def test(epoch): global best_acc net.eval() test_loss = 0 correct = 0 total = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for batch_idx, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(testloader): inputs, targets =, outputs = net(inputs) loss = criterion(outputs, targets) test_loss += loss.item() _, predicted = outputs.max(1) total += targets.size(0) correct += predicted.eq(targets).sum().item() print('Loss: %.3f | Acc: %.3f%% (%d/%d)' %(test_loss/(batch_idx+1), 100.*correct/total, correct, total)) acc = 100.*correct/total if acc > best_acc: print("Saving") state = {'net':net.state_dict(), 'acc':acc, 'epoch':epoch,} if not os.path.isdir('checkpoint'): os.mkidr('checkpoint'), './checkpoint/ckpt.pth') best_acc = acc
global W, G, R if sys.platform in ['linux', 'linux2']: W = '\033[0m' G = '\033[1;92m' R = '\033[1;91m' else: W = '' G = '' R = '' try: os.mkdir('result') except: pass try: os.mkidr('result/dump') except: pass try: os.mkdir('result/dump/phone') except: pass class Dump: def __init__(self): self.token = open('log/token').read() self.HD = {'User-Agent': open('UserAgent/ua.txt').read()} = [] self.Main()
昨天 - datetime.timedelta(days=-1) 明天 - datetime.timedelta(days=1) import os 获取当前路径: os.getcwd() 修改当前路径:os.chdir(path) 获取指定路径下的文件名:os.listdir(path) 创建文件夹:os.mkidr(dirname) 创建递归文件夹:os.makedirs() 删除目录:os.rmdir() 递归删除空目录:os.removedirs() 执行系统命令:os.system('ls') 获取文件或文件夹信息:os.stat() 重命名文件或文件夹:os.rename() 获取系统环境变量:os.getenv() 修改或添加环境变量:os.putenv() 获取路径间隔符:print(os.sep) #win: \ , linux: / 获取操作系统换行符:print(repr(os.linesep)) #win: \r\n ,linux: \n 获取文件名及其所在路径:os.path.split(path) ——> list[dirname,filename] 合并路径和文件名:os.path.join(dirname,filename) ——> str:path
def create_masks(patch_min_width, patch_min_height, WSI_path, xml_file_path, save=False, separate_objects=False, target_path=None, magnification=20): # Creats masks for one ROI # returns dictionary, with mask name and mask iterations_x_direction, iterations_y_direction = calc_number_of_iterations_for_sliding_window( patch_min_width, patch_min_height, WSI_path, xml_file_path, magnification) adapted_patch_width, adapted_patch_height = adapt_sliding_window_size_for_ROI( patch_min_width, patch_min_height, WSI_path, xml_file_path) mask_dict = {} head, tail = ntpath.split(xml_file_path) xml_file_name = tail pattern = re.compile('(.xml)') patient_ID = pattern.sub('', xml_file_name) start_y = int(-adapted_patch_height) end_y = 0 ROI_mask = create_mask_for_ROI(WSI_path, xml_file_path, magnification) number = 0 if save == True and separate_objects == False: gt_path = target_path + "/gt" if save == True and separate_objects == False and not os.path.exists( gt_path): os.mkdir(target_path + "/gt") for row in range(math.floor(iterations_y_direction)): # next step start_y += int(adapted_patch_height) end_y += int(adapted_patch_height) start_x = int(-adapted_patch_width) end_x = 0 for col in range(math.floor(iterations_x_direction)): number += 1 start_x += int(adapted_patch_width) end_x += int(adapted_patch_width) mask = ROI_mask[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x, :] mask_name = patient_ID + "_mask_" + str(number) mask_dict[mask_name] = mask if save == True and separate_objects == False: mask = np.zeros((mask[:, :, :3].shape), dtype=np.uint8) mask[:, :, 2] = 1 # set everything to background in blue channel mask[:, :, 2][mask[:, :, 1] != 0] = 2 # set glands to 2 in blue channe mask = Image.fromarray(mask) new_file_path = os.path.join(target_path + "/gt/", mask_name + ".png") #TODO: if option is set to save==False and separate_objet == True # the mask of each separated object should be saved in a dictionary if save == True and separate_objects == True: new_folder_path = target_path + '/' + patient_ID + "_image_" + str( number) if not os.path.exists(new_folder_path): os.mkidr(new_folder_path) os.mkdir(new_folder_path + '/mask') object = '_object_' gray_mask = rgb2gray(np.array(mask)) ret, bw_mask = cv2.threshold(gray_mask, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) labels, num = label(bw_mask, return_num=True) for L in range(1, num + 1): plt.imsave( new_folder_path + '/mask/' + mask_name + object + str(L) + '.png', np.uint8(labels == L)) ####################################################### return mask_dict