def load_models(opt): opt.resume_path = opt.resume_path_det opt.pretrain_path = opt.pretrain_path_det opt.sample_duration = opt.sample_duration_det opt.model = opt.model_det opt.model_depth = opt.model_depth_det opt.modality = opt.modality_det opt.resnet_shortcut = opt.resnet_shortcut_det opt.n_classes = opt.n_classes_det opt.n_finetune_classes = opt.n_finetune_classes_det if opt.root_path != '': opt.video_path = os.path.join(opt.root_path, opt.video_path) opt.annotation_path = os.path.join(opt.root_path, opt.annotation_path) opt.result_path = os.path.join(opt.root_path, opt.result_path) if opt.resume_path: opt.resume_path = os.path.join(opt.root_path, opt.resume_path) if opt.pretrain_path: opt.pretrain_path = os.path.join(opt.root_path, opt.pretrain_path) opt.scales = [opt.initial_scale] for i in range(1, opt.n_scales): opt.scales.append(opt.scales[-1] * opt.scale_step) opt.arch = '{}-{}'.format(opt.model, opt.model_depth) opt.mean = get_mean(opt.norm_value) opt.std = get_std(opt.norm_value) print(opt) with open(os.path.join(opt.result_path, 'opts_det.json'), 'w') as opt_file: json.dump(vars(opt), opt_file) torch.manual_seed(opt.manual_seed) detector, parameters = generate_model(opt) if opt.resume_path: print('loading checkpoint {}'.format(opt.resume_path)) checkpoint = torch.load(opt.resume_path) assert opt.arch == checkpoint['arch'] detector.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) print('Model 1 \n', detector) pytorch_total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in detector.parameters() if p.requires_grad) print("Total number of trainable parameters: ", pytorch_total_params) # Reset parsed args opt = parse_opts_online() opt.resume_path = opt.resume_path_clf opt.pretrain_path = opt.pretrain_path_clf opt.sample_duration = opt.sample_duration_clf opt.model = opt.model_clf opt.model_depth = opt.model_depth_clf opt.modality = opt.modality_clf opt.resnet_shortcut = opt.resnet_shortcut_clf opt.n_classes = opt.n_classes_clf opt.n_finetune_classes = opt.n_finetune_classes_clf if opt.root_path != '': opt.video_path = os.path.join(opt.root_path, opt.video_path) opt.annotation_path = os.path.join(opt.root_path, opt.annotation_path) opt.result_path = os.path.join(opt.root_path, opt.result_path) if opt.resume_path: opt.resume_path = os.path.join(opt.root_path, opt.resume_path) if opt.pretrain_path: opt.pretrain_path = os.path.join(opt.root_path, opt.pretrain_path) opt.scales = [opt.initial_scale] for i in range(1, opt.n_scales): opt.scales.append(opt.scales[-1] * opt.scale_step) if opt.model == 'ssar': opt.arch = opt.model else: opt.arch = '{}-{}'.format(opt.model, opt.model_depth) opt.mean = get_mean(opt.norm_value) opt.std = get_std(opt.norm_value) print(opt) with open(os.path.join(opt.result_path, 'opts_clf.json'), 'w') as opt_file: json.dump(vars(opt), opt_file) torch.manual_seed(opt.manual_seed) classifier, parameters = generate_model(opt) if opt.resume_path: print('loading pretrained model {}'.format(opt.pretrain_path)) checkpoint = torch.load(opt.resume_path) assert opt.arch == checkpoint['arch'] classifier.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) print('Model 2 \n', classifier) pytorch_total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in classifier.parameters() if p.requires_grad) print("Total number of trainable parameters: ", pytorch_total_params) return detector, classifier
from temporal_transforms import * from target_transforms import ClassLabel from dataset import get_online_data from utils import AverageMeter, LevenshteinDistance, Queue import pdb import time import numpy as np import datetime def weighting_func(x): return (1 / (1 + np.exp(-0.2 * (x - 9)))) opt = parse_opts_online() opt = parse_opts_online() def load_models(opt): opt.resume_path = opt.resume_path_clf opt.pretrain_path = opt.pretrain_path_clf opt.sample_duration = opt.sample_duration_clf opt.model = opt.model_clf opt.model_depth = opt.model_depth_clf opt.width_mult = opt.width_mult_clf opt.modality = opt.modality_clf opt.resnet_shortcut = opt.resnet_shortcut_clf opt.n_classes = opt.n_classes_clf opt.n_finetune_classes = opt.n_finetune_classes_clf
def main(clf_threshold_pre): print(f'Early-detection threshold: {clf_threshold_pre}') opt = parse_opts_online() detector, classifier = load_models(opt) if opt.no_mean_norm and not opt.std_norm: norm_method = Normalize([0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]) elif not opt.std_norm: norm_method = Normalize(opt.mean, [1, 1, 1]) else: norm_method = Normalize(opt.mean, opt.std) if opt.model_clf == 'ssar': opt.sample_size_clf = (126, 224) opt.mean_clf = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406) opt.std_clf = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225) spatial_transform_clf = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(opt.sample_size_clf), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(opt.mean_clf, opt.std_clf) ]) spatial_transform = Compose( [Scale(112), CenterCrop(112), ToTensor(opt.norm_value), norm_method]) target_transform = ClassLabel() ## Get list of videos to test if opt.dataset == 'egogesture': subject_list = [ 'Subject{:02d}'.format(i) for i in [2, 9, 11, 14, 18, 19, 28, 31, 41, 47] ] test_paths = [] for subject in subject_list: for x in glob.glob( os.path.join(opt.video_path, subject, '*/*/rgb*/')): test_paths.append(x) elif opt.dataset == 'nv': df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join( opt.video_path, 'nvgesture_test_correct_cvpr2016_v2.lst'), delimiter=' ', header=None) test_paths = [] for x in df[0].values: test_paths.append( os.path.join(opt.video_path, x.replace('path:', ''), 'sk_color_all').replace(os.sep, '/')) # Figures setup # fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=6, ncols=1) # x_data, y_datas = [], [] # lines = [] # for j in range(6): # if j != 0: # ax[j].set_xlim(0, 400) # ax[j].set_ylim(0, 1) # y_datas.append([]) # lines.append([]) # for _ in range(opt.n_classes_clf): # y_data = [] # y_datas[j].append(y_data) # line, = ax[j].plot(x_data, y_data) # lines[j].append(line) print('Start Evaluation') detector.eval() classifier.eval() levenshtein_accuracies = AverageMeter() frames_early_meter = AverageMeter() videoidx = 0 for path in test_paths[4:]: path = os.path.normpath(path) if opt.dataset == 'egogesture': opt.whole_path = path.rsplit(os.sep, 4)[-4:] opt.whole_path = os.sep.join(opt.whole_path) elif opt.dataset == 'nv': opt.whole_path = path.split( os.sep, 3) # TODO: fix bad dependency on fixed depth file locations opt.whole_path = opt.whole_path[-1] videoidx += 1 active_index = 0 passive_count = 999 active = False prev_active = False finished_prediction = None pre_predict = False cum_sum = np.zeros(opt.n_classes_clf, ) cum_sum_unweighted = np.zeros(opt.n_classes_clf, ) clf_selected_queue = np.zeros(opt.n_classes_clf, ) det_selected_queue = np.zeros(opt.n_classes_det, ) myqueue_det = Queue(opt.det_queue_size, n_classes=opt.n_classes_det) myqueue_clf = Queue(opt.clf_queue_size, n_classes=opt.n_classes_clf) print('[{}/{}]============'.format(videoidx, len(test_paths))) print(path) opt.sample_duration = max(opt.sample_duration_clf, opt.sample_duration_det) if opt.model_clf == 'ssar': test_data = get_online_data( opt, [spatial_transform, spatial_transform_clf], None, target_transform, modality='RGB') else: test_data = get_online_data(opt, spatial_transform, None, target_transform) test_loader =, batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=opt.n_threads, pin_memory=True) results = [] prev_best1 = opt.n_classes_clf if opt.model_clf == 'ssar': # Init recurrent state zero lstm_hidden = [None, None, None, None] for i, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(test_loader): if opt.model_clf == 'ssar': inputs, inputs_clf = inputs if not opt.no_cuda: targets = targets.cuda(non_blocking=True) ground_truth_array = np.zeros(opt.n_classes_clf + 1, ) with torch.no_grad(): inputs = Variable(inputs) targets = Variable(targets) if opt.modality_det == 'RGB': inputs_det = inputs[:, :3, -opt.sample_duration_det:, :, :] elif opt.modality_det == 'Depth': inputs_det = inputs[:, -1, -opt. sample_duration_det:, :, :].unsqueeze( 1) elif opt.modality_det == 'RGB-D': inputs_det = inputs[:, :, -opt.sample_duration_det:, :, :] # print(inputs_det[0, :, -1, 0:4, 0:4]) outputs_det = detector(inputs_det) outputs_det = F.softmax(outputs_det, dim=1) outputs_det = outputs_det.cpu().numpy()[0].reshape(-1, ) # enqueue the probabilities to the detector queue myqueue_det.enqueue(outputs_det.tolist()) if opt.det_strategy == 'raw': det_selected_queue = outputs_det elif opt.det_strategy == 'median': det_selected_queue = myqueue_det.median elif opt.det_strategy == 'ma': det_selected_queue = elif opt.det_strategy == 'ewma': det_selected_queue = myqueue_det.ewma prediction_det = np.argmax(det_selected_queue) prob_det = det_selected_queue[1] #### State of the detector is checked here as detector act as a switch for the classifier if prediction_det == 1: if opt.model_clf == 'ssar': inputs_clf = Variable(inputs_clf) if not opt.no_cuda: inputs_clf = inputs_clf.cuda() if opt.modality_clf == 'RGB': inputs_clf = inputs_clf[:, :3, -1, :, :] elif opt.modality_clf == 'Depth': inputs_clf = inputs_clf[:, -1, -1, :, :].unsqueeze(1) elif opt.modality_clf == 'RGB-D': inputs_clf = inputs_clf[:, :, -1, :, :] outputs_clf, lstm_hidden = classifier( inputs_clf, lstm_hidden, get_lstm_state=True) else: if opt.modality_clf == 'RGB': inputs_clf = inputs[:, :3, :, :, :] elif opt.modality_clf == 'Depth': inputs_clf = inputs[:, -1, :, :, :].unsqueeze(1) elif opt.modality_clf == 'RGB-D': inputs_clf = inputs[:, :, :, :, :] outputs_clf = classifier(inputs_clf) outputs_clf = F.softmax(outputs_clf, dim=1) outputs_clf = outputs_clf.cpu().numpy()[0].reshape(-1, ) # Push the probabilities to queue myqueue_clf.enqueue(outputs_clf.tolist()) passive_count = 0 if opt.clf_strategy == 'raw': clf_selected_queue = outputs_clf elif opt.clf_strategy == 'median': clf_selected_queue = myqueue_clf.median elif opt.clf_strategy == 'ma': clf_selected_queue = elif opt.clf_strategy == 'ewma': clf_selected_queue = myqueue_clf.ewma else: if opt.model_clf == 'ssar': # Reset recurrent state lstm_hidden = [None, None, None, None] outputs_clf = np.zeros(opt.n_classes_clf, ) # Push the probabilities to queue myqueue_clf.enqueue(outputs_clf.tolist()) passive_count += 1 if passive_count >= opt.det_counter: active = False else: active = True # one of the following line need to be commented !!!! if active: active_index += 1 cum_sum = ((cum_sum * (active_index - 1)) + (weighting_func(active_index) * clf_selected_queue) ) / active_index # Weighted Aproach cum_sum_unweighted = ((cum_sum_unweighted * (active_index - 1)) + (1.0 * clf_selected_queue) ) / active_index #Not Weighting Aproach best2, best1 = tuple(cum_sum.argsort()[-2:][::1]) if float(cum_sum[best1] - cum_sum[best2]) > clf_threshold_pre: finished_prediction = True pre_predict = True else: active_index = 0 # Visualize # x_data.append(i) # y_datas[1][0].append(prob_det) # lines[1][0].set_xdata(x_data) # lines[1][0].set_ydata(y_datas[1][0]) # for j in range(opt.n_classes_clf): # y_datas[2][j].append(cum_sum[j]) # y_datas[3][j].append(cum_sum_unweighted[j]) # y_datas[4][j].append(clf_selected_queue[j] if active else 0) # for k in range(2, 5): # lines[k][j].set_xdata(x_data) # lines[k][j].set_ydata(y_datas[k][j]) # for k in range(1, 6): # ax[k].set_xlim(i - 400, i) # mean = np.array(opt.mean, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1, 1, -1) # img = inputs_det[0, :, -1].permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy() + mean # img = img.astype(int) # if i == 0: # im_plt = ax[0].imshow(img) # else: # im_plt.set_data(img) if i % 10 == 0: plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) if active == False and prev_active == True: finished_prediction = True elif active == True and prev_active == False: finished_prediction = False if finished_prediction == True: detection_frame = (i * opt.stride_len) + opt.sample_duration_clf best2, best1 = tuple(cum_sum.argsort()[-2:][::1]) if cum_sum[best1] > opt.clf_threshold_final: if pre_predict == True: if best1 != prev_best1: if cum_sum[best1] > opt.clf_threshold_final: results.append((detection_frame, best1)) print( 'Early Detected - class : {} with prob : {} at frame {}' .format(best1, cum_sum[best1], detection_frame)) else: # raw_best = clf_selected_queue.argsort()[-1] # results.append((detection_frame,raw_best)) # print( 'Late Detected - class : {} with prob : {} at frame {}'.format(raw_best, clf_selected_queue[raw_best], detection_frame)) if cum_sum[best1] > opt.clf_threshold_final: if best1 == prev_best1: if cum_sum[best1] > 5: results.append((detection_frame, best1)) print( 'Late Detected - class : {} with prob : {} at frame {}' .format(best1, cum_sum[best1], detection_frame)) else: results.append((detection_frame, best1)) print( 'Late Detected - class : {} with prob : {} at frame {}' .format(best1, cum_sum[best1], detection_frame)) prev_best1 = best1 finished_prediction = False # prev_best1 = best1 # finished_prediction = False cum_sum = np.zeros(opt.n_classes_clf, ) cum_sum_unweighted = np.zeros(opt.n_classes_clf, ) if active == False and prev_active == True: pre_predict = False prev_active = active if opt.dataset == 'egogesture': opt.video_path = os.path.normpath(opt.video_path) opt.whole_path = os.path.normpath(opt.whole_path) target_csv_path = os.path.join( opt.video_path, 'labels-final-revised1', opt.whole_path.rsplit(os.sep, 2)[0], 'Group' + opt.whole_path.rsplit('.', 1)[0][-1] + '.csv').replace('Subject', 'subject') true_classes = [] end_frames = [] with open(target_csv_path) as csvfile: readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in readCSV: true_classes.append(int(row[0]) - 1) end_frames.append(int(row[2])) elif opt.dataset == 'nv': true_classes = [] with open('./annotation_nvGesture/vallistall.txt') as csvfile: readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ') for row in readCSV: if row[0] == opt.whole_path: if row[1] != '26': true_classes.append(int(row[1]) - 1) predicted = np.array(results)[:, 1] detection_frames = np.array(results)[:, 0] true_classes = np.array(true_classes) levenshtein_distance, avg_frames_early = LevenshteinDistancePlusAvgFramesEarly( true_classes, predicted, end_frames, detection_frames) levenshtein_accuracy = 1 - (levenshtein_distance / len(true_classes)) if levenshtein_distance < 0: # Distance cannot be less than 0 levenshtein_accuracies.update(0, len(true_classes)) else: levenshtein_accuracies.update(levenshtein_accuracy, len(true_classes)) frames_early_meter.update(avg_frames_early) print('predicted classes: \t', predicted) print('True classes :\t\t', true_classes) print('Levenshtein Accuracy = {} ({})'.format( levenshtein_accuracies.val, levenshtein_accuracies.avg)) print( f'Average frames early = {frames_early_meter.val} ({frames_early_meter.avg})' ) print('Average Levenshtein Accuracy= {}'.format( levenshtein_accuracies.avg)) print('-----Evaluation is finished------') early_x_data.append(clf_threshold_pre) early_y_data.append(frames_early_meter.avg) early_plot.set_xdata(early_x_data) early_plot.set_ydata(early_y_data) plt.annotate(f'{levenshtein_accuracies.avg * 100:.2f}', (clf_threshold_pre, frames_early_meter.avg), textcoords='offset pixels', xytext=(10, 10)) plt.gca().relim() plt.gca().autoscale_view() plt.pause(0.0001) plt.draw()