예제 #1
def align_column(table, index, align='left'):
    """Aling the certain column of the table
    >>> aligned = align_column ( table , 1 , 'left' ) 
    nrows = [list(row) for row in table]
    lmax = 0

    for row in nrows:
        if index <= len(row):
            item = decolorize(row[index])
            lmax = max(lmax, len(item))

    if not lmax: return table

    aleft = align.lower() in left
    aright = not aleft and align.lower() in right

    new_table = []
    for row in nrows:
        if index <= len(row):
            item = decolorize(row[index])
            nspace = lmax - len(item)
            if aleft:
                item = row[index] + nspace * ' '
            elif aright:
                item = nspace * ' ' + row[index]
                sl = nspace / 2
                sr = nspace - sl
                item = sl * ' ' + row[index] + sr * ' '
            row[index] = item

    return [tuple(row) for row in new_table]
예제 #2
def table_width(table):
    """Get the true width of the table
    width = 0
    for row in table.split('\n'):
        width = max(width, len(decolorize(row)))
    return width
예제 #3
파일: table.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/ostap
def table(rows, title='', prefix=''):
    """Format the list of rows as a  table.
    - Each row is a sequence of column cells.
    - The first row defines the column headers.

    When terminaltables package is accessible,
    use it to get nice pretty tables, otherwise use some
    home-made primitive replacement 
    - see https://pypi.org/project/terminaltables
    - see https://github.com/Robpol86/terminaltables

    >>> table_data = [
    ...   ( 'Name'  , 'Occupation' , 'Note' ) ,
    ...   ( 'Alice' , '?'          , '---'  ) ,
    ...   ( 'Bob'   , 'unemployed' , ''     ) ]
    >>> t = table ( table_data , 'Title' )
    >>> print (t)

    from ostap.utils.basic import isatty

    title = allright(decolorize(title))
    if rows:
        rows = list(rows)
        header_row = rows[0]
        header_row = [infostr(decolorize(c)) for c in header_row]
        rows[0] = header_row
        rows = tuple(rows)

    if terminaltables and isatty():

        table_instance = terminaltables.SingleTable(rows, title)
        table_instance.justify_columns[0] = 'left'
        table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right'
        return add_prefix(table_instance.table, prefix)

    elif terminaltables:

        title = allright(title)
        table_instance = terminaltables.AsciiTable(rows, title)
        table_instance.justify_columns[0] = 'left'
        table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right'
        t = table_instance.table
        return add_prefix(table_instance.table, prefix)

    ## use the local replacement
    return the_table(rows, title, prefix)
예제 #4
파일: logger.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/ostap
 def emit(self, record):
     """Emit an ddecolorize the record
     lname = logging_levels.get(record.levelno, '')
     if not lname: lname = '%s' % record.levelno
     record.levelname = lname
     if with_colors(): record.msg = decolorize(record.msg)
     return logging.FileHandler.emit(self, record)
예제 #5
def _rfr_print_ ( self , opts = 'v' ) :
    """Easy print of RooFitResult
    >>> result = ...
    >>> print result    
    if not valid_pointer ( self ) : return 'Invalid RooFitResult'

    ## 1. try to use table print 
    table = _rfr_table_ ( self )
    lmax  = -1
    from ostap.utils.basic      import terminal_size 
    _ , width = terminal_size()
    from ostap.logger.colorized import decolorize 
    for row in table :
        lmax = max ( lmax , len ( decolorize ( row ) ) )
        if width < lmax : break

    ## if the table is narrow enough, print it 
    if 10 < lmax and lmax < width : return table 

    ## otherwise use natibe RooFit print 
    return self.print_multiline ( content = 1 , verbose = True )
예제 #6
def the_table(rows,
    """Format the list of rows as a  table (home-made primitive) 
    - Each row is a sequence of column cells.
    - The first row defines the column headers.
    >>> table_data = [
    ...   ( 'Name'  , 'Occupation' , 'Note' ) ,
    ...   ( 'Alice' , '?'          , '---'  ) ,
    ...   ( 'Bob'   , 'unemployed' , ''     ) ]
    >>> t = the_table ( table_data , 'Title' )
    >>> print (t)
    ## calculate the number of columns

    rows = list(rows)

    nc = 0
    for row in rows:
        nc = max(nc, len(row))

    wraps = []
    for i, a in zip(range(nc), alignment):
        if a and isinstance(a, str):
            al = a.lower()
            if al in left: pass
            elif al in right: pass
            elif al in wrapped: wraps.append(i)

    ## calculate the maximum width for columns
    widths = {}
    for k, row in enumerate(rows):
        cols = [c for c in row]
        while len(cols) < nc:
        for i, c in enumerate(cols):
            if not i in widths: widths[i] = 1
            widths[i] = max(widths[i], len(decolorize(c)))
        cols = tuple(cols)
        rows[k] = cols

    ## play with wrapped columns
    while wraps:

        twidth = 1 + len(prefix)

        for k in widths:
            if not k in wraps:
                twidth += widths[k] + 2
                twidth += nc + 1
        _, w = terminal_size()
        if w <= twidth: break

        nw = len(wraps)
        ww = (w - twidth) - 2 * nw
        ww, _ = divmod(ww, nw)

        if 12 < wrap_width and wrap_width < ww:
            ww = wrap_width

        if ww < 15: break

        lw = len(wraps)
        wraps = [i for i in wraps if ww <= widths[i]]

        if len(wraps) == lw: break

    for i in wraps:
        widths[i] = min(ww, widths[i])

    hformats = ["{:^%d}" % widths[c] for c in range(nc)]
    rformats = [" {:^%d} " % widths[c] for c in range(nc)]

    for i, a in zip(range(nc), alignment):
        if a and isinstance(a, str):
            al = a.lower()
            if al in left or al in wrapped:
                hformats[i] = hformats[i].replace('^', '<')
                rformats[i] = rformats[i].replace('^', '<')
            elif al in right:
                hformats[i] = hformats[i].replace('^', '>')
                rformats[i] = rformats[i].replace('^', '>')

    if wraps:
        rows_ = rows
        rows = []
        for row in rows_:
            cells = []
            for i, c in enumerate(row):
                if i in wraps and wrap_width < len(c):
                    cells.append(textwrap.wrap(indent + c, widths[i]))
            nr = 0
            for c in cells:
                nr = max(nr, len(c))

            for l in cells:
                while len(l) < nr:
                    l.insert(0, '')

            for r in range(nr):
                new_row = []
                for i, c in enumerate(cells):
                    lc = len(c)
                    if r < lc: new_row.append(c[r])
                    else: new_row.append('')

    totwidth = 0
    for c in widths:
        totwidth += widths[c]
    totwidth += (nc - 1) * 3
    if totwidth < len(title):
        delta = 1 + (len(title) - totwidth) // nc
        for c in widths:
            widths[c] += delta

    seps = ['-' * (widths[c] + 2) for c in range(nc)]
    sepline = '+' + "+".join(seps) + '+'

    table = []
    if title:
        sline = '+' + '-' * (len(sepline) - 2) + '+'
        tfmt = "{:^%d}" % (len(sepline) - 4)
        t = '| ' + allright(tfmt.format(decolorize(title))) + ' |'

    for i, row in enumerate(rows):

        cols = [c for c in row]
        while len(cols) < nc:

        if 0 == i:
            table.append('| ' + ' | '.join([
                for (f, i) in zip(hformats, cols)
            ]) + ' |')
            table.append('|' + '|'.join(
                 for (f, i) in zip(rformats, cols)]) + '|')


    return prefix + ('\n' + prefix).join(table) if prefix else '\n'.join(table)
예제 #7
def table(rows,
    """Format the list of rows as a  table.
    - Each row is a sequence of column cells.
    - The first row defines the column headers.

    When terminaltables package is accessible,
    use it to get nice pretty tables, otherwise use some
    home-made primitive replacement 
    - see https://pypi.org/project/terminaltables
    - see https://github.com/Robpol86/terminaltables

    >>> table_data = [
    ...   ( 'Name'  , 'Occupation' , 'Note' ) ,
    ...   ( 'Alice' , '?'          , '---'  ) ,
    ...   ( 'Bob'   , 'unemployed' , ''     ) ]
    >>> t = table ( table_data , 'Title' )
    >>> print (t)

    from ostap.utils.basic import isatty

    title = allright(decolorize(title))
    if rows:
        rows = list(rows)
        header_row = rows[0]
        header_row = [infostr(decolorize(c)) for c in header_row]
        rows[0] = header_row
        rows = tuple(rows)

    rows = [list(row) for row in rows]

    if not terminaltables:

        ## use the local replacement
        return the_table(rows, title, prefix, alignment=alignment)

    if isatty():

        title = allright(title)
        table_instance = terminaltables.SingleTable(rows, title)


        title = allright(title)
        table_instance = terminaltables.AsciiTable(rows, title)

    cw = table_instance.column_widths
    nc = len(cw)

    wraps = [i for (i, a) in enumerate(alignment) if a in wrapped]

    if wraps:
        from terminaltables.width_and_alignment import max_dimensions
        widths = max_dimensions(table_instance.table_data,
        widths = sum(l for (i, l) in enumerate(widths) if not i in wraps)
        widths += nc + 1 + len(prefix) + 4 + 2 * len(wraps)
        _, w = terminal_size()
        ww = w - widths
        ww, _ = divmod(ww, len(wraps))

        if 12 < ww and ww < wrap_width: wrap_width = ww
        elif 12 < ww and wrap_width <= 0: wrap_width = ww

        if wrap_width < 12: wrap_width = max_width

    nw = len(wraps)

    for i, a in zip(range(nc), alignment):
        if a and isinstance(a, str):
            al = a.lower()
            if al in left: table_instance.justify_columns[i] = 'left'
            elif al in right: table_instance.justify_columns[i] = 'right'
            elif al in center: table_instance.justify_columns[i] = 'center'
            elif al in wrapped:
                maxw = table_instance.column_max_width(i)
                if 15 < wrap_width * nw < maxw:
                    maxw = (wrap_width - 3) * nw if 1 < nw else wrap_width
                if maxw < 15:
                    maxw = (wrap_width - 3) * nw if 1 < nw else wrap_width
                if maxw < 15:
                    maxw = (max_width - 3) * nw if 1 < nw else max_width
                width = maxw / nw if 1 < nw else maxw
                for l, line in enumerate(table_instance.table_data):
                    if width < len(line[i]):
                        table_instance.table_data[l][i] = textwrap.fill(
                            indent + line[i], wrap_width)

    return add_prefix(table_instance.table, prefix)
예제 #8
파일: table.py 프로젝트: bopopescu/ostap
def the_table(rows, title='', prefix=''):
    """Format the list of rows as a  table (home-made primitive) 
    - Each row is a sequence of column cells.
    - The first row defines the column headers.
    >>> table_data = [
    ...   ( 'Name'  , 'Occupation' , 'Note' ) ,
    ...   ( 'Alice' , '?'          , '---'  ) ,
    ...   ( 'Bob'   , 'unemployed' , ''     ) ]
    >>> t = the_table ( table_data , 'Title' )
    >>> print (t)
    ## calculate the number of columns
    nc = 0
    for row in rows:
        nc = max(nc, len(row))

    ## calculate the maximum width for columns
    widths = {}
    for row in rows:
        cols = [c for c in row]
        while len(cols) < nc:
        for i, c in enumerate(cols):
            if not i in widths: widths[i] = 1
            widths[i] = max(widths[i], len(decolorize(c)))

    totwidth = 0
    for c in widths:
        totwidth += widths[c]
    totwidth += (nc - 1) * 3
    if totwidth < len(title):
        delta = 1 + (len(title) - totwidth) // nc
        for c in widths:
            widths[c] += delta

    hformats = ["{:^%d}" % widths[c] for c in range(nc)]
    rformats = [" {:^%d} " % widths[c] for c in range(nc)]

    # the first column is left  adjusted
    rformats[0] = rformats[0].replace('^', '<')
    # the last column  is right adjusted
    rformats[-1] = rformats[-1].replace('^', '>')

    seps = ['-' * (widths[c] + 2) for c in range(nc)]
    sepline = '+' + "+".join(seps) + '+'

    table = []
    if title:
        sline = '+' + '-' * (len(sepline) - 2) + '+'
        tfmt = "{:^%d}" % (len(sepline) - 4)
        t = '| ' + allright(tfmt.format(decolorize(title))) + ' |'

    for i, row in enumerate(rows):

        cols = [c for c in row]
        while len(cols) < nc:

        if 0 == i:
            table.append('| ' + ' | '.join([
                for (f, i) in zip(hformats, cols)
            ]) + ' |')
            table.append('|' + '|'.join(
                 for (f, i) in zip(rformats, cols)]) + '|')


    return prefix + ('\n' + prefix).join(table) if prefix else '\n'.join(table)