예제 #1
def test_mark_rebuild_01(mocker):
    """test that "/force-rebuild" marks all services dirty"""
    root = FIXTURES / "services03"
    evt = mocker.Mock(spec=GithubEvent())
    evt.repo.path = root
    evt.repo.git = mocker.Mock(return_value="\n".join(
        str(p) for p in root.glob("**/*")))
    evt.commit_message = "/force-rebuild"
    sched = Scheduler(evt, None, "group", "secret", "branch")
    for svc in sched.services.values():
        assert svc.dirty
    assert evt.list_changed_paths.call_count == 0
예제 #2
def test_mark_rebuild_03(mocker):
    """test that "/force-rebuild=svc" marks some services dirty"""
    root = FIXTURES / "services03"
    evt = mocker.Mock(spec=GithubEvent())
    evt.repo.path = root
    evt.repo.git = mocker.Mock(return_value="\n".join(
        str(p) for p in root.glob("**/*")))
    evt.commit_message = "/force-rebuild=test3,test6"
    evt.list_changed_paths.return_value = [
        root / "recipes" / "linux" / "install.sh"
    sched = Scheduler(evt, None, "group", "secret", "branch")
    assert evt.list_changed_paths.call_count == 1
    assert sched.services["test1"].dirty
    assert sched.services["test2"].dirty
    assert sched.services["test3"].dirty
    assert sched.services["test4"].dirty
    assert not sched.services["test5"].dirty
    assert sched.services["test6"].dirty
    assert not sched.services["test7"].dirty