def test_path(self): """ Result path should be results_dir/hostname/topic """ config = {'results_dir': '/blah'} ctx = self.create_ctx() o = FileOutput(config) path = o._path(ctx) self.assertEquals(path, '/blah/%s/%s' % (self.hostname, self.topic))
def test_mkdirs_already_exists(self, mocked_isdir, mocked_makedirs): """ Tests that mkdirs is still successful if directory already exists. """ config = {} path = '/path/%s/%s' % (self.hostname, self.topic) o = FileOutput(config) o._mkdirs(path) mocked_makedirs.assert_called_with(path)
def test_mkdirs(self, mocked): """ When writing the results, subdirectories of hostname and topic should be created """ config = {} path = '/path/%s/%s' % (self.hostname, self.topic) o = FileOutput(config) o._mkdirs(path) mocked.assert_called_with(path)
def test_mkdirs_other_error(self, mocked_isdir, mocked_makedirs): """ Tests that mkdirs raises OSError if not related to directory already existing. """ config = {} path = '/path/%s/%s' % (self.hostname, self.topic) o = FileOutput(config) with self.assertRaises(OSError): o._mkdirs(path)
def test_filename(self): """ Filename should be started_to_ended_pid """ config = {} ctx = self.create_ctx() o = FileOutput(config) name = o._filename(ctx) self.assertEquals( name, "%s_to_%s_%s.stats" % (self.started_string, self.ended_string, )
def test_write(self): """ Tests for the write method """ class FakeStats(object): pass stats = FakeStats() = mock.Mock() config = {} ctx = self.create_ctx() o = FileOutput(config) o.write(ctx, stats)'%s/%s/%s/%s_to_%s_%s.stats' % ( '/var/log/os_code_profiler', self.hostname, self.topic, self.started_string, self.ended_string, ))