예제 #1
def PrintAst(nodes, opts):
    if len(nodes) == 1:
        node = nodes[0]
        node = ast.CommandList(nodes)

    if opts.ast_format == 'none':
        print('AST not printed.', file=sys.stderr)
    elif opts.ast_format == 'oheap':
        # TODO: Make this a separate flag?
        if sys.stdout.isatty():
            raise RuntimeError('ERROR: Not dumping binary data to a TTY.')
        f = sys.stdout

        enc = encode.Params()
        out = encode.BinOutput(f)
        encode.EncodeRoot(node, enc, out)

    else:  # text output
        f = sys.stdout

        if opts.ast_format in ('text', 'abbrev-text'):
            ast_f = fmt.DetectConsoleOutput(f)
        elif opts.ast_format in ('html', 'abbrev-html'):
            ast_f = fmt.HtmlOutput(f)
            raise AssertionError
        abbrev_hook = (ast_lib.AbbreviateNodes
                       if 'abbrev-' in opts.ast_format else None)
        tree = fmt.MakeTree(node, abbrev_hook=abbrev_hook)
        fmt.PrintTree(tree, ast_f)
예제 #2
파일: main_loop.py 프로젝트: jedahan/oil
def ParseWholeFile(c_parser):
    """Parse an entire shell script.

  This uses the same logic as Batch().
    children = []
    while True:
        node = c_parser.ParseLogicalLine()  # can raise ParseError
        if node is None:  # EOF
            c_parser.CheckForPendingHereDocs()  # can raise ParseError

    if len(children) == 1:
        return children[0]
        return ast.CommandList(children)
예제 #3
파일: cmd_parse.py 프로젝트: janiceshiu/oil
  def ParseCommandTerm(self):
    command_term     : and_or (trailer and_or)* ;
    trailer          : sync_op newline_ok
                     | NEWLINES;
    sync_op          : '&' | ';';

    This is handled in imperative style, like ParseCommandLine.
    Called by ParseCommandList for all blocks, and also for ParseCaseItem,
    which is slightly different.  (HOW?  Is it the DSEMI?)

    # Word types that will end the command term.
    END_LIST = (
        Id.Eof_Real, Id.Eof_RParen, Id.Eof_Backtick, Id.Right_Subshell,
        Id.Lit_RBrace, Id.Op_DSemi)

    # NOTE: This is similar to ParseCommandLine, except there is a lot of stuff
    # about here docs.  Here docs are inherently line-oriented.
    # - Why aren't we doing END_LIST in ParseCommandLine?
    #   - Because you will never be inside $() at the top level.
    #   - We also know it will end in a newline.  It can't end in "fi"!
    #   - example: if true; then { echo hi; } fi
    # - Why aren't we doing 'for c in children' too?

    children = []
    done = False
    while not done:
      if not self._Peek(): return None
      #print('====> ParseCommandTerm word', self.cur_word)

      # Most keywords are valid "first words".  But do/done/then do not BEGIN
      # commands, so they are not valid.
      if self.c_id in (
        Id.KW_Do, Id.KW_Done, Id.KW_Then, Id.KW_Fi, Id.KW_Elif, Id.KW_Else,

      child = self.ParseAndOr()
      if not child:
        self.AddErrorContext('Error parsing AndOr in ParseCommandTerm')
        return None

      if not self._Peek(): return None
      if self.c_id == Id.Op_Newline:

        if not self._Peek(): return None
        if self.c_id in END_LIST:
          done = True

      elif self.c_id in (Id.Op_Semi, Id.Op_Amp):
        child = ast.Sentence(child, self.cur_word.token)

        if not self._Peek(): return None
        if self.c_id == Id.Op_Newline:
          self._Next()  # skip over newline

          # Test if we should keep going.  There might be another command after
          # the semi and newline.
          if not self._Peek(): return None
          if self.c_id in END_LIST:
            done = True

        elif self.c_id in END_LIST:  # ; EOF
          done = True

      elif self.c_id in END_LIST:  # EOF
        done = True

        pass  # e.g. "} done", "fi fi", ") fi", etc. is OK


    if not self._Peek(): return None

    return ast.CommandList(children)
예제 #4
파일: cmd_parse.py 프로젝트: janiceshiu/oil
  def ParseCommandLine(self):
    NOTE: This is only called in InteractiveLoop.  Oh crap I need to really
    read and execute a line at a time then?

    BUG: sleep 1 & sleep 1 &  doesn't work here, when written in REPL.   But it
    does work with '-c', because that calls ParseFile and not ParseCommandLine
    over and over.

    TODO: Get rid of ParseFile and stuff?  Shouldn't be used for -c and so
    forth.  Just have an ExecuteLoop for now.  But you still need
    ParseCommandList, for internal nodes.

    command_line     : and_or (sync_op and_or)* trailer? ;
    trailer          : sync_op newline_ok
                     | NEWLINES;
    sync_op          : '&' | ';';

    This rule causes LL(k > 1) behavior.  We would have to peek to see if there
    is another command word after the sync op.

    But it's easier to express imperatively.  Do the following in a loop:
    1. ParseAndOr
    2. Peek.
       a. If there's a newline, then return.  (We're only parsing a single
       b. If there's a sync_op, process it.  Then look for a newline and
          return.  Otherwise, parse another AndOr.

    command_line     : and_or (sync_op and_or)* trailer? ;   # TOP LEVEL
    command_term     : and_or (trailer and_or)* ;            # CHILDREN

    I think you should be able to factor these out.
    children = []
    done = False
    while not done:
      child = self.ParseAndOr()
      if not child: return None

      if not self._Peek(): return None
      if self.c_id in (Id.Op_Semi, Id.Op_Amp):  # also Id.Op_Amp.
        child = ast.Sentence(child, self.cur_word.token)

        if not self._Peek(): return None
        if self.c_id in (Id.Op_Newline, Id.Eof_Real):
          done = True

      elif self.c_id == Id.Op_Newline:
        done = True

      elif self.c_id == Id.Eof_Real:
        done = True

            'ParseCommandLine: Unexpected token %s', self.cur_word)
        return None


    return ast.CommandList(children)