예제 #1
	def _process(self, ds, xoffset=0, yoffset=0):###dsxaxis, dsyaxis):
##		assert(dsyaxis is None)		# STUB
##		assert(dsxaxis is None)		# STUB
		integrator = Integrate2D()
		dsy, dsx = integrator.value(ds)
		dsyaxis = DatasetFactory.createRange(dsy.shape[0])
		dsxaxis = DatasetFactory.createRange(dsx.shape[0])
		gaussian = Gaussian(dsyaxis.min(), dsyaxis.max(), dsyaxis.max()-dsyaxis.min(), (dsyaxis.max()-dsyaxis.min())*(dsy.max()-dsy.min()) )
		if self.maxwidth is not None:
		ansy = Fitter.fit(dsyaxis, dsy, GeneticAlg(0.001), [ gaussian, Offset( dsy.min(),dsy.max() ) ] )
# 		ansy = DataSetFunctionFitter().fit( dsyaxis, dsy, GeneticAlg(.001), [ gaussian, Offset( dsy.min(),dsy.max() ) ] )
# 		ansy = ansy.functionOutput
		gaussian = Gaussian(dsxaxis.min(), dsxaxis.max(), dsxaxis.max()-dsxaxis.min(), (dsxaxis.max()-dsxaxis.min())*(dsx.max()-dsx.min()) )
		if self.maxwidth is not None:
			ansx = fitplot( dsxaxis, dsx, GeneticAlg(.001), [ gaussian, Offset( dsx.min(),dsx.max() ) ] )
		except java.lang.Exception:
			# Probably cannot find Plot_Manager on the finder
			ansx = Fitter.fit(dsxaxis, dsx, GeneticAlg(0.001), [ gaussian, Offset( dsx.min(),dsx.max() ) ] )
		#dsyaxis = dsyaxis.subSampleMean(dsy.dimensions[0]/2)
		#dsy = dsy.subSampleMean(dsy.dimensions[0]/2)
		#dsxaxis = dsxaxis.subSampleMean(dsx.dimensions[0]/2)
		#dsx = dsx.subSampleMean(dsx.dimensions[0]/2)		
		peaky = ansy.getParameters()[0].getValue()
		fwhmy = ansy.getParameters()[1].getValue()
		areay = ansy.getParameters()[2].getValue()
		offsety = ansy.getParameters()[3].getValue() / dsx.shape[0]
		peakx = ansx.getParameters()[0].getValue()
		fwhmx = ansx.getParameters()[1].getValue()
		areax = ansx.getParameters()[2].getValue()
		offsetx = ansx.getParameters()[3].getValue() / dsy.shape[0]
		background = (offsetx+offsety)/2.
		fwhmarea = fwhmy*fwhmx*pi/4
		topy = areay / fwhmy
		topx = areax / fwhmx
		if xoffset==None:
		if yoffset==None:
		return background, peakx+xoffset, peaky+yoffset, topx, topy, fwhmx, fwhmy, fwhmarea
예제 #2
def arange(start, stop=None, step=1, dtype=None):
    '''Create a 1D dataset of given type where values range from specified start up to
    but not including stop in given steps

    start -- optional starting value, defaults to 0
    stop  -- exclusive stop value
    step  -- difference between neighbouring values, defaults to 1
    dtype -- defaults to None which means the type is inferred from given start, stop, step values
    if stop is None:
        stop = start
        start = 0
    dtype = _translatenativetype(dtype)
    if dtype is None:
        if type(start) is _types.ComplexType or type(stop) is _types.ComplexType or type(step) is _types.ComplexType: 
            dtype = complex128
        elif type(start) is _types.FloatType or type(stop) is _types.FloatType or type(step) is _types.FloatType: 
            dtype = float64
        elif type(start) is _types.IntType or type(stop) is _types.IntType or type(step) is _types.IntType: 
            dtype = int32
            raise ValueError, "Unknown or invalid type of input value"
    if dtype == bool:
        return None

    return _df.createRange(start, stop, step, dtype.value)
예제 #3
    def testSimpleCreation(self):
        #         file = NexusUtils.createNexusFile(self.abspath)
        #         g = file.getGroup("/ScanFileHolder:NXentry/datasets:NXdata", True)
        #         lazy = NexusUtils.createLazyWriteableDataset("heading1", Dataset.FLOAT64, [10, 100000], None, None)
        #         file.createData(g, lazy)
        #         dataIn = DatasetFactory.createRange(lazy.getSize(), Dataset.FLOAT64)
        #         dataIn.shape = lazy.getShape()
        #         lazy.setSlice(None, dataIn, SliceND.createSlice(lazy, None, None))
        #         file.close()
        #         os.remove(self.abspath)

        # This cannot work as the saved file is _NOT_ a valid SRS format
        #        sfh.save(AsciiScanFileHolderSaver(self.abspath+"_srs"));
        dataIn = DatasetFactory.createRange(1000000, Dataset.FLOAT64)
        dataIn.shape = [10, 100000]
        sfh = ScanFileHolder()
        sfh.addDataSet("heading1", dataIn)
        #        sfh.load(SRSLoader(self.abspath+"_srs"));#@UndefinedVariable
        #        os.remove(self.abspath)

        file = NexusUtils.openNexusFileReadOnly(self.abspath)
        g = file.getGroup("/ScanFileHolder:NXentry/datasets:NXdata", False)
        dataOut = file.getData(g, "heading1").getDataset().getSlice()
        if dataIn != dataOut:
            self.fail("dataIn != dataOut")
예제 #4
 def testSimpleCreation(self):
     abspath = os.path.abspath(TestFileFolder + "/1.nxs")
     parentPath = os.path.split(abspath)[0]
     if not os.path.exists(parentPath):
     file = NexusUtils.createNexusFile(abspath)
     g = file.getGroup("/ScanFileHolder:NXentry/datasets:NXdata", True)
     lazy = NexusUtils.createLazyWriteableDataset("heading1",
                                                  [10, 100000], None, None)
     file.createData(g, lazy)
     dataIn = DatasetFactory.createRange(lazy.getSize(), Dataset.FLOAT64)
     dataIn.shape = lazy.getShape()
     lazy.setSlice(None, dataIn, SliceND.createSlice(lazy, None, None))
     file = NexusUtils.openNexusFileReadOnly(abspath)
     g = file.getGroup("/ScanFileHolder:NXentry/datasets:NXdata", False)
     dataOut = file.getData(g, "heading1").getDataset().getSlice()
     self.assertEqual(dataIn, dataOut)
예제 #5
from gda.analysis import RCPPlotter

from uk.ac.diamond.scisoft.analysis.plotserver import GuiBean
from uk.ac.diamond.scisoft.analysis.plotserver import GuiParameters
from org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.roi import RectangularROI, RectangularROIList
from org.eclipse.january.dataset import DatasetFactory

pp = RCPPlotter()
pp.plot("Area Detector", DatasetFactory.createFromObject(range(100)))

#This is used to plot on the PlotView
#d = DataSet.arange(10000)
#d.shape = [100,100]

d = DatasetFactory.createRange(10000)
d.shape = [100, 100]
# or, d = DataSet.arange(10000).reshape((100,100)) in GDA v8.12

pp.imagePlot("Area Detector", d)

#This is used to plot on the ImageExploreView
pp.plotImageToGrid("Image Explorer", DatasetFactory.ones([20, 30]))
pp.plotImageToGrid("Image Explorer", "/home/xr56/temp/p100kImage26455.tif")

#RCPPlotter().plotImageToGrid("Image Explorer","/home/xr56/temp/pilatus100K/p686905.tif")
RCPPlotter().scanForImages("Image Explorer",

#Get ROI info