예제 #1
    def processing(self):
        _event_id = None
        _event_id = self.getEvent()

        if _event_id:
            if not self.db_scisola.EventExist(_event_id):
                print _event_id
                orig = origin.Origin()
                orig = self.getOriginInfo(_event_id, orig)
                # if event's info exist
                if orig.datetime and orig.magnitude and orig.depth:

                    # two threshold requirements in order to run a new event
                    if orig.magnitude >= self.settings.magnitude_threshold and \

                        _p = process.Process(

예제 #2
    def __init__(self, neurons, dimensions, count = 1, max_rate = (200, 300),
            intercept = (-1.0, 1.0), t_ref = 0.002, t_rc = 0.02, seed = None,
            type = 'lif', dt = 0.001, encoders = None, name = None, address = "localhost"):
        self.seed = seed
        self.neurons = neurons
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.count = count
        self.name = name
        self.address = address
        self.ticker_conn = None

        # create the neurons
        # TODO: handle different neuron types, which may have different parameters to pass in
        self.neuron = neuron.names[type]((count, self.neurons), t_rc = t_rc, t_ref = t_ref, dt = dt)

        # compute alpha and bias
        srng = RandomStreams(seed=seed)
        max_rates = srng.uniform([neurons], low=max_rate[0], high=max_rate[1])
        threshold = srng.uniform([neurons], low=intercept[0], high=intercept[1])
        alpha, self.bias = theano.function([], self.neuron.make_alpha_bias(max_rates,threshold))()
        self.bias = self.bias.astype('float32')

        # compute encoders
        self.encoders = make_encoders(neurons, dimensions, srng, encoders=encoders)
        self.encoders = (self.encoders.T * alpha).T

        # make default origin
        self.origin = dict(X=origin.Origin(self))
        self.accumulator = {}
예제 #3
 def add_origin(self, name, func, eval_points=None):
     """Create a new origin to perform a given function over the represented signal
     :param string name: name of origin
     :param function func: desired transformation to perform over represented signal
     :param list eval_points: specific set of points to optimize decoders over for this origin
     if eval_points == None: eval_points = self.eval_points
     self.origin[name] = origin.Origin(self, func, eval_points=eval_points)
    def los_angeles(_class, demand=4, parameters=None, path=None):
        """Generate small map of L.A. with 122 links and 44 modes

        if not path:
            path = 'data/los_angeles_data_2.mat'
        data = scipy.io.loadmat(path)

        nodes = data['nodes']
        links = data['links']

        if demand in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
            ODs = data["ODs%d" % demand]
            raise Exception("No such demand")

        # TODO(syadlowsky): probably should be MultiDiGraph, but for now, this
        # is good enough. No networks we work with have two links between same
        # intersections.
        network = nx.DiGraph()
        od_demand_dict = {}

        for index_, (posx, posy) in enumerate(nodes):
            index = index_ + 1
            network.add_node(index, pos=(posx, posy))

        for startnode, endnode, route, ffdelay, slope in links:

        for (r, s, flow) in ODs:
            origin_ = origin.Origin(r, [r])
            destination = origin.Origin(s, [s])
            if origin_ not in od_demand_dict:
                od_demand_dict[origin_] = {}
            od_demand_dict[origin_][destination] = (origin_, destination, flow)

        return RoadNetwork(network, od_demand.ODDemand(od_demand_dict))
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, neurons, dimensions, count = 1, max_rate = (200, 300),
            intercept = (-1.0, 1.0), t_ref = 0.002, t_rc = 0.02, seed = None,
            type='lif', dt=0.001, encoders=None,
            is_subensemble=False, name=None, decoders=None, bias=None):
        self.name = name
        self.seed = seed

        self.neurons = neurons
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.count = count
        self.accumulator = {}

        self.is_subensemble = is_subensemble

        # create the neurons
        # TODO: handle different neuron types, which may have different parameters to pass in
    	#  The structure of the data contained in self.neuron consists of several variables that are 
    	#  arrays of the form
    	#  Array([
    	#	[x_0_0, x_0_1, x_0_2,..., x_0_(neurons - 1)],
    	#	[x_1_0, x_1_1, x_1_2,..., x_1_(neurons - 1)],
    	#	[...],
    	#	[x_(count-1)_0, x_(count-1)_1, x_(count-1)_2,..., x_$count-1)_(neurons - 1)]
    	#  ])
        self.neuron = neuron.names[type]((count, self.neurons), t_rc = t_rc, t_ref = t_ref, dt = dt)

        if is_subensemble:
            self.bias = bias
            self.encoders = encoders
            # compute alpha and bias
            srng = RandomStreams(seed=seed)
            max_rates = srng.uniform([neurons], low=max_rate[0], high=max_rate[1])
            threshold = srng.uniform([neurons], low=intercept[0], high=intercept[1])

            alpha, self.bias = theano.function([], self.neuron.make_alpha_bias(max_rates, threshold))()
            self.bias = self.bias.astype('float32')

            # compute encoders
            self.encoders = make_encoders(neurons, dimensions, srng, encoders=encoders)
            self.encoders = (self.encoders.T * alpha).T

        # make default origin
        self.origin = dict(X=origin.Origin(self, decoder=decoders))
예제 #6
        _depth_folder = os.path.join(self.dir.inversion, str(depth))

        _inpinv_file = os.path.join(_depth_folder, 'inpinv.dat')
        _allstat_file = os.path.join(_depth_folder, 'allstat.dat')
        shutil.copyfile(self.dir.inpinv, _inpinv_file)
        shutil.copyfile(self.dir.allstat, _allstat_file)

        _isola12c_file = os.path.join(self.settings.isola_path, _isola12c)
        _norm12c_file = os.path.join(self.settings.isola_path, _norm12c)

        # calculate inversion
        isola.calculateInversion(_isola12c_file, _norm12c_file, _depth_folder)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    orig = origin.Origin()
    #    orig.datetime = "2014/06/25 09:21:41.00"
    #    orig.magnitude = 3.9
    #    orig.longitude = 21.747
    #    orig.latitude = 38.3568
    #    orig.depth = 7
    orig.datetime = str(sys.argv[1]) + " " + str(sys.argv[2])
    orig.magnitude = float(sys.argv[6])
    orig.longitude = float(sys.argv[4])
    orig.latitude = float(sys.argv[3])
    orig.depth = int(float(sys.argv[5]))
    orig.event_id = "dataset"

    #    orig.datetime = "2014/02/26 01:42:50.00"
    #    orig.magnitude = 4
    #    orig.longitude = 21.6427
예제 #7
 def add_origin(self, name, func):
     self.origin[name] = origin.Origin(self, func)
예제 #8
# Add Display section
displayFrame = mydisplay.Display(root, mainFrame)
displayFrame.grid(column=0, row=0, stick='w')

# Add horizontal line
ttk.Separator(mainFrame, orient=HORIZONTAL).grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='ew')

# Add Aircraft section
aircraftFrame = aircraft.Aircraft(root, mainFrame)
aircraftFrame.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky='w')

# Add horizontal line
ttk.Separator(mainFrame, orient=HORIZONTAL).grid(column=0, row=3, sticky='ew')

# Add Origin Section
originFrame = origin.Origin(root, mainFrame)
originFrame.grid(column=0, row=4, sticky='w')

# Add horizontal line
ttk.Separator(mainFrame, orient=HORIZONTAL).grid(column=0, row=5, sticky='ew')

# Create Volumne section
volumeFrame = volume.Volume(root, mainFrame, originFrame)
volumeFrame.grid(column=0, row=6, sticky='w')
originFrame.volFrame = volumeFrame

# Add horizontal line
ttk.Separator(mainFrame, orient=HORIZONTAL).grid(column=0, row=7, sticky='ew')

# Create Generate section
generateFrame = tools.Generate(root, mainFrame, displayFrame, aircraftFrame,
예제 #9
 def add_origin(self, name, func, decoder=None):
     self.origin[name] = origin.Origin(self, func, decoder=decoder)
예제 #10
    def loadOrigin(self, origin_id, orig, station_list):
        Fetches Origin (and MT) from the scisola database
        and return it in origin object.
        Returns True/False and origin object/error.

        _query = "SELECT `Origin`.`id`, `Origin`.`timestamp`, " + \
        "`Origin`.`datetime`, " + \
        "`Origin`.`magnitude`, `Origin`.`latitude`, " + \
        "`Origin`.`longitude`, `Origin`.`depth`, " + \
        "`Origin`.`automatic`, `Origin`.`results_dir`, " + \
        "`Event`.`id`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`cent_shift`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`cent_time`, `Moment_Tensor`." + \
        "`cent_latitude`, `Moment_Tensor`.`cent_longitude`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`cent_depth`, `Moment_Tensor`." + \
        "`correlation`, `Moment_Tensor`.`var_reduction`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`mw`, `Moment_Tensor`.`mrr`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`mtt`, `Moment_Tensor`.`mpp`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`mrt`, `Moment_Tensor`.`mrp`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`mtp`, `Moment_Tensor`.`vol`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`dc`, `Moment_Tensor`.`clvd`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`mo`, `Moment_Tensor`.`strike`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`dip`, `Moment_Tensor`.`rake`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`strike_2`, `Moment_Tensor`.`dip_2`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`rake_2`, `Moment_Tensor`.`p_azm`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`p_plunge`, `Moment_Tensor`.`t_azm`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`t_plunge`, `Moment_Tensor`.`b_azm`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`b_plunge`, `Moment_Tensor`.`minSV`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`maxSV`, `Moment_Tensor`.`CN`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`stVar`, `Moment_Tensor`.`fmVar`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`frequency_1`, `Moment_Tensor`." + \
        "`frequency_2`, `Moment_Tensor`.`frequency_3`, " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor`.`frequency_4` FROM `Origin` INNER JOIN " + \
        "`Event` ON `Origin`.`id` = `Event`.`Origin_id` INNER JOIN " + \
        "`Moment_Tensor` ON " + \
        "`Origin`.`id` = `Moment_Tensor`.`Origin_id` " + \
        "WHERE `Origin`.`id` = " + str(origin_id) + ";"

        _row = self.read([_query])[0][0]

        # converts string to datetime object
        _orig_tp = date.datetime.strptime(_row[1], "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f")

        orig = origin.Origin()
        orig.id = int(_row[0])
        orig.timestamp = _orig_tp
        orig.datetime = _row[2]
        orig.magnitude = float(_row[3])
        orig.latitude = float(_row[4])
        orig.longitude = float(_row[5])
        orig.depth = float(_row[6])
        orig.automatic = bool(_row[7])
        orig.results_dir = _row[8]
        orig.event_id = _row[9]

        orig.mt = origin.MomentTensor()

        orig.mt.cent_shift = int(_row[10])
        orig.mt.cent_time = float(_row[11])
        orig.mt.cent_latitude = float(_row[12])
        orig.mt.cent_longitude = float(_row[13])
        orig.mt.cent_depth = float(_row[14])
        orig.mt.correlation = float(_row[15])
        orig.mt.var_reduction = float(_row[16])
        orig.mt.mw = float(_row[17])
        orig.mt.mrr = float(_row[18])
        orig.mt.mtt = float(_row[19])
        orig.mt.mpp = float(_row[20])
        orig.mt.mrt = float(_row[21])
        orig.mt.mrp = float(_row[22])
        orig.mt.mtp = float(_row[23])
        orig.mt.vol = float(_row[24])
        orig.mt.dc = float(_row[25])
        orig.mt.clvd = float(_row[26])
        orig.mt.mo = float(_row[27])
        orig.mt.strike = float(_row[28])
        orig.mt.dip = float(_row[29])
        orig.mt.rake = float(_row[30])
        orig.mt.strike2 = float(_row[31])
        orig.mt.dip2 = float(_row[32])
        orig.mt.rake2 = float(_row[33])
        orig.mt.p_azm = float(_row[34])
        orig.mt.p_plunge = float(_row[35])
        orig.mt.t_azm = float(_row[36])
        orig.mt.t_plunge = float(_row[37])
        orig.mt.b_azm = float(_row[38])
        orig.mt.b_plunge = float(_row[39])
        orig.mt.minSV = float(_row[40])
        orig.mt.maxSV = float(_row[41])
        orig.mt.CN = float(_row[42])
        orig.mt.stVar = float(_row[43])
        orig.mt.fmVar = float(_row[44])
        orig.mt.frequency_1 = float(_row[45])
        orig.mt.frequency_2 = float(_row[46])
        orig.mt.frequency_3 = float(_row[47])
        orig.mt.frequency_4 = float(_row[48])

        _query = "SELECT DISTINCT `streamNetworkCode`, " + \
        "`streamStationCode` FROM `Stream_Contribution` " + \
        "WHERE `Origin_id` = " + str(orig.id) + ";"

        _rows = self.read([_query])[0]

        # get stations
        for _row in _rows:
            _station = stream.Station()
            _station.network = _row[0]
            _station.code = _row[1]

            _query = "SELECT `streamCode`, `var_reduction`, " + \
            "`mseed_path` FROM `Stream_Contribution` " + \
            "WHERE `Origin_id` = " + str(orig.id) + \
            " AND streamStationCode = '" + str(_station.code) + \
            "' ORDER BY `streamCode`;"

            _stream_rows = self.read([_query])[0]

            # get station's streams
            for _stream_row in _stream_rows:
                _stream = stream.Stream()
                _stream.code = _stream_row[0]
                _stream.reduction = float(_stream_row[1])
                _stream.mseed_path = _stream_row[2]


        return orig, station_list