority = myConst.R_factor * Reflectance + myConst.T_factor * Transmittance
    return (priority, arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5], arg[6], arg[7])
def create_structure():
  This function creates a structure composed of randomly generated thicknesses.
  It returns a tuple with a list of layer thicknesses and priority value. 
    L1_thickness=random.uniform(15., 30.)  # 3 to 20 used to be
    L2_thickness=random.uniform(20.0, myConst.max_DLC_thickness)
    L3_thickness=random.uniform(15., 30.)   # 3 to 20 used to be
    L4_thickness=random.uniform(20.0, myConst.max_DLC_thickness)
    mystruct = ML([layer_one, layer_two, layer_three, layer_four],
                  min_wl=230, max_wl=2476)

    # Doing unchecked attribute mutation here...future person beware. This
    # only applies because of comment above in correct_TR
    mystruct.T, mystruct.R = correct_TR(mystruct)

    if mystruct.wl[len(mystruct.wl)-1]<3000:
    for index,  i in enumerate(mystruct.wl):
        if index_lower ==0 and i>=myConst.lower_limit:
            index_lower = index
        elif index_middle==0 and i>=myConst.upper_limit:
        elif myConst.upper_limit!= 700 and upper_middle==0:
            if i>=700:
        elif index_upper==0 and i>=3000:
    if myConst.upper_limit==700:
    T_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_middle],P_data[:, 0] , P_data[:, 1])
    sol_array=  np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_upper],S_data[:, 0] , S_data[:, 3])
    Tvis = sum(mystruct.T[index_lower:index_middle]*T_array)/(sum(T_array))
    TSER = 1 - sum(mystruct.T[index_lower:index_upper]*sol_array)/(sum(sol_array)) - 0.04
    priority = -1 / (Tvis - myConst.p1) - \
               abs(myConst.p2 * (TSER - myConst.wanted_TSER))

    return (priority, L1_thickness, L2_thickness, L3_thickness, L4_thickness,
            Tvis, TSER)
def plot_structure(arg, text_only=False):
Basically, this function plots the graph of reflectance and transmittance of a
given three layer structure versus wavelength. The argument is given as a tuple or a list of 3 elements.
In addition, it provides the values of reflectance, transmittance, R_color and T_color.
    first = Ag(arg[1])
    second = DLC80WA(arg[2])
    third = Ag(arg[3])
    fourth = DLC80WA(arg[4])
    mystruct = ML([first, second, third, fourth],
                  min_wl=230, max_wl=2476)

#### Uncomment for 6-layer structure

##    fifth = Ag(arg[4])
##    sixth = DLC80WA(arg[5])
##    mystruct = ML([first, second, third, fourth,
##                   fifth, sixth, AlN(20)],
##                  min_wl=230, max_wl=2476)
    print mystruct
##    mystruct.calculate_color()

    # Doing unchecked attribute mutation here...future person beware. This
    # only applies because of comment above in correct_TR
    mystruct.T, mystruct.R = correct_TR(mystruct)

    if mystruct.wl[len(mystruct.wl)-1]<3000:
    for index,  i in enumerate(mystruct.wl):
        if index_lower ==0 and i>=myConst.lower_limit:
            index_lower = index
        elif index_middle==0 and i>=myConst.upper_limit:
        elif myConst.upper_limit!= 700 and upper_middle==0:
            if i>=700:
        elif index_upper==0 and i>=3000:
    if myConst.upper_limit==700:
    T_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_middle],P_data[:, 0] , P_data[:, 1])
    sol_array=  np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_upper],S_data[:, 0] , S_data[:, 3])
    Tvis = sum(mystruct.T[index_lower:index_middle]*T_array)/(sum(T_array))
    TSER = 1 - sum(mystruct.T[index_lower:index_upper]*sol_array)/(sum(sol_array)) - 0.04
    priority = -1 / (Tvis - myConst.p1) - \
               abs(myConst.p2 * (TSER - myConst.wanted_TSER))
    print 'TSER = %s' % float("{0:.4f}".format(TSER))

    print 'Tvis = %s' % float("{0:.4f}".format(Tvis))
##    print 'T_color:', mystruct.T_color
##    print 'R_color:', mystruct.R_color

    if not text_only:
        TR(mystruct, show_solar=True, max_wl=2500, min_wl=200, legend=False)
        plot.plt.plot([400,400], [0,1], "k--")
        plot.plt.plot([700,700], [0,1], "k--")
        plot.plt.text(425, 0.70, "visible", fontsize=16)


    return mystruct
def create_structure():
  This function creates a structure composed of randomly generated thicknesses.
  It returns a tuple with a list of layer thicknesses and priority value. 
    L1_thickness = random.uniform(20.0, myConst.max_DLC_thickness)
    L1_thickness = float("{0:.1f}".format(L1_thickness))
    ##    layer_one=DLC80WA(L1_thickness)
    layer_one = Ag(L1_thickness)

    L2_thickness = random.uniform(3.0, 20.0)
    L2_thickness = float("{0:.1f}".format(L2_thickness))
    ##    layer_two=Ag(L2_thickness)
    layer_two = DLC80WA(L2_thickness)

    L3_thickness = random.uniform(20.0, myConst.max_DLC_thickness)
    L3_thickness = float("{0:.1f}".format(L3_thickness))
    ##    layer_three=DLC80WA(L3_thickness)
    layer_three = Ag(L3_thickness)

    L4_thickness = random.uniform(3.0, 20.0)
    L4_thickness = float("{0:.1f}".format(L4_thickness))
    ##    layer_four=Ag(L4_thickness)
    layer_four = DLC80WA(L4_thickness)

    L5_thickness = random.uniform(20.0, myConst.max_DLC_thickness)
    L5_thickness = float("{0:.1f}".format(L5_thickness))
    ##    layer_five=DLC80WA(L5_thickness)
    layer_five = AlN(L5_thickness)

    mystruct = ML([layer_one, layer_two, layer_three, layer_four, layer_five],

    # Doing unchecked attribute mutation here...future person beware. This
    # only applies because of comment above in correct_TR
    mystruct.T, mystruct.R = correct_TR(mystruct)

    index_lower = 0
    index_middle = 0
    upper_middle = 0
    index_upper = 0

    if mystruct.wl[len(mystruct.wl) - 1] < 3000:
        index_upper = len(mystruct.wl) - 1
    for index, i in enumerate(mystruct.wl):
        if index_lower == 0 and i >= myConst.lower_limit:
            index_lower = index
        elif index_middle == 0 and i >= myConst.upper_limit:
            index_middle = index
        elif myConst.upper_limit != 700 and upper_middle == 0:
            if i >= 700:
                upper_middle = index
        elif index_upper == 0 and i >= 3000:
            index_upper = index
    if myConst.upper_limit == 700:
        upper_middle = index_middle

    T_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_middle], P_data[:, 0],
                        P_data[:, 1])
    R_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[upper_middle:index_upper], S_data[:, 0],
                        S_data[:, 3])

    Transmittance = sum(
        mystruct.T[index_lower:index_middle] * T_array) / (sum(T_array))
    Reflectance = sum(
        mystruct.R[upper_middle:index_upper] * R_array) / (sum(R_array))

    priority = myConst.R_factor * Reflectance + myConst.T_factor * Transmittance

    return (priority, L1_thickness, L2_thickness, L3_thickness, L4_thickness,
def plot_structure(arg):
Basically, this function plots the graph of reflectance and transmittance of a
given three layer structure versus wavelength. The argument is given as a tuple or a list of 3 elements.
In addition, it provides the values of reflectance, transmittance, R_color and T_color.
    ##    first = DLC80WA(arg[0])
    ##    second = Ag(arg[1])
    ##    third = DLC80WA(arg[2])
    ##    fourth = Ag(arg[3])
    ##    fifth = DLC80WA(arg[4])

    first = Ag(arg[0])
    second = DLC80WA(arg[1])
    third = Ag(arg[2])
    fourth = DLC80WA(arg[3])
    fifth = AlN(arg[4])
    mystruct = ML([first, second, third, fourth, fifth],
    print mystruct


    # Doing unchecked attribute mutation here...future person beware. This
    # only applies because of comment above in correct_TR
    mystruct.T, mystruct.R = correct_TR(mystruct)

    TR(mystruct, show_solar=True, max_wl=2500)

    index_lower = 0
    index_middle = 0
    upper_middle = 0
    index_upper = 0

    if mystruct.wl[len(mystruct.wl) - 1] < 3000:
        index_upper = len(mystruct.wl) - 1
    for index, i in enumerate(mystruct.wl):
        if index_lower == 0 and i >= myConst.lower_limit:
            index_lower = index
        elif index_middle == 0 and i >= myConst.upper_limit:
            index_middle = index
        elif myConst.upper_limit != 700 and upper_middle == 0:
            if i >= 700:
                upper_middle = index
        elif index_upper == 0 and i >= 3000:
            index_upper = index
    if myConst.upper_limit == 700:
        upper_middle = index_middle

    T_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[index_lower:index_middle], P_data[:, 0],
                        P_data[:, 1])
    R_array = np.interp(mystruct.wl[upper_middle:index_upper], S_data[:, 0],
                        S_data[:, 3])

    Transmittance = sum(
        mystruct.T[index_lower:index_middle] * T_array) / (sum(T_array))
    Reflectance = sum(
        mystruct.R[upper_middle:index_upper] * R_array) / (sum(R_array))

    priority_value = myConst.R_factor * Reflectance + myConst.T_factor * Transmittance

    print 'Reflectance=%s' % float("{0:.4f}".format(Reflectance))

    print 'Transmitance =%s' % float("{0:.4f}".format(Transmittance))

    print 'T_color:', mystruct.T_color
    print 'R_color:', mystruct.R_color
