예제 #1
    def setup_retry_in_task_state(self, task_state_entry, in_ctx_idxs):
        # Setup the retry in the task state.
        task_id = task_state_entry['id']
        task_retry_spec = self.graph.get_task_retry_spec(task_id)
        task_state_entry['retry'] = copy.deepcopy(task_retry_spec)
        task_state_entry['retry']['tally'] = 0

        # Get task context for evaluating the expression in delay and count.
        in_ctx = self.get_task_context(in_ctx_idxs)

        # Evaluate the retry delay value.
        if ('delay' in task_state_entry['retry'] and
                isinstance(task_state_entry['retry']['delay'], six.string_types)):
            delay_value = expr_base.evaluate(task_state_entry['retry']['delay'], in_ctx)

            if not isinstance(delay_value, int):
                raise ValueError('The retry delay for task "%s" is not an integer.' % task_id)

            task_state_entry['retry']['delay'] = delay_value

        # Evaluate the retry count value.
        if ('count' in task_state_entry['retry'] and
                isinstance(task_state_entry['retry']['count'], six.string_types)):
            count_value = expr_base.evaluate(task_state_entry['retry']['count'], in_ctx)

            if not isinstance(count_value, int):
                raise ValueError('The retry count for task "%s" is not an integer.' % task_id)

            task_state_entry['retry']['count'] = count_value
예제 #2
    def render(self, in_ctx):
        action_specs = []

        if not self.has_items():
            action_spec = {
                "action": expr_base.evaluate(self.action, in_ctx),
                "input": expr_base.evaluate(getattr(self, "input", {}),

            items_spec = self.get_items_spec()

            if " in " not in items_spec.items:
                items_expr = items_spec.items.strip()
                start_idx = items_spec.items.index(" in ") + 4
                items_expr = items_spec.items[start_idx:].strip()

            items = expr_base.evaluate(items_expr, in_ctx)

            if not isinstance(items, list):
                raise TypeError('The value of "%s" is not type of list.' %

            item_keys = (
                None if " in " not in items_spec.items else
                items_spec.items[:items_spec.items.index(" in ")].replace(
                    " ", "").split(","))

            for idx, item in enumerate(items):
                if item_keys and (isinstance(item, tuple)
                                  or isinstance(item, list)):
                    item = dict(zip(item_keys, list(item)))
                elif item_keys and len(item_keys) == 1:
                    item = {item_keys[0]: item}

                item_ctx_value = ctx_util.set_current_item(in_ctx, item)

                action_spec = {
                    expr_base.evaluate(self.action, item_ctx_value),
                    expr_base.evaluate(getattr(self, "input", {}),


        return self, action_specs
예제 #3
    def render(self, in_ctx):
        action_specs = []

        if not self.has_items():
            action_spec = {
                'action': expr_base.evaluate(self.action, in_ctx),
                'input': expr_base.evaluate(getattr(self, 'input', {}), in_ctx)

            items_spec = self.get_items_spec()

            items_expr = (items_spec.items.strip()
                          if ' in ' not in items_spec.items else
                          items_spec.items[items_spec.items.index(' in ') +

            items = expr_base.evaluate(items_expr, in_ctx)

            if not isinstance(items, list):
                raise TypeError('The value of "%s" is not type of list.' %

            item_keys = (
                None if ' in ' not in items_spec.items else
                items_spec.items[:items_spec.items.index(' in ')].replace(
                    ' ', '').split(','))

            for idx, item in enumerate(items):
                if item_keys and (isinstance(item, tuple)
                                  or isinstance(item, list)):
                    item = dict(zip(item_keys, list(item)))
                elif item_keys and len(item_keys) == 1:
                    item = {item_keys[0]: item}

                item_ctx_value = ctx_util.set_current_item(in_ctx, item)

                action_spec = {
                    expr_base.evaluate(self.action, item_ctx_value),
                    expr_base.evaluate(getattr(self, 'input', {}),


        return self, action_specs
예제 #4
파일: tasks.py 프로젝트: batk0/orquesta
    def render(self, in_ctx):
        action_specs = []

        if self.has_items():
            raise NotImplementedError('Task with items is not implemented.')

        action_spec = {
            'action': expr.evaluate(self.action, in_ctx),
            'input': expr.evaluate(getattr(self, 'input', {}), in_ctx)


        return self, action_specs
예제 #5
    def render(self, in_ctx):
        action_specs = []

        if self.has_items():
            raise NotImplementedError("Task with items is not implemented.")

        action_spec = {
            "action": expr_base.evaluate(self.action, in_ctx),
            "input": expr_base.evaluate(getattr(self, "input", {}), in_ctx),


        return self, action_specs
예제 #6
    def finalize_context(self, next_task_name, task_transition_meta, in_ctx):
        criteria = task_transition_meta[3].get("criteria") or []
        expected_criteria_pattern = r"<\% task_status\(\w+\) in \['succeeded'\] \%>"
        new_ctx = {}
        errors = []

        if not re.match(expected_criteria_pattern, criteria[0]):
            return in_ctx, new_ctx, errors

        task_publish_spec = getattr(self, "publish") or {}

            new_ctx = {
                var_name: expr_base.evaluate(var_expr, in_ctx)
                for var_name, var_expr in six.iteritems(task_publish_spec)
        except exc.ExpressionEvaluationException as e:

        out_ctx = dict_util.merge_dicts(in_ctx, new_ctx, overwrite=True)

        for key in list(out_ctx.keys()):
            if key.startswith("__"):

        return out_ctx, new_ctx, errors
예제 #7
    def finalize_context(self, next_task_name, task_transition_meta, in_ctx):
        rolling_ctx = copy.deepcopy(in_ctx)
        new_ctx = {}
        errors = []

        task_transition_specs = getattr(self, 'next') or []
        task_transition_spec = task_transition_specs[task_transition_meta[3]
        next_task_names = getattr(task_transition_spec, 'do') or []

        if next_task_name in next_task_names:
            for task_publish_spec in (getattr(task_transition_spec, 'publish')
                                      or {}):
                var_name = list(task_publish_spec.items())[0][0]
                default_var_value = list(task_publish_spec.items())[0][1]

                    rendered_var_value = expr_base.evaluate(
                        default_var_value, rolling_ctx)
                    rolling_ctx[var_name] = rendered_var_value
                    new_ctx[var_name] = rendered_var_value
                except exc.ExpressionEvaluationException as e:

        out_ctx = dict_util.merge_dicts(in_ctx, new_ctx, overwrite=True)

        for key in list(out_ctx.keys()):
            if key.startswith('__'):

        return out_ctx, new_ctx, errors
    def test_multi_block_eval(self):
        expr = ("{% for i in ctx().x %}{{ i }}{% endfor %}"
                "{% for i in ctx().y %}{{ i }}{% endfor %}")

        data = {"x": ["a", "b", "c"], "y": ["d", "e", "f"]}

        self.assertEqual("abcdef", expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
예제 #9
    def test_eval_list(self):
        expr = ['{{ ctx().foo }}', '{{ ctx().marco }}', 'foo{{ ctx().foo }}']

        data = {'foo': 'bar', 'marco': 'polo'}

        self.assertListEqual(['bar', 'polo', 'foobar'],
                             expressions.evaluate(expr, data))
    def test_eval_list(self):
        expr = ['<% ctx().foo %>', '<% ctx().marco %>', 'foo<% ctx().foo %>']

        data = {'foo': 'bar', 'marco': 'polo'}

        self.assertListEqual(['bar', 'polo', 'foobar'],
                             expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
예제 #11
    def test_multi_block_eval(self):
        expr = ('{% for i in ctx().x %}{{ i }}{% endfor %}'
                '{% for i in ctx().y %}{{ i }}{% endfor %}')

        data = {'x': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'y': ['d', 'e', 'f']}

        self.assertEqual('abcdef', expressions.evaluate(expr, data))
    def test_eval_list(self):
        expr = ["{{ ctx().foo }}", "{{ ctx().marco }}", "foo{{ ctx().foo }}"]

        data = {"foo": "bar", "marco": "polo"}

        self.assertListEqual(["bar", "polo", "foobar"],
                             expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
예제 #13
def auto_complete(yaql_expression, yaml_string, legacy=False):
    Returns complement suggestions to the given YAQL expression
    :param str yaql_expression: the YAQL expression
    :param str | dict yaml_string:
    :return: dictionary with two keys:
        "yaql_valid"- is the YAQL expressio valid?
        "suggestions"- list of suggestions
    :rtype: dict
    yaql_exp_valid = True
    res = []
        if yaql_expression[-1] != "]":
            if yaql_expression.count("[") > yaql_expression.count("]"):
                # we are in a middle of $....[ ...
                first_dlr_index = yaql_expression.rfind("$")
                expression_prefix = yaql_expression[:first_dlr_index - 1]
                sub_value = yaql_expression[first_dlr_index + 2:]
                # only dots
                last_dot_index = yaql_expression.rindex(".")
                sub_value = yaql_expression[last_dot_index + 1:]
                expression_prefix = yaql_expression[:last_dot_index]

            partial_value = evaluate(expression_prefix, yaml_string, legacy)

            res = []
            if partial_value:
                if isinstance(partial_value, list) or isinstance(
                        partial_value, types.GeneratorType):
                    for index, item in enumerate(list(partial_value)):
                        if isinstance(item, list):
                        elif isinstance(item, dict):
                            res.extend(_get_matched_values(item, sub_value))
                elif isinstance(partial_value, dict):
                    res = _get_matched_values(partial_value, sub_value)
    except (YamlException, YaqlException):

        evaluate(yaql_expression, yaml_string)
    except YaqlException:
        yaql_exp_valid = False

    return {"yaql_valid": yaql_exp_valid, "suggestions": list(set(res))}
    def test_eval_dict_of_list(self):
        expr = {"nested": ["<% ctx().foo %>", "<% ctx().marco %>"]}

        data = {"foo": "bar", "marco": "polo"}

        expected = {"nested": ["bar", "polo"]}

        self.assertDictEqual(expected, expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
예제 #15
    def test_eval_list_of_list(self):
        expr = [['{{ ctx().foo }}', '{{ ctx().marco }}']]

        data = {'foo': 'bar', 'marco': 'polo'}

        expected = [['bar', 'polo']]

        self.assertListEqual(expected, expressions.evaluate(expr, data))
예제 #16
    def test_eval_dict_of_list(self):
        expr = {'nested': ['{{ ctx().foo }}', '{{ ctx().marco }}']}

        data = {'foo': 'bar', 'marco': 'polo'}

        expected = {'nested': ['bar', 'polo']}

        self.assertDictEqual(expected, expressions.evaluate(expr, data))
    def test_eval_list_of_dict(self):
        expr = [{"foo": "<% ctx().bar %>", "<% ctx().marco %>": "polo"}]

        data = {"bar": "bar", "marco": "marco"}

        expected = [{"foo": "bar", "marco": "polo"}]

        self.assertListEqual(expected, expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
    def test_eval_list_of_list(self):
        expr = [["<% ctx().foo %>", "<% ctx().marco %>"]]

        data = {"foo": "bar", "marco": "polo"}

        expected = [["bar", "polo"]]

        self.assertListEqual(expected, expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
    def test_eval_dict_of_dict(self):
        expr = {"nested": {"foo": "<% ctx().bar %>", "<% ctx().marco %>": "polo"}}

        data = {"bar": "bar", "marco": "marco"}

        expected = {"nested": {"foo": "bar", "marco": "polo"}}

        self.assertDictEqual(expected, expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
예제 #20
    def test_eval_list_of_dict(self):
        expr = [{'foo': '{{ ctx().bar }}', '{{ ctx().marco }}': 'polo'}]

        data = {'bar': 'bar', 'marco': 'marco'}

        expected = [{'foo': 'bar', 'marco': 'polo'}]

        self.assertListEqual(expected, expressions.evaluate(expr, data))
    def test_eval_dict_of_list(self):
        expr = {'nested': ['<% ctx().foo %>', '<% ctx().marco %>']}

        data = {'foo': 'bar', 'marco': 'polo'}

        expected = {'nested': ['bar', 'polo']}

        self.assertDictEqual(expected, expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
    def test_eval_list_of_list(self):
        expr = [['<% ctx().foo %>', '<% ctx().marco %>']]

        data = {'foo': 'bar', 'marco': 'polo'}

        expected = [['bar', 'polo']]

        self.assertListEqual(expected, expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
    def test_eval_list_of_dict(self):
        expr = [{'foo': '<% ctx().bar %>', '<% ctx().marco %>': 'polo'}]

        data = {'bar': 'bar', 'marco': 'marco'}

        expected = [{'foo': 'bar', 'marco': 'polo'}]

        self.assertListEqual(expected, expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
예제 #24
    def get_task(self, task_id, route):
            task_ctx = self.get_task_initial_context(task_id, route)
        except ValueError:
            task_ctx = self.get_workflow_initial_context()

        state_ctx = {'__state': self.workflow_state.serialize()}
        current_task = {'id': task_id, 'route': route}
        task_ctx = ctx_util.set_current_task(task_ctx, current_task)
        task_ctx = dict_util.merge_dicts(task_ctx, state_ctx, True)
        task_spec = self.spec.tasks.get_task(task_id).copy()
        task_spec, action_specs = task_spec.render(task_ctx)

        task = {
            'id': task_id,
            'route': route,
            'ctx': task_ctx,
            'spec': task_spec,
            'actions': action_specs

        # If there is a task delay specified, evaluate the delay value.
        if getattr(task_spec, 'delay', None):
            task_delay = task_spec.delay

            if isinstance(task_delay, six.string_types):
                task_delay = expr_base.evaluate(task_delay, task_ctx)

            if not isinstance(task_delay, int):
                raise TypeError(
                    'The value of task delay is not type of integer.')

            task['delay'] = task_delay

        # Add items and related meta data to the task details.
        if task_spec.has_items():
            items_spec = getattr(task_spec, 'with')
            concurrency = getattr(items_spec, 'concurrency', None)
            task['items_count'] = len(action_specs)
            task['concurrency'] = expr_base.evaluate(concurrency, task_ctx)

        return task
예제 #25
    def test_eval_recursive(self):
        expr = '{{ ctx().fee }}'

        data = {
            'fee': '{{ ctx().fi }}',
            'fi': '{{ ctx().fo }}',
            'fo': '{{ ctx().fum }}',
            'fum': 'fee-fi-fo-fum'

        self.assertEqual('fee-fi-fo-fum', expressions.evaluate(expr, data))
    def test_eval_recursive(self):
        expr = '<% ctx().fee %>'

        data = {
            'fee': '<% ctx().fi %>',
            'fi': '<% ctx().fo %>',
            'fo': '<% ctx().fum %>',
            'fum': 'fee-fi-fo-fum'

        self.assertEqual('fee-fi-fo-fum', expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
    def render_vars(self, in_ctx):
        vars_specs = getattr(self, 'vars') or {}
        rendered_vars = {}
        errors = []

            rendered_vars = expr_base.evaluate(vars_specs, in_ctx)
        except exc.ExpressionEvaluationException as e:

        return rendered_vars, errors
    def test_eval_recursive(self):
        expr = "{{ ctx().fee }}"

        data = {
            "fee": "{{ ctx().fi }}",
            "fi": "{{ ctx().fo }}",
            "fo": "{{ ctx().fum }}",
            "fum": "fee-fi-fo-fum",

        self.assertEqual("fee-fi-fo-fum", expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
    def test_eval_recursive(self):
        expr = "<% ctx().fee %>"

        data = {
            "fee": "<% ctx().fi %>",
            "fi": "<% ctx().fo %>",
            "fo": "<% ctx().fum %>",
            "fum": "fee-fi-fo-fum",

        self.assertEqual("fee-fi-fo-fum", expr_base.evaluate(expr, data))
예제 #30
    def get_task(self, task_id):
        task_node = self.graph.get_task(task_id)
        task_name = task_node['name']

            task_ctx = self.get_task_initial_context(task_id)['value']
        except ValueError:
            task_ctx = self.get_workflow_initial_context()

        current_task = {'id': task_id, 'name': task_name}
        task_ctx = ctx.set_current_task(task_ctx, current_task)
        task_spec = self.spec.tasks.get_task(task_name).copy()
        task_spec, action_specs = task_spec.render(task_ctx)

        task = {
            'id': task_id,
            'name': task_name,
            'ctx': task_ctx,
            'spec': task_spec,
            'actions': action_specs

        # If there is a task delay specified, evaluate the delay value.
        if getattr(task_spec, 'delay', None):
            task_delay = task_spec.delay

            if isinstance(task_delay, six.string_types):
                task_delay = expr.evaluate(task_delay, task_ctx)

            if not isinstance(task_delay, int):
                raise TypeError('The value of task delay is not type of integer.')

            task['delay'] = task_delay

        # Add items and related meta data to the task details.
        if task_spec.has_items():
            items_spec = getattr(task_spec, 'with')
            task['items_count'] = len(action_specs)
            task['concurrency'] = expr.evaluate(getattr(items_spec, 'concurrency', None), task_ctx)

        return task