def R_main(destination, requirements, error_file, sanity_flag=False): RDestination = f"{destination}/R" if not os.path.exists(RDestination): os.makedirs(RDestination) if not sanity_flag: #download environment packages script_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, R_SCRIPT_NAME) os.system(f"Rscript --vanilla {script_path} >> {os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'R_log.log')}") #download packages from the requirements file if requirements: print("Downloading packages from te requiments file....") os.sytem(f"Rscript --vanilla {R_REQ_DWNLD_SCRIPT} >> {os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'R_log.log')}") #include custom packages in the folder. print("Copying custom packages.") for item in os.listdir('.'): if item[-3:] == 'tar' or item[-6:] == 'tar.gz': exitCode = os.system(f'cp {item} {RDestination}/{item}') #exitCode == 0 for successfull downloads if exitCode: os.system(f"echo {item} >> {error_file}") else: os.system(f"echo {item} >> {logDestination}")
def download_seq(output_path, uniref_type): comp_seq = uniref_type + ".fasta.gz" uncomp_seq = uniref_type + ".fasta" release_note = uniref_type + ".release_note" uncomp_file = os.path.join(output_path, os.path.basename(uncomp_seq)) comp_file = os.path.join(output_path, os.path.basename(comp_seq)) if os.path.isfile(uncomp_file):"WARNING! File exist and skipe this step: " + uncomp_file) return uncomp_file if os.path.isfile(comp_file) and not os.path.isfile(uncomp_file): os.sytem("gunzip " + comp_file) return uncomp_file os.chdir(output_path) download_cmd = "connect" download_cmd = download_cmd + "\n" + "get " + comp_seq download_cmd = download_cmd + "\n" + "get " + release_note mydownload = os.path.join(output_path, "download_uniref.lftp") open_out = open(mydownload, "w") open_out.write(download_cmd + "\n") open_out.close() os.system("lftp -f " + mydownload) # uncompress fasta file combine_cmd = "gunzip " + comp_seq os.system(combine_cmd) return uncomp_file
def CameraTimeLapse(): if DEBUG: print('in CameraTimeLapse') lcd.clear() lcd.message('Time Lapse') while 1: timeLap = 0 now = folder = (now.year,now.month,,now.hour) lcd.message(timeLap) if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.UP): timeLap += 1 lcd.clear() if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.DOWN): timeLap -= 1 lcd.clear() if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.RIGHT): lcd.home() lcd.clear() lcd.message('Time\n',timeLap,' Sec.') if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.SELECT): lcd.clear() lcd.message('Starting in\n10 Seconds') os.system('sudo mkdir ', folder) os.sytem('cd ', folder) os.sytem('sudo gphoto2 --capture-image-and-download --interval ', timeLap) break if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT): break sleep(0.25)
def modificar(): import os, sys, sqlite3 grad=[] con=sqlite3.connect('partes.s3db') cursor=con.cursor() cursor.execute("select * from grado") print("Estas en la opcion modificar alumnos") print("") print("\t Cod \t Nombre \t CUI") print("***************************************************************** ") for grado in cursor: grad.append(grado) grad='\t'+str(grado[0])+'\t'+str(grado[1])+'\t'+str(grado[2]) print(str(grad)) print('') cod=input("DIGITE EL CODIDO DEL ALUMNO A MODIFICAR: ") global nombre global cui for grado in grad: if int(grado[0]==int(cod)): nombre=grado[1] cui=grado[2] encontrado=True break nombre=input("Digite el nombre nuevo"+nombre+": ") cui=input("Digite el CUI nuevo"+str(cui)+": ") sql="update grado set Nombre='"+name+"', CUI="+cui+"' where Cod ="+cod cursor.execute(sql) con.commit() con.close() os.sytem("cls") print("El producto a sido modificado") print("") menu()
def main(): cprint('Welcome to MineSweeper', 'red') cprint('======================', 'red') cprint('MAIN MENU', 'red') cprint('-> For instructions on how to play, type \'I\'') cprint('-> To play, type \'P\'') cprint('-> To exit, type \'E\'') choise = input('').upper() if choise == 'I': os.system('clear') print(open('instructions.txt', 'r').read()) input('Press any key to come back to the menu') os.sytem('clear') main() elif choise == 'P': os.system('clear') n_bombs = 9 row = 6 #16 col = 6 #16 # Solution board sol_board = solution_grid(row, col, n_bombs) # Interface for gameplay known_board = known_grid(row, col) # Playing function play(sol_board, known_board) elif choise == 'E': quit() else: cprint('please select a valid options', 'red') main()
def shutdown(): if computer.os() == "Windows": os.system("shutdown -s") elif computer.os() == "Linux": os.sytem("shutdown -h") else: print("Operational System not detected. Cannot able execute")
def initial_sync(self): """ When starting the container, copies the files from host to container """ if 'volumes' in self.config: for volume, conf in self.config['volumes'].iteritems(): os.sytem('unison ' + volume + '.magic ' + volume + ' -auto -batch ' + self.generate_ignore_string(conf['ignore'], 'unison')) self.set_permissions(conf['user'], volume, True)
def xmlConverter(): os.chdir("/home/fenics/shared/murtazo/cloudnaca/msh/") for fileName in os.listdir("/home/fenics/shared/murtazo/cloudnaca/msh/"): if fileName.endswith('.msh'): os.system("dolfin-convert " + fileName + " " + fileName[:-4] + ".xml") os.system("rm " + fileName) os.sytem("rm " + "../geo" + " *")
def main(): user = input('\n$(stef@py3)>> ') if user == '' or user == ' ' or user == ' ': print('you entered nothing only "spaces" ') main() elif user == '5': email_brute_force() main() elif user == '3' or user == 'ping': host = input('Host to ping: ') os.system('ping -c 5 {}'.format(host)) print('ping 5 times') time.sleep(1.5) choice = str(input('\n\nWould you like to scan that hostname? (y/n): ')) if choice == 'y' or choice == 'Y': IP = socket.gethostbyname(host) local_nmap.Nmap(IP) time.sleep(1) cprint('\n\n[+]Finish !', 'red') main() elif choice == 'N' or choice == 'n': cprint('Well scan abortion...\nReturn to home', 'green') main() else: cprint('[!] Choice not recognised \nAbortion...', 'red') main() elif user == 'pip' or user == '1': cprint('Upgrading pip...', 'blue') os.system('pip install --upgrade pip') main() elif user == 'scann' or user == 'nmap' or user == 'vuln' or user == 'nm' or user == '2': #Wake word to scan port_scanner() main() elif user == '4' or user == 'exit' or user == 'ex': sys.exit(1) elif user == 'ls': os.system('ls') main() elif user == 'ls -a': os.system('ls -a') main() elif user == 'ls -lh': os.system('ls -lh') main() elif user == 'ls -ls': os.system('ls -ls') main() elif user == 'dir': os.system('dir') main() elif user == 'python3 ' or user == 'python': try: os.system('python3') except: os.sytem('python') else: print('Sorry, "{}" is not recognised'.format(user)) main()
def clear(): if 'linux' or 'unix' in sys.platform: cls() elif 'win' in sys.platform: os.system("cls") elif 'darwin' in sys.platform: os.sytem("cls") else: cls()
def lvm(): while True: os.system("clear") os.system("tput setaf 4") os.system("figlet -f slant -c LVM World") os.system("tput setaf 7") print(""" [1]To check number of storage attached to the OS [2] To create Physical Volume [3] To view Physical Volume [4] To create Volume Group [5] To view Volume Group [6] To create Logical Volume [7] To view Logical Volume [8] To format the LV [9] go back to main menu [10] Exit the program""") i = input("Enter your Choice :") if int(i) == 1: os.system("fdisk -l") elif int(i) == 2: pv1 = input("Enter the name of storage 1:") pv2 = input("Enter the name of storage 2:") os.system("pvcreate {}".format(pv1)) os.system("pvcreate {}".format(pv2)) elif int(i) == 3: pv = input("Enter the name of storage:") os.system("pvdisplay {}".format(pv)) elif int(i) == 4: vg = input("Give name to the Volume Group:") pvn1 = input("Enter the name of storage 1:") pvn2 = input("Enter the name of Storage 2:") os.system("vgcreate {} {} {}".format(vg, pvn1, pvn2)) elif int(i) == 5: vg1 = input("Enter the name of Volume Group:") os.sytem("vgdisplay {}".format(vg1)) elif int(i) == 6: size = input("Enter size for your Logical Volume:") lv = input("Give name to your Logical Volume:") vg2 = input("Enter name of the Volume Group:") os.system("lvcreate --size{} --name{} {}".format(size, lv, vg2)) elif int(i) == 7: os.system("lvdisplay") elif int(i) == 8: vg4 = input("Enter the name of Volume Group:") lv2 = input("Enter the name of Logical Volume:") os.system("mkfs.ext4 /dev{}{}".format(vg4, lv2)) elif int(i) == 9: return i elif int(i) == 10: exit() else: print("This option doesn't support") input("\nPress Enter to try again...") os.system("clear")
def optimize(self): ferr = open("jobex_blurp.dump","w") f = open("jobex.out","w") print "jobex is running" retcode =["jobex", "-ri"], stdout=f, stderr=ferr) if retcode != 0: raise IOError, "Error: jobex failed!!!" f.close() ferr.close() print "jobex has finished" os.sytem('t2xyz|tail -%s >' % self.natoms +2) return
def movefile(time, tile): newFolder = "/home/xu/SDN_APP/" + time + "s" os.system("mkdir newFolder") graph1 = "/home/xu/SDN_APP/" + titleName + ".png" graph2 = "/home/xu/SDN_APP/" + titleName + "_cumulation.png" file1 = "/home/xu/SDN_APP/" + "cumulation.txt" com1 = "mv " + graph1 + " " + newFloder com2 = "mv " + graph2 + " " + newFloder com3 = "mv " + file1 + " " + newFloder os.system(com1) os.sytem(com2) os.system(com3)
def install_pycharm(self): print("Installing PyCharm......") os.system("""echo [phracek-PyCharm] name=Copr repo for PyCharm owned by phracek baseurl=$releasever-$basearch/ skip_if_unavailable=True gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= enabled=1 enabled_metadata=1 > /etc/yum.repos.d/pycharm.repo""") os.system("dnf copr enable phracek/PyCharm") os.sytem("dnf -y install pycharm-community") print("PyCharm installation completed")
def menu_four(self): try: key = os.system("apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys ED444FF07D8D0BF6") repositor = os.system("echo '# By chameleonPY\ndeb kali-rolling main contrib non-free' >> /etc/apt/sources.list") os.sytem("apt update") except Exception as error: self.menu_four() self.Start()
def runMultiElement(dica,comp,elements=['Ni0','Fe0','Si','S','Ti','C','Mg'],ratios=[0.5,2],output='multi_element.pdf'): pdf = PdfPages(output) fig=pylab.figure(1) for element in elements: print '----------------------------------------------------------------' print "Doing Element %s"%element os.sytem('growlnotify -m Doing Element %s'%element) fig.clf() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) runElementRatio(dica,comp,element,ratios,ax=ax) fig.savefig(pdf,format='pdf') pdf.close() os.sytem('growlnotify --sticky -m Done with multielement')
def install_debian(): ''' Instala java em deriados do Debian ''' print "Adicionando o ppa:webupd8team/java" os.system('sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java') print "Atualizando os pacotes" os.system('sudo apt-get update') print "Instalando o Java" os.sytem('sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer') os.system('sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-8-oracle') os.system('sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default') os.system('java -version')
def main(): playing = True player = 1 os.system('cls||clear') win_positions = generate_win_positions(BOARD_LEN) sub_board_pos = -1 pos = 0 while playing: display(board) print("player: " + str(1 if player == 1 else 2)) try: sub_board_pos, pos = tuple(input("input board, position: ").split(" ")) except ValueError: os.system('cls||clear') print("not formatted properly!") continue try: sub_board_pos = int(sub_board_pos) pos = int(pos) except ValueError: os.system('cls||clear') print("not a valid position!") continue if (sub_board_pos > len(board) or pos > len(board)): os.system('cls||clear') print("not a valid position!") continue if place_on_board(board[sub_board_pos], pos, player): if check_board_won(board[sub_board_pos], win_positions) != 0 and meta_board[sub_board_pos] == 0: meta_board[sub_board_pos] = player if check_board_won(meta_board, win_positions) != 0: os.sytem('cls||clear') print("player {} won board {} and the game!", player, sub_board_pos) playing = False continue else: os.system('cls||clear') print("player {} won board {}!", player, sub_board_pos) player = -player else: os.system('cls||clear') print("invalid position!")
def subBrute_force(): print("====downloading subBrute-force") os.system("apt upgrade && apt upgrade") os.system("git clone " + subBrute_force) permission = raw_input("do you want to test subbrute-force [Y/N]") if (permission == "Y" or permission == "y"): print "===downloading python-dnspython" time.sleep(2) os.sytem("sudo apt-get install python-dnspython") website = raw_input("what website would you like to test\n") os.system("./ website") else: print "===download done" time.sleep(3) sys.exit()
def downloads(): os.system("py -m pip install --upgrade pip") os.system("pip install SpeechRecognition") os.sytem("pip install gTTS") os.system("pip install pipwin") os.system("pipwin install pyaudio") os.system("pip install pyttsx3") os.system("pip install pywin32") os.system("pip install pyjokes") return None
def init(): if (sys.platform == 'win32'): os.system("cls") os.system("title FretsWeb 1.2 Blind SQL Injection Exploit") os.system("color 02") else: os.sytem("clear") print "\t#######################################################\n\n" print "\t#######################################################\n\n" print "\t## FretsWeb 1.2 Blind SQL Injection Exploit ##\n\n" print "\t## ++Conditions: magic_quotes=OFF ##\n\n" print "\t## ++Needed: Valid name ##\n\n" print "\t## Author: Y3nh4ck3r ##\n\n" print "\t## Contact:y3nh4ck3r[at]gmail[dot]com ##\n\n" print "\t## Proud to be Spanish! ##\n\n" print "\t#######################################################\n\n" print "\t#######################################################\n\n"
def init(): if sys.platform == "win32": os.system("cls") os.system("title FretsWeb 1.2 Blind SQL Injection Exploit") os.system("color 02") else: os.sytem("clear") print "\t#######################################################\n\n" print "\t#######################################################\n\n" print "\t## FretsWeb 1.2 Blind SQL Injection Exploit ##\n\n" print "\t## ++Conditions: magic_quotes=OFF ##\n\n" print "\t## ++Needed: Valid name ##\n\n" print "\t## Author: Y3nh4ck3r ##\n\n" print "\t## Contact:y3nh4ck3r[at]gmail[dot]com ##\n\n" print "\t## Proud to be Spanish! ##\n\n" print "\t#######################################################\n\n" print "\t#######################################################\n\n"
def GCU_Banner(): if ( == "nt"): #Windows based system os.sytem("cls") print( f'''{colour_yellow}{figlet_format("Marina Tombola")}{colour_end}''' ) else: #Linux based system os.system("clear") print( f'''{colour_yellow}{figlet_format("Marina Tombola")}{colour_end}''' )
def jenkins_user_creation(): #method 1 command = '$echo "jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.securityRealm.createAccount('Vivo20', 'vivo12345')" | java -jar /home/mukesh/Downloads/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080 -auth mukeshrock7897:****** -noKeyAuth groovy =' os.sytem(command) # method 2 # first create .sh file in same folder where your python script are avaiable #example and write below command #!/bin/sh # "jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.securityRealm.createAccount('NewUsername', 'NewUSerPassword')" | java -jar /home/mukesh/Downloads/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080 -auth ADMIN:ADMINPASSWORD -noKeyAuth groovy = echo "jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.securityRealm.createAccount('Vivo20', 'vivo12345')" | java -jar /home/mukesh/Downloads/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080 -auth mukeshrock7897:mukMUK@123 -noKeyAuth groovy = #Now call the file in python script like below given os.system("sh")
def handle_request(request): raw = request.uri if "?" in raw: if "dev=TV" in raw: if "cmd=On" in raw: os.system('echo "on 0" | cec-client -d 1 -s') elif "cmd=Off" in raw: os.system('echo "standby 0" | cec-client -d 1 -s') elif "dev=PS3" in raw: if "cmd=On" in raw: os.system('echo "on 4" | cec-client -d 1 -s') elif "cmd=Off" in raw: os.sytem('echo "standby 4" | cec-client -d 1 -d') message = "You requested %s\n" % request.uri request.write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s" % ( len(message), message)) request.finish()
def main(): #clear the screen os.sytem(clear) #run the function to print the user interface mainUI() #try this code block try: #get user input userIn = int(input('Input the number of your option\n>>>')) #run the function to check what the user input aiGo(userIn) #if code in try: caused a ValueError then do this except ValueError: #print error print('Please input one of the options') #sleep for 1.5 seconds time.sleep(1.5)
def handle_request(request): raw = request.uri if "?" in raw: if "dev=TV" in raw: if "cmd=On" in raw: os.system('echo "on 0" | cec-client -d 1 -s') elif "cmd=Off" in raw: os.system('echo "standby 0" | cec-client -d 1 -s') elif "dev=PS3" in raw: if "cmd=On" in raw: os.system('echo "on 4" | cec-client -d 1 -s') elif "cmd=Off" in raw: os.sytem('echo "standby 4" | cec-client -d 1 -d') message = "You requested %s\n" % request.uri request.write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s" % (len(message), message)) request.finish()
def main(): # port = 55146 # host = "localhost" # xs = x88.tcpconnect(host,port) status = os.sytem("/usr/udanax/green/be_source/backend") print "Content-type: text/html" print print "<TITLE> udanax initc!</TITLE>" print "this should have inited the backend! status = %s" % status
def commands(command): #displays all help menu commands if "help" in command or "-h" in command or "?" in command: for item in help_menu: print(item) #pings the client to see latency and to get info if "-ping" in command and "-send" not in command: os.system("ping {}".format(clientaddr[0])) elif "ping" in command and "-send" not in command: os.system("ping {}".format(clientaddr[0])) elif "ping" in command and "send" not in command: os.system("ping {}".format(clientaddr[0])) elif "-ping" in command and "send" not in command: os.system("ping {}".format(clientaddr[0])) #sends commands and os calls to client if "-send" in command: command = getridofwords(command, stop_words) os.sytem("cls") #data sent has to be encoded and then decoded when received clientsock.send(command.encode("utf-8")) print(client_info(clientsock)) elif "send" in command: command = getridofwords(command, stop_words) os.system("cls") #data sent has to be encoded and then decoded when received clientsock.send(command.encode("utf-8")) print(client_info(vlientsock)) elif "-s" in command: command = getridofwords(command, stop_words) os.system("cls") #data sent has to be encoded and then decoded when received clientsock.send(command.encode("utf-8")) print(client_info(clientsock)) if "exit" in command or "-exit" in command: clientsock.close() sys.exit()
def home(self): while True: if pullup: os.system( 'sudo sh -c \'echo "1" > /sys/class/backlight/soc\:backlight/brightness\'' ) elif pulldown: os.sytem( 'sudo sh -c \'echo "0" > /sys/class/backlight/soc\:backlight/brightness\'' ) #handle events and clock self.blit_time() self.handle_events() pygame.display.update() self.clock.tick() #Update battery and reception self.reception_bars, self.bat_left, self.update, self.dead_bat = self.toolbar.clock( self.reception_bars, self.bat_left, self.update, self.apps.pixel) #Move images if necessary self.update, self.images, self.rectangles, self.reception_bars, self.bat_left = self.update, self.images, self.rectangles, self.reception_bars, self.bat_left) #Open app if tapped self.apps.open_app() #Check for calls and sms self.update = self.reciever.check(self.update) #Close app if opened and call coming in if self.reciever.call_coming: self.apps.app_to_open = None self.apps.blit_logo = True #Update if necessary if self.update: self.blit(self.images, self.rectangles, self.reception_bars, self.bat_left) self.update = False
def execute(seed, bams, reads, output, max_workers, counts): """ Down sampling bam files for given rates and then convert sorted bam files to paired fastq files :param seed: random sampling seed :param bams: input bam files :param reads: comma separated dilution reads :param output: directory to store fastq files :param max_workers: number of concurrent processes :param counts: total number of paired reads in input bam files :return: None """ print("Convert sorted bam to fastq...") pool = Pool(processes=max_workers) results = [ pool.apply_async( subset, [int(seed), str(bam), int(read), str(output), count, max_workers]) for bam, read, count in zip(bams, reads, counts) ] sub_bams = [] for async_result in results: try: bam = async_result.get() while bam is None: time.sleep(1) sub_bams.append(bam) except ValueError as e: print(e) sorted_bams = glob.glob( os.path.join(output, "%s*.bam" % bams[0].split(".")[0])) sorted_bams_1 = glob.glob( os.path.join(output, "%s*.bam" % bams[1].split(".")[0])) for bam1, bam2 in zip(sorted_bams, sorted_bams_1): fastq_name = "{0}_{1}".format( os.path.basename(bam1).split(".")[0], os.path.basename(bam2).split(".")[1]) cat_cmd = "cat {0} {1} > {2}".format( bam1.replace(".bam", "-%s.fastq" % seed), bam2.replace(".bam", "-%s.fastq" % seed), os.path.join(output, "%s-%s.fastq" % (fastq_name, seed))) print(cat_cmd) if os.sytem(cat_cmd) != 0: print("Failed to create fasstq {0}.fastq".format(fastq_name)) sys.exit(1) print("Done!")
def django_start(): print("starting django') os.system('chown -R chrisng /opt/django') os.chdir('/optdjango/project1') os.system('source /opt/django/django-env/bin/activate ' + \ '&& python migrate') os.sytem('source /opt/django/django-env/bin/activate && echo "from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model; User = get_user_model(); User.objects.create_superuser(\'admin\',\"[email protected]\',\'NTI300NTI300\')" | python shell') outputwithnewline = subprocess.check_output('curl -s | sed -e \'s/.*Current IP Adress: //\' -e \'s/<.*$//\' ', shell=True) print outputwithnewline output = outputwithnewline.replace("\n", "") old_string = "ALLOWED_HOSTS = []" new_string = 'ALLOWED_HOSTS = [\'{}\']'.format(output) print (new_string) print (old_string) with open('project1/') as f:, new_string) with open('project1/', "w") as f: f.write(newText) os.system('sudo -u chrisng sh -c "source /opt/django/django-env/bin/activate && python runserver"')
def volume(d): while True: os.system("tput setaf 3") print( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) os.system("tput setaf 7") print(""" Press 1 : to create volume Press 2 : to show all volumes Press 3 : to inspect volume Press 4 : to remove volume Press 5 : to prune all unused volumes Press 6 : to go back """) vol_choice = int(input("Enter your choice : ")) if vol_choice == 1: name = input("Enter name of volume : ") os.sytem("docker volume create {name}") elif vol_choice == 2: os.system("docker volume ls") elif vol_choice == 3: name = input("Enter name : ") os.system(f"docker inspect {name}") elif vol_choice == 4: name = input("Enter name : ") os.system(f"docker rm {name}") elif vol_choice == 5: os.system("docker volume prune") elif vol_choice == 6: break else: print("Please enter correct choice")
def kit_one(): try: os.system('cls') if == 'nt' else os.sytem('clear') banner() print(green(""" ╔──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ | H4CK-IN-ONE | |──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────| | [1] EMAIL SPOOFING | [2] CARDING TOOLKIT | | | | | [3] SPAMMER | [4] DOXING TOOLS | | | | ┖──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┙\n""")) case = input(yellow("$ ")) if case == '1': os.system('bash tools/FAQUE/') elif case == '2': os.system('python tools/azathot/') elif case == '3': os.system('python tools/') elif case == '4': os.system('bash tools/') else: print(bad("An Error Occurred...")) except: os.system('cls') if == 'nt' else os.system('clear') print(good("Finish.")) exit()
#!/usr/bin/python2 #coding=utf-8 try: import random import sys import os import time import mechanize from mechanize import Browser os.system('clear') except ImportError: os.system('pip2 install mechanize') os.sytem('clear') os.system('python2') logo = ''' \033[1;94m┏━┓┏━┳━━━┳┓╋┏┳━━━┓ ┃┃┗┛┃┃┏━┓┃┃╋┃┃┏━┓┃ ┃┏┓┏┓┃┃╋┃┃┗━┛┃┃╋┃┃ ┃┃┃┃┃┃┃╋┃┃┏━┓┃┗━┛┃ ┃┃┃┃┃┃┗━┛┃┃╋┃┃┏━┓┃ ┗┛┗┛┗┻━━━┻┛╋┗┻┛╋┗┛\033[1;37m''' os.system('rm -rf live.txt') os.system('rm -rf die.txt') os.system('rm -rf error.txt') die = 0
print('Left Back: Obstacle Detected') time.sleep(0.1) if RB == 0: print('Right Back: Obstacle Detected') time.sleep(0.1) if (distanceInCm2 < 15) and (distanceInCm3 < distanceInCm1): os.system('python') if (distanceInCm2 < 15) and (distanceInCm1 < distanceInCm3): os.system('python') if LF == 0 and LB == 0: os.system('python') continue if RF == 0 and RB == 0: os.system('python') continue if RF == 0 and LF == 0 and (distanceInCm2 < 15): os.sytem('python') time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Hit Control-C" GPIO.cleanup()
██╗███╗ ██╗███████╗████████╗ █████╗ ██╗ ██╗ ███████╗██████╗ ██║████╗ ██║██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗██║ ██║ ██╔════╝██╔══██╗ ██║██╔██╗ ██║███████╗ ██║ ███████║██║ ██║ █████╗ ██████╔╝ ██║██║╚██╗██║╚════██║ ██║ ██╔══██║██║ ██║ ██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗ ██║██║ ╚████║███████║ ██║ ██║ ██║███████╗███████╗███████╗██║ ██║ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ """) os.system("sudo apt-get install python3-pip") os.system("sudo apt-get install zenity") os.system("python3 -m pip install zenipy") os.system("python3 -m pip install click") metasploit=input("IS METASPLOIT-FRAMEWORK ALREADY INSTALLED IN YOUR SYSTEM ? [Y/n] : ") if metasploit=="n" or metasploit=="N": print("Installing Metasploit.........") os.sytem("sudo apt-get install metasploit -y > /dev/null") else: print("NICE ......!") apksign=input("IS APKSIGNER ALREADY INSTALLED IN YOUR SYSTEM? [Y/n]? : ") if apksign=="n" or apksign=="N": print("INSTALLING APKSIGNER....") os.system("sudo apt-get install apksigner -y > /dev/null") else: print("NICE .....") openssh=input("IS openssh INSTALLED IN YOUR SYSTEM? [Y/n] : ") if openssh=="n" or openssh=="N": print("Installing ssh") os.system("sudo apt-get install openssh -y > /dev/null")
def Despike(self, epipath, epiname): command="""3dDespike -nomask -ignore 5 -prefix %s/3.Register_Despike/3.despike.shift.%s""" %(epipath, epiname) os.sytem(command)
os.system('sudo apt-get update') os.system('apt-cache search opengeo') os.system('sudo apt-get install opengeo') os.system("sudo sh -c "echo 'ProxyPassReverse /geoexplorer http://localhost:8080/geoexplorer' >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"") os.system("sudo sh -c "echo 'ProxyPass /geoeditor http://localhost:8080/geoeditor' >>/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"") os.system("sudo sh -c "echo 'ProxyPassReverse /geoeditor http://localhost:8080/geoeditor' >>/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"") os.system("sudo sh -c "echo 'ProxyPass /geowebcache http://localhost:8080/geowebcache' >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"") os.sytem("sudo sh -c "echo 'ProxyPassReverse /geowebcache http://localhost:8080/geowebcache' >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"") os.system("sudo sh -c "echo 'ProxyPass /dashboard http://localhost:8080/dashboard' >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"" os.system("sudo sh -c "echo 'ProxyPassReverse /dashboard http://localhost:8080/dashboard' >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"") os.system("sudo sh -c "echo 'ProxyPass /recipes http://localhost:8080/recipes' >>/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"") os.system("sudo sh -c "echo 'ProxyPassReverse /recipes http://localhost:8080/recipes' >>/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"") os.system("sudo sh -c "echo 'ProxyPass /opengeo-docs http://localhost:8080/opengeo-docs' >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"") os.system("sudo sh -c "echo 'ProxyPassReverse /opengeo-docs http://localhost:8080/opengeo-docs' >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"") os.system("sudo sh -c "echo ' ' >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"") os.system("sudo sh -c "echo '</VirtualHost>' >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf"")
import requests import os import glob import time import urllib from vk_api import wall_photo_upload os.system('clear') files = glob.glob(os.getcwd() + '/to_upload/*') msg = urllib.parse.quote_plus(input('message: ')) os.sytem('clear') print('pictures count: ', len(files)) print('****************************************\n') for i in range(len(files)): wall_photo_upload(files[i], msg) print('upload {} executed'.format(i)) time.sleep(30)
def finalize(self): os.sytem("rm -rf %s"%self.app_name)
os.system('sudo apt-get install python-pip') else: pass else: print '[-] Check your pip installer' try: import requests,colorama from termcolor import colored,cprint except: try: if == 'posix': os.system('sudo pip install colorama termcolor requests') sys.exit('[+] I have installed nessecary modules for you') elif == 'nt': os.sytem('c:\python27\scripts\pip.exe install colorama requests termcolor') sys.exit('[+] I have installed nessecary modules for you') else: sys.exit('[-] Download and install nessecary modules') except Exception,e: print '[-]',e if == 'nt': colorama.init() signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE,signal.SIG_DFL) def fake_ip(): skip = '127' rand = range(4) for x in range(4): rand[x] = randrange(0,256)
if ret != 0: print "merge video error!" f_begin_ts = int(video4split.split('.')[1]) f_end_ts = int(video4split.split('.')[2]) ss = begin_ts - f_begin_ts t = end_ts - begin_ts downurl = "" # request snap shot if media_type == 'snapshot': snapshots = "s-%%05d.jpg" snapshots = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.down_dir, snapshots)) cmd = "ffmpeg -y -i %s -q:v 1 -ss %s -t %s -r %s -s %sx%s %s" \ % (video4split, ss, t, self.snapshot_rate, self.weight, self.height, snapshots) ret = os.sytem(cmd) if ret != 0: print "ffmegp error" snapshot_tgz = channel_id + "." + begin_ts + "." + end_ts + ".tgz" snapshot_tgz = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.down_dir, snapshot_tgz)) cmd = "cd %s; tar cvzf %s s-*.jpg" % (self.down_dir, snapshot_tgz) ret = os.system(cmd) if ret != 0: print "tar cvzf error" cmd = "cd %s; rm s-*.jpg" ret = os.system(cmd) if ret != 0: pass downurl = self.donw_prex + '/' + snapshot_tgz.split(os.sep)[-1] # request video
l=[count_dict[i] for i in count_dict.keys()] l=np.percentile(l, lowLimit) valid_geno=[] for i in count_dict.keys(): if count_dict[i]>=l: valid_geno.append(i) for i in valid_geno: print(i, count_dict[i], sep='\t', file=open('stats_aligned_genotypes.txt', 'a')) print(valid_geno) if BWAindex: print('Starting genome indexing') os.system('bwa index -a bwtsw %s' % ref) os.sytem('samtools faidx %s' % ref) for i in valid_geno: #####opt for bwa mem sam_out=i.split('.')[0]+'_aln.sam' cmd='bwa mem -t 4 %s %s > %s' % (ref, i, sam_out) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) print('remove multimapping reads') aln=getoutput('ls *sam').split('\n') for i in aln: name=i.split('.')[0] + '_sort' cmd='samtools view -bShq 10 %s | samtools sort - %s' % (i, name) print(cmd) os.system(cmd)
ref_vol_path = nifti_dir + 'ref_vol.nii' os.system('mv ref_vol.nii ' + ref_vol_path) #Run mcflirt motion correction on the 4d nifti file with #reference to the first volume in the first epi (this assumes #that the gems were acquired right before the first run). #The params (cost=mutualinfo and smooth=16) are taken from the #Berkeley shell-script print('Motion correction for ' + this_dir) os.system('mcflirt -reffile ' + ref_vol_path + ' -plots -report -cost mutualinfo -smooth 16 -in ' + this_dir + '.nii.gz') #After doing all that copy stuff into the right places: for this_dir in dir_list: os.chdir(sess_dir) print os.path.realpath(os.path.curdir) os.system('mv ' + this_dir + ' ' + dicom_dir) os.chdir(dicom_dir + this_dir) print os.path.realpath(os.path.curdir) os.system('mv *.nii.gz ' + nifti_dir) if this_dir.startswith('epi') os.sytem('mv *.par ' + nifti_dir) #Remove the file that was used as reference for MC: # os.system('rm ' + ref_vol_path)
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- __autor__ = "Diego Morell" import os print "revisa que estés en la carpeta correcta" nombre_archivo = raw_input("Dime el nombre del archivo que quieres compilar: ") archivo_final = raw_input("Dime como quieres que se llame el archivo final: ") os.sytem("gcc ", nombre_archivo," -o ", archivo_final)#Compila el programa con los parametros previamente dados