def main(argv): viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() args = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # Make sure we have the minimum args... if argc <= 2 : osg.notify(osg.FATAL), "usage: ", args[0], " fontfile size1 [size2 ...]" return 1 viewer.addEventHandler( osgGA.StateSetManipulator(viewer.getCamera().getOrCreateStateSet()) ) viewer.addEventHandler(osgViewer.StatsHandler()) viewer.addEventHandler(osgViewer.WindowSizeHandler()) group = osg.Group() camera = createOrthoCamera(1280.0, 1024.0) # Create the list of desired sizes. sizes = Sizes() for(int i = 2 i < argc i++) if not args.isNumber(i) : continue sizes.push_back(std.atoi(args[i]))
def textInfo(text): tgqm = text.getTextureGlyphQuadMap() tgqmi = tgqm.begin() gq = tgqmi.second s = text.getText() for(unsigned int i = 0 i < s.size() i++) ul = gq.getCoords()[0 + (i * 4)] # upperLeft ll = gq.getCoords()[1 + (i * 4)] # lowerLeft lr = gq.getCoords()[2 + (i * 4)] # lowerRight ur = gq.getCoords()[3 + (i * 4)] # upperRight # # ul = gq.getTransformedCoords(0)[0 + (i * 4)] # ll = gq.getTransformedCoords(0)[1 + (i * 4)] # lr = gq.getTransformedCoords(0)[2 + (i * 4)] # ur = gq.getTransformedCoords(0)[3 + (i * 4)] # osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "'", static_cast<char>(s[i]), "':", " width(", lr.x() - ll.x(), ")", " height(", ul.y() - ll.y(), ")", "\t", "ul(", ul, "), ", "ll(", ll, "), ", "lr(", lr, "), ", "ur(", ur, ")"
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # set the osgDB.Registy read file callback to catch all requests for reading files. osgDB.Registry.instance().setReadFileCallback(MyReadFileCallback()) # initialize the viewer. viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() # load the nodes from the commandline arguments. rootnode = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try use default mode instead. if rootnode is None: rootnode = osgDB.readNodeFile("cow.osgt") if rootnode is None: osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Please specify a file on the command line" return 1 # run optimization over the scene graph optimzer = osgUtil.Optimizer() optimzer.optimize(rootnode) # insert all the callbacks icv = InsertCallbacksVisitor() # rootnode.accept(icv) cuc = CameraUpdateCallback( ) # TODO - crashes if I do create this persistent reference viewer.getCamera().setUpdateCallback(cuc) ceu = CameraEventCallback( ) # TODO - crashes if I do create this persistent reference viewer.getCamera().setEventCallback(ceu) # set the scene to render viewer.setSceneData(rootnode) return
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # load the nodes from the commandline arguments. loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try use default mode instead. if not loadedModel: loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFile("cow.osgt") if not loadedModel: osg.notify( osg.NOTICE), "Please specifiy a filename and the command line" return 1 # decorate the scenegraph with a clip node. rootnode = decorate_with_clip_node(loadedModel) # run optimization over the scene graph optimzer = osgUtil.Optimizer() optimzer.optimize(rootnode) viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() # set the scene to render viewer.setSceneData(rootnode) return
def main(argv): arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) arguments.getApplicationUsage().setCommandLineUsage(arguments.getApplicationName()+" [options] <file>") arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("--testOcclusion","Test occlusion by other objects") arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("-h or --help","Display this information") testOcclusion = False while"--testOcclusion") : testOcclusion = True # load outlined object modelFilename = arguments.argc() > arguments[1] if (1) else "dumptruck.osgt" outlineModel = osgDB.readNodeFile(modelFilename) if not outlineModel : osg.notify(osg.FATAL), "Unable to load model '", modelFilename, "'\n" return -1 # create scene root = osg.Group() # create outline effect outline = osgFX.Outline() root.addChild(outline) outline.setWidth(8) outline.setColor(osg.Vec4(1,1,0,1)) outline.addChild(outlineModel)
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # load the nodes from the commandline arguments. loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try use default mode instead. if not loadedModel : loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFile("cow.osgt") if not loadedModel : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Please specifiy a filename and the command line" return 1 # decorate the scenegraph with a clip node. rootnode = decorate_with_clip_node(loadedModel) # run optimization over the scene graph optimzer = osgUtil.Optimizer() optimzer.optimize(rootnode) viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() # set the scene to render viewer.setSceneData(rootnode) return
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # set the osgDB.Registy read file callback to catch all requests for reading files. osgDB.Registry.instance().setReadFileCallback(MyReadFileCallback()) # initialize the viewer. viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() # load the nodes from the commandline arguments. rootnode = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try use default mode instead. if rootnode is None: rootnode = osgDB.readNodeFile("cow.osgt") if rootnode is None: osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Please specify a file on the command line" return 1 # run optimization over the scene graph optimzer = osgUtil.Optimizer() optimzer.optimize(rootnode) # insert all the callbacks icv = InsertCallbacksVisitor() # rootnode.accept(icv) cuc = CameraUpdateCallback() # TODO - crashes if I do create this persistent reference viewer.getCamera().setUpdateCallback( cuc ) ceu = CameraEventCallback() # TODO - crashes if I do create this persistent reference viewer.getCamera().setEventCallback(ceu) # set the scene to render viewer.setSceneData(rootnode) return
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # construct the viewer. viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() # load the nodes from the commandline arguments. rootnode = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try use default mode instead. if not rootnode : rootnode = osgDB.readNodeFile("cessnafire.osgt") if not rootnode : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Please specify a model filename on the command line." return 1 image = osgDB.readImageFile("Images/reflect.rgb") if image : texture = osg.Texture2D() texture.setImage(image) texgen = osg.TexGen() texgen.setMode(osg.TexGen.SPHERE_MAP) texenv = osg.TexEnv() texenv.setMode(osg.TexEnv.BLEND) texenv.setColor(osg.Vec4(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3)) stateset = osg.StateSet() stateset.setTextureAttributeAndModes(1,texture,osg.StateAttribute.ON) stateset.setTextureAttributeAndModes(1,texgen,osg.StateAttribute.ON) stateset.setTextureAttribute(1,texenv) rootnode.setStateSet(stateset) else: osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "unable to load reflect map, model will not be mutlitextured" # run optimization over the scene graph optimzer = osgUtil.Optimizer() optimzer.optimize(rootnode) # add a viewport to the viewer and attach the scene graph. viewer.setSceneData( rootnode ) # create the windows and run the threads. viewer.realize() for(unsigned int contextID = 0 contextID<osg.DisplaySettings.instance().getMaxNumberOfGraphicsContexts() ++contextID) textExt = osg.Texture.getExtensions(contextID,False) if textExt : if not textExt.isMultiTexturingSupported() : print "Warning: multi-texturing not supported by OpenGL drivers, unable to run application." return 1
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # set up the usage document, in case we need to print out how to use this program. arguments.getApplicationUsage().setDescription(arguments.getApplicationName()+" is the example which demonstrates use of convex planer occluders.") arguments.getApplicationUsage().setCommandLineUsage(arguments.getApplicationName()+" [options] filename ...") arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("-h or --help","Display this information") arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("-m","Mannually create occluders") # initialize the viewer. viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() manuallyCreateOccluders = False while"-m") : manuallyCreateOccluders = True if manuallyCreateOccluders : viewer.addEventHandler(OccluderEventHandler(viewer)) # if user requests help write it out to cout. if"-h") or"--help") : arguments.getApplicationUsage().write(std.cout) return 1 # load the nodes from the commandline arguments. loadedmodel = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try using default mode instead. if not loadedmodel : loadedmodel = osgDB.readNodeFile("glider.osgt") if not loadedmodel : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Please specify a model filename on the command line." return 1 # run optimization over the scene graph optimzer = osgUtil.Optimizer() optimzer.optimize(loadedmodel) # add the occluders to the loaded model. rootnode = osg.Group() if manuallyCreateOccluders : rootnode = osg.Group() rootnode.addChild(loadedmodel) else: rootnode = createOccludersAroundModel(loadedmodel) # add a viewport to the viewer and attach the scene graph. viewer.setSceneData( rootnode ) return
def compileCompleted(compileSet): if _block.valid() : _block.completed() # tell IncrementalCompileOperation that it's now safe to remove the compileSet osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "compileCompleted(", compileSet, ")" return True
def apply(plod): # go through all the named children and write them out to disk. for(unsigned int i=0i<plod.getNumChildren()++i) child = plod.getChild(i) filename = plod.getFileName(i) if not filename.empty() : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Writing out ", filename osgDB.writeNodeFile(*child,filename)
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # construct the viewer. viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() # load the images specified on command line loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try use default mode instead. if not loadedModel : loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFile("dumptruck.osgt") if not loadedModel : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), arguments.getApplicationUsage().getCommandLineUsage() return 0 stateset = create1DTextureStateToDecorate(loadedModel) if not stateset : print "Error: failed to create 1D texture state." return 1 loadedModel.setStateSet(stateset) osg. Group *root = osg. Group() root . addChild( loadedModel ) # The contour banded color texture is used in conjunction with TexGenNode # to create contoured models, either in object linear coords - like # contours on a map, or eye linear which contour the distance from # the eye. An app callback toggles between the two tex gen modes. texgenNode = osg.TexGenNode() texgenNode.setReferenceFrame( osg.TexGenNode.ABSOLUTE_RF ) texgenNode.getTexGen().setMode( osg.TexGen.OBJECT_LINEAR ) bs = loadedModel.getBound() zBase = zScale = 2.0/bs.radius() texgenNode.getTexGen().setPlane(osg.TexGen.S,osg.Plane(0.0,0.0,zScale,-zBase)) texgenNode.setUpdateCallback(AnimateTexGenCallback()) root . addChild( texgenNode ) viewer.setSceneData( root ) return
def main(argv): loadedModel = osg.Node() # load the scene. if argc>1 : loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFile(argv[1]) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try use default mode instead. if not loadedModel : loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFile("dumptruck.osgt") if not loadedModel : print argv[0], ": No data loaded." return 1 # create the window to draw to. traits = osg.GraphicsContext.Traits() traits.x = 200 traits.y = 200 traits.width = 800 traits.height = 600 traits.windowDecoration = True traits.doubleBuffer = True traits.sharedContext = 0 gc = osg.GraphicsContext.createGraphicsContext(traits) gw = dynamic_cast<osgViewer.GraphicsWindow*>(gc) if not gw : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Error: unable to create graphics window." return 1 # create the view of the scene. viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() viewer.getCamera().setGraphicsContext(gc) viewer.getCamera().setViewport(0,0,800,600) viewer.setSceneData(loadedModel) # create a tracball manipulator to move the camera around in response to keyboard/mouse events viewer.setCameraManipulator( osgGA.TrackballManipulator )() statesetManipulator = osgGA.StateSetManipulator(viewer.getCamera().getStateSet()) viewer.addEventHandler(statesetManipulator) # add the pick handler viewer.addEventHandler(PickHandler()) viewer.realize() # main loop (note, window toolkits which take control over the main loop will require a window redraw callback containing the code below.) while not viewer.done() : viewer.frame() return 0
def main(argv): arguments = osg.ArgumentParser( argc, argv ) root = osgDB.readNodeFiles( arguments ) if root == NULL : osg.notify( osg.FATAL ), "Unable to load model from command line." return( 1 ) configureShaders( root.getOrCreateStateSet() ) int width( 800 ), height( 450 )
def open(group): files = Files() readMasterFile(files) for(Files.iterator itr = files.begin() not = files.end() ++itr) model = osgDB.readNodeFile(*itr) if model : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "open: Loaded file ", *itr group.addChild(model) _existingFilenameNodeMap[*itr] = model
def init(geom): pos = dynamic_cast<osg.Vec3Array*>(geom.getVertexArray()) if not pos : osg.notify(osg.WARN), "RigTransformHardware no vertex array in the geometry ", geom.getName() return False if not geom.getSkeleton() : osg.notify(osg.WARN), "RigTransformHardware no skeleting set in geometry ", geom.getName() return False mapVisitor = osgAnimation.BoneMapVisitor() geom.getSkeleton().accept(mapVisitor) bm = mapVisitor.getBoneMap() if not createPalette(pos.size(),bm, geom.getVertexInfluenceSet().getVertexToBoneList()) : return False attribIndex = 11 nbAttribs = getNumVertexAttrib() # use a global program for all avatar if not program.valid() : program = osg.Program() program.setName("HardwareSkinning") if not _shader.valid() : _shader = osg.Shader.readShaderFile(osg.Shader.VERTEX,"shaders/skinning.vert") if not _shader.valid() : osg.notify(osg.WARN), "RigTransformHardware can't load VertexShader" return False # replace max matrix by the value from uniform str = _shader.getShaderSource() toreplace = str("MAX_MATRIX") start = str.find(toreplace) ss = strstream() ss, getMatrixPaletteUniform().getNumElements() str.replace(start, toreplace.size(), ss.str()) _shader.setShaderSource(str) osg.notify(osg.INFO), "Shader ", str program.addShader(_shader) for (int i = 0 i < nbAttribs i++) ss = strstream() ss, "boneWeight", i program.addBindAttribLocation(ss.str(), attribIndex + i) osg.notify(osg.INFO), "set vertex attrib ", ss.str()
class Xample : texture = str() app = str() Xample(str image, str prog) texture = image app = prog osg.notify(osg.INFO), "New Xample not "
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # load the nodes from the commandline arguments. loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try use default mode instead. if not loadedModel : loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFile("glider.osgt") if not loadedModel : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Please specify model filename on the command line." return 1 root = osg.Group() root.addChild(loadedModel) stateset = osg.StateSet() logicOp = osg.LogicOp(osg.LogicOp.OR_INVERTED) stateset.setAttributeAndModes(logicOp,osg.StateAttribute.OVERRIDE|osg.StateAttribute.ON) #tell to sort the mesh before displaying it stateset.setRenderingHint(osg.StateSet.TRANSPARENT_BIN) loadedModel.setStateSet(stateset) # construct the viewer. viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() viewer.addEventHandler(TechniqueEventHandler(logicOp)) # run optimization over the scene graph optimzer = osgUtil.Optimizer() optimzer.optimize(root) # add a viewport to the viewer and attach the scene graph. viewer.setSceneData( root ) return
def pick(ea, viewer): scene = viewer.getSceneData() if not scene : return osg.notify(osg.NOTICE) node = 0 parent = 0 if _usePolytopeIntersector : picker = osgUtil.PolytopeIntersector*() if _useWindowCoordinates : # use window coordinates # remap the mouse x,y into viewport coordinates. viewport = viewer.getCamera().getViewport() mx = viewport.x() + (int)((double )viewport.width()*(ea.getXnormalized()*0.5+0.5)) my = viewport.y() + (int)((double )viewport.height()*(ea.getYnormalized()*0.5+0.5)) # half width, height. w = 5.0 h = 5.0 picker = osgUtil.PolytopeIntersector( osgUtil.Intersector.WINDOW, mx-w, my-h, mx+w, my+h ) else: mx = ea.getXnormalized() my = ea.getYnormalized() w = 0.05 h = 0.05 picker = osgUtil.PolytopeIntersector( osgUtil.Intersector.PROJECTION, mx-w, my-h, mx+w, my+h ) iv = osgUtil.IntersectionVisitor(picker) viewer.getCamera().accept(iv) if picker.containsIntersections() : intersection = picker.getFirstIntersection() osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Picked ", intersection.localIntersectionPoint, " Distance to ref. plane ", intersection.distance, ", max. dist ", intersection.maxDistance, ", primitive index ", intersection.primitiveIndex, ", numIntersectionPoints ", intersection.numIntersectionPoints nodePath = intersection.nodePath node = nodePath[nodePath.size()-1] if ((nodePath.size()>=1)) else 0 parent = dynamic_cast<osg.Group*>(nodePath[nodePath.size()-2]) if ((nodePath.size()>=2)) else 0 if node : print " Hits ", node.className(), " nodePath size ", nodePath.size() toggleScribe(parent, node)
def main(argv): # construct the viewer. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser( argc, argv ) viewer = osgViewer.Viewer( arguments ) useSimpleExample ="-s") or"--simple") model = NULL if arguments.argc()>1 and not arguments.isOption(1) : filename = arguments[1] model = osgDB.readNodeFile( filename ) if not model : osg.notify( osg.NOTICE ), "Error, cannot read ", filename, ". Loading default earth model instead." if model == NULL : model = CreateGlobe( ) node = CreateSimpleHierarchy( model ) if (useSimpleExample) else CreateAdvancedHierarchy( model )
def printBoundings(current, name): currentBound = current.getBound() osg.notify(osg.INFO), name osg.notify(osg.INFO), "center = ", osg.notify(osg.INFO), "radius = ", currentBound.radius()
def update(scene): # osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "void update(Node*)" group = dynamic_cast<osg.Group*>(scene) if not group : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Error, MasterOperation.update(Node*) can only work with a Group as Viewer.getSceneData()." return lock = OpenThreads.ScopedLock<OpenThreads.Mutex>(_mutex) if not _nodesToRemove.empty() or not _nodesToAdd.empty() : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "update().................. " if not _nodesToRemove.empty() : for(Files.iterator itr = _nodesToRemove.begin() not = _nodesToRemove.end() ++itr) fnmItr = _existingFilenameNodeMap.find(*itr) if fnmItr not = _existingFilenameNodeMap.end() : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), " update():removing ", *itr group.removeChild(fnmItr.second) _existingFilenameNodeMap.erase(fnmItr) _nodesToRemove.clear()
def convert(): lodNum = 0 for(LODSet.iterator itr = _lodSet.begin() not = _lodSet.end() ++itr, ++lodNum) lod = const_cast<osg.LOD*>(itr) if lod.getNumParents()==0 : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Warning can't operator on root node." break if not _makeAllChildrenPaged and lod.getNumRanges()<2 : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Leaving LOD with one child as is." break osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Converting LOD to PagedLOD." plod = osg.PagedLOD() originalRangeList = lod.getRangeList() typedef std.multimap< osg.LOD.MinMaxPair , unsigned int > MinMaxPairMap rangeMap = MinMaxPairMap() pos = 0 for(osg.LOD.RangeList.const_iterator ritr = originalRangeList.begin() not = originalRangeList.end() ++ritr, ++pos) rangeMap.insert(std.multimap< osg.LOD.MinMaxPair , unsigned int >.value_type(*ritr, pos))
def printList(): osg.notify(osg.INFO), "start printList()" for (OP i = Xamplelist.begin() i not = Xamplelist.end() ++i) x = *i osg.notify(osg.INFO), "current x.texture = ", x.getTexture() osg.notify(osg.INFO), "current = ", x.getApp()
def runApp(xapp): osg.notify(osg.INFO), "start runApp()" for (OP i = Xamplelist.begin() i not = Xamplelist.end() ++i) x = *i if not : osg.notify(osg.INFO), "app found not " cxapp = xapp.c_str() osg.notify(osg.INFO), "char* = ", cxapp system = return(cxapp)
def handle(ea, aa): switch(ea.getEventType()) case(osgGA.GUIEventAdapter.KEYDOWN): if ea.getKey()==ord("r") : _terrain.setSampleRatio(_terrain.getSampleRatio()*0.5) osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Sample ratio ", _terrain.getSampleRatio() return True elif ea.getKey()==ord("R") : _terrain.setSampleRatio(_terrain.getSampleRatio()/0.5) osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Sample ratio ", _terrain.getSampleRatio() return True elif ea.getKey()==ord("v") : _terrain.setVerticalScale(_terrain.getVerticalScale()*1.25) osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Vertical scale ", _terrain.getVerticalScale() return True elif ea.getKey()==ord("V") : _terrain.setVerticalScale(_terrain.getVerticalScale()/1.25) osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Vertical scale ", _terrain.getVerticalScale() return True return False
def update(scene): # osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "void update(Node*)" group = dynamic_cast<osg.Group*>(scene) if not group : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Error, MasterOperation.update(Node*) can only work with a Group as Viewer.getSceneData()." return lock = OpenThreads.ScopedLock<OpenThreads.Mutex>(_mutex) if not _nodesToRemove.empty() or not _nodesToAdd.empty() : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "update().................. " if not _nodesToRemove.empty() : for(Files.iterator itr = _nodesToRemove.begin() not = _nodesToRemove.end() ++itr) fnmItr = _existingFilenameNodeMap.find(*itr) if fnmItr not = _existingFilenameNodeMap.end() : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), " update():removing ", *itr group.removeChild(fnmItr.second) _existingFilenameNodeMap.erase(fnmItr)
~KeyboardModel() addKey = osg.Switch*(osg.Vec3 pos, int key, str text,float width, float height) createKeyboard = void() typedef<int, osg.Switch > KeyModelMap _scene = osg.Group() _keyModelMap = KeyModelMap() _inputText = osgText.Text() void KeyboardModel.keyChange(int key, int virtualKey, int value) osg.notify(osg.INFO), "key value change, code=", std.hex, key, "\t value=", value, std.dec # toggle the keys graphical representation on or off via osg.Swithc itr = _keyModelMap.find(virtualKey) if itr not =_keyModelMap.end() : itr.second.setSingleChildOn(value) if value : # when a key is pressed add the data to the text field if key>0 and key<256 : # just add ascii characters right now... _inputText.getText().push_back(key) _inputText.update() elif key==osgGA.GUIEventAdapter.KEY_Return : _inputText.getText().push_back('\n')
xform = osg.PositionAttitudeTransform() xform.setPosition(osg.Vec3( 0.0, -1.0, zvalue )) zvalue = zvalue + 2.2 xform.addChild(masterModel) rootNode.addChild(xform) return xform.getOrCreateStateSet() # load source from a file. static void LoadShaderSource( osg.Shader* shader, str fileName ) fqFileName = osgDB.findDataFile(fileName) if fqFileName.length() not = 0 : shader.loadShaderSourceFromFile( fqFileName.c_str() ) else: osg.notify(osg.WARN), "File \"", fileName, "\" not found." #####################################/ # rude but convenient globals static osg.Program* BlockyProgram static osg.Shader* BlockyVertObj static osg.Shader* BlockyFragObj static osg.Program* ErodedProgram static osg.Shader* ErodedVertObj static osg.Shader* ErodedFragObj static osg.Program* MarbleProgram static osg.Shader* MarbleVertObj
root = osg.Group() # create outline effect outline = osgFX.Outline() root.addChild(outline) outline.setWidth(8) outline.setColor(osg.Vec4(1,1,0,1)) outline.addChild(outlineModel) if testOcclusion : # load occluder occludedModelFilename = "cow.osgt" occludedModel = osgDB.readNodeFile(occludedModelFilename) if not occludedModel : osg.notify(osg.FATAL), "Unable to load model '", occludedModelFilename, "'\n" return -1 # occluder offset bsphere = outlineModel.getBound() occluderOffset = osg.Vec3(0,1,0) * bsphere.radius() * 1.2 # occluder behind outlined model modelTransform0 = osg.PositionAttitudeTransform() modelTransform0.setPosition( + occluderOffset) modelTransform0.addChild(occludedModel) root.addChild(modelTransform0) # occluder in front of outlined model modelTransform1 = osg.PositionAttitudeTransform() modelTransform1.setPosition( - occluderOffset)
arguments = osg.ArgumentParser( argc, argv ) root = osg.Group() # Child 0: We'll replace this every frame with an updated representation # of the view frustum. root.addChild( makeFrustumFromCamera( NULL ) ) scene = osg.Node() scene = osgDB.readNodeFiles( arguments ) if not scene : # User didn't specify anything, or file(s) didn't exist. # Try to load the cow... osg.notify( osg.WARN ), arguments.getApplicationName(), ": Could not find specified files. Trying \"cow.osgt\" instead." if not (scene = osgDB.readNodeFile( str( "cow.osgt" ) ) ) : osg.notify( osg.FATAL ), arguments.getApplicationName(), ": No data loaded." return 1 root.addChild( scene ) viewer = osgViewer.CompositeViewer( arguments ) # Turn on FSAA, makes the lines look better. osg.DisplaySettings.instance().setNumMultiSamples( 4 ) # Create View 0 -- Just the loaded model. view = osgViewer.View() viewer.addView( view ) view.setUpViewInWindow( 10, 10, 640, 480 )
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # read the scene from the list of file specified commandline args. scene = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try use default model instead. if not scene : scene = osgDB.readNodeFile("dumptruck.osgt") if not scene : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "No model loaded" return 1 if"--Viewer") : # construct the viewer. viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() # create a HUD as slave camera attached to the master view. viewer.setUpViewAcrossAllScreens() windows = osgViewer.Viewer.Windows() viewer.getWindows(windows) if windows.empty() : return 1 hudCamera = createHUD() # set up cameras to render on the first window available. hudCamera.setGraphicsContext(windows[0]) hudCamera.setViewport(0,0,windows[0].getTraits().width, windows[0].getTraits().height) viewer.addSlave(hudCamera, False) # set the scene to render viewer.setSceneData(scene) return if"--CompositeViewer") : # construct the viewer. viewer = osgViewer.CompositeViewer() # create the main 3D view view = osgViewer.View() viewer.addView(view) view.setSceneData(scene) view.setUpViewAcrossAllScreens() view.setCameraManipulator(osgGA.TrackballManipulator)() # now create the HUD camera's view windows = osgViewer.Viewer.Windows() viewer.getWindows(windows) if windows.empty() : return 1 hudCamera = createHUD() # set up cameras to render on the first window available. hudCamera.setGraphicsContext(windows[0]) hudCamera.setViewport(0,0,windows[0].getTraits().width, windows[0].getTraits().height) hudView = osgViewer.View() hudView.setCamera(hudCamera) viewer.addView(hudView) return else: # construct the viewer. viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() postDrawCallback = SnapImage("PostDrawCallback.png") viewer.getCamera().setPostDrawCallback(postDrawCallback) viewer.addEventHandler(SnapeImageHandler(ord("p"),postDrawCallback)) finalDrawCallback = SnapImage("FinalDrawCallback.png") viewer.getCamera().setFinalDrawCallback(finalDrawCallback) viewer.addEventHandler(SnapeImageHandler(ord("f"),finalDrawCallback)) group = osg.Group() # add the HUD subgraph. if scene.valid() : group.addChild(scene) group.addChild(createHUD()) # set the scene to render viewer.setSceneData(group) return
camera.addChild(geode) return camera class SnapImage (osg.Camera.DrawCallback) : SnapImage( str filename): _filename(filename), _snapImage(False) _image = osg.Image() virtual void operator () (osg.RenderInfo renderInfo) if not _snapImage : return osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Camera callback" camera = renderInfo.getCurrentCamera() viewport = camera.getViewport() if (camera) else 0 osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Camera callback ", camera, " ", viewport if viewport and _image.valid() : _image.readPixels(int(viewport.x()),int(viewport.y()),int(viewport.width()),int(viewport.height()), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) osgDB.writeImageFile(*_image, _filename) osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Taken screenshot, and written to '", _filename, "'" _snapImage = False
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # construct the viewer. viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() # load the nodes from the commandline arguments. loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try use default mode instead. if not loadedModel : loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFile("cow.osgt") if not loadedModel : print arguments.getApplicationName(), ": No data loaded" return 1 if"--dome") or"--puffer") : setDomeCorrection(viewer, arguments) viewer.setSceneData( loadedModel ) elif"--faces") : setDomeFaces(viewer, arguments) viewer.setSceneData( loadedModel ) else: distortionNode = createDistortionSubgraph( loadedModel, viewer.getCamera().getClearColor()) viewer.setSceneData( distortionNode ) while"--sky-light") : viewer.setLightingMode(osg.View.SKY_LIGHT) if viewer.getLightingMode()==osg.View.HEADLIGHT : viewer.getLight().setPosition(osg.Vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) # load the nodes from the commandline arguments. if not viewer.getSceneData() : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Please specify a model filename on the command line." return 1 # set up the camera manipulators. keyswitchManipulator = osgGA.KeySwitchMatrixManipulator() keyswitchManipulator.addMatrixManipulator( ord("1"), "Trackball", osgGA.TrackballManipulator() ) keyswitchManipulator.addMatrixManipulator( ord("2"), "Flight", osgGA.FlightManipulator() ) keyswitchManipulator.addMatrixManipulator( ord("3"), "Drive", osgGA.DriveManipulator() ) keyswitchManipulator.addMatrixManipulator( ord("4"), "Terrain", osgGA.TerrainManipulator() ) pathfile = str() keyForAnimationPath = ord("5") while"-p",pathfile) : apm = osgGA.AnimationPathManipulator(pathfile) if apm or not apm.valid() : num = keyswitchManipulator.getNumMatrixManipulators() keyswitchManipulator.addMatrixManipulator( keyForAnimationPath, "Path", apm ) keyswitchManipulator.selectMatrixManipulator(num) ++keyForAnimationPath viewer.setCameraManipulator( keyswitchManipulator ) viewer.setThreadingModel(osgViewer.Viewer.SingleThreaded) # add the state manipulator viewer.addEventHandler( osgGA.StateSetManipulator(viewer.getCamera().getOrCreateStateSet()) ) # add the stats handler viewer.addEventHandler(osgViewer.StatsHandler)() return
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # construct the viewer. viewer = osgViewer.Viewer() # load the nodes from the commandline arguments. loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) # if not loaded assume no arguments passed in, try use default mode instead. if not loadedModel : loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFile("cow.osgt") if not loadedModel : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Please specifiy a model filename on the command line." return 1 # to do scribe mode we create a top most group to contain the # original model, and then a second group contains the same model # but overrides various state attributes, so that the second instance # is rendered as wireframe. rootnode = osg.Group() decorator = osg.Group() rootnode.addChild(loadedModel) rootnode.addChild(decorator) decorator.addChild(loadedModel) # set up the state so that the underlying color is not seen through # and that the drawing mode is changed to wireframe, and a polygon offset # is added to ensure that we see the wireframe itself, and turn off # so texturing too. stateset = osg.StateSet() polyoffset = osg.PolygonOffset() polyoffset.setFactor(-1.0) polyoffset.setUnits(-1.0) polymode = osg.PolygonMode() polymode.setMode(osg.PolygonMode.FRONT_AND_BACK,osg.PolygonMode.LINE) stateset.setAttributeAndModes(polyoffset,osg.StateAttribute.OVERRIDE|osg.StateAttribute.ON) stateset.setAttributeAndModes(polymode,osg.StateAttribute.OVERRIDE|osg.StateAttribute.ON) #if 1 material = osg.Material() stateset.setAttributeAndModes(material,osg.StateAttribute.OVERRIDE|osg.StateAttribute.ON) stateset.setMode(GL_LIGHTING,osg.StateAttribute.OVERRIDE|osg.StateAttribute.OFF) #else: # version which sets the color of the wireframe. material = osg.Material() material.setColorMode(osg.Material.OFF) # switch glColor usage off # turn all lighting off material.setAmbient(osg.Material.FRONT_AND_BACK, osg.Vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) material.setDiffuse(osg.Material.FRONT_AND_BACK, osg.Vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) material.setSpecular(osg.Material.FRONT_AND_BACK, osg.Vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) # except emission... in which we set the color we desire material.setEmission(osg.Material.FRONT_AND_BACK, osg.Vec4(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0)) stateset.setAttributeAndModes(material,osg.StateAttribute.OVERRIDE|osg.StateAttribute.ON) stateset.setMode(GL_LIGHTING,osg.StateAttribute.OVERRIDE|osg.StateAttribute.ON) #endif stateset.setTextureMode(0,GL_TEXTURE_2D,osg.StateAttribute.OVERRIDE|osg.StateAttribute.OFF) # osg.LineStipple* linestipple = osg.LineStipple() # linestipple.setFactor(1) # linestipple.setPattern(0xf0f0) # stateset.setAttributeAndModes(linestipple,osg.StateAttribute.OVERRIDE_ON) decorator.setStateSet(stateset) # run optimization over the scene graph optimzer = osgUtil.Optimizer() optimzer.optimize(rootnode) # add a viewport to the viewer and attach the scene graph. viewer.setSceneData( rootnode ) return
lock = OpenThreads.ScopedLock<OpenThreads.Mutex>(_mutex) for(Files.iterator fitr = files.begin() not = files.end() ++fitr) if _existingFilenameNodeMap.count(*fitr)==0 : newFiles.insert(*fitr) for(FilenameNodeMap.iterator litr = _existingFilenameNodeMap.begin() not = _existingFilenameNodeMap.end() ++litr) if files.count(litr.first)==0 : removedFiles.insert(litr.first) #if 0 if not newFiles.empty() or not removedFiles.empty() : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "void operator () files.size()=", files.size() #endif # first load the files. nodesToAdd = FilenameNodeMap() if not newFiles.empty() : typedef std.vector< osg.GraphicsThread > GraphicsThreads threads = GraphicsThreads() for(unsigned int i=0 i<= osg.GraphicsContext.getMaxContextID() ++i) gc = osg.GraphicsContext.getCompileContext(i) gt = gc.getGraphicsThread() if (gc) else 0 if gt : threads.push_back(gt) if _operationQueue.valid() :
def handle(ea, aa): if not _gt : return False switch(ea.getEventType()) case(osgGA.GUIEventAdapter.KEYDOWN): if ea.getKey() == ord("g") : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Gaussian" _gt.setFilterMatrixAs(osgTerrain.GeometryTechnique.GAUSSIAN) return True elif ea.getKey() == ord("s") : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Smooth" _gt.setFilterMatrixAs(osgTerrain.GeometryTechnique.SMOOTH) return True elif ea.getKey() == ord("S") : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Sharpen" _gt.setFilterMatrixAs(osgTerrain.GeometryTechnique.SHARPEN) return True elif ea.getKey() == ord("+") : _gt.setFilterWidth(_gt.getFilterWidth()*1.1) osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Filter width = ", _gt.getFilterWidth() return True elif ea.getKey() == ord("-") : _gt.setFilterWidth(_gt.getFilterWidth()/1.1) osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Filter width = ", _gt.getFilterWidth() return True elif ea.getKey() == ord(">") : _gt.setFilterBias(_gt.getFilterBias()+0.1) osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Filter bias = ", _gt.getFilterBias() return True elif ea.getKey() == ord("<") : _gt.setFilterBias(_gt.getFilterBias()-0.1) osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "Filter bias = ", _gt.getFilterBias() return True break