예제 #1
    def setUp(self):
        Create a mock group
        self.tenant_id = '11111'
        self.group_id = '1'
        self.mock_log = mock.MagicMock()
        self.collection = mock.MagicMock(spec=[], data={self.tenant_id: {}})

        self.config = {'name': 'aname', 'cooldown': 0, 'minEntities': 0}
        # this is the config with all the default vals
        self.output_config = {
            'name': 'aname',
            'cooldown': 0,
            'minEntities': 0,
            'maxEntities': None,
            'metadata': {}
        self.launch_config = {
            "type": "launch_server",
            "args": {
                "server": {
                    "these are": "some args"
        self.policies = group_examples.policy()[:1]
        self.group = MockScalingGroup(
            self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, self.group_id, self.collection, {
                'config': self.config,
                'launch': self.launch_config,
                'policies': self.policies

        self.collection.data[self.tenant_id]['1'] = self.group
예제 #2
 def test_list_empty_policies(self):
     If there are no policies, list policies conforms to the schema and
     also is an empty dictionary
     self.group = MockScalingGroup(self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, '1',
                                   self.collection, {
                                       'config': self.config,
                                       'launch': self.launch_config,
                                       'policies': None
     self.assertEqual(self.validate_list_policies_return_value(), {})
    def setUp(self):
        Create a mock group
        self.tenant_id = '11111'
        self.group_id = '1'
        self.mock_log = mock.MagicMock()
        self.collection = mock.MagicMock(spec=[], data={self.tenant_id: {}})

        self.config = {
            'name': 'aname',
            'cooldown': 0,
            'minEntities': 0
        # this is the config with all the default vals
        self.output_config = {
            'name': 'aname',
            'cooldown': 0,
            'minEntities': 0,
            'maxEntities': None,
            'metadata': {}
        self.launch_config = {
            "type": "launch_server",
            "args": {"server": {"these are": "some args"}}
        self.policies = group_examples.policy()[:1]
        self.group = MockScalingGroup(
            self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, self.group_id, self.collection,
            {'config': self.config, 'launch': self.launch_config,
             'policies': self.policies})

        self.collection.data[self.tenant_id]['1'] = self.group
예제 #4
 def test_list_empty_policies(self):
     If there are no policies, list policies conforms to the schema and
     also is an empty dictionary
     self.group = MockScalingGroup(
         self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, '1', self.collection,
         {'config': self.config, 'launch': self.launch_config,
          'policies': None})
     self.assertEqual(self.validate_list_policies_return_value(), [])
예제 #5
    def test_list_policies_offsets_by_marker(self):
        Listing all policies will offset the list by the last seen parameter
        self.policies = group_examples.policy()[:3]
        self.group = MockScalingGroup(
            self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, self.group_id, self.collection,
            {'config': self.config, 'launch': self.launch_config,
             'policies': self.policies})

        policies = self.validate_list_policies_return_value(limit=2, marker='1')
        self.assertEqual([p['id'] for p in policies], ['2', '3'])
예제 #6
    def test_list_policies_limits_number_of_policies(self):
        Listing all policies limits the number of policies by the limit
        self.policies = group_examples.policy()[:3]
        self.group = MockScalingGroup(
            self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, self.group_id, self.collection,
            {'config': self.config, 'launch': self.launch_config,
             'policies': self.policies})

        policies = self.validate_list_policies_return_value(limit=2)
        self.assertEqual([p['id'] for p in policies], ['1', '2'])
예제 #7
    def setUp(self):
        Create a mock group
        set_config_data({'limits': {'absolute': {'maxWebhooksPerPolicy': 10,
                                                 'maxPoliciesPerGroup': 10}}})
        self.addCleanup(set_config_data, {})

        self.tenant_id = '11111'
        self.group_id = '1'
        self.mock_log = mock.MagicMock()
        self.collection = mock.MagicMock(spec=[], data={self.tenant_id: {}})

        self.config = {
            'name': 'aname',
            'cooldown': 0,
            'minEntities': 0
        # this is the config with all the default vals
        self.output_config = {
            'name': 'aname',
            'cooldown': 0,
            'minEntities': 0,
            'maxEntities': None,
            'metadata': {}
        self.launch_config = group_examples.launch_server_config()[0]
        self.policies = group_examples.policy()[:1]
        self.group = MockScalingGroup(
            self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, self.group_id, self.collection,
            {'config': self.config, 'launch': self.launch_config,
             'policies': self.policies})

        self.collection.data[self.tenant_id]['1'] = self.group

        self.counter = 0

        def generate_uuid():
            self.counter += 1
            return self.counter

        self.mock_uuid = patch(self, 'otter.models.mock.uuid4',
예제 #8
class MockScalingGroupTestCase(IScalingGroupProviderMixin, TestCase):
    Tests for :class:`MockScalingGroup`

    def setUp(self):
        Create a mock group
        self.tenant_id = '11111'
        self.group_id = '1'
        self.mock_log = mock.MagicMock()
        self.collection = mock.MagicMock(spec=[], data={self.tenant_id: {}})

        self.config = {
            'name': 'aname',
            'cooldown': 0,
            'minEntities': 0
        # this is the config with all the default vals
        self.output_config = {
            'name': 'aname',
            'cooldown': 0,
            'minEntities': 0,
            'maxEntities': None,
            'metadata': {}
        self.launch_config = group_examples.launch_server_config()[0]
        self.policies = group_examples.policy()[:1]
        self.group = MockScalingGroup(
            self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, self.group_id, self.collection,
            {'config': self.config, 'launch': self.launch_config,
             'policies': self.policies})

        self.collection.data[self.tenant_id]['1'] = self.group

        self.counter = 0

        def generate_uuid():
            self.counter += 1
            return self.counter

        self.mock_uuid = patch(self, 'otter.models.mock.uuid4',

    def test_view_manifest_has_all_info(self):
        View manifest should return a dictionary that conforms to the JSON
        result = self.validate_view_manifest_return_value()
        self.assertEqual(result['groupConfiguration'], self.output_config)
        self.assertEqual(result['launchConfiguration'], self.launch_config)
        self.assertEqual(result['id'], '1')
            result['state'], GroupState(self.tenant_id, '1', '', {}, {}, None, {}, False)

        policies = result['scalingPolicies']
        for policy in policies:
            del policy['id']
            assert policy in self.policies

        self.assertEqual(len(policies), len(self.policies))

    def test_default_view_config_has_all_info(self):
        View should return a dictionary that conforms to the JSON schema (has
        all parameters even though only a few were passed in)
        result = self.validate_view_config_return_value()
        self.assertEqual(result, self.output_config)

    def test_view_launch_config_returns_what_it_was_created_with(self):
        The view config that is returned by the MockScalingGroup is the same
        one it was created with.  There is currently no validation for what
        goes in and hence what goes out, so just check if they are the same.
        result = self.successResultOf(self.group.view_launch_config())
        self.assertEqual(result, self.launch_config)

    def test_view_state_returns_empty_state(self):
        ``view_state`` a group state with empty info
        result = self.successResultOf(self.group.view_state())
        self.assertEqual(result, GroupState(self.tenant_id, '1', '', {}, {},
                                            None, {}, False))

    def test_modify_state(self):
        ``modify_state`` saves the new state returned by the function if the
        tenant ids and group ids match
        new_state = GroupState(self.tenant_id, self.group_id, 'aname', {1: {}}, {},
                               'date', {}, True)

        def modifier(group, state):
            return new_state

        self.assertEqual(self.group.state, new_state)

    def test_modify_state_fails_if_tenant_ids_do_not_match(self):
        ``modify_state`` does not save the state that the modifier returns if
        the tenant IDs do not match
        def modifier(group, state):
            return GroupState('tid', self.group_id, 'aname', {}, {}, 'date', {}, True)

        d = self.group.modify_state(modifier)
        f = self.failureResultOf(d)

    def test_modify_state_fails_if_group_ids_do_not_match(self):
        ``modify_state`` does not save the state that the modifier returns if
        the tenant IDs do not match
        def modifier(group, state):
            return GroupState(self.tenant_id, 'meh', 'aname', {}, {}, 'date', {}, True)

        d = self.group.modify_state(modifier)
        f = self.failureResultOf(d)

    def test_update_config_overwrites_existing_data(self):
        Passing in a dict only overwrites the existing dict unless the
        `partial_update` flag is passed as True
        expected = {
            'cooldown': 1000,
            'metadata': {'UPDATED': 'UPDATED'},
            'minEntities': 10,
            'maxEntities': 15,
            'name': 'UPDATED'
        result = self.validate_view_config_return_value()
        self.assertEqual(result, expected)

    def test_update_config_does_not_overwrite_existing_non_provided_keys(self):
        If certain keys are not provided in the update dictionary and the
        `partial_update` flag is provided as True, the keys that are not
        provided are not overwritten.
            {}, partial_update=True))
        result = self.validate_view_config_return_value()

        # because the returned value has the defaults filled in even if they
        # were not provided
        expected = dict(self.config)
        expected['maxEntities'] = None
        expected['metadata'] = {}
        self.assertEqual(result, expected)

    def test_update_config_does_not_change_launch_config(self):
        When the config is updated, the launch config doesn't change.
            'cooldown': 1000,
            'metadata': {'UPDATED': 'UPDATED'},
            'minEntities': 10,
            'maxEntities': 15,
            'name': 'UPDATED'

    def test_update_launch_config_overwrites_existing_data(self):
        There is no partial update for the launch config.  Whatever
        `update_launch_config` is called with is what will be saved.
        updated = {
            "type": "launch_server",
            "args": {"server": {"here are": "new args"}}
        result = self.successResultOf(self.group.view_launch_config())
        self.assertEqual(result, updated)

    def test_update_launch_config_does_not_change_config(self):
        When the launch_config is updated, the config doesn't change.
            "type": "launch_server",
            "args": {"server": {"here are": "new args"}}

    def test_create_new_scaling_policies(self):
        Adding new policies to the scaling group returns a dictionary of
        scaling policies mapped to their ids
        create_response = self.validate_create_policies_return_value([
                "name": "scale down by 20",
                "change": -20,
                "cooldown": 300,
                "type": "webhook",
                "name": 'scale down 10 percent',
                "changePercent": -10,
                "cooldown": 200,
                "type": "webhook",
        list_result = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        self.assertGreater(len(list_result), len(create_response))
        for item in create_response:
            self.assertIn(item, list_result)

    def test_delete_group_removes_self_from_collection_if_state_empty(self):
        Deleting a scaling group succeeds if there are no active and pending
        self.assertEqual(len(self.collection.data[self.group.tenant_id]), 1)
        d = self.group.delete_group()
        self.assertEqual(None, self.successResultOf(d))
        self.assertEqual(len(self.collection.data[self.group.tenant_id]), 0)

    def test_delete_scaling_group_fails_if_scaling_group_not_empty(self):
        Deleting a scaling group that has active or pending jobs errbacks with
        a :class:`GroupNotEmptyError`
        self.group.state.active = {'1': {}}
        self.failureResultOf(self.group.delete_group(), GroupNotEmptyError)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.collection.data[self.group.tenant_id]), 1)

    def test_list_empty_policies(self):
        If there are no policies, list policies conforms to the schema and
        also is an empty dictionary
        self.group = MockScalingGroup(
            self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, '1', self.collection,
            {'config': self.config, 'launch': self.launch_config,
             'policies': None})
        self.assertEqual(self.validate_list_policies_return_value(), [])

    def test_list_all_policies(self):
        List existing policies returns a dictionary of the policy mapped to the
        policies = self.validate_list_policies_return_value()
        self.assertEqual(len(policies), len(self.policies))
        for policy in policies:
            del policy['id']

        for a_policy in self.policies:
            self.assertIn(a_policy, policies)

    def test_list_policies_limits_number_of_policies(self):
        Listing all policies limits the number of policies by the limit
        self.policies = group_examples.policy()[:3]
        self.group = MockScalingGroup(
            self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, self.group_id, self.collection,
            {'config': self.config, 'launch': self.launch_config,
             'policies': self.policies})

        policies = self.validate_list_policies_return_value(limit=2)
        self.assertEqual([p['id'] for p in policies], ['1', '2'])

    def test_list_policies_offsets_by_marker(self):
        Listing all policies will offset the list by the last seen parameter
        self.policies = group_examples.policy()[:3]
        self.group = MockScalingGroup(
            self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, self.group_id, self.collection,
            {'config': self.config, 'launch': self.launch_config,
             'policies': self.policies})

        policies = self.validate_list_policies_return_value(limit=2, marker='1')
        self.assertEqual([p['id'] for p in policies], ['2', '3'])

    def test_get_policy_succeeds(self):
        Try to get a policy by looking up all available UUIDs, and getting one.
        policy_list = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        value = policy_list[0]
        uuid = value.pop('id')
        result = self.successResultOf(self.group.get_policy(uuid))
        self.assertEqual(value, result)

    def test_get_nonexistent_policy_fails(self):
        Get a policy that doesn't exist returns :class:`NoSuchPolicyError`
        uuid = "Otters are so cute!"
        deferred = self.group.get_policy(uuid)
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_delete_policy_succeeds(self):
        Delete a policy, check that it is actually deleted.
        policy_list = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        uuid = policy_list[0]['id']

        result = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        ids = [policy['id'] for policy in result]
        self.assertNotIn(uuid, ids)
        self.assertEqual([], result)

    def test_delete_nonexistent_policy_fails(self):
        Delete a policy that doesn't exist. Should return with NoSuchPolicyError
        deferred = self.group.delete_policy("puppies")
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_delete_policy_removes_webhooks(self):
        Deleting an existing policy removes its associated webhooks too
        self.group.policies = {"2": {}}
        self.group.webhooks = {"2": {}}
        self.assertNotIn("2", self.group.webhooks)

    def test_update_policy_succeeds(self):
        Get a UUID and attempt to update the policy.
        policy_list = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        uuid = policy_list[0]['id']
        update_data = {
            "name": "Otters are not good pets",
            "change": 1234,
            "cooldown": 555,
            "type": "webhook"
        self.successResultOf(self.group.update_policy(uuid, update_data))
        result = self.successResultOf(
        self.assertEqual(update_data, result)

    def test_update_nonexistent_policy_fails(self):
        Attempt to update a nonexistant policy.
        update_data = {
            "name": "puppies are good pets",
            "change": 1234,
            "cooldown": 555,
            "type": "webhook"
        deferred = self.group.update_policy("puppies", update_data)
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_list_webhooks_nonexistant_policy_fails(self):
        Listing webhooks on a policy that doesn't exist fails with a
        deferred = self.group.list_webhooks("otter-stacking")
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_list_empty_webhooks(self):
        If there are no webhooks, an empty dictionary is returned when
        ``list_webhooks`` is called
        policy_list = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        uuid = policy_list[0]['id']
        result = self.validate_list_webhooks_return_value(uuid)
        self.assertEqual(result, [])

    def test_list_webhooks_succeeds(self):
        If there are webhooks for a particular policy, listing webhooks returns
        a dictionary for all of them
        policy_list = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        uuid = policy_list[0]['id']
        webhooks = {
            '10': self.sample_webhook_data,
            '11': self.sample_webhook_data
        self.group.webhooks = {uuid: webhooks}
        result = self.validate_list_webhooks_return_value(uuid)
        self.assertEqual(result, [
            dict(id='10', **self.sample_webhook_data),
            dict(id='11', **self.sample_webhook_data)

    def test_list_webhooks_limits_number_of_webhooks(self):
        Listing all webhooks limits the number of webhooks by the limit
        policy_id = self.group.policies.keys()[0]
        self.group.webhooks = {
            policy_id: {
                '10': self.sample_webhook_data,
                '11': self.sample_webhook_data
        result = self.validate_list_webhooks_return_value(policy_id, limit=1)
        self.assertEqual(result, [
            dict(id='10', **self.sample_webhook_data)

    def test_list_webooks_offsets_by_marker(self):
        Listing all webhooks will offset the list by the last seen parameter
        policy_id = self.group.policies.keys()[0]
        self.group.webhooks = {
            policy_id: {
                '10': self.sample_webhook_data,
                '11': self.sample_webhook_data
        result = self.validate_list_webhooks_return_value(
            policy_id, limit=2, marker='10')
        self.assertEqual(result, [
            dict(id='11', **self.sample_webhook_data)

    def test_create_webhooks_nonexistant_policy_fails(self):
        Creating webhooks on a policy that doesn't exist fails with a
        deferred = self.group.create_webhooks("otter-stacking", [{}])
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

                return_value=("ver", "hash"))
    def test_create_webhooks_succeed(self, fake_random):
        Adding new webhooks to the scaling policy returns a dictionary of
        scaling webhooks mapped to their ids
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        # have a fake webhook already
        self.group.webhooks = {
            '2': {
                'fake': {
                    'capability': {
                        'hash': 'fake',
                        'ver': '1'
                    'name': 'meh',
                    'metadata': {}

        # create two webhooks, both empty
        creation = self.validate_create_webhooks_return_value(
            '2', [{'name': 'one'}, {'name': 'two'}])
        for item in creation:
            self.assertIn('id', item)
            del item['id']

        self.assertEqual(creation, [
                'name': name,
                'metadata': {},
                'capability': {
                    'hash': 'hash',
                    'version': 'ver'
            } for name in ('one', 'two')
        # listing should return 3
        listing = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_webhooks('2'))
        self.assertGreater(len(listing), len(creation))

    def test_get_webhook_nonexistent_policy_fails(self):
        Updating a webhook of a nonexistant policy fails with a
        deferred = self.group.get_webhook("puppies", "1")
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_get_nonexistant_webhook_fails(self):
        Getting a non-existant webhook of an existing policy fails with a
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        self.group.webhooks = {'2': {}}
        deferred = self.group.get_webhook("2", "1")
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchWebhookError)

    def test_get_webhook_updates_existing_dictionary(self):
        Get webhook updates the data that's already there but doesn't
        delete the capability url.
        expected_webhook = {
            'name': 'original',
            'capability': {'hash': 'xxx', 'version': '3'},
            'metadata': {'key': 'value'}
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        self.group.webhooks = {'2': {'3': expected_webhook}}
        deferred = self.group.get_webhook("2", "3")

    def test_update_webhook_nonexistent_policy_fails(self):
        Updating a webhook of a nonexistant policy fails with a
        deferred = self.group.update_webhook("puppies", "1", {'name': 'fake'})
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_update_nonexistant_webhook_fails(self):
        Updating a non-existant webhook of an existing policy fails with a
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        deferred = self.group.update_webhook("2", "1", {'name': 'fake'})
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchWebhookError)

    def test_update_webhook_updates_existing_dictionary(self):
        Updating webhook updates the data that's already there but doesn't
        delete the capability url.
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        self.group.webhooks = {
            '2': {
                '3': {
                    'name': 'original',
                    'capability': {'hash': 'xxx', 'version': '3'},
                    'metadata': {'key': 'value'}
        deferred = self.group.update_webhook("2", "3", {
            'name': 'updated',
            'metadata': {'key2': 'value2'}
        self.assertEqual(self.group.webhooks, {
            '2': {
                '3': {
                    'name': 'updated',
                    'capability': {'hash': 'xxx', 'version': '3'},
                    'metadata': {'key2': 'value2'}

    def test_update_webhook_without_metadata_erases_metadata(self):
        Updating a webhook and not providing metadata erases metadata that's
        already there.
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        self.group.webhooks = {
            '2': {
                '3': {
                    'name': 'original',
                    'capability': {'hash': 'xxx', 'version': '3'},
                    'metadata': {'key': 'value'}
        deferred = self.group.update_webhook("2", "3", {'name': 'updated'})
        self.assertEqual(self.group.webhooks, {
            '2': {
                '3': {
                    'name': 'updated',
                    'capability': {'hash': 'xxx', 'version': '3'},
                    'metadata': {}

    def test_delete_webhook_nonexistent_policy_fails(self):
        Deleting a webhook of a nonexistant policy fails with a
        deferred = self.group.delete_webhook("puppies", "1")
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_delete_nonexistant_webhook_fails(self):
        Deleting a non-existant webhook of an existing policy fails with a
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        deferred = self.group.delete_webhook("2", "1")
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchWebhookError)

    def test_delete_webhook_succeeds(self):
        If deleting a webhook succeeds, webhook is removed from store.
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        self.group.webhooks = {
            '2': {
                '3': {
                    'name': 'original',
                    'capability': {'hash': 'xxx', 'version': '3'},
                    'metadata': {'key': 'value'}
        deferred = self.group.delete_webhook("2", "3")
        self.assertEqual(self.group.webhooks, {'2': {}})
예제 #9
class MockScalingGroupTestCase(IScalingGroupProviderMixin, TestCase):
    Tests for :class:`MockScalingGroup`
    def setUp(self):
        Create a mock group
        self.tenant_id = '11111'
        self.group_id = '1'
        self.mock_log = mock.MagicMock()
        self.collection = mock.MagicMock(spec=[], data={self.tenant_id: {}})

        self.config = {'name': 'aname', 'cooldown': 0, 'minEntities': 0}
        # this is the config with all the default vals
        self.output_config = {
            'name': 'aname',
            'cooldown': 0,
            'minEntities': 0,
            'maxEntities': None,
            'metadata': {}
        self.launch_config = {
            "type": "launch_server",
            "args": {
                "server": {
                    "these are": "some args"
        self.policies = group_examples.policy()[:1]
        self.group = MockScalingGroup(
            self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, self.group_id, self.collection, {
                'config': self.config,
                'launch': self.launch_config,
                'policies': self.policies

        self.collection.data[self.tenant_id]['1'] = self.group

    def test_view_manifest_has_all_info(self):
        View manifest should return a dictionary that conforms to the JSON
        result = self.validate_view_manifest_return_value()
        self.assertEqual(result['groupConfiguration'], self.output_config)
        self.assertEqual(result['launchConfiguration'], self.launch_config)
        self.assertEqual(result['scalingPolicies'].values(), self.policies)
        self.assertEqual(result['id'], '1')

    def test_default_view_config_has_all_info(self):
        View should return a dictionary that conforms to the JSON schema (has
        all parameters even though only a few were passed in)
        result = self.validate_view_config_return_value()
        self.assertEqual(result, self.output_config)

    def test_view_launch_config_returns_what_it_was_created_with(self):
        The view config that is returned by the MockScalingGroup is the same
        one it was created with.  There is currently no validation for what
        goes in and hence what goes out, so just check if they are the same.
        result = self.successResultOf(self.group.view_launch_config())
        self.assertEqual(result, self.launch_config)

    def test_view_state_returns_empty_state(self):
        ``view_state`` a group state with empty info
        result = self.successResultOf(self.group.view_state())
            result, GroupState(self.tenant_id, '1', {}, {}, None, {}, False))

    def test_modify_state(self):
        ``modify_state`` saves the new state returned by the function if the
        tenant ids and group ids match
        new_state = GroupState(self.tenant_id, self.group_id, {1: {}}, {},
                               'date', {}, True)

        def modifier(group, state):
            return new_state

        self.assertEqual(self.group.state, new_state)

    def test_modify_state_fails_if_tenant_ids_do_not_match(self):
        ``modify_state`` does not save the state that the modifier returns if
        the tenant IDs do not match
        def modifier(group, state):
            return GroupState('tid', self.group_id, {}, {}, 'date', {}, True)

        d = self.group.modify_state(modifier)
        f = self.failureResultOf(d)

    def test_modify_state_fails_if_group_ids_do_not_match(self):
        ``modify_state`` does not save the state that the modifier returns if
        the tenant IDs do not match
        def modifier(group, state):
            return GroupState(self.tenant_id, 'meh', {}, {}, 'date', {}, True)

        d = self.group.modify_state(modifier)
        f = self.failureResultOf(d)

    def test_update_config_overwrites_existing_data(self):
        Passing in a dict only overwrites the existing dict unless the
        `partial_update` flag is passed as True
        expected = {
            'cooldown': 1000,
            'metadata': {
                'UPDATED': 'UPDATED'
            'minEntities': 10,
            'maxEntities': 15,
            'name': 'UPDATED'
        result = self.validate_view_config_return_value()
        self.assertEqual(result, expected)

    def test_update_config_does_not_overwrite_existing_non_provided_keys(self):
        If certain keys are not provided in the update dictionary and the
        `partial_update` flag is provided as True, the keys that are not
        provided are not overwritten.
        self.successResultOf(self.group.update_config({}, partial_update=True))
        result = self.validate_view_config_return_value()

        # because the returned value has the defaults filled in even if they
        # were not provided
        expected = dict(self.config)
        expected['maxEntities'] = None
        expected['metadata'] = {}
        self.assertEqual(result, expected)

    def test_update_config_does_not_change_launch_config(self):
        When the config is updated, the launch config doesn't change.
                'cooldown': 1000,
                'metadata': {
                    'UPDATED': 'UPDATED'
                'minEntities': 10,
                'maxEntities': 15,
                'name': 'UPDATED'

    def test_update_launch_config_overwrites_existing_data(self):
        There is no partial update for the launch config.  Whatever
        `update_launch_config` is called with is what will be saved.
        updated = {
            "type": "launch_server",
            "args": {
                "server": {
                    "here are": "new args"
        result = self.successResultOf(self.group.view_launch_config())
        self.assertEqual(result, updated)

    def test_update_launch_config_does_not_change_config(self):
        When the launch_config is updated, the config doesn't change.
                "type": "launch_server",
                "args": {
                    "server": {
                        "here are": "new args"

    def test_create_new_scaling_policies(self):
        Adding new policies to the scaling group returns a dictionary of
        scaling policies mapped to their ids
        create_response = self.validate_create_policies_return_value([{
            "scale down by 20",
        }, {
            'scale down 10 percent',
        list_result = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        self.assertGreater(len(list_result), len(create_response))
        for key, value in create_response.iteritems():
            self.assertEqual(list_result[key], value)

    def test_delete_group_removes_self_from_collection_if_state_empty(self):
        Deleting a scaling group succeeds if there are no active and pending
        self.assertEqual(len(self.collection.data[self.group.tenant_id]), 1)
        d = self.group.delete_group()
        self.assertEqual(None, self.successResultOf(d))
        self.assertEqual(len(self.collection.data[self.group.tenant_id]), 0)

    def test_delete_scaling_group_fails_if_scaling_group_not_empty(self):
        Deleting a scaling group that has active or pending jobs errbacks with
        a :class:`GroupNotEmptyError`
        self.group.state.active = {'1': {}}
        self.failureResultOf(self.group.delete_group(), GroupNotEmptyError)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.collection.data[self.group.tenant_id]), 1)

    def test_list_empty_policies(self):
        If there are no policies, list policies conforms to the schema and
        also is an empty dictionary
        self.group = MockScalingGroup(self.mock_log, self.tenant_id, '1',
                                      self.collection, {
                                          'config': self.config,
                                          'launch': self.launch_config,
                                          'policies': None
        self.assertEqual(self.validate_list_policies_return_value(), {})

    def test_list_all_policies(self):
        List existing policies returns a dictionary of the policy mapped to the
        policies_dict = self.validate_list_policies_return_value()
        self.assertEqual(len(policies_dict), len(self.policies))
        policies = policies_dict.values()
        for a_policy in self.policies:
            self.assertIn(a_policy, policies)

    def test_get_policy_succeeds(self):
        Try to get a policy by looking up all available UUIDs, and getting one.
        policy_list = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        uuid = policy_list.keys()[0]
        value = policy_list.values()[0]
        result = self.successResultOf(self.group.get_policy(uuid))
        self.assertEqual(value, result)

    def test_get_nonexistent_policy_fails(self):
        Get a policy that doesn't exist returns :class:`NoSuchPolicyError`
        uuid = "Otters are so cute!"
        deferred = self.group.get_policy(uuid)
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_delete_policy_succeeds(self):
        Delete a policy, check that it is actually deleted.
        policy_list = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        uuid = policy_list.keys()[0]
        result = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        self.assertNotIn(uuid, result)
        self.assertEqual({}, result)

    def test_delete_nonexistent_policy_fails(self):
        Delete a policy that doesn't exist. Should return with NoSuchPolicyError
        deferred = self.group.delete_policy("puppies")
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_delete_policy_removes_webhooks(self):
        Deleting an existing policy removes its associated webhooks too
        self.group.policies = {"2": {}}
        self.group.webhooks = {"2": {}}
        self.assertNotIn("2", self.group.webhooks)

    def test_update_policy_succeeds(self):
        Get a UUID and attempt to update the policy.
        policy_list = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        uuid = policy_list.keys()[0]
        update_data = {
            "name": "Otters are not good pets",
            "change": 1234,
            "cooldown": 555,
            "type": "webhook"
        self.successResultOf(self.group.update_policy(uuid, update_data))
        result = self.successResultOf(self.group.get_policy(uuid))
        self.assertEqual(update_data, result)

    def test_update_nonexistent_policy_fails(self):
        Attempt to update a nonexistant policy.
        update_data = {
            "name": "puppies are good pets",
            "change": 1234,
            "cooldown": 555,
            "type": "webhook"
        deferred = self.group.update_policy("puppies", update_data)
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_list_webhooks_nonexistant_policy_fails(self):
        Listing webhooks on a policy that doesn't exist fails with a
        deferred = self.group.list_webhooks("otter-stacking")
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_list_empty_webhooks(self):
        If there are no webhooks, an empty dictionary is returned when
        ``list_webhooks`` is called
        policy_list = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        uuid = policy_list.keys()[0]
        result = self.validate_list_webhooks_return_value(uuid)
        self.assertEqual(result, {})

    def test_list_webhooks_succeeds(self):
        If there are webhooks for a particular policy, listing webhooks returns
        a dictionary for all of them
        policy_list = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_policies())
        uuid = policy_list.keys()[0]
        webhooks = {
            '10': self.sample_webhook_data,
            '11': self.sample_webhook_data
        self.group.webhooks = {uuid: webhooks}
        result = self.validate_list_webhooks_return_value(uuid)
        self.assertEqual(result, webhooks)

    def test_create_webhooks_nonexistant_policy_fails(self):
        Creating webhooks on a policy that doesn't exist fails with a
        deferred = self.group.create_webhooks("otter-stacking", [{}])
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

                return_value=("ver", "hash"))
    def test_create_webhooks_succeed(self, fake_random):
        Adding new webhooks to the scaling policy returns a dictionary of
        scaling webhooks mapped to their ids
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        # have a fake webhook already
        self.group.webhooks = {
            '2': {
                'fake': {
                    'capability': {
                        'hash': 'fake',
                        'ver': '1'
                    'name': 'meh',
                    'metadata': {}

        # create two webhooks, both empty
        creation = self.validate_create_webhooks_return_value(
            '2', [{
                'name': 'one'
            }, {
                'name': 'two'
        self.assertEqual(len(creation), 2)
        for name in ('one', 'two'):
                    'name': name,
                    'metadata': {},
                    'capability': {
                        'hash': 'hash',
                        'version': 'ver'
                }, creation.values())

        # listing should return 3
        listing = self.successResultOf(self.group.list_webhooks('2'))
        self.assertGreater(len(listing), len(creation))

    def test_get_webhook_nonexistent_policy_fails(self):
        Updating a webhook of a nonexistant policy fails with a
        deferred = self.group.get_webhook("puppies", "1")
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_get_nonexistant_webhook_fails(self):
        Getting a non-existant webhook of an existing policy fails with a
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        self.group.webhooks = {'2': {}}
        deferred = self.group.get_webhook("2", "1")
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchWebhookError)

    def test_get_webhook_updates_existing_dictionary(self):
        Get webhook updates the data that's already there but doesn't
        delete the capability url.
        expected_webhook = {
            'name': 'original',
            'capability': {
                'hash': 'xxx',
                'version': '3'
            'metadata': {
                'key': 'value'
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        self.group.webhooks = {'2': {'3': expected_webhook}}
        deferred = self.group.get_webhook("2", "3")
        self.assertEqual(self.successResultOf(deferred), expected_webhook)

    def test_update_webhook_nonexistent_policy_fails(self):
        Updating a webhook of a nonexistant policy fails with a
        deferred = self.group.update_webhook("puppies", "1", {'name': 'fake'})
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_update_nonexistant_webhook_fails(self):
        Updating a non-existant webhook of an existing policy fails with a
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        deferred = self.group.update_webhook("2", "1", {'name': 'fake'})
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchWebhookError)

    def test_update_webhook_updates_existing_dictionary(self):
        Updating webhook updates the data that's already there but doesn't
        delete the capability url.
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        self.group.webhooks = {
            '2': {
                '3': {
                    'name': 'original',
                    'capability': {
                        'hash': 'xxx',
                        'version': '3'
                    'metadata': {
                        'key': 'value'
        deferred = self.group.update_webhook("2", "3", {
            'name': 'updated',
            'metadata': {
                'key2': 'value2'
            self.group.webhooks, {
                '2': {
                    '3': {
                        'name': 'updated',
                        'capability': {
                            'hash': 'xxx',
                            'version': '3'
                        'metadata': {
                            'key2': 'value2'

    def test_update_webhook_without_metadata_erases_metadata(self):
        Updating a webhook and not providing metadata erases metadata that's
        already there.
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        self.group.webhooks = {
            '2': {
                '3': {
                    'name': 'original',
                    'capability': {
                        'hash': 'xxx',
                        'version': '3'
                    'metadata': {
                        'key': 'value'
        deferred = self.group.update_webhook("2", "3", {'name': 'updated'})
            self.group.webhooks, {
                '2': {
                    '3': {
                        'name': 'updated',
                        'capability': {
                            'hash': 'xxx',
                            'version': '3'
                        'metadata': {}

    def test_delete_webhook_nonexistent_policy_fails(self):
        Deleting a webhook of a nonexistant policy fails with a
        deferred = self.group.delete_webhook("puppies", "1")
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchPolicyError)

    def test_delete_nonexistant_webhook_fails(self):
        Deleting a non-existant webhook of an existing policy fails with a
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        deferred = self.group.delete_webhook("2", "1")
        self.failureResultOf(deferred, NoSuchWebhookError)

    def test_delete_webhook_succeeds(self):
        If deleting a webhook succeeds, webhook is removed from store.
        self.group.policies = {'2': {}}
        self.group.webhooks = {
            '2': {
                '3': {
                    'name': 'original',
                    'capability': {
                        'hash': 'xxx',
                        'version': '3'
                    'metadata': {
                        'key': 'value'
        deferred = self.group.delete_webhook("2", "3")
        self.assertEqual(self.group.webhooks, {'2': {}})