예제 #1
# Make sure the path exists, we aren't going to create it
if (os.path.exists(clOutputPath) != True):
    out.error("The given output path %s does not exist!" % clOutputPath)
    out.error("Please create the output directory and run again")

# Debug printing
clDebug = args.debug

# Create separate tvpd files for each record
clCreateRecords = args.create_records

# Read in the VPD file and break it apart
out.msg("==== Stage 1: Parsing the VPD file")

# Create our output name from the input name
vpdName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(clVpdFile))[0]

# Open the vpdfile
vpdContents = open(clVpdFile, mode='rb').read()

# Jump right to where the VTOC should be and make sure it says VTOC
offset = 61
if (vpdContents[offset:(offset + 4)].decode() != "VTOC"):
    out.error("Did not find VTOC at the expected offset!")
offset += 4
예제 #2
# Create separate binary files for each keyword
clBinaryKeywords = args.binary_keywords

# We are going to do this in 3 stages
# 1 - Read in the manifest and any other referenced files.  This will create a complete XML description of the VPD
#     We will also check to make sure that all required tags are given and no extra tags exist
# 2 - Parse thru the tvpd description and make sure the data with in the tags is valid.  This is checks like data not greater than length, etc..
# 3 - With the XML and contents verified correct, loop thru it again and write out the VPD data
# Note: Looping thru the XML twice between stage 1 and 2 makes it easier to surface multiple errors to the user at once.
#       If we were trying to both validate the xml and data at once, it would be harder to continue and gather multiple errors like we do now

# Work with the manifest
out.msg("==== Stage 1: Parsing tvpd XML")
errorsFound = 0

# Get the full path to the file given
manifestfile = findFile(clManifestFile, clInputPath)
if (manifestfile == None):
    out.error("The manifest file %s could not be found!  Please check your -m or -i cmdline options for typos" % (clManifestFile))

# Read in the manifest 
(rc, manifest) = parseTvpd(manifestfile, True)
if (rc):
    out.error("Problem reading in the manifest! - %s" % manifestfile)
예제 #3
def parseTvpd(tvpdFile, topLevel):
    # Accumulate errors and return the total at the end
    # This allows the user to see all mistakes at once instead of iteratively running
    errorsFound = 0

    # Let the user know what file we are reading
    # We could make this optional with a new function param in the future
    out.msg("Parsing tvpd %s" % tvpdFile)

    # Read in the file
    # If there are tag mismatch errors or other general gross format problems, it will get caught here
    # Once we return from this function, then we'll check to make sure only supported tags were given, etc..
    tvpdRoot = ET.parse(tvpdFile).getroot()

    # Print the top level tags from the parsing
    if (clDebug):
        out.debug("Top level tag/attrib found")
        for child in tvpdRoot:
            out.debug("%s %s" % (child.tag, child.attrib))

    # Do some basic error checking of what we've read in
    # Make sure the root starts with the vpd tag
    # If it doesn't, it's not worth syntax checking any further
    # This is the only time we'll just bail instead of accumulating
    if (tvpdRoot.tag != "vpd"):
        out.error("%s does not start with a <vpd> tag.  No further checking will be done until fixed!" % tvpdFile)
        return(1, None)

    # We at least have a proper top level vpd tag, so loop thru the rest of the levels and check for any unknown tags
    # This will also be a good place to check for the required tags

    # Define the expected tags at this level
    vpdTags = {"name" : 0, "size" : 0, "VD" : 0, "record" : 0}

    # Go thru the tags at this level
    for vpd in tvpdRoot:
        # See if this is a tag we even expect
        if vpd.tag not in vpdTags:
            out.error("Unsupported tag <%s> found while parsing the <vpd> level" % vpd.tag)
            # We continue here because we don't want to parse down this hierarcy path when we don't know what it is
        # It was a supported tag

        # Do the record level checks
        if (vpd.tag == "record"):
            # Define the expected tags at this level
            recordTags = {"rdesc" : 0, "keyword" : 0, "rtvpdfile" : 0, "rbinfile" : 0}

            # Make sure the record has a name attrib, save for later use
            recordName = vpd.attrib.get("name")
            if (recordName == None):
                out.error("A <record> tag is missing the name attribute")
                recordName = "INVALID" # Set the invalid name so the code below can use it without issue

            # Loop thru the tags defined for this record
            for record in vpd:
                # See if this is a tag we even expect
                if record.tag not in recordTags:
                    out.error("Unsupported tag <%s> found while parsing the <record> level for record %s" % (record.tag, recordName))
                    # We continue here because we don't want to parse down this hierarcy path when we don't know what it is
                # It was a supported tag

                # Do the keyword level checks
                if (record.tag == "keyword"):
                    # Define the expected tags at this level
                    keywordTags = {"kwdesc" : 0, "kwformat" : 0, "kwlen" : 0, "kwdata" : 0}

                    # Make sure the keyword has a name attrib, save for later use
                    keywordName = record.attrib.get("name")
                    if (keywordName == None):
                        out.error("<keyword> tag in record %s is missing the name attribute" % (recordName))
                        keywordName = "INVALID" # Set the invalid name so the code below can use it without issue

                    # Loop thru the tags defined for this keyword
                    for keyword in record:
                        # See if this is a tag we even expect
                        if keyword.tag not in keywordTags:
                            out.error("Unsupported tag <%s> found while parsing the <keyword> level for keyword %s in record %s" % (keyword.tag, keywordName, recordName))
                            # We continue here because we don't want to parse down this hierarcy path when we don't know what it is
                        # It was a supported tag
                            keywordTags[keyword.tag] +=1

                    # We've checked for unknown keyword tags, now make sure we have the right number of each
                    # This is a simple one, we can only have 1 of each
                    for tag in keywordTags:
                        if (keywordTags[tag] != 1):
                            out.error("The tag <%s> was expected to have a count of 1, but was found with a count of %d for keyword %s in record %s" % (tag, keywordTags[tag], keywordName, recordName))

            # We've checked for unknown record tags, now make sure we've got the right number, they don't conflict, etc..
            recordTagTotal = bool(recordTags["keyword"]) + bool(recordTags["rbinfile"]) + bool(recordTags["rtvpdfile"])
            # keyword, rbinfile and rtvpdfile are mutually exclusive.  Make sure we have only one
            if (recordTagTotal > 1):
                out.error("For record %s, more than one tag of type keyword, rbinfile or rtvpdfile was given!" % (recordName))
                out.error("Use of only 1 at a time is supported for a given record!")
            # We checked if we had more than 1, let's make sure we have at least 1
            if (recordTagTotal < 1):
                out.error("For record %s, 0 tags of type keyword, rbinfile or rtvpdfile were given!" % (recordName))
                out.error("1 tag of the 3 must be in use for the record to be valid!")
            # Make sure the rdesc is available
            if (recordTags["keyword"] and recordTags["rdesc"] != 1):
                out.error("The tag <rdesc> was expected to have a count of 1, but was found with a count of %d for record %s" % (recordTags["rdesc"], recordName))

    # Do some checking of what we found at the vpd level
    # Top level is the manifest passed in on the command line
    # When false, it's just a record description and doesn't require the high level descriptors
    if (topLevel == True):
        comparer = 1
        comparer = 0
    # Don't go thru all of them, "record" has special handling below
    for tag in ["name", "size", "VD"]:
        if (vpdTags[tag] != comparer):
            out.error("The tag <%s> was expected to have a count of %d, but was found with a count of %d" % (tag, comparer, vpdTags[tag]))

    # Make sure at least one record tag was found
    if (vpdTags["record"] == 0):
        out.error("At least one <record> must be defined for the file to be valid!")

    # If this is an included tvpd, it can only have 1 record in it
    # This check is just by convention.  If a compelling case to change it was provided, it could be done
    if (topLevel == False):
        if (vpdTags["record"] > 1):
            out.error("More than 1 record entry found in %s.  Only 1 record is allowed!" % (tvpdFile))

    # All done, vary our return based upon the errorsFound
    if (errorsFound):
        return (errorsFound, None)
        return(0, tvpdRoot)
예제 #4
# Make sure the path exists, we aren't going to create it
if (os.path.exists(clOutputPath) != True):
    out.error("The given output path %s does not exist!" % clOutputPath)
    out.error("Please create the output directory and run again")

# Debug printing
clDebug = args.debug

# Create separate tvpd files for each record
clCreateRecords = args.create_records

# Read in the VPD file and break it apart
out.msg("==== Stage 1: Parsing the VPD file")

# Create our output name from the input name
vpdName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(clVpdFile))[0]

# Open the vpdfile
vpdContents = open(clVpdFile, mode='rb').read()

# Jump right to where the VTOC should be and make sure it says VTOC
offset = 61
if (vpdContents[offset:(offset+4)].decode() != "VTOC"):
    out.error("Did not find VTOC at the expected offset!")