예제 #1
def test_invalid_heartbeat_interval_and_grace_period(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        with StorageSupplier(storage_mode, heartbeat_interval=-1):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        with StorageSupplier(storage_mode, grace_period=-1):
예제 #2
def test_run_trial_exception(storage_mode: str) -> None:
    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            _optimize._run_trial(study, fail_objective, ())

    # Test trial with unacceptable exception.
    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            _optimize._run_trial(study, fail_objective, (ArithmeticError, ))
def test_pytorch_lightning_pruning_callback_ddp_monitor(
    storage_mode: str,
) -> None:
    def objective(trial: optuna.trial.Trial) -> float:

        trainer = pl.Trainer(
            callbacks=[PyTorchLightningPruningCallback(trial, monitor="accuracy")],

        model = ModelDDP()

        return 1.0

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = optuna.create_study(storage=storage, pruner=DeterministicPruner(True))
        study.optimize(objective, n_trials=1)
        assert study.trials[0].state == optuna.trial.TrialState.PRUNED
        assert list(study.trials[0].intermediate_values.keys()) == [0]
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(study.trials[0].intermediate_values[0], 0.45)

        study = optuna.create_study(storage=storage, pruner=DeterministicPruner(False))
        study.optimize(objective, n_trials=1)
        assert study.trials[0].state == optuna.trial.TrialState.COMPLETE
        assert study.trials[0].value == 1.0
        assert list(study.trials[0].intermediate_values.keys()) == [0, 1]
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(study.trials[0].intermediate_values[0], 0.45)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(study.trials[0].intermediate_values[1], 0.45)
예제 #4
def test_run_trial(storage_mode: str, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None:

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage)

        frozen_trial = _optimize._run_trial(study, lambda _: 1.0, catch=())
        assert frozen_trial.state == TrialState.COMPLETE
        assert frozen_trial.value == 1.0
        assert "Trial 0 finished with value: 1.0 and parameters" in caplog.text

        frozen_trial = _optimize._run_trial(study,
                                            lambda _: float("inf"),
        assert frozen_trial.state == TrialState.COMPLETE
        assert frozen_trial.value == float("inf")
        assert "Trial 1 finished with value: inf and parameters" in caplog.text

        frozen_trial = _optimize._run_trial(study,
                                            lambda _: -float("inf"),
        assert frozen_trial.state == TrialState.COMPLETE
        assert frozen_trial.value == -float("inf")
        assert "Trial 2 finished with value: -inf and parameters" in caplog.text
예제 #5
def test_get_param_importance_target_is_none_and_study_is_multi_obj(
    storage_mode: str,
    evaluator_init_func: Callable[[], BaseImportanceEvaluator],
) -> None:
    def objective(trial: Trial) -> Tuple[float, float]:
        x1 = trial.suggest_float("x1", 0.1, 3)
        x2 = trial.suggest_float("x2", 0.1, 3, log=True)
        x3 = trial.suggest_float("x3", 0, 3, step=1)
        x4 = trial.suggest_int("x4", -3, 3)
        x5 = trial.suggest_int("x5", 1, 5, log=True)
        x6 = trial.suggest_categorical("x6", [1.0, 1.1, 1.2])
        if trial.number % 2 == 0:
            # Conditional parameters are ignored unless `params` is specified and is not `None`.
            x7 = trial.suggest_float("x7", 0.1, 3)

        assert isinstance(x6, float)
        value = x1**4 + x2 + x3 - x4**2 - x5 + x6
        if trial.number % 2 == 0:
            value += x7
        return value, 0.0

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(directions=["minimize", "minimize"],
        study.optimize(objective, n_trials=3)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            get_param_importances(study, evaluator=evaluator_init_func())
예제 #6
def test_trials_dataframe_with_failure(storage_mode: str) -> None:
    def f(trial: Trial) -> float:

        x = trial.suggest_int("x", 1, 1)
        y = trial.suggest_categorical("y", (2.5,))
        trial.set_user_attr("train_loss", 3)
        raise ValueError()
        return x + y  # 3.5

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage)
        study.optimize(f, n_trials=3, catch=(ValueError,))
        df = study.trials_dataframe()
        # Change index to access rows via trial number.
        df.set_index("number", inplace=True, drop=False)
        assert len(df) == 3
        # non-nested: 6, params: 2, user_attrs: 1 system_attrs: 0
        assert len(df.columns) == 9
        for i in range(3):
            assert df.number[i] == i
            assert df.state[i] == "FAIL"
            assert df.value[i] is None
            assert isinstance(df.datetime_start[i], pd.Timestamp)
            assert isinstance(df.datetime_complete[i], pd.Timestamp)
            assert isinstance(df.duration[i], pd.Timedelta)
            assert df.params_x[i] == 1
            assert df.params_y[i] == 2.5
            assert df.user_attrs_train_loss[i] == 3
예제 #7
def test_get_n_trials_state_option(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study_id = storage.create_new_study()
        storage.set_study_directions(study_id, (StudyDirection.MAXIMIZE, ))
        generator = random.Random(51)

        states = [

        for s in states:
            t = _generate_trial(generator)
            t.state = s
            storage.create_new_trial(study_id, template_trial=t)

        assert storage.get_n_trials(study_id, TrialState.COMPLETE) == 2
        assert storage.get_n_trials(study_id, TrialState.PRUNED) == 1

        other_states = [
            s for s in ALL_STATES
            if s != TrialState.COMPLETE and s != TrialState.PRUNED
        for s in other_states:
            assert storage.get_n_trials(study_id, s) == 0
예제 #8
def test_set_and_get_study_system_attrs(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study_id = storage.create_new_study()

        def check_set_and_get(key: str, value: Any) -> None:

            storage.set_study_system_attr(study_id, key, value)
            assert storage.get_study_system_attrs(study_id)[key] == value

        # Test setting value.
        for key, value in EXAMPLE_ATTRS.items():
            check_set_and_get(key, value)
        assert storage.get_study_system_attrs(study_id) == EXAMPLE_ATTRS

        # Test overwriting value.
        check_set_and_get("dataset", "ImageNet")

        # Non-existent study id.
        non_existent_study_id = study_id + 1
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):

        # Non-existent study id.
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            storage.set_study_system_attr(non_existent_study_id, "key",
예제 #9
def test_set_trial_user_attr(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        trial_id_1 = storage.create_new_trial(storage.create_new_study())

        def check_set_and_get(trial_id: int, key: str, value: Any) -> None:

            storage.set_trial_user_attr(trial_id, key, value)
            assert storage.get_trial(trial_id).user_attrs[key] == value

        # Test setting value.
        for key, value in EXAMPLE_ATTRS.items():
            check_set_and_get(trial_id_1, key, value)
        assert storage.get_trial(trial_id_1).user_attrs == EXAMPLE_ATTRS

        # Test overwriting value.
        check_set_and_get(trial_id_1, "dataset", "ImageNet")

        # Test another trial.
        trial_id_2 = storage.create_new_trial(storage.create_new_study())
        check_set_and_get(trial_id_2, "baseline_score", 0.001)
        assert len(storage.get_trial(trial_id_2).user_attrs) == 1
        assert storage.get_trial(
            trial_id_2).user_attrs["baseline_score"] == 0.001

        # Cannot set attributes of non-existent trials.
        non_existent_trial_id = max({trial_id_1, trial_id_2}) + 1
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            storage.set_trial_user_attr(non_existent_trial_id, "key", "value")

        # Cannot set attributes of finished trials.
        storage.set_trial_state_values(trial_id_1, state=TrialState.COMPLETE)
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
            storage.set_trial_user_attr(trial_id_1, "key", "value")
예제 #10
def test_get_trial_param_and_get_trial_params(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        _, study_to_trials = _setup_studies(storage,

        for _, trial_id_to_trial in study_to_trials.items():
            for trial_id, expected_trial in trial_id_to_trial.items():
                assert storage.get_trial_params(
                    trial_id) == expected_trial.params
                for key in expected_trial.params.keys():
                    assert storage.get_trial_param(
                        trial_id, key
                    ) == expected_trial.distributions[key].to_internal_repr(

        non_existent_trial_id = (max(tid for ts in study_to_trials.values()
                                     for tid in ts.keys()) + 1)
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            storage.get_trial_param(non_existent_trial_id, "paramA")
        existent_trial_id = non_existent_trial_id - 1
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            storage.get_trial_param(existent_trial_id, "dummy-key")
예제 #11
def test_failed_trial_callback(storage_mode: str) -> None:
    heartbeat_interval = 1
    grace_period = 2

    def _failed_trial_callback(study: Study, trial: FrozenTrial) -> None:
        assert study.system_attrs["test"] == "A"
        assert trial.system_attrs["test"] == "B"

    failed_trial_callback = Mock(wraps=_failed_trial_callback)

    with StorageSupplier(
    ) as storage:
        assert is_heartbeat_enabled(storage)
        assert isinstance(storage, BaseHeartbeat)

        study = optuna.create_study(storage=storage)
        study.set_system_attr("test", "A")

        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            trial = study.ask()
        trial.set_system_attr("test", "B")
        time.sleep(grace_period + 1)

        # Exceptions raised in spawned threads are caught by `_TestableThread`.
        with patch("optuna.storages._heartbeat.Thread", _TestableThread):
            study.optimize(lambda _: 1.0, n_trials=1)
예제 #12
def test_fail_stale_trials(storage_mode: str,
                           grace_period: Optional[int]) -> None:
    heartbeat_interval = 1
    _grace_period = (heartbeat_interval *
                     2) if grace_period is None else grace_period

    def failed_trial_callback(study: "optuna.Study",
                              trial: FrozenTrial) -> None:
        assert study.system_attrs["test"] == "A"
        assert trial.system_attrs["test"] == "B"

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        assert isinstance(storage, (RDBStorage, RedisStorage))
        storage.heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval
        storage.grace_period = grace_period
        storage.failed_trial_callback = failed_trial_callback
        study = optuna.create_study(storage=storage)
        study.set_system_attr("test", "A")

        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            trial = study.ask()
        trial.set_system_attr("test", "B")
        time.sleep(_grace_period + 1)

        assert study.trials[0].state is TrialState.RUNNING


        assert study.trials[
            0].state is TrialState.FAIL  # type: ignore [comparison-overlap]
예제 #13
def test_run_trial_pruned(storage_mode: str,
                          caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None:
    def gen_func(
            intermediate: Optional[float] = None) -> Callable[[Trial], float]:
        def func(trial: Trial) -> float:
            if intermediate is not None:
                trial.report(step=1, value=intermediate)
            raise TrialPruned

        return func

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage)

        frozen_trial = _optimize._run_trial(study, gen_func(), catch=())
        assert frozen_trial.state == TrialState.PRUNED
        assert frozen_trial.value is None
        assert "Trial 0 pruned." in caplog.text

        frozen_trial = _optimize._run_trial(study,
        assert frozen_trial.state == TrialState.PRUNED
        assert frozen_trial.value == 1
        assert "Trial 1 pruned." in caplog.text

        frozen_trial = _optimize._run_trial(
            study, gen_func(intermediate=float("nan")), catch=())
        assert frozen_trial.state == TrialState.PRUNED
        assert frozen_trial.value is None
        assert "Trial 2 pruned." in caplog.text
예제 #14
def test_fail_stale_trials_with_optimize(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    heartbeat_interval = 1
    grace_period = 2

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode,
                         grace_period=grace_period) as storage:
        assert is_heartbeat_enabled(storage)
        assert isinstance(storage, BaseHeartbeat)

        study1 = optuna.create_study(storage=storage)
        study2 = optuna.create_study(storage=storage)

        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            trial1 = study1.ask()
            trial2 = study2.ask()
        time.sleep(grace_period + 1)

        assert study1.trials[0].state is TrialState.RUNNING
        assert study2.trials[0].state is TrialState.RUNNING

        # Exceptions raised in spawned threads are caught by `_TestableThread`.
        with patch("optuna.storages._heartbeat.Thread", _TestableThread):
            study1.optimize(lambda _: 1.0, n_trials=1)

        assert study1.trials[
            0].state is TrialState.FAIL  # type: ignore [comparison-overlap]
        assert study2.trials[0].state is TrialState.RUNNING
예제 #15
def test_check_distribution_suggest_float(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    sampler = samplers.RandomSampler()
    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage, sampler=sampler)
        trial = Trial(study, study._storage.create_new_trial(study._study_id))

        x1 = trial.suggest_float("x1", 10, 20)
        x2 = trial.suggest_uniform("x1", 10, 20)

        assert x1 == x2

        x3 = trial.suggest_float("x2", 1e-5, 1e-3, log=True)
        x4 = trial.suggest_loguniform("x2", 1e-5, 1e-3)

        assert x3 == x4

        x5 = trial.suggest_float("x3", 10, 20, step=1.0)
        x6 = trial.suggest_discrete_uniform("x3", 10, 20, 1.0)

        assert x5 == x6
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            trial.suggest_float("x4", 1e-5, 1e-2, step=1e-5, log=True)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            trial.suggest_int("x1", 10, 20)

        trial = Trial(study, study._storage.create_new_trial(study._study_id))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            trial.suggest_int("x1", 10, 20)
예제 #16
def test_suggest_loguniform(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        FloatDistribution(low=1.0, high=0.9, log=True)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        FloatDistribution(low=0.0, high=0.9, log=True)

    mock = Mock()
    mock.side_effect = [1.0, 2.0]
    sampler = samplers.RandomSampler()

    with patch.object(
            sampler, "sample_independent",
            mock) as mock_object, StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage, sampler=sampler)
        trial = Trial(study, study._storage.create_new_trial(study._study_id))
        distribution = FloatDistribution(low=0.1, high=4.0, log=True)

        assert trial._suggest("x",
                              distribution) == 1.0  # Test suggesting a param.
        assert trial._suggest(
            "x", distribution) == 1.0  # Test suggesting the same param.
        assert trial._suggest(
            "y", distribution) == 2.0  # Test suggesting a different param.
        assert trial.params == {"x": 1.0, "y": 2.0}
        assert mock_object.call_count == 2
예제 #17
def test_updates_properties(storage_mode: str) -> None:
    """Check for any distributed deadlock following a property read."""
    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        if dist.get_rank() == 0:  # type: ignore
            study = optuna.create_study(storage=storage)
            trial = TorchDistributedTrial(study.ask())
            trial = TorchDistributedTrial(None)

        trial.suggest_float("f", 0, 1)
        trial.suggest_int("i", 0, 1)
        trial.suggest_categorical("c", ("a", "b", "c"))

        property_names = [
            for p in dir(TorchDistributedTrial)
            if isinstance(getattr(TorchDistributedTrial, p), property)

        # Rank 0 can read properties without deadlock.
        if dist.get_rank() == 0:  # type: ignore
            [getattr(trial, p) for p in property_names]

        dist.barrier()  # type: ignore

        # Same with rank 1.
        if dist.get_rank() == 1:  # type: ignore
            [getattr(trial, p) for p in property_names]

        dist.barrier()  # type: ignore
예제 #18
def test_get_param_importances_with_params(
    storage_mode: str,
    params: List[str],
    evaluator_init_func: Callable[[], BaseImportanceEvaluator],
) -> None:
    def objective(trial: Trial) -> float:
        x1 = trial.suggest_float("x1", 0.1, 3)
        x2 = trial.suggest_float("x2", 0.1, 3, log=True)
        x3 = trial.suggest_float("x3", 0, 3, step=1)
        if trial.number % 2 == 0:
            x4 = trial.suggest_float("x4", 0.1, 3)

        value = x1**4 + x2 + x3
        if trial.number % 2 == 0:
            value += x4
        return value

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage)
        study.optimize(objective, n_trials=10)

        param_importance = get_param_importances(
            study, evaluator=evaluator_init_func(), params=params)

        assert isinstance(param_importance, OrderedDict)
        assert len(param_importance) == len(params)
        assert all(param in param_importance for param in params)
        for param_name, importance in param_importance.items():
            assert isinstance(param_name, str)
            assert isinstance(importance, float)

        # Sanity check for param importances
        assert all(0 <= x < float("inf") for x in param_importance.values())
예제 #19
def test_get_trial_id_from_study_id_trial_number(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):  # Matching study does not exist.

        study_id = storage.create_new_study()

        with pytest.raises(KeyError):  # Matching trial does not exist.

        trial_id = storage.create_new_trial(study_id)

        assert trial_id == storage.get_trial_id_from_study_id_trial_number(
            study_id, trial_number=0)

        # Trial IDs are globally unique within a storage but numbers are only unique within a
        # study. Create a second study within the same storage.
        study_id = storage.create_new_study()

        trial_id = storage.create_new_trial(study_id)

        assert trial_id == storage.get_trial_id_from_study_id_trial_number(
            study_id, trial_number=0)
예제 #20
def test_set_and_get_study_directions(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:

        for target, opposite in [
            ((StudyDirection.MINIMIZE, ), (StudyDirection.MAXIMIZE, )),
            ((StudyDirection.MAXIMIZE, ), (StudyDirection.MINIMIZE, )),
                (StudyDirection.MINIMIZE, StudyDirection.MAXIMIZE),
                (StudyDirection.MAXIMIZE, StudyDirection.MINIMIZE),
                [StudyDirection.MINIMIZE, StudyDirection.MAXIMIZE],
                [StudyDirection.MAXIMIZE, StudyDirection.MINIMIZE],
            study_id = storage.create_new_study()

            def check_set_and_get(
                    directions: Sequence[StudyDirection]) -> None:
                storage.set_study_directions(study_id, directions)
                got_directions = storage.get_study_directions(study_id)

                assert got_directions == list(
                ), "Direction of a study should be a tuple of `StudyDirection` objects."

            directions = storage.get_study_directions(study_id)
            assert len(directions) == 1
            assert directions[0] == StudyDirection.NOT_SET

            # Test setting value.

            # Test overwriting value to the same direction.
            storage.set_study_directions(study_id, target)

            # Test overwriting value to the opposite direction.
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                storage.set_study_directions(study_id, opposite)

            # Test overwriting value to the not set.
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                                             (StudyDirection.NOT_SET, ))

            # Test non-existent study.
            non_existent_study_id = study_id + 1
            with pytest.raises(KeyError):

            # Test non-existent study.
            with pytest.raises(KeyError):
                storage.set_study_directions(non_existent_study_id, opposite)

            # Test non-existent study is checked before directions.
            with pytest.raises(KeyError):
                                             (StudyDirection.NOT_SET, ))
예제 #21
def test_run_trial_catch_exception(storage_mode: str) -> None:
    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage)
        frozen_trial = _optimize._run_trial(study,
                                            catch=(ValueError, ))
        assert frozen_trial.state == TrialState.FAIL
        assert STUDY_TELL_WARNING_KEY not in frozen_trial.system_attrs
예제 #22
def test_suggest_int_log_invalid_range(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    sampler = samplers.RandomSampler()
    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage, sampler=sampler)
        trial = Trial(study, study._storage.create_new_trial(study._study_id))
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # UserWarning will be raised since [0.5, 10] is not divisible by 1.
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                trial.suggest_int("z", 0.5, 10, log=True)  # type: ignore

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage, sampler=sampler)
        trial = Trial(study, study._storage.create_new_trial(study._study_id))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            trial.suggest_int("w", 1, 3, step=2, log=True)
예제 #23
def test_number(storage_mode: str) -> None:
    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        if dist.get_rank() == 0:  # type: ignore
            study = optuna.create_study(storage=storage)
            trial = TorchDistributedTrial(study.ask())
            trial = TorchDistributedTrial(None)

        assert trial.number == 0
예제 #24
def test_datetime_start(storage_mode: str) -> None:
    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        if dist.get_rank() == 0:  # type: ignore
            study = optuna.create_study(storage=storage)
            trial = TorchDistributedTrial(study.ask())
            trial = TorchDistributedTrial(None)

        assert isinstance(trial.datetime_start, datetime.datetime)
예제 #25
def test_system_attrs_with_exception() -> None:
    with StorageSupplier("sqlite") as storage:
        if dist.get_rank() == 0:  # type: ignore
            study = optuna.create_study(storage=storage)
            trial = TorchDistributedTrial(study.ask())
            trial = TorchDistributedTrial(None)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            trial.set_system_attr("not serializable", torch.Tensor([1, 2]))
예제 #26
def test_should_prune(storage_mode: str, is_pruning: bool) -> None:
    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        if dist.get_rank() == 0:  # type: ignore
            study = optuna.create_study(storage=storage, pruner=DeterministicPruner(is_pruning))
            trial = TorchDistributedTrial(study.ask())
            trial = TorchDistributedTrial(None)

        trial.report(1, 0)
        assert trial.should_prune() == is_pruning
예제 #27
def test_create_new_trial(storage_mode: str) -> None:
    def _check_trials(
        trials: List[FrozenTrial],
        idx: int,
        trial_id: int,
        time_before_creation: datetime,
        time_after_creation: datetime,
    ) -> None:
        assert len(trials) == idx + 1
        assert len({t._trial_id for t in trials}) == idx + 1
        assert trial_id in {t._trial_id for t in trials}
        assert {t.number for t in trials} == set(range(idx + 1))
        assert all(t.state == TrialState.RUNNING for t in trials)
        assert all(t.params == {} for t in trials)
        assert all(t.intermediate_values == {} for t in trials)
        assert all(t.user_attrs == {} for t in trials)
        assert all(t.system_attrs == {} for t in trials)
        assert all(t.datetime_start < time_before_creation for t in trials
                   if t._trial_id != trial_id and t.datetime_start is not None)
        assert all(
            time_before_creation < t.datetime_start < time_after_creation
            for t in trials
            if t._trial_id == trial_id and t.datetime_start is not None)
        assert all(t.datetime_complete is None for t in trials)
        assert all(t.value is None for t in trials)

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:

        study_id = storage.create_new_study()
        n_trial_in_study = 3
        for i in range(n_trial_in_study):
            time_before_creation = datetime.now()
            trial_id = storage.create_new_trial(study_id)
            time_after_creation = datetime.now()

            trials = storage.get_all_trials(study_id)
            _check_trials(trials, i, trial_id, time_before_creation,

        # Create trial in non-existent study.
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            storage.create_new_trial(study_id + 1)

        study_id2 = storage.create_new_study()
        for i in range(n_trial_in_study):

            trials = storage.get_all_trials(study_id2)
            # Check that the offset of trial.number is zero.
            assert {t.number for t in trials} == set(range(i + 1))

        trials = storage.get_all_trials(study_id) + storage.get_all_trials(
        # Check trial_ids are unique across studies.
        assert len({t._trial_id for t in trials}) == 2 * n_trial_in_study
예제 #28
def test_group_decomposed_search_space_with_different_studies() -> None:
    search_space = _GroupDecomposedSearchSpace()

    with StorageSupplier("sqlite") as storage:
        study0 = create_study(storage=storage)
        study1 = create_study(storage=storage)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            # `_GroupDecomposedSearchSpace` isn't supposed to be used for multiple studies.
예제 #29
def test_create_new_study_with_name(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:

        # Generate unique study_name from the current function name and storage_mode.
        function_name = test_create_new_study_with_name.__name__
        study_name = function_name + "/" + storage_mode
        study_id = storage.create_new_study(study_name)

        assert study_name == storage.get_study_name_from_id(study_id)

        with pytest.raises(optuna.exceptions.DuplicatedStudyError):
예제 #30
def test_get_n_trials(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study_id_to_frozen_studies, _ = _setup_studies(storage,
        for study_id in study_id_to_frozen_studies:
            assert storage.get_n_trials(study_id) == 7

        non_existent_study_id = max(study_id_to_frozen_studies.keys()) + 1
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            assert storage.get_n_trials(non_existent_study_id)