def RoundTrip(self): # Export view0 = self.views[0] sandbox0 = view0.findPath("//sandbox") coll0 = sandbox0.findPath("testCollection") account = sandbox0.findPath("account") shares = sharing.publish(coll0, account) self.assert_(len(shares) == 2, "Wrong number of shares created") share = sharing.getShare(coll0) # Get the 'main' share urls = sharing.getUrls(share) self.assert_(len(urls) == 2, "Wrong number of sharing urls") url = urls[0] # The read/write ticket url # Import view1 = self.views[1] coll1 = sharing.subscribe(view1, url) self.assertEqual(coll0.itsUUID, coll1.itsUUID, "Collection UUIDs " "don't match") # Make sure that the items we imported have the same displayNames # as the ones we exported (and no fewer, no more), and UUIDs match names = {} for item in coll0: names[item.displayName] = 1 for item in coll1: self.assert_(item.displayName in names, "Imported item that wasn't " "exported") del names[item.displayName] self.assertEqual(item.displayName, self.uuids[item.itsUUID], "UUID of imported item doesn't match original") self.assert_(len(names) == 0, "Import is missing some items that were " "exported")
def run(task): account = task.view.find(task.accountUUID) collection = task.view.find(task.collectionUUID) msg = _(u"Publishing collection to server...\n") task.callInMainThread(self._showStatus, msg) displayName = self.collection.displayName if displayName = share = sharing.publish(collection, account, filters=filters, displayName=displayName, activity=task.activity, overwrite=task.overwrite, options=task.options) return share.itsUUID
def RoundTrip(self): # Export view0 = self.views[0] sandbox0 = view0.findPath("//sandbox") coll0 = sandbox0.findPath("testCollection") account = sandbox0.findPath("account") shares = sharing.publish(coll0, account) self.assert_(len(shares) == 2, "Wrong number of shares created") share = sharing.getShare(coll0) # Get the 'main' share urls = sharing.getUrls(share) self.assert_(len(urls) == 2, "Wrong number of sharing urls") url = urls[0] # The read/write ticket url # Import view1 = self.views[1] coll1 = sharing.subscribe(view1, url) self.assertEqual(coll0.itsUUID, coll1.itsUUID, "Collection UUIDs " "don't match") # Make sure that the items we imported have the same displayNames # as the ones we exported (and no fewer, no more), and UUIDs match names = {} for item in coll0: names[item.displayName] = 1 for item in coll1: self.assert_(item.displayName in names, "Imported item that wasn't " "exported") del names[item.displayName] self.assertEqual(item.displayName, self.uuids[item.itsUUID], "UUID of imported item doesn't match original") self.assert_( len(names) == 0, "Import is missing some items that were " "exported")
def on_debug_InMemoryPublishEvent(self, event): collection = self.getSidebarSelectedCollection() sharing.publish(collection, None)