예제 #1
def test_basic_help_text2():

    p = Parser(
        Opt('-n', nargs = 1, sections = ['foo', 'bar', 'blort'], text = 'N of times to do it'),
        Opt('-f -x --foo', sections = ['foo'], text = 'Some Foo behavior'),
        dict(option_spec = '--bar', nargs = 5),
        Opt('<x>', text = 'The X file'),
        Opt('<y>', text = 'The Y file'),
        program = 'frob',

    exp = dedent('''
          frob -n --foo --bar <x> <y>

        Foo options:
          -n                   N of times to do it
          --foo                Some Foo behavior

        Bar options:
          -n                   N of times to do it

        Blort options:
          -n                   N of times to do it

        Positional arguments:
          <x>                  The X file
          <y>                  The Y file


          --foo -f -x
    got = p.help_text()
    assert exp == got
예제 #2
def test_basic_help_text1():

    long_help = 'The N of times to do the operation that needs to be done, either now or in the future'

    p = Parser(
        Opt('-n', nargs = 1, sections = ['foo', 'bar', 'blort'], text = long_help),
        Opt('--foo', sections = ['foo'], text = 'Some Foo behavior'),
        Opt('--xy X Y', sections = ['foo'], text = 'Some xy behavior'),
        dict(option_spec = '--bar', nargs = 5),
        Opt('--some_crazy_insane_long_opt2', text = long_help),
        Opt('<x>', text = 'The X file'),
        Opt('<y>', text = 'The Y file'),
        formatter_config = FormatterConfig(
            Section('foo', 'Foo options'),
            Section('bar', 'Bar options'),
            Section(SectionName.OPT, 'Some Options'),
            Section(SectionName.USAGE, 'Usage'),

    exp = dedent('''
        Foo options:
          -n                   The N of times to do the operation that needs to be done,
                               either now or in the future
          --foo                Some Foo behavior
          --xy X Y             Some xy behavior

        Positional arguments:
          <x>                  The X file
          <y>                  The Y file

        Bar options:
          -n                   The N of times to do the operation that needs to be done,
                               either now or in the future

        Some Options:
                               The N of times to do the operation that needs to be done,
                               either now or in the future

          cli -n --foo [--xy X Y] --bar --some_long_opt1 --some_crazy_insane_long_opt2
              --some_long_opt3 --some_long_opt4 --some_long_opt5 --some_long_opt6
              --some_long_opt7 <x> <y>

        Blort options:
          -n                   The N of times to do the operation that needs to be done,
                               either now or in the future

    got = p.help_text()
    assert exp == got

    exp = dedent('''
        Foo options:
          -n                   The N of times to do the operation that needs to be done,
                               either now or in the future
          --foo                Some Foo behavior
          --xy X Y             Some xy behavior

        Bar options:
          -n                   The N of times to do the operation that needs to be done,
                               either now or in the future
    got = p.help_text('foo', 'bar')
    assert exp == got