def generate_dirichlet_data(ndag, size):
    order = ndag.getTopologicalOrder()
    copulas = []
    for k in range(order.getSize()):
        d = 1 + ndag.getParents(k).getSize()
        copulas.append(ot.Dirichlet([(1.0+k)/(d+1) for k in range(d+1)]).getCopula())
    cbn = otagr.ContinuousBayesianNetwork(ndag, [ot.Uniform(0., 1.)]*ndag.getSize(), copulas)
    sample = cbn.getSample(size)
    return sample
예제 #2
def generate_dirichlet_data(ndag, size):
    order = ndag.getTopologicalOrder()
    jointDistributions = []
    for k in range(order.getSize()):
        d = 1 + ndag.getParents(k).getSize()
            ot.Dirichlet([(1.0 + k) / (d + 1)
                          for k in range(d + 1)]).getCopula())
    copula = otagr.ContinuousBayesianNetwork(ndag, jointDistributions)
    sample = copula.getSample(size)
    return sample
def generate_gaussian_data(ndag, size, r=0.8):
    order = ndag.getTopologicalOrder()
    copulas = []
    for k in range(order.getSize()):
        d = 1 + ndag.getParents(k).getSize()
        R = ot.CorrelationMatrix(d)
        for i in range(d):
            for j in range(i):
                R[i, j] = r
    cbn = otagr.ContinuousBayesianNetwork(ndag, [ot.Uniform(0., 1.)]*ndag.getSize(), copulas)
    sample = cbn.getSample(size)
    return sample
예제 #4
def generate_student_data(ndag, size, r=0.8):
    order = ndag.getTopologicalOrder()
    jointDistributions = []
    for k in range(order.getSize()):
        d = 1 + ndag.getParents(k).getSize()
        R = ot.CorrelationMatrix(d)
        for i in range(d):
            for j in range(i):
                R[i, j] = r
            ot.Student(5.0, [0.0] * d, [1.0] * d, R).getCopula())
    copula = otagr.ContinuousBayesianNetwork(ndag, jointDistributions)
    sample = copula.getSample(size)
    return sample
예제 #5
    marginals = [ot.Uniform(0.0, 1.0) for i in range(order.getSize())]
    copulas = list()
    for i in range(order.getSize()):
        d = 1 + ndag.getParents(i).getSize()
        print("i=", i, ", d=", d)
        if d == 1:
            R = ot.CorrelationMatrix(d)
            for i in range(d):
                for j in range(i):
                    R[i, j] = 0.5 / d
                ot.Student(5.0, [0.0] * d, [1.0] * d, R).getCopula())

    cbn = otagrum.ContinuousBayesianNetwork(ndag, marginals, copulas)
    print("cbn=", cbn)
    print("cbn pdf=", cbn.computePDF([0.5] * d))
    print("cbn realization=", cbn.getRealization())
    size = 300
    sampleLearn = cbn.getSample(size)
    sample = cbn.getSample(size)

    sampleLearn.exportToCSVFile("samplelearn.csv", ",")
    sample.exportToCSVFile("sample.csv", ",")

    print("cbn sample=", sample)
    logL = 0.0
    pdfSample = cbn.computePDF(sample)
    pdfSample.exportToCSVFile("pdfSample.csv", ",")
    for i in range(size):
예제 #6
m_list = [ot.Uniform(0.0, 1.0)
          for i in range(structure.getSize())]  # Local marginals
lcc_list = []  # Local Conditional Copulas
for i in range(structure.getSize()):
    dim_lcc = structure.getParents(i).getSize() + 1
    R = ot.CorrelationMatrix(dim_lcc)
    for j in range(dim_lcc):
        for k in range(j):
            R[j, k] = 0.6
    lcc_list.append(ot.Normal([0.0] * dim_lcc, [1.0] * dim_lcc, R).getCopula())

# %%
# Now that we have a NamedDAG structure and a collection of local conditional copulas, we can construct a CBN.

# %%
cbn = otagrum.ContinuousBayesianNetwork(structure, m_list, lcc_list)

# %%
# Having a CBN, we can now sample from it.

# %%
ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(10)  # Set random seed
sample = cbn.getSample(1000)
train = sample[:-100]
test = sample[-100:]

# %%
# Learning the structure with continuous PC:
# Now that we have data, we can use it to learn the structure with the continuous PC algorithm.

# %%
            TTest = otagr.ContinuousTTest(train, alpha)
            jointDistributions = []
            for i in range(order.getSize()):
                dim = 1 + ndag.getParents(i).getSize()
                if dim == 1:
                    bernsteinCopula = ot.Uniform(0.0, 1.0)
                    K = TTest.GetK(len(train), dim)
                    indices = [int(n) for n in ndag.getParents(i)]
                    indices = [i] + indices
                    bernsteinCopula = ot.EmpiricalBernsteinCopula(
                        train.getMarginal(indices), K, False)

            #print("jD", jointDistributions)
            cbn = otagr.ContinuousBayesianNetwork(ndag, jointDistributions)
            ll = 0
            for t in test:
                #print("contribution", cbn.computeLogPDF(d))
                ll += cbn.computeLogPDF(t)
            ll /= len(test)


# Transposing result matrix
Loglikelihoods = np.reshape(Loglikelihoods, (n_restart, n_samples)).transpose()

Loglikelihoods = np.array(Loglikelihoods, dtype=float)
ll_mean = np.mean(Loglikelihoods, axis=1).reshape((len(Loglikelihoods), 1))
ll_std = np.std(Loglikelihoods, axis=1).reshape((len(Loglikelihoods), 1))