def expand(team_id=None, channel=None, params=None, data=None, only_create=False, save_graph=True): if len(params) < 3: text = ':red_circle: Hi, for the `expand` command, you need to provide the following parameters: ' attachment_text = '- *graph_name*: the graph to expand\n' \ '- *depth* : how many cycles to expand\n' \ '- *links to expand*: as a comma-delimited list ' slack_message(text, [{'text': attachment_text}], channel, team_id) return create_params = ["expand"] + list( params ) # create copy of array so that we don't lose data with the pops below graph_or_key = params.pop(0) depth = int(params.pop(0)) link_types_to_add = ' '.join(params).split(',') graph = Lambda_Graph().get_gs_graph___by_name(graph_or_key) if graph is None: graph = GS_Graph() # if it wasn't a graph graph.add_node(graph_or_key) # use it as key (graph.set_puml_link_types_to_add( link_types_to_add).add_all_linked_issues( [], depth).set_create_params(create_params)) if save_graph: new_graph_name = graph.reset_puml().render_and_save_to_elk() else: return graph if only_create: return graph, new_graph_name, graph_or_key, depth, link_types_to_add if channel: # if the channel value is provided render the new graph and send it to slack, if not, just return the new graph data text = "Rendering new graph called `{0}`,\n Which was created by expanding the graph/key `{1}` with depth `{2}`, for link types `{3}` (`{4}` nodes, `{5}` edges)"\ .format(new_graph_name, graph_or_key, depth, link_types_to_add, len(graph.nodes), len(graph.edges)) slack_message(text, [], channel, team_id) Lambda('gw_bot.lambdas.puml_to_slack').invoke({ "puml": graph.get_puml(), "channel": channel, "team_id": team_id }) else: data = { "graph_or_key": graph_or_key, "depth": depth, "nodes": graph.nodes, "edges": graph.edges, "puml": graph.puml.puml, "graph_name": new_graph_name } return json.dumps(data, indent=4)
def show(team_id, channel, params, data=None): if len(params) < 1: text = ':red_circle: Hi, for the `show` command, you need to provide an `graph_name`' slack_message(text, [], channel, team_id) return graph_name = Misc.array_pop(params, 0) graph = Lambda_Graph().get_gs_graph___by_name(graph_name) if graph is None: text = ':red_circle: Graph with name `{0}` not found'.format( graph_name) slack_message(text, [], channel, team_id) else: default_engine = 'viva_graph' engines = Misc.array_pop(params, 0) if engines is None: engines = default_engine if engines != default_engine: # only show in case there is more than one engine text = f":point_right: Showing graph with name `{graph_name}`, with `{len(graph.nodes)}` nodes and `{len(graph.edges)}` edges)" slack_message(text, [], channel, team_id) if 'plantuml' in engines: slack_message('...using `plantuml`', [], channel, team_id) Lambda('gw_bot.lambdas.puml_to_slack').invoke_async({ "puml": graph.get_puml(), "channel": channel, "team_id": team_id }) if 'vis_js' in engines: slack_message('...using `vis_js`', [], channel, team_id) params = ['graph', graph_name, 'default'] Lambda('osbot_browser.lambdas.lambda_browser').invoke_async({ "params": params, 'data': { 'team_id': team_id, 'channel': channel } }) if 'viva_graph' in engines: if engines != default_engine: # only show in case there is more than one engine slack_message('...using `viva_graph`', [], channel, team_id) params = ['viva_graph', graph_name, 'default'] Lambda('osbot_browser.lambdas.lambda_browser').invoke_async({ "params": params, 'data': { 'team_id': team_id, 'channel': channel } }) if 'go_js' in engines: slack_message('...using `go_js`', [], channel, team_id) params = ['go_js', graph_name, 'circular'] Lambda('osbot_browser.lambdas.lambda_browser').invoke_async({ "params": params, 'data': { 'team_id': team_id, 'channel': channel } })