def handle_natneg_address_check(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x0A - NN_ADDRESS_CHECK.

    Send by the client during connection test.

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 0a 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    0a                - NATNEG record type
    00 00 00 00       - Session id
    01                - Port type (between 0x00 and 0x03)
                      - 60 bytes padding?
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    00                - NATNEG result?
    00 00 00 00       - NAT type?
    00 00 00 00       - NAT mapping scheme?
    00 (x50)          - Game name?
    client_id = "%02x" % ord(recv_data[13])
               "Received address check command from %s:%d...",
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

    output = bytearray(recv_data[0:15])
    output += utils.get_bytes_from_ip_str(addr[0])
    output += utils.get_bytes_from_short(addr[1], True)
    output += bytearray(recv_data[len(output):])

    output[7] = 0x0b  # NN_ADDRESS_REPLY
    nn.write_queue.put((output, addr, socket))

    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Sent address check response to %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))
예제 #2
def handle_natneg_address_check(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x0A - NN_ADDRESS_CHECK.

    Send by the client during connection test.

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 0a 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    0a                - NATNEG record type
    00 00 00 00       - Session id
    01                - Port type (between 0x00 and 0x03)
                      - 60 bytes padding?
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    00                - NATNEG result?
    00 00 00 00       - NAT type?
    00 00 00 00       - NAT mapping scheme?
    00 (x50)          - Game name?
    client_id = "%02x" % ord(recv_data[13])
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Received address check command from %s:%d...",
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

    output = bytearray(recv_data[0:15])
    output += utils.get_bytes_from_ip_str(addr[0])
    output += utils.get_bytes_from_short(addr[1], True)
    output += bytearray(recv_data[len(output):])

    output[7] = 0x0b  # NN_ADDRESS_REPLY
    nn.write_queue.put((output, addr, socket))

    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Sent address check response to %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))
예제 #3
def handle_natneg_init(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x00 - NN_INIT.

    Send by the client to initialize the connection.

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 00 3d f1 00 71 00 00 01 0a
    00 01 e2 00 00 6d 61 72 69 6f 6b 61 72 74 77 69
    69 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    00                - NATNEG record type
    3d f1 00 71       - Session id
    00                - Port type (between 0x00 and 0x03)
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    01                - Use game port
    0a 00 01 e2       - Local IP
    00 00             - Local port
    GAME_NAME 00      - Game name
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Received initialization from %s:%d...", *addr)

    session_id = utils.get_int(recv_data, 8)
    output = bytearray(recv_data[0:14])

    # Checked with Tetris DS, Mario Kart DS, and Metroid Prime
    # Hunters, and this seems to be the standard response to 0x00
    output += bytearray([0xff, 0xff, 0x6d, 0x16, 0xb5, 0x7d, 0xea])
    output[7] = 0x01  # Initialization response
    nn.write_queue.put((output, addr, socket))

    # Try to connect to the server
    gameid = utils.get_string(recv_data, 0x15)
    client_id = "%02x" % ord(recv_data[13])
    localaddr = utils.get_local_addr(recv_data, 15)

    nn.session_list \
        .setdefault(session_id, {}) \
                        'connected': False,
                        'addr': '',
                        'localaddr': None,
                        'serveraddr': None,
                        'gameid': None

    # In fact, it's a pointer
    client_id_session = nn.session_list[session_id][client_id]
    client_id_session['gameid'] = gameid
    client_id_session['addr'] = addr
    client_id_session['localaddr'] = localaddr

    for client in nn.session_list[session_id]:
        # Another pointer
        client_session = nn.session_list[session_id][client]
        if client_session['connected'] or client == client_id:

        # --- Send to requesting client
        # Get server info
        serveraddr = nn.get_server_addr(gameid, session_id, client)
        client_session['serveraddr'] = serveraddr
                   "Found server from local ip/port: %s from %d", serveraddr,

        # Get public port
        if client_session['serveraddr'] is not None:
            publicport = int(client_session['serveraddr']['publicport'])
            publicport = \
                client_session['localaddr'][1] or \

        output = bytearray(recv_data[0:12])
        output += utils.get_bytes_from_ip_str(client_session['addr'][0])
        output += utils.get_bytes_from_short(publicport, True)

        # Unknown, always seems to be \x42\x00
        output += bytearray([0x42, 0x00])
        output[7] = 0x05  # NN_CONNECT
        nn.write_queue.put((output, client_id_session['addr'], socket))

        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Sent connection request to %s:%d...",
        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))

        # --- Send to other client
        # Get server info
        serveraddr = nn.get_server_addr(gameid, session_id, client_id)
        client_id_session['serveraddr'] = serveraddr
                   "Found server 2 from local ip/port: %s from %d", serveraddr,

        # Get public port
        if client_id_session['serveraddr'] is not None:
            publicport = int(client_id_session['serveraddr']['publicport'])
            publicport = \
                client_id_session['localaddr'][1] or \

        output = bytearray(recv_data[0:12])
        output += utils.get_bytes_from_ip_str(client_id_session['addr'][0])
        output += utils.get_bytes_from_short(publicport, True)

        # Unknown, always seems to be \x42\x00
        output += bytearray([0x42, 0x00])
        output[7] = 0x05  # NN_CONNECT
        nn.write_queue.put((output, client_session['addr'], socket))

        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Sent connection request to %s:%d...",
        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))
def handle_natneg_init(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x00 - NN_INIT.

    Send by the client to initialize the connection.

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 00 3d f1 00 71 00 00 01 0a
    00 01 e2 00 00 6d 61 72 69 6f 6b 61 72 74 77 69
    69 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    00                - NATNEG record type
    3d f1 00 71       - Session id
    00                - Port type (between 0x00 and 0x03)
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    01                - Use game port
    0a 00 01 e2       - Local IP
    00 00             - Local port
    GAME_NAME 00      - Game name
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Received initialization from %s:%d...", *addr)

    session_id = utils.get_int(recv_data, 8)
    output = bytearray(recv_data[0:14])

    # Checked with Tetris DS, Mario Kart DS, and Metroid Prime
    # Hunters, and this seems to be the standard response to 0x00
    output += bytearray([0xff, 0xff, 0x6d, 0x16, 0xb5, 0x7d, 0xea])
    output[7] = 0x01  # Initialization response
    nn.write_queue.put((output, addr, socket))

    # Try to connect to the server
    gameid = utils.get_string(recv_data, 0x15)
    client_id = "%02x" % ord(recv_data[13])
    localaddr = utils.get_local_addr(recv_data, 15)

    nn.session_list \
        .setdefault(session_id, {}) \
                        'connected': False,
                        'addr': '',
                        'localaddr': None,
                        'serveraddr': None,
                        'gameid': None

    # In fact, it's a pointer
    client_id_session = nn.session_list[session_id][client_id]
    client_id_session['gameid'] = gameid
    client_id_session['addr'] = addr
    client_id_session['localaddr'] = localaddr

    for client in nn.session_list[session_id]:
        # Another pointer
        client_session = nn.session_list[session_id][client]
        if client_session['connected'] or client == client_id:

        # --- Send to requesting client
        # Get server info
        serveraddr = nn.get_server_addr(gameid, session_id, client)
        client_session['serveraddr'] = serveraddr
                   "Found server from local ip/port: %s from %d",
                   serveraddr, session_id)

        # Get public port
        if client_session['serveraddr'] is not None:
            publicport = int(client_session['serveraddr']['publicport'])
            publicport = \
                client_session['localaddr'][1] or \

        output = bytearray(recv_data[0:12])
        output += utils.get_bytes_from_ip_str(client_session['addr'][0])
        output += utils.get_bytes_from_short(publicport, True)

        # Unknown, always seems to be \x42\x00
        output += bytearray([0x42, 0x00])
        output[7] = 0x05  # NN_CONNECT
        nn.write_queue.put((output, client_id_session['addr'], socket))

                   "Sent connection request to %s:%d...",
        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))

        # --- Send to other client
        # Get server info
        serveraddr = nn.get_server_addr(gameid, session_id, client_id)
        client_id_session['serveraddr'] = serveraddr
                   "Found server 2 from local ip/port: %s from %d",
                   serveraddr, session_id)

        # Get public port
        if client_id_session['serveraddr'] is not None:
            publicport = int(client_id_session['serveraddr']['publicport'])
            publicport = \
                client_id_session['localaddr'][1] or \

        output = bytearray(recv_data[0:12])
        output += utils.get_bytes_from_ip_str(client_id_session['addr'][0])
        output += utils.get_bytes_from_short(publicport, True)

        # Unknown, always seems to be \x42\x00
        output += bytearray([0x42, 0x00])
        output[7] = 0x05  # NN_CONNECT
        nn.write_queue.put((output, client_session['addr'], socket))

                   "Sent connection request to %s:%d...",
        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))