예제 #1
def MOLS_table(start, stop=None, compare=False, width=None):
    Prints the MOLS table that Sage can produce.


    - ``start,stop`` (integers) -- print the table of MOLS for value of `n` such
      that ``start<=n<stop``. If only one integer is given as input, it is
      interpreted as the value of ``stop`` with ``start=0`` (same behaviour as

    - ``compare`` (boolean) -- if sets to ``True`` the MOLS displays
      with `+` and `-` entries its difference with the table from the
      Handbook of Combinatorial Designs (2ed).

    - ``width`` (integer) -- the width of each column of the table. By default,
      it is computed from range of values determined by the parameters ``start``
      and ``stop``.


        sage: from sage.combinat.designs.latin_squares import MOLS_table
        sage: MOLS_table(100)
               0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
          0| +oo +oo   1   2   3   4   1   6   7   8   2  10   5  12   4   4  15  16   5  18
         20|   4   5   3  22   7  24   4  26   5  28   4  30  31   5   4   5   8  36   4   5
         40|   7  40   5  42   5   6   4  46   8  48   6   5   5  52   5   6   7   7   5  58
         60|   5  60   5   6  63   7   5  66   5   6   6  70   7  72   5   7   6   6   6  78
         80|   9  80   8  82   6   6   6   6   7  88   6   7   6   6   6   6   7  96   6   8
        sage: MOLS_table(100, width=4)
                 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19
           0|  +oo  +oo    1    2    3    4    1    6    7    8    2   10    5   12    4    4   15   16    5   18
          20|    4    5    3   22    7   24    4   26    5   28    4   30   31    5    4    5    8   36    4    5
          40|    7   40    5   42    5    6    4   46    8   48    6    5    5   52    5    6    7    7    5   58
          60|    5   60    5    6   63    7    5   66    5    6    6   70    7   72    5    7    6    6    6   78
          80|    9   80    8   82    6    6    6    6    7   88    6    7    6    6    6    6    7   96    6    8
        sage: MOLS_table(100, compare=True)
               0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
          0|                                                           +               +
         60|   +
        sage: MOLS_table(50, 100, compare=True)
               0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
         60|   +
    from orthogonal_arrays import largest_available_k
    if stop is None:
        start, stop = 0, start
    # make start and stop be congruent to 0 mod 20
    start = start - (start % 20)
    stop = stop - 1
    stop = stop + (20 - (stop % 20))
    assert start % 20 == 0 and stop % 20 == 0
    if stop <= start:

    if compare:
        from sage.misc.misc import SAGE_SHARE
        handbook_file = open(
            SAGE_SHARE + "/combinatorial_designs/MOLS_table.txt", 'r')
        hb = map(int, handbook_file.readlines()[9].split(','))

    # choose an appropriate width (needs to be >= 3 because "+oo" should fit)
    if width is None:
        from sage.rings.integer import Integer
        width = max(3, Integer(stop - 1).ndigits(10))

    from string import join
    print " " * (width + 2) + join("{i:>{width}}".format(i=i, width=width)
                                   for i in range(20))
    print " " * (width + 1) + "_" * ((width + 1) * 20),
    for i in range(start, stop):
        if i % 20 == 0:
            print "\n{:>{width}}|".format(i, width=width),
        k = largest_available_k(i) - 2
        if compare:
            if i < 2 or hb[i] == k:
                c = ""
            elif hb[i] < k:
                c = "+"
                c = "-"
            if i < 2:
                c = "+oo"
                c = k
        print '{:>{width}}'.format(c, width=width),
예제 #2
def MOLS_table(start,stop=None,compare=False,width=None):
    Prints the MOLS table that Sage can produce.


    - ``start,stop`` (integers) -- print the table of MOLS for value of `n` such
      that ``start<=n<stop``. If only one integer is given as input, it is
      interpreted as the value of ``stop`` with ``start=0`` (same behaviour as

    - ``compare`` (boolean) -- if sets to ``True`` the MOLS displays
      with `+` and `-` entries its difference with the table from the
      Handbook of Combinatorial Designs (2ed).

    - ``width`` (integer) -- the width of each column of the table. By default,
      it is computed from range of values determined by the parameters ``start``
      and ``stop``.


        sage: from sage.combinat.designs.latin_squares import MOLS_table
        sage: MOLS_table(100)
               0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
          0| +oo +oo   1   2   3   4   1   6   7   8   2  10   5  12   4   4  15  16   5  18
         20|   4   5   3  22   7  24   4  26   5  28   4  30  31   5   4   5   8  36   4   5
         40|   7  40   5  42   5   6   4  46   8  48   6   5   5  52   5   6   7   7   5  58
         60|   5  60   5   6  63   7   5  66   5   6   6  70   7  72   5   7   6   6   6  78
         80|   9  80   8  82   6   6   6   6   7  88   6   7   6   6   6   6   7  96   6   8
        sage: MOLS_table(100, width=4)
                 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19
           0|  +oo  +oo    1    2    3    4    1    6    7    8    2   10    5   12    4    4   15   16    5   18
          20|    4    5    3   22    7   24    4   26    5   28    4   30   31    5    4    5    8   36    4    5
          40|    7   40    5   42    5    6    4   46    8   48    6    5    5   52    5    6    7    7    5   58
          60|    5   60    5    6   63    7    5   66    5    6    6   70    7   72    5    7    6    6    6   78
          80|    9   80    8   82    6    6    6    6    7   88    6    7    6    6    6    6    7   96    6    8
        sage: MOLS_table(100, compare=True)
               0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
          0|                                                           +               +
         60|   +
        sage: MOLS_table(50, 100, compare=True)
               0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
         60|   +
    from orthogonal_arrays import largest_available_k
    if stop is None:
        start,stop = 0,start
    # make start and stop be congruent to 0 mod 20
    start = start - (start%20)
    stop  = stop-1
    stop  = stop  + (20-(stop%20))
    assert start%20 == 0 and stop%20 == 0
    if stop <= start:

    if compare:
        from sage.misc.misc import SAGE_SHARE
        handbook_file = open(SAGE_SHARE+"/combinatorial_designs/MOLS_table.txt",'r')
        hb = map(int,handbook_file.readlines()[9].split(','))

    # choose an appropriate width (needs to be >= 3 because "+oo" should fit)
    if width is None:
        from sage.rings.integer import Integer
        width = max(3,Integer(stop-1).ndigits(10))

    from string import join
    print " "*(width+2) + join("{i:>{width}}".format(i=i,width=width) for i in range(20))
    print " "*(width+1) + "_"*((width+1)*20),
    for i in range(start,stop):
        if i%20==0:
            print "\n{:>{width}}|".format(i,width=width),
        k = largest_available_k(i)-2
        if compare:
            if i < 2 or hb[i] == k:
                c = ""
            elif hb[i] < k:
                c = "+"
                c = "-"
            if i < 2:
                c = "+oo"
                c = k
        print '{:>{width}}'.format(c,width=width),