예제 #1
def transform_extent(extent: GeoRectangle,
                     transform: osr.CoordinateTransformation,
                     sample_count: int = 1000) -> GeoRectangle:
    """ returns a transformed extent by transforming sample_count points along a given extent """
    if transform is None:
        return extent
    maxf = float("inf")
    (out_min_x, out_max_x, out_min_y, out_max_y) = (maxf, -maxf, maxf, -maxf)

    dx, dy = calc_dx_dy_from_extent_and_count(extent, sample_count)
    if dx == 0:
        return GeoRectangle.empty()

    y = float(extent.min_y)
    while y <= extent.max_y + dy:
        x = float(extent.min_x)
        while x <= extent.max_x + dx:
            tx, ty, tz = transform.TransformPoint(x, y)
            x += dx
            if not math.isfinite(tz):
            out_min_x = min(out_min_x, tx)
            out_max_x = max(out_max_x, tx)
            out_min_y = min(out_min_y, ty)
            out_max_y = max(out_max_y, ty)
        y += dy

    return GeoRectangle.from_min_max(out_min_x, out_max_x, out_min_y,
예제 #2
def calc_geotransform_and_dimensions(geotransforms: Sequence[GeoTransform],
                                     input_extent: Union[GeoRectangle,
                                                         Extent] = None):
    # extents differ, but pixel size and rotation are the same.
    # we'll make a union or an intersection
    if geotransforms is None or len(geotransforms) != len(dimensions):
        raise Exception(
            'Error! GeoTransforms and Dimensions have different lengths!')

    if isinstance(input_extent, GeoRectangle):
        gt = geotransforms[0]
        out_extent = input_extent.align(gt)
    elif isinstance(input_extent, Extent):
        out_extent: Optional[GeoRectangle] = None
        is_union = input_extent == Extent.UNION
        for gt, size in zip(geotransforms, dimensions):
            extent = GeoRectangle.from_geotransform_and_size(gt, size)
            out_extent = extent if out_extent is None else \
                out_extent.union(extent) if is_union else out_extent.intersect(extent)
        raise Exception(f'Unknown input extent format {input_extent}')

    if out_extent is None or out_extent.is_empty():
        return None, None, None
        pixel_size = (gt[1], gt[5])
        pix_extent = out_extent.to_pixels(pixel_size)
        gt = (out_extent.left, gt[1], gt[2], out_extent.up, gt[4], gt[5])
    return gt, (math.ceil(pix_extent.w), math.ceil(pix_extent.h)), out_extent
예제 #3
def Calc(calc: MaybeSequence[str], outfile: Optional[PathLikeOrStr] = None, NoDataValue: Optional[Number] = None,
         type: Optional[Union[GDALDataType, str]] = None, format: Optional[str] = None,
         creation_options: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, allBands: str = '', overwrite: bool = False,
         hideNoData: bool = False, projectionCheck: bool = False,
         color_table: Optional[ColorTableLike] = None,
         extent: Optional[Extent] = None, projwin: Optional[Union[Tuple, GeoRectangle]] = None,
         user_namespace: Optional[Dict]=None,
         debug: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, **input_files):

    if debug:
        print(f"gdal_calc.py starting calculation {calc}")

    # Single calc value compatibility
    if isinstance(calc, (list, tuple)):
        calc = calc
        calc = [calc]
    calc = [c.strip('"') for c in calc]

    creation_options = creation_options or []

    # set up global namespace for eval with all functions of gdal_array, numpy
    global_namespace = {key: getattr(module, key)
                        for module in [gdal_array, numpy] for key in dir(module) if not key.startswith('__')}

    if user_namespace:

    if not calc:
        raise Exception("No calculation provided.")
    elif not outfile and format.upper() != 'MEM':
        raise Exception("No output file provided.")

    if format is None:
        format = GetOutputDriverFor(outfile)

    if isinstance(extent, GeoRectangle):
    elif projwin:
        if isinstance(projwin, GeoRectangle):
            extent = projwin
            extent = GeoRectangle.from_lurd(*projwin)
    elif not extent:
        extent = Extent.IGNORE
        extent = extent_util.parse_extent(extent)

    compatible_gt_eps = 0.000001
    gt_diff_support = {
        GT.INCOMPATIBLE_OFFSET: extent != Extent.FAIL,
        GT.NON_ZERO_ROTATION: False,
    gt_diff_error = {
        GT.INCOMPATIBLE_OFFSET: 'different offset',
        GT.INCOMPATIBLE_PIXEL_SIZE: 'different pixel size',
        GT.INCOMPATIBLE_ROTATION: 'different rotation',
        GT.NON_ZERO_ROTATION: 'non zero rotation',

    # fetch details of input layers

    # set up some lists to store data for each band
    myFileNames = []  # input filenames
    myFiles = []  # input DataSets
    myBands = []  # input bands
    myAlphaList = []  # input alpha letter that represents each input file
    myDataType = []  # string representation of the datatype of each input file
    myDataTypeNum = []  # datatype of each input file
    myNDV = []  # nodatavalue for each input file
    DimensionsCheck = None  # dimensions of the output
    Dimensions = []  # Dimensions of input files
    ProjectionCheck = None  # projection of the output
    GeoTransformCheck = None  # GeoTransform of the output
    GeoTransforms = []  # GeoTransform of each input file
    GeoTransformDiffer = False  # True if we have inputs with different GeoTransforms
    myTempFileNames = []  # vrt filename from each input file
    myAlphaFileLists = []  # list of the Alphas which holds a list of inputs

    # loop through input files - checking dimensions
    for alphas, filenames in input_files.items():
        if isinstance(filenames, (list, tuple)):
            # alpha is a list of files
        elif is_path_like(filenames) or isinstance(filenames, gdal.Dataset):
            # alpha is a single filename or a Dataset
            filenames = [filenames]
            alphas = [alphas]
            # I guess this alphas should be in the global_namespace,
            # It would have been better to pass it as user_namepsace, but I'll accept it anyway
            global_namespace[alphas] = filenames
        for alpha, filename in zip(alphas * len(filenames), filenames):
            if not alpha.endswith("_band"):
                # check if we have asked for a specific band...
                alpha_band = f"{alpha}_band"
                if alpha_band in input_files:
                    myBand = input_files[alpha_band]
                    myBand = 1

                myF_is_ds = not is_path_like(filename)
                if myF_is_ds:
                    myFile = filename
                    filename = None
                    myFile = open_ds(filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
                if not myFile:
                    raise IOError(f"No such file or directory: '{filename}'")

                dt = myFile.GetRasterBand(myBand).DataType
                myNDV.append(None if hideNoData else myFile.GetRasterBand(myBand).GetNoDataValue())

                # check that the dimensions of each layer are the same
                myFileDimensions = [myFile.RasterXSize, myFile.RasterYSize]
                if DimensionsCheck:
                    if DimensionsCheck != myFileDimensions:
                        GeoTransformDiffer = True
                        if extent in [Extent.IGNORE, Extent.FAIL]:
                            raise Exception(
                                f"Error! Dimensions of file {filename} ({myFileDimensions[0]:d}, "
                                f"{myFileDimensions[1]:d}) are different from other files "
                                f"({DimensionsCheck[0]:d}, {DimensionsCheck[1]:d}).  Cannot proceed")
                    DimensionsCheck = myFileDimensions

                # check that the Projection of each layer are the same
                myProjection = myFile.GetProjection()
                if ProjectionCheck:
                    if projectionCheck and ProjectionCheck != myProjection:
                        raise Exception(
                            f"Error! Projection of file {filename} {myProjection} "
                            f"are different from other files {ProjectionCheck}.  Cannot proceed")
                    ProjectionCheck = myProjection

                # check that the GeoTransforms of each layer are the same
                myFileGeoTransform = myFile.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True)
                if extent == Extent.IGNORE:
                    GeoTransformCheck = myFileGeoTransform
                    if not GeoTransformCheck:
                        GeoTransformCheck = myFileGeoTransform
                        my_gt_diff = extent_util.gt_diff(GeoTransformCheck, myFileGeoTransform, eps=compatible_gt_eps,
                        if my_gt_diff not in [GT.SAME, GT.ALMOST_SAME]:
                            GeoTransformDiffer = True
                            if my_gt_diff != GT.COMPATIBLE_DIFF:
                                raise Exception(
                                    f"Error! GeoTransform of file {filename} {myFileGeoTransform} is incompatible "
                                    f"({gt_diff_error[my_gt_diff]}), first file GeoTransform is {GeoTransformCheck}. "
                                    f"Cannot proceed")
                if debug:
                        f"file {alpha}: {filename}, dimensions: "
                        f"{DimensionsCheck[0]}, {DimensionsCheck[1]}, type: {myDataType[-1]}")

    # process allBands option
    allBandsIndex = None
    allBandsCount = 1
    if allBands:
        if len(calc) > 1:
            raise Exception("Error! --allBands implies a single --calc")
            allBandsIndex = myAlphaList.index(allBands)
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception(f"Error! allBands option was given but Band {allBands} not found.  Cannot proceed")
        allBandsCount = myFiles[allBandsIndex].RasterCount
        if allBandsCount <= 1:
            allBandsIndex = None
        allBandsCount = len(calc)

    if extent not in [Extent.IGNORE, Extent.FAIL] and (
        GeoTransformDiffer or isinstance(extent, GeoRectangle)):
        # mixing different GeoTransforms/Extents
        GeoTransformCheck, DimensionsCheck, ExtentCheck = extent_util.calc_geotransform_and_dimensions(
            GeoTransforms, Dimensions, extent)
        if GeoTransformCheck is None:
            raise Exception("Error! The requested extent is empty. Cannot proceed")
        for i in range(len(myFileNames)):
            temp_vrt_filename, temp_vrt_ds = extent_util.make_temp_vrt(myFiles[i], ExtentCheck)
            myFiles[i] = None  # close original ds
            myFiles[i] = temp_vrt_ds  # replace original ds with vrt_ds

            # update the new precise dimensions and gt from the new ds
            GeoTransformCheck = temp_vrt_ds.GetGeoTransform()
            DimensionsCheck = [temp_vrt_ds.RasterXSize, temp_vrt_ds.RasterYSize]
        temp_vrt_ds = None

    # set up output file

    # open output file exists
    if outfile and os.path.isfile(outfile) and not overwrite:
        if allBandsIndex is not None:
            raise Exception("Error! allBands option was given but Output file exists, must use --overwrite option!")
        if len(calc) > 1:
            raise Exception(
                "Error! multiple calc options were given but Output file exists, must use --overwrite option!")
        if debug:
            print(f"Output file {outfile} exists - filling in results into file")

        myOut = open_ds(outfile, gdal.GA_Update)
        if myOut is None:
            error = 'but cannot be opened for update'
        elif [myOut.RasterXSize, myOut.RasterYSize] != DimensionsCheck:
            error = 'but is the wrong size'
        elif ProjectionCheck and ProjectionCheck != myOut.GetProjection():
            error = 'but is the wrong projection'
        elif GeoTransformCheck and GeoTransformCheck != myOut.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True):
            error = 'but is the wrong geotransform'
            error = None
        if error:
            raise Exception(
                f"Error! Output exists, {error}.  Use the --overwrite option "
                f"to automatically overwrite the existing file")

        myOutB = myOut.GetRasterBand(1)
        myOutNDV = myOutB.GetNoDataValue()
        myOutType = myOutB.DataType

        if outfile:
            # remove existing file and regenerate
            if os.path.isfile(outfile):
            # create a new file
            if debug:
                print(f"Generating output file {outfile}")
            outfile = ''

        # find data type to use
        if not type:
            # use the largest type of the input files
            myOutType = max(myDataTypeNum)
            myOutType = type
            if isinstance(myOutType, str):
                myOutType = gdal.GetDataTypeByName(myOutType)

        # create file
        myOutDrv = gdal.GetDriverByName(format)
        myOut = myOutDrv.Create(
            os.fspath(outfile), DimensionsCheck[0], DimensionsCheck[1], allBandsCount,
            myOutType, creation_options)

        # set output geo info based on first input layer
        if not GeoTransformCheck:
            GeoTransformCheck = myFiles[0].GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True)
        if GeoTransformCheck:

        if not ProjectionCheck:
            ProjectionCheck = myFiles[0].GetProjection()
        if ProjectionCheck:

        if NoDataValue is None:
            myOutNDV = None if hideNoData else DefaultNDVLookup[
                myOutType]  # use the default noDataValue for this datatype
        elif isinstance(NoDataValue, str) and NoDataValue.lower() == 'none':
            myOutNDV = None  # not to set any noDataValue
            myOutNDV = NoDataValue  # use the given noDataValue

        for i in range(1, allBandsCount + 1):
            myOutB = myOut.GetRasterBand(i)
            if myOutNDV is not None:
            if color_table:
                # set color table and color interpretation
                if is_path_like(color_table):
                    color_table = get_color_table(color_table)

            myOutB = None  # write to band

    myOutTypeName = gdal.GetDataTypeName(myOutType)
    if debug:
        print(f"output file: {outfile}, dimensions: {myOut.RasterXSize}, {myOut.RasterYSize}, type: {myOutTypeName}")

    # find block size to chop grids into bite-sized chunks

    # use the block size of the first layer to read efficiently
    myBlockSize = myFiles[0].GetRasterBand(myBands[0]).GetBlockSize()
    # find total x and y blocks to be read
    nXBlocks = (int)((DimensionsCheck[0] + myBlockSize[0] - 1) / myBlockSize[0])
    nYBlocks = (int)((DimensionsCheck[1] + myBlockSize[1] - 1) / myBlockSize[1])
    myBufSize = myBlockSize[0] * myBlockSize[1]

    if debug:
        print(f"using blocksize {myBlockSize[0]} x {myBlockSize[1]}")

    # variables for displaying progress
    ProgressCt = -1
    ProgressMk = -1
    ProgressEnd = nXBlocks * nYBlocks * allBandsCount

    # start looping through each band in allBandsCount

    for bandNo in range(1, allBandsCount + 1):

        # start looping through blocks of data

        # store these numbers in variables that may change later
        nXValid = myBlockSize[0]
        nYValid = myBlockSize[1]

        # loop through X-lines
        for X in range(0, nXBlocks):

            # in case the blocks don't fit perfectly
            # change the block size of the final piece
            if X == nXBlocks - 1:
                nXValid = DimensionsCheck[0] - X * myBlockSize[0]

            # find X offset
            myX = X * myBlockSize[0]

            # reset buffer size for start of Y loop
            nYValid = myBlockSize[1]
            myBufSize = nXValid * nYValid

            # loop through Y lines
            for Y in range(0, nYBlocks):
                ProgressCt += 1
                if 10 * ProgressCt / ProgressEnd % 10 != ProgressMk and not quiet:
                    ProgressMk = 10 * ProgressCt / ProgressEnd % 10
                    from sys import version_info
                    if version_info >= (3, 0, 0):
                        exec('print("%d.." % (10*ProgressMk), end=" ")')
                        exec('print 10*ProgressMk, "..",')

                # change the block size of the final piece
                if Y == nYBlocks - 1:
                    nYValid = DimensionsCheck[1] - Y * myBlockSize[1]
                    myBufSize = nXValid * nYValid

                # find Y offset
                myY = Y * myBlockSize[1]

                # create empty buffer to mark where nodata occurs
                myNDVs = None

                # make local namespace for calculation
                local_namespace = {}

                val_lists = defaultdict(list)

                # fetch data for each input layer
                for i, Alpha in enumerate(myAlphaList):

                    # populate lettered arrays with values
                    if allBandsIndex is not None and allBandsIndex == i:
                        myBandNo = bandNo
                        myBandNo = myBands[i]
                    myval = gdal_array.BandReadAsArray(myFiles[i].GetRasterBand(myBandNo),
                                                       xoff=myX, yoff=myY,
                                                       win_xsize=nXValid, win_ysize=nYValid)
                    if myval is None:
                        raise Exception(f'Input block reading failed from filename {filename[i]}')

                    # fill in nodata values
                    if myNDV[i] is not None:
                        # myNDVs is a boolean buffer.
                        # a cell equals to 1 if there is NDV in any of the corresponding cells in input raster bands.
                        if myNDVs is None:
                            # this is the first band that has NDV set. we initializes myNDVs to a zero buffer
                            # as we didn't see any NDV value yet.
                            myNDVs = numpy.zeros(myBufSize)
                            myNDVs.shape = (nYValid, nXValid)
                        myNDVs = 1 * numpy.logical_or(myNDVs == 1, myval == myNDV[i])

                    # add an array of values for this block to the eval namespace
                    if Alpha in myAlphaFileLists:
                        local_namespace[Alpha] = myval
                    myval = None

                for lst in myAlphaFileLists:
                    local_namespace[lst] = val_lists[lst]

                # try the calculation on the array blocks
                this_calc = calc[bandNo - 1 if len(calc) > 1 else 0]
                    myResult = eval(this_calc, global_namespace, local_namespace)
                    print(f"evaluation of calculation {this_calc} failed")

                # Propagate nodata values (set nodata cells to zero
                # then add nodata value to these cells).
                if myNDVs is not None and myOutNDV is not None:
                    myResult = ((1 * (myNDVs == 0)) * myResult) + (myOutNDV * myNDVs)
                elif not isinstance(myResult, numpy.ndarray):
                    myResult = numpy.ones((nYValid, nXValid)) * myResult

                # write data block to the output file
                myOutB = myOut.GetRasterBand(bandNo)
                if gdal_array.BandWriteArray(myOutB, myResult, xoff=myX, yoff=myY) != 0:
                    raise Exception('Block writing failed')
                myOutB = None  # write to band

    # remove temp files
    for idx, tempFile in enumerate(myTempFileNames):
        myFiles[idx] = None

    if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg() != '':
        raise Exception('Dataset writing failed')

    if not quiet:
        print("100 - Done")

    return myOut
예제 #4
def ogr_get_layer_extent(lyr: ogr.Layer) -> GeoRectangle:
    r = GeoRectangle.from_min_max(*lyr.GetExtent())
    return r