def mt_layover(list_of_ls): import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'GeoSeries.isna', UserWarning) target_dir = Path(list_of_ls[0]).parent.parent.parent bounds = target_dir.joinpath(f'{}.min_bounds.json') outfile = target_dir.joinpath(f'{}.ls_mask.json') valid_file = target_dir.joinpath(f'{}.valid.json') f'Creating common Layover/Shadow mask for track {}.') for i, file in enumerate(list_of_ls): if i == 0: df1 = gpd.read_file(file) df1 = df1[~(df1.geometry.is_empty | df1.geometry.isna())] geom = df1.geometry.buffer(0).unary_union if i > 0: df2 = gpd.read_file(file) df2 = df2[~(df2.geometry.is_empty | df2.geometry.isna())] geom2 = df2.geometry.buffer(0).unary_union geom = unary_union([geom, geom2]) # make geometry valid in case it isn't geom = geom.buffer(0) # remove slivers buffer = 0.00001 geom = geom.buffer(-buffer, 1, join_style=2).buffer(buffer, 1, cap_style=1, join_style=2).__geo_interface__ # write to output with open(outfile, 'w') as file: json.dump(geom, file) # create difference file for valid data shape vec.difference(bounds, outfile, valid_file)
def mt_layover_old(list_of_files, config_file): """ :param list_of_files: :param config_file: :return: """ # this is a godale thing with open(config_file) as file: config_dict = json.load(file) temp_dir = Path(config_dict['temp_dir']) update_extent = ( config_dict['processing']['time-series_ARD']['apply_ls_mask']) target_dir = Path(list_of_files[0]).parent.parent.parent outfile = target_dir.joinpath(f'{}.ls_mask.tif') extent = target_dir.joinpath(f'{}.extent.gpkg') burst_dir = Path(outfile).parent burst = f'Creating common Layover/Shadow mask for track {}.') with TemporaryDirectory(prefix=f'{temp_dir}/') as temp: # temp to Path object temp = Path(temp) # create path to temp file ls_layer = temp.joinpath(Path(outfile).name) # create a vrt-stack out of vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(srcNodata=0, separate=True) gdal.BuildVRT(str(temp.joinpath('ls.vrt')), list_of_files, options=vrt_options) with'ls.vrt')) as src: # get metadata meta = src.meta # update driver and reduced band count meta.update(driver='GTiff', count=1, dtype='uint8') # create outfiles with, 'w', **meta) as out_min: # loop through blocks for _, window in src.block_windows(1): # read array with all bands stack =, src.count + 1), window=window) # get stats arr_max = np.nanmax(stack, axis=0) arr = np.divide(arr_max, arr_max) out_min.write(np.uint8(arr), window=window, indexes=1) ras.mask_by_shape(ls_layer, outfile, extent, to_db=False, datatype='uint8', rescale=False, ndv=0) ls_layer.unlink() extent_ls_masked = None if update_extent: 'Calculating symmetrical difference of extent and ls_mask') # polygonize the multi-temporal ls mask ras.polygonize_raster(outfile, f'{str(outfile)[:-4]}.gpkg') # create file for masked extent extent_ls_masked = burst_dir.joinpath( f'{burst}.extent.masked.gpkg') # calculate difference between burst extent # and ls mask, for masked extent try: vec.difference(extent, f'{outfile.stem}.gpkg', extent_ls_masked) except: shutil.copy(extent, extent_ls_masked) return burst_dir, list_of_files, outfile, extent_ls_masked
def mt_layover(filelist, outfile, temp_dir, extent, update_extent=False): ''' This function is usally used in the time-series workflow of OST. A list of the filepaths layover/shadow masks :param filelist - list of files :param out_dir - directory where the output file will be stored :return path to the multi-temporal layover/shadow mask file generated ''' # get some info burst_dir = os.path.dirname(outfile) burst = os.path.basename(burst_dir) extent = opj(burst_dir, '{}.extent.shp'.format(burst)) # get the start time for Info on processing time start = time.time() # create path to out file ls_layer = opj(temp_dir, os.path.basename(outfile)) # create a vrt-stack out of print(' INFO: Creating common Layover/Shadow Mask') vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(srcNodata=0, separate=True) gdal.BuildVRT(opj(temp_dir, 'ls.vrt'), filelist, options=vrt_options) with, 'ls.vrt')) as src: # get metadata meta = src.meta # update driver and reduced band count meta.update(driver='GTiff', count=1, dtype='uint8') # create outfiles with, 'w', **meta) as out_min: # loop through blocks for _, window in src.block_windows(1): # read array with all bands stack =, src.count + 1), window=window) # get stats arr_max = np.nanmax(stack, axis=0) arr = arr_max / arr_max out_min.write(np.uint8(arr), window=window, indexes=1) ras.mask_by_shape(ls_layer, outfile, extent, to_db=False, datatype='uint8', rescale=False, ndv=0) os.remove(ls_layer) h.timer(start) if update_extent: print(' INFO: Calculating symetrical difference of extent and ls_mask') # polygonize the multi-temporal ls mask ras.polygonize_raster(outfile, '{}.shp'.format(outfile[:-4])) # create file for masked extent extent_ls_masked = opj(burst_dir, '{}.extent.masked.shp'.format(burst)) # calculate difference between burst exntetn and ls mask, fr masked extent vec.difference(extent, '{}.shp'.format(outfile[:-4]), extent_ls_masked)
def _ard_to_ts(burst_inventory, processing_dir, temp_dir, burst, to_db, ls_mask_create, ls_mask_apply, mt_speckle_filter, datatype): burst_dir = opj(processing_dir, burst) # get common burst extent list_of_scenes = glob.glob(opj(burst_dir, '20*', '*data*', '*img')) list_of_scenes = [x for x in list_of_scenes if 'layover' not in x] extent = opj(burst_dir, '{}.extent.shp'.format(burst)) timeseries.mt_extent(list_of_scenes, extent, buffer=-0.0018) # remove inital extent for file in glob.glob(opj(burst_dir, 'tmp*')): os.remove(file) # layover/shadow mask if ls_mask_create is True: list_of_scenes = glob.glob(opj(burst_dir, '20*', '*data*', '*img')) list_of_layover = [x for x in list_of_scenes if 'layover' in x] out_ls = opj(burst_dir, '{}.ls_mask.tif'.format(burst)) timeseries.mt_layover(list_of_layover, out_ls, extent=extent) logger.debug( 'INFO: Our common layover mask is located at {}'.format(out_ls)) if ls_mask_apply: logger.debug( 'INFO: Calculating symetrical difference of extent and ls_mask') ras.polygonize_raster(out_ls, '{}.shp'.format(out_ls[:-4])) extent_ls_masked = opj(burst_dir, '{}.extent.masked.shp'.format(burst)) vec.difference(extent, '{}.shp'.format(out_ls[:-4]), extent_ls_masked) extent = extent_ls_masked list_of_product_types = {'BS': 'Gamma0', 'coh': 'coh', 'ha_alpha': 'Alpha'} # we loop through each possible product for p, product_name in list_of_product_types.items(): # we loop through each polarisation for pol in ['VV', 'VH', 'HH', 'HV']: # see if there is actually any imagery list_of_ts_bursts = sorted( glob.glob( opj(processing_dir, burst, '20*', '*data*', '{}*{}*img'.format(product_name, pol)))) if len(list_of_ts_bursts) > 1: # check for all datafiles of this product type list_of_ts_bursts = sorted( glob.glob( opj(processing_dir, burst, '20*/', '*{}*dim'.format(p)))) list_of_ts_bursts = '\'{}\''.format( ','.join(list_of_ts_bursts)) # define out_dir for stacking routine out_dir = opj(processing_dir, '{}/Timeseries'.format(burst)) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) temp_stack = opj(temp_dir, '{}_{}_{}_mt'.format(burst, p, pol)) out_stack = opj(out_dir, '{}_{}_{}_mt'.format(burst, p, pol)) stack_log = opj(out_dir, '{}_{}_{}_stack.err_log'.format(burst, p, pol)) # run stacking routines ts.create_stack(list_of_ts_bursts, temp_stack, stack_log, polarisation=pol) # run mt speckle filter if mt_speckle_filter is True: speckle_log = opj( out_dir, '{}_{}_{}_mt_speckle.err_log'.format(burst, p, pol)) ts.mt_speckle_filter('{}.dim'.format(temp_stack), out_stack, speckle_log) # remove tmp files h.delete_dimap(temp_stack) else: out_stack = temp_stack # convert to GeoTiffs if p == 'BS': # get the dates of the files dates = [ datetime.datetime.strptime( x.split('_')[-1][:-4], '%d%b%Y') for x in glob.glob( opj('{}.data'.format(out_stack), '*img')) ] # sort them dates.sort() # write them back to string for following loop sorted_dates = [ datetime.datetime.strftime(ts, "%d%b%Y") for ts in dates ] i, outfiles = 1, [] for date in sorted_dates: # restructure date to YYMMDD in_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%d%b%Y') out_date = datetime.datetime.strftime( in_date, '%y%m%d') infile = glob.glob( opj('{}.data'.format(out_stack), '*{}*{}*img'.format(pol, date)))[0] # create outfile outfile = opj( out_dir, '{}.{}.{}.{}.tif'.format(i, out_date, p, pol)) # mask by extent ras.to_gtiff_clip_by_extend(infile, outfile, extent, to_db=to_db, out_dtype=datatype, min_value=-30, max_value=5, no_data=0.0) # add ot a list for subsequent vrt creation outfiles.append(outfile) i += 1 # build vrt of timeseries vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(srcNodata=0, separate=True) gdal.BuildVRT(opj(out_dir, 'Timeseries.{}.{}.vrt'.format(p, pol)), outfiles, options=vrt_options) if p == 'coh': # get slave and master Date mstDates = [ datetime.datetime.strptime( os.path.basename(x).split('_')[3].split('.')[0], '%d%b%Y') for x in glob.glob( opj('{}.data'.format(out_stack), '*img')) ] slvDates = [ datetime.datetime.strptime( os.path.basename(x).split('_')[4].split('.')[0], '%d%b%Y') for x in glob.glob( opj('{}.data'.format(out_stack), '*img')) ] # sort them mstDates.sort() slvDates.sort() # write them back to string for following loop sortedMstDates = [ datetime.datetime.strftime(ts, "%d%b%Y") for ts in mstDates ] sortedSlvDates = [ datetime.datetime.strftime(ts, "%d%b%Y") for ts in slvDates ] i, outfiles = 1, [] for mst, slv in zip(sortedMstDates, sortedSlvDates): inMst = datetime.datetime.strptime(mst, '%d%b%Y') inSlv = datetime.datetime.strptime(slv, '%d%b%Y') outMst = datetime.datetime.strftime(inMst, '%y%m%d') outSlv = datetime.datetime.strftime(inSlv, '%y%m%d') infile = glob.glob( opj('{}.data'.format(out_stack), '*{}*{}_{}*img'.format(pol, mst, slv)))[0] outfile = opj( out_dir, '{}.{}.{}.{}.{}.tif'.format( i, outMst, outSlv, p, pol)) ras.to_gtiff_clip_by_extend(infile, outfile, extent, to_db=False, out_dtype=datatype, min_value=0.000001, max_value=1, no_data=0.0) # add ot a list for subsequent vrt creation outfiles.append(outfile) i += 1 # build vrt of timeseries vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(srcNodata=0, separate=True) gdal.BuildVRT(opj(out_dir, 'Timeseries.{}.{}.vrt'.format(p, pol)), outfiles, options=vrt_options) # remove tmp files h.delete_dimap(out_stack) for pol in ['Alpha', 'Entropy', 'Anisotropy']: list_of_ts_bursts = sorted( glob.glob( opj(processing_dir, burst, '20*', '*{}*'.format(p), '*{}.img'.format(pol)))) if len(list_of_ts_bursts) > 1: list_of_ts_bursts = sorted( glob.glob( opj(processing_dir, burst, '20*/', '*{}*dim'.format(p)))) list_of_ts_bursts = '\'{}\''.format(','.join(list_of_ts_bursts)) # logger.debug(list_of_ts_bursts) out_dir = opj(processing_dir, '{}/Timeseries'.format(burst)) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) temp_stack = opj(temp_dir, '{}_{}_mt'.format(burst, pol)) out_stack = opj(out_dir, '{}_{}_mt'.format(burst, pol)) stack_log = opj(out_dir, '{}_{}_stack.err_log'.format(burst, pol)) # processing routines ts.create_stack(list_of_ts_bursts, temp_stack, stack_log, pattern=pol) if mt_speckle_filter is True: speckle_log = opj( out_dir, '{}_{}_mt_speckle.err_log'.format(burst, pol)) ts.mt_speckle_filter('{}.dim'.format(temp_stack), out_stack, speckle_log) # remove tmp files h.delete_dimap(temp_stack) else: out_stack = temp_stack # get the dates of the files dates = [ datetime.datetime.strptime(x.split('_')[-1][:-4], '%d%b%Y') for x in glob.glob(opj('{}.data'.format(out_stack), '*img')) ] # sort them dates.sort() # write them back to string for following loop sorted_dates = [ datetime.datetime.strftime(ts, "%d%b%Y") for ts in dates ] i, outfiles = 1, [] for date in sorted_dates: # restructure date to YYMMDD in_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%d%b%Y') out_date = datetime.datetime.strftime(in_date, '%y%m%d') infile = glob.glob( opj('{}.data'.format(out_stack), '*{}*{}*img'.format(pol, date)))[0] # create outfile outfile = opj(out_dir, '{}.{}.{}.{}.tif'.format(i, out_date, p, pol)) # mask by extent max_value = 90 if pol is 'Alpha' else 1 ras.to_gtiff_clip_by_extend(infile, outfile, extent, to_db=False, out_dtype=datatype, min_value=0.000001, max_value=max_value, no_data=0) # add ot a list for subsequent vrt creation outfiles.append(outfile) i += 1 # build vrt of timeseries vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(srcNodata=0, separate=True) gdal.BuildVRT(opj(out_dir, 'Timeseries.{}.vrt'.format(pol)), outfiles, options=vrt_options) # remove tmp files h.delete_dimap(out_stack)