예제 #1
class ShadowServerApi(object):
    BINTEST_URL = 'http://bin-test.shadowserver.org/api'

    def __init__(self, cache_file_name=None):
        """Establishes basic HTTP params and loads a cache.

            cache_file_name: String file name of cache.

        # TODO - lookup request rate limit
        # By observation, ShadowServer can be quite slow, so give it 90 seconds before it times out.
        self._requests = MultiRequest(max_requests=2, req_timeout=90.0)

        # Create an ApiCache if instructed to
        self._cache = ApiCache(cache_file_name) if cache_file_name else None

    def get_bin_test(self, hashes):
        """Test hashes against a list of known software applications.

        Known hashes will return a dictionary of information.
        Unknown hashes will return nothing.

            hashes: list of string hashes.
            A dict with the hash as key and the shadowserver report as value.
        all_responses = {}

        if self._cache:
            api_name = 'shadowserver-bin-test'
            all_responses = self._cache.bulk_lookup(api_name, hashes)
            hashes = [key for key in hashes if key not in all_responses.keys()]
            all_responses = {key: val for key, val in all_responses.iteritems() if len(val) >= 2}

        HASHES_PER_REQ = 25
        hash_chunks = ['\n'.join(hashes[pos:pos + HASHES_PER_REQ]) for pos in xrange(0, len(hashes), HASHES_PER_REQ)]

        responses = self._requests.multi_post(self.BINTEST_URL, data=hash_chunks, to_json=False, send_as_file=True)
        for response in responses:
            if 200 == response.status_code:
                response_lines = response.text.split('\n')
                for line in response_lines:
                    # Set an initial val.
                    val = {}

                    # There is just a key, no value. This means the hash was unknown to ShadowServer.
                    index_of_first_space = line.find(' ')
                    if -1 == index_of_first_space:
                        index_of_first_space = len(line)
                    key = line[:index_of_first_space].lower()

                    # The response only has a JSON body if the hash was known.
                    json_text = line[index_of_first_space + 1:]
                    if len(json_text):
                            val = simplejson.loads(json_text)
                            # A very short response indicates an error?
                            if len(val.keys()) >= 2:
                                all_responses[key] = val

                        except ValueError:
                            # Sometimes ShadowServer returns invalid data. Silently skip it.

                    if self._cache:
                        self._cache.cache_value(api_name, key, val)

        return all_responses
예제 #2
class InvestigateApi(object):

    """Calls the OpenDNS investigate API.

    Applies rate limits and issues parallel requests.

    BASE_URL = 'https://investigate.api.opendns.com/'

    def __init__(self, api_key, cache_file_name=None):
        auth_header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(api_key)}
        self._requests = MultiRequest(default_headers=auth_header, max_requests=12, rate_limit=30)

        # Create an ApiCache if instructed to
        self._cache = ApiCache(cache_file_name) if cache_file_name else None

    def _to_url(cls, url_path):
            return u'{0}{1}'.format(cls.BASE_URL, url_path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

    def _to_urls(cls, fmt_url_path, url_path_args):
        url_paths = []
        for path_arg in url_path_args:
            except Exception as e:
                raise e

        return [cls._to_url(url_path) for url_path in url_paths]

    def categorization(self, domains):
        """Calls categorization end point and adds an 'is_suspicious' key to each response.

            domains: An enumerable of domains
            A dict of {domain: categorization_result}
        url_path = 'domains/categorization/?showLabels'
        all_responses = {}

        if self._cache:
            api_name = 'opendns-categorization'
            all_responses = self._cache.bulk_lookup(api_name, domains)
            domains = [key for key in domains if key not in all_responses.keys()]

        if len(domains):
            response = self._requests.multi_post(self._to_url(url_path), data=simplejson.dumps(domains))
            response = response[0]

            # TODO: Some better more expressive exception
            if not response:
                raise Exception('dang')

            for domain in response.keys():
                if self._cache:
                    self._cache.cache_value(api_name, domain, response[domain])
                all_responses[domain] = response[domain]

        return all_responses

    def _multi_get(self, cache_api_name, fmt_url_path, url_params):
        """Makes multiple GETs to an OpenDNS endpoint.

            cache_api_name: string api_name for caching
            fmt_url_path: format string for building URL paths
            url_params: An enumerable of strings used in building URLs
            A dict of {url_param: api_result}
        all_responses = {}

        if self._cache:
            all_responses = self._cache.bulk_lookup(cache_api_name, url_params)
            url_params = [key for key in url_params if key not in all_responses.keys()]

        if len(url_params):
            urls = self._to_urls(fmt_url_path, url_params)
            responses = self._requests.multi_get(urls)
            responses = dict(zip(url_params, responses))
            for url_param in responses.keys():
                if self._cache:
                    self._cache.cache_value(cache_api_name, url_param, responses[url_param])
                all_responses[url_param] = responses[url_param]

        return all_responses

    def security(self, domains):
        """Calls security end point and adds an 'is_suspicious' key to each response.

            domains: An enumerable of strings
            A dict of {domain: security_result}
        api_name = 'opendns-security'
        fmt_url_path = 'security/name/{0}.json'
        return self._multi_get(api_name, fmt_url_path, domains)

    def cooccurrences(self, domains):
        """Get the domains related to input domains.

            domains: an enumerable of strings domain names
            An enumerable of string domain names
        api_name = 'opendns-cooccurrences'
        fmt_url_path = 'recommendations/name/{0}.json'
        return self._multi_get(api_name, fmt_url_path, domains)

    def rr_history(self, ips):
        """Get the domains related to input ips.

            ips: an enumerable of strings as ips
            An enumerable of string domain names
        api_name = 'opendns-rr_history'
        fmt_url_path = 'dnsdb/ip/a/{0}.json'
        return self._multi_get(api_name, fmt_url_path, ips)