def _check_retries(self, get_pairs_data): errors = { "errors": [ server_not_member(self.lbs[0].upper(), self.nodes[0]), "Cloud Server {} does not exist".format(self.nodes[1]), "Load Balancer Pool {} does not exist".format( self.lbs[2].upper()) ] } lbr1 = "d6d3aa7c-dfa5-4e61-96ee-1d54ac1075d2" noder1 = "a95ae0c4-6ab8-4873-b82f-f8433840cff2" lbr2 = "e6d3aa7c-dfa5-4e61-96ee-1d54ac1075d2" noder2 = "e95ae0c4-6ab8-4873-b82f-f8433840cff2" pairs, data = get_pairs_data(lbr1, noder1, lbr2, noder2) retried_data = r._sorted_data([(lbr1, noder1), (lbr2, noder2)]) success_resp = {"good": "response"} seq = [ (self.svc_req_intent(data), const(stub_json_response(errors, 409))), (log_intent( "request-rcv3-bulk", errors, req_body=("jsonified", data)), noop), (self.svc_req_intent(retried_data), const(stub_json_response(success_resp, 204))), (log_intent( "request-rcv3-bulk", success_resp, req_body=("jsonified", retried_data)), noop) ] self.assertEqual( perform_sequence(seq, r.bulk_delete(pairs)), success_resp)
def test_acquire_timeout(self): """ acquire_eff creates child node and keeps checking if it is smallest and eventually gives up by raising `LockTimeout`. It deletes child node before returning. """ seq = [ (Constant(None), noop), (zk.CreateNode("/testlock"), const("/testlock")), (Func(uuid.uuid4), const("prefix")), (zk.CreateNode( "/testlock/prefix", value="id", ephemeral=True, sequence=True), const("/testlock/prefix0000000001")), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000000", "prefix0000000001"])), (Func(time.time), const(0)), (Delay(0.1), noop), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000000", "prefix0000000001"])), (Func(time.time), const(0.12)), (Delay(0.1), noop), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000000", "prefix0000000001"])), (Func(time.time), const(0.4)), (DeleteNode(path="/testlock/prefix0000000001", version=-1), noop) ] self.assertRaises( LockTimeout, perform_sequence, seq, self.lock.acquire_eff(True, 0.3))
def test_acquire_blocking_success(self): """ acquire_eff creates child, realizes its not the smallest. Tries again every 0.01 seconds until it succeeds """ seq = [ (Constant(None), noop), (zk.CreateNode("/testlock"), const("/testlock")), (Func(uuid.uuid4), const("prefix")), (zk.CreateNode( "/testlock/prefix", value="id", ephemeral=True, sequence=True), const("/testlock/prefix0000000001")), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000000", "prefix0000000001"])), (Func(time.time), const(0)), (Delay(0.1), noop), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000000", "prefix0000000001"])), (Func(time.time), const(0.2)), (Delay(0.1), noop), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000001"])) ] self.assertTrue( perform_sequence(seq, self.lock.acquire_eff(True, 1)))
def test_all_retries(self): """ If bulk_delete returns "server not a member", lb or server deleted for all attempted pairs then there is no retry and returns None """ errors = { "errors": [ server_not_member(self.lbs[0].upper(), self.nodes[0]), "Cloud Server {} does not exist".format(self.nodes[1]), "Load Balancer Pool {} does not exist".format( self.lbs[2].upper()) ] } pairs = pset([ (self.lbs[0], self.nodes[1]), # test same server pairs (self.lbs[2], self.nodes[0]) # test same lb pairs ]) pairs = self.pairs | pairs data = r._sorted_data(pairs) seq = [ (self.svc_req_intent(data), const(stub_json_response(errors, 409))), (log_intent( "request-rcv3-bulk", errors, req_body=("jsonified", data)), noop) ] self.assertIsNone(perform_sequence(seq, r.bulk_delete(pairs)))
def test_acquire_create_path_success(self): """ acquire_eff creates provided path if it doesn't exist """ seq = [ (Constant(None), noop), (zk.CreateNode("/testlock"), const("/testlock")), (Func(uuid.uuid4), const("prefix")), (zk.CreateNode( "/testlock/prefix", value="id", ephemeral=True, sequence=True), const("/testlock/prefix0000000000")), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000000"])) ] self.assertTrue( perform_sequence(seq, self.lock.acquire_eff(False, None)))
def test_acquire_success(self): """ acquire_eff creates child and gets lock as it is the smallest one """ seq = [ (Constant(None), noop), (zk.CreateNode("/testlock"), conste(NodeExistsError())), (Func(uuid.uuid4), const("prefix")), (zk.CreateNode( "/testlock/prefix", value="id", ephemeral=True, sequence=True), const("/testlock/prefix0000000000")), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000000"])) ] self.assertTrue( perform_sequence(seq, self.lock.acquire_eff(False, None)))
def test_success(self): """ Returns todays scaling groups based on number of tenants fetched since last time. Updates the current fetch in file """ seq = [ (GetAllGroups(), const(self.groups)), (ReadFileLines("file"), const(["2", "0.0"])), (Func(datetime.utcnow), const(datetime(1970, 1, 2))), (WriteFileLines("file", [7, 86400.0]), noop) ] r = perform_sequence(seq, get_todays_scaling_groups(["t1"], "file")) self.assertEqual( r, keyfilter(lambda k: k in ["t{}".format(i) for i in range(1, 9)], self.groups))
def test_added(self): """ total desired, pending and actual are added to cloud metrics """ td = 10 ta = 20 tp = 3 tt = 7 tg = 13 m = {'collectionTime': 100000, 'ttlInSeconds': 5 * 24 * 60 * 60} md = merge(m, {'metricValue': td, 'metricName': 'ord.desired'}) ma = merge(m, {'metricValue': ta, 'metricName': 'ord.actual'}) mp = merge(m, {'metricValue': tp, 'metricName': 'ord.pending'}) mt = merge(m, {'metricValue': tt, 'metricName': 'ord.tenants'}) mg = merge(m, {'metricValue': tg, 'metricName': 'ord.groups'}) req_data = [md, ma, mp, mt, mg] log = object() seq = [ (Func(time.time), const(100)), (service_request( ServiceType.CLOUD_METRICS_INGEST, "POST", "ingest", data=req_data, log=log).intent, noop) ] eff = add_to_cloud_metrics( m['ttlInSeconds'], 'ord', td, ta, tp, tt, tg, log=log) self.assertIsNone(perform_sequence(seq, eff))
def test_added(self): """ total desired, pending and actual are added to cloud metrics """ metrics = [GroupMetrics('t1', 'g1', 3, 2, 0), GroupMetrics('t2', 'g1', 4, 4, 1), GroupMetrics('t2', 'g', 100, 20, 0)] m = {'collectionTime': 100000, 'ttlInSeconds': 5 * 24 * 60 * 60} md = merge(m, {'metricValue': 107, 'metricName': 'ord.desired'}) ma = merge(m, {'metricValue': 26, 'metricName': 'ord.actual'}) mp = merge(m, {'metricValue': 1, 'metricName': 'ord.pending'}) mt = merge(m, {'metricValue': 2, 'metricName': 'ord.tenants'}) mg = merge(m, {'metricValue': 3, 'metricName': 'ord.groups'}) mt1d = merge(m, {'metricValue': 3, 'metricName': 'ord.t1.desired'}) mt1a = merge(m, {'metricValue': 2, 'metricName': 'ord.t1.actual'}) mt1p = merge(m, {'metricValue': 0, 'metricName': 'ord.t1.pending'}) mt2d = merge(m, {'metricValue': 104, 'metricName': 'ord.t2.desired'}) mt2a = merge(m, {'metricValue': 24, 'metricName': 'ord.t2.actual'}) mt2p = merge(m, {'metricValue': 1, 'metricName': 'ord.t2.pending'}) req_data = [md, ma, mp, mt, mg, mt1d, mt1a, mt1p, mt2d, mt2a, mt2p] log = mock_log() seq = [ (Func(time.time), const(100)), (service_request( ServiceType.CLOUD_METRICS_INGEST, "POST", "ingest", data=req_data, log=log).intent, noop) ] eff = add_to_cloud_metrics(m['ttlInSeconds'], 'ord', metrics, 2, log) self.assertIsNone(perform_sequence(seq, eff)) log.msg.assert_called_once_with( 'total desired: {td}, total_actual: {ta}, total pending: {tp}', td=107, ta=26, tp=1)
def test_multiple_errors(self): """ If bulk add returns 409 then multiple errors returned are collected and raised as a single `BulkErrors` """ errors = { "errors": [ lb_inactive(self.lbs[0]), "Load Balancer Pool {} does not exist".format(self.lbs[1]), "Cloud Server {} is unprocessable".format(self.nodes[2]) ] } seq = [ (self.svc_req_intent(, const(stub_json_response(errors, 409))), (log_intent( "request-rcv3-bulk", errors, req_body=("jsonified",, noop) ] with self.assertRaises(r.BulkErrors) as ec: perform_sequence(seq, r.bulk_add(self.pairs)) self.assertEqual( ec.exception.errors, pset([r.LBInactive(self.lbs[0]), r.NoSuchLBError(self.lbs[1]), r.ServerUnprocessableError(self.nodes[2])]) )
def test_is_acquired_no_children(self): """ is_acquired_eff returns False if there are no children """ self.lock._node = "/testlock/prefix000000000" seq = [(GetChildren("/testlock"), const([]))] self.assertFalse(perform_sequence(seq, self.lock.is_acquired_eff()))
def _check_retries(self, pairs, data, retried_data, errors): resp = {"response": "yo"} seq = [ (self.svc_req_intent(data), const(stub_json_response(errors, 409))), (log_intent( "request-rcv3-bulk", errors, req_body=("jsonified", data)), noop), (self.svc_req_intent(retried_data), const(stub_json_response(resp, 201))), (log_intent( "request-rcv3-bulk", resp, req_body=("jsonified", retried_data)), noop) ] self.assertEqual(perform_sequence(seq, r.bulk_add(pairs)), resp)
def test_acquire_delete_child(self): """ acquire_eff deletes existing child if it exists """ self.lock._node = "/testlock/prefix000000002" seq = [ (DeleteNode(path="/testlock/prefix000000002", version=-1), noop), (zk.CreateNode("/testlock"), conste(NodeExistsError())), (Func(uuid.uuid4), const("prefix")), (zk.CreateNode( "/testlock/prefix", value="id", ephemeral=True, sequence=True), const("/testlock/prefix0000000000")), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000000"])) ] self.assertTrue( perform_sequence(seq, self.lock.acquire_eff(False, None)))
def test_error_writing(self): """ Logs and ignores error writing to the file """ seq = [ (GetAllGroups(), const(self.groups)), (ReadFileLines("file"), const(["2", "0.0"])), (Func(datetime.utcnow), const(datetime(1970, 1, 2))), (WriteFileLines("file", [7, 86400.0]), lambda i: raise_(IOError("bad"))), (LogErr(mock.ANY, "error updating number of tenants", {}), noop) ] r = perform_sequence(seq, get_todays_scaling_groups(["t1"], "file")) self.assertEqual( r, keyfilter(lambda k: k in ["t{}".format(i) for i in range(1, 9)], self.groups))
def test_release_performs(self): """ release performs effect from release_eff """ self.lock.dispatcher = SequenceDispatcher([ (("release",), const("ret"))]) self.lock.release_eff = intent_func("release") self.assertEqual(self.successResultOf(self.lock.release()), "ret")
def test_is_acquired_performs(self): """ is_acquired performs effect from is_acquired_eff """ self.lock.dispatcher = SequenceDispatcher([ (("is_acquired",), const("ret"))]) self.lock.is_acquired_eff = intent_func("is_acquired") self.assertEqual(self.successResultOf(self.lock.is_acquired()), "ret")
def test_acquire_blocking_no_timeout(self): """ When acquire_eff is called without timeout, it creates child, realizes its not the smallest, tries again every 0.1 seconds without checking time and succeeds if its the smallest node """ seq = [ (Constant(None), noop), (zk.CreateNode("/testlock"), const("/testlock")), (Func(uuid.uuid4), const("prefix")), (zk.CreateNode( "/testlock/prefix", value="id", ephemeral=True, sequence=True), const("/testlock/prefix0000000001")), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000000", "prefix0000000001"])), (Func(time.time), const(0)), (Delay(0.1), noop), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000000", "prefix0000000001"])), (Delay(0.1), noop), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000001"])) ] self.assertTrue( perform_sequence(seq, self.lock.acquire_eff(True, None)))
def test_setup_no_groups(self): """ ``self.s.setup()`` gets groups and does nothing if there are no groups """ self.s.dispatcher = SequenceDispatcher([(("ggtc", "cf"), const([]))]) d = self.s.setup() self.successResultOf(d) self.assertEqual(self.s._calls, []) self.assertEqual(self.clock.getDelayedCalls(), [])
def test_added(self): """ total desired, pending and actual are added to cloud metrics """ metrics = [ GroupMetrics('t1', 'g1', 3, 2, 0), GroupMetrics('t2', 'g1', 4, 4, 1), GroupMetrics('t2', 'g', 100, 20, 0), GroupMetrics('t3', 'g3', 5, 3, 0) ] config = {"non-convergence-tenants": ["t1"]} m = {'collectionTime': 100000, 'ttlInSeconds': 5 * 24 * 60 * 60} md = merge(m, {'metricValue': 112, 'metricName': 'ord.desired'}) ma = merge(m, {'metricValue': 29, 'metricName': 'ord.actual'}) mp = merge(m, {'metricValue': 1, 'metricName': 'ord.pending'}) mt = merge(m, {'metricValue': 3, 'metricName': 'ord.tenants'}) mg = merge(m, {'metricValue': 4, 'metricName': 'ord.groups'}) mt1d = merge(m, {'metricValue': 3, 'metricName': 'ord.t1.desired'}) mt1a = merge(m, {'metricValue': 2, 'metricName': 'ord.t1.actual'}) mt1p = merge(m, {'metricValue': 0, 'metricName': 'ord.t1.pending'}) mt2d = merge(m, {'metricValue': 104, 'metricName': 'ord.t2.desired'}) mt2a = merge(m, {'metricValue': 24, 'metricName': 'ord.t2.actual'}) mt2p = merge(m, {'metricValue': 1, 'metricName': 'ord.t2.pending'}) mt3d = merge(m, {'metricValue': 5, 'metricName': 'ord.t3.desired'}) mt3a = merge(m, {'metricValue': 3, 'metricName': 'ord.t3.actual'}) mt3p = merge(m, {'metricValue': 0, 'metricName': 'ord.t3.pending'}) cd = merge(m, {'metricValue': 109, 'metricName': 'ord.conv_desired'}) ca = merge(m, {'metricValue': 27, 'metricName': 'ord.conv_actual'}) cdiv = merge(m, { 'metricValue': 82, 'metricName': 'ord.conv_divergence' }) req_data = [ md, ma, mp, mt, mg, mt1d, mt1a, mt1p, mt2d, mt2a, mt2p, mt3d, mt3a, mt3p, cd, ca, cdiv ] log = mock_log() seq = [(Func(time.time), const(100)), (service_request(ServiceType.CLOUD_METRICS_INGEST, "POST", "ingest", data=req_data, log=log).intent, noop)] eff = add_to_cloud_metrics( m['ttlInSeconds'], 'ord', metrics, 3, # number of tenants config, log) self.assertIsNone(perform_sequence(seq, eff)) log.msg.assert_called_once_with( 'total desired: {td}, total_actual: {ta}, total pending: {tp}', td=112, ta=29, tp=1)
def test_no_last_info(self): """ Returns first 5 non-convergence tenants if could not fetch last info from file """ seq = [ (GetAllGroups(), const(self.groups)), (ReadFileLines("file"), lambda i: raise_(IOError("e"))), (LogErr(mock.ANY, "error reading previous number of tenants", {}), noop), (Func(datetime.utcnow), const(datetime(1970, 1, 2))), (WriteFileLines("file", [5, 86400.0]), noop) ] r = perform_sequence(seq, get_todays_scaling_groups(["t1"], "file")) self.assertEqual( r, keyfilter(lambda k: k in ["t{}".format(i) for i in range(1, 7)], self.groups))
def test_acquire_performs(self): """ acquire performs effect from acquire_eff """ self.lock.dispatcher = SequenceDispatcher([ (("acquire", "blocking", "timeout"), const("ret"))]) self.lock.acquire_eff = intent_func("acquire") self.assertEqual( self.successResultOf(self.lock.acquire("blocking", "timeout")), "ret")
def test_is_acquired_not_first_child(self): """ is_acquired_eff returns False if its not is not the first child """ self.lock._node = "/testlock/prefix0000000001" seq = [ (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000000", "prefix0000000001"])) ] self.assertFalse(perform_sequence(seq, self.lock.is_acquired_eff()))
def test_is_acquired_first_child(self): """ is_acquired_eff returns True if it's node is the first child """ self.lock._node = "/testlock/prefix0000000000" seq = [ (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000001", "prefix0000000000"])) ] self.assertTrue(perform_sequence(seq, self.lock.is_acquired_eff()))
def test_lock_already_acquired(self): """ If lock is already acquired, it will just call eff """ = True seq = [("call", const("eff_return"))] self.assertEqual( perform_sequence( seq, zk.call_if_acquired(self.lock, Effect("call"))), ("eff_return", False))
def test_inactive_group(self): """ Convergence is not triggerred on in-ACTIVE group """ self.state.status = ScalingGroupStatus.ERROR seq = [ (GetScalingGroupInfo(tenant_id="tid", group_id="gid"), const(("group", self.manifest))), ] self.assertIsNone( perform_sequence(seq, sh.check_and_trigger("tid", "gid")))
def test_active_paused(self): """ Convergence is not triggerred on ACTIVE paused group """ self.state.paused = True seq = [ (GetScalingGroupInfo(tenant_id="tid", group_id="gid"), const(("group", self.manifest))), ] self.assertIsNone( perform_sequence(seq, sh.check_and_trigger("tid", "gid")))
def test_acquire_nonblocking_fails(self): """ acquire_eff creates child and returns False immediately after finding its not the smallest child when blocking=False. It deletes child node before returning. """ seq = [ (Constant(None), noop), (zk.CreateNode("/testlock"), const("/testlock")), (Func(uuid.uuid4), const("prefix")), (zk.CreateNode( "/testlock/prefix", value="id", ephemeral=True, sequence=True), const("/testlock/prefix0000000001")), (GetChildren("/testlock"), const(["prefix0000000000", "prefix0000000001"])), (DeleteNode(path="/testlock/prefix0000000001", version=-1), noop) ] self.assertFalse( perform_sequence(seq, self.lock.acquire_eff(False, None)))
def test_acquire_other_error(self): """ If acquire_eff internally raises any error then it tries to delete child node before returning. """ seq = [ (Constant(None), noop), (zk.CreateNode("/testlock"), const("/testlock")), (Func(uuid.uuid4), const("prefix")), (zk.CreateNode( "/testlock/prefix", value="id", ephemeral=True, sequence=True), const("/testlock/prefix0000000001")), (GetChildren("/testlock"), conste(SessionExpiredError())), (DeleteNode(path="/testlock/prefix0000000001", version=-1), conste(SessionExpiredError())) ] self.assertRaises( SessionExpiredError, perform_sequence, seq, self.lock.acquire_eff(True, 0.3))
def test_without_metrics(self): """ Doesnt add metrics to blueflood if metrics config is not there """ sequence = SequenceDispatcher([(GetAllValidGroups(), const(self.groups))]) self.get_dispatcher.return_value = sequence del self.config["metrics"] with sequence.consume(): d = collect_metrics("reactor", self.config, self.log) self.assertEqual(self.successResultOf(d), "metrics") self.assertFalse(self.add_to_cloud_metrics.called)
def test_filtered(self): """ Only convgergence enabled tenants are returned """ conf = {"non-convergence-tenants": ["t1"]} groups = [{"tenantId": "t1", "groupId": "g1"}, {"tenantId": "t1", "groupId": "g12"}, {"tenantId": "t2", "groupId": "g2"}, {"tenantId": "t3", "groupId": "g3"}] eff = sh.get_groups_to_converge(conf.get) seq = [(GetAllValidGroups(), const(groups))] self.assertEqual(perform_sequence(seq, eff), groups[2:])
def test_lock_acquired(self): """ When lock is not acquired, it is tried and if successful calls eff """ = False = (False, None, True) seq = [("call", const("eff_return"))] self.assertEqual( perform_sequence( seq, zk.call_if_acquired(self.lock, Effect("call"))), ("eff_return", True))
def setUp(self): """ mock dependent functions """ self.connect_cass_servers = patch( self, 'otter.metrics.connect_cass_servers') self.client = mock.Mock(spec=['disconnect']) self.client.disconnect.return_value = succeed(None) self.connect_cass_servers.return_value = self.client self.log = mock_log() self.get_all_metrics = patch(self, 'otter.metrics.get_all_metrics', return_value=succeed("metrics")) self.groups = [{ "tenantId": "t1", "groupId": "g1", "launch_config": '{"type": "launch_server"}' }, { "tenantId": "t1", "groupId": "g2", "launch_config": '{"type": "launch_server"}' }, { "tenantId": "t1", "groupId": "g12", "launch_config": '{"type": "launch_stack"}' }, { "tenantId": "t3", "groupId": "g3", "launch_config": '{"type": "launch_stack"}' }, { "tenantId": "t2", "groupId": "g11", "launch_config": '{"type": "launch_server"}' }] self.lc_groups = {"t1": self.groups[:2], "t2": [self.groups[-1]]} self.add_to_cloud_metrics = patch(self, 'otter.metrics.add_to_cloud_metrics', side_effect=intent_func("atcm")) self.config = { 'cassandra': 'c', 'identity': identity_config, 'metrics': { 'service': 'ms', 'tenant_id': 'tid', 'region': 'IAD', 'ttl': 200, "last_tenant_fpath": "lpath" }, 'region': 'r', 'cloudServersOpenStack': 'nova', 'cloudLoadBalancers': 'clb', 'cloudOrchestration': 'orch', 'rackconnect': 'rc', "non-convergence-tenants": ["ct"] } self.sequence = SequenceDispatcher([ (GetAllValidGroups(), const(self.groups)), (TenantScope(mock.ANY, "tid"), nested_sequence([(("atcm", 200, "r", "metrics", 2, self.config, self.log, False), noop)])) ]) self.get_dispatcher = patch(self, "otter.metrics.get_dispatcher", return_value=self.sequence)