예제 #1
def main():
    # Create the linear solver with the GLOP backend.
    solver = Solver('simple_lp_program', Solver.GLOP_LINEAR_PROGRAMMING)

    # Create the variables x and y.
    x = solver.NumVar(0, 1, 'x')
    y = solver.NumVar(0, 2, 'y')

    print('Number of variables =', solver.NumVariables())

    # Create a linear constraint, 0 <= x + y <= 2.
    ct = solver.Constraint(0, 2, 'ct')
    ct.SetCoefficient(x, 1)
    ct.SetCoefficient(y, 1)

    print('Number of constraints =', solver.NumConstraints())

    # Create the objective function, 3 * x + y.
    objective = solver.Objective()
    objective.SetCoefficient(x, 3)
    objective.SetCoefficient(y, 1)


    print('Objective value =', objective.Value())
    print('x =', x.solution_value())
    print('y =', y.solution_value())
예제 #2
def _parse_constraint(solver: pywraplp.Solver, core_line: str, line_nr: int,
                      var_names: set):

    # We don't care about the coefficient name before the colon
    constraint_part = core_line
    spl_colon = core_line.split(":", maxsplit=1)
    if len(spl_colon) > 1:
        constraint_part = spl_colon[1].strip()

    # Equality constraint
    if constraint_part.find("=") >= 0 and constraint_part.find(
            "<=") == -1 and constraint_part.find(">=") == -1:
        equality_spl = constraint_part.split("=")
        if len(equality_spl) > 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "Equality constraint on line %d has multiple equal signs." %
        if not _is_valid_constant_float(equality_spl[1]):
            raise ValueError(
                "Right hand side (\"%s\") of equality constraint on line %d is not a float "
                "(e.g., variables are not allowed there!)." %
                (equality_spl[1], line_nr))
        equal_value = float(equality_spl[1])
        constraint = solver.Constraint(equal_value, equal_value)
        constant = _set_coefficients(solver, constraint, equality_spl[0],
                                     line_nr, var_names)
        constraint.SetLb(constraint.Lb() - constant)
        constraint.SetUb(constraint.Ub() - constant)
        _attempt_to_improve_var_bounds_two_hs(solver, equality_spl[0], True,
                                              equality_spl[1], equality_spl[1])

    # Inequality constraints

        # Replace all of these inequality signs, because they are equivalent
        constraint_part = constraint_part.replace("<=", "<").replace(">=", ">")

        # lower bound < ... < upper bound
        if constraint_part.count("<") == 2:
            spl = constraint_part.split("<")
            if not _is_valid_constant_float(spl[0]):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Left hand side (\"%s\") of inequality constraint on line %d is not a float "
                    "(e.g., variables are not allowed there!)." %
                    (spl[0], line_nr))
            if not _is_valid_constant_float(spl[2]):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Right hand side (\"%s\") of inequality constraint on line %d is not a float "
                    "(e.g., variables are not allowed there!)." %
                    (spl[2], line_nr))
            constraint = solver.Constraint(float(spl[0]), float(spl[2]))
            constant = _set_coefficients(solver, constraint, spl[1], line_nr,
            constraint.SetLb(constraint.Lb() - constant)
            constraint.SetUb(constraint.Ub() - constant)
            _attempt_to_improve_var_bounds_two_hs(solver, spl[1], True, spl[0],

        # upper bound > ... > lower bound
        elif constraint_part.count(">") == 2:
            spl = constraint_part.split(">")
            if not _is_valid_constant_float(spl[0]):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Left hand side (\"%s\") of inequality constraint on line %d is not a float "
                    "(e.g., variables are not allowed there!)." %
                    (spl[0], line_nr))
            if not _is_valid_constant_float(spl[2]):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Right hand side (\"%s\") of inequality constraint on line %d is not a float "
                    "(e.g., variables are not allowed there!)." %
                    (spl[2], line_nr))
            constraint = solver.Constraint(float(spl[2]), float(spl[0]))
            constant = _set_coefficients(solver, constraint, spl[1], line_nr,
            constraint.SetLb(constraint.Lb() - constant)
            constraint.SetUb(constraint.Ub() - constant)
            _attempt_to_improve_var_bounds_two_hs(solver, spl[1], False,
                                                  spl[0], spl[2])

        # ... < upper bound
        elif constraint_part.count("<") == 1:
            spl = constraint_part.split("<")
            if not _is_valid_constant_float(spl[1]):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Right hand side (\"%s\") of inequality constraint on line %d is not a float "
                    "(e.g., variables are not allowed there!)." %
                    (spl[1], line_nr))
            constraint = solver.Constraint(-solver.infinity(), float(spl[1]))
            constant = _set_coefficients(solver, constraint, spl[0], line_nr,
            constraint.SetUb(constraint.Ub() - constant)
            _attempt_to_improve_var_bounds_one_hs(solver, spl[0], True, spl[1])

        # ... > lower bound
        elif constraint_part.count(">") == 1:
            spl = constraint_part.split(">")
            if not _is_valid_constant_float(spl[1]):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Right hand side (\"%s\") of inequality constraint on line %d is not a float "
                    "(e.g., variables are not allowed there!)." %
                    (spl[1], line_nr))
            constraint = solver.Constraint(float(spl[1]), solver.infinity())
            constant = _set_coefficients(solver, constraint, spl[0], line_nr,
            constraint.SetLb(constraint.Lb() - constant)
            _attempt_to_improve_var_bounds_one_hs(solver, spl[0], False,

        # ...
        elif constraint_part.count(">") == 0 and constraint_part.count(
                "<") == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "No (in)equality sign present for constraint on line %d." %

        # Some strange combination
            raise ValueError(
                "Too many (in)equality signs present for constraint on line %d."
                % line_nr)