예제 #1
    def test_eval_f(self):
        """ Objective value, i.e. power consumption"""
        obj = optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_f(self.x0, self.noisepower, self.H, self.rate, self.linkBandwidth, self.p0, self.m, self.pS)
        answer = 29.10297
        np.testing.assert_approx_equal(obj, answer, significant=3)

        obj = optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_f(self.x0, self.noisepower, self.Htrivial, self.rate, self.linkBandwidth, self.p0, self.m, self.pS)
        answer = 310.4
        np.testing.assert_approx_equal(obj, answer, significant=3)

        obj = optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_f(self.x0[0:2], self.noisepower, self.H1, self.rate, self.linkBandwidth, self.p0, self.m, self.pS)
        answer = 1.5307153163649543
        np.testing.assert_approx_equal(obj, answer, significant=3)
예제 #2
    def test_eval_f(self):
        """ Objective value, i.e. power consumption"""
        obj = optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_f(self.x0, self.noisepower, self.H,
                                       self.rate, self.linkBandwidth, self.p0,
                                       self.m, self.pS)
        answer = 29.10297
        np.testing.assert_approx_equal(obj, answer, significant=3)

        obj = optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_f(self.x0, self.noisepower, self.Htrivial,
                                       self.rate, self.linkBandwidth, self.p0,
                                       self.m, self.pS)
        answer = 310.4
        np.testing.assert_approx_equal(obj, answer, significant=3)

        obj = optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_f(self.x0[0:2], self.noisepower, self.H1,
                                       self.rate, self.linkBandwidth, self.p0,
                                       self.m, self.pS)
        answer = 1.5307153163649543
        np.testing.assert_approx_equal(obj, answer, significant=3)
예제 #3
def optimizePCDTX(channel, noiseIfPower, rate, linkBandwidth, pMax, p0, m, pS, verbosity=0):
    ''' Uses channel values, PHY parameters and power consumption characteristics to find minimal resource allocation under power control with DTX. Returns resource allocation, objective value and IPOPT status. 
        channel - 3d array. 0d users, 1d n_tx, 2d n_rx
        noiseIfPower - total noise power over the linkbandwidth
        rate - target rate in bps
        pMax - maximum allowed transmission power
        p0 - power consumption at zero transmission (not sleep)
        pS - power consumption during sleep mode
        m - power consumption load factor
        verbosity - IPOPT verbosity level
        obj - solution objective value
        solution - resource share per user
        status - IPOPT status '''

    # the channel dimensions tell some more parameters
    users = channel.shape[0]
    n_tx  = channel.shape[1]
    n_rx  = channel.shape[2]

    # preparing IPOPT parameters
    nvar  = users + 1 # sleep mode is integrated as the last parameter 
    x_L = zeros((nvar), dtype=float_) * 0.0
    x_U = ones((nvar), dtype=float_) * 1.0
    ncon = users + 1 # transmit power constraints and the unit sum 
    g_L = zeros(ncon) # unit sum and all power constraints
    g_L[0] = 1.
    g_U = pMax * ones(ncon) # unit sum and all power constraints
    g_U[0] = 1.
    nnzj = ncon * ncon
    nnzh = 0 # tell that there is no hessian (Hessian approximation)
    x0 = repeat([1./(nvar + 1)], nvar) # Starting point

    # IPOPT requires single parameter functions
    if n_tx is 2 and n_rx is 2:
        eval_f = lambda mus: optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_f(mus, noiseIfPower, channel, rate, linkBandwidth, p0, m, pS)
        eval_grad_f = lambda mus: optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_grad_f(mus, noiseIfPower, channel, rate, linkBandwidth, p0, m, pS)
        eval_g = lambda mus: optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_g(mus, noiseIfPower, channel, rate, linkBandwidth)
        eval_jac_g = lambda mus, flag: optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_jac_g(mus, noiseIfPower, channel, rate, linkBandwidth, flag)
        raise NotImplementedError # other combinations may be needed later

    pyipopt.set_loglevel(min([verbosity, 2])) # verbose
    nlp = pyipopt.create(nvar, x_L, x_U, ncon, g_L, g_U, nnzj, nnzh, eval_f, eval_grad_f, eval_g, eval_jac_g)
    #nlp.int_option("max_iter", 3000)
    #nlp.num_option("tol", 1e-8)
    #nlp.num_option("acceptable_tol", 1e-2)
    #nlp.int_option("acceptable_iter", 0)
    nlp.str_option("derivative_test", "first-order")
    nlp.str_option("derivative_test_print_all", "yes")
    #nlp.str_option("print_options_documentation", "yes")
    nlp.int_option("print_level", min([verbosity, 12])) # maximum is 12
    nlp.str_option("print_user_options", "yes")
    solution, zl, zu, obj, status = nlp.solve(x0)

    if sum(solution) > 1.0001 or status is not 0:
        print 'Sum of solution:', sum(solution)
        print 'Status:', status
        raise ValueError('Invalid solution')

    return obj, solution, status
예제 #4
def optimizePCDTX(channel,
    ''' Uses channel values, PHY parameters and power consumption characteristics to find minimal resource allocation under power control with DTX. Returns resource allocation, objective value and IPOPT status. 
        channel - 3d array. 0d users, 1d n_tx, 2d n_rx
        noiseIfPower - total noise power over the linkbandwidth
        rate - target rate in bps
        pMax - maximum allowed transmission power
        p0 - power consumption at zero transmission (not sleep)
        pS - power consumption during sleep mode
        m - power consumption load factor
        verbosity - IPOPT verbosity level
        obj - solution objective value
        solution - resource share per user
        status - IPOPT status '''

    # the channel dimensions tell some more parameters
    users = channel.shape[0]
    n_tx = channel.shape[1]
    n_rx = channel.shape[2]

    # preparing IPOPT parameters
    nvar = users + 1  # sleep mode is integrated as the last parameter
    x_L = zeros((nvar), dtype=float_) * 0.0
    x_U = ones((nvar), dtype=float_) * 1.0
    ncon = users + 1  # transmit power constraints and the unit sum
    g_L = zeros(ncon)  # unit sum and all power constraints
    g_L[0] = 1.
    g_U = pMax * ones(ncon)  # unit sum and all power constraints
    g_U[0] = 1.
    nnzj = ncon * ncon
    nnzh = 0  # tell that there is no hessian (Hessian approximation)
    x0 = repeat([1. / (nvar + 1)], nvar)  # Starting point

    # IPOPT requires single parameter functions
    if n_tx is 2 and n_rx is 2:
        eval_f = lambda mus: optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_f(
            mus, noiseIfPower, channel, rate, linkBandwidth, p0, m, pS)
        eval_grad_f = lambda mus: optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_grad_f(
            mus, noiseIfPower, channel, rate, linkBandwidth, p0, m, pS)
        eval_g = lambda mus: optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_g(
            mus, noiseIfPower, channel, rate, linkBandwidth)
        eval_jac_g = lambda mus, flag: optimMinPow2x2DTX.eval_jac_g(
            mus, noiseIfPower, channel, rate, linkBandwidth, flag)
        raise NotImplementedError  # other combinations may be needed later

    pyipopt.set_loglevel(min([verbosity, 2]))  # verbose
    nlp = pyipopt.create(nvar, x_L, x_U, ncon, g_L, g_U, nnzj, nnzh, eval_f,
                         eval_grad_f, eval_g, eval_jac_g)
    #nlp.int_option("max_iter", 3000)
    #nlp.num_option("tol", 1e-8)
    #nlp.num_option("acceptable_tol", 1e-2)
    #nlp.int_option("acceptable_iter", 0)
    nlp.str_option("derivative_test", "first-order")
    nlp.str_option("derivative_test_print_all", "yes")
    #nlp.str_option("print_options_documentation", "yes")
    nlp.int_option("print_level", min([verbosity, 12]))  # maximum is 12
    nlp.str_option("print_user_options", "yes")

    solution, zl, zu, obj, status = nlp.solve(x0)

    if sum(solution) > 1.0001 or status is not 0:
        print 'Sum of solution:', sum(solution)
        print 'Status:', status
        raise ValueError('Invalid solution')

    return obj, solution, status