def init(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "oxPush2. Initialization"

        if not (configurationAttributes.containsKey("application_id") and
            print "oxPush2. Initialization. Properties application_id and authentication_mode are mandatory"
            return False

        self.application_id = configurationAttributes.get("application_id").getValue2()
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(self.application_id):
            print "oxPush2. Initialization. Failed to determine application_id. application_id configuration parameter is empty"
            return False

        authentication_mode = configurationAttributes.get("authentication_mode").getValue2()
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(authentication_mode):
            print "oxPush2. Initialization. Failed to determine authentication_mode. authentication_mode configuration parameter is empty"
            return False
        self.oneStep = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(authentication_mode, "one_step")
        self.twoStep = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(authentication_mode, "two_step")

        if not (self.oneStep or self.twoStep):
            print "oxPush2. Initialization. Valid authentication_mode values are one_step and two_step"
            return False
        self.enabledPushNotifications = self.initPushNotificationService(configurationAttributes)

        print "oxPush2. Initialized successfully. oneStep: '%s', twoStep: '%s', pushNotifications: '%s'" % (self.oneStep, self.twoStep, self.enabledPushNotifications)

        return True   
    def sendPushNotification(self, user, oxpush2_request):
        if not self.enabledPushNotifications:

        user_name = user.getUserId()
        print "oxPush2. Send push notification. Loading user '%s' devices" % user_name

        send_notification = False
        send_notification_result = True

        userService = UserService.instance()
        deviceRegistrationService = DeviceRegistrationService.instance()

        user_inum = userService.getUserInum(user_name)

        u2f_devices_list = deviceRegistrationService.findUserDeviceRegistrations(user_inum, self.application_id, "oxId", "oxDeviceData")
        if u2f_devices_list.size() > 0:
            for u2f_device in u2f_devices_list:
                device_data = u2f_device.getDeviceData()

                # Device data which oxPush2 gets during enrollment
                if device_data == None:

                platform = device_data.getPlatform()
                push_token = device_data.getPushToken()
                debug = False

                if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(platform, "ios") and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(push_token):
                    # Sending notification to iOS user's device
                    if (self.pushAppleService == None):
                        print "oxPush2. Send push notification. Apple push notification service is not enabled"
                        send_notification = True
                        title = "oxPush2"
                        message = "oxPush2 login request to: %s" % self.application_id

                        additional_fields = HashMap()
                        additional_fields.put("request", oxpush2_request)

                        send_notification_result = self.pushAppleService.sendPush(title, message, additional_fields, push_token)
                        if debug:
                            print "oxPush2. Send push notification. token: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (push_token, send_notification_result)

                if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(platform, "android") and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(push_token):
                    # Sending notification to Android user's device
                    if (self.pushAndroidService == None):
                        print "oxPush2. Send push notification. Android push notification service is not enabled"
                        send_notification = True
                        send_notification_result= self.pushAndroidService.sendPush("oxPush2", oxpush2_request, push_token)
                        if debug:
                            print "oxPush2. Send push notification. token: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (push_token, send_notification_result)

        print "oxPush2. Send push notification. send_notification: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (send_notification, send_notification_result)
    def getMappedAllAttributesUser(self, saml_response_attributes):
        user = User()

        # Set custom object classes
        if self.userObjectClasses != None:
            print "Saml. Get mapped all attributes user. User custom objectClasses to add persons: '%s'" % Util.array2ArrayList(self.userObjectClasses)

        # Prepare map to do quick mapping 
        attributeService = AttributeService.instance()
        ldapAttributes = attributeService.getAllAttributes()
        samlUriToAttributesMap = HashMap()
        for ldapAttribute in ldapAttributes:
            saml2Uri = ldapAttribute.getSaml2Uri()
            if (saml2Uri == None):
                saml2Uri = attributeService.getDefaultSaml2Uri(ldapAttribute.getName())
            samlUriToAttributesMap.put(saml2Uri, ldapAttribute.getName())

        customAttributes = ArrayList()
        for key in saml_response_attributes.keySet():
            ldapAttributeName = samlUriToAttributesMap.get(key)
            if ldapAttributeName == None:
                print "Saml. Get mapped all attributes user. Skipping saml attribute: '%s'" %  key

            if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(ldapAttributeName, "uid"):

            attribute = CustomAttribute(ldapAttributeName)

        return user
    def updateClient(self, registerRequest, client, configurationAttributes):
        print "Client registration. UpdateClient method"

        redirectUris = client.getRedirectUris()
        print "Client registration. Redirect Uris:", redirectUris

        addAddressScope = False
        for redirectUri in redirectUris:
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(redirectUri, "")):
                addAddressScope = True
        print "Client registration. Is add address scope:", addAddressScope

        if (addAddressScope):
            currentScopes = client.getScopes()
            print "Client registration. Current scopes:", currentScopes
            addressScope = self.scopeService.getScopeByDisplayName("address")
            newScopes = ArrayHelper.addItemToStringArray(currentScopes, addressScope.getDn())
            print "Client registration. Result scopes:", newScopes

        return True
    def validateSessionDeviceStatus(self, client_redirect_uri, session_device_status, user_name = None):
        userService = UserService.instance()
        deviceRegistrationService = DeviceRegistrationService.instance()

        u2f_device_id = session_device_status['device_id']

        u2f_device = None
        if session_device_status['enroll'] and session_device_status['one_step']:
            u2f_device = deviceRegistrationService.findOneStepUserDeviceRegistration(u2f_device_id)
            if u2f_device == None:
                print "Super-Gluu. Validate session device status. There is no one step u2f_device '%s'" % u2f_device_id
                return False
            # Validate if user has specified device_id enrollment
            user_inum = userService.getUserInum(user_name)

            if session_device_status['one_step']:
                user_inum = session_device_status['user_inum']
            u2f_device = deviceRegistrationService.findUserDeviceRegistration(user_inum, u2f_device_id)
            if u2f_device == None:
                print "Super-Gluu. Validate session device status. There is no u2f_device '%s' associated with user '%s'" % (u2f_device_id, user_inum)
                return False

        if not StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(client_redirect_uri, u2f_device.application):
            print "Super-Gluu. Validate session device status. u2f_device '%s' associated with other application '%s'" % (u2f_device_id, u2f_device.application)
            return False
        return True
    def prepareAttributesMapping(self, remoteAttributesList, localAttributesList):
        remoteAttributesListArray = StringHelper.split(remoteAttributesList, ",")
        if (ArrayHelper.isEmpty(remoteAttributesListArray)):
            print "Google+ PrepareAttributesMapping. There is no attributes specified in remoteAttributesList property"
            return None
        localAttributesListArray = StringHelper.split(localAttributesList, ",")
        if (ArrayHelper.isEmpty(localAttributesListArray)):
            print "Google+ PrepareAttributesMapping. There is no attributes specified in localAttributesList property"
            return None

        if (len(remoteAttributesListArray) != len(localAttributesListArray)):
            print "Google+ PrepareAttributesMapping. The number of attributes in remoteAttributesList and localAttributesList isn't equal"
            return None
        attributeMapping = IdentityHashMap()
        containsUid = False
        i = 0
        count = len(remoteAttributesListArray)
        while (i < count):
            remoteAttribute = StringHelper.toLowerCase(remoteAttributesListArray[i])
            localAttribute = StringHelper.toLowerCase(localAttributesListArray[i])
            attributeMapping.put(remoteAttribute, localAttribute)

            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(localAttribute, "uid")):
                containsUid = True

            i = i + 1

        if (not containsUid):
            print "Google+ PrepareAttributesMapping. There is no mapping to mandatory 'uid' attribute"
            return None
        return attributeMapping
예제 #7
    def prepareAttributesMapping(self, saml_idp_attributes_list, saml_local_attributes_list):
        saml_idp_attributes_list_array = StringHelper.split(saml_idp_attributes_list, ",")
        if (ArrayHelper.isEmpty(saml_idp_attributes_list_array)):
            print "Saml. PrepareAttributesMapping. There is no attributes specified in saml_idp_attributes_list property"
            return None
        saml_local_attributes_list_array = StringHelper.split(saml_local_attributes_list, ",")
        if (ArrayHelper.isEmpty(saml_local_attributes_list_array)):
            print "Saml. PrepareAttributesMapping. There is no attributes specified in saml_local_attributes_list property"
            return None

        if (len(saml_idp_attributes_list_array) != len(saml_local_attributes_list_array)):
            print "Saml. PrepareAttributesMapping. The number of attributes in saml_idp_attributes_list and saml_local_attributes_list isn't equal"
            return None
        attributeMapping = IdentityHashMap()
        containsUid = False
        i = 0
        count = len(saml_idp_attributes_list_array)
        while (i < count):
            idpAttribute = StringHelper.toLowerCase(saml_idp_attributes_list_array[i])
            localAttribute = StringHelper.toLowerCase(saml_local_attributes_list_array[i])
            attributeMapping.put(idpAttribute, localAttribute)

            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(localAttribute, "uid")):
                containsUid = True

            i = i + 1

        if (not containsUid):
            print "Saml. PrepareAttributesMapping. There is no mapping to mandatory 'uid' attribute"
            return None
        return attributeMapping
예제 #8
    def authorize(self, authorizationContext):

        print "authorizing..."

        if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(authorizationContext.getUserClaim("locality"), "Austin"):
            print "authorized"
            return True

        return False
예제 #9
    def isUserMemberOfGroup(self, user, attribute, group):
        is_member = False
        member_of_list = user.getAttributeValues(attribute)
        if (member_of_list != None):
            for member_of in member_of_list:
                if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(group, member_of)):
                    is_member = True

        return is_member
예제 #10
    def generateId(self, appId, idType, idPrefix, configurationAttributes):
        print "Id generator. Generate Id"
        print "Id generator. Generate Id. AppId: '", appId, "', IdType: '", idType, "', IdPrefix: '", idPrefix, "'"

        if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(idType, "test"):
            id = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
            print "Id generator. New test id: " + id
            return id

        return "invalid"
    def getSessionDeviceStatus(self, session_attributes, user_name):
        print "Super-Gluu. Get session device status"

        if not session_attributes.containsKey("super_gluu_request"):
            print "Super-Gluu. Get session device status. There is no Super-Gluu request in session attributes"
            return None

        # Check session state extended
        if not session_attributes.containsKey("session_custom_state"):
            print "Super-Gluu. Get session device status. There is no session_custom_state in session attributes"
            return None

        session_custom_state = session_attributes.get("session_custom_state")
        if not StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase("approved", session_custom_state):
            print "Super-Gluu. Get session device status. User '%s' not approve or not pass U2F authentication. session_custom_state: '%s'" % (user_name, session_custom_state)
            return None

        # Try to find device_id in session attribute
        if not session_attributes.containsKey("oxpush2_u2f_device_id"):
            print "Super-Gluu. Get session device status. There is no u2f_device associated with this request"
            return None

        # Try to find user_inum in session attribute
        if not session_attributes.containsKey("oxpush2_u2f_device_user_inum"):
            print "Super-Gluu. Get session device status. There is no user_inum associated with this request"
            return None
        enroll = False
        if session_attributes.containsKey("oxpush2_u2f_device_enroll"):
            enroll = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase("true", session_attributes.get("oxpush2_u2f_device_enroll"))

        one_step = False
        if session_attributes.containsKey("oxpush2_u2f_device_one_step"):
            one_step = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase("true", session_attributes.get("oxpush2_u2f_device_one_step"))
        super_gluu_request = session_attributes.get("super_gluu_request")
        u2f_device_id = session_attributes.get("oxpush2_u2f_device_id")
        user_inum = session_attributes.get("oxpush2_u2f_device_user_inum")

        session_device_status = {"super_gluu_request": super_gluu_request, "device_id": u2f_device_id, "user_inum" : user_inum, "enroll" : enroll, "one_step" : one_step}
        print "Super-Gluu. Get session device status. session_device_status: '%s'" % (session_device_status)
        return session_device_status
    def loadOtpConfiguration(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "OTP. Load OTP configuration"
        if not configurationAttributes.containsKey("otp_conf_file"):
            return False

        otp_conf_file = configurationAttributes.get("otp_conf_file").getValue2()

        # Load configuration from file
        f = open(otp_conf_file, 'r')
            otpConfiguration = json.loads(
            print "OTP. Load OTP configuration. Failed to load configuration from file:", otp_conf_file
            return False
        # Check configuration file settings
            self.hotpConfiguration = otpConfiguration["htop"]
            self.totpConfiguration = otpConfiguration["totp"]
            hmacShaAlgorithm = self.totpConfiguration["hmacShaAlgorithm"]
            hmacShaAlgorithmType = None

            if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(hmacShaAlgorithm, "sha1"):
                hmacShaAlgorithmType = HmacShaAlgorithm.HMAC_SHA_1
            elif StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(hmacShaAlgorithm, "sha256"):
                hmacShaAlgorithmType = HmacShaAlgorithm.HMAC_SHA_256
            elif StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(hmacShaAlgorithm, "sha512"):
                hmacShaAlgorithmType = HmacShaAlgorithm.HMAC_SHA_512
                print "OTP. Load OTP configuration. Invalid TOTP HMAC SHA algorithm: '%s'" % hmacShaAlgorithm
            self.totpConfiguration["hmacShaAlgorithmType"] = hmacShaAlgorithmType
            print "OTP. Load OTP configuration. Invalid configuration file '%s' format. Exception: '%s'" % (otp_conf_file, sys.exc_info()[1])
            return False

        return True
    def authorize(self, authorizationContext, configurationAttributes):
        print "UMA Authorization policy. Attempting to authorize client"
        client_id = authorizationContext.getGrant().getClientId()

        print "UMA Authorization policy. Client: ", client_id
        if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase("@!1111!0008!FDC0.0FF5", client_id)):
            print "UMA Authorization policy. Authorizing client"
            return True
            print "UMA Authorization policy. Client isn't authorized"
            return False

        print "UMA Authorization policy. Authorizing client"
        return True
    def init(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "Super-Gluu. Initialization"

        if not configurationAttributes.containsKey("authentication_mode"):
            print "Super-Gluu. Initialization. Property authentication_mode is mandatory"
            return False

        self.registrationUri = None
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("registration_uri"):
            self.registrationUri = configurationAttributes.get("registration_uri").getValue2()

        authentication_mode = configurationAttributes.get("authentication_mode").getValue2()
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(authentication_mode):
            print "Super-Gluu. Initialization. Failed to determine authentication_mode. authentication_mode configuration parameter is empty"
            return False
        self.oneStep = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(authentication_mode, "one_step")
        self.twoStep = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(authentication_mode, "two_step")

        if not (self.oneStep or self.twoStep):
            print "Super-Gluu. Initialization. Valid authentication_mode values are one_step and two_step"
            return False
        self.enabledPushNotifications = self.initPushNotificationService(configurationAttributes)

        self.customLabel = None
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("label"):
            self.customLabel = configurationAttributes.get("label").getValue2()

        self.customQrOptions = {}
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("qr_options"):
            self.customQrOptions = configurationAttributes.get("qr_options").getValue2()

        print "Super-Gluu. Initialized successfully. oneStep: '%s', twoStep: '%s', pushNotifications: '%s', customLabel: '%s'" % (self.oneStep, self.twoStep, self.enabledPushNotifications, self.customLabel)

        return True   
예제 #15
    def update(self, dynamicScopeContext, configurationAttributes):
        print "Dynamic scope. Update method"

        dynamicScopes = dynamicScopeContext.getDynamicScopes()
        user = dynamicScopeContext.getUser()
        jsonToken = dynamicScopeContext.getJsonToken()
        claims = jsonToken.getClaims()

        # Iterate through list of dynamic scopes in order to add custom scopes if needed
        print "Dynamic scope. Dynamic scopes:", dynamicScopes
        for dynamicScope in dynamicScopes:
            # Add organization name if there is scope = org_name
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(dynamicScope, "org_name")):
                claims.setClaim("org_name", "Gluu, Inc.")

            # Add work phone if there is scope = work_phone
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(dynamicScope, "work_phone")):
                workPhone = user.getAttribute("telephoneNumber");
                if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(workPhone)):
                    claims.setClaim("work_phone", workPhone)

        return True
    def determineGeolocationData(self, remote_ip):
        print "Super-Gluu. Determine remote location. remote_ip: '%s'" % remote_ip
        httpService = HttpService.instance()

        http_client = httpService.getHttpsClient()
        http_client_params = http_client.getParams()
        http_client_params.setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 15 * 1000)
        geolocation_service_url = "" % remote_ip
        geolocation_service_headers = { "Accept" : "application/json" }

            http_service_response = httpService.executeGet(http_client, geolocation_service_url,  geolocation_service_headers)
            http_response = http_service_response.getHttpResponse()
            print "Super-Gluu. Determine remote location. Exception: ", sys.exc_info()[1]
            return None

            if not httpService.isResponseStastusCodeOk(http_response):
                print "Super-Gluu. Determine remote location. Get invalid response from validation server: ", str(http_response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode())
                return None
            response_bytes = httpService.getResponseContent(http_response)
            response_string = httpService.convertEntityToString(response_bytes)

        if response_string == None:
            print "Super-Gluu. Determine remote location. Get empty response from location server"
            return None
        response = json.loads(response_string)
        if not StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(response['status'], "success"):
            print "Super-Gluu. Determine remote location. Get response with status: '%s'" % response['status']
            return None

        return response
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
        user_name = credentials.getUsername()

        context = Contexts.getEventContext()
        session_attributes = context.get("sessionAttributes")


        if (step == 1):
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1"
            authenticated_user = self.processBasicAuthentication(credentials)
            if authenticated_user == None:
                return False

            uaf_auth_method = "authenticate"
            # Uncomment this block if you need to allow user second device registration
            #enrollment_mode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:registerButton")
            #if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(enrollment_mode):
            #    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
            if uaf_auth_method == "authenticate":
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(credentials)
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1. There is no UAF enrollment for user '%s'. Changing uaf_auth_method to '%s'" % (user_name, uaf_auth_method)

            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method
            context.set("uaf_auth_method", uaf_auth_method)

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2"

            session_state = SessionStateService.instance().getSessionStateFromCookie()
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_state):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_state"
                return False

            if user_name == None:
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            uaf_auth_result = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "auth_result")
            if uaf_auth_result != "success":
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. auth_result is '%s'" % uaf_auth_result
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            uaf_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_auth_method")

            if not uaf_auth_method in ['enroll', 'authenticate']:
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to authenticate user. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method
                return False

            # Request STATUS_OBB
            if True:
                #TODO: Remove this condition
                # It's workaround becuase it's not possible to call STATUS_OBB 2 times. First time on browser and second ime on server
                uaf_user_device_handle = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "auth_handle")
                uaf_obb_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_obb_auth_method")
                uaf_obb_server_uri = session_attributes.get("uaf_obb_server_uri")
                uaf_obb_start_response = session_attributes.get("uaf_obb_start_response")

                # Prepare STATUS_OBB
                uaf_obb_start_response_json = json.loads(uaf_obb_start_response)
                uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary = { "operation": "STATUS_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,
                                                      "userName": user_name,
                                                      "needDetails": 1,
                                                      "oobStatusHandle": uaf_obb_start_response_json["oobStatusHandle"],
                uaf_obb_status_request = json.dumps(uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary, separators=(',',':'))
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Prepared STATUS request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (uaf_obb_status_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)

                uaf_status_obb_response = self.executePost(uaf_obb_server_uri, uaf_obb_status_request)
                if uaf_status_obb_response == None:
                    return False

                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Get STATUS response: '%s'" % uaf_status_obb_response
                uaf_status_obb_response_json = json.loads(uaf_status_obb_response)
                if uaf_status_obb_response_json["statusCode"] != 4000:
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. UAF operation status is invalid. statusCode: '%s'" % uaf_status_obb_response_json["statusCode"]
                    return False

                uaf_user_device_handle = uaf_status_obb_response_json["additionalInfo"]["authenticatorsResult"]["handle"]

            if StringHelper.isEmpty(uaf_user_device_handle):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to get UAF handle"
                return False

            uaf_user_external_uid = "uaf:%s" % uaf_user_device_handle
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. UAF handle: '%s'" % uaf_user_external_uid

            if uaf_auth_method == "authenticate":
                # Validate if user used device with same keYHandle
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(credentials)
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. There is no UAF enrollment for user '%s'." % user_name
                    return False
                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(user_enrollment, uaf_user_device_handle):
                        print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. There is UAF enrollment for user '%s'. User authenticated successfully" % user_name
                        return True
                userService = UserService.instance()

                # Double check just to make sure. We did checking in previous step
                # Check if there is user which has uaf_user_external_uid
                # Avoid mapping user cert to more than one IDP account
                find_user_by_external_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", uaf_user_external_uid)
                if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                    # Add uaf_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(user_name, "oxExternalUid", uaf_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                        print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                        return False
                    return True

            return False
            return False
예제 #18
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        saml_map_user = False
        saml_enroll_user = False
        saml_enroll_all_user_attr = False
        # Use saml_deployment_type only if there is no attributes mapping
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_deployment_type"):
            saml_deployment_type = StringHelper.toLowerCase(

            if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(saml_deployment_type, "map"):
                saml_map_user = True

            if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(saml_deployment_type, "enroll"):
                saml_enroll_user = True

            if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(saml_deployment_type,
                saml_enroll_all_user_attr = True

        saml_allow_basic_login = False
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_allow_basic_login"):
            saml_allow_basic_login = StringHelper.toBoolean(
                    "saml_allow_basic_login").getValue2(), False)

        use_basic_auth = False
        if saml_allow_basic_login:
            # Detect if user used basic authnetication method

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()
            if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(
                use_basic_auth = True

        if (step == 1) and saml_allow_basic_login and use_basic_auth:
            print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication"

            identity.setWorkingParameter("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                    user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            return True

        if (step == 1):
            print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1"

            currentSamlConfiguration = self.getCurrentSamlConfiguration(
                self.samlConfiguration, configurationAttributes,
            if (currentSamlConfiguration == None):
                print "Asimba. Prepare for step 1. Client saml configuration is invalid"
                return False

            saml_response_array = requestParameters.get("SAMLResponse")
            if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(saml_response_array):
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response is empty"
                return False

            saml_response = saml_response_array[0]

            print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response: '%s'" % saml_response

            samlResponse = Response(currentSamlConfiguration)

            saml_validate_response = True
            if configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_validate_response"):
                saml_validate_response = StringHelper.toBoolean(
                        "saml_validate_response").getValue2(), False)

            if saml_validate_response:
                if not samlResponse.isValid():
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response isn't valid"

            saml_response_attributes = samlResponse.getAttributes()
            print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. attributes: '%s'" % saml_response_attributes

            if saml_map_user:
                saml_user_uid = self.getSamlNameId(samlResponse)
                if saml_user_uid == None:
                    return False

                # Use mapping to local IDP user
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: saml: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                # Check if the is user with specified saml_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                    "oxExternalUid", "saml:%s" % saml_user_uid)

                if find_user_by_uid == None:
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 2"
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("saml_count_login_steps", 2)
                    return True

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(
                if user_authenticated == False:
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(
                    configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
            elif saml_enroll_user:
                # Convert SAML response to user entry
                newUser = self.getMappedUser(configurationAttributes,

                saml_user_uid = self.getNameId(samlResponse, newUser)
                if saml_user_uid == None:
                    return False

                self.setDefaultUid(newUser, saml_user_uid)
                                     "saml:%s" % saml_user_uid)

                # Use auto enrollment to local IDP
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: saml: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                # Check if there is user with specified saml_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                    "oxExternalUid", "saml:%s" % saml_user_uid)
                if find_user_by_uid == None:
                    # Auto user enrollment
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. There is no user in LDAP. Adding user to local LDAP"

                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to add user '%s' with next attributes: '%s'" % (
                        saml_user_uid, newUser.getCustomAttributes())
                    user_unique = self.checkUserUniqueness(newUser)
                    if not user_unique:
                        print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to add user: '******'. User not unique" % newUser.getUserId(
                        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
                            "Failed to enroll. User with same key attributes exist already"
                        return False

                    find_user_by_uid = userService.addUser(newUser, True)
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Added new user with UID: '%s'" % find_user_by_uid.getUserId(
                    if self.updateUser:
                        print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to update user '%s' with next attributes: '%s'" % (
                            saml_user_uid, newUser.getCustomAttributes())
                        print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Updated user with UID: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(
                if user_authenticated == False:
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user: '******'" % found_user_name
                    return False

                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(
                    configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
            elif saml_enroll_all_user_attr:
                # Convert SAML response to user entry
                newUser = self.getMappedAllAttributesUser(

                saml_user_uid = self.getNameId(samlResponse, newUser)
                if saml_user_uid == None:
                    return False

                self.setDefaultUid(newUser, saml_user_uid)
                                     "saml:%s" % saml_user_uid)

                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: saml:%s" % saml_user_uid

                # Check if there is user with specified saml_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                    "oxExternalUid", "saml:%s" % saml_user_uid)
                if find_user_by_uid == None:
                    # Auto user enrollment
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. There is no user in LDAP. Adding user to local LDAP"

                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to add user '%s' with next attributes: '%s'" % (
                        saml_user_uid, newUser.getCustomAttributes())
                    user_unique = self.checkUserUniqueness(newUser)
                    if not user_unique:
                        print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to add user: '******'. User not unique" % newUser.getUserId(
                        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
                            "Failed to enroll. User with same key attributes exist already"
                        return False

                    find_user_by_uid = userService.addUser(newUser, True)
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Added new user with UID: '%s'" % find_user_by_uid.getUserId(
                    if self.updateUser:
                        print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to update user '%s' with next attributes: '%s'" % (
                            saml_user_uid, newUser.getCustomAttributes())
                        print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Updated user with UID: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(
                if user_authenticated == False:
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(
                    configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
                if saml_user_uid == None:
                    return False

                # Check if the is user with specified saml_user_uid
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by uid: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(saml_user_uid)
                if find_user_by_uid == None:
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    return False

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(
                if user_authenticated == False:
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(
                    configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 2"

            sessionAttributes = identity.getSessionState(
            if (sessionAttributes == None
                ) or not sessionAttributes.containsKey("saml_user_uid"):
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 2. saml_user_uid is empty"
                return False

            saml_user_uid = sessionAttributes.get("saml_user_uid")
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(saml_user_uid)
            if not passed_step1:
                return False

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                    user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    user_name, user_password)

            if not logged_in:
                return False

            # Check if there is user which has saml_user_uid
            # Avoid mapping Saml account to more than one IDP account
            find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                "oxExternalUid", "saml:%s" % saml_user_uid)

            if find_user_by_uid == None:
                # Add saml_user_uid to user one id UIDs
                find_user_by_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                    user_name, "oxExternalUid", "saml:%s" % saml_user_uid)
                if find_user_by_uid == None:
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(
                    configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 2. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 2. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                if StringHelper.equals(user_name, found_user_name):
                    post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(
                        configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                    print "Asimba. Authenticate for step 2. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                    return post_login_result

            return False
            return False
예제 #19
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        context = Contexts.getEventContext()
        authenticationService = AuthenticationService.instance()
        userService = UserService.instance()

        saml_map_user = False
        saml_enroll_user = False
        saml_enroll_all_user_attr = False
        # Use saml_deployment_type only if there is no attributes mapping
        if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_deployment_type")):
            saml_deployment_type = StringHelper.toLowerCase(

            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(saml_deployment_type, "map")):
                saml_map_user = True

            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(saml_deployment_type, "enroll")):
                saml_enroll_user = True

            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(saml_deployment_type,
                saml_enroll_all_user_attr = True

        saml_allow_basic_login = False
        if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_allow_basic_login")):
            saml_allow_basic_login = StringHelper.toBoolean(
                    "saml_allow_basic_login").getValue2(), False)

        use_basic_auth = False
        if (saml_allow_basic_login):
            # Detect if user used basic authnetication method
            credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(user_name)
                    and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(user_password)):
                use_basic_auth = True

        if ((step == 1) and saml_allow_basic_login and use_basic_auth):
            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication"

            context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

            credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
                    and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                userService = UserService.instance()
                logged_in = userService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            return True

        if (step == 1):
            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1"

            currentSamlConfiguration = self.getCurrentSamlConfiguration(
                self.samlConfiguration, configurationAttributes,
            if (currentSamlConfiguration == None):
                print "Saml. Prepare for step 1. Client saml configuration is invalid"
                return False

            saml_response_array = requestParameters.get("SAMLResponse")
            if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(saml_response_array):
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response is empty"
                return False

            saml_response = saml_response_array[0]

            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response: '%s'" % saml_response

            samlResponse = Response(currentSamlConfiguration)

            saml_validate_response = True
            if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_validate_response")):
                saml_validate_response = StringHelper.toBoolean(
                        "saml_validate_response").getValue2(), False)

            if (saml_validate_response):
                if (not samlResponse.isValid()):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response isn't valid"

            saml_response_name_id = samlResponse.getNameId()
            if (StringHelper.isEmpty(saml_response_name_id)):
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response_name_id is invalid"
                return False

            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response_name_id: '%s'" % saml_response_name_id

            saml_response_attributes = samlResponse.getAttributes()
            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. attributes: '%s'" % saml_response_attributes

            # Use persistent Id as saml_user_uid
            saml_user_uid = saml_response_name_id

            if (saml_map_user):
                # Use mapping to local IDP user
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: saml: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                # Check if the is user with specified saml_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                    "oxExternalUid", "saml:" + saml_user_uid)

                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 2"
                    context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 2)
                    context.set("saml_user_uid", saml_user_uid)
                    return True

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(
                if (user_authenticated == False):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(
                    configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
            elif (saml_enroll_user):
                # Use auto enrollment to local IDP
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: saml: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                # Check if the is user with specified saml_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                    "oxExternalUid", "saml:" + saml_user_uid)

                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    # Auto user enrollemnt
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. There is no user in LDAP. Adding user to local LDAP"

                    # Convert saml result attributes keys to lover case
                    saml_response_normalized_attributes = HashMap()
                    for saml_response_attribute_entry in saml_response_attributes.entrySet(

                    currentAttributesMapping = self.prepareCurrentAttributesMapping(
                        self.attributesMapping, configurationAttributes,
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Using next attributes mapping '%s'" % currentAttributesMapping

                    newUser = User()

                    # Set custom object classes
                    if self.userObjectClasses != None:
                        print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. User custom objectClasses to add persons: '%s'" % Util.array2ArrayList(

                    for attributesMappingEntry in currentAttributesMapping.entrySet(
                        idpAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getKey()
                        localAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getValue()

                        if self.debugEnrollment:
                            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Trying to map '%s' into '%s'" % (
                                idpAttribute, localAttribute)

                        localAttributeValue = saml_response_normalized_attributes.get(
                        if (localAttributeValue != None):
                            if self.debugEnrollment:
                                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting attribute '%s' value '%s'" % (
                                    localAttribute, localAttributeValue)

                                         "saml:" + saml_user_uid)
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to add user '%s' with next attributes: '%s'" % (
                        saml_user_uid, newUser.getCustomAttributes())

                    user_unique = self.checkUserUniqueness(newUser)
                    if not user_unique:
                        print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to add user: '******'. User not unique" % newUser.getAttribute(
                        facesMessages = FacesMessages.instance()
                            "Failed to enroll. User with same key attributes exist already"
                        return False

                    find_user_by_uid = userService.addUser(newUser, True)
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Added new user with UID: '%s'" % find_user_by_uid.getUserId(

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(
                if (user_authenticated == False):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user: '******'" % found_user_name
                    return False

                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(
                    configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
            elif (saml_enroll_all_user_attr):
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: saml:" + saml_user_uid

                # Check if the is user with specified saml_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                    "oxExternalUid", "saml:" + saml_user_uid)

                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"

                    user = User()

                    # Set custom object classes
                    if self.userObjectClasses != None:
                        print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. User custom objectClasses to add persons: '%s'" % Util.array2ArrayList(

                    customAttributes = ArrayList()
                    for key in saml_response_attributes.keySet():
                        ldapAttributes = attributeService.getAllAttributes()
                        for ldapAttribute in ldapAttributes:
                            saml2Uri = ldapAttribute.getSaml2Uri()
                            if (saml2Uri == None):
                                saml2Uri = attributeService.getDefaultSaml2Uri(
                            if (saml2Uri == key):
                                attribute = CustomAttribute(

                    attribute = CustomAttribute("oxExternalUid")
                    attribute.setValue("saml:" + saml_user_uid)

                    if (user.getAttribute("sn") == None):
                        attribute = CustomAttribute("sn")

                    if (user.getAttribute("cn") == None):
                        attribute = CustomAttribute("cn")

                    user_unique = self.checkUserUniqueness(user)
                    if not user_unique:
                        print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to add user: '******'. User not unique" % newUser.getAttribute(
                        facesMessages = FacesMessages.instance()
                            "Failed to enroll. User with same key attributes exist already"
                        return False

                    find_user_by_uid = userService.addUser(user, True)
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Added new user with UID: '%s'" % find_user_by_uid.getUserId(

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(
                if (user_authenticated == False):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(
                    configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
                # Check if the is user with specified saml_user_uid
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by uid: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(saml_user_uid)
                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    return False

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(
                if (user_authenticated == False):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(
                    configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2"

            sessionAttributes = context.get("sessionAttributes")
            if (sessionAttributes == None
                ) or not sessionAttributes.containsKey("saml_user_uid"):
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. saml_user_uid is empty"
                return False

            saml_user_uid = sessionAttributes.get("saml_user_uid")
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(saml_user_uid)
            if (not passed_step1):
                return False

            credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
                    and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = userService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            # Check if there is user which has saml_user_uid
            # Avoid mapping Saml account to more than one IDP account
            find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                "oxExternalUid", "saml:" + saml_user_uid)

            if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                # Add saml_user_uid to user one id UIDs
                find_user_by_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                    user_name, "oxExternalUid", "saml:" + saml_user_uid)
                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(
                    configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                if StringHelper.equals(user_name, found_user_name):
                    post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(
                        configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                    return post_login_result

            return False
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        context = Contexts.getEventContext()
        authenticationService = AuthenticationService.instance()
        userService = UserService.instance()

        encryptionService = EncryptionService.instance()

        mapUserDeployment = False
        enrollUserDeployment = False
        if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("gplus_deployment_type")):
            deploymentType = StringHelper.toLowerCase(configurationAttributes.get("gplus_deployment_type").getValue2())
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(deploymentType, "map")):
                mapUserDeployment = True
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(deploymentType, "enroll")):
                enrollUserDeployment = True

        if (step == 1):
            print "Google+ authenticate for step 1"
            gplusAuthCodeArray = requestParameters.get("gplus_auth_code")
            gplusAuthCode = gplusAuthCodeArray[0]

            # Check if user uses basic method to log in
            useBasicAuth = False
            if (StringHelper.isEmptyString(gplusAuthCode)):
                useBasicAuth = True

            # Use basic method to log in
            if (useBasicAuth):
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication"
                context.set("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)
                credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
                userName = credentials.getUsername()
                userPassword = credentials.getPassword()
                loggedIn = False
                if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userName) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userPassword)):
                    userService = UserService.instance()
                    loggedIn = userService.authenticate(userName, userPassword)
                if (not loggedIn):
                    return False
                return True

            # Use Google+ method to log in
            print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. gplusAuthCode:", gplusAuthCode

            currentClientSecrets = self.getCurrentClientSecrets(self.clientSecrets, configurationAttributes, requestParameters)
            if (currentClientSecrets == None):
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Client secrets configuration is invalid"
                return False
            print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Attempting to gets tokens"
            tokenResponse = self.getTokensByCode(self.clientSecrets, configurationAttributes, gplusAuthCode);
            if ((tokenResponse == None) or (tokenResponse.getIdToken() == None) or (tokenResponse.getAccessToken() == None)):
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Failed to get tokens"
                return False
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Successfully gets tokens"

            jwt = Jwt.parse(tokenResponse.getIdToken())
            # TODO: Validate ID Token Signature  

            gplusUserUid = jwt.getClaims().getClaimAsString(JwtClaimName.SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER);
            print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Found Google user ID in the ID token: ", gplusUserUid
            if (mapUserDeployment):
                # Use mapping to local IDP user
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: gplus:", gplusUserUid

                # Check if there is user with specified gplusUserUid
                foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)

                if (foundUser == None):
                    print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 2"
                    context.set("gplus_count_login_steps", 2)
                    context.set("gplus_user_uid", encryptionService.encrypt(gplusUserUid))
                    return True

                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. foundUserName:"******"Google+ authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. postLoginResult:", postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
            elif (enrollUserDeployment):
                # Use auto enrollment to local IDP
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: gplus:", gplusUserUid
                # Check if there is user with specified gplusUserUid
                foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)
                if (foundUser == None):
                    # Auto user enrollemnt
                    print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. There is no user in LDAP. Adding user to local LDAP"

                    print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Attempting to gets user info"
                    userInfoResponse = self.getUserInfo(currentClientSecrets, configurationAttributes, tokenResponse.getAccessToken())
                    if ((userInfoResponse == None) or (userInfoResponse.getClaims().size() == 0)):
                        print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Failed to get user info"
                        return False
                        print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Successfully gets user info"
                    gplusResponseAttributes = userInfoResponse.getClaims()
                    # Convert Google+ user claims to lover case
                    gplusResponseNormalizedAttributes = HashMap()
                    for gplusResponseAttributeEntry in gplusResponseAttributes.entrySet():
                            StringHelper.toLowerCase(gplusResponseAttributeEntry.getKey()), gplusResponseAttributeEntry.getValue())
                    currentAttributesMapping = self.getCurrentAttributesMapping(self.attributesMapping, configurationAttributes, requestParameters)
                    print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Using next attributes mapping", currentAttributesMapping
                    newUser = User()
                    for attributesMappingEntry in currentAttributesMapping.entrySet():
                        idpAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getKey()
                        localAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getValue()
                        localAttributeValue = gplusResponseNormalizedAttributes.get(idpAttribute)
                        if (localAttribute != None):
                            newUser.setAttribute(localAttribute, localAttributeValue)
                    if (newUser.getAttribute("sn") == None):
                        newUser.setAttribute("sn", gplusUserUid)
                    if (newUser.getAttribute("cn") == None):
                        newUser.setAttribute("cn", gplusUserUid)

                    newUser.setAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)
                    print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Attempting to add user", gplusUserUid, " with next attributes", newUser.getCustomAttributes()
                    foundUser = userService.addUser(newUser)
                    print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Added new user with UID", foundUser.getUserId()

                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. foundUserName:"******"Google+ authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. postLoginResult:", postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
                # Check if the is user with specified gplusUserUid
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by uid:", gplusUserUid

                foundUser = userService.getUser(gplusUserUid)
                if (foundUser == None):
                    print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    return False

                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. foundUserName:"******"Google+ authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 1. postLoginResult:", postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Google+ authenticate for step 2"
            gplusUserUidArray = requestParameters.get("gplus_user_uid")
            if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(gplusUserUidArray):
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 2. gplus_user_uid is empty"
                return False

            gplusUserUid = encryptionService.decrypt(gplusUserUidArray[0])
            passedStep1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(gplusUserUid)
            if (not passedStep1):
                return False

            credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
            userName = credentials.getUsername()
            userPassword = credentials.getPassword()

            loggedIn = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userName) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userPassword)):
                loggedIn = userService.authenticate(userName, userPassword)

            if (not loggedIn):
                return False

            # Check if there is user which has gplusUserUid
            # Avoid mapping Google account to more than one IDP account
            foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)

            if (foundUser == None):
                # Add gplusUserUid to user one id UIDs
                foundUser = userService.addUserAttribute(userName, "oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)
                if (foundUser == None):
                    print "Google+ authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 2. postLoginResult:", postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ authenticate for step 2. foundUserName:"******"Google+ authenticate for step 2. postLoginResult:", postLoginResult
                    return postLoginResult
            return False
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        context = Contexts.getEventContext()
        authenticationService = AuthenticationService.instance()
        userService = UserService.instance()

        saml_map_user = False
        saml_enroll_user = False
        saml_enroll_all_user_attr = False
        # Use saml_deployment_type only if there is no attributes mapping
        if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_deployment_type")):
            saml_deployment_type = StringHelper.toLowerCase(configurationAttributes.get("saml_deployment_type").getValue2())
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(saml_deployment_type, "map")):
                saml_map_user = True

            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(saml_deployment_type, "enroll")):
                saml_enroll_user = True

            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(saml_deployment_type, "enroll_all_attr")):
                saml_enroll_all_user_attr = True

        saml_allow_basic_login = False
        if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_allow_basic_login")):
            saml_allow_basic_login = StringHelper.toBoolean(configurationAttributes.get("saml_allow_basic_login").getValue2(), False)

        use_basic_auth = False
        if (saml_allow_basic_login):
            # Detect if user used basic authnetication method
            credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(user_password)):
                use_basic_auth = True

        if ((step == 1) and saml_allow_basic_login and use_basic_auth):
            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication"

            context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

            credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                userService = UserService.instance()
                logged_in = userService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            return True

        if (step == 1):
            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1"

            currentSamlConfiguration = self.getCurrentSamlConfiguration(self.samlConfiguration, configurationAttributes, requestParameters)
            if (currentSamlConfiguration == None):
                print "Saml. Prepare for step 1. Client saml configuration is invalid"
                return False

            saml_response_array = requestParameters.get("SAMLResponse")
            if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(saml_response_array):
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response is empty"
                return False

            saml_response = saml_response_array[0]

            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response: '%s'" % saml_response

            samlResponse = Response(currentSamlConfiguration)
            saml_validate_response = True
            if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_validate_response")):
                saml_validate_response = StringHelper.toBoolean(configurationAttributes.get("saml_validate_response").getValue2(), False)

            if (saml_validate_response):
                if (not samlResponse.isValid()):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response isn't valid"

            saml_response_attributes = samlResponse.getAttributes()
            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. attributes: '%s'" % saml_response_attributes
            if (saml_map_user):
                saml_user_uid = self.getSamlNameId(samlResponse)
                if saml_user_uid == None:
                    return False

                # Use mapping to local IDP user
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: saml: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                # Check if the is user with specified saml_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "saml:%s" % saml_user_uid)

                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 2"
                    context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 2)
                    context.set("saml_user_uid", saml_user_uid)
                    return True

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name
                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(found_user_name)
                if (user_authenticated == False):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
            elif (saml_enroll_user):
                # Convert SAML response to user entry
                newUser = self.getMappedUser(configurationAttributes, requestParameters, saml_response_attributes)

                saml_user_uid = self.getNameId(samlResponse, newUser)
                if saml_user_uid == None:
                    return False

                self.setDefaultUid(newUser, saml_user_uid)
                newUser.setAttribute("oxExternalUid", "saml:%s" % saml_user_uid)

                # Use auto enrollment to local IDP
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: saml: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                # Check if there is user with specified saml_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "saml:%s" % saml_user_uid)
                if find_user_by_uid == None:
                    # Auto user enrollment
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. There is no user in LDAP. Adding user to local LDAP"

                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to add user '%s' with next attributes: '%s'" % (saml_user_uid, newUser.getCustomAttributes())
                    user_unique = self.checkUserUniqueness(newUser)
                    if not user_unique:
                        print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to add user: '******'. User not unique" % newUser.getUserId()
                        facesMessages = FacesMessages.instance()
                        facesMessages.add(StatusMessage.Severity.ERROR, "Failed to enroll. User with same key attributes exist already")
                        return False

                    find_user_by_uid = userService.addUser(newUser, True)
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Added new user with UID: '%s'" % find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                    if self.updateUser:
                        print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to update user '%s' with next attributes: '%s'" % (saml_user_uid, newUser.getCustomAttributes())
                        print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Updated user with UID: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(found_user_name)
                if (user_authenticated == False):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user: '******'" % found_user_name
                    return False

                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
            elif (saml_enroll_all_user_attr):
                # Convert SAML response to user entry
                newUser = self.getMappedAllAttributesUser(saml_response_attributes)

                saml_user_uid = self.getNameId(samlResponse, newUser)
                if saml_user_uid == None:
                    return False

                self.setDefaultUid(newUser, saml_user_uid)
                newUser.setAttribute("oxExternalUid", "saml:%s" %  saml_user_uid)

                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: saml:%s" % saml_user_uid

                # Check if there is user with specified saml_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "saml:%s" %  saml_user_uid)
                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    # Auto user enrollment
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. There is no user in LDAP. Adding user to local LDAP"

                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to add user '%s' with next attributes: '%s'" % (saml_user_uid, newUser.getCustomAttributes())
                    user_unique = self.checkUserUniqueness(newUser)
                    if not user_unique:
                        print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to add user: '******'. User not unique" % newUser.getUserId()
                        facesMessages = FacesMessages.instance()
                        facesMessages.add(StatusMessage.Severity.ERROR, "Failed to enroll. User with same key attributes exist already")
                        return False

                    find_user_by_uid = userService.addUser(newUser, True)
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Added new user with UID: '%s'" % find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                    if self.updateUser:
                        print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to update user '%s' with next attributes: '%s'" % (saml_user_uid, newUser.getCustomAttributes())
                        print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Updated user with UID: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(found_user_name)
                if (user_authenticated == False):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
                if saml_user_uid == None:
                    return False

                # Check if the is user with specified saml_user_uid
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by uid: '%s'" % saml_user_uid

                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(saml_user_uid)
                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    return False

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(found_user_name)
                if (user_authenticated == False):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2"

            sessionAttributes = context.get("sessionAttributes")
            if (sessionAttributes == None) or not sessionAttributes.containsKey("saml_user_uid"):
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. saml_user_uid is empty"
                return False

            saml_user_uid = sessionAttributes.get("saml_user_uid")
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(saml_user_uid)
            if (not passed_step1):
                return False

            credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = userService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            # Check if there is user which has saml_user_uid
            # Avoid mapping Saml account to more than one IDP account
            find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "saml:%s" % saml_user_uid)

            if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                # Add saml_user_uid to user one id UIDs
                find_user_by_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(user_name, "oxExternalUid", "saml:%s" % saml_user_uid)
                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result

                return post_login_result
                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. found_user_name: '%s'" % found_user_name
                if StringHelper.equals(user_name, found_user_name):
                    post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. post_login_result: '%s'" % post_login_result
                    return post_login_result
            return False
            return False
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
        context = Contexts.getEventContext()
        session_attributes = context.get("sessionAttributes")


        if (step == 1):
            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2"

            session_state = SessionStateService.instance().getSessionStateFromCookie()
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_state):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_state"
                return False

            authenticationService = AuthenticationService.instance()
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            uaf_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_auth_method")
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(uaf_auth_method):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine auth_method"
                return False

            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method

            uaf_obb_auth_method = "OOB_REG"
            uaf_obb_server_uri = self.uaf_server_uri + "/nnl/v2/reg" 
            if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(uaf_auth_method, "authenticate"):
                uaf_obb_auth_method = "OOB_AUTH"
                uaf_obb_server_uri = self.uaf_server_uri + "/nnl/v2/auth" 

            # Prepare START_OBB
            uaf_obb_start_request_dictionary = { "operation": "START_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,
                                                 "userName": user.getUserId(),
                                                 "policyName": "default",
                                                    { "qr": "true", "rawData": "false", "push": "false" } 

            uaf_obb_start_request = json.dumps(uaf_obb_start_request_dictionary, separators=(',',':'))
            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Prepared START request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (uaf_obb_start_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)

            # Request START_OBB
            uaf_obb_start_response = self.executePost(uaf_obb_server_uri, uaf_obb_start_request)
            if uaf_obb_start_response == None:
                return False

            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Get START response: '%s'" % uaf_obb_start_response
            uaf_obb_start_response_json = json.loads(uaf_obb_start_response)

            # Prepare STATUS_OBB
            #TODO: Remove needDetails parameter
            uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary = { "operation": "STATUS_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,
                                                  "userName": user.getUserId(),
                                                  "needDetails": 1,
                                                  "oobStatusHandle": uaf_obb_start_response_json["oobStatusHandle"],

            uaf_obb_status_request = json.dumps(uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary, separators=(',',':'))
            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Prepared STATUS request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (uaf_obb_status_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)

            context.set("uaf_obb_auth_method", uaf_obb_auth_method)
            context.set("uaf_obb_server_uri", uaf_obb_server_uri)
            context.set("uaf_obb_start_response", uaf_obb_start_response)
            context.set("qr_image", uaf_obb_start_response_json["modeResult"]["qrCode"]["qrImage"])
            context.set("uaf_obb_status_request", uaf_obb_status_request)

            return True
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        session_attributes = identity.getSessionState().getSessionAttributes()


        if (step == 1):
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1"

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()

            authenticated_user = self.processBasicAuthentication(credentials)
            if authenticated_user == None:
                return False

            uaf_auth_method = "authenticate"
            # Uncomment this block if you need to allow user second device registration
            #enrollment_mode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:registerButton")
            #if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(enrollment_mode):
            #    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"

            if uaf_auth_method == "authenticate":
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(credentials)
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1. There is no UAF enrollment for user '%s'. Changing uaf_auth_method to '%s'" % (
                        user_name, uaf_auth_method)

            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method

            identity.setWorkingParameter("uaf_auth_method", uaf_auth_method)

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2"

            session_state = CdiUtil.bean(
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_state):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_state"
                return False

            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False
            user_name = user.getUserId()

            uaf_auth_result = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if uaf_auth_result != "success":
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. auth_result is '%s'" % uaf_auth_result
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            uaf_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_auth_method")

            if not uaf_auth_method in ['enroll', 'authenticate']:
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to authenticate user. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method
                return False

            # Request STATUS_OBB
            if True:
                #TODO: Remove this condition
                # It's workaround becuase it's not possible to call STATUS_OBB 2 times. First time on browser and second ime on server
                uaf_user_device_handle = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(
                    requestParameters, "auth_handle")
                uaf_obb_auth_method = session_attributes.get(
                uaf_obb_server_uri = session_attributes.get(
                uaf_obb_start_response = session_attributes.get(

                # Prepare STATUS_OBB
                uaf_obb_start_response_json = json.loads(
                uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary = {
                    "STATUS_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,

                uaf_obb_status_request = json.dumps(
                    uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary, separators=(',', ':'))
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Prepared STATUS request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (
                    uaf_obb_status_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)

                uaf_status_obb_response = self.executePost(
                    uaf_obb_server_uri, uaf_obb_status_request)
                if uaf_status_obb_response == None:
                    return False

                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Get STATUS response: '%s'" % uaf_status_obb_response
                uaf_status_obb_response_json = json.loads(

                if uaf_status_obb_response_json["statusCode"] != 4000:
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. UAF operation status is invalid. statusCode: '%s'" % uaf_status_obb_response_json[
                    return False

                uaf_user_device_handle = uaf_status_obb_response_json[

            if StringHelper.isEmpty(uaf_user_device_handle):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to get UAF handle"
                return False

            uaf_user_external_uid = "uaf:%s" % uaf_user_device_handle
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. UAF handle: '%s'" % uaf_user_external_uid

            if uaf_auth_method == "authenticate":
                # Validate if user used device with same keYHandle
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(credentials)
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. There is no UAF enrollment for user '%s'." % user_name
                    return False

                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(user_enrollment,
                        print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. There is UAF enrollment for user '%s'. User authenticated successfully" % user_name
                        return True
                userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

                # Double check just to make sure. We did checking in previous step
                # Check if there is user which has uaf_user_external_uid
                # Avoid mapping user cert to more than one IDP account
                find_user_by_external_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                    "oxExternalUid", uaf_user_external_uid)
                if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                    # Add uaf_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                        user_name, "oxExternalUid", uaf_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                        print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                        return False

                    return True

            return False
            return False
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        session_attributes = identity.getSessionState().getSessionAttributes()


        if (step == 1):
            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2"

            session_state = CdiUtil.bean(
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_state):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_state"
                return False

            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            uaf_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_auth_method")
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(uaf_auth_method):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine auth_method"
                return False

            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method

            uaf_obb_auth_method = "OOB_REG"
            uaf_obb_server_uri = self.uaf_server_uri + "/nnl/v2/reg"
            if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(uaf_auth_method, "authenticate"):
                uaf_obb_auth_method = "OOB_AUTH"
                uaf_obb_server_uri = self.uaf_server_uri + "/nnl/v2/auth"

            # Prepare START_OBB
            uaf_obb_start_request_dictionary = {
                "operation": "START_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,
                "userName": user.getUserId(),
                "policyName": "default",
                "oobMode": {
                    "qr": "true",
                    "rawData": "false",
                    "push": "false"

            uaf_obb_start_request = json.dumps(
                uaf_obb_start_request_dictionary, separators=(',', ':'))
            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Prepared START request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (
                uaf_obb_start_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)

            # Request START_OBB
            uaf_obb_start_response = self.executePost(uaf_obb_server_uri,
            if uaf_obb_start_response == None:
                return False

            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Get START response: '%s'" % uaf_obb_start_response
            uaf_obb_start_response_json = json.loads(uaf_obb_start_response)

            # Prepare STATUS_OBB
            #TODO: Remove needDetails parameter
            uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary = {
                "operation": "STATUS_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,
                "userName": user.getUserId(),
                "needDetails": 1,

            uaf_obb_status_request = json.dumps(
                uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary, separators=(',', ':'))
            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Prepared STATUS request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (
                uaf_obb_status_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)


            return True
            return False
예제 #25
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        context = Contexts.getEventContext()
        authenticationService = AuthenticationService.instance()
        userService = UserService.instance()

        saml_map_user = False
        saml_enroll_user = False
        saml_enroll_all_user_attr = False
        # Use saml_deployment_type only if there is no attributes mapping
        if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_deployment_type")):
            saml_deployment_type = StringHelper.toLowerCase(configurationAttributes.get("saml_deployment_type").getValue2())
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(saml_deployment_type, "map")):
                saml_map_user = True

            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(saml_deployment_type, "enroll")):
                saml_enroll_user = True

            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(saml_deployment_type, "enroll_all_attr")):
                saml_enroll_all_user_attr = True

        saml_allow_basic_login = False
        if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_allow_basic_login")):
            saml_allow_basic_login = StringHelper.toBoolean(configurationAttributes.get("saml_allow_basic_login").getValue2(), False)

        use_basic_auth = False
        if (saml_allow_basic_login):
            # Detect if user used basic authnetication method
            credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(user_password)):
                use_basic_auth = True

        if ((step == 1) and saml_allow_basic_login and use_basic_auth):
            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication"

            context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

            credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                userService = UserService.instance()
                logged_in = userService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            return True

        if (step == 1):
            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1"

            currentSamlConfiguration = self.getCurrentSamlConfiguration(self.samlConfiguration, configurationAttributes, requestParameters)
            if (currentSamlConfiguration == None):
                print "Saml. Prepare for step 1. Client saml configuration is invalid"
                return False

            saml_response_array = requestParameters.get("SAMLResponse")
            if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(saml_response_array):
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response is empty"
                return False

            saml_response = saml_response_array[0]

            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response:", saml_response

            samlResponse = Response(currentSamlConfiguration)
            saml_validate_response = True
            if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("saml_validate_response")):
                saml_validate_response = StringHelper.toBoolean(configurationAttributes.get("saml_validate_response").getValue2(), False)

            if (saml_validate_response):
                if (not samlResponse.isValid()):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response isn't valid"

            saml_response_name_id = samlResponse.getNameId()
            if (StringHelper.isEmpty(saml_response_name_id)):
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response_name_id is invalid"
                return False

            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. saml_response_name_id:", saml_response_name_id

            saml_response_attributes = samlResponse.getAttributes()
            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. attributes: ", saml_response_attributes

            # Use persistent Id as saml_user_uid
            saml_user_uid = saml_response_name_id
            if (saml_map_user):
                # Use mapping to local IDP user
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: saml:", saml_user_uid

                # Check if the is user with specified saml_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "saml:" + saml_user_uid)

                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 2"
                    context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 2)
                    context.set("saml_user_uid", saml_user_uid)
                    return True

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name:", found_user_name
                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(found_user_name)
                if (user_authenticated == False):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result:", post_login_result

                return post_login_result
            elif (saml_enroll_user):
                # Use auto enrollment to local IDP
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: saml:", saml_user_uid

                # Check if the is user with specified saml_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "saml:" + saml_user_uid)

                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    # Auto user enrollemnt
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. There is no user in LDAP. Adding user to local LDAP"

                    # Convert saml result attributes keys to lover case
                    saml_response_normalized_attributes = HashMap()
                    for saml_response_attribute_entry in saml_response_attributes.entrySet():
                            StringHelper.toLowerCase(saml_response_attribute_entry.getKey()), saml_response_attribute_entry.getValue())

                    currentAttributesMapping = self.prepareCurrentAttributesMapping(self.attributesMapping, configurationAttributes, requestParameters)
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Using next attributes mapping", currentAttributesMapping

                    newUser = User()
                    for attributesMappingEntry in currentAttributesMapping.entrySet():
                        idpAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getKey()
                        localAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getValue()

                        localAttributeValue = saml_response_normalized_attributes.get(idpAttribute)
                        if (localAttribute != None):
                            newUser.setAttribute(localAttribute, localAttributeValue)

                    newUser.setAttribute("oxExternalUid", "saml:" + saml_user_uid)
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to add user", saml_user_uid, " with next attributes", newUser.getCustomAttributes()

                    find_user_by_uid = userService.addUser(newUser, True)
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Added new user with UID", find_user_by_uid.getUserId()

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name:", found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(found_user_name)
                if (user_authenticated == False):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result:", post_login_result

                return post_login_result
            elif (saml_enroll_all_user_attr):
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: saml:" + saml_user_uid

                # Check if the is user with specified saml_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "saml:" + saml_user_uid)

                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"

                    user = User()
                    customAttributes = ArrayList()
                    for key in attributes.keySet():
                        ldapAttributes = attributeService.getAllAttributes()
                        for ldapAttribute in ldapAttributes:
                            saml2Uri = ldapAttribute.getSaml2Uri()
                            if(saml2Uri == None):
                                saml2Uri = attributeService.getDefaultSaml2Uri(ldapAttribute.getName())
                            if(saml2Uri == key):
                                attribute = CustomAttribute(ldapAttribute.getName())

                    attribute = CustomAttribute("oxExternalUid")
                    attribute.setValue("saml:" + saml_user_uid)

                    if(user.getAttribute("sn") == None):
                        attribute = CustomAttribute("sn")

                    if(user.getAttribute("cn") == None):
                        attribute = CustomAttribute("cn")

                    find_user_by_uid = userService.addUser(user, True)
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Added new user with UID", find_user_by_uid.getUserId()

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name:", found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(found_user_name)
                if (user_authenticated == False):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result:", post_login_result

                return post_login_result
                # Check if the is user with specified saml_user_uid
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by uid:", saml_user_uid

                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(saml_user_uid)
                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    return False

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name:", found_user_name

                user_authenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(found_user_name)
                if (user_authenticated == False):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("saml_count_login_steps", 1)

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 1. post_login_result:", post_login_result

                return post_login_result
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2"

            sessionAttributes = context.get("sessionAttributes")
            if (sessionAttributes == None) or not sessionAttributes.containsKey("saml_user_uid"):
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. saml_user_uid is empty"
                return False

            saml_user_uid = sessionAttributes.get("saml_user_uid")
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(saml_user_uid)
            if (not passed_step1):
                return False

            credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = userService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            # Check if there is user which has saml_user_uid
            # Avoid mapping Saml account to more than one IDP account
            find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "saml:" + saml_user_uid)

            if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                # Add saml_user_uid to user one id UIDs
                find_user_by_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(user_name, "oxExternalUid", "saml:" + saml_user_uid)
                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. post_login_result:", post_login_result

                return post_login_result
                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. found_user_name:", found_user_name
                if StringHelper.equals(user_name, found_user_name):
                    post_login_result = self.samlExtensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, find_user_by_uid)
                    print "Saml. Authenticate for step 2. post_login_result:", post_login_result
                    return post_login_result
            return False
            return False
예제 #26
    def sendSnsPushNotificationImpl(self, client_redirect_uri, user,
        if not self.enabledPushNotifications:

        user_name = user.getUserId()
        print "Super-Gluu. Send SNS push notification. Loading user '%s' devices" % user_name

        send_notification = False
        send_notification_result = True

        pushSnsService = CdiUtil.bean(PushSnsService)
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        deviceRegistrationService = CdiUtil.bean(DeviceRegistrationService)

        user_inum = userService.getUserInum(user_name)

        u2f_devices_list = deviceRegistrationService.findUserDeviceRegistrations(
            user_inum, client_redirect_uri, "oxId", "oxDeviceData",
        if u2f_devices_list.size() > 0:
            for u2f_device in u2f_devices_list:
                device_data = u2f_device.getDeviceData()

                # Device data which Super-Gluu gets during enrollment
                if device_data == None:

                platform = device_data.getPlatform()
                push_token = device_data.getPushToken()
                debug = False

                if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(
                        "ios") and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(push_token):
                    # Sending notification to iOS user's device
                    if self.pushAppleService == None:
                        print "Super-Gluu. Send SNS push notification. Apple SNS push notification service is not enabled"
                        targetEndpointArn = self.getTargetEndpointArn(
                            deviceRegistrationService, pushSnsService,
                            PushPlatform.APNS, user, u2f_device)
                        send_notification = True

                        title = "Super-Gluu"
                        message = {
                            "Super-Gluu login request to: %s" %

                        sns_push_request_dictionary = {
                            "sound": 'default',
                            "aps": {
                                "badge": 9,
                                "title": title,
                                "alert": message
                            "category": "ACTIONABLE",
                            "content-available": "1",
                            "request": super_gluu_request
                        push_message = json.dumps(sns_push_request_dictionary,
                                                  separators=(',', ':'))

                        #                        msgBuilder.forNewsstand()
                        send_notification_result = pushSnsService.sendPushMessage(
                            self.pushAppleService, PushPlatform.APNS,
                            targetEndpointArn, push_message, None)
                        if debug:
                            print "Super-Gluu. Send iOS SNS push notification. token: '%s', message: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (
                                push_token, push_message,

                if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(
                        "android") and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(push_token):
                    # Sending notification to Android user's device
                    if self.pushAndroidService == None:
                        print "Super-Gluu. Send SNS push notification. Android SNS push notification service is not enabled"
                        targetEndpointArn = self.getTargetEndpointArn(
                            deviceRegistrationService, pushSnsService,
                            PushPlatform.GCM, user, u2f_device)
                        send_notification = True

                        title = "Super-Gluu"
                        sns_push_request_dictionary = {
                            "collapse_key": "single",
                            "content_available": True,
                            "time_to_live": 60,
                            "data": {
                                "message": super_gluu_request,
                                "title": title
                        push_message = json.dumps(sns_push_request_dictionary,
                                                  separators=(',', ':'))

                        send_notification_result = pushSnsService.sendPushMessage(
                            self.pushAndroidService, PushPlatform.GCM,
                            targetEndpointArn, push_message, None)
                        if debug:
                            print "Super-Gluu. Send Android SNS push notification. token: '%s', message: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (
                                push_token, push_message,

        print "Super-Gluu. Send SNS push notification. send_notification: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (
            send_notification, send_notification_result)
예제 #27
    def sendPushNotification(self, client_redirect_uri, user, super_gluu_request):
        if not self.enabledPushNotifications:

        user_name = user.getUserId()
        print "Super-Gluu. Send push notification. Loading user '%s' devices" % user_name

        send_notification = False
        send_notification_result = True

        userService = UserService.instance()
        deviceRegistrationService = DeviceRegistrationService.instance()

        user_inum = userService.getUserInum(user_name)

        u2f_devices_list = deviceRegistrationService.findUserDeviceRegistrations(user_inum, client_redirect_uri, "oxId", "oxDeviceData")
        if u2f_devices_list.size() > 0:
            for u2f_device in u2f_devices_list:
                device_data = u2f_device.getDeviceData()

                # Device data which Super-Gluu gets during enrollment
                if device_data == None:

                platform = device_data.getPlatform()
                push_token = device_data.getPushToken()
                debug = False

                if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(platform, "ios") and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(push_token):
                    # Sending notification to iOS user's device
                    if self.pushAppleService == None:
                        print "Super-Gluu. Send push notification. Apple push notification service is not enabled"
                        send_notification = True
                        title = "Super-Gluu"
                        message = "Super-Gluu login request to: %s" % client_redirect_uri

                        additional_fields = { "request" : super_gluu_request }

                        msgBuilder = APNS.newPayload().alertBody(message).alertTitle(title).sound("default")
                        push_message =

                        send_notification_result = self.pushAppleService.push(push_token, push_message)
                        if debug:
                            print "Super-Gluu. Send iOS push notification. token: '%s', message: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (push_token, push_message, send_notification_result)

                if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(platform, "android") and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(push_token):
                    # Sending notification to Android user's device
                    if self.pushAndroidService == None:
                        print "Super-Gluu. Send push notification. Android push notification service is not enabled"
                        send_notification = True

                        title = "Super-Gluu"
                        msgBuilder = Message.Builder().addData("message", super_gluu_request).addData("title", title).collapseKey("single").contentAvailable(True)
                        push_message =

                        send_notification_result = self.pushAndroidService.send(push_message, push_token, 3)
                        if debug:
                            print "Super-Gluu. Send Android push notification. token: '%s', message: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (push_token, push_message, send_notification_result)

        print "Super-Gluu. Send push notification. send_notification: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (send_notification, send_notification_result)
예제 #28
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()

        client_redirect_uri = self.getClientRedirecUri(session_attributes)
        if client_redirect_uri == None:
            print "Super-Gluu. Prepare for step. redirect_uri is not set"
            return False

        self.setRequestScopedParameters(identity, step)

        if step == 1:
            print "Super-Gluu. Prepare for step 1"
            if self.oneStep:
                session_id = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionIdFromCookie()
                if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_id):
                    print "Super-Gluu. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_id"
                    return False
                issuer = CdiUtil.bean(ConfigurationFactory).getConfiguration().getIssuer()
                super_gluu_request_dictionary = {'app': client_redirect_uri,
                                   'issuer': issuer,
                                   'state': session_id,

                self.addGeolocationData(session_attributes, super_gluu_request_dictionary)

                super_gluu_request = json.dumps(super_gluu_request_dictionary, separators=(',',':'))
                print "Super-Gluu. Prepare for step 1. Prepared super_gluu_request:", super_gluu_request
                identity.setWorkingParameter("super_gluu_request", super_gluu_request)
            elif self.twoStep:
                identity.setWorkingParameter("display_register_action", True)

            return True
        elif step == 2:
            print "Super-Gluu. Prepare for step 2"
            if self.oneStep:
                return True

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "Super-Gluu. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            if session_attributes.containsKey("super_gluu_request"):
               super_gluu_request = session_attributes.get("super_gluu_request")
               if not StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(super_gluu_request, "timeout"):
                   print "Super-Gluu. Prepare for step 2. Request was generated already"
                   return True
            session_id = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionIdFromCookie()
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_id):
                print "Super-Gluu. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_id"
                return False

            auth_method = session_attributes.get("super_gluu_auth_method")
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(auth_method):
                print "Super-Gluu. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine auth_method"
                return False

            print "Super-Gluu. Prepare for step 2. auth_method: '%s'" % auth_method
            issuer = CdiUtil.bean(ConfigurationFactory).getAppConfiguration().getIssuer()
            super_gluu_request_dictionary = {'username': user.getUserId(),
                               'app': client_redirect_uri,
                               'issuer': issuer,
                               'method': auth_method,
                               'state': session_id,

            self.addGeolocationData(session_attributes, super_gluu_request_dictionary)

            super_gluu_request = json.dumps(super_gluu_request_dictionary, separators=(',',':'))
            print "Super-Gluu. Prepare for step 2. Prepared super_gluu_request:", super_gluu_request

            identity.setWorkingParameter("super_gluu_request", super_gluu_request)
            identity.setWorkingParameter("super_gluu_auth_method", auth_method)

            if auth_method in ['authenticate']:
                self.sendPushNotification(client_redirect_uri, user, super_gluu_request)

            return True
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        context = Contexts.getEventContext()
        authenticationService = AuthenticationService.instance()
        userService = UserService.instance()

        mapUserDeployment = False
        enrollUserDeployment = False
        if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("gplus_deployment_type")):
            deploymentType = StringHelper.toLowerCase(configurationAttributes.get("gplus_deployment_type").getValue2())
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(deploymentType, "map")):
                mapUserDeployment = True
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(deploymentType, "enroll")):
                enrollUserDeployment = True

        if (step == 1):
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1"
            gplusAuthCodeArray = requestParameters.get("gplus_auth_code")
            gplusAuthCode = gplusAuthCodeArray[0]

            # Check if user uses basic method to log in
            useBasicAuth = False
            if (StringHelper.isEmptyString(gplusAuthCode)):
                useBasicAuth = True

            # Use basic method to log in
            if (useBasicAuth):
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication"
                context.set("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)
                credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
                userName = credentials.getUsername()
                userPassword = credentials.getPassword()
                loggedIn = False
                if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userName) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userPassword)):
                    userService = UserService.instance()
                    loggedIn = userService.authenticate(userName, userPassword)
                if (not loggedIn):
                    return False
                return True

            # Use Google+ method to log in
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. gplusAuthCode:", gplusAuthCode

            currentClientSecrets = self.getCurrentClientSecrets(self.clientSecrets, configurationAttributes, requestParameters)
            if (currentClientSecrets == None):
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Client secrets configuration is invalid"
                return False
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to gets tokens"
            tokenResponse = self.getTokensByCode(self.clientSecrets, configurationAttributes, gplusAuthCode);
            if ((tokenResponse == None) or (tokenResponse.getIdToken() == None) or (tokenResponse.getAccessToken() == None)):
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to get tokens"
                return False
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Successfully gets tokens"

            jwt = Jwt.parse(tokenResponse.getIdToken())
            # TODO: Validate ID Token Signature  

            gplusUserUid = jwt.getClaims().getClaimAsString(JwtClaimName.SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER);
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Found Google user ID in the ID token: ", gplusUserUid
            if (mapUserDeployment):
                # Use mapping to local IDP user
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: gplus:", gplusUserUid

                # Check if there is user with specified gplusUserUid
                foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)

                if (foundUser == None):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 2"
                    context.set("gplus_count_login_steps", 2)
                    context.set("gplus_user_uid", gplusUserUid)
                    return True

                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. foundUserName:"******"Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. postLoginResult:", postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
            elif (enrollUserDeployment):
                # Use auto enrollment to local IDP
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: gplus:", gplusUserUid
                # Check if there is user with specified gplusUserUid
                foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)
                if (foundUser == None):
                    # Auto user enrollemnt
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. There is no user in LDAP. Adding user to local LDAP"

                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to gets user info"
                    userInfoResponse = self.getUserInfo(currentClientSecrets, configurationAttributes, tokenResponse.getAccessToken())
                    if ((userInfoResponse == None) or (userInfoResponse.getClaims().size() == 0)):
                        print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to get user info"
                        return False
                        print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Successfully gets user info"
                    gplusResponseAttributes = userInfoResponse.getClaims()
                    # Convert Google+ user claims to lover case
                    gplusResponseNormalizedAttributes = HashMap()
                    for gplusResponseAttributeEntry in gplusResponseAttributes.entrySet():
                            StringHelper.toLowerCase(gplusResponseAttributeEntry.getKey()), gplusResponseAttributeEntry.getValue())
                    currentAttributesMapping = self.getCurrentAttributesMapping(self.attributesMapping, configurationAttributes, requestParameters)
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Using next attributes mapping", currentAttributesMapping
                    newUser = User()
                    for attributesMappingEntry in currentAttributesMapping.entrySet():
                        remoteAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getKey()
                        localAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getValue()
                        localAttributeValue = gplusResponseNormalizedAttributes.get(remoteAttribute)
                        if (localAttribute != None):
                            newUser.setAttribute(localAttribute, localAttributeValue)
                    if (newUser.getAttribute("sn") == None):
                        newUser.setAttribute("sn", gplusUserUid)
                    if (newUser.getAttribute("cn") == None):
                        newUser.setAttribute("cn", gplusUserUid)

                    newUser.setAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to add user", gplusUserUid, " with next attributes", newUser.getCustomAttributes()
                    foundUser = userService.addUser(newUser, True)
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Added new user with UID", foundUser.getUserId()

                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. foundUserName:"******"Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. postLoginResult:", postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
                # Check if there is user with specified gplusUserUid
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by uid:", gplusUserUid

                foundUser = userService.getUser(gplusUserUid)
                if (foundUser == None):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    return False

                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. foundUserName:"******"Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                context.set("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. postLoginResult:", postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2"
            sessionAttributes = context.get("sessionAttributes")
            if (sessionAttributes == None) or not sessionAttributes.containsKey("gplus_user_uid"):
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. gplus_user_uid is empty"
                return False

            gplusUserUid = sessionAttributes.get("gplus_user_uid")
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(gplusUserUid)
            if (not passed_step1):
                return False

            credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
            userName = credentials.getUsername()
            userPassword = credentials.getPassword()

            loggedIn = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userName) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userPassword)):
                loggedIn = userService.authenticate(userName, userPassword)

            if (not loggedIn):
                return False

            # Check if there is user which has gplusUserUid
            # Avoid mapping Google account to more than one IDP account
            foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)

            if (foundUser == None):
                # Add gplusUserUid to user one id UIDs
                foundUser = userService.addUserAttribute(userName, "oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)
                if (foundUser == None):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. postLoginResult:", postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. foundUserName:"******"Google+ Authenticate for step 2. postLoginResult:", postLoginResult
                    return postLoginResult
            return False
            return False
예제 #30
    def init(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "Super-Gluu. Initialization"

        if not configurationAttributes.containsKey("authentication_mode"):
            print "Super-Gluu. Initialization. Property authentication_mode is mandatory"
            return False

        self.registrationUri = None
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("registration_uri"):
            self.registrationUri = configurationAttributes.get("registration_uri").getValue2()

        authentication_mode = configurationAttributes.get("authentication_mode").getValue2()
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(authentication_mode):
            print "Super-Gluu. Initialization. Failed to determine authentication_mode. authentication_mode configuration parameter is empty"
            return False
        self.oneStep = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(authentication_mode, "one_step")
        self.twoStep = StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(authentication_mode, "two_step")

        if not (self.oneStep or self.twoStep):
            print "Super-Gluu. Initialization. Valid authentication_mode values are one_step and two_step"
            return False
        self.enabledPushNotifications = self.initPushNotificationService(configurationAttributes)

        self.androidUrl = None
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("supergluu_android_download_url"):
            self.androidUrl = configurationAttributes.get("supergluu_android_download_url").getValue2()

        self.IOSUrl = None
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("supergluu_ios_download_url"):
            self.IOSUrl = configurationAttributes.get("supergluu_ios_download_url").getValue2()

        self.customLabel = None
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("label"):
            self.customLabel = configurationAttributes.get("label").getValue2()

        self.customQrOptions = {}
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("qr_options"):
            self.customQrOptions = configurationAttributes.get("qr_options").getValue2()

        self.use_super_gluu_group = False
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("super_gluu_group"):
            self.super_gluu_group = configurationAttributes.get("super_gluu_group").getValue2()
            self.use_super_gluu_group = True
            print "Super-Gluu. Initialization. Using super_gluu only if user belong to group: %s" % self.super_gluu_group

        self.use_audit_group = False
        if configurationAttributes.containsKey("audit_group"):
            self.audit_group = configurationAttributes.get("audit_group").getValue2()

            if (not configurationAttributes.containsKey("audit_group_email")):
                print "Super-Gluu. Initialization. Property audit_group_email is not specified"
                return False

            self.audit_email = configurationAttributes.get("audit_group_email").getValue2()
            self.use_audit_group = True

            print "Super-Gluu. Initialization. Using audit group: %s" % self.audit_group
        if self.use_super_gluu_group or self.use_audit_group:
            if not configurationAttributes.containsKey("audit_attribute"):
                print "Super-Gluu. Initialization. Property audit_attribute is not specified"
                return False
                self.audit_attribute = configurationAttributes.get("audit_attribute").getValue2()

        print "Super-Gluu. Initialized successfully. oneStep: '%s', twoStep: '%s', pushNotifications: '%s', customLabel: '%s'" % (self.oneStep, self.twoStep, self.enabledPushNotifications, self.customLabel)

        return True   
예제 #31
    def sendPushNotificationImpl(self, client_redirect_uri, user, super_gluu_request):
        if not self.enabledPushNotifications:

        user_name = user.getUserId()
        print "Super-Gluu. Send push notification. Loading user '%s' devices" % user_name

        send_notification = False
        send_notification_result = True

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        deviceRegistrationService = CdiUtil.bean(DeviceRegistrationService)

        user_inum = userService.getUserInum(user_name)

        send_android = 0
        send_ios = 0
        u2f_devices_list = deviceRegistrationService.findUserDeviceRegistrations(user_inum, client_redirect_uri, "oxId", "oxDeviceData", "oxDeviceNotificationConf")
        if u2f_devices_list.size() > 0:
            for u2f_device in u2f_devices_list:
                device_data = u2f_device.getDeviceData()

                # Device data which Super-Gluu gets during enrollment
                if device_data == None:

                platform = device_data.getPlatform()
                push_token = device_data.getPushToken()
                debug = False

                if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(platform, "ios") and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(push_token):
                    # Sending notification to iOS user's device
                    if self.pushAppleService == None:
                        print "Super-Gluu. Send push notification. Apple native push notification service is not enabled"
                        send_notification = True
                        title = "Super-Gluu"
                        message = "Super-Gluu login request to: %s" % client_redirect_uri

                        if self.pushSnsMode or self.pushGluuMode:
                            pushSnsService = CdiUtil.bean(PushSnsService)
                            targetEndpointArn = self.getTargetEndpointArn(deviceRegistrationService, pushSnsService, PushPlatform.APNS, user, u2f_device)
                            if targetEndpointArn == None:

                            send_notification = True
                            sns_push_request_dictionary = { "aps": 
                                                                { "badge": 0,
                                                                  "alert" : {"body": message, "title" : title},
                                                                  "category": "ACTIONABLE",
                                                                  "content-available": "1",
                                                                  "sound": 'default'
                                                           "request" : super_gluu_request
                            push_message = json.dumps(sns_push_request_dictionary, separators=(',',':'))
                            if self.pushSnsMode:
                                apple_push_platform = PushPlatform.APNS
                                if not self.pushAppleServiceProduction:
                                    apple_push_platform = PushPlatform.APNS_SANDBOX
                                send_notification_result = pushSnsService.sendPushMessage(self.pushAppleService, apple_push_platform, targetEndpointArn, push_message, None)
                                if debug:
                                    print "Super-Gluu. Send iOS SNS push notification. token: '%s', message: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s', apple_push_platform: '%s'" % (push_token, push_message, send_notification_result, apple_push_platform)
                            elif self.pushGluuMode:
                                send_notification_result = self.pushAppleService.sendNotification(self.pushAppleServiceAuth, targetEndpointArn, push_message)
                                if debug:
                                    print "Super-Gluu. Send iOS Gluu push notification. token: '%s', message: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (push_token, push_message, send_notification_result)
                            additional_fields = { "request" : super_gluu_request }
                            msgBuilder = APNS.newPayload().alertBody(message).alertTitle(title).sound("default")
                            push_message =
                            send_notification_result = self.pushAppleService.push(push_token, push_message)
                            if debug:
                                print "Super-Gluu. Send iOS Native push notification. token: '%s', message: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (push_token, push_message, send_notification_result)
                        send_ios = send_ios + 1

                if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(platform, "android") and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(push_token):
                    # Sending notification to Android user's device
                    if self.pushAndroidService == None:
                        print "Super-Gluu. Send native push notification. Android native push notification service is not enabled"
                        send_notification = True

                        title = "Super-Gluu"
                        if self.pushSnsMode or self.pushGluuMode:
                            pushSnsService = CdiUtil.bean(PushSnsService)
                            targetEndpointArn = self.getTargetEndpointArn(deviceRegistrationService, pushSnsService, PushPlatform.GCM, user, u2f_device)
                            if targetEndpointArn == None:

                            send_notification = True
                            sns_push_request_dictionary = { "collapse_key": "single",
                                                            "content_available": True,
                                                            "time_to_live": 60,
                                                                { "message" : super_gluu_request,
                                                                  "title" : title }
                            push_message = json.dumps(sns_push_request_dictionary, separators=(',',':'))
                            if self.pushSnsMode:
                                send_notification_result = pushSnsService.sendPushMessage(self.pushAndroidService, PushPlatform.GCM, targetEndpointArn, push_message, None)
                                if debug:
                                    print "Super-Gluu. Send Android SNS push notification. token: '%s', message: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (push_token, push_message, send_notification_result)
                            elif self.pushGluuMode:
                                send_notification_result = self.pushAndroidService.sendNotification(self.pushAndroidServiceAuth, targetEndpointArn, push_message)
                                if debug:
                                    print "Super-Gluu. Send Android Gluu push notification. token: '%s', message: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (push_token, push_message, send_notification_result)
                            msgBuilder = Message.Builder().addData("message", super_gluu_request).addData("title", title).collapseKey("single").contentAvailable(True)
                            push_message =
                            send_notification_result = self.pushAndroidService.send(push_message, push_token, 3)
                            if debug:
                                print "Super-Gluu. Send Android Native push notification. token: '%s', message: '%s', send_notification_result: '%s'" % (push_token, push_message, send_notification_result)
                        send_android = send_android + 1

        print "Super-Gluu. Send push notification. send_android: '%s', send_ios: '%s'" % (send_android, send_ios)
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
        user_name = credentials.getUsername()

        context = Contexts.getEventContext()

        userService = UserService.instance()
        deviceRegistrationService = DeviceRegistrationService.instance()
        if (step == 1):
            print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 1"

            user_password = credentials.getPassword()
            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = userService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            auth_method = 'authenticate'
            enrollment_mode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:registerButton")
            if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(enrollment_mode):
                auth_method = 'enroll'
            if (auth_method == 'authenticate'):
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(user_name)
                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "oxPush. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    return False

                user_inum = userService.getUserInum(find_user_by_uid)
                u2f_devices_list = deviceRegistrationService.findUserDeviceRegistrations(user_inum, self.u2f_application_id, "oxId")
                if (u2f_devices_list.size() == 0):
                    auth_method = 'enroll'
                    print "oxPush2. There is no U2F '%s' user devices associated with application '%s'. Changing auth_method to '%s'" % (user_name, self.u2f_application_id, auth_method)

            print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 1. auth_method: '%s'" % auth_method
            context.set("oxpush2_auth_method", auth_method)

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 2"

            credentials = Identity.instance().getCredentials()
            user = credentials.getUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            # Find user by uid
            userService = UserService.instance()
            find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(user_name)
            if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                print "oxPush. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to find user"
                return False

            session_attributes = context.get("sessionAttributes")
            if (not session_attributes.containsKey("oxpush2_request")):
                print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 2. There is no oxPush2 request in session attributes"
                return False
            oxpush2_request_json = session_attributes.get("oxpush2_request")
            oxpush2_request = json.loads(oxpush2_request_json)

            auth_method = oxpush2_request['method']
            if (auth_method in ['enroll', 'authenticate']):
                print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 2. Validation U2F user device. auth_method: '%s'" % auth_method

                # Check session state extended
                if (not session_attributes.containsKey("session_custom_state")):
                    print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 2. There is no session_custom_state in session attributes"
                    return False

                session_custom_state = session_attributes.get("session_custom_state")
                if(not StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase("approved", session_custom_state)):
                    print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 2. User '%s' not approve or pass U2F authentication. session_custom_state: '%s'" % (user_name, session_custom_state)
                    return False

                # Try to find device_id in session attribute
                if (not session_attributes.containsKey("oxpush2_u2f_device_id")):
                    print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 2. There is no u2f_device associated with this request"
                    return False
                u2f_device_id = session_attributes.get("oxpush2_u2f_device_id")

                # Validate if user has specified device_id enrollment
                user_inum = userService.getUserInum(find_user_by_uid)

                u2f_device = deviceRegistrationService.findUserDeviceRegistration(user_inum, u2f_device_id)
                if (u2f_device == None):
                    print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 2. There is no u2f_device '%s' associated with user '%s'" % (u2f_device_id, user_inum)
                    return False

                if (not StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(self.u2f_application_id, u2f_device.application)):
                    print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 2. U2F user's '%s' device associated with other application '%s'" % (user_name, u2f_device.application)
                    return False

                print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 2. U2F user's '%s' device authenticated successfully with U2F device '%s'" % (user_name, u2f_device_id)

                return True
                print "oxPush2. Authenticate for step 2. U2F auth_method is invalid"

            return False
            return False