예제 #1
def _pyramidal_top(ac_object: ac.Object, x_centre: float, y_centre: float, top: float,
                   roof_texture, roof_mat_idx: int, pyramid_height: float,
                   ring: List[List[float]], object_node_index: int) -> None:
    """Adds the pyramidal top by adding the centre node and the necessary faces.

    ring is a list of x,y coordinates for the current top points of the roof.
    # add node for the middle of the roof
    ac_object.node(-1 * y_centre, top, -1 * x_centre)

    roof_texture_size = roof_texture.h_size_meters

    # loop on sides of the building
    n_pts = len(ring)  # number of points
    for i in range(0, n_pts):
        dist_inwards = coord.calc_distance_local(ring[i][0], ring[i][1], x_centre, y_centre)
        j = (i+1) % n_pts
        dist_edge = coord.calc_distance_local(ring[i][0], ring[i][1], ring[j][0], ring[j][1])
        len_roof_hypo = (dist_inwards ** 2 + pyramid_height ** 2) ** 0.5
        repeat_x = dist_edge/roof_texture_size
        repeat_y = len_roof_hypo/roof_texture_size
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + i, roof_texture.x(0), roof_texture.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + j, roof_texture.x(repeat_x), roof_texture.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + n_pts, roof_texture.x(0.5*repeat_x), roof_texture.y(repeat_y))],
예제 #2
파일: trees.py 프로젝트: Joako360/Osm2city
def _extend_trees_if_dist_ok(potential_trees: List[Tree],
                             trees: List[Tree]) -> None:
    """Extend the existing list of trees with new trees if the new trees have a minimal dest from the existing ones."""
    for a_tree in reversed(potential_trees):
        for other_tree in trees:
            if co.calc_distance_local(a_tree.x, a_tree.y, other_tree.x, other_tree.y) \
                    < parameters.C2P_TREES_DIST_MINIMAL:
예제 #3
def _add_sides_gabled_facade_tex(ac_object, t, object_node_index: int, idx_offset_top: int, facade_mat_idx: int,
                                 roof_height: float, roof_texture_size_x: float, roof_texture_size_y: float,
                                 first_node, first_node_idx: int,
                                 second_node, second_node_idx: int,
                                 third_node, third_node_idx: int,
                                 fourth_node, fourth_node_idx: int) -> None:
    """Add the sides to roof through ac_object where it is gabled and facade texture."""
    eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(first_node[0], first_node[1], second_node[0], second_node[1])
    eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
    repeat_y = roof_height / roof_texture_size_y
    ac_object.face([(object_node_index + first_node_idx, t.x(0), t.y(0)),
                    (object_node_index + second_node_idx, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(0)),
                    (object_node_index + 10 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0.5 * eaves_x), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_10
    eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(third_node[0], third_node[1], fourth_node[0], fourth_node[1])
    eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
    repeat_y = roof_height / roof_texture_size_y
    ac_object.face([(object_node_index + third_node_idx, t.x(0), t.y(0)),
                    (object_node_index + fourth_node_idx, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_0
                    (object_node_index + 11 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0.5 * eaves_x), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_11
예제 #4
def match_local_coords_with_global_nodes(
        local_list: List[Tuple[float, float]],
        ref_list: List[int],
        all_nodes: Dict[int, op.Node],
        coords_transform: co.Transformation,
        osm_id: int,
        create_node: bool = False) -> List[int]:
    """Given a set of coordinates in local space find matching Node objects in global space.
    Matching is using a bit of tolerance (cf. parameter), which should be enough to account for conversion precision
    resp. float precision.
    If a node cannot be matched: if parameter create_node is False, then a ValueError is thrown - else a new
    Node is created and added to the all_nodes dict.
    matched_nodes = list()
    nodes_local = dict(
    )  # key is osm_id from Node, value is Tuple[float, float]
    for ref in ref_list:
        node = all_nodes[ref]
        nodes_local[node.osm_id] = coords_transform.to_local(
            (node.lon, node.lat))

    for local in local_list:
        closest_distance = 999999
        found_key = -1
        for key, node_local in nodes_local.items():
            distance = co.calc_distance_local(local[0], local[1],
                                              node_local[0], node_local[1])
            if distance < closest_distance:
                closest_distance = distance
            if distance < parameters.TOLERANCE_MATCH_NODE:
                found_key = key
        if found_key < 0:
            if create_node:
                lon, lat = coords_transform.to_global(local)
                new_node = op.Node(
                        op.OSMFeatureType.building_relation), lat, lon)
                all_nodes[new_node.osm_id] = new_node
                raise ValueError(
                    'No match for parent with osm_id = %d. Closest: %f' %
                    (osm_id, closest_distance))

    return matched_nodes
예제 #5
def separate_pyramidal(ac_object: ac.Object, b, roof_mat_idx: int) -> None:
    """Pyramidal, dome or onion roof."""
    shape = b.roof_shape
    roof_texture = b.roof_texture
    roof_height = sanity_roof_height_complex(b, 'pyramidal')

    bottom = b.beginning_of_roof_above_sea_level
    # add nodes for each of the corners
    object_node_index = ac_object.next_node_index()
    prev_ring = list()
    for pt in b.pts_all:
        ac_object.node(-pt[1], bottom, -pt[0])
        prev_ring.append([pt[0], pt[1]])

    # calculate node for the middle node of the roof
    x_centre = sum([xi[0] for xi in b.pts_all])/len(b.pts_all)
    y_centre = sum([xi[1] for xi in b.pts_all])/len(b.pts_all)

    ring = b.pts_all
    top = bottom + roof_height

    if shape in [enu.RoofShape.dome, enu.RoofShape.onion]:
        # For dome and onion we need to add new rings and faces before the top
        height_share = list()  # the share of the roof height by each ring
        radius_share = list()  # the share of the radius by each ring
        if shape is enu.RoofShape.dome:  # we use five additional rings
            height_share = [sin(radians(90 / 6)),
                            sin(radians(90 * 2 / 6)),
                            sin(radians(90 * 3 / 6)),
                            sin(radians(90 * 4 / 6)),
                            sin(radians(90 * 5 / 6))]

            radius_share = [cos(radians(90 / 6)),
                            cos(radians(90 * 2 / 6)),
                            cos(radians(90 * 3 / 6)),
                            cos(radians(90 * 4 / 6)),
                            cos(radians(90 * 5 / 6))]
        else:  # we use five additional rings based on guessed values - onion diameter gets broader than drum
            height_share = [.1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .7]

            radius_share = [1.2, 1.25, 1.2, 1., .6, .2]

        # texture it
        roof_texture_size = roof_texture.h_size_meters  # size of roof texture in meters

        n_pts = len(ring)
        for r in range(0, len(height_share)):
            ring = list()
            top = bottom + roof_height * height_share[r]
            # calculate the new points of the ring
            for pt in b.pts_all:
                x, y = coord.calc_point_on_line_local(pt[0], pt[1], x_centre, y_centre, 1 - radius_share[r])
                ac_object.node(-y, top, -x)
                ring.append([x, y])

            # create the faces
            prev_offset = r * n_pts
            this_offset = (r+1) * n_pts
            for i in range(0, n_pts):
                j = (i + 1) % n_pts  # little trick to reset to 0
                dist_edge = coord.calc_distance_local(ring[i][0], ring[i][1], ring[j][0], ring[j][1])
                dist_edge_prev = coord.calc_distance_local(prev_ring[i][0], prev_ring[i][1],
                                                           prev_ring[j][0], prev_ring[j][1])
                ring_height_diff = height_share[r] * roof_height
                ring_radius_diff = coord.calc_distance_local(ring[i][0], ring[i][1], prev_ring[i][0], prev_ring[i][1])
                len_roof_hypo = (ring_height_diff ** 2 + ring_radius_diff ** 2) ** 0.5
                repeat_x = dist_edge / roof_texture_size
                repeat_y = len_roof_hypo / roof_texture_size
                ac_object.face([(object_node_index + i + prev_offset, roof_texture.x(0), roof_texture.y(0)),
                                (object_node_index + j + prev_offset, roof_texture.x(repeat_x), roof_texture.y(0)),
                                (object_node_index + j + this_offset, roof_texture.x(repeat_x), roof_texture.y(repeat_y)),
                                (object_node_index + i + this_offset, roof_texture.x(0), roof_texture.y(repeat_y))],

            prev_ring = copy.deepcopy(ring)

        # prepare for pyramidal top
        top = bottom + roof_height
        bottom = bottom + roof_height * height_share[-1]
        object_node_index += len(height_share) * n_pts

    # add the pyramidal top
    _pyramidal_top(ac_object, x_centre, y_centre, top,
                   roof_texture, roof_mat_idx, top - bottom,
                   ring, object_node_index)
예제 #6
def separate_gable(ac_object, b, roof_mat_idx: int, facade_mat_idx: int, inward_meters=0.) -> None:
    """Gabled or gambrel roof (or hipped if inward_meters > 0) with 4 nodes."""
    t = b.roof_texture

    my_type = 'separate_gable'
    if inward_meters > 0:
        my_type = 'separate_hipped'
    roof_height = sanity_roof_height_complex(b, my_type)

    # get orientation if exits:
    osm_roof_orientation_exists = False
    if s.K_ROOF_ORIENTATION in b.tags:
        osm_roof_orientation_exists = True
        osm_roof_orientation = str(b.tags[s.K_ROOF_ORIENTATION])
        if not (osm_roof_orientation in [s.V_ALONG, s.V_ACROSS]):
            osm_roof_orientation_exists = False
            osm_roof_orientation = s.V_ALONG
        osm_roof_orientation = s.V_ALONG

    # search smallest and longest sides
    i_small = 3
    i_long = 3
    l_side2 = (b.pts_all[0][0] - b.pts_all[3][0])**2 + (b.pts_all[0][1] - b.pts_all[3][1])**2
    l_small = l_side2
    l_long = l_side2
    for i in range(0, 3):
        l_side2 = (b.pts_all[i+1][0] - b.pts_all[i][0])**2 + (b.pts_all[i+1][1] - b.pts_all[i][1])**2
        if l_side2 > l_long:
            i_long = i
            l_long = l_side2
        elif l_side2 < l_small:
            i_small = i
            l_small = l_side2

    i_side = i_long  # i.e. "along"
    if osm_roof_orientation_exists:
        if osm_roof_orientation == s.V_ACROSS:
            i_side = i_small
    elif b.roof_hint is not None and b.roof_hint.ridge_orientation >= 0.:  # only override if we have neighbours
        # calculate the angle of the "along"
        along_angle = coord.calc_angle_of_line_local(b.pts_all[i_long % 4][0],
                                                     b.pts_all[i_long % 4][1],
                                                     b.pts_all[(i_long + 1) % 4][0],
                                                     b.pts_all[(i_long + 1) % 4][1])
        if along_angle >= 180.:
            along_angle -= 180.
        difference = fabs(b.roof_hint.ridge_orientation - along_angle)
        # if the difference is closer to 90 than parallel, then change the orientation
        if 45 < difference < 135:
            i_side = i_small

    seq_n = []  # the sequence of nodes such that 0-1 and 2-3 are along with ridge in parallel in the middle
    for i in range(0, 4):
        seq_n.append((i_side + i) % 4)

    object_node_index = ac_object.next_node_index()  # must be before nodes are added!
    # -- 4 corners
    for i in range(0, 4):
        ac_object.node(-b.pts_all[seq_n[i]][1], b.beginning_of_roof_above_sea_level, -b.pts_all[seq_n[i]][0])
    # We don't want the hipped part to be larger than the height, which is 45 deg
    inward_meters = min(roof_height, inward_meters)

    if inward_meters > 0. and b.roof_shape is enu.RoofShape.hipped:
        # -- tangential vector of long edge (always [0, 0] if not hipped (because inward meters = 0)
        tang = (b.pts_all[seq_n[1]]-b.pts_all[seq_n[0]])/b.edge_length_pts[seq_n[1]] * inward_meters
        tang = [0., 0.]

    # nodes for the ridge with indexes 4 and 5
    point_4 = coord.calc_point_on_line_local(b.pts_all[seq_n[0]][0], b.pts_all[seq_n[0]][1],
                                             b.pts_all[seq_n[3]][0], b.pts_all[seq_n[3]][1],
    point_5 = coord.calc_point_on_line_local(b.pts_all[seq_n[1]][0], b.pts_all[seq_n[1]][1],
                                             b.pts_all[seq_n[2]][0], b.pts_all[seq_n[2]][1],
    ac_object.node(-point_4[1], b.top_of_roof_above_sea_level, -point_4[0])
    ac_object.node(-point_5[1], b.top_of_roof_above_sea_level, -point_5[0])

    # after the nodes now the faces
    # The front and back have not necessarily the same length, as the
    # 4 sides might not make a perfect rectangle)
    len_roof_bottom_front = b.edge_length_pts[seq_n[0]]
    len_roof_bottom_back = b.edge_length_pts[seq_n[2]]
    len_roof_ridge = (len_roof_bottom_front + len_roof_bottom_back) / 2.

    roof_texture_size_x = t.h_size_meters  # size of roof texture in meters
    roof_texture_size_y = t.v_size_meters
    repeat_x_front = ((len_roof_bottom_front + len_roof_ridge) / 2) / roof_texture_size_x
    repeat_x_back = ((len_roof_bottom_back + len_roof_ridge) / 2) / roof_texture_size_x

    if b.roof_shape in [enu.RoofShape.gabled, enu.RoofShape.hipped]:
        # roofs
        len_roof_hypo = ((0.5*b.edge_length_pts[seq_n[1]])**2 + roof_height**2)**0.5
        repeat_y = len_roof_hypo / roof_texture_size_y

        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 0, t.x(0), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 1, t.x(repeat_x_front), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 5, t.x(repeat_x_front*(1-inward_meters/len_roof_bottom_front)), t.y(repeat_y)),
                        (object_node_index + 4, t.x(repeat_x_front*(inward_meters/len_roof_bottom_front)), t.y(repeat_y))],

        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 2, t.x(0), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 3, t.x(repeat_x_back), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 4, t.x(repeat_x_back*(1-inward_meters/len_roof_bottom_back)), t.y(repeat_y)),
                        (object_node_index + 5, t.x(repeat_x_back*(inward_meters/len_roof_bottom_back)), t.y(repeat_y))],

        # sides
        # if roof is hipped, then facade_mat_idx is actually roof_mat_idx
        base_len = (inward_meters**2 + b.edge_length_pts[seq_n[1]]**2)**0.5
        len_roof_hypo = (base_len**2 + roof_height**2)**0.5
        repeat_y = len_roof_hypo/roof_texture_size_y
        repeat_x = b.edge_length_pts[seq_n[1]]/roof_texture_size_x
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 1, t.x(0), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 2, t.x(repeat_x), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 5, t.x(0.5*repeat_x), t.y(repeat_y))],

        base_len = (inward_meters**2 + b.edge_length_pts[seq_n[3]]**2)**0.5
        len_roof_hypo = (base_len**2 + roof_height**2)**0.5
        repeat_y = len_roof_hypo/roof_texture_size_y
        repeat_x = b.edge_length_pts[seq_n[3]]/roof_texture_size_x
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 3, t.x(0), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 0, t.x(repeat_x), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 4, t.x(0.5*repeat_x), t.y(repeat_y))],
    else:  # b.roof_shape is RoofShape.gambrel. point_4 and point_5 on ridge still valid
        away_from_edge = GAMBREL_HEIGHT_RATIO_LOWER_PART * roof_height / tan(radians(GAMBREL_ANGLE_LOWER_PART))
        distance_across_left = coord.calc_distance_local(b.pts_all[seq_n[0]][1], b.pts_all[seq_n[0]][0],
                                                         b.pts_all[seq_n[3]][1], b.pts_all[seq_n[3]][0])
        distance_across_right = coord.calc_distance_local(b.pts_all[seq_n[1]][1], b.pts_all[seq_n[1]][0],
                                                          b.pts_all[seq_n[2]][1], b.pts_all[seq_n[2]][0])
        # indexes 6 and 7 on this side of the ridge and 8/9 on other side
        factor_left = away_from_edge / distance_across_left
        factor_right = away_from_edge / distance_across_right
        point_6 = coord.calc_point_on_line_local(b.pts_all[seq_n[0]][0], b.pts_all[seq_n[0]][1],
                                                 b.pts_all[seq_n[3]][0], b.pts_all[seq_n[3]][1],
        point_7 = coord.calc_point_on_line_local(b.pts_all[seq_n[1]][0], b.pts_all[seq_n[1]][1],
                                                 b.pts_all[seq_n[2]][0], b.pts_all[seq_n[2]][1],
        point_8 = coord.calc_point_on_line_local(b.pts_all[seq_n[1]][0], b.pts_all[seq_n[1]][1],
                                                 b.pts_all[seq_n[2]][0], b.pts_all[seq_n[2]][1],
                                                 1 - factor_right)
        point_9 = coord.calc_point_on_line_local(b.pts_all[seq_n[0]][0], b.pts_all[seq_n[0]][1],
                                                 b.pts_all[seq_n[3]][0], b.pts_all[seq_n[3]][1],
                                                 1 - factor_left)
        ratio_upper = 1 - GAMBREL_HEIGHT_RATIO_LOWER_PART
        ac_object.node(-point_6[1], b.top_of_roof_above_sea_level - ratio_upper * roof_height, -point_6[0])
        ac_object.node(-point_7[1], b.top_of_roof_above_sea_level - ratio_upper * roof_height, -point_7[0])
        ac_object.node(-point_8[1], b.top_of_roof_above_sea_level - ratio_upper * roof_height, -point_8[0])
        ac_object.node(-point_9[1], b.top_of_roof_above_sea_level - ratio_upper * roof_height, -point_9[0])

        # roofs
        lower_hypo = GAMBREL_HEIGHT_RATIO_LOWER_PART * roof_height / sin(radians(GAMBREL_ANGLE_LOWER_PART))
        top_hypo_left = ((distance_across_left / 2 - away_from_edge)**2 +
                         ((1 - GAMBREL_HEIGHT_RATIO_LOWER_PART) * roof_height)**2)**0.5
        top_hypo_right = ((distance_across_right / 2 - away_from_edge)**2 +
                          ((1 - GAMBREL_HEIGHT_RATIO_LOWER_PART) * roof_height)**2)**0.5

        # lower faces front and back
        repeat_y = lower_hypo/roof_texture_size_y
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 0, t.x(0), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 1, t.x(repeat_x_front), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 7, t.x(repeat_x_front), t.y(repeat_y)),
                        (object_node_index + 6, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 2, t.x(0), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 3, t.x(repeat_x_back), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 9, t.x(repeat_x_back), t.y(repeat_y)),
                        (object_node_index + 8, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],
        # upper faces front and back
        repeat_y = top_hypo_left/roof_texture_size_y
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 6, t.x(0), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 7, t.x(repeat_x_front), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 5, t.x(repeat_x_front), t.y(repeat_y)),
                        (object_node_index + 4, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],
        repeat_y = top_hypo_right/roof_texture_size_y
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 8, t.x(0), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 9, t.x(repeat_x_back), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 4, t.x(repeat_x_back), t.y(repeat_y)),
                        (object_node_index + 5, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],

        # side left
        repeat_y = roof_height / roof_texture_size_y
        repeat_x_base = b.edge_length_pts[seq_n[3]] / roof_texture_size_x
        middle_factor = away_from_edge / b.edge_length_pts[seq_n[3]]
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 3, t.x(0), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 0, t.x(repeat_x_base), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 6, t.x((1 - middle_factor) * repeat_x_base),
                         t.y(GAMBREL_HEIGHT_RATIO_LOWER_PART * repeat_y)),
                        (object_node_index + 4, t.x(0.5 * repeat_x_base), t.y(repeat_y)),
                        (object_node_index + 9, t.x(middle_factor * repeat_x_base),
                         t.y(GAMBREL_HEIGHT_RATIO_LOWER_PART * repeat_y))],
        # side right
        repeat_x_base = b.edge_length_pts[seq_n[1]] / roof_texture_size_x
        middle_factor = away_from_edge / b.edge_length_pts[seq_n[1]]
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 1, t.x(0), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 2, t.x(repeat_x_base), t.y(0)),
                        (object_node_index + 8, t.x((1 - middle_factor) * repeat_x_base),
                         t.y(GAMBREL_HEIGHT_RATIO_LOWER_PART * repeat_y)),
                        (object_node_index + 5, t.x(0.5 * repeat_x_base), t.y(repeat_y)),
                        (object_node_index + 7, t.x(middle_factor * repeat_x_base),
                         t.y(GAMBREL_HEIGHT_RATIO_LOWER_PART * repeat_y))],
예제 #7
def separate_gable_with_corner(ac_object, b, roof_mat_idx: int, facade_mat_idx: int) -> None:
    """Create a gabled roof around a corner - there can be 4, 5, or 6 nodes.
    By convention counting of nodes starts at the inner node (0) and is counter clockwise.
    The nodes on the top are numbered as follows:
    * First gable counter clockwise: node_10
    * Second gable counter clockwise: node_11
    * Centre node on top where ridges meet: node_12

    See e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roof#/media/File:Roof_diagram.jpg for the meaning of ridge, hip and eaves.
    t = b.roof_texture
    roof_height = sanity_roof_height_complex(b, 'gable_with_corner')

    # find the point closest to the RoofHint.inner_node
    shortest_dist = 9999999
    shortest_index = 0
    num_nodes = len(b.pts_all)  # pts_all works because there are no inner points in a complex roof
    index = -1  # enumerate over b.pts_all does not seem to work due to ndarray
    for pt in b.pts_all:
        index += 1
        dist = coord.calc_distance_local(pt[0], pt[1], b.roof_hint.inner_node[0], b.roof_hint.inner_node[1])
        if dist < shortest_dist:
            shortest_dist = dist
            shortest_index = index

    node_0 = b.pts_all[shortest_index]
    node_1 = b.pts_all[(shortest_index + 1) % num_nodes]
    node_2 = b.pts_all[(shortest_index + 2) % num_nodes]
    node_3 = b.pts_all[(shortest_index + 3) % num_nodes]
    node_4 = None
    node_5 = None
    if num_nodes > 4:
        node_4 = b.pts_all[(shortest_index + 4) % num_nodes]
    if num_nodes == 6:
        node_5 = b.pts_all[(shortest_index + 5) % num_nodes]

    idx_offset_top = 10 - num_nodes  # used to correct between node number and real index

    # point_10: the first gable
    first_node = node_0
    second_node = node_1
    if num_nodes == 5:
        if b.roof_hint.node_before_inner_is_shared:
            first_node = node_1
            second_node = node_2
        # else same as for 4 nodes
    elif num_nodes == 6:
        first_node = node_1
        second_node = node_2
    node_10 = coord.calc_point_on_line_local(first_node[0], first_node[1],
                                             second_node[0], second_node[1],
    # point_11: the second gable
    first_node = node_3
    second_node = node_0
    if num_nodes == 5:
        if b.roof_hint.node_before_inner_is_shared:
            first_node = node_4
            second_node = node_0
            first_node = node_3
            second_node = node_4
    elif num_nodes == 6:
        first_node = node_4
        second_node = node_5
    node_11 = coord.calc_point_on_line_local(first_node[0], first_node[1],
                                             second_node[0], second_node[1],
    # point_12: the centre point
    first_node = node_0
    second_node = node_2
    if num_nodes == 5:
        if b.roof_hint.node_before_inner_is_shared:
            second_node = node_3
        # else same as for 4 nodes
    elif num_nodes == 6:
        second_node = node_3
    node_12 = coord.calc_point_on_line_local(first_node[0], first_node[1],
                                             second_node[0], second_node[1],

    # add nodes to ac-object
    object_node_index = ac_object.next_node_index()  # must be before nodes are added!
    ac_object.node(-node_0[1], b.beginning_of_roof_above_sea_level, -node_0[0])
    ac_object.node(-node_1[1], b.beginning_of_roof_above_sea_level, -node_1[0])
    ac_object.node(-node_2[1], b.beginning_of_roof_above_sea_level, -node_2[0])
    ac_object.node(-node_3[1], b.beginning_of_roof_above_sea_level, -node_3[0])
    if num_nodes > 4:
        ac_object.node(-node_4[1], b.beginning_of_roof_above_sea_level, -node_4[0])
    if num_nodes == 6:
        ac_object.node(-node_5[1], b.beginning_of_roof_above_sea_level, -node_5[0])
    ac_object.node(-node_10[1], b.beginning_of_roof_above_sea_level + roof_height, -node_10[0])
    ac_object.node(-node_11[1], b.beginning_of_roof_above_sea_level + roof_height, -node_11[0])
    ac_object.node(-node_12[1], b.beginning_of_roof_above_sea_level + roof_height, -node_12[0])

    # now the faces
    roof_texture_size_x = t.h_size_meters  # size of roof texture in meters
    roof_texture_size_y = t.v_size_meters
    if num_nodes == 4:
        # first inside roof side
        ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_12[0], node_12[1], node_10[0], node_10[1])
        ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
        hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_0[0], node_0[1], node_10[0], node_10[1]) ** 2
                   + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
        repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 0, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(0)),  # node_0
                        (object_node_index + 10 - idx_offset_top, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_10
                        (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_12
        # first outside/back roof side
        eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_1[0], node_1[1], node_2[0], node_2[1])
        eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
        ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_10[0], node_10[1], node_12[0], node_12[1])
        ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
        hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_1[0], node_1[1], node_10[0], node_10[1]) ** 2
                   + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
        repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 1, t.x(0), t.y(0)),  # node_1
                        (object_node_index + 2, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_2
                        (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_12
                        (object_node_index + 10 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_10
        # second outside/back roof side
        eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_2[0], node_2[1], node_3[0], node_3[1])
        eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
        ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_11[0], node_11[1], node_12[0], node_12[1])
        ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
        hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_3[0], node_3[1], node_11[0], node_11[1]) ** 2
                   + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
        repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 2, t.x(0), t.y(0)),  # node_2
                        (object_node_index + 3, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_3
                        (object_node_index + 11 - idx_offset_top, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_11
                        (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(eaves_x - ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_12
        # second inside roof side
        ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_11[0], node_11[1], node_12[0], node_12[1])
        ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
        hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_0[0], node_0[1], node_11[0], node_11[1]) ** 2
                   + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
        repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 0, t.x(0), t.y(0)),  # node_0
                        (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_12
                        (object_node_index + 11 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_11
        # the sides where it is gabled and facade texture
        _add_sides_gabled_facade_tex(ac_object, t, object_node_index, idx_offset_top, facade_mat_idx,
                                     roof_height, roof_texture_size_x, roof_texture_size_y,
                                     node_0, 0,
                                     node_1, 1,
                                     node_3, 3,
                                     node_0, 0)
    elif num_nodes == 5:
        if b.roof_hint.node_before_inner_is_shared:
            # first inside roof side
            eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_0[0], node_0[1], node_1[0], node_1[1])
            eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
            ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_10[0], node_10[1], node_12[0], node_12[1])
            ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
            hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_1[0], node_1[1], node_10[0], node_10[1]) ** 2
                       + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
            repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
            ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 0, t.x(ridge_x - eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_0
                            (object_node_index + 1, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(0)),  # node_1
                            (object_node_index + 10 - idx_offset_top, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_10
                            (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_12
            # first outside/back roof side
            eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_2[0], node_2[1], node_3[0], node_3[1])
            eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
            ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_12[0], node_12[1], node_10[0], node_10[1])
            ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
            hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_2[0], node_2[1], node_10[0], node_10[1]) ** 2
                       + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
            repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
            ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 2, t.x(0), t.y(0)),  # node_2
                            (object_node_index + 3, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_3
                            (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_12
                            (object_node_index + 10 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_10
            # second outside/back roof side
            eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_3[0], node_3[1], node_4[0], node_4[1])
            eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
            ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_11[0], node_11[1], node_12[0], node_12[1])
            ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
            hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_4[0], node_4[1], node_11[0], node_11[1]) ** 2
                       + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
            repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
            ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 3, t.x(0), t.y(0)),  # node_3
                            (object_node_index + 4, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_4
                            (object_node_index + 11 - idx_offset_top, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_11
                            (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(eaves_x - ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y))],
            # second inside roof side
            ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_12[0], node_12[1], node_11[0], node_11[1])
            ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
            hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_0[0], node_0[1], node_11[0], node_11[1]) ** 2
                       + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
            repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
            ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 0, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(0)),  # node_0
                            (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_12
                            (object_node_index + 11 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_11
            # the sides where it is gabled and facade texture
            _add_sides_gabled_facade_tex(ac_object, t, object_node_index, idx_offset_top, facade_mat_idx,
                                         roof_height, roof_texture_size_x, roof_texture_size_y,
                                         node_1, 1,
                                         node_2, 2,
                                         node_4, 4,
                                         node_0, 0)
            # first inside roof side
            ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_12[0], node_12[1], node_10[0], node_10[1])
            ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
            hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_0[0], node_0[1], node_10[0], node_10[1]) ** 2
                       + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
            repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
            ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 0, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(0)),  # node_0
                            (object_node_index + 10 - idx_offset_top, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_10
                            (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_12
            # first outside/back roof side
            eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_1[0], node_1[1], node_2[0], node_2[1])
            eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
            ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_10[0], node_10[1], node_12[0], node_12[1])
            ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
            hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_1[0], node_1[1], node_10[0], node_10[1]) ** 2
                       + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
            repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
            ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 1, t.x(0), t.y(0)),  # node_1
                            (object_node_index + 2, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_2
                            (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_12
                            (object_node_index + 10 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_10
            # second outside/back roof side
            eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_2[0], node_2[1], node_3[0], node_3[1])
            eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
            ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_11[0], node_11[1], node_12[0], node_12[1])
            ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
            hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_3[0], node_3[1], node_11[0], node_11[1]) ** 2
                       + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
            repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
            ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 2, t.x(0), t.y(0)),  # node_2
                            (object_node_index + 3, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_3
                            (object_node_index + 11 - idx_offset_top, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_11
                            (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(eaves_x - ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y))],
            # second inside roof side
            eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_4[0], node_4[1], node_0[0], node_0[1])
            eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
            ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_11[0], node_11[1], node_12[0], node_12[1])
            ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
            hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_4[0], node_4[1], node_11[0], node_11[1]) ** 2
                       + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
            repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
            ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 4, t.x(0), t.y(0)),  # node_4
                            (object_node_index + 0, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_0
                            (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_12
                            (object_node_index + 11 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],
            # the sides where it is gabled and facade texture
            _add_sides_gabled_facade_tex(ac_object, t, object_node_index, idx_offset_top, facade_mat_idx,
                                         roof_height, roof_texture_size_x, roof_texture_size_y,
                                         node_0, 0,
                                         node_1, 1,
                                         node_3, 3,
                                         node_4, 4)
    elif num_nodes == 6:
        # first inside roof side
        eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_0[0], node_0[1], node_1[0], node_1[1])
        eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
        ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_10[0], node_10[1], node_12[0], node_12[1])
        ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
        hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_1[0], node_1[1], node_10[0], node_10[1]) ** 2
                   + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
        repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 0, t.x(ridge_x - eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_0
                        (object_node_index + 1, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(0)),  # node_1
                        (object_node_index + 10 - idx_offset_top, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_10
                        (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_12
        # first outside/back roof side
        eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_2[0], node_2[1], node_3[0], node_3[1])
        eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
        ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_12[0], node_12[1], node_10[0], node_10[1])
        ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
        hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_2[0], node_2[1], node_10[0], node_10[1]) ** 2
                   + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
        repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 2, t.x(0), t.y(0)),  # node_2
                        (object_node_index + 3, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_3
                        (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_12
                        (object_node_index + 10 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_10
        # second outside/back roof side
        eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_3[0], node_3[1], node_4[0], node_4[1])
        eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
        ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_11[0], node_11[1], node_12[0], node_12[1])
        ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
        hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_4[0], node_4[1], node_11[0], node_11[1]) ** 2
                   + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
        repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 3, t.x(0), t.y(0)),  # node_3
                        (object_node_index + 4, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_4
                        (object_node_index + 11 - idx_offset_top, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_11
                        (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(eaves_x - ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_12
        # second inside roof side
        eaves_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_5[0], node_5[1], node_0[0], node_0[1])
        eaves_x = eaves_len / roof_texture_size_x
        ridge_len = coord.calc_distance_local(node_11[0], node_11[1], node_12[0], node_12[1])
        ridge_x = ridge_len / roof_texture_size_x
        hip_len = (coord.calc_distance_local(node_5[0], node_5[1], node_11[0], node_11[1]) ** 2
                   + roof_height ** 2) ** 0.5
        repeat_y = hip_len / roof_texture_size_y
        ac_object.face([(object_node_index + 5, t.x(0), t.y(0)),  # node_5
                        (object_node_index + 0, t.x(eaves_x), t.y(0)),  # node_0
                        (object_node_index + 12 - idx_offset_top, t.x(ridge_x), t.y(repeat_y)),  # node_12
                        (object_node_index + 11 - idx_offset_top, t.x(0), t.y(repeat_y))],  # node_11
        # the sides where it is gabled and facade texture
        _add_sides_gabled_facade_tex(ac_object, t, object_node_index, idx_offset_top, facade_mat_idx,
                                     roof_height, roof_texture_size_x, roof_texture_size_y,
                                     node_1, 1,
                                     node_2, 2,
                                     node_4, 4,
                                     node_5, 5)