def get_ground_truth(self,dataset): print "our dataset is {0}".format(dataset) data = dataset.replace("new_","") if os._exists("./crawling/{0}/{1}/{1}.gold".format(,data)): print "./crawling/{0}/{1}/{1}.gold".format(,data) gold_file = open("./crawling/{0}/{1}/{1}.gold".format(,data)).readlines() elif os._exists("./{0}/{1}/{1}.gold".format(,data)): gold_file = open("./{0}/{1}/{1}.gold".format(,data)).readlines() print "./{0}/{1}/{1}.gold".format(,data) else: print "annotation starts" a = annotator(dataset) self.ground_truth = a.get_ground_truth(self.path_list) return None gold_dict = self.build_gold(gold_file) #print self.folder_path print gold_dict.keys() print "length is ", len(gold_dict.keys()) for i in range(len(self.pages)): # here {}/sample instead of {}_samples #path = self.pages[i].path.replace("../Crawler/{0}/samples/{1}/".format(,data),"") path = self.pages[i].path.replace("../../Crawler/{0}/samples/{1}/".format(,data),"") #print path.strip() id = int(gold_dict[path.strip().replace(" ","")]) self.ground_truth.append(id) '''
def graphgethttp(): datas = db.readtaskid(config.cronhttp) for i in range(0, len(datas)): data = ""+config.httphost+"-"+str(datas[i])+"/taskId="+str(datas[i])+",type=http,url="+config.cronhttp+"" task = db.readhttpgetid(data) for p in range(0, len(task)): req = urllib2.Request(config.graph_ips + str(task[p]) + "&start=-3600&cf=") print config.graph_ips + str(task[p]) + "&start=-3600&cf=" count = 0 try: response = urllib2.urlopen(req).readline() ss = json.loads(response) if len(ss["series"]) < 1: print "graph nodata" os._exists(0) for j in range(0,11): value = ss["series"][0]["data"][j] if value[1] == "null": count = count + 1 if count < 11 and ss["title"].index(data): print "graph response suss" else: print "graph response fail" except Exception, e: print e print "graph response fail"
def main(wf): try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET args = wf.args query = "" if len(wf.args)==1: query= wf.args[0] workspaces = [] IDEAIndex =[] ideaFolder = [] if query==r'/rebuild': os.remove('IDEA.index') wf.add_item("Rebuild Search Index","Please don't open on this item", arg='', autocomplete=None, uid = -1) wf.send_feedback() # prepare for Index try : if os._exists('IDEA.index'): for ind in open('IDEA.index'): IDEAIndex.append(ind.strip('\n')) else: #read workspaces from workspace.conf for line in open('workspaces.conf'): workspaces.append(line.strip('\n') ) indexFile = open('IDEA.index','w') for rootdir in workspaces: rootdir_levels = rootdir.split('/') for root,subFolders,files in os.walk(rootdir): nested_levels = root.split('/') if '.idea' in subFolders: ideaFolder.append(root) indexFile.write(root+"\n") if(len(nested_levels)-len(rootdir_levels)>2): del subFolders[:] indexFile.close() except IOError: if os._exists('workspaces.conf')==False: wf.add_item("Workspaces.conf not found","Please open workflow folder and configure your workspaces.conf", arg='', autocomplete=None, uid = -1) else: wf.add_item("IOError","Please Check Configuration", arg='', autocomplete=None, uid = -1) if len(ideaFolder) > 0 : index = 0 for item in ideaFolder: title = os.path.split(item)[1] if query!="" and title.find(query)==-1 : continue subtitle = item wf.add_item(title,subtitle, arg=item, autocomplete=None, uid = index) index += 1 wf.send_feedback()
def heralick_from_image(input, outdir, params,xyoff,nbands=8, debug = False): """ :param input: :param outdir: :param params: :param xyoff: :param nbands: :param debug: :return: """ if not os._exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) for i in range(1, nbands + 1): params[4] = str(i) # set the channel # get image min and max min, max = utility.get_minmax(inputimage, i) print(min, max) params[8] = str(min) params[10] = str(max) # update parameters with the offset angle for x, y in xyoff: newparams = params + ['-parameters.xoff', str(x), '-parameters.yoff', str(y)] newparams[12] = outdir + '/HaralickChannel' + newparams[4] + newparams[6] + 'xoff' + newparams[ 14] + 'yoff' + newparams[16] + '.tif' # set output print("computing haralick for " + newparams[2] + "\n" + "channel " + newparams[4] + " wait for a few hours :D ") msg, err = compute_haralick(newparams, debug) if err: if not (err == "\r\n" or err == "\r" or err == "\n"): # windows, oldmac, unix print(" some heraick from the image could not be created , script is stopping") sys.exit(1)
def tf_idf(seg_files): seg_path = './segfile/' corpus = [] for file in seg_files: fname = seg_path + file f = open(fname, 'r+') content = f.close() corpus.append(content) vectorizer = CountVectorizer() transformer = TfidfTransformer() tfdif = transformer.fit_transform(vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)) word = vectorizer.get_feature_names() weight = tfdif.toarray() save_path = './tfidffile' if not os._exists(save_path): os.mkdir(save_path) for i in range(len(weight)): print('--------Writing all the tf-idf in the', i, u' file into ', save_path + '/' + string.zfill(i, 5) + '.txt', '--------') f = open(save_path + '/' + string.zfill(i, 5) + '.txt', 'w+') for j in range(len(word)): f.write(word[j] + ' ' + str(weight[i][j]) + '\r\n') f.close()
def init_connection(self): db_filename = self.db_name + ".sqlite3" self.conn_db = sqlite3.connect(db_filename) self.curs_db = self.conn_db.cursor() if not os._exists( db_filename): self.init_db() self.refill_db_from_wg_api()
def destroy(self): if self.molecule._state.created: self._vagrant.destroy() if os._exists(self.molecule.config.config['molecule'][ 'vagrantfile_file']): os.remove(self.molecule.config.config['molecule'][ 'vagrantfile_file'])
def loadpairemoisan(paire,mois,an): URL = ""+paire+"/"+an+"/"+mois+"/" FileName = "HISTDATA_COM_NT_"+paire+"_T_BID_"+an+mois+".zip" RealFileName = "HISTDATA_COM_NT_"+paire+"_T_BID"+an+mois+".zip" driver.get(URL) toclic = driver.find_element_by_link_text(FileName) #le nom de fichier est l'objet clicable notseen = True while (notseen): notseen =False try: except selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException : notseen = True except selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException : notseen = True pathdownload = "c:/tmp/"+RealFileName #attention le nom est different entre le zip et le lien clic #ici on attend la fin du telechargement notfound = True while (notfound): if os.path.exists(pathdownload): notfound = False print("found") # on cherche dans le zip un fichier csv #on le decompress dans tmp #puis on enleve le zip notok = True while notok: try: with zipfile.ZipFile(pathdownload, 'r') as zf: print (zf.filelist) for i in zf.filelist: if i.filename.find(".csv") != -1 : print("extract dans c:\\tmp : ",i.filename) newpath = zf.extract(i,path="c:/tmp") print('new path ',newpath, 'rename to',"c:\\tmp\\"+paire+".csv") os.rename(newpath,"c:\\tmp\\"+paire+".csv") notok = False zf.close() except PermissionError: #zf.close() if os._exists("c:\\tmp\\" + paire + ".csv"): os.remove("c:\\tmp\\" + paire + ".csv") print('redo') os.remove(pathdownload) return newpath,"c:\\tmp\\"+paire+".csv"
def scrub_dir(): for title in os.listdir("/Users/patrickeells/PycharmProjects/1q84/html_parsed/"): os.remove('html_parsed/{0}'.format(title)) for title in os.listdir("/Users/patrickeells/PycharmProjects/1q84/txt_files/"): os.remove('txt_files/{0}'.format(title)) for title in os.listdir("/Users/patrickeells/PycharmProjects/1q84/search_match/"): os.remove('search_match/{0}'.format(title)) if os._exists('compiled.txt')==True: os.remove('complied.txt') return
def wait_for_up(container, config): upwhen = config['upwhen'] timeout = 30 if upwhen.has_key('timeout'): timeout = get_value(upwhen, 'timeout') if upwhen.has_key('logmsg'): logmsg = get_value(upwhen, 'logmsg') if upwhen.has_key('logfile'): logfile = mem.VolumePath + "/" + mem.Project + "/" + container + "/" + get_value(upwhen, 'logfile') mention("Waiting up to " + str( timeout) + " seconds for '" + logmsg + "' in '" + logfile + "' to indicate that " + container + " is stacked") else: mention("Waiting up to " + str( timeout) + " seconds for '" + logmsg + "' to indicate that " + container + " is stacked") waited = 0 ok = False while waited <= timeout: if not 'logfile' in locals(): command = ["docker", "logs", get_container(container)] else: if logfile.startswith('/'): command = ["tail", logfile] else: # there's a chance we try to tail it before it exists... just ignore that time if os._exists(logfile): command = ["tail", logfile] # command may not have been set yet if the file didn't exist if 'command' in locals(): try: output = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except: pass # print output if 'output' in locals() and output.find(logmsg) > -1: ok = True break else: time.sleep(1) waited = waited + 1 if not ok: raise Exception("Timed out waiting for " + container + " to start") if upwhen.has_key('sleep'): mention("Sleeping " + str(upwhen['sleep']) + " extra seconds as configured") time.sleep(int(upwhen['sleep']))
def getDirectory(remotePath,localPath): destPath=localPath+"/TabletLogs/" if os._exists(destPath): # if path is available do not create anymore os.mkdir(destPath) srv.get_d(remotePath,destPath,preserve_mtime=True)
def get_app(self): self.db = motor.MotorClient(host='db').test_gallery self.sync_db = pymongo.MongoClient(host='db').test_gallery self.UPLOAD_PATH = '/data/test_uploads/' if os._exists(self.UPLOAD_PATH): print 'UPLOAD PATH {} exists.. removing'.format(self.UPLOAD_PATH) shutil.rmtree(self.UPLOAD_PATH) self.settings = web.SETTINGS self.settings.update(autoreload=False, UPLOAD_PATH=self.UPLOAD_PATH, db=self.db) = web.make_app(self.settings) return
def checkCookieValid(self, hostname): if not self.__init: self.__initMetadata() try: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() diff = now - self.__metadata[hostname]['last_login'] import os if not os._exists(self.httpRequest.cookiePath): print("there is no cookie for authentication at ", self.httpRequest.cookiePath) return False return not diff.total_seconds() // 60 > self.__metadata[hostname]['expire_time'] except Exception: return False
def test_writeFarfieldData(self): # Open file and get variables filename = "testWriteFile.dat" theta_grid = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]) phi_grid = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]]) gain_grid = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]) if os._exists(filename): os.remove(filename) rFF.write_farfield_gain_datafile(filename, theta_grid, phi_grid, gain_grid) file_handle = open(filename) reader = csv.reader(file_handle, delimiter=' ') theta = [] phi = [] data = [] # Read header and body of file line_no = 0 for row in reader: string = ' '.join(row) elements = string.split() if line_no == 0: width = float(elements[0]) height = float(elements[1]) else: theta.append(float(elements[0])) phi.append(float(elements[1])) data.append(float(elements[2])) line_no += 1 # Close file after reading file_handle.close() # Convert arrays to numpy array types theta = np.array(theta) phi = np.array(phi) data = np.array(data) test_theta_grid = np.reshape(theta, (width, height)) test_phi_grid = np.reshape(phi, (width, height)) test_gain_grid = np.reshape(data, (width, height)) for y in np.arange(len(theta_grid)): for x in np.arange(len(theta_grid[0])): self.assertEqual(theta_grid[y][x], test_theta_grid[y][x]) self.assertEqual(phi_grid[y][x], test_phi_grid[y][x]) self.assertEqual(gain_grid[y][x], test_gain_grid[y][x])
def load_cars(split=0.8): # Vehicle images are courtecy of German Aerospace Center (DLR) # Remote Sensing Technology Institute, Photogrammetry and Image Analysis # if not os._exists('./data/cars.pkl'): print('Extracting cars dataset') with zipfile.ZipFile('./data/', "r") as z: z.extractall("./data/") with open('./data/cars.pkl', 'rb') as ff: (X_data, y_data) = pickle.load(ff) X_data = X_data.reshape(X_data.shape[0], 3, 32, 32) l = int(split * X_data.shape[0]) X_train = X_data[:l] X_test = X_data[l:] return X_train, X_test
def main(argv): directory = parse_parameters(argv) # sort files sorted_files = os.listdir(directory) sorted_files.sort(key=alphanum_key) file_count = len(sorted_files) #define backup directory backup_directory = os.path.join(directory, 'original') if not os._exists(backup_directory): os.mkdir(backup_directory) counter = 0 # define progress bar bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=file_count, widgets=[progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage()]) bar.start() for item in sorted_files: full_file_name = os.path.join(directory, item) if os.path.isfile(full_file_name): path, file_name = os.path.split(full_file_name) extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1].lower() counter += 1 bar.update(counter) #backup shutil.copy(full_file_name, backup_directory) #rename file new_file_name = str(counter).zfill(3) + extension new_full_file_name = os.path.join(path, new_file_name) os.rename(full_file_name, new_full_file_name) #resize file'convert {:s} -resize 500x500 "{:s}";'.format(new_full_file_name, new_full_file_name), shell=True) #create thumbnail command='convert {:s} -resize 75x75 -background white -gravity center -extent 75x75 -quality 75' \ ' "{:s}/s{:s}";'.format(new_full_file_name, path, new_file_name), shell=True) bar.finish()
def test_readFarfieldData(self): # Open file and get variables filename = "testWriteFile.dat" theta_grid = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]) phi_grid = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]]) gain_grid = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]) if os._exists(filename): os.remove(filename) rFF.write_farfield_gain_datafile(filename, theta_grid, phi_grid, gain_grid) test_theta_grid, test_phi_grid, test_gain_grid = rFF.read_farfield_gain_datafile(filename) for y in np.arange(len(theta_grid)): for x in np.arange(len(theta_grid[0])): self.assertEqual(theta_grid[y][x], test_theta_grid[y][x]) self.assertEqual(phi_grid[y][x], test_phi_grid[y][x]) self.assertEqual(gain_grid[y][x], test_gain_grid[y][x])
def analyse_dir(output_dir, X, masker): output_files = os.listdir(output_dir) records = [] objectives = [] l1l2s = [] analysis = {} if os._exists(join(output_dir, 'analysis.json')): return try: with open(join(output_dir, 'results.json'), 'r') as f: results = json.load(f) except IOError: return reduction = int(results['reduction']) filenames = sorted(fnmatch.filter(output_files, 'record_*.nii.gz'), key=lambda t: int(t[7:-7])) timings = [] for filename in filenames[::reduction]: record = int(filename[7:-7]) timing = results['timings'][record] print('Record %i' % record) objective, density = compute_objective_l1l2(X, masker, join(output_dir, filename), alpha=results['alpha']) timings.append(timing) records.append(record) objectives.append(objective) l1l2s.append(density) order = np.argsort(np.array(records)) objectives = np.array(objectives)[order].tolist() l1l2s = np.array(l1l2s)[order].tolist() records = np.array(records)[order].tolist() timings = np.array(timings)[order].tolist() analysis['records'] = records analysis['objectives'] = objectives analysis['densities'] = l1l2s analysis['timings'] = timings with open(join(output_dir, 'analysis.json'), 'w+') as f: json.dump(analysis, f)
def get_level_image(): try: level_id = get_arg("id") size = (int(get_arg("x")), int(get_arg("y"))) if level_id is None: raise MissingInformation("id") try: level_id = int(level_id) except ValueError: raise InvalidInformation("id", "Not an integer") conn = engine.connect() query =[, Level.creator, Level.timestamp])\ .where( == level_id).limit(1) res = conn.execute(query) rows = res.fetchall() if len(rows) != 1: raise InvalidInformation("id", "Not a level") for row in rows: imagepath = "levels/%s/%s-%s.png" % (str(row["creator"]), str(row["name"]), str(row["timestamp"])) if not _exists(imagepath): imagepath = "static/images/logo.png" if any(x is None for x in size): cropped = open(imagepath).read() else: cropped = get_and_crop(imagepath, size) cropped = surf_to_string(cropped) return make_response( cropped, 200, {"Content-type": "image/png"} ) except InvalidInformation as e: return make_error(e.message) except MissingInformation as e: return make_error(e.message)
def saveRelatioGraph(matrix, name): """ :param matrix: :param name: :return: """ graph1 = nx.from_numpy_matrix(matrix, create_using=nx.MultiDiGraph()) pos = {} labels = {} nodeColors = [] for i in range(0, np.shape(matrix)[1]): pos[i] = (i * 10, np.shape(matrix)[1] * 10 - (sum(matrix[:, i]) * 10)) labels[i] = i + 1 if matrix.item(i, i) == 1: nodeColors.append('g') else: nodeColors.append('r') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt nx.draw(graph1, with_labels=True, pos=pos, labels=labels, node_color=nodeColors, label='Something', facecolor='red') path = 'Temporal Images/' extension = '.png' imageName = path + name + extension if os._exists(imageName): os.remove(imageName) print "File " + imageName + " deleted successfully" plt.savefig(imageName, facecolor='lightgrey') print "File " + imageName + " created successfully" plt.close() return imageName
def cleanup(configuration, directory): ''' Removes any files that are not part of the results and were produced in any of the previous steps. :param configuration: :param directory: :return: ''' print "Cleaning temporary files for %s" % directory os.chdir(directory) if utils.getValueForKeyPath(configuration, 'postprocessing.tracks.meanie3D-trackstats.vtk_tracks'): for filename in glob.glob('*.vtk'): os.remove(filename) if utils.getValueForKeyPath(configuration, 'postprocessing.tracks.meanie3D-trackstats.gnuplot'): for filename in glob.glob('*.gp'): os.remove(filename) if (os._exists("")): os.remove("") os.chdir("..") return
print('./build/tools/alignment_tools run_test_on_wflw \ --input_file_1='+testFile+' '\ '--input_file_2=./meanpose/meanpose_71pt.txt \ --input_folder=./datasets/WFLW/WFLW_images/ \ --model_path=./models/WFLW/WFLW_final/ \ --output_file_1=./datasets/ourVideo/pred_98pt_largepose.txt \ --label_num=196 --thread_num=4') os.system('./build/tools/alignment_tools run_test_on_wflw \ --input_file_1='+testFile+' '\ '--input_file_2=./meanpose/meanpose_71pt.txt \ --input_folder=./datasets/WFLW/WFLW_images/ \ --model_path=./models/WFLW/WFLW_final/ \ --output_file_1=./datasets/ourVideo/pred_98pt_largepose.txt \ --label_num=196 --thread_num=4' ) if not os._exists(pre_image_path): os.mkdir(pre_image_path) txtR = open(testFile) for fileName in fileNameList: pre_landmark = txtR.readline() pre_landmark = pre_landmark.split(' ') landmark = pre_landmark[0:-2] if fileName == pre_landmark[-1]: img = for i in range(len(landmark)/2): rr,cc =[i],landmark[i+1],5) draw.set_color(img,[rr,cc],[0,255,0]) print('ffmpeg -i '+pre_image_path+'\%04d.png'+' -vcodec mpeg4 '+pre_video_path+'output.mp4') os.system('ffmpeg -i '+pre_image_path+'%04d.png'+' -vcodec mpeg4 '+pre_video_path+'output.mp4')
def remove_inventory_file(self): if os._exists(self.config.config['ansible']['inventory_file']): os.remove(self.config.config['ansible']['inventory_file'])
# kappa is from previous trajectory_point last_idx = len(new_localization.trajectory_point) - 1 last_trajectory_point.path_point.kappa = \ new_localization.trajectory_point[last_idx].path_point.kappa last_trajectory_point.path_point.s = sum_s trajectory_point.relative_time = relative_time if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate future trajectory based on localization") parser.add_argument('path', type=str, help='rosbag file or directory') parser.add_argument('period', type=float, default=3.0, help='duration for future trajectory') args = parser.parse_args() path = args.path period = args.period if not os.path.exists(path): logging.error("Fail to find path: {}".format(path)) os._exists(-1) if os.path.isdir(path): pass if os.path.isfile(path): bag_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] path_out = os.path.dirname(path) + '/' + bag_name + \ '_with_future_trajectory.bag' future_pose_list = generate_future_pose_list(path, period) generate_future_traj(path, path_out, future_pose_list)
corrupt=0.3) sdae.save_model(pretrain_path) else: print('pretrained model exists') t0 = time() vade = VaDE(input_dim=args.gene_select, z_dim=10, n_centroids=n_centroids, binary=False, encodeLayer=[300, 100, 30], decodeLayer=[30, 100, 300], activation="relu", dropout=0, is_bn=False) if os._exists(pretrain_path): print("Loading model from %s..." % pretrain_path) vade.load_model(pretrain_path) print("Initializing through GMM..") vade.initialize_gmm(train_loader) print("basline of GMM and kmeans") vade.gmm_kmeans_cluster(train_loader), model_name=args.model_name, save_inter=args.save_inter,, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_epochs=args.epochs, anneal=True) print("clustering time: ", (time() - t0)) save_path = 'model/' + args.model_name + '.pt'
def remove_score_file_from_last_run(self): if os._exists(params.score_file): os.remove(params.score_file)
import os import argparse import pickle import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('data_dir') parser.add_argument('output_dir') args = parser.parse_args() output_dir = args.output_dir train_data_path = os.path.join(args.data_dir, 'train_features.pkl') train_labels_path = os.path.join(args.data_dir, 'train_labels.pkl') X_train = pickle.load(open(train_data_path, 'rb')) y_train = pickle.load(open(train_labels_path, 'rb')) logistic_regression = LogisticRegression(random_state=101, solver='liblinear'), y_train.values.ravel()) if not os._exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) model_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'log_regression.pkl') pickle.dump(logistic_regression, open(model_path, 'wb'))
def main(): # main 模块 recode = '' if os.path.exists(recodeFileName) == False: print('第一次运行,建立页面记录') os._exists(recodeFileName) # os.popen('touch recode') # 判断是否首次执行脚本 with open (recodeFileName,'w') as f: recode = '/html/category/tt/page/1' f.write(recode) else: print('读取上次停止下载页面') with open(recodeFileName,'r') as f: trecode = f.readline().replace('\n','') # 读取记录 recode = trecode.split('/') print('上次停止在第{0}页'.format(recode)) url = 'http://' + sourceHost +'/html/category/tt' total_page = getSourcePageNumber() url_list = [] for i in range(int(recode[-1]), total_page + 1): # 根据记录选择开始页面 url_list.append(url+'/page/'+str(i)) # tmp = os.popen('ls').readlines() tmp = os.listdir(rootPath) allcomic = [] for i in tmp: allcomic.append(i) # 读取目录列表,保存以便判断漫画是否下载 del tmp for y in url_list: print('正在下载: ',y) with open(recodeFileName,'w') as f: wrotePart = "" yParts = y.split('/') for i in range(len(yParts)): if i == 0 or i == 1: continue; else: wrotePart += "/" + yParts[i] f.write(wrotePart) comic = getSource(y) while(len(comic) <= 0): print ("comic list should not be 0, retry") comic = getSource(y) print('下载列表:',comic) for x in comic: comic[x] = cleanName(comic[x]) if ((comic[x]+'.cbr') in allcomic) == True: print(comic[x],'.cbr已经存在。') else: if (comic[x] in allcomic) == True: #匹配图片数量跟文件名上的数量是不是一样,一样就不需要重新下载 countList = imageCurrentCount(comic[x]) print("count in directory:" + str(countList[0]) + "/" + str(countList[1])) #有一些漫画实际数量比标称数量要少的,需要在做mark,防止下次再download if(int(countList[0]) == int(countList[1])): print(comic[x] + "无需重复下载") # if ( != 'nt'): # command = 'rar a -r -s -m5\'' + comic[x] + '.cbr\' \'' + comic[x] + '\'' # os.system(command) continue else: if(os.path.exists(exclusionFileName)): print('check exclusion') with open(exclusionFileName, mode='r',encoding="utf-8") as f: listAllExclusion = [] for line in f: line = line.replace("\n","") listAllExclusion.append(line) print(comic[x] in listAllExclusion) if (comic[x] in listAllExclusion): print(comic[x] + "in exclusion list, no need to download again") # if ( != 'nt'): # command = 'rar a -r -s -m5\'' + comic[x] + '.cbr\' \'' + comic[x] + '\'' # os.system(command) continue print('正在下载: ',comic[x]) if (os.path.exists(comic[x])) == True: print('目录已经存在。') os.chdir(comic[x]) downloadComic(x) # if ( != 'nt'): # command = 'rar a -r -s -m5\''+comic[x]+'.cbr\' \''+comic[x]+'\'' # -df deleted because we need remain the folder # os.system(command) # os.system('clear') else: os.mkdir(comic[x]) os.chdir(comic[x]) downloadComic(x) # if( != 'nt'): # command = 'rar a -r -s -m5\''+comic[x]+'.cbr\' \''+comic[x]+'\'' # -df deleted because we need remain the folder # os.system(command) # os.system('clear') #finished download check image lack imageCountList = imageCurrentCount(comic[x]) if(int(imageCountList[0]) < int(imageCountList[1])): #mark current to the exclusion file with open(exclusionFileName, mode='a+',encoding="utf-8") as f: listAllExclusion = [] for line in f: listAllExclusion.append(line) if(comic[x] in listAllExclusion): print (comic[x] + " has in exclusion") else: print ("write " + comic[x] + " to exclusion") print(comic[x], file=f) #f.write(comic[x])
sys.setdefaultencoding('UTF-8') query = "" if len(sys.argv)==2: query= sys.argv[1] results = [] workspaces = [] IDEAIndex =[] ideaFolder = [] if query==r'/rebuild': os.remove('IDEA.index') aitem = alfred.Item({'uid': -1, 'arg' : ""},"Rebuild Search Index", "please don't click on this item") results.append(aitem) # prepare for Index try : if os._exists('IDEA.index'): for ind in open('IDEA.index'): IDEAIndex.append(ind.strip('\n')) else: #read workspaces from workspace.conf for line in open('workspaces.conf'): workspaces.append(line.strip('\n') ) indexFile = open('IDEA.index','w') for rootdir in workspaces: rootdir_levels = rootdir.split('/') for root,subFolders,files in os.walk(rootdir): nested_levels = root.split('/') if '.idea' in subFolders: ideaFolder.append(root) indexFile.write(root+"\n")
#Programa de Academia #IMPORTA A INTERFACE GRAFICA E ARQUIVOS from tkinter import * import os janela_principal = Tk() janela_principal.title("SOFT GYM EVOLULION X") #VERIFICA SE O ICONE ESTÀ NA PASTA E MOSTRA SE TRUE if(not os._exists('treino128x128.ico')): janela_principal.iconbitmap('treino128x128.ico') #DADOS DO USUARIO PADRÃO nome = "JOAO".upper() Senha = str(123456) idade = 32 sexo = "MASCULINO" altura = 1.75 peso = 71 biceps_direito = 28.25 biceps_esquerdo = 28.25 coxa_direita = 50.25 coxa_esquerda = 50.25 antibraco_direito = 25.50 antibraco_esquerdo = 25.50 panturrilha_direita = 32 panturrilha_esquerda = 33.50
def worker_associate_and_upload_to_miner(self, upload): self.find_miners_within_the_same_epoch() candidate_miners = self._same_epoch_miner_nodes if self._is_miner: print("Worker does not accept other workers' updates directly") else: # not necessary to put self.find_miners_within_the_same_epoch() here again because if there are no same epoch miner found in the first try, there won't be any more as a worker will never be faster than a miner. A slow miner will also catch up by pow_consensus to the latest. Thus, pow_consesus will finally let this worker node catch up too. Otherwise, most probably there is no working miner in this network any more. while candidate_miners: miner_address = random.sample(candidate_miners, 1)[0] print( f"This workder {self.get_ip_and_port()}({self.get_idx()}) picks {miner_address} as its associated miner and attempt to upload its updates..." ) candidate_miners.remove(miner_address) # print(f"{PROMPT} This workder {self.get_ip_and_port()}({self.get_idx()}) now assigned to miner with address {miner_address}.\n") checked = False # check again if this node is still a miner response = requests.get(f'{miner_address}/get_role') if response.status_code == 200: if response.text == 'Miner': # check again if worker and miner are in the same epoch response_epoch = requests.get( f'{miner_address}/get_miner_epoch') if response_epoch.status_code == 200: miner_epoch = int(response_epoch.text) if miner_epoch == self.get_current_epoch(): # check if miner is within the wait time of accepting updates response_miner_accepting = requests.get( f'{miner_address}/within_miner_wait_time') if response_miner_accepting.text == "True": checked = True if not checked: print( f"The picked miner {miner_address} is unavailable. Try resyncing chain first..." ) # first try resync chain if self.pow_consensus(): # TODO a worker should now do global updates to the point print( "A longer chain has found. Go to the next epoch.") return else: if candidate_miners: print( "Not a longer chain found. Re-pick another miner and continue..." ) continue else: print( "Most likely there is no miner in the network any more. Please restart this node and try again." ) os._exists(0) else: # record this worker's address to let miner request this worker to download the block later upload['this_worker_address'] = self._ip_and_port # upload response_miner_has_accepted = f"{miner_address}/new_transaction", data=json.dumps(upload), headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'}) retry_connection_times = RETRY_CONNECTION_TIMES while True: if response_miner_has_accepted.text == "True": print( f"Upload to miner {miner_address} succeeded!") return else: if retry_connection_times: print( f"Upload to miner error. {retry_connection_times} re-attempts left..." ) retry_connection_times -= 1 # re-upload response_miner_has_accepted = f"{miner_address}/new_transaction", data=json.dumps(upload), headers={ 'Content-type': 'application/json' }) else: candidate_miners.remove(miner_address) if candidate_miners: print( f"Upload to miner error after {RETRY_CONNECTION_TIMES} attempts. Re-pick another miner and continue..." ) break else: print( "Most likely there is no miner in the network any more. Please restart this node and try again." ) os._exists(0)
def _remove_inventory_file(self): if os._exists(self._config.config['molecule']['inventory_file']): os.remove(self._config.config['molecule']['inventory_file'])
def main(): #inputFile = loadtxt("planVectorsSGD2-kmeans-simword-opportuneWordcount.txt", comments="#", delimiter=" ", unpack=False) currentDirPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dirPath = str(Path.home()) model = "nn" if (len(sys.argv) >= 2): model = sys.argv[1] if (len(sys.argv) >= 3): inputFile = loadtxt(sys.argv[2], comments="#", delimiter=" ", unpack=False) else: inputFile = loadtxt(os.path.join(dirPath, ".rheem", "mlModelVectors.txt"), comments="#", delimiter=" ", unpack=False) #size = 146; #start = 13; #size = 213 size = 251 start = 0 dimInputFile = inputFile.ndim if (dimInputFile == 1): inputFile = numpy.reshape(inputFile, (-1, inputFile.size)) x_test = inputFile[:, 0:size] y_test = inputFile[start:, size] # x_train = inputFile[:,0:size] # y_train = inputFile[:,size] # # x_test = inputFile[:,0:size] # y_test = inputFile[:,size] # load the model from disk if (model == "forest"): # load the model from disk filename = os.path.join(currentDirPath, "model-forest.sav") print("Loading model: " + filename) model = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb')) elif (model == "nn"): filename = os.path.join(currentDirPath, 'nn.pkl') print("Loading model: " + filename) # Load the pipeline first: model = joblib.load(filename) # Then, load the Keras model: model.named_steps['mlp'].model = load_model( os.path.join(currentDirPath, 'keras_model.h5')) # fix random seed for reproducibility seed = 7 numpy.random.seed(seed) #kfold = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=seed) #results = cross_val_score(regr, x_train, y_train, cv=kfold) #accuracy_score(prediction,y_train) #print("Results: %.2f (%.2f) MSE" % (results.mean(), results.std())) prediction = model.predict(x_test) # for num in range(1,min([34,len(x_test)])): # if num % 2 == 0: # print("estimated time for " + str(x_test[num][size-2]) + "-" + str(x_test[num][size-1]) + " in java : " + str( # prediction[num]) + "(real " + str(y_test[num]) + ")") # else: # print("estimated time for " + str(x_test[num][size-2]) + "-" + str(x_test[num][size-1]) + " in spark : " + str( # prediction[num]) + "(real " + str(y_test[num]) + ")") # print results to text if (len(sys.argv) >= 4): saveLocation = loadtxt(sys.argv[3], comments="#", delimiter=" ", unpack=False) else: saveLocation = os.path.join(dirPath, ".rheem", "estimates.txt") # delete first if (os._exists(saveLocation)): os.remove(saveLocation) text_file = open(saveLocation, "w") # print estimates dimResults = prediction.ndim if (dimResults == 0): text_file.write("%d" % prediction) text_file.write("\n") else: for num in range(0, prediction.size): t = prediction[num] text_file.write("%d" % prediction[num]) text_file.write("\n") text_file.close() print("estimation done!")
import os from dotenv import load_dotenv dotenv_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.env') if os._exists(dotenv_path): load_dotenv(dotenv_path) from bluelog import create_app app = create_app('production')
def bunch_comment_spider(): if os._exists(kybook_path): os.remove(kybook_path) for i in range(20): comment_spider(i) time.sleep(random.random() * 5)
# python 2.7 import os import ctypes import tkFileDialog import re import ICIfunctions as ICI # name of text file to write pixel-level contents oFile = "data/processed/metaFromImage/metaFromImage.txt" # x Pixel (origin = 0 at "top left" of image) xPix = ctypes.c_int(333) # y pixel (origin = 0 at "top left" of image) yPix = ctypes.c_int(461) if os._exists(oFile): os.remove(oFile) # interactive image load imgFileNames = tkFileDialog.askopenfilenames() with open(oFile, 'w') as f: for imgFileName in imgFileNames: print(imgFileName) if not".jpg", imgFileName): continue creationTime = os.path.getctime(imgFileName) print(creationTime) # get the "ihandle" image handle ihandle = ICI.ImgLoad(imgFileName)
def test_empty_trash_async(self): with self.temporary_workdir() as work_dir: trash_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "trash")["touch", trash_dir + "foo.txt"]) self.assert_success(self.run_pants_with_workdir(["clean-all", "--async"], work_dir)) self.assertFalse(os._exists(trash_dir))
def AnalyzePhase(AtPct=None, WtPct=None, OxWtPct=None): #Normalize our AtPct vector. AtPct = AtPct/sum(AtPct)*100 # A dictionary of the AtPct values would be useful so we can look up by element name. E = dict(zip(pb.ElementalSymbols, AtPct)) ### We output an output string which contains Mg, Si and Fe ratioed values. OutStr = '--- Simple At% ratios ---\n\n' OutStr += "Abundances ratioed to:\n" OutStr += "Element to Mg Si Fe\n" OutStr += '-'*41 + '\n' for Zminus, E in enumerate(AtPct): if E != 0: EtoMg = E / AtPct[pb.Mg-1] EtoSi = E / AtPct[pb.Si-1] EtoFe = E / AtPct[pb.Fe-1] OutStr += '%-13s%-9.3f%-9.3f%-9.3f\n' % (tuple([pb.ElementalSymbols[Zminus+1]]) + tuple([EtoMg, EtoSi, EtoFe])) ### We output an output string which contains ratios to chondritic (protosolar). OutStr += '--- Chondritic Analysis ---\n\n' # Load the prosolar abundances. This is recorded from the Lodders ref with logarithmic values. ProtosolarAbundancesFileName = 'ProtosolarAbundances.csv' if not os._exists(ProtosolarAbundancesFileName): ProtosolarAbundancesFileName = os.path.join('ConfigData', ProtosolarAbundancesFileName) Protosolar = genfromtxt(ProtosolarAbundancesFileName, delimiter=',', skip_header=1, dtype=None) ProtosolarDict = dict(Protosolar) # This dictionary could be handy... Protosolar = array(zip(*Protosolar)[1]) # But we really need just a numpy array with the numbers. # Convert to vectors which are normalized to Mg, Si, and Fe. ProtosolarToMg = power(10, Protosolar) # Get out of log space into linear space. Now the numbers relate to AtPct. ProtosolarToMg /= ProtosolarToMg[pb.Mg-1] ProtosolarToSi = power(10, Protosolar) ProtosolarToSi /= ProtosolarToSi[pb.Si-1] ProtosolarToFe = power(10, Protosolar) ProtosolarToFe /= ProtosolarToFe[pb.Fe-1] # Print out the abundances normalized to protosolar. Ratios = list() # Keep track of the ratios, so at the end we can compute standard deviations. OutStr += "Abundances ratioed to protosolar and normalized to:\n" OutStr += "Element to Mg Si Fe\n" OutStr += '-'*41 + '\n' for Zminus, E in enumerate(AtPct): if E != 0: EtoMg = E / AtPct[pb.Mg-1] EtoSi = E / AtPct[pb.Si-1] EtoFe = E / AtPct[pb.Fe-1] Ratios.append([EtoMg/ProtosolarToMg[Zminus], EtoSi/ProtosolarToSi[Zminus], EtoFe/ProtosolarToFe[Zminus]]) OutStr += '%-13s%-9.3f%-9.3f%-9.3f\n' % (tuple([pb.ElementalSymbols[Zminus+1]]) + tuple(Ratios[-1])) Ratios = array(Ratios) Means = mean(Ratios, axis=0) Stdevs = std(Ratios, axis=0) OutStr += '-'*41 + '\n' OutStr += '%-13s%-9.3f%-9.3f%-9.3f\n' % (tuple(['Mean']) + tuple(Means)) OutStr += '%-13s%-9.3f%-9.3f%-9.3f\n' % (tuple(['Standard dev']) + tuple(Stdevs)) OutStr += '-'*41 + '\n' OutStr += '\nRefs:\n Lodders, K. (2003). Solar System Abundances and Condensation Temperatures of the Elements. The Astrophysical ' \ 'Journal, 591(2), 1220-1247.\n' \ ' Ishii, H. A., et al. (2008). Comparison of Comet 81P/Wild 2 Dust with Interplanetary Dust from Comets. Science, ' \ '319(5), 447.' ### Draw a plot comparing this spectrum normalized to CI and plotted against GEMS compositions. # First we have mean and standard deviation values for GEMS compositions. # Ishii 2008 GEMS mean (left) and std (right) values. IshiiAtPct = zeros(pb.U-1) IshiiAtPctSD = zeros(pb.U-1) IshiiAtPct[pb.O-1] = 66.71; IshiiAtPctSD[pb.O-1] = 4.43 IshiiAtPct[pb.Mg-1] = 9.37; IshiiAtPctSD[pb.Mg-1] = 4.42 IshiiAtPct[pb.Al-1] = 1.62; IshiiAtPctSD[pb.Al-1] = 1.09 IshiiAtPct[pb.Si-1] = 14.40; IshiiAtPctSD[pb.Si-1] = 2.36 IshiiAtPct[pb.S-1] = 3.69; IshiiAtPctSD[pb.S-1] = 2.73 IshiiAtPct[pb.Ca-1] = 0.82; IshiiAtPctSD[pb.Ca-1] = 0.70 IshiiAtPct[pb.Cr-1] = 0.12; IshiiAtPctSD[pb.Cr-1] = 0.10 IshiiAtPct[pb.Mn-1] = 0.02; IshiiAtPctSD[pb.Mn-1] = 0.06 IshiiAtPct[pb.Fe-1] = 6.39; IshiiAtPctSD[pb.Fe-1] = 2.39 IshiiAtPct[pb.Ni-1] = 0.40; IshiiAtPctSD[pb.Ni-1] = 0.23 # Make these Si normalized. SiTemp = IshiiAtPct[pb.Si-1] # IshiiRel is derived from IshiiAtPct, but is normalized against Si and normalized against chondritic. IshiiRel = copy(IshiiAtPct)/SiTemp IshiiRelSD = copy(IshiiAtPctSD)/SiTemp # And normalize to chondritic IshiiRel /= ProtosolarToSi[0:pb.U-1] IshiiRelSD /= ProtosolarToSi[0:pb.U-1] # Make a version of the sample quant which is ratioed to si AtPctToSi = AtPct / AtPct[pb.Si-1] # And chondritic AtPctToSi[:len(ProtosolarToSi)] /= ProtosolarToSi # Get the union of elements which are in our spectrum and in the GEMS mean values. # All indices for elements which have non zero values from either array. IncludedZ = hstack((nonzero(AtPct)[0], nonzero(IshiiRel)[0])) # Eliminate duplicates and make sure in ascending order. IncludedZ = sort(unique(IncludedZ)) # Indices are 0 based, Z is 1 based. IncludedZ += 1 # Get the list of element names for those elements. TickLabels = [El for Z, El in enumerate(pb.ElementalSymbols) if Z in IncludedZ] TickInds = range(len(TickLabels)) IshiiInds = [] IshiiVals = [] IshiiErrs = [] SpectrumInds = [] SpectrumVals = [] ChondriticInds = [] ChondriticVals = [] for Zminus1, Val in enumerate(AtPctToSi[:pb.U-1]): if IshiiRel[Zminus1] > 0: IshiiInds.append(TickLabels.index(pb.ElementalSymbols[Zminus1+1])) IshiiVals.append(IshiiRel[Zminus1]) IshiiErrs.append(IshiiRelSD[Zminus1]) if AtPct[Zminus1] > 0: SpectrumInds.append(TickLabels.index(pb.ElementalSymbols[Zminus1+1])) SpectrumVals.append(AtPctToSi[Zminus1]) # This part only applies if not normalizing to chondritic. # if pb.ElementalSymbols[Zminus1+1] in TickLabels: # ChondriticInds.append(TickLabels.index(pb.ElementalSymbols[Zminus1+1])) # ChondriticVals.append(ProtosolarToSi[Zminus1]) # We will be plotting so clear the plot that may already be plotted. plt.figure(1) plt.clf() # Ishii plot plt.scatter(IshiiInds, IshiiVals, marker='o', color='red', s=150, alpha=0.5, label='Ishii et al., 2008') #plt.errorbar(IshiiInds, IshiiVals, yerr=IshiiErrs, fmt='none', elinewidth=3, capsize=7, capthick=3, ecolor='red') plt.errorbar(IshiiInds, IshiiVals, yerr=IshiiErrs, fmt='none', alpha=0.5, elinewidth=5, capsize=0, capthick=3, ecolor='red') # This spectrum. plt.scatter(SpectrumInds, SpectrumVals, marker='v', color='blue', s=150,alpha=0.5, label='This Spectrum') # Chondritic # plt.scatter(ChondriticInds, ChondriticVals, marker='s', color='green', s=200,alpha=0.5) plt.axhline(1, 0, 92, color='green', linewidth=3, label='Chondritic') plt.xticks(TickInds, TickLabels, rotation='vertical') plt.gca().set_yscale('log') plt.legend() # plt.legend(['Ishii et al., 2008', 'This Spectrum', 'Chondritic']) plt.ylabel('Element/Si/chondritic, At%', fontsize=FontSizeBasis) plt.gca().set_ylim([3e-2, 30]) plt.tight_layout() PrintTernary(AtPct, IshiiAtPct, IshiiAtPctSD) ShowLastPos(plt) return OutStr
def executeFixPointSimulation(directory_for_network, inputsArray, masks,initializationDic=None, outputList=None, sparse=False, modes=["verbose","time","outputEqui"], initValue=10**(-13), rescaleFactor=None): """ Execute the simulation of the system saved under the directory_for_network directory. InputsArray contain the values for the input species. :param directory_for_network: directory path, where the files equations.txt and constants.txt may be found. :param inputsArray: The test concentrations, a t * n array where t is the number of test and n the number of node in the first layer. :param initializationDic: can contain initialization values for some species. If none, or the species don't appear in its key, then its value is set at initValue (default to 10**(-13)). :param masks: network masks :param outputList: list or string, species we would like to see as outputs, if default (None), then will find the species of the last layer. if string and value is "nameDic" or "all", we will give all species taking part in the reaction (usefull for debug) :param sparse: if sparse, usefull for large system :param modes: modes for outputs, don't accept outputPlot as it only provides value at equilibrium now. :param initValue: initial concentration value to give to all species :param rescaleFactor: if None, then computed as the number of nodes, else: used to divide the value of the inputs :param masks: :return: A result tuple depending on the modes. """ assert "outputPlot" not in modes parsedEquation,constants,nameDic=read_file(directory_for_network + "/equations.txt", directory_for_network + "/constants.txt") if sparse: KarrayA,stochio,maskA,maskComplementary = sparseParser(parsedEquation,constants) else: KarrayA,stochio,maskA,maskComplementary = parse(parsedEquation,constants) KarrayA,T0,C0,constants=setToUnits(constants,KarrayA,stochio) print("Initialisation constant: time:"+str(T0)+" concentration:"+str(C0)) speciesArray = obtainSpeciesArray(inputsArray,nameDic,initValue,initializationDic,C0) speciesArray,rescaleFactor = rescaleInputConcentration(speciesArray,nameDic=nameDic,rescaleFactor=rescaleFactor) ##SAVE EXPERIMENT PARAMETERS: attributesDic = {} attributesDic["rescaleFactor"] = rescaleFactor attributesDic["T0"] = T0 attributesDic["C0"] = C0 for k in initializationDic.keys(): attributesDic[k] = speciesArray[0,nameDic[k]] for idx,cste in enumerate(constants): attributesDic["k"+str(idx)] = cste attributesDic["Numbers_of_Constants"] = len(constants) experiment_path=saveAttribute(directory_for_network, attributesDic) shapeP=speciesArray.shape[0] #let us assign the right number of task in each process num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1 idxList = findRightNumberProcessus(shapeP,num_workers) #let us find the species of the last layer in case: if outputList is None: outputList = obtainOutputArray(nameDic) elif type(outputList)==str: if outputList=="nameDic" or outputList=="all": outputList=list(nameDic.keys()) else: raise Exception("asked outputList is not taken into account.") nbrConstant = int(readAttribute(experiment_path,["Numbers_of_Constants"])["Numbers_of_Constants"]) if nbrConstant == 12: #only one neuron, it is easy to extract cste values k1,k1n,k2,k3,k3n,k4,_,k5,k5n,k6,kd,_=[readAttribute(experiment_path,["k"+str(i)])["k"+str(i)] for i in range(0,nbrConstant)] else: k1,k1n,k2,k3,k3n,k4,_,k5,k5n,k6,kd,_= [0.9999999999999998,0.1764705882352941,1.0,0.9999999999999998,0.1764705882352941,1.0, 0.018823529411764708,0.9999999999999998,0.1764705882352941,1.0,0.018823529411764708,0.018823529411764708] inhibTemplateNames = obtainTemplateArray(masks=masks,activ=False) activTemplateNames= obtainTemplateArray(masks=masks,activ=True) TA = initializationDic[activTemplateNames[0]]/C0 TI = initializationDic[inhibTemplateNames[0]]/C0 E0 = initializationDic["E"]/C0 kdI = kd kdT = kd myconstants = [k1,k1n,k2,k3,k3n,k4,k5,k5n,k6,kdI,kdT,TA,TI,E0] t=tm() print("=======================Starting Fixed Point simulation===================") copyArgs = obtainCopyArgsFixedPoint(idxList,modes,speciesArray,nameDic,outputList,masks,myconstants,chemicalModel="templateModel") with multiprocessing.get_context("spawn").Pool(processes= len(idxList[:-1])) as pool: myoutputs =, copyArgs) pool.close() pool.join() print("Finished computing, closing pool") timeResults={} timeResults[directory_for_network + "_wholeRun"]= tm() - t if("outputEqui" in modes): outputArray=np.zeros((len(outputList), shapeP)) times = [] for idx,m in enumerate(myoutputs): if("outputEqui" in modes): try: outputArray[:,idxList[idx]:idxList[idx+1]] = m[modes.index("outputEqui")] except: raise Exception("error") if("time" in modes): times += [m[modes.index("time")]] if("time" in modes): timeResults[directory_for_network + "_singleRunAvg"] = np.sum(times) / len(times) # Let us save our result: savedFiles = ["false_result.csv","output_equilibrium.csv","output_full.csv"] for k in nameDic.keys(): savedFiles += [k+".csv"] for p in savedFiles: if(os._exists(os.path.join(experiment_path, p))): print("Allready exists: renaming older") os.rename(os.path.join(experiment_path,p),os.path.join(experiment_path,p.split(".")[0]+"Old."+p.split(".")[1])) if("outputEqui" in modes): df=pandas.DataFrame(outputArray) df.to_csv(os.path.join(experiment_path, "output_equilibrium.csv")) results=[0 for _ in range(len(modes))] if("outputEqui" in modes): results[modes.index("outputEqui")]= outputArray if "time" in modes: results[modes.index("time")]=timeResults return tuple(results)
# Standard library demos # import os import stat import shutil import glob import re # Regular Expressions import random print("Running app from ", os.getcwd()) dir = "testdir" try: if not os._exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) mode = os.stat(dir).st_mode print(stat.S_ISDIR(mode)) if not stat.S_ISDIR(mode): os.mkdir(dir) print(dir, " created with mode: ", stat.filemode(mode)) os.rename(dir, "testdir2") shutil.move("testdir2", dir) except FileExistsError: pass
if not data: break fobj.write(data) def get_patt(fname, patt): patt_list = [] cpatt = re.compile(patt) with open(fname, 'rb') as fobj: while True: try: line = fobj.readline().decode('utf8') except: continue if not line: break m = if m: patt_list.append( return patt_list if __name__ == '__main__': if not os._exists('/tmp/netease'): os.makedirs('/tmp/netease') download_file('', '/tmp/netease') url_patt = 'http://[^\s;)(:]+\.(png|jpeg|jpg)' url_list = get_patt('/tmp/netease/index.html', url_patt) for img_url in url_list: download_file(img_url, '/tmp/netease')
def deleteUseless(directory, filenamesToDelete): for file in filenamesToDelete: if (os._exists(directory + file)): os.unlink(directory + file)
import os import cv2 import ReducirRuido from skimage import img_as_ubyte rutaOrigen = os.path.join("Datos","train") print os._exists(rutaOrigen) for base, dirs, files in os.walk(rutaOrigen): for name in files: img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(rutaOrigen, name)) nomArch = name.split('.')[0] bordes = cv2.Canny(img, 100, 200) cv2.imshow(nomArch,img) cv2.imshow(nomArch + ": Bordes", bordes) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() # img = img_as_ubyte(img) # bordes = cv2.Canny(img, 100, 200) # cv2.imshow(nomArch + " : CV_U8", img) # cv2.imshow(nomArch + ": Bordes", bordes) # cv2.waitKey(0) # cv2.destroyAllWindows() img = ReducirRuido.denoiseMorfologico(img) bordes = cv2.Canny(img, 100, 200) cv2.imshow(nomArch + ":Morfologico", img) cv2.imshow(nomArch + ": Bordes", bordes) cv2.waitKey(0)
def save_with_compare(self, istruth=False, params=None, dview=None, Cn=None): """save the comparison as well as the images of the precision recall calculations depending on if we say this file will be ground truth or not, it wil be saved in either the tests or the ground truth folder if saved in test, a comparison to groundtruth will be added to the object this comparison will be on data : a normized difference of the normalized value of the arrays time : difference in order for this function to work, you must have previously given it the cnm objects after initializing them ( on patch and full frame) give the values of the time and data have a groundtruth Args: self: dictionnary the object of this class tha tcontains every value istruth: Boolean if we want it ot be the ground truth params: movie parameters dview : your dview object n_frames_per_bin: you need to know those data before they have been given to the base/rois functions dims_test: you need to know those data before they have been given to the base/rois functions Cn: your correlation image Cmap: a particular colormap for your Cn See Also: Example of utilisation on Demo Pipeline \image caiman/tests/comparison/data.pdf Raises: ('we now have ground truth\n') ('we were not able to read the file to compare it\n') """ # getting the DATA FOR COMPARISONS assert (params != None and self.cnmpatch != None)'we need the parameters in order to save anything\n') # actions on the sparse matrix cnm = self.cnmpatch.__dict__ cnmpatch = deletesparse(cnm) # initialization dims_test = [self.dims[0], self.dims[1]] dims_gt = dims_test dt = dt = str(dt) plat = plt.platform() plat = str(plat) pro = plt.processor() pro = str(pro) # we store a big file which contains everything (INFORMATION) information = { 'platform': plat, 'time': dt, 'processor': pro, 'params': params, 'cnmpatch': cnmpatch, 'timer': { 'cnmf_on_patch': self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['timer'], 'cnmf_full_frame': self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['timer'], 'rig_shifts': self.comparison['rig_shifts']['timer'] } } rootdir = os.path.abspath(cm.__path__[0])[:-7] file_path = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "testdata", "groundtruth.npz") # OPENINGS # if we want to set this data as truth if istruth: # we just save it if os._exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) logging.debug("nothing to remove\n") np.savez_compressed( file_path, information=information, A_full=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][0], C_full=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][1], A_patch=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][0], C_patch=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][1], rig_shifts=self.comparison['rig_shifts']['ourdata'])'we now have ground truth\n') return else: # if not we create a comparison first try: with np.load(file_path, encoding='latin1') as dt: rig_shifts = dt['rig_shifts'][()] A_patch = dt['A_patch'][()] A_full = dt['A_full'][()] C_full = dt['C_full'][()] C_patch = dt['C_patch'][()] data = dt['information'][()] # if we cannot manage to open it or it doesnt exist: except (IOError, OSError): # we save but we explain why there were a problem logging.warning('we were not able to read the file ' + str(file_path) + ' to compare it\n') file_path = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "testdata", "NC" + dt + ".npz") np.savez_compressed( file_path, information=information, A_full=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][0], C_full=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][1], A_patch=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][0], C_patch=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][1], rig_shifts=self.comparison['rig_shifts']['ourdata']) return # creating the FOLDER to store our data # XXX Is this still hooked up to anything? i = 0 dr = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "testdata") for name in os.listdir(dr): i += 1 i = str(i) if not os.path.exists(dr + i): os.makedirs(dr + i) information.update({'diff': {}}) information.update({ 'differences': { 'proc': False, 'params_movie': False, 'params_cnm': False } }) # INFORMATION FOR THE USER if data['processor'] != information['processor']: "you don't have the same processor as groundtruth.. the time difference can vary" " because of that\n try recreate your own groundtruth before testing. Compare: " + str(data['processor']) + " to " + str(information['processor']) + "\n") information['differences']['proc'] = True if data['params'] != information['params']: logging.warning( "you are not using the same movie parameters... Things can go wrong" ) logging.warning( 'you must use the same parameters to compare your version of the code with ' 'the groundtruth one. look for the groundtruth parameters with the see() method\n' ) information['differences']['params_movie'] = True # We must cleanup some fields to permit an accurate comparison if not normalised_compare_cnmpatches(data['cnmpatch'], cnmpatch): if data['cnmpatch'].keys() != cnmpatch.keys(): logging.error( 'DIFFERENCES IN THE FIELDS OF CNMF' ) # TODO: Now that we have deeply nested data structures, find a module that gives you tight differences. diffkeys = [ k for k in data['cnmpatch'] if data['cnmpatch'][k] != cnmpatch[k] ] for k in diffkeys:"{}:{}->{}".format(k, data['cnmpatch'][k], cnmpatch[k])) logging.warning( 'you are not using the same parameters in your cnmf on patches initialization\n' ) information['differences']['params_cnm'] = True # for rigid # plotting part information['diff'].update({ 'rig': plotrig(init=rig_shifts, curr=self.comparison['rig_shifts']['ourdata'], timer=self.comparison['rig_shifts']['timer'] - data['timer']['rig_shifts'], sensitivity=self.comparison['rig_shifts']['sensitivity']) }) try: pl.gcf().savefig(dr + str(i) + '/' + 'rigidcorrection.pdf') pl.close() except: pass # for cnmf on patch information['diff'].update({ 'cnmpatch': cnmf(Cn=Cn, A_gt=A_patch, A_test=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][0], C_gt=C_patch, C_test=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][1], dview=dview, sensitivity=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['sensitivity'], dims_test=dims_test, dims_gt=dims_gt, timer=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['timer'] - data['timer']['cnmf_on_patch']) }) try: pl.gcf().savefig(dr + i + '/' + 'onpatch.pdf') pl.close() except: pass # CNMF FULL FRAME information['diff'].update({ 'cnmfull': cnmf(Cn=Cn, A_gt=A_full, A_test=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][0], C_gt=C_full, C_test=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][1], dview=dview, sensitivity=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['sensitivity'], dims_test=dims_test, dims_gt=dims_gt, timer=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['timer'] - data['timer']['cnmf_full_frame']) }) try: pl.gcf().savefig(dr + i + '/' + 'cnmfull.pdf') pl.close() except: pass # Saving of everything target_dir = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "testdata", i) if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs( os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "testdata", i) ) # XXX If we ever go Python3, just use the exist_ok flag to os.makedirs file_path = os.path.join(target_dir, i + ".npz") np.savez_compressed( file_path, information=information, A_full=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][0], C_full=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][1], A_patch=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][0], C_patch=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][1], rig_shifts=self.comparison['rig_shifts']['ourdata']) self.information = information
def get_credentials(): if os._exists('credentials.txt') is True: return True
__author__ = 'Makhtar' # Standard library demos # import os import stat import shutil import glob import re # Regular Expressions import random print("Running app from ", os.getcwd()) dir = "testdir" try: if not os._exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) mode = os.stat(dir).st_mode print(stat.S_ISDIR(mode)) if not stat.S_ISDIR(mode): os.mkdir(dir) print(dir, " created with mode: ", stat.filemode(mode)) os.rename(dir, "testdir2") shutil.move("testdir2", dir) except FileExistsError: pass
self.visualize_port = int(line[2]) continue if line[0] == 'firewall_ip': self.firewall_host = line[1] self.firewall_port = int(line[2]) continue self.fib_dic[line[0]] = line[1] #print(self.fib_dic) except Exception, e: print(Exception, ", ", e) print("Failed to load the config file") raise SystemExit try: if not os._exists('./cache/'): os.mkdir('./cache') except: return def _bind_socket(self): """ Create the sever socket and bind it to the given host and port :return: """ self.server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) print("Now binding the socket, host is ",, " port is ", self.port) self.server_socket.bind((, self.port))
"Listening for messages on {}..\n".format(available_subscription_path)) try: # Calling result() on StreamingPullFuture keeps the main thread from # exiting while messages get processed in the callbacks. streaming_pull_future.result() except: # noqa streaming_pull_future.cancel() available_subscriber.close() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument("project_id", help="Google Cloud project ID") parser.add_argument("subscription_id", help="Pub/Sub subscription ID") parser.add_argument( "workdir", help="Directory where files are downloaded and modified", nargs='?', default="tmpwork") args = parser.parse_args() if not os._exists(args.workdir): os.makedirs(args.workdir) process_work(args.project_id, args.subscription_id, args.workdir) os.rmdir(args.workdir)
f.close() elif file.startswith(sefer): ref_form = Ref("Mishnah " + file.replace("-", ":").replace( ".txt", "")) #Berakhot 3-13.txt --> Mishnah Berakhot 3:13 found_ref[ref_form.normal()] += 1 chapter, mishnah = ref_form.sections[0], ref_form.sections[ 1] if chapter not in parsed_text[sefer].keys(): parsed_text[sefer][chapter] = {} lines = get_lines_from_web(file.rsplit("/")[-1], download_mode=download_mode) if not lines: if not download_mode: assert os._exists( file ), "File exists on hard drive in text format but not in HTML format" print "NOT FOUND" continue if not download_mode: lines = [ line.replace(u"\xa0", u"") for line in lines if line.replace(u" ", u"").replace(u"\xa0", u"") ] parsed_text[sefer][chapter][mishnah] = parse( lines, sefer, chapter, mishnah, HOW_MANY_REFER_TO_SECTIONS) if not download_mode: most_common_value = found_ref.most_common(1)[0] assert most_common_value[1] == 1, "{} has {}".format(
# 25/02/17 Updated the camera parameter optimisation options to exploit the greater flexibility now offered. # 25/02/17 Added a required test for non-None marker locations (Metashape now sets them to none if unselected). # 25/02/17 Multiple name changes to accommodate Metashape updates of chunk accuracy attributes (e.g. tie_point_accuracy). # 25/02/17 Multiple changes to export function parameters to accommodate Metashape updates. ######################################################################################## ###################################### SETUP ###################################### ######################################################################################## # Update the parameters below to tailor the script to your project. # Directory where output will be stored and active control file is saved. # Note use of '/' in the path (not '\'); end the path with '/' # The files will be generated in a sub-folder named "Monte_Carlo_output" # Change the path to the one you want, but there's no need to change act_ctrl_file. dir_path = 'C:/HG_Projects/CWC_Drone_work/HG_Retest_Pia/' if os._exists(dir_path): pass else: os.mkdir(dir_path) act_ctrl_file = 'active_ctrl_indices.txt' # Define how many times bundle adjustment (Metashape 'optimisation') will be carried out. # 4000 used in original work, as a reasonable starting point. num_randomisations = 1000 # Define the camera parameter set to optimise in the bundle adjustment. # WE NEED TO CHANGE THIS TO USE THE PARAMETERS OF THE PROJECT. WE ALSO NEED TO DOUBLE CHECK WHERE IN OUR WORKFLOW THE PARAMETERS ARE SET? (IF SCRIPT 1 OK, IF SCRIPT 2 WE NEED TO MAKE A CHANGE TO INCLUDE THE SETTING IN SCRIPT 1). # v.1.3 of Photoscan enables individual selection/deselection of all parameters.
import create_db import os from pathlib import Path database_file = 'data.db' #if database_file.is_file(): # print('Jop') name = os.getcwd() + '\\' + database_file temp = os._exists(name) print(name) print(temp) #if os.exists(database_file)==1: # print('Hell Yeah!')
return self.model(output) G = Generator() D = Discriminator() loss = nn.MSELoss() Optimizer_G = torch.optim.Adam(G.parameters(), Optimizer_D = torch.optim.Adam(D.parameters(), cuda = True if torch.cuda.is_available else False FloatTensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if cuda else torch.FloatTensor LongTensor = torch.cuda.LongTensor if cuda else torch.LongTensor G.cuda() D.cuda() loss.cuda() if not os._exists(opt.save_path): os.mkdir(opt.save_path) # ############## # # training # ############# for epoch in range(opt.Epoch): for i, (img, label) in enumerate(train_dataloader): real = torch.ones(img.shape[0], 1) real = Variable(real.type(FloatTensor)) fake = torch.zeros(img.shape[0], 1) fake = Variable(fake.type(FloatTensor)) real_img = Variable(img.type(FloatTensor)) real_label = Variable(label.type(LongTensor)) Optimizer_G.zero_grad()
def add(request, username): """ add """ if request.POST: time = location = request.POST.get('location') name = request.POST.get('name') money = request.POST.get('money') phone = request.POST.get('phone') area = request.POST.get("area") description = request.POST.get("description") username = request.session['userName'] pic1 = "static/users/default.jpg" pic2 = "static/users/default.jpg" pic3 = "static/users/default.jpg" pic4 = "static/users/default.jpg" if request.FILES: try: os.chdir('HouseRent') except FileNotFoundError: pass filepath = "static/users/" + username + "/" try: if not os._exists(filepath): os.makedirs(filepath) except FileExistsError: pass pic1 = filepath + str(random.randint(100, 9999)) + ".jpg" with open(pic1, "wb") as fh: for content in request.FILES.get('pic1'): fh.write(content) pic2 = filepath + str(random.randint(100, 9999)) + ".jpg" with open(pic2, "wb") as fh: for content in request.FILES.get('pic2'): fh.write(content) pic3 = filepath + str(random.randint(100, 9999)) + ".jpg" with open(pic3, "wb") as fh: for content in request.FILES.get('pic3'): fh.write(content) pic4 = filepath + str(random.randint(100, 9999)) + ".jpg" with open(pic4, "wb") as fh: for content in request.FILES.get('pic4'): fh.write(content) try: if not User.objects.get(username__exact=username).isMedium: #普通用户 if request.POST.get('1') == '出租': House.objects.create(location=location, money=money, name=name, phone=phone, area=area, description=description, pic1=pic1, pic2=pic2, pic3=pic3, pic4=pic4, time=time, username=username, isWanted=False, isMedium=False, isBooked=False) elif request.POST.get('1') == '求租': House.objects.create(location=location, money=money, name=name, phone=phone, area=area, description=description, pic1=pic1, pic2=pic2, pic3=pic3, pic4=pic4, time=time, username=username, isWanted=True, isMedium=False, isBooked=False) else: if request.POST.get('1') == '出租': House.objects.create(location=location, money=money, name=name, phone=phone, area=area, description=description, pic1=pic1, pic2=pic2, pic3=pic3, pic4=pic4, time=time, username=username, isWanted=False, isMedium=True, isBooked=False) elif request.POST.get('1') == '求租': House.objects.create(location=location, money=money, name=name, phone=phone, area=area, description=description, pic1=pic1, pic2=pic2, pic3=pic3, pic4=pic4, time=time, username=username, isWanted=True, isMedium=True, isBooked=False) except Exception: request.session['inputError'] = True return redirect('/HouseRent/{0}/release/'.format(username)) request.session['isRlsSuccess'] = True return HttpResponseRedirect('/HouseRent/')
def Janela_Cadastro(): Janela_Cadastro = Tk() Janela_Cadastro.title("CADASTRO USUARIO") # VERIFICA SE O ICONE ESTÀ NA PASTA E MOSTRA SE TRUE if (not os._exists('treino128x128.ico')): janela_principal.iconbitmap('treino128x128.ico') Janela_Cadastro.geometry("500x500") Frame_Direito = Label(Janela_Cadastro) Frame_Direito.pack(side=RIGHT) Frame_Esquerdo = Label(Janela_Cadastro) Frame_Esquerdo.pack(side=LEFT) Label(Frame_Esquerdo, text="NOME: ").pack() Nome = Entry(Frame_Esquerdo) Nome.pack() Label(Frame_Esquerdo, text="IDADE: ").pack() Idade = Entry(Frame_Esquerdo) Idade.pack() Label(Frame_Esquerdo, text="SEXO: ").pack() Sexo = Entry(Frame_Esquerdo) Sexo.pack() LbAltura = Label(Frame_Esquerdo, text="ALTURA: ") LbAltura.pack() Altura = Entry(Frame_Esquerdo) Altura.pack() LbPeso = Label(Frame_Esquerdo, text="PESO: ") LbPeso.pack() Peso = Entry(Frame_Esquerdo) Peso.pack() LbBicepsD = Label(Frame_Direito, text="BICEPS DIREITO: ") LbBicepsD.pack() Biceps_direito = Entry(Frame_Direito) Biceps_direito.pack() LbBicepsE = Label(Frame_Esquerdo, text="BICEPS ESQUERDO: ") LbBicepsE.pack() Biceps_esquerdo = Entry(Frame_Esquerdo) Biceps_esquerdo.pack() LbCD = Label(Frame_Direito, text="COXA DIREITA: ") LbCD.pack() Coxa_direita = Entry(Frame_Direito) Coxa_direita.pack() LbCE = Label(Frame_Esquerdo, text="COXA ESQUERDA: ") LbCE.pack() Coxa_esquerda = Entry(Frame_Esquerdo) Coxa_esquerda.pack() LbBracoD = Label(Frame_Direito, text="ANTI BRAÇO DIREITO: ") LbBracoD.pack() Antibraco_direito = Entry(Frame_Direito) Antibraco_direito.pack() LbBracoE = Label(Frame_Esquerdo, text="ANTI BRAÇO ESQUERDO: ") LbBracoE.pack() Antibraco_esquerdo = Entry(Frame_Esquerdo) Antibraco_esquerdo.pack() LbPanturrilhaD = Label(Frame_Direito, text="PANTURRILHA DIREITA: ") LbPanturrilhaD.pack() Panturrilha_direita = Entry(Frame_Direito) Panturrilha_direita.pack() LbPanturrilhaE = Label(Frame_Esquerdo, text="PANTURRILHA ESQUERDA: ") LbPanturrilhaE.pack() Panturrilha_esquerda = Entry(Frame_Esquerdo) Panturrilha_esquerda.pack() LbAbdomen = Label(Frame_Direito, text="ABDÔMEN: ") LbAbdomen.pack() Abdomen = Entry(Frame_Direito) Abdomen.pack() LbCintura = Label(Frame_Direito, text="CINTURA: ") LbCintura.pack() Cintura = Entry(Frame_Direito) Cintura.pack() LbQuadril = Label(Frame_Direito, text="QUADRIL: ") LbQuadril.pack() Quadril = Entry(Frame_Direito) Quadril.pack() LbTorax = Label(Frame_Direito, text="TÓRAX: ") LbTorax.pack() Torax = Entry(Frame_Direito) Torax.pack() LbOmbro = Label(Frame_Direito, text="OMBRO: ") LbOmbro.pack() Ombro = Entry(Frame_Direito) Ombro.pack() def BtSalva_clique(): global nome global idade global sexo global altura global peso global biceps_direito global biceps_esquerdo global coxa_direita global coxa_esquerda global antibraco_direito global antibraco_esquerdo global panturrilha_direita global panturrilha_esquerda global abdomen global cintura global quadril global torax global ombro ###SALVANDO TODOS OS DADOS PASSADOS PARA AS VARIAVEIS EXTERNAS nome = str(Nome.get()).upper() idade = int(Idade.get()) sexo = str(Sexo.get()) altura = float(Altura.get()) peso = float(Peso.get()) biceps_direito = float(Biceps_direito.get()) biceps_esquerdo = float(Biceps_esquerdo.get()) coxa_direita = float(Coxa_direita.get()) coxa_esquerda = float(Coxa_esquerda.get()) antibraco_direito = float(Antibraco_direito.get()) antibraco_esquerdo = float(Antibraco_esquerdo.get()) panturrilha_direita = float(Panturrilha_direita.get()) panturrilha_esquerda = float(Panturrilha_esquerda.get()) abdomen = float(Abdomen.get()) cintura = float(Cintura.get()) quadril = float(Quadril.get()) torax = float(Torax.get()) ombro = float(Ombro.get()) #Muda o Nome do Botão Salvar e a cor para Amarelo BtSalva["text"]="SALVO" BtSalva["bg"] = "yellow" BtSalva = Button(Janela_Cadastro, text="SALVAR", command= BtSalva_clique) BtSalva.pack(side=BOTTOM)
def AnalyzePhase(AtPct=None, WtPct=None, OxWtPct=None): #Normalize our AtPct vector. AtPct = AtPct/sum(AtPct)*100 # A dictionary of the AtPct values would be useful so we can look up by element name. E = dict(zip(pb.ElementalSymbols, AtPct)) # We output an output string which contains the analysis. OutStr = '--- Simple At% ratios ---\n\n' OutStr += "Abundances ratioed to:\n" OutStr += "Element to Mg Si Fe\n" OutStr += '-'*41 + '\n' for Zminus, E in enumerate(AtPct): if E != 0: EtoMg = E / AtPct[pb.Mg-1] EtoSi = E / AtPct[pb.Si-1] EtoFe = E / AtPct[pb.Fe-1] OutStr += '%-13s%-9.3f%-9.3f%-9.3f\n' % (tuple([pb.ElementalSymbols[Zminus+1]]) + tuple([EtoMg, EtoSi, EtoFe])) # We output an output string which contains the analysis. OutStr += '--- Chondritic Analysis ---\n\n' # Load the prosolar abundances. This is recorded from the Lodders ref with logarithmic values. ProtosolarAbundancesFileName = 'ProtosolarAbundances.csv' if not os._exists(ProtosolarAbundancesFileName): ProtosolarAbundancesFileName = os.path.join('ConfigData', ProtosolarAbundancesFileName) Protosolar = genfromtxt(ProtosolarAbundancesFileName, delimiter=',', skip_header=1, dtype=None) ProtosolarDict = dict(Protosolar) # This dictionary could be handy... Protosolar = array(zip(*Protosolar)[1]) # But we really need just a numpy array with the numbers. # Convert to vectors which are normalized to Mg, Si, and Fe. ProtosolarToMg = power(10, Protosolar) # Get out of log space into linear space. Now the numbers relate to AtPct. ProtosolarToMg /= ProtosolarToMg[pb.Mg-1] ProtosolarToSi = power(10, Protosolar) ProtosolarToSi /= ProtosolarToSi[pb.Si-1] ProtosolarToFe = power(10, Protosolar) ProtosolarToFe /= ProtosolarToFe[pb.Fe-1] # Print out the abundances normalized to protosolar. Ratios = list() # Keep track of the ratios, so at the end we can compute standard deviations. OutStr += "Abundances ratioed to protosolar and normalized to:\n" OutStr += "Element to Mg Si Fe\n" OutStr += '-'*41 + '\n' for Zminus, E in enumerate(AtPct): if E != 0: EtoMg = E / AtPct[pb.Mg-1] EtoSi = E / AtPct[pb.Si-1] EtoFe = E / AtPct[pb.Fe-1] Ratios.append([EtoMg/ProtosolarToMg[Zminus], EtoSi/ProtosolarToSi[Zminus], EtoFe/ProtosolarToFe[Zminus]]) OutStr += '%-13s%-9.3f%-9.3f%-9.3f\n' % (tuple([pb.ElementalSymbols[Zminus+1]]) + tuple(Ratios[-1])) Ratios = array(Ratios) Means = mean(Ratios, axis=0) Stdevs = std(Ratios, axis=0) OutStr += '-'*41 + '\n' OutStr += '%-13s%-9.3f%-9.3f%-9.3f\n' % (tuple(['Mean']) + tuple(Means)) OutStr += '%-13s%-9.3f%-9.3f%-9.3f\n' % (tuple(['Standard dev']) + tuple(Stdevs)) OutStr += '-'*41 + '\n' OutStr += '\nRef:Lodders, K. (2003). Solar System Abundances and Condensation Temperatures of the Elements. The Astrophysical Journal, 591(2), 1220-1247.\n' return OutStr
def test_bbox(model, to_save=True): # Test dataset. testset = args.dataset dataset_test = HandDataset() dataset_test.load_hand('datasets/' + args.dataset + "_test_annotations.txt") dataset_test.prepare() pred_m = [] gt_m = [] pred_s = [] dir_name = "./samples/hand/results/oxford_{:%m%d%H%M}/".format( if to_save: if not os._exists(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name) gt_a = [] pred_a = [] for image_info in dataset_test.image_info: print(image_info) image_id = image_info['id'] image_path = image_info['path'] img_origin = h, w, _ = img_origin.shape img = img_origin.copy() gt_polygons = image_info['polygons'] gt_boxes = [] gt_class_ids = [] for gt_polygon in gt_polygons: x = [gt_polygon[0], gt_polygon[2], gt_polygon[4], gt_polygon[6]] y = [gt_polygon[1], gt_polygon[3], gt_polygon[5], gt_polygon[7]] gt_boxes.append([min(y), min(x), max(y), max(x)]) gt_class_ids.append(1) gt_boxes = np.array(gt_boxes) gt_class_ids = np.array(gt_class_ids) gt_masks, gt_mask_class_ids = dataset_test.load_mask(image_id) gt_orientations = dataset_test.load_orientations(image_id) result = model.detect([img], verbose=0)[0] pred_boxes = result['rois'] pred_class_ids = result["class_ids"] pred_scores = result["scores"] pred_masks = result["masks"] pred_orientations = result["orientations"] save_img = img_origin y1 = -1 for gt_box in gt_boxes: y1, x1, y2, x2 = gt_box if y1 > 0: if len(pred_boxes) > 0: gt_match, pred_match, overlaps, pred_scores, gt_angles, pred_angles = \ utils.compute_matches_with_scores_bbox(gt_boxes, gt_class_ids, gt_masks, gt_orientations, pred_boxes, pred_class_ids, pred_scores, pred_masks, pred_orientations, iou_threshold=0.5, score_threshold=0.0) gt_a.extend(gt_angles) pred_a.extend(pred_angles) if to_save: save_img = color_white(save_img, pred_masks, pred_orientations) else: gt_match = len(gt_boxes) * [-1] pred_match = [] pred_scores = [] else: gt_match = [] if len(pred_boxes) > 0: pred_match = len(pred_boxes) * [-1] pred_scores = pred_scores else: pred_match = [] pred_scores = [] if to_save: filename = dir_name + image_path.split('/')[-1] print(filename), save_img) print("pred_match: ", pred_match) print("gt_match: ", gt_match) print("pred_scores", pred_scores) gt_m.extend(gt_match) pred_m.extend(pred_match) pred_s.extend(pred_scores) # Temp AP assert len(pred_m) == len(pred_s) tmp_pred_m = np.array(pred_m) tmp_gt_m = np.array(gt_m) tmp_pred_s = np.array(pred_s) # sort the score tmp_sorted_idx = np.argsort(tmp_pred_s)[::-1] tmp_pred_m = tmp_pred_m[tmp_sorted_idx] # Compute precision and recall at each prediction box step tmp_precisions = np.cumsum(tmp_pred_m > -1) / (np.arange(len(tmp_pred_m)) + 1) tmp_recalls = np.cumsum(tmp_pred_m > -1).astype(np.float32) / len(tmp_gt_m) print("AP = ", voc_ap(tmp_recalls, tmp_precisions)) # Compute mean AP over recall range assert len(pred_m) == len(pred_s) pred_m = np.array(pred_m) gt_m = np.array(gt_m) pred_s = np.array(pred_s) # sort the score sorted_idx = np.argsort(pred_s)[::-1] pred_m = pred_m[sorted_idx] pred_s = pred_s[sorted_idx] # Compute precision and recall at each prediction box step precisions = np.cumsum(pred_m > -1) / (np.arange(len(pred_m)) + 1) recalls = np.cumsum(pred_m > -1).astype(np.float32) / len(gt_m) mAP = voc_ap(recalls, precisions) print("AP = ", mAP) plt.figure(1) plt.plot(recalls, precisions) plt.savefig(dir_name + args.testset + "_pre_rec.png") pr_dict = {"precison": precisions, "recall": recalls} # angle delta_angles = [np.abs(pred_a[i] - gt_a[i]) for i in range(len(pred_a))] for i in range(len(delta_angles)): delta_angles[i] = delta_angles[i] % 360 if delta_angles[i] > 180: delta_angles[i] = 360 - delta_angles[i] def angle_accuracy(d_angles, thres=10): pred_r = [dangle <= thres for dangle in d_angles] accu = sum(pred_r) / len(pred_r) return accu, accuracys = [angle_accuracy(delta_angles, thres) for thres in range(90)] print("num matched = ", len(delta_angles)) print("thres = 10, accu = ", accuracys[10]) print("thres = 20, accu = ", accuracys[20]) print("thres = 30, accu = ", accuracys[30]) return mAP
weekday_dict = {'mon':'월요일','tue':'화요일','wed':'수요일','thu':'목요일',\ 'fri':'금요일','sat':'토요일','sun':'일요일'} #items() 튜플들이 리스트 안에 출력되게 하는 코드 print(weekday_dict.items()) # dict_items([('mon', '월요일'), ('tue', '화요일'), ('wed', '수요일'), ('thu', '목요일'), ('fri', '금요일'), ('sat', '토요일'), ('sun', '일요일')]) print() print(weekday_dict.values()) # dict_values(['월요일', '화요일', '수요일', '목요일', '금요일', '토요일', '일요일']) print() try: for mydir in weekday_dict.values(): mypath = myfolder + mydir print('mypath', mypath) if os._exists(mypath): #기존의 파일이 있으면 지워라는 코드 shutil.rmtree(mypath) os.mkdir(mypath) except FileExistsError: pass #################################################### #saveFile을 만들어 정의 def saveFile(image_url, weekday, mytitle): image_file = urlopen(image_url) myfile = open( 'c:\\imsi\\' + weekday_dict[weekday] + '\\' + mytitle + '.jpg', 'wb')
start_date=du.getTenYearsAgoTime(), end_date=du.getYesterDayTime(), frequency="d", adjustflag="3") #### 打印结果集 #### result_list = [] while (rs.error_code == '0') & result_list.append(rs.get_row_data()) result2 = pd.DataFrame(result_list, columns=rs.fields, dtype=np.float) print(result2.dtypes) result2 = result2.sort_values(by='pbMRQ') result2 = result2.reset_index(drop=True) #获取某个值在集合中的位置 todayPBIndex = result2[( == du.getYesterDayTime())].index.tolist()[0] lensPB = len(result2) print("PB位置是:" + str(todayPBIndex) + ",总列数是:" + str(lensPB)) print("PB的分位点是:" + str(todayPBIndex / lensPB * 100)[:4] + "%") #### 结果集输出到csv文件 #### my_file = "/Users/mfhj-dz-001-068/pythonData/pe_" + code + "_data.csv" if os._exists(my_file): #删除文件 os.remove(my_file) result2.to_csv("/Users/mfhj-dz-001-068/pythonData/pe_" + code + "_data.csv", encoding="gbk", index=False) print("-----登陆系统:") bs.logout()
def executeODESimulation(funcForSolver, directory_for_network, inputsArray, initializationDic=None, outputList=None, leak=10 ** (-13), endTime=1000, sparse=False, modes=["verbose","time", "outputPlot", "outputEqui"], timeStep=0.1, initValue=10**(-13), rescaleFactor=None): """ Execute the simulation of the system saved under the directory_for_network directory. InputsArray contain the values for the input species. :param funcForSolver: function used by the solver. Should provide the derivative of concentration with respect to time for all species. can be a string, then we use the lassie method. :param directory_for_network: directory path, where the files equations.txt and constants.txt may be found. :param inputsArray: The test concentrations, a t * n array where t is the number of test and n the number of node in the first layer. :param initializationDic: can contain initialization values for some species. If none, or the species don't appear in its key, then its value is set at initValue (default to 10**(-13)). :param outputList: list or string, species we would like to see as outputs, if default (None), then will find the species of the last layer. if string and value is "nameDic" or "all", we will give all species taking part in the reaction (usefull for debug) :param leak: float, small leak to add at each time step at the concentration of all species :param endTime: final time :param sparse: if sparse :param modes: modes for outputs :param timeStep: float, value of time steps to use in integration :param initValue: initial concentration value to give to all species :param rescaleFactor: if None, then computed as the number of nodes, else: used to divide the value of the inputs :return: A result tuple depending on the modes. """ parsedEquation,constants,nameDic=read_file(directory_for_network + "/equations.txt", directory_for_network + "/constants.txt") if sparse: KarrayA,stochio,maskA,maskComplementary = sparseParser(parsedEquation,constants) else: KarrayA,stochio,maskA,maskComplementary = parse(parsedEquation,constants) KarrayA,T0,C0,constants=setToUnits(constants,KarrayA,stochio) print("Initialisation constant: time:"+str(T0)+" concentration:"+str(C0)) speciesArray = obtainSpeciesArray(inputsArray,nameDic,initValue,initializationDic,C0) speciesArray,rescaleFactor = rescaleInputConcentration(speciesArray,nameDic=nameDic,rescaleFactor=rescaleFactor) time=np.arange(0,endTime,timeStep) derivativeLeak = leak ##SAVE EXPERIMENT PARAMETERS: attributesDic = {} attributesDic["rescaleFactor"] = rescaleFactor attributesDic["leak"] = leak attributesDic["T0"] = T0 attributesDic["C0"] = C0 attributesDic["endTime"] = endTime attributesDic["time_step"] = timeStep for k in initializationDic.keys(): attributesDic[k] = speciesArray[0,nameDic[k]] for idx,cste in enumerate(constants): attributesDic["k"+str(idx)] = cste attributesDic["Numbers_of_Constants"] = len(constants) experiment_path=saveAttribute(directory_for_network, attributesDic) shapeP=speciesArray.shape[0] #let us assign the right number of task in each process num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1 idxList = findRightNumberProcessus(shapeP,num_workers) #let us find the species of the last layer in case: if outputList is None: outputList = obtainOutputArray(nameDic) elif type(outputList)==str: if outputList=="nameDic" or outputList=="all": outputList=list(nameDic.keys()) else: raise Exception("asked outputList is not taken into account.") t=tm() print("=======================Starting simulation===================") if(hasattr(funcForSolver,"__call__")): copyArgs = obtainCopyArgs(modes,idxList,outputList,time,funcForSolver,speciesArray,KarrayA,stochio,maskA,maskComplementary,derivativeLeak,nameDic) with multiprocessing.get_context("spawn").Pool(processes= len(idxList[:-1])) as pool: myoutputs =, copyArgs) pool.close() pool.join() else: assert type(funcForSolver)==str copyArgs = obtainCopyArgsLassie(modes,idxList,outputList,time,directory_for_network,parsedEquation,constants,derivativeLeak,nameDic,speciesArray,funcForSolver) with multiprocessing.get_context("spawn").Pool(processes= len(idxList[:-1])) as pool: myoutputs =, copyArgs) pool.close() pool.join() print("Finished computing, closing pool") timeResults={} timeResults[directory_for_network + "_wholeRun"]= tm() - t if("outputEqui" in modes): outputArray=np.zeros((len(outputList), shapeP)) if("outputPlot" in modes): outputArrayPlot=np.zeros((len(outputList), shapeP, time.shape[0])) times = [] for idx,m in enumerate(myoutputs): if("outputEqui" in modes): try: outputArray[:,idxList[idx]:idxList[idx+1]] = m[modes.index("outputEqui")] except: raise Exception("error") if("outputPlot" in modes): outputArrayPlot[:,idxList[idx]:idxList[idx+1]] = m[modes.index("outputPlot")] if("time" in modes): times += [m[modes.index("time")]] if("time" in modes): timeResults[directory_for_network + "_singleRunAvg"] = np.sum(times) / len(times) # Let us save our result: savedFiles = ["false_result.csv","output_equilibrium.csv","output_full.csv"] for k in nameDic.keys(): savedFiles += [k+".csv"] for p in savedFiles: if(os._exists(os.path.join(experiment_path, p))): print("Allready exists: renaming older") os.rename(os.path.join(experiment_path,p),os.path.join(experiment_path,p.split(".")[0]+"Old."+p.split(".")[1])) if("outputEqui" in modes): df=pandas.DataFrame(outputArray) df.to_csv(os.path.join(experiment_path, "output_equilibrium.csv")) elif("outputPlot" in modes): assert len(outputArrayPlot == len(outputList)) for idx,species in enumerate(outputList): df=pandas.DataFrame(outputArrayPlot[idx]) df.to_csv(os.path.join(experiment_path, "output_full_"+str(species)+".csv")) results=[0 for _ in range(len(modes))] if("outputEqui" in modes): results[modes.index("outputEqui")]= outputArray if("outputPlot" in modes): results[modes.index("outputPlot")]= outputArrayPlot if "time" in modes: results[modes.index("time")]=timeResults if("outputPlot" in modes): #sometimes we need the nameDic results+=[nameDic] return tuple(results)