def process_monthly_F5_contribs(filingnum, fp): f1 = filing(filingnum, True, True) form = f1.get_form_type() version = f1.get_version() headers = f1.get_headers() is_amendment = headers['is_amendment'] original = None filer_id = headers['fec_id'] if (is_amendment): original = headers['filing_amended'] if (re.match('^F5', form)): parsed_line = fp.parse_form_line(f1.get_first_row(), version) print "\n***%s: %s - %s\n %s - %s" % ( filingnum, parsed_line['report_code'], parsed_line['report_type'], parsed_line['coverage_from_date'], parsed_line['coverage_through_date']) if (parsed_line['report_type'] == '24' or parsed_line['report_type'] == '48'): # ignore reports that aren't 24 or 48 print "This is a 24- or 48- hour notice form. Ignoring. " return else: process_F24(filingnum, fp) else: print "Not an F5-- doing nothing."
def handle_filing_num(filingnum, fp): f1 = filing(filingnum, True, True) formtype = f1.get_form_type() version = f1.version firstrow = fp.parse_form_line(f1.get_first_row(), version) #print firstrow committee_id = firstrow['filer_committee_id_number'] committee_name = firstrow['committee_name'] #print "id: %s committee: %s" % (committee_id, committee_name) schedule_e_lines = f1.get_rows('SE') if len(schedule_e_lines) == 0: # There's nothing here for us, so quit. return 0 headers = f1.get_headers() is_amendment = headers['is_amendment'] original = None if (is_amendment): original = headers['filing_amended'] for e_line in schedule_e_lines: thisrow = fp.parse_form_line(e_line, version) #print "\nGot sked E line: %s\n" % (thisrow) transaction_id = thisrow['transaction_id_number'] memo_text_description = '' try: memo_text_description = thisrow['memo_text_description'] except KeyError: pass memo_code = '' try: memo_code = thisrow['memo_code'] except KeyError: pass if memo_code: # Now we gotta find the line as it exists in the db and modify the memo code and memo_text_description. Don't create it if it doesn't exist. try: this_transaction = Expenditure.objects.get( filing_number=filingnum, transaction_id=transaction_id) print "Got memoed F3X line! %s %s %s - amount= %s" % ( filingnum, transaction_id, memo_code, thisrow['expenditure_amount']) this_transaction.memo_code = memo_code this_transaction.memo_text_description = memo_text_description except Expenditure.DoesNotExist: print "Missing memoed transaction %s %s %s" % ( filingnum, transaction_id, memo_code)
def process_file(filingnum, csvwriter, name): f1 = filing(filingnum) form = f1.get_form_type() version = f1.get_version() # only parse forms that we're set up to read if not fp.is_allowed_form(form): print "Not a parseable form: %s - %s" % (form, filingnum) return print "Found form: %s - %s" % (form, filingnum) #rows = f1.get_all_rows() rows = f1.get_rows('^SB') #print "rows: %s" % rows for row in rows: # the last line is empty, so don't try to parse it if len(row) > 1: #print "in filing: %s" % filingnum parsed_line = fp.parse_form_line(row, version) orgname = parsed_line['payee_organization_name'].replace('"', '') parsed_line['orgname_parsed'] = str( OrganizationNameCleaver(orgname).parse()) parsed_line['committee_name'] = name #map_parsed_line(parsed_line) csvwriter.writerow(parsed_line)
def process_file(filingnum, fp): f1 = filing(filingnum, True, True) form = f1.get_form_type() version = f1.get_version() headers = f1.get_headers() is_amendment = headers['is_amendment'] original = None filer_id = headers['fec_id'] if (is_amendment): original = headers['filing_amended'] if (re.match('^F5', form) or re.match('^F24', form) or re.match('^F3X', form)): if (re.match('^F5', form)): parsed_line = fp.parse_form_line(f1.get_first_row(), version) print "\n***%s: %s - %s\n %s - %s" % ( filingnum, parsed_line['report_code'], parsed_line['report_type'], parsed_line['coverage_from_date'], parsed_line['coverage_through_date']) if (parsed_line['report_type'] != '24' and parsed_line['report_type'] != '48'): # ignore reports that aren't 24 or 48 print "Missing !!!!" return else: process_F24(filingnum, fp) if (re.match('^F24', form)): process_F24(filingnum, fp) if (re.match('^F3X', form)): # are there any sked e lines ? we need to return this, and enter the contribs if there are. Enter contribs actually functions to add the summary line... sked_e_linecount = process_F3X(filingnum, fp) print "Got sked e linecount of %s" % sked_e_linecount # only add contribs if there are sked e expenditures or its a superpac. If it's not a superpac, process_F3X_contribs won't add the sched A stuff. if (sked_e_linecount > 0): process_F3X_contribs(filingnum, fp) else: committee_overlay = get_or_create_committee_overlay( filer_id, CYCLE) if committee_overlay: if committee_overlay.is_superpac: process_F3X_contribs(filingnum, fp)
def process_monthly_F5_expenditures(filingnum, fp): f1 = filing(filingnum, True, True) form = f1.get_form_type() version = f1.get_version() headers = f1.get_headers() is_amendment = headers['is_amendment'] original=None filer_id = headers['fec_id'] if (is_amendment): original=headers['filing_amended'] if (re.match('^F5', form)): parsed_line = fp.parse_form_line(f1.get_first_row(), version) print "\n***%s: %s - %s\n %s - %s" % (filingnum, parsed_line['report_code'], parsed_line['report_type'], parsed_line['coverage_from_date'], parsed_line['coverage_through_date']) if (parsed_line['report_type']!='24' and parsed_line['report_type']!='48'): process_F24(filingnum, fp) else: print "this is a 24- or 48-hr form. Skipping!"
def process_file(filingnum, csvwriter): f1 = filing(filingnum) form = f1.get_form_type() version = f1.get_version() # only parse forms that we're set up to read if not fp.is_allowed_form(form): print "Not a parseable form: %s - %s" % (form, filingnum) return print "Found form: %s - %s" % (form, filingnum) #rows = f1.get_all_rows() rows = f1.get_rows('^SB') #print "rows: %s" % rows for row in rows: # the last line is empty, so don't try to parse it if len(row) > 1: print "in filing: %s" % filingnum parsed_line = fp.parse_form_line(row, version) #map_parsed_line(parsed_line) csvwriter.writerow(parsed_line)
def process_file(self, filingnum): f1 = filing(filingnum) form = f1.get_form_type() version = f1.get_version() headers = f1.get_headers() is_amendment = headers['is_amendment'] original = None filer_id = headers['fec_id'] if (is_amendment): original = headers['filing_amended'] if (re.match('^F5', form) or re.match('^F24', form) or re.match('^F9', form) and form != 'F99'): #print "Filing: %s filer: %s form:%s version:%s is_amendment:%s original: %s" % (filingnum, filer_id, form, version, is_amendment, original) # form 5's come in a few different flavors. if (re.match('^F5', form)): parsed_line = self.fp.parse_form_line(f1.get_first_row(), version) print "\n***%s: %s - %s\n %s - %s" % ( filingnum, parsed_line['report_code'], parsed_line['report_type'], parsed_line['coverage_from_date'], parsed_line['coverage_through_date']) if (parsed_line['report_type'] != '24' and parsed_line['report_type'] != '48'): # ignore reports that aren't 24 or 48 print "Missing !!!!" return # it's a form we care about. Create the header row as a django object. # Get or create the committee overlay. committee_overlay = get_or_create_committee_overlay( filer_id, cycle) filing_number = int(filingnum) fh = None try: fh = Filing_Header.objects.get(filing_number=filing_number) except Filing_Header.DoesNotExist: fh = Filing_Header.objects.create( raw_filer_id=filer_id, form=form, filing_number=filing_number, is_amendment=is_amendment, amends_filing=original, header_text=f1.get_raw_first_row(), filer=committee_overlay) # lines we care about: # We're not really doing anything with F91, but it looks interesting line_types = ['SE', 'F91', 'F93', 'F94', 'F57'] for lt in line_types: these_rows = f1.get_raw_rows(lt) for row_to_enter in these_rows: #print "Processing line: %s" % row_to_enter # We gotta parse the line here to pull the transaction id. Doh. parsed_line = self.fp.parse_raw_form_line( row_to_enter, version) # NYT's csv files have an inconsistent naming convention... try: transaction_id = parsed_line['transaction_id'] except KeyError: transaction_id = parsed_line['transaction_id_number'] try: fr = Filing_Rows.objects.get( filing_number=filing_number, transaction_id=transaction_id) except Filing_Rows.DoesNotExist: # create it: print "Trying to create %s - %s" % (filing_number, transaction_id) fr = Filing_Rows.objects.create( parent_filing=fh, filer=committee_overlay, filing_number=filing_number, parent_form=form, line_type=lt, line_text=row_to_enter, transaction_id=transaction_id)
def process_F3X_contribs(filingnum, fp): f1 = filing(filingnum, True, True) formtype = f1.get_form_type() version = f1.version print "Got form number %s - type=%s version=%s is_amended: %s" % ( f1.filing_number, formtype, version, f1.is_amendment) if not (formtype == 'F3X'): print "Not an F24 or an F5!!" return 0 firstrow = fp.parse_form_line(f1.get_first_row(), version) # Ignore it if it's a pre-2011 report. start_date = dateparse(firstrow['coverage_from_date']) if (start_date < epoch_start): return 0 #print firstrow committee_id = firstrow['filer_committee_id_number'] committee_name = firstrow['committee_name'] print "id: %s committee: %s" % (committee_id, committee_name) headers = f1.get_headers() is_amendment = headers['is_amendment'] original = None if (is_amendment): original = headers['filing_amended'] print "running summary: is_amendment: %s originial: %s, filingnum: %s " % ( is_amendment, original, filingnum) process_summary_line(firstrow, is_amendment, original, filingnum) # we need the committee overlay object committee_overlay = get_or_create_committee_overlay(committee_id, CYCLE) committee_name = None if committee_overlay: committee_name = else: return 0 # only enter contribs for super pacs if not committee_overlay.is_superpac: return 0 schedule_a_lines = f1.get_rows('SA') for a_line in schedule_a_lines: thisrow = fp.parse_form_line(a_line, version) print "\nGot sked A line: %s\n" % (thisrow) process_contrib_line(thisrow, is_amendment, original, filingnum, committee_overlay, committee_name) return len(schedule_a_lines)
def process_F24(f24_to_process, fp): filingnum = f24_to_process #processtime = f24_to_process.process_time f1 = filing(filingnum, True, True) formtype = f1.get_form_type() version = f1.version print "Got form number %s - type=%s version=%s is_amended: %s" % ( f1.filing_number, formtype, version, f1.is_amendment) if not (formtype == 'F24' or formtype == 'F5'): print "Not an F24 or an F5!!" return None firstrow = fp.parse_form_line(f1.get_first_row(), version) #print firstrow committee_id = firstrow['filer_committee_id_number'] committee_name = '' try: committee_name = firstrow['committee_name'] except KeyError: pass all_ie_spending = [] schedule_e_lines = f1.get_rows('SE') schedule_57_lines = f1.get_rows('F57') print "sked e: %s sked 57 %s" % (len(schedule_e_lines), len(schedule_57_lines)) all_ie_spending.extend(schedule_e_lines) all_ie_spending.extend(schedule_57_lines) headers = f1.get_headers() is_amendment = headers['is_amendment'] original = None if (is_amendment): original = headers['filing_amended'] for e_line in all_ie_spending: thisrow = fp.parse_form_line(e_line, version) print "\nGot sked E line: %s\n" % (thisrow) transaction_id = thisrow['transaction_id_number'] # don't save it if it's too early expenditure_date = dateparse(thisrow['expenditure_date']) if expenditure_date < epoch_start: return print "Looking for filing %s transaction number %s" % (filingnum, transaction_id) # look for this as an existing transaction in the db: try: Expenditure.objects.get(filing_number=filingnum, transaction_id=transaction_id) except Expenditure.DoesNotExist: ## Look for a F3X that already covers this period. This is a rare occurrence but it has happened some (most notably with Gingrich's super PAC). Basically, they amend an F24 long after they filed an F3X for the period. When this happens, favor the F3X that is filed, and skip the F24. This isn't really a concern for F5's. if (formtype == 'F24'): preexisting_f3xs = F3X_Summary.objects.filter( superceded_by_amendment=False, fec_id=committee_id, coverage_from_date__lte=expenditure_date, coverage_to_date__gte=expenditure_date) if len(preexisting_f3xs) > 0: # This transactions already been entered on an F3X, so skip it. print "** Already covered in F3X ; skipping %s %s" % ( committee_name, expenditure_date, ) continue this_candidate = get_or_create_candidate_overlay( thisrow['candidate_id_number'], CYCLE) this_committee = get_or_create_committee_overlay( committee_id, CYCLE) payee_name = '' if len(thisrow['payee_organization_name']) > 3: payee_name = thisrow['payee_organization_name'] else: payee_name = thisrow['payee_last_name'] + ", " + thisrow[ 'payee_first_name'] # older versions used candidate name--newer versions break it up. candidate_name = '' try: candidate_name = thisrow[ 'candidate_last_name'] + ", " + thisrow[ 'candidate_first_name'] except KeyError: candidate_name = thisrow['candidate_name'] amendment_value = '' if is_amendment: amendment_value = 'A' memo_code = '' try: memo_code = thisrow['memo_code'] except KeyError: pass memo_text_description = '' try: memo_text_description = thisrow['memo_text_description'] except KeyError: pass date_received = None # sked 57 doesn't include receipt date--so use process time try: date_received = dateparse(thisrow['date_signed']) except KeyError: pass #try: # date_received=date(processtime.year,processtime.month, # apparently election codes can be blank election_code = "" try: election_code = thisrow['election_code'][0] except IndexError: pass created = Expenditure.objects.create( cycle=CYCLE, image_number=1, raw_committee_id=committee_id, committee=this_committee, payee=payee_name, expenditure_purpose=thisrow['expenditure_purpose_descrip'], expenditure_date=expenditure_date, expenditure_amount=clean_currency_field( thisrow['expenditure_amount']), support_oppose=thisrow['support_oppose_code'], election_type=election_code, candidate_name=candidate_name, raw_candidate_id=thisrow['candidate_id_number'].strip(), candidate=this_candidate, candidate_party_affiliation=None, office=thisrow['candidate_office'], state=thisrow['candidate_state'], district=thisrow['candidate_district'], transaction_id=thisrow['transaction_id_number'], receipt_date=date_received, filing_number=filingnum, amendment=amendment_value, race=' ', pdf_url=' ', committee_name=committee_name, amends_filing=original, amends_earlier_filing=is_amendment, #process_time = processtime, filing_source=formtype, memo_code=memo_code, memo_text_description=memo_text_description) # If it's an amendment, we need to mark earlier rows as being superceded by this amendment. if is_amendment: original_ies = Expenditure.objects.filter( filing_number=original) print "Writing amended original: %s %s" % (original, filingnum) for original_ie in original_ies: original_ie.superceded_by_amendment = True original_ie.amended_by = filingnum # Now find others that amend the same filing earlier_amendments = Expenditure.objects.filter( amends_earlier_filing=True, amends_filing=original, filing_number__lt=filingnum) for earlier_amendment in earlier_amendments: #print "** Handling prior amendment: %s %s" % (earlier_amendment.filing_number, header.filing_number) earlier_amendment.superceded_by_amendment = True earlier_amendment.amended_by = filingnum
def process_F3X(f3x_to_process, fp): filingnum = f3x_to_process #processtime = f3x_to_process.process_time f1 = filing(filingnum, True, True) formtype = f1.get_form_type() version = f1.version #print "Got form number %s - type=%s version=%s is_amended: %s" % (f1.filing_number, formtype, version, f1.is_amendment) if not (formtype == 'F3X'): print "Not an F3X!!" return 0 firstrow = fp.parse_form_line(f1.get_first_row(), version) #print firstrow committee_id = firstrow['filer_committee_id_number'] committee_name = firstrow['committee_name'] #print "id: %s committee: %s" % (committee_id, committee_name) schedule_e_lines = f1.get_rows('SE') if len(schedule_e_lines) == 0: # There's nothing here for us, so quit. return 0 headers = f1.get_headers() is_amendment = headers['is_amendment'] original = None if (is_amendment): original = headers['filing_amended'] for e_line in schedule_e_lines: thisrow = fp.parse_form_line(e_line, version) print "\nGot sked E line: %s\n" % (thisrow) transaction_id = thisrow['transaction_id_number'] # look for this as an existing transaction in the db: try: Expenditure.objects.get(filing_number=filingnum, transaction_id=transaction_id) except Expenditure.DoesNotExist: # short circuit this if it's before 1/1/2011 expenditure_date = dateparse(thisrow['expenditure_date']) if expenditure_date < epoch_start: return this_candidate = get_or_create_candidate_overlay( thisrow['candidate_id_number'], CYCLE) this_committee = get_or_create_committee_overlay( committee_id, CYCLE) payee_name = '' if len(thisrow['payee_organization_name']) > 3: payee_name = thisrow['payee_organization_name'] else: payee_name = thisrow['payee_last_name'] + ", " + thisrow[ 'payee_first_name'] # older versions used candidate name--newer versions break it up. candidate_name = '' try: candidate_name = thisrow[ 'candidate_last_name'] + ", " + thisrow[ 'candidate_first_name'] except KeyError: candidate_name = thisrow['candidate_name'] amendment_value = '' if is_amendment: amendment_value = 'A' date_received = dateparse(thisrow['date_signed']) # apparently election codes can be blank election_code = "" try: election_code = thisrow['election_code'][0] except IndexError: pass created = Expenditure.objects.create( cycle=CYCLE, image_number=1, raw_committee_id=committee_id, committee=this_committee, payee=payee_name, expenditure_purpose=thisrow['expenditure_purpose_descrip'], expenditure_date=expenditure_date, expenditure_amount=clean_currency_field( thisrow['expenditure_amount']), support_oppose=thisrow['support_oppose_code'], election_type=election_code, candidate_name=candidate_name, raw_candidate_id=thisrow['candidate_id_number'].strip(), candidate=this_candidate, candidate_party_affiliation=None, office=thisrow['candidate_office'], state=thisrow['candidate_state'], district=thisrow['candidate_district'], transaction_id=thisrow['transaction_id_number'], receipt_date=date_received, filing_number=filingnum, amendment=amendment_value, race=' ', pdf_url=' ', committee_name=committee_name, amends_filing=original, amends_earlier_filing=is_amendment, #process_time = processtime, filing_source='F3X') # If it's an amendment, we need to mark earlier rows as being superceded by this amendment. original_ies = Expenditure.objects.filter(filing_number=original) for original_ie in original_ies: print "Writing amended original: %s %s" % (original, filingnum) original_ie.superceded_by_amendment = True original_ie.amended_by = filingnum # if this is an f3xa, we still need to mark f24's that were superceded by it's original as now being superceded by this f3x. Maybe we shouldda just deleted them? # Now find others that amend the same filing earlier_amendments = Expenditure.objects.filter( amends_earlier_filing=True, amends_filing=original, filing_number__lt=filingnum) for earlier_amendment in earlier_amendments: #print "** Handling prior amendment: %s %s" % (earlier_amendment.filing_number, header.filing_number) earlier_amendment.superceded_by_amendment = True earlier_amendment.amended_by = filingnum # now mark all F24s that occurrred during this time period as having been superceded. #all_f24_ies = Expenditure.objects.filter() start_date = dateparse(firstrow['coverage_from_date']) end_date = dateparse(firstrow['coverage_through_date']) print "Looking for ie filings from %s to %s" % (start_date, end_date) f24_ies = Expenditure.objects.filter(raw_committee_id=committee_id, filing_number__lt=filingnum, filing_source='F24', expenditure_date__gte=start_date, expenditure_date__lte=end_date) for f24 in f24_ies: print "Handling superceded f24 expenditure: %s %s" % ( f24.filing_number, f24.transaction_id) f24.superceded_by_amendment = True f24.superceded_by_f3x = True f24.superceding_f3x = filingnum return len(schedule_e_lines)