def test_max_iter(self):
     """Check argument `max_iter` is supported and can be set to None."""
     conjugate_gradients(self.matvec, self.b, self.x0, max_iter=None)
    def test_disp(self):
        """Check if something is printed when `disp` is True."""
        with Capturing() as output:
            conjugate_gradients(self.matvec, self.b, self.x0, display=True)

        self.assertLess(0, len(output), 'You should print the progress when `display` is True.')
 def test_tol(self):
     """Check if argument `tol` is supported."""
     conjugate_gradients(self.matvec, self.b, self.x0, tolerance=1e-6)