예제 #1
    def find_plots_intersect_boundingbox(bounding_box: ogr.Geometry, all_plots: dict) -> dict:
        """Take a list of plots and return only those overlapping bounding box.
            bounding_box: the geometry of the bounding box
            all_plots: the dictionary of all available plots
            A dictionary of all intersecting plots
        bb_sr = bounding_box.GetSpatialReference()
        intersecting_plots = {}
        logging.debug("[find_plots_intersect_boundingbox] Bounding box %s %s", str(bb_sr), str(bounding_box))

        for plot_name in all_plots:
            current_poly = all_plots[plot_name]

            # Check for a need to convert coordinate systems
            check_poly = current_poly
            if bb_sr:
                poly_sr = current_poly.GetSpatialReference()
                if poly_sr and not bb_sr.IsSame(poly_sr):
                    # We need to convert to the same coordinate system before an intersection
                    check_poly = geometries.convert_geometry(current_poly, bb_sr)

            logging.debug("[find_plots_intersect_boundingbox] Intersection with %s", str(check_poly))
            intersection_with_bounding_box = bounding_box.Intersection(check_poly)

            if intersection_with_bounding_box is not None:
                intersection = json.loads(intersection_with_bounding_box.ExportToJson())
                if 'coordinates' in intersection and len(intersection['coordinates']) > 0:
                    intersecting_plots[str(plot_name)] = current_poly

        return intersecting_plots
예제 #2
def clip_raster_intersection(file_path: str, file_bounds: ogr.Geometry, plot_bounds: ogr.Geometry, out_file: str) ->\
    """Clips the raster to the intersection of the file bounds and plot bounds
        file_path: the path to the source file
        file_bounds: the geometric boundary of the source file
        plot_bounds: the geometric boundary of the plot to clip to
        out_file: the path to store the clipped image
        The number of pixels in the new image, or None if no pixels were saved
        Assumes the boundaries are in the same coordinate system
        Raises RuntimeError if the polygons are invalid
    logging.debug("Clip to intersect of plot boundary: File: '%s' '%s' Plot: '%s'", file_path, str(file_bounds), str(plot_bounds))
        if not file_bounds or not plot_bounds:
            logging.error("Invalid polygon specified for clip_raster_intersection: File: '%s' plot: '%s'",
                          str(file_bounds), str(plot_bounds))
            raise RuntimeError("One or more invalid polygons specified when clipping raster")

        intersection = file_bounds.Intersection(plot_bounds)
        if not intersection or not intersection.Area():
            logging.info("File does not intersect plot boundary: %s", file_path)
            return None

        # Make sure we pass a multipolygon down to the tuple converter
        if intersection.GetGeometryName().startswith('MULTI'):
            multi_polygon = intersection
            multi_polygon = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbMultiPolygon)

        # Proceed to clip to the intersection
        tuples = geometries.geometry_to_tuples(multi_polygon)
        return clip_raster(file_path, tuples, out_path=out_file, compress=True)

    except Exception as ex:
        logging.exception("Exception caught while clipping image to plot intersection")
        raise ex
예제 #3
    def calculate_overlap_percent(check_bounds: ogr.Geometry, other_bounds: ogr.Geometry) -> float:
        """Calculates and returns the percentage overlap between the two boundaries.
           The calculation determines the overlap shape between the two parameters and
           then calculates the percentage by dividing the overlap area by the checking
           bounds area, and returns that value.
            check_bounds: geometry of boundary to check
            other_bounds: geometry of boundary to check against
            The calculated overlap percent (0.0 - 1.0) or 0.0 if there is no overlap.
            If an exception is detected, a warning message is logged and 0.0 is returned.
            if check_bounds and other_bounds:
                intersection = other_bounds.Intersection(check_bounds)
                if intersection:
                    return intersection.Area() / check_bounds.Area()
        except Exception as ex:
            logging.warning("Exception caught while calculating shape overlap: %s", str(ex))

        return 0.0