예제 #1
 def update(self, waves: Array[cst.NPFT], h: float, z: float) -> None:
     # Update the resonant and total index change -------------------
     N_1 = self._N_1[self._step]
     # Signal -------------------------------------------------------
     for i in range(len(self._center_omega_s)):
         n_0 = self._n_0_s[i]
         delta_n_s = self._res_index.n(self._omega_s[i], n_0, N_1)
         self._n_tot_s[i] = n_0 + delta_n_s
         NA = NumericalAperture.calc_NA(self._n_tot_s[i], self._n_clad_s[i])
         self._A_eff_s[i] = self._eff_area_s(self._omega_s[i], NA)
         self._Gamma_s[i] = self._overlap_s(self._A_eff_s[i])
     # Pump ---------------------------------------------------------
     for i in range(len(self._center_omega_p)):
         n_0 = self._n_0_p[i]
         delta_n_p = self._res_index.n(self._omega_p[i], n_0, N_1)
         self._n_tot_p[i] = n_0 + delta_n_p
         NA = NumericalAperture.calc_NA(self._n_tot_p[i], self._n_clad_p[i])
         self._A_eff_p[i] = self._eff_area_s(self._omega_p[i], NA)
         self._Gamma_p[i] = self._overlap_p(self._A_eff_p[i])
예제 #2
    def get_eff_area(self, omega, step):
        """Return the effective area.
        Assume that omega is part of current center omegas.

        omega :
            The angular frequency.  :math:`[rad\cdot ps^{-1}]`
        step :
            The current step of the computation.

            The effective area at the specified space step.
            :math:`[\mu m^2]`

        # Handle isinstance(omega, float) ------------------------------
        revert = False
        if (isinstance(omega, float)):
            omega = np.array([omega])
            revert = True
        # Getter -------------------------------------------------------
        NA = NumericalAperture.calc_NA(self.get_n_core(omega, step),
                                       self.get_n_clad(omega, step))
        res = np.zeros_like(omega)
        self._eff_area_s.NA = NA
        self._eff_area_p.NA = NA
        for i in range(len(omega)):
            if (util.is_float_in_list(omega[i], self._center_omega_s)):
                res[i] = self._eff_area_s(omega[i])
                res[i] = self._eff_area_p(omega[i])
        # Revert float type of omega -----------------------------------
        if (revert):
            res = res[0]

        return res
예제 #3
    def __init__(self,
                 sigma_a: Optional[Union[List[float], Callable]] = None,
                 sigma_e: Optional[Union[List[float], Callable]] = None,
                 n_core: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None,
                 n_clad: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None,
                 NA: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None,
                 temperature: float = 293.15,
                 tau_meta: float = cst.TAU_META,
                 N_T: float = cst.N_T,
                 core_radius: float = cst.CORE_RADIUS,
                 clad_radius: float = cst.CLAD_RADIUS,
                 area_doped: Optional[float] = None,
                 eta_s: float = cst.ETA_SIGNAL,
                 eta_p: float = cst.ETA_PUMP,
                 R_0: float = cst.R_0,
                 R_L: float = cst.R_L,
                 signal_width: List[float] = [1.0],
                 medium: str = cst.DEF_FIBER_MEDIUM,
                 dopant: str = cst.DEF_FIBER_DOPANT,
                 step_update: bool = False) -> None:
        sigma_a :
            The absorption cross sections of the signal and the pump
            (1<=len(sigma_a)<=2). :math:`[nm^2]` If a callable is
            provided, varibale must be wavelength. :math:`[nm]`
        sigma_e :
            The emission cross sections of the signal and the pump
            (1<=len(sigma_a)<=2). :math:`[nm^2]` If a callable is
            provided, varibale must be wavelength. :math:`[nm]`
        n_core :
            The refractive index of the core. If the medium is not
            recognised by Optcom, at least two elements should be
            provided out of those three: n_core, n_clad, NA.
        n_clad :
            The refractive index of the cladding. If the medium is not
            recognised by Optcom, at least two elements should be
            provided out of those three: n_core, n_clad, NA.
        NA :
            The numerical aperture. If the medium is not
            recognised by Optcom, at least two elements should be
            provided out of those three: n_core, n_clad, NA.
        temperature :
            The temperature of the medium. :math:`[K]`
        tau_meta :
            The metastable level lifetime. :math:`[\mu s]`
        N_T :
            The total doping concentration. :math:`[nm^{-3}]`
        core_radius :
            The radius of the core. :math:`[\mu m]`
        clad_radius :
            The radius of the cladding. :math:`[\mu m]`
        area_doped :
            The doped area. :math:`[\mu m^2]` If None, will be
            approximated to the core area.
        eta_s :
            The background signal loss. :math:`[km^{-1}]`
        eta_p :
            The background pump loss. :math:`[km^{-1}]`
        R_0 :
            The reflectivity at the fiber start.
        R_L :
            The reflectivity at the fiber end.
        signal_width :
            The width of each channel of the signal. :math:`[ps]`
        medium :
            The main medium of the fiber amplifier.
        dopant :
            The doped medium of the fiber amplifier.
        step_update :
            If True, update the signal and pump power from the wave
            arrays at each space step.

        super().__init__(2)  # 2 equations

        # Variable declaration -----------------------------------------
        self._power_s_f: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._power_s_b: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._power_s_ref: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._power_p_f: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._power_p_b: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._power_p_ref: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._power_ase_f: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._power_ase_b: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._N_1: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._sigma_a_s: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._sigma_a_p: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._sigma_e_s: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._sigma_e_p: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._n_tot_s: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._n_tot_p: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._n_0_s: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._n_0_p: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._n_clad_s: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._n_clad_p: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._Gamma_s: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._Gamma_p: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._A_eff_s: Array[float] = np.array([])
        self._A_eff_p: Array[float] = np.array([])
        # Variable initialization --------------------------------------
        self._coprop: bool = True

        self._step_update: bool = step_update

        self._signal_width = signal_width

        self._medium: str = medium
        self._dopant: str = dopant

        self._T: float = temperature
        self._N_T: float = N_T
        self._tau: float = tau_meta * 1e6  # us -> ps
        self._decay: float = 1 / self._tau

        if (area_doped is None):
            area_doped = (cst.PI * core_radius**2)
        # TO DO: make option cladding doped and thus A_d_p = A_cladding
        A_d_p = (cst.PI * core_radius**2)
        A_d_s = area_doped
        self._overlap_s = OverlapFactor(A_d_s)
        self._overlap_p = OverlapFactor(A_d_p)
        self._A_d_s = A_d_s * 1e6  # um^2 -> nm^2
        # Doping region area, can be cladding or core
        self._A_d_p = area_doped * 1e6  # um^2 -> nm^2

        self._core_radius = core_radius

        self._res_index: ResonantIndex = ResonantIndex(medium=self._dopant)

        # Set n_core and n_clad depending on NA (forget NA afterwards)
        # Assume that only core medium can be calculated with Sellmeier
        # equations.  Could be changed later. Would be easier to have
        # also cladding medium set by Sellmeier but cladding medium
        # not always available. -> To Discuss
        self._calc_n_core: Optional[Sellmeier] = None
        self._calc_n_clad: Optional[Callable] = None
        if (NA is None and n_clad is None):
            util.warning_terminal("Must specify at least NA or n_clad, "
                                  "n_clad will be set to 0.")
            self._n_clad_s_value = 0.0
            self._n_clad_p_value = 0.0
        if (n_clad is not None):  # default is NA is None
            n_clad_temp = util.make_list(n_clad, 2)
            self._n_clad_s_value = n_clad_temp[0]
            self._n_clad_p_value = n_clad_temp[1]
        if (n_core is None):
            if (NA is not None and n_clad is not None):
                n_clad_temp = util.make_list(n_clad, 2)
                self._n_0_s_value =\
                    NumericalAperture.calc_n_core(NA, n_clad_temp[0])
                self._n_0_p_value =\
                    NumericalAperture.calc_n_core(NA, n_clad_temp[1])
                self._calc_n_core = Sellmeier(medium=self._medium)
                if (NA is not None and n_clad is None):
                    self._calc_n_clad = NumericalAperture.calc_n_clad
                    NA_temp = util.make_list(NA, 2)
                    self._NA_value_s = NA_temp[0]
                    self._NA_value_p = NA_temp[1]
            n_core_: List[float] = util.make_list(n_core, 2)
            self._n_0_s_value = n_core_[0]
            self._n_0_p_value = n_core_[1]
            if (NA is not None and n_clad is None):
                self._n_clad_s_value =\
                    NumericalAperture.calc_n_clad(NA, n_core_[0])
                self._n_clad_p_value =\
                    NumericalAperture.calc_n_clad(NA, n_core_[1])

        self._eff_area_s = EffectiveArea(core_radius)
        self._eff_area_p = EffectiveArea(core_radius)
        self._eta_s = eta_s * 1e-12  # km^{-1} -> nm^{-1}
        self._eta_p = eta_p * 1e-12  # km^{-1} -> nm^{-1}
        self._factor_s = 1 / (cst.HBAR * self._A_d_s)
        self._factor_p = 1 / (cst.HBAR * self._A_d_p)

        self._absorp: Optional[Absorption] = None
        if (sigma_a is None):
            self._absorp = Absorption(dopant=dopant)
            if (callable(sigma_a)):
                self._absorp = Absorption(predict=sigma_a)
                sigma_a_: List[float] = util.make_list(sigma_a, 2)
                self._sigma_a_s_value = sigma_a_[0]
                self._sigma_a_p_value = sigma_a_[1]

        self._sigma_e_mccumber = False
        self._stimu: Optional[StimulatedEmission] = None
        if (sigma_e is None):
            self._sigma_e_mccumber = True
            if (callable(sigma_e)):
                self._stimu = StimulatedEmission(predict=sigma_e)
                sigma_e_: List[float] = util.make_list(sigma_e, 2)
                self._sigma_e_s_value = sigma_e_[0]
                self._sigma_e_p_value = sigma_e_[1]

        self._R_0 = R_0
        self._R_L = R_L
예제 #4
 def open(self, domain: Domain, *fields: List[Field]) -> None:
     super().open(domain, *fields)
     # Initialize angular frequency ---------------------------------
     self._samples = len(self._omega)
     self._omega_s = self._in_eq_waves(self._omega_all, 0)
     self._omega_p = self._in_eq_waves(self._omega_all, 1)
     # Iniate array for center omegas data --------------------------
     self._center_omega_s = self._in_eq_waves(self._center_omega, 0)
     self._center_omega_p = self._in_eq_waves(self._center_omega, 1)
     # Signal channel width ----------------------------------------
     signal_width = np.array(
         util.make_list(self._signal_width, len(self._center_omega_s)))
     self._width_omega_s = (1.0 / signal_width) * 2.0 * cst.PI
     # Initiate the variables array - power and pop. density --------
     self._shape_step_s = (len(self._center_omega_s), self._samples)
     self._power_s_f = np.zeros((1, ) + self._shape_step_s)
     self._power_s_b = np.zeros((1, ) + self._shape_step_s)
     self._power_s_ref = np.zeros(self._shape_step_s)
     self._power_ase_f = np.zeros((1, ) + self._shape_step_s)
     self._power_ase_b = np.zeros((1, ) + self._shape_step_s)
     self._shape_step_p = (len(self._center_omega_p), self._samples)
     self._power_p_f = np.zeros((1, ) + self._shape_step_p)
     self._power_p_b = np.zeros((1, ) + self._shape_step_p)
     self._power_p_ref = np.zeros(self._shape_step_p)
     self._N_1 = np.zeros(1)
     # Initiate refractive index ------------------------------------
     if (self._calc_n_core):
         self._n_0_s = self._calc_n_core.n(self._omega_s)
         self._n_0_p = self._calc_n_core.n(self._omega_p)
         self._n_0_s = np.ones(self._shape_step_s) * self._n_0_s_value
         self._n_0_p = np.ones(self._shape_step_p) * self._n_0_p_value
     if (self._calc_n_clad):
         NA_s = np.ones(self._shape_step_s) * self._NA_value_s
         NA_p = np.ones(self._shape_step_p) * self._NA_value_p
         self._n_clad_s = self._calc_n_clad(NA_s, self._n_0_s)
         self._n_clad_p = self._calc_n_clad(NA_p, self._n_0_p)
         self._n_clad_s = np.ones(self._shape_step_s) * self._n_clad_s_value
         self._n_clad_p = np.ones(self._shape_step_p) * self._n_clad_p_value
     self._n_tot_s = np.zeros(self._shape_step_s)
     self._n_tot_p = np.zeros(self._shape_step_p)
     # Initiate cross sections for each frequency -------------------
     self._A_eff_s = np.zeros(self._shape_step_s)
     self._Gamma_s = np.zeros(self._shape_step_s)
     for i in range(len(self._center_omega_s)):
         NA = NumericalAperture.calc_NA(self._n_0_s[i], self._n_clad_s[i])
         self._A_eff_s[i] = self._eff_area_s(self._omega_s[i], NA)
         self._Gamma_s[i] = self._overlap_s(self._A_eff_s[i])
     self._A_eff_p = np.zeros(self._shape_step_p)
     self._Gamma_p = np.zeros(self._shape_step_p)
     for i in range(len(self._center_omega_p)):
         NA = NumericalAperture.calc_NA(self._n_0_p[i], self._n_clad_p[i])
         self._A_eff_p[i] = self._eff_area_s(self._omega_p[i], NA)
         self._Gamma_p[i] = self._overlap_p(self._A_eff_p[i])
     # Initiate cross sections for each frequency -------------------
     if (self._absorp is not None):
         self._sigma_a_s = np.zeros(self._shape_step_s)
         self._sigma_a_p = np.zeros(self._shape_step_p)
         for i in range(len(self._center_omega_s)):
             self._sigma_a_s[i] =\
         for i in range(len(self._center_omega_p)):
             self._sigma_a_p[i] =\
         self._sigma_a_s = np.ones(
             self._shape_step_s) * self._sigma_a_s_value
         self._sigma_a_p = np.ones(
             self._shape_step_p) * self._sigma_a_p_value
     if (self._stimu is not None):
         self._sigma_e_s = np.zeros(self._shape_step_s)
         self._sigma_e_p = np.zeros(self._shape_step_p)
         for i in range(len(self._center_omega_s)):
             self._sigma_e_s[i] =\
         for i in range(len(self._center_omega_p)):
             self._sigma_e_p[i] =\
         if (self._sigma_e_mccumber):
             self._sigma_e_s = np.zeros(self._shape_step_s)
             self._sigma_e_p = np.zeros(self._shape_step_p)
             # must initiate here
             self._sigma_e_s = (np.ones(self._shape_step_s) *
             self._sigma_e_p = (np.ones(self._shape_step_p) *
     # Initiate counter ---------------------------------------------
     self._iter = -1  # -1 bcs increment in the first init. cond.
     self._call_counter = 0
     self._step = 0
     self._forward = True
예제 #5

    effective_area = EffectiveArea(core_radius=core_radius, NA=NA)

    # With numpy ndarray
    lambdas = np.linspace(900, 1550, 100)
    omegas = Domain.lambda_to_omega(lambdas)
    n_core = np.linspace(1.42, 1.43, 100)
    n_clad = np.linspace(1.415, 1.425, 100)
    NA = NumericalAperture.calc_NA(n_core, n_clad)

    effective_area = EffectiveArea(core_radius=core_radius, NA=NA)
    res = effective_area(omegas)

    x_labels = ['Lambda']
    y_labels = ['Effective Area']
    plot_titles = ["Effective Area as a function of the wavelength"]

              y_ranges=[2.5 * 1e-20, 3.5 * 1e-20])
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, N_T: float, doped_area: Optional[float],
                 n_core: FLOAT_COEFF_TYPE_OPTIONAL,
                 n_clad: FLOAT_COEFF_TYPE_OPTIONAL,
                 v_nbr: FLOAT_COEFF_TYPE_OPTIONAL,
                 eff_area: FLOAT_COEFF_TYPE_OPTIONAL,
                 overlap: FLOAT_COEFF_TYPE_OPTIONAL,
                 sigma_a: FLOAT_COEFF_TYPE_OPTIONAL,
                 sigma_e: FLOAT_COEFF_TYPE_OPTIONAL, core_radius: float,
                 clad_radius: float, medium_core: str, medium_clad: str,
                 dopant: str, temperature: float, RESO_INDEX: bool,
                 CORE_PUMPED: bool, CLAD_PUMPED: bool, NOISE: bool,
                 STEP_UPDATE: bool) -> None:
        N_T :
            The total doping concentration. :math:`[nm^{-3}]`
        doped_area :
            The doped area. :math:`[\mu m^2]`  If None, will be set to
            the core area.
        n_core :
            The refractive index of the core.  If a callable
            is provided, variable must be angular frequency.
            :math:`[ps^{-1}]` (1<=len(n_core)<=2 for signal and pump)
        n_clad :
            The refractive index of the cladding.  If a callable
            is provided, variable must be angular frequency.
            :math:`[ps^{-1}]` (1<=len(n_clad)<=2 for signal and pump)
        NA :
            The numerical aperture. :math:`[]`  If a callable
            is provided, variable must be angular frequency.
            :math:`[ps^{-1}]` (1<=len(NA)<=2 for signal and pump)
        v_nbr :
            The V number. :math:`[]`  If a callable
            is provided, variable must be angular frequency.
            :math:`[ps^{-1}]` (1<=len(v_nbr)<=2 for signal and pump)
        eff_area :
            The effective area. :math:`[\u m^2]` If a callable
            is provided, variable must be angular frequency.
            :math:`[ps^{-1}]` (1<=len(eff_area)<=2 for signal and pump)
        overlap :
            The overlap factors of the signal and the pump.
            (1<=len(overlap)<=2). [signal, pump]  If a
            callable is provided, the variable must be angular
            frequency. :math:`[ps^{-1}]`
        sigma_a :
            The absorption cross sections of the signal and the pump
            (1<=len(sigma_a)<=2). :math:`[nm^2]` [signal, pump]  If a
            callable is provided, the variable must be angular
            frequency. :math:`[ps^{-1}]`
        sigma_e :
            The emission cross sections of the signal and the pump
            (1<=len(sigma_e)<=2). :math:`[nm^2]` [signal, pump]  If a
            callable is provided, the variable must be angular
            frequency. :math:`[ps^{-1}]`
        core_radius :
            The radius of the core. :math:`[\mu m]`
        clad_radius :
            The radius of the cladding. :math:`[\mu m]`
        medium_core :
            The medium of the core.
        medium_clad :
            The medium of the cladding.
        dopant :
            The doping medium of the active fiber.
        temperature :
            The temperature of the fiber. :math:`[K]`
        RESO_INDEX :
            If True, trigger the resonant refractive index which will
            be added to the core refractive index. To see the effect of
            the resonant index, the flag STEP_UPDATE must be set to True
            in order to update the dispersion coefficient at each space
            step depending on the resonant index at each space step.
        CORE_PUMPED :
            If True, there is dopant in the core.
        CLAD_PUMPED :
            If True, there is dopant in the cladding.
        NOISE :
            If True, trigger the noise calculation.
        STEP_UPDATE :
            If True, update fiber parameters at each spatial sub-step.

        nbr_eqs = 4
                         prop_dir=[True, False, True, False],
        n_core = util.make_list(n_core, 2)
        n_clad = util.make_list(n_clad, 2)
        NA = util.make_list(NA, 2)
        v_nbr = util.make_list(v_nbr, 2)
        eff_area = util.make_list(eff_area, 2)
        overlap = util.make_list(overlap, 2)
        sigma_a = util.make_list(sigma_a, 2)
        sigma_e = util.make_list(sigma_e, 2)
        # Alias --------------------------------------------------------
        CLE = CallableLittExpr
        CC = CallableContainer
        # Doping concentration -----------------------------------------
        self._N_T = N_T
        # Media --------------------------------------------------------
        self._medium_core: str = medium_core
        self._medium_clad: str = medium_clad
        # Refractive indices and numerical aperture --------------------
        self._n_core: List[Union[float, Callable]] = []
        self._n_clad: List[Union[float, Callable]] = []
        self._NA: List[Union[float, Callable]] = []
        self._n_reso: List[ResonantIndex] = []
        fct_calc_n_core = NumericalAperture.calc_n_core
        fct_calc_n_clad = NumericalAperture.calc_n_core
        n_core_pur_: Union[CallableLittExpr, CallableContainer, Sellmeier]
        n_core_: Union[CallableLittExpr, CallableContainer, Sellmeier]
        n_clad_: Union[CallableLittExpr, CallableContainer, NumericalAperture,
        NA_: Callable
        n_reso_: ResonantIndex
        for i in range(2):
            crt_n_core = n_core[i]
            crt_n_clad = n_clad[i]
            crt_NA = NA[i]
            if (crt_n_core is not None):
                n_core_pur_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_n_core], ['*'])
                if (RESO_INDEX):
                    n_reso_ = ResonantIndex(dopant, n_core_pur_, 0.0)
                    n_core_ = CLE([n_core_pur_, n_reso_], ['+'])
                    n_core_ = n_core_pur_
                if (crt_n_clad is not None and crt_NA is not None):
                    n_clad_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_n_clad], ['*'])
                    NA_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_NA], ['*'])
                elif (crt_n_clad is not None):
                    n_clad_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_n_clad], ['*'])
                    NA_ = NumericalAperture(n_core_, n_clad_)
                elif (crt_NA is not None):
                    NA_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_NA], ['*'])
                    n_clad_ = CC(fct_calc_n_clad, [NA_, n_core_])
                else:  # n_clad and NA are None
                    n_clad_ = Sellmeier(self._medium_clad,
                    NA_ = NumericalAperture(n_core_, n_clad_)
                if (crt_n_clad is not None and crt_NA is not None):
                    n_clad_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_n_clad], ['*'])
                    NA_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_NA], ['*'])
                    n_core_pur_ = CC(fct_calc_n_core, [NA_, n_clad_])
                    if (RESO_INDEX):
                        n_reso_ = ResonantIndex(dopant, n_core_pur_, 0.0)
                        n_core_ = CLE([n_core_pur_, n_reso_], ['+'])
                        n_core_ = n_core_pur_
                    n_core_pur_ = Sellmeier(self._medium_core,
                    if (RESO_INDEX):
                        n_reso_ = ResonantIndex(dopant, n_core_pur_, 0.0)
                        n_core_ = CLE([n_core_pur_, n_reso_], ['+'])
                        n_core_ = n_core_pur_
                    if (crt_n_clad is not None):
                        n_clad_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_n_clad], ['*'])
                        NA_ = NumericalAperture(n_core_, n_clad_)
                    elif (crt_NA is not None):
                        NA_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_NA], ['*'])
                        n_clad_ = CC(fct_calc_n_clad, [NA_, n_core_])
                    else:  # all None
                        n_clad_ = Sellmeier(self._medium_clad,
                        NA_ = NumericalAperture(n_core_, n_clad_)
            if (RESO_INDEX):
        # V number -----------------------------------------------------
        self._v_nbr: List[Union[float, Callable]] = []
        v_nbr_: Union[CallableLittExpr, VNumber]
        for i in range(2):
            crt_v_nbr = v_nbr[i]
            if (crt_v_nbr is None):
                v_nbr_ = VNumber(self._NA[i], core_radius)
                v_nbr_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_v_nbr], ['*'])
        # Effective Area -----------------------------------------------
        self._eff_area: List[Union[float, Callable]] = []
        eff_area_: Union[CallableLittExpr, EffectiveArea]
        for i in range(2):
            crt_eff_area = eff_area[i]
            if (crt_eff_area is None):
                eff_area_ = EffectiveArea(self._v_nbr[i], core_radius)
                eff_area_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_eff_area], ['*'])
        # Doped area ---------------------------------------------------
        core_area: float = cst.PI * (core_radius**2)
        clad_area: float = cst.PI * (clad_radius**2 - core_radius**2)
        self._doped_area: float
        if (doped_area is None):
            self._doped_area = core_area
            self._doped_area = doped_area
        # Overlap factor -----------------------------------------------
        if (not CORE_PUMPED and not CLAD_PUMPED):
            warning_message: str = (
                "CORE_PUMPED and CLAD_PUMPED are False, "
                "the fiber amplifier must be at least pumped in the "
                "core or in the cladding for lasing effect. CORE_PUMPED "
                "has been set to True.")
            warnings.warn(warning_message, PumpSchemeWarning)
            CORE_PUMPED = True
        self._overlap: List[Union[float, Callable]] = []
        overlap_: Union[CallableLittExpr, OverlapFactor]
        clad_pump_overlap: Union[float, CallableLittExpr, OverlapFactor]
        core_pump_overlap: Union[float, CallableLittExpr, OverlapFactor]
        for i in range(2):
            crt_overlap = overlap[i]
            if (crt_overlap is None):
                if (not i):
                    overlap_ = OverlapFactor(self._eff_area[i],
                    clad_pump_overlap = self._doped_area / clad_area
                    core_pump_overlap = OverlapFactor(self._eff_area[i],
                    if (CORE_PUMPED and CLAD_PUMPED):
                        overlap_ = CLE([core_pump_overlap, clad_pump_overlap],
                    elif (CLAD_PUMPED):
                        overlap_ = CLE([np.ones_like, clad_pump_overlap],
                    else:  # CORE_PUMPED (forced beforehand if wasn't)
                        overlap_ = core_pump_overlap
                overlap_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_overlap], ['*'])
        # Cross sections -----------------------------------------------
        self._sigma_a: List[Union[float, Callable]] = []
        self._sigma_e: List[Union[float, Callable]] = []
        sigma_a_: Union[CallableLittExpr, AbsorptionSection]
        sigma_e_: Union[CallableLittExpr, EmissionSection]
        for i in range(2):
            crt_sigma_a = sigma_a[i]
            crt_sigma_e = sigma_e[i]
            if (crt_sigma_a is not None and crt_sigma_e is not None):
                sigma_a_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_sigma_a], ['*'])
                sigma_e_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_sigma_e], ['*'])
            elif (crt_sigma_a is not None):
                sigma_a_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_sigma_a], ['*'])
                sigma_e_ = EmissionSection(dopant, medium_core, temperature,
            elif (crt_sigma_e is not None):
                sigma_e_ = CLE([np.ones_like, crt_sigma_e], ['*'])
                sigma_a_ = AbsorptionSection(dopant, medium_core, temperature,
            else:  # both None
                sigma_a_ = AbsorptionSection(dopant)
                sigma_e_ = EmissionSection(dopant, medium_core, temperature)
        # Population density -------------------------------------------
        self._pop = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.float64)
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, alpha: Optional[Union[List[float], Callable]],
                 alpha_order: int,
                 beta: Optional[Union[List[float], Callable]],
                 beta_order: int, gamma: Optional[Union[float, Callable]],
                 core_radius: float, clad_radius: float,
                 n_core: Optional[Union[float, Callable]],
                 n_clad: Optional[Union[float, Callable]],
                 NA: Optional[Union[float, Callable]],
                 v_nbr: Optional[Union[float, Callable]],
                 eff_area: Optional[Union[float, Callable]],
                 nl_index: Optional[Union[float, Callable]],
                 medium_core: str, medium_clad: str, temperature: float,
                 ATT: bool, DISP: bool, NOISE: bool, UNI_OMEGA: bool,
                 STEP_UPDATE: bool, INTRA_COMP_DELAY: bool,
                 INTRA_PORT_DELAY: bool, INTER_PORT_DELAY: bool) -> None:
        alpha :
            The derivatives of the attenuation coefficients.
            :math:`[km^{-1}, ps\cdot km^{-1}, ps^2\cdot km^{-1},
            ps^3\cdot km^{-1}, \ldots]` If a callable is provided,
            variable must be angular frequency. :math:`[ps^{-1}]`
        alpha_order :
            The order of alpha coefficients to take into account. (will
            be ignored if alpha values are provided - no file)
        beta :
            The derivatives of the propagation constant.
            :math:`[km^{-1}, ps\cdot km^{-1}, ps^2\cdot km^{-1},
            ps^3\cdot km^{-1}, \ldots]` If a callable is provided,
            variable must be angular frequency. :math:`[ps^{-1}]`
        beta_order :
            The order of beta coefficients to take into account. (will
            be ignored if beta values are provided - no file)
        gamma :
            The non linear coefficient.
            :math:`[rad\cdot W^{-1}\cdot km^{-1}]` If a callable is
            provided, variable must be angular frequency.
        core_radius :
            The radius of the core. :math:`[\mu m]`
        clad_radius :
            The radius of the cladding. :math:`[\mu m]`
        n_core :
            The refractive index of the core.  If a callable is
            provided, variable must be angular frequency.
        n_clad :
            The refractive index of the clading.  If a callable is
            provided, variable must be angular frequency.
        NA :
            The numerical aperture.  If a callable is provided, variable
            must be angular frequency. :math:`[ps^{-1}]`
        v_nbr :
            The V number.  If a callable is provided, variable must be
            angular frequency. :math:`[ps^{-1}]`
        eff_area :
            The effective area.  If a callable is provided, variable
            must be angular frequency. :math:`[ps^{-1}]`
        nl_index :
            The non-linear coefficient.  If a callable is provided,
            variable must be angular frequency. :math:`[ps^{-1}]`
        medium_core :
            The medium of the fiber core.
        medium_clad :
            The medium of the fiber cladding.
        temperature :
            The temperature of the medium. :math:`[K]`
        ATT :
            If True, trigger the attenuation.
        DISP :
            If True, trigger the dispersion.
        NOISE :
            If True, trigger the noise calculation.
        UNI_OMEGA :
            If True, consider only the center omega for computation.
            Otherwise, considered omega discretization.
        STEP_UPDATE :
            If True, update component parameters at each spatial
            space step by calling the _update_variables method.
            If True, take into account the relative time difference,
            between all waves, that is acquired while propagating
            in the component.
            If True, take into account the initial relative time
            difference between channels of all fields but for each port.
            If True, take into account the initial relative time
            difference between channels of all fields of all ports.

        super().__init__(nbr_eqs=1, SHARE_WAVES=False, prop_dir=[True],
                         NOISE=NOISE, STEP_UPDATE=STEP_UPDATE,
        # media --------------------------------------------------------
        self._medium_core: str = medium_core
        self._medium_clad: str = medium_clad
        # Refractive indices and numerical aperture --------------------
        self._n_core: Union[float, Callable]
        self._n_clad: Union[float, Callable]
        self._NA: Union[float, Callable]
        fct_calc_n_core = NumericalAperture.calc_n_core
        fct_calc_n_clad = NumericalAperture.calc_n_core
        if (n_core is not None and n_clad is not None and NA is not None):
            self._n_core = n_core
            self._n_clad = n_clad
            self._NA = NA
        elif (n_core is not None and n_clad is not None):
            self._n_core = n_core
            self._n_clad = n_clad
            self._NA = NumericalAperture(self._n_core, self._n_clad)
        elif (n_core is not None and NA is not None):
            self._n_core = n_core
            self._NA = NA
            self._n_clad = CallableContainer(fct_calc_n_clad,
                                             [self._NA, self._n_core])
        elif (n_clad is not None and NA is not None):
            self._n_clad = n_clad
            self._NA = NA
            self._n_core = CallableContainer(fct_calc_n_core,
                                             [self._NA, self._n_clad])
        elif (n_core is not None):
            self._n_core = n_core
            self._n_clad = Sellmeier(medium_clad, cst.FIBER_CLAD_DOPANT,
            self._NA = NumericalAperture(self._n_core, self._n_clad)
        elif (n_clad is not None):
            self._n_clad = n_clad
            self._n_core = Sellmeier(medium_core, cst.FIBER_CORE_DOPANT,
            self._NA = NumericalAperture(self._n_core, self._n_clad)
        elif (NA is not None):
            self._NA = NA
            self._n_core = Sellmeier(medium_core, cst.FIBER_CORE_DOPANT,
            self._n_clad = CallableContainer(fct_calc_n_clad,
                                             [self._NA, self._n_core])
        else:   # all None
            self._n_core = Sellmeier(medium_core, cst.FIBER_CORE_DOPANT,
            self._n_clad = Sellmeier(medium_clad, cst.FIBER_CLAD_DOPANT,
            self._NA = NumericalAperture(self._n_core, self._n_clad)
        # V number -----------------------------------------------------
        self._v_nbr: Union[float, Callable]
        if (v_nbr is not None):
            self._v_nbr = v_nbr
            self._v_nbr = VNumber(self._NA, core_radius)
        # Effective Area -----------------------------------------------
        self._eff_area: Union[float, Callable]
        if (eff_area is not None):
            self._eff_area = eff_area
            self._eff_area = EffectiveArea(self._v_nbr, core_radius)
        # Non-linear index ---------------------------------------------
        self._nl_index: Union[float, Callable]
        if (nl_index is not None):
            self._nl_index = nl_index
            self._nl_index = NLIndex(medium_core)
        # Non-linear coefficient ---------------------------------------
        self._predict_gamma: Optional[Callable] = None
        self._gamma: np.ndarray
        if (gamma is not None):
            if (callable(gamma)):
                self._predict_gamma = gamma
                self._gamma = np.asarray(util.make_list(gamma))
            self._predict_gamma = NLCoefficient(self._nl_index, self._eff_area)
        # Effects ------------------------------------------------------
        self._att: Optional[AbstractEffectTaylor] = None
        self._disp: Optional[AbstractEffectTaylor] = None
        if (ATT):
            if (alpha is not None):
                self._att = Attenuation(alpha, alpha_order,
                self._add_lin_effect(self._att, 0, 0)
                util.warning_terminal("Currently no method to calculate "
                    "attenuation as a function of the medium. Must provide "
                    "attenuation coefficient alpha, otherwise attenuation "
                    "effect will be ignored.")
        # Even if DISP==False, need _beta in CNLSE
        self._beta: Union[List[float], Callable]
        if (beta is None):
            self._beta = ChromaticDisp(self._n_core)
            self._beta = beta
        if (DISP):
            self._disp = Dispersion(self._beta, beta_order, start_taylor=2,
            self._add_lin_effect(self._disp, 0, 0)