def test_hod(): zs = np.linspace(0., 3., 3) #np.array([0.]) ks = np.geomspace(1e-4, 100, 100) ms = np.geomspace(1e7, 1e17, 2000) hcos = hmvec.HaloModel(zs, ks, ms, nfw_numeric=False) hcos.add_hod("g", mthresh=10**10.5 + zs * 0., corr="max") pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog') for i in range(zs.size): pl.add(ms, hcos.hods['g']['Nc'][i]) pl.add(ms, hcos.hods['g']['Ns'][i], ls='--') pl._ax.set_ylim(1e-1, 2e3) pl.done() hcos.add_battaglia_profile("electron", family="AGN", xmax=50, nxs=30000) pmm = hcos.get_power_1halo(name="nfw") + hcos.get_power_2halo(name="nfw") pee = hcos.get_power_1halo(name="electron") + hcos.get_power_2halo( name="electron") pgg = hcos.get_power_2halo(name="g") + hcos.get_power_1halo(name="g") pge = hcos.get_power_1halo("g", "electron") + hcos.get_power_2halo( "g", "electron") #sys.exit() bg = hcos.hods['g']['bg'] for i in range(zs.size): pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog') pl.add(ks, pmm[i] * bg[i]**2., label='bg^2 Pmm') pl.add(ks, pmm[i], label='Pmm') pl.add(ks, pgg[i], label='Pgg', ls="--") pl.add(ks, pee[i], label='Pee') pl.add(ks, pge[i], label='Pge') pl.done()
def test_correlated_alm(): lmax = 2000 ells = np.arange(0, lmax, 1) def get_cls(ells, index, amplitude): cls = amplitude * ells.astype(np.float32)**index cls[ells < 2] = 0 return cls Clf1f1 = get_cls(ells, -1, 1) Clf2f2 = get_cls(ells, -1.3, 2) Clf1f2 = get_cls(ells, -1.4, 0.5) alm_f1 = hp.synalm(Clf1f1, lmax=lmax - 1) alm_f2 = deltag.generate_correlated_alm(alm_f1, Clf1f1, Clf2f2, Clf1f2) f1f1 = hp.alm2cl(alm_f1, alm_f1) f2f2 = hp.alm2cl(alm_f2, alm_f2) f1f2 = hp.alm2cl(alm_f1, alm_f2) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog', scalefn=lambda x: x) pl.add(ells, f1f1, color="C0", alpha=0.4) pl.add(ells, f2f2, color="C1", alpha=0.4) pl.add(ells, f1f2, color="C2", alpha=0.4) pl.add(ells, Clf1f1, label="f1f1", color="C0", ls="--", lw=3) pl.add(ells, Clf2f2, label="f2f2", color="C1", ls="--", lw=3) pl.add(ells, Clf1f2, label="f1f2", color="C2", ls="--", lw=3) pl.done()
def test_illustris(): zs = np.linspace(0.,3.,4)[:1] ms = np.geomspace(1e8,1e16,1000) ks = np.geomspace(1e-2,30,1001) hcos = hmvec.HaloModel(zs,ks,ms=ms,halofit=None,mdef='vir',nfw_numeric=False) hcos.add_battaglia_profile("electron",family="AGN",xmax=50,nxs=30000) pee = hcos.get_power("electron") pnn = hcos.get_power("nfw") pne = hcos.get_power("nfw","electron") p1 = hcos.total_matter_power_spectrum(pnn,pne,pee) p0 = pnn h = hcos.h from matplotlib import cm pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin',xlabel='$k$ (h/Mpc)',ylabel='$\\Delta P / P$') for i in range(zs.size): pl.add(ks/h,p1[i]/p0[i],color=cm.Reds(np.linspace(0.3,0.95,zs.size)[::-1][i]),label='hmvec + Battaglia') ok,od = np.loadtxt("data/schneider_horizon_agn.csv",delimiter=',',unpack=True) pl.add(ok,od,lw=2,color='k',label='Horizon AGN') ok,od = np.loadtxt("data/schneider_owls.csv",delimiter=',',unpack=True) pl.add(ok,od,lw=2,color='k',ls='--',label='OWLS') pl.vline(x=10.) pl.hline(y=1.) pl._ax.set_ylim(0.68,1.04) pl._ax.set_xlim(0.08,25) pl.done("illustris_comp.png")
def main(): z_edges = np.arange(0., 1.0, 0.05) Mexp_edges = np.arange(14.0, 15.0, 0.05) emu = NmzEmulator(Mexp_edges, z_edges) mzs = emu.get_catalog(poisson=True) pdf2d, _, _ = np.histogram2d(mzs[:, 0], mzs[:, 1], bins=(Mexp_edges, z_edges)) print(emu.Nmz.sum(), pdf2d.sum(), lnlike(pdf2d, emu.Nmz)) io.plot_img(pdf2d, "pdf2d.png", flip=False) io.plot_img(emu.Nmz, "N2d.png", flip=False) data = pdf2d true_as =['As'] cparams = cosmo.defaultCosmology lnlikes = [] Ases = np.linspace(2.19e-9, 2.21e-9, 30) for As in Ases: cparams['As'] = As temu = NmzEmulator(Mexp_edges, z_edges, cosmo_params=cparams) lnlikes.append(lnlike(data, temu.Nmz)) lnlikes = np.array(lnlikes) pl = io.Plotter(xlabel="As", ylabel="lnlike") #pl.add(Ases,np.exp(lnlikes)) pl.add(Ases, np.exp(lnlikes - lnlikes.max())) pl.vline(x=true_as, ls="--") pl.done("lnlike.png")
def plot_corrcoeff(cents, c1ds_data, plot_fname): from orphics import io dpi = 300 ncomps = c1ds_data.shape[0] if ncomps == 3: pols = ['150-I', '150-Q', '150-U'] elif ncomps == 6: pols = ['150-I', '150-Q', '150-U', '90-I', '90-Q', '90-U'] pl = io.Plotter(xlabel="$\\ell$", ylabel="$N_{XY}/\\sqrt{N_{XX}N_{YY}}$", xyscale='linlin') for i in range(c1ds_data.shape[0]): for j in range(i + 1, c1ds_data.shape[0]): polstring = "%s x %s" % (pols[i], pols[j]) pl.add(cents, c1ds_data[i, j], label=polstring) pl._ax.set_xlim(30, 10000) pl._ax.set_ylim(-0.3, 0.3) pl.hline(y=0.05) pl.hline(y=-0.05) pl.hline(y=0.01, ls='-.') pl.hline(y=-0.01, ls='-.') pl.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) pl.hline(y=0, ls='-') pl.vline(x=500) pl.vline(x=300, ls='-.') pl.done("%s_compare_corrcoeff.png" % (plot_fname), dpi=dpi)
def test_fft_transform(): zs = np.linspace(0.1, 4., 4) ms = np.geomspace(2e9, 1e17, 5) ks = np.geomspace(1e-4, 100, 1001) hcos = hm.HaloModel(zs, ks, ms=ms) with"nfw"): _, ouks = hcos.add_nfw_profile("matter", ms) cs = hcos.concentration(ms) rvirs = hcos.rvir(ms[None, :], hcos.zs[:, None]) rscales = (rvirs / cs)[..., None] rhoscale = 1 # we do not care about normalization of profile rmax = 10 * rvirs.max() dr = 0.001 iks, iuk = hm.uk_fft(lambda rs: hm.rho_nfw(rs, rhoscale, rscales), rvirs, dr=dr, rmax=rmax) k = 0 for i in range(iuk.shape[0]): for j in range(iuk.shape[1]): k += 1 pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog') pl.add(iks / (1. + hcos.zs[i]), iuk[i, j]) pl.add(hcos.ks, ouks[i, j], ls='--') pl.hline(y=1) pl._ax.set_xlim(ks.min(), ks.max()) pl.done("profile_test_%d.png" % k) print(iuk.shape)
def plot(cents, nls, ncoadd, pols, tag="default"): npols = len(pols) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog', ylabel='$C_L$', xlabel='$L$') for i in range(npols): for j in range(i, npols): nl1d = nls[i, j] if i != j: pl.add(cents, np.abs(nl1d), ls="--", alpha=0.2) #,label=pols[i]+'x'+pols[j] else: pl.add(cents, nl1d, alpha=0.6) #,label=pols[i]) ells = np.arange(0, 2500, 1) theory = cosmology.default_theory() clkk = theory.gCl('kk', ells) pl.add(ells, clkk, color='k', lw=3) pl.legend(loc='upper right') pl._ax.set_ylim(1e-10, 1e-4) pl.add(cents, ncoadd, color='red', lw=3) #,label='MV') pl.done("nlkk_%s.png" % tag) # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlin') # pl.add(cents,nls[0,3],label="TT x EB") # pl.hline(y=0) # pl.done("nltteb_%s.png"%tag) io.save_cols("lensing_noise_%s.txt" % tag, (cents, ncoadd))
def test_illustris(): zs = np.linspace(0., 3., 4) ms = np.geomspace(1e8, 1e16, 1000) ks = np.geomspace(1e-2, 30, 1001) hcos = hmvec.HaloModel(zs, ks, ms=ms, halofit=None, mdef='vir', nfw_numeric=False) hcos.add_battaglia_profile("electron", family="AGN", xmax=50, nxs=30000) pee = hcos.get_power("electron") pnn = hcos.get_power("nfw") pne = hcos.get_power("nfw", "electron") p1 = hcos.total_matter_power_spectrum(pnn, pne, pee) p0 = pnn h = hcos.h from matplotlib import cm pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin', xlabel='$k$ (h/Mpc)', ylabel='$\\Delta P / P$') for i in range(zs.size): pl.add(ks / h, p1[i] / p0[i], color=cm.Reds(np.linspace(0.3, 0.95, zs.size)[i])) pl.vline(x=10.) pl.hline(y=1.) pl._ax.set_ylim(0.68, 1.04) pl._ax.set_xlim(0.08, 25) pl.done("illustris_comp.png")
def test_massfn(): from szar import counts import hmf from cluster_toolkit import massfunction zs = np.linspace(0.,3.,20) ms = np.geomspace(1e14,1e17,200) ks = np.geomspace(1e-3,10,101) from enlib import bench with"init"): hcos = hm.HaloModel(zs,ks,ms=ms,mass_function="tinker") dndM_ct2 = np.zeros((zs.size,ms.size)) for i,z in enumerate(zs): h = hmf.MassFunction(z=z,Mmin=np.log10(ms.min()*hcos.h),Mmax=np.log10(ms.max()*hcos.h)) if i==0: dndM_ct = np.zeros((zs.size,h.dndm.size)) dndM_ct[i,:] = h.dndm.copy() dndM_ct2[i,:] = massfunction.dndM_at_M(ms*hcos.h, hcos.ks_sigma2/hcos.h, hcos.sPzk[i]*hcos.h**3, hcos.om0) fsky = 0.4 hmf = counts.Halo_MF(counts.ClusterCosmology(hcos.params,skipCls=True),np.log10(ms),zs) nz_szar = hmf.N_of_z()*fsky print(nz_szar,nz_szar.shape) # sys.exit() print(hcos.nzm.shape, bh = nzm = hcos.nzm # ims,ins = np.loadtxt("data/tinker2008Fig5.txt",unpack=True,delimiter=',') # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlin') # pl.add(ims,ins,ls="--") # pl.add(np.log10(ms*hcos.h),np.log10(nzm[0,:]*ms**2./hcos.rho_matter_z(0.))) # pl.done() chis = hcos.results.angular_diameter_distance(hcos.zs) * (1+hcos.zs) nz = np.trapz(nzm,ms,axis=-1)*4.*np.pi*chis**2./hcos.results.h_of_z(hcos.zs)*fsky nz_ct = np.trapz(dndM_ct,h.m,axis=-1)*4.*np.pi*chis**2./hcos.results.h_of_z(hcos.zs)*fsky * hcos.h**3. nz_ct2 = np.trapz(dndM_ct2,ms,axis=-1)*4.*np.pi*chis**2./hcos.results.h_of_z(hcos.zs)*fsky * hcos.h**3. pl = io.Plotter() pl.add(zs,nz,label='hmvec') pl.add(hmf.zarr,nz_szar,ls='--',label='szar') pl.add(zs,nz_ct,ls='-.',label='hmf') pl.add(zs,nz_ct2,ls='-.',label='ct') pl.done() n = np.trapz(nz,zs) print(n) n = np.trapz(nz_szar,hmf.zarr) print(n) n = np.trapz(nz_ct,zs) print(n) n = np.trapz(nz_ct2,zs) print(n)
def test_fft_integral(): dx = 0.001 xs = np.arange(dx, 20., dx) real = np.exp(-xs**2. / 2.) ks, uk = hm.fft_integral(xs, real) # pl = io.Plotter() # pl.add(xs,real) # pl.done() pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin') pl.add(ks, uk) pl.add(ks, hm.analytic_fft_integral(ks), ls="--") pl.done() dr = 0.001 rvir = 5. rmax = 10. * rvir r = np.arange(dr, rmax, dr) rs = 1 rhos = 1e3 rho = hm.rho_nfw(r, rhos, rs) # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog') # pl.add(r,rho) # pl.done() kmin = 1e-3 kmax = 30 ks = np.geomspace(kmin, kmax, 2000) uk = hm.uk_brute_force(r, rho, rvir, ks) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog') pl.add(ks, uk) #for rmax in [10.,20.,50.,100.,1000.,1e4]: #for dr in [0.1,0.05,0.01,0.001]: for dr in [0.001]: rmax = 100 fks, fuks = hm.uk_fft(lambda x: hm.rho_nfw(x, rhos, rs), rvir, dr=dr, rmax=rmax) pl.add(fks, fuks, ls="--") pl._ax.set_xlim(1e-3, 20) pl._ax.set_ylim(1e-3, 2) pl.done()
def test_limber(): zs = np.geomspace(0.1,10.,40) ks = np.geomspace(1e-4,10,100) ms = np.geomspace(1e8,1e16,30) hcos = hmvec.HaloModel(zs,ks,ms,nfw_numeric=False) pmm_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo(name="nfw") pmm_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo(name="nfw") Wk = hcos.lensing_window(zs,zs=1100.) Pmm = pmm_1h + pmm_2h ells = np.linspace(100,1000,20) ckk = hcos.C_kk(ells,zs,ks,Pmm,lwindow1=Wk,lwindow2=Wk) theory = cosmology.default_theory() pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog') pl.add(ells,ckk) pl.add(ells,theory.gCl('kk',ells),ls='--') pl.done('ckk_comp.png') bias = 2. nzs = np.exp(-(zs-1.0)**2./0.3**2.) ckg = hcos.C_kg(ells,zs,ks,Pmm*bias,lwindow=Wk,gzs=zs,gdndz=nzs) cgg = hcos.C_gg(ells,zs,ks,Pmm*bias**2,gzs=zs,gdndz=nzs) lc = cosmology.LimberCosmology(skipCls=True,low_acc=True) lc.addNz('g',zs,nzs,bias=bias) lc.generateCls(ells) ckg2 = lc.getCl('cmb','g') cgg2 = lc.getCl('g','g') pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog') pl.add(ells,ckg) pl.add(ells,ckg2,ls='--') pl.done('ckg_comp.png') pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog') pl.add(ells,cgg) pl.add(ells,cgg2,ls='--') pl.done('cgg_comp.png')
def test_lensing(): zs = np.geomspace(0.1, 300., 30) ks = np.geomspace(1e-4, 20, 100) ms = np.geomspace(1e10, 1e17, 20) hcos = hmvec.HaloModel(zs, ks, ms, nfw_numeric=False) pmm_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo(name="nfw") pmm_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo(name="nfw") Wk = hcos.lensing_window(zs, zs=1100.) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin') pl.add(zs, Wk) pl.done() Pmm = pmm_1h + pmm_2h ells = np.linspace(100, 1000, 20) ckk = hcos.C_kk(ells, zs, ks, Pmm, lwindow1=Wk, lwindow2=Wk) theory = cosmology.default_theory() pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog') pl.add(ells, ckk) pl.add(ells, theory.gCl('kk', ells), ls='--') pl.done()
def fit_noise_1d(npower,lmin=300,lmax=10000,wnoise_annulus=500,bin_annulus=20,lknee_guess=3000,alpha_guess=-4, lknee_min=0,lknee_max=9000,alpha_min=-5,alpha_max=1,allow_low_wnoise=False): """Obtain a white noise + lknee + alpha fit to a 2D noise power spectrum The white noise part is inferred from the mean of lmax-wnoise_annulus < ells < lmax npower is 2d noise power """ fbin_edges = np.arange(lmin,lmax,bin_annulus) modlmap = npower.modlmap() fbinner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,fbin_edges) cents,dn1d = fbinner.bin(npower) w2 = dn1d[np.logical_and(cents>=(lmax-wnoise_annulus),cents<lmax)].mean() try: # print(w2) assert w2>0 # pl = io.Plotter('Dell') # pl.add(cents,dn1d) # pl.add(cents,cents*0+w2) # pl.done(os.environ['WORK']+"/nonpos_white_works.png") except: print("White noise level not positive") print(w2) if not(allow_low_wnoise): pl = io.Plotter('Dell') pl.add(cents,dn1d) pl.done(os.environ['WORK']+"/nonpos_white.png") raise else: w2 = np.abs(w2) print("Setting to ",w2) wnoise = np.sqrt(w2)*180.*60./np.pi ntemplatefunc = lambda x,lknee,alpha: fbinner.bin(rednoise(modlmap,wnoise,lknee=lknee,alpha=alpha))[1] #ntemplatefunc = lambda x,lknee,alpha: rednoise(x,wnoise,lknee=lknee,alpha=alpha) # FIXME: This switch needs testing !!!! res,_ = curve_fit(ntemplatefunc,cents,dn1d,p0=[lknee_guess,alpha_guess],bounds=([lknee_min,alpha_min],[lknee_max,alpha_max])) lknee_fit,alpha_fit = res # print(lknee_fit,alpha_fit,wnoise) # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog',xlabel='l',ylabel='D',scalefn=lambda x: x**2./2./np.pi) # pl.add(cents,dn1d) # pl.add(cents,cents*0+w2) # pl.add(cents,rednoise(cents,wnoise,lknee=lknee_fit,alpha=alpha_fit),ls="--") # pl.add(cents,rednoise(cents,wnoise,lknee=lknee_guess,alpha=alpha_guess),ls="-.") # pl._ax.set_ylim(1e-1,1e4) # pl.done(os.environ['WORK']+"/fitnoise_pre.png") # sys.exit() return wnoise,lknee_fit,alpha_fit
def test_gas_fft(): zs = np.array([0.6, 1.0]) ks = np.geomspace(1e-4, 100, 100) ms = np.geomspace(1e7, 1e17, 2000) hcos = hmvec.HaloModel(zs, ks, ms, nfw_numeric=False) hcos.add_battaglia_profile("electron", family="AGN", xmax=50, nxs=30000) # hcos.add_nfw_profile("electron",numeric=False) pmm_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo(name="nfw") pmm_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo(name="nfw") pee_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo(name="electron") pee_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo(name="electron") pme_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo("nfw", "electron") pme_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo("nfw", "electron") pem_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo("electron", "nfw") pem_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo("electron", "nfw") # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog') # pl.add(ks,pee_1h[0]/pmm_1h[0]) # pl._ax.set_xlim(0.1,100) # pl.done() # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog') # pl.add(ks,pmm_1h[0]+pmm_2h[0]) # pl.add(ks,pee_1h[0]+pee_2h[0],ls='--') # pl.add(ks,pme_1h[0]+pme_2h[0],ls='-.') # pl.add(ks,pem_1h[0]+pem_2h[0],ls='-') # pl.done() omtoth2 = hcos.p['omch2'] + hcos.p['ombh2'] fc = hcos.p['omch2'] / omtoth2 fb = hcos.p['ombh2'] / omtoth2 pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin', xlabel='$k \\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$', ylabel='$P_{mm}^{\\rm{fb}}/P_{mm}^{\\rm{no-fb}}$') for i in range(zs.size): Pnn = pmm_1h[i] + pmm_2h[i] Pee = pee_1h[i] + pee_2h[i] Pne = pme_1h[i] + pme_2h[i] Pmm = fc**2. * Pnn + 2. * fc * fb * Pne + fb * fb * Pee pl.add(ks, Pmm / Pnn) pl.hline(y=1) pl.done("feedback.pdf")
def test_pgm(): import halomodel as mmhm from orphics import cosmology cc = cosmology.Cosmology(hmvec.default_params, skipCls=True, low_acc=False) mmhmod = mmhm.HaloModel(cc) mthresh = np.array([10.5]) zs = np.array([0., 1., 2., 3.]) ms = np.geomspace(1e8, 1e16, 1000) ks = np.geomspace(1e-4, 100, 1001) # ks,pks = np.loadtxt("mm_k_pk.txt",unpack=True) # !!! eeP = mmhmod.P_gg_2h(ks, zs, mthreshHOD=mthresh) + mmhmod.P_gg_1h( ks, zs, mthreshHOD=mthresh) meP = mmhmod.P_mg_2h(ks, zs, mthreshHOD=mthresh) + mmhmod.P_mg_1h( ks, zs, mthreshHOD=mthresh) mmP = mmhmod.P_mm_2h(ks, zs) + mmhmod.P_mm_1h(ks, zs) hcos = hmvec.HaloModel(zs, ks, ms=ms, halofit=None, mdef='vir', nfw_numeric=False) hcos.add_hod("g", mthresh=(10**mthresh[0]) + zs * 0., corr="max") # hcos.add_battaglia_profile("electron",family="AGN",xmax=100,nxs=60000) pme_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo(name="g", name2="nfw") pme_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo(name="g", name2="nfw") pmm_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo("nfw") pmm_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo("nfw") pee_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo("g") pee_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo("g") for i in range(zs.size): pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin', xlabel='$k$', ylabel='$P$') pl.add(ks, (pme_2h[i] + pme_1h[i]) / meP[i], ls="--", color="C%d" % i) pl.add(ks, (pmm_2h[i] + pmm_1h[i]) / mmP[i], ls="-", color="C%d" % i) pl.add(ks, (pee_2h[i] + pee_1h[i]) / eeP[i], ls=":", color="C%d" % i) pl.vline(x=10.) pl.hline(y=1.) pl._ax.set_ylim(0.8, 1.3) pl.done("pgcomp_rat_z_%d.png" % i)
def test_lensing_window(): zs = np.geomspace(0.01, 10., 100) #np.array([0.]) ks = np.geomspace(1e-4, 10, 100) ms = np.geomspace(1e10, 1e17, 200) hcos = hmvec.HaloModel(zs, ks, ms, nfw_numeric=False) pmm_1h = hcos.get_power_1halo(name="nfw") pmm_2h = hcos.get_power_2halo(name="nfw") Wk = hcos.lensing_window(zs, zs=2.) sigz = 0.1 dndz = np.exp(-(zs - 2.)**2. / 2. / sigz**2.) Wk2 = hcos.lensing_window(zs, zs, dndz) # print(Wk2) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin') pl.add(zs, Wk) pl.add(zs, Wk2, ls="--") pl.done()
def plot_powers(cmb, suffix, power=None, w2=1.): if power is None: power, lteb1, lteb2 = fc.power2d(cmb, pixel_units=False, skip_cross=True) power /= w2 cents, dtt = lbinner.bin(power[0, 0]) cents, dee = lbinner.bin(power[1, 1]) cents, dbb = lbinner.bin(power[2, 2]) pl = io.Plotter(xlabel='l', ylabel='D', yscale='log') ellrange = np.arange(200, 6000, 1) cltt = theory.lCl('TT', ellrange) clee = theory.lCl('EE', ellrange) clbb = theory.lCl('BB', ellrange) pl.add(ellrange, cltt * ellrange**2., color="k") pl.add(ellrange, clee * ellrange**2., color="k") pl.add(ellrange, clbb * ellrange**2., color="k") pl.add(cents, dtt * cents**2.) pl.add(cents, dee * cents**2.) pl.add(cents, dbb * cents**2.) pl.done(out_dir + "powers_" + suffix + ".png")
wcs, feed_dict, xmask=xmask, ymask=ymask, kmask=kmask, Al=None, estimator=estimator, hardening=hardening) N_l_bh = h.get_Nl() bin_edges = np.arange(20, Lmax, 20) ells = np.arange(20, Lmax, 1) binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap, bin_edges) clkk = theory.gCl('kk', ells) #print(binner.bin(anull)[1]) cents, nl1d = binner.bin(N_l) cents, nlbh1d = binner.bin(N_l_bh) pl = io.Plotter('CL', xyscale='loglog') pl.add(ells, clkk, color='k') pl.add(cents, nl1d, ls='--') pl.add(cents, nlbh1d, ls=':') pl._ax.set_ylim(1e-8, 5e-4) pl.done('bh.png') pl = io.Plotter('rCL', xyscale='linlin') pl.add(cents, nlbh1d / nl1d) pl.hline(y=1) pl.done('bhdiff.png')
print(bmap2.shape) bmap = maps.filter_map(imap.copy(),kbeam) taper,w2 = maps.get_taper(shape) io.plot_img(imap*taper,io.dout_dir+"bmap0.png",high_res=True) io.plot_img(bmap*taper,io.dout_dir+"bmap1.png",high_res=True) io.plot_img(bmap2*taper,io.dout_dir+"bmap2.png",high_res=True) bin_edges = np.arange(200,3000,100) binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,bin_edges) fc = maps.FourierCalc(shape,wcs) p2d,_,_ = fc.power2d(imap*taper) cents,p1di = binner.bin(p2d/w2) p2d,_,_ = fc.power2d(bmap*taper) cents,p1db = binner.bin(p2d/w2) p2d,_,_ = fc.power2d(bmap2*taper) cents,p1db2 = binner.bin(p2d/w2) pl = io.Plotter(yscale='log') pl.add(ells,ps[0,0]*ells**2.) pl.add(ells,ps[0,0]*ells**2.*maps.gauss_beam(ells,fwhm)**2.) pl.add(cents,p1di*cents**2.) pl.add(cents,p1db*cents**2.,label="fourier") pl.add(cents,p1db2*cents**2.,label="real") pl._ax.set_xlim(2,3000) pl._ax.set_ylim(1e-12,1e-8) pl.legend(loc='lower left') pl.done(io.dout_dir+"beam.png")
actmap = { "d56_01": "D56_1_149", "d56_02": "D56_2_149", "d56_03": "D56_3_149", "d56_04": "D56_4_149", "d56_05": "D56_5_097", "d56_06": "D56_6_149" } if comp == 'comptony': wstr = '$W (1/\mu K \\times 10^7)$' else: wstr = '$W$ (dimensionless)' #pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin',xlabel='$\\ell$',ylabel=wstr,ftsize=16) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlin', xlabel='$\\ell$', ylabel=wstr, ftsize=16) # !!! for i in range(len(qids)): col = cols[i] qid = qids[i] lmin, lmax, hybrid, radial, friend, cfreq, fgroup, wrfit = aspecs(qid) if tutils.is_lfi(qid): ls = "-." lab = "LFI %d GHz" % cfreq elif tutils.is_hfi(qid): ls = "--" lab = "HFI %d GHz" % cfreq else: ls = "-" aind = qid.split("_")[1] lab = actmap[qid] #"ACT_%s %d GHz" % (aind,cfreq )
tcmb=None) totres = fg.power_cibp(ells, nu, nu2=None) + fg.power_cibc( ells, nu, nu2=None) + fg.power_radps( ells, nu, nu2=None) + fg.power_ksz_reion(ells) + +fg.power_ksz_late(ells) def resmodel(ells, a1, a2, e1, e2, ell0=3000): plaw = lambda a, e: a * (ells / ell0)**(e) return plaw(a1, e1) + plaw(a2, e2) clres = resmodel(ells, 1e-5, 1e-5, 0.5, 1.0) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog', scalefn=lambda x: x**2. / 2. / np.pi) pl.add(ells, cltt, lw=3, color='k') pl.add(ells, clyy) #pl.add(ells,clres) pl.add(ells, totres, ls='--') pl.done() """ For each freq1,freq2: res = ps - cmb - tsz(freq1,freq2) Fit a1*ell**e1 + a2*ell**e2 to res With 2000 < ell < 8000 for act x act With 2000 < ell < 6000 for act x hfi With 2000 < ell < 3000 for act x lfi With 2000 < ell < 6000 for hfi x hfi With 2000 < ell < 3000 for lfi x lfi
w2 = np.mean(mask**2) dm = sints.PlanckHybrid(region=mask) qids = "p01,p02,p03,p04,p05,p06,p07,p08".split(',') narrays = len(qids) cbin_edges = np.arange(20, 8000, 20) cbinner = stats.bin2D(modlmap, cbin_edges) fpath = "/scratch/r/rbond/msyriac/data/depot/actsims/fg_res/fgfit_deep56" for i in range(narrays): for j in range(i, narrays): pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog', xlabel='l', ylabel='D', scalefn=lambda x: x**2.) qid1 = qids[i] qid2 = qids[j] array1 = sints.arrays(qid1, 'freq') array2 = sints.arrays(qid2, 'freq') splits1 = dm.get_splits([array1], ncomp=1, srcfree=True)[0, :, 0] wins1 = dm.get_splits_ivar([array1])[0, :, 0] splits2 = dm.get_splits([array2], ncomp=1, srcfree=True)[0, :, 0] wins2 = dm.get_splits_ivar([array2])[0, :, 0] fbeam1 = lambda x: tutils.get_kbeam( qid1, x, sanitize=True, planck_pixwin=True)
s.get_stats() # totcmb = putils.allreduce(totcmb,comm) /nsims #tottsz = putils.allreduce(tottsz,comm) /nsims for key in sorted(totinputs.keys()): totinputs[key] = putils.allreduce(totinputs[key], comm) / nsims for key in sorted(totautos.keys()): totautos[key] = putils.allreduce(totautos[key], comm) / nsims for key in sorted(totcrosses.keys()): totcrosses[key] = putils.allreduce(totcrosses[key], comm) / nsims if rank == 0: cents = binner.centers for input_name in input_names: pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog', scalefn=lambda x: x**2. / 2. / np.pi, xlabel='$\\ell$', ylabel='$D_{\\ell}$') # ii = totcmb if input_name=='CMB' else tottsz ii = totinputs[input_name] pl.add(cents, ii, color='k', lw=3) for i, solution in enumerate(',')): color = "C%d" % i iname = components[solution][0] if iname != input_name: continue ri = totcrosses[solution] pl.add(cents, ri, label=solution, ls="none", marker="o", color=color,
from __future__ import print_function from orphics import maps, io, cosmology from enlib import enmap import numpy as np import os, sys broot = lambda param: "output/BAO_highAcc_DESI2_szar_step_0.01_dfk_%s.csv" % param broot2 = lambda param: "output/BAO_highAcc_DESI2_szar__dfk_%s.csv" % param params = "H0,ombh2,omch2,tau,As,ns,mnu,w,wa".split(',') zs = np.array([ .15, .25, .35, .45, .55, .65, .75, .85, .95, 1.05, 1.15, 1.25, 1.35, 1.45, 1.55, 1.65, 1.75, 1.85 ]) for param in params: pl = io.Plotter() d = np.loadtxt(broot(param)) d2 = np.loadtxt(broot2(param)) pl.add(zs, d) pl.add(zs, d2, ls="--") pl.done(io.dout_dir + "dbao_%s.png" % param)
if rank==0: stack = mstats.stacks['recon'] recon1d = mstats.stats['recon1d']['mean'] recon1d_err = mstats.stats['recon1d']['errmean'] recon1d_cov = mstats.stats['recon1d']['covmean'] io.plot_img(stack,pout_dir+"stack.png") kappa_true = maps.filter_map(lensing.nfw_kappa(kamp_true*1e15,modrmap,cc,overdensity=200.,critical=True,atClusterZ=True),kmask) cents, ktrue1d = binner.bin(kappa_true) arcs,ks = np.loadtxt("input/hdv.csv",unpack=True,delimiter=",") pl = io.Plotter() pl.add(cents,ktrue1d,lw=2,color="k") pl.add(arcs,ks,lw=2,alpha=0.5) pl.add_err(cents,recon1d,recon1d_err,ls="--") pl.hline() pl.done(pout_dir+"recon1d.png") pl1 = io.Plotter(xlabel="$A$",ylabel="$\\mathrm{ln}\\mathcal{L}$") pl2 = io.Plotter(xlabel="$A$",ylabel="$\\mathcal{L}$") arcmaxes = [10.0] #[5.0,7.5,10.0,15.0,20.0,30.0] for j,arcmax in enumerate(arcmaxes):
beam1 = tutils.get_kbeam(qid1,cents,sanitize=False,planck_pixwin=True) beam2 = tutils.get_kbeam(qid2,cents,sanitize=False,planck_pixwin=True) kc1 = "/scratch/r/rbond/msyriac/data/depot/tilec/test_v1.1.0_rc_deep56/kcoadd_%s.npy" % qid1 kc2 = "/scratch/r/rbond/msyriac/data/depot/tilec/test_v1.1.0_rc_deep56/kcoadd_%s.npy" % qid2 p2d = np.real(np.load(kc1)*np.load(kc2).conj())/w2 cents,pow1d = binner.bin(p2d) p2d = np.load("/scratch/r/rbond/msyriac/data/depot/tilec/test_v1.1.0_rc_deep56/tilec_hybrid_covariance_%s_%s.npy" % (qid1,qid2)) cents,cov1d = binner.bin(p2d) # fbeam1 = tutils.get_kbeam(qid1,ells,sanitize=False,planck_pixwin=True) # fbeam2 = tutils.get_kbeam(qid2,ells,sanitize=False,planck_pixwin=True) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog',scalefn = lambda x: x**2./2./np.pi,xlabel='l',ylabel='D') pl.add(cents,up1d/beam1/beam2,label='unsmoothed S') pl.add(cents,sp1d/beam1/beam2,label='smoothed S') pl.add(cents,np1d/beam1/beam2,label='smoothed N') pl.add(cents,pow1d/beam1/beam2,label='S+N power') pl.add(cents,cov1d/beam1/beam2,label='smoothed S+N') if qid1[0]=='p' and qid2[0]=='p': cfit = ctheory.get_theory_cls(f1,f2) pl.add(cents,cfit,ls='--') cfit = ctheory.get_theory_cls(f1,f2,a_gal=0.8) pl.add(cents,cfit,ls=':') # lmin,lmax,hybrid,radial,friend,f1,fgroup,wrfit = tutils.get_specs(qid1) # lmin,lmax,hybrid,radial,friend,f2,fgroup,wrfit = tutils.get_specs(qid2) # beam1 = tutils.get_kbeam(qid1,cents,sanitize=False,planck_pixwin=True) # beam2 = tutils.get_kbeam(qid2,cents,sanitize=False,planck_pixwin=True)
import hmvec import numpy as np from orphics import io halofits = [ 'takahashi', 'original', 'bird', 'peacock', 'mead', 'casarini', 'mead2015' ] zs = np.array([0., 1., 2., 3.]) ks = np.geomspace(1e-4, 20., 1000) pks = {} for halofit in halofits: print(halofit) hc = hmvec.HaloCosmology(zs, ks, halofit=halofit) pks[halofit] = hc.nPzk for i, z in enumerate(zs): pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglin', xlabel='$k$', ylabel='$P/P_0$') for halofit in halofits[1:]: pl.add(ks, pks[halofit][i] / pks[halofits[0]][i], label=halofit) pl.hline(y=1) pl.legend(loc='upper left') pl._ax.set_ylim(0.7, 1.3) pl.done("halofit_comp_z_%d.png" % i)
mf_alm = hp.read_alm(f'{solenspipe.opath}/mf_{args.label}_{args.polcomb}_{isostr}_alm.fits') else: mf_alm = 0 for task in my_tasks: # Choose a seed. This has to be varied when simulating. seed = (0,0,task+sindex) # If debugging, get unfiltered maps and plot Cls if task==0 and debug_cmb: t_alm,e_alm,b_alm = solint.get_kmap(channel,seed,lmin,lmax,filtered=False) tcl = hp.alm2cl(t_alm) ls = np.arange(tcl.size) pl = io.Plotter('Cell') pl.add(ls,tcl/w2) ls2,nells,nells_P = solint.get_noise_power(channel,beam_deconv=True) theory = cosmology.default_theory() pl.add(ls,theory.lCl('TT',ls) + maps.interp(ls2,nells)(ls),color='k') pl._ax.set_xlim(1,6000) pl._ax.set_ylim(1e-6,1e3) pl.done(f'{solenspipe.opath}/tcl.png') imap = enmap.downgrade(solint.alm2map(np.asarray([t_alm,e_alm,b_alm]),ncomp=3) * maps.binary_mask(mask),2) for i in range(3): io.hplot(imap[i],f'{solenspipe.opath}/imap_{i}',mask=0) with"sim"): # Get simulated, prepared filtered T, E, B maps, i.e. (1/(C+N) * teb_alm) t_alm,e_alm,b_alm = solint.get_kmap(channel,seed,lmin,lmax,filtered=True) # Get the reconstructed kappa map alms and filter it with the normalization
arraynames = {'p01':'030','p02':'044','p03':'070'} dm = sints.PlanckHybrid(region=mask) for qid in qids: split = enmap.read_map("%ssplit_%s.fits" % (froot,qid)) #io.hplot(enmap.downgrade(split,4),"split_%s" % qid) arrayname = arraynames[qid] wts = dm.get_splits_ivar(arrayname)[0,:,0,...] coadd,_ = noise.get_coadd(split[:,0,...],wts,axis=0) * mask pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog',xlabel='l',ylabel='C') kmap = enmap.fft(coadd,normalize='phys') p2d = np.real(kmap*kmap.conj())/w2 cents,p1d = binner.bin(p2d) pl.add(cents,p1d,label='sim power') kcoadd = enmap.enmap(np.load("%skcoadd_%s.npy" % (kroot,qid)),wcs) p2d = np.real(kcoadd*kcoadd.conj())/w2 cents,p1d = binner.bin(p2d) pl.add(cents,p1d,label='sim power 2') p2d = enmap.enmap(np.load("%stilec_hybrid_covariance_%s_%s.npy" % (kroot,qid,qid)),wcs) cents,p1d = binner.bin(p2d) pl.add(cents,p1d,label='sim cov')
sn[sn>1e30] = 1e30 #print(sn.min(),sn.max()) #io.plot_img(np.log10(np.fft.fftshift(sn))) tt = binner.bin(agen.ps_cmb)[1] lss,snls = np.loadtxt("/home/msyriac/repos/halofg/data/smica_nls.txt",unpack=True) lsl,lnls = np.loadtxt("/home/msyriac/repos/halofg/data/lgmca_nls.txt",unpack=True) snls = snls[lss<3000] lss = lss[lss<3000] lnls = lnls[lsl<3000] lsl = lsl[lsl<3000] pl = io.Plotter(yscale='log',xlabel='l',ylabel='D') pl.add(cents,cmb*cents**2.,lw=2,color='k') pl.add_err(cents,scxcmb*cents**2.,yerr=escxcmb*cents**2,lw=1,label="ilc",marker="o",color="C0") pl.add_err(cents,ccxcmb*cents**2.,yerr=eccxcmb*cents**2,lw=1,label="cilc",marker="o",color="C1") pl.add(cents,sc*cents**2.,lw=1,ls="--",color="C0") pl.add(cents,cc*cents**2.,lw=1,ls="--",color="C1") pl.add(cents,(sc_noise-tt)*cents**2.,lw=1,ls="-.",color="C0") pl.add(cents,(cc_noise-tt)*cents**2.,lw=1,ls="-.",color="C1") pl.add(lss,(snls)*lss**2./maps.gauss_beam(lss,5.)**2.,lw=1,ls="-.",color="C2",label='smica',alpha=0.5) pl.add(lsl,(lnls)*lsl**2./maps.gauss_beam(lss,5.)**2.,lw=1,ls="-.",color="C3",label='lgmca',alpha=0.5) pl._ax.set_ylim(1e1,3e4) pl.legend(loc='lower center') pl.done(save_root+"cmb.png") pl = io.Plotter(yscale='log',xlabel='l',ylabel='D')