예제 #1
def processModule(targetModule, doc_destination, pyPath=None, excluded_modules=[]):
	""" Processes a module given by a target directory path and generates documentation 
	    @input targetModule - the full path to the module to be documented.
	    @input pyPath - if the python path must be updated to help import this module, make those changes.  Defaults to the directory above the requested module.
	    @input excluded_modules - a list of strings representing modules and packages that should not be documented.
	    @return - a list of strings representing the names of the html files created in the documentation process.

	# process default values for vars that cannot be set to "None"
	if pyPath == None:
		pyPath = targetModule + "/.."

	# Map out all the modules to document
	names = doc.indexPythonModule(targetModule)	
	out.log("Found " + str(len(names)) + " modules to document in module " + str(os.path.basename(targetModule)) )

	# change to the destination directory so pydoc can do its thing
	out.debugPrint("Changed working directory to " + os.getcwd())
	# Generate their documentation
	filenames = doc.documentModules(names, exclude=excluded_modules, destination=doc_destination )
	out.log("Wrote documentation for " + str(len(filenames)) + " modules into directory:\n\t" + str(doc_destination))
	return filenames
예제 #2
def indexPythonModule(path,force_walk=False):
    """ Walks through a python module importing the whole tree
        @input path - The path to the python module in question.
        @input force_walk - Forces the function to work on directories even if they are not python modules.  TODO 7/18 - IMPLEMENT THIS FEATURE.
        @return - A list of strings, each string being the long module name of modules within the module given by path.
        Example - processPythonModule('/home/python/') => ["python.mod1", "python.mod2", "python.mod3.a", "python.mod3.b"]
    out.debugPrint("Directory is " + os.getcwd())
    returnList = []
    allFiles = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
    dotdot, packageName = os.path.split(path) # get the containing folder and the name of this folder

    # check to see if this directory is a python package - if not, return []    
    if not "__init__.py" in allFiles and force_walk == False:
        return []

    else: # if we are going to search this module, add its name to the returnList
    for F in allFiles:

        # ignore invisble files
        if F[0] == '.':
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath(F)):  
            # assert: F is a directory.  Recur on it, then add packageName to each returned 
            dirContents = indexPythonModule(os.path.abspath(F), force_walk)
            for x in dirContents:
                returnList.append(packageName + "." + x)
            os.chdir(path) # change back to the current directory


        else: # This is a regular file - if it's a .py file, append to the list            
            name, ext = os.path.splitext(F)

            if ext != ".py":  # check that our file is a .py file
            if name == "__init__": # do not process the init file

            returnList.append(packageName + "." + name)
            #print "Module " + returnList[-1]

    out.debugPrint(packageName + ": total " + str(len(returnList)) + " items.")
    return returnList
예제 #3
def writeDjangoUrlConfig(filenames, urlConfig_destination, urlConfig_name="apiUrls.py", templatePrefix='api/'):
	""" Creates a Django-style URL Configuration file for all the filenames specified.
	    @input filenames - the file names to write into the urlConfig file
	    @input urlConfig_destination - the destination for the apiUrls file
	    @input urlConfig_name - urlconfig file name (default: 'apiUrls.py')
	    @input templatePrefix - In the render_to_response call, should we look in a subdirectory of the templates dir?  (default: 'api/')
	    @return - none
	out.debugPrint("Changed working directory to " + os.getcwd())
	f = open(urlConfig_name,'w')    # open the file for non-append writing
	out.log("Opened file for writing:\n\t" + os.path.abspath(f.name))

	f.write(out.generateUrlPatterns(filenames, templatePrefix)) # write the urlpatterns to the file
	out.log("Wrote apiUrls.py file.")
	# finally, close the file