예제 #1
def getNeuralCode(directory, layer="conv5_1", gpu=-1):

  model = "illust2vec_ver200.caffemodel"
  #use illust2vec_ver200
  print('illust2vec_ver200 is being loaded!')
  #calculate load time
  timeMemory = time()
  func = caffe.CaffeFunction(model)
  print('illust2vec_ver200 was loaded!')
  print('It took ' + str(int(time() - timeMemory)) + " secondes")
  #gpu mode
  if gpu >= 0:
  in_size = 224
  # Constant mean over spatial pixels
  mean_image = np.load("illust2vec_image_mean.npy")
  print("neural code is extraced from layer " + layer)
  def neuralCode(x): #推測関数
    y, = func(inputs={'data': x}, outputs=[layer],
    return y.data[0]
  cropwidth = 256 - in_size
  start = cropwidth // 2
  stop = start + in_size
  mean_image = mean_image[:, start:stop, start:stop].copy()
  target_shape = (256, 256)
  numPic = 0
  #count pictures
  for folderPath in directory:
    #search pictures
    picturePath = [picture for picture in os.listdir(folderPath)
                   if re.findall(r"\.png$|\.jpg$|\.JPG$|\.PNG$|\.JPEG$",picture)]
    print("you have " + str(len(picturePath)) + " pictures in " + folderPath)
    numPic = numPic + len(picturePath)
  print("you have totally " + str(numPic) + " pictures")
  count = 0
  answer = {}
  for folderPath in directory:
    #search pictures
    picturePath = [picture for picture in os.listdir(folderPath)
                   if re.findall(r"\.png$|\.jpg$|\.JPG$|\.PNG$|\.JPEG$",picture)]
    for picture in picturePath:
      timeMemory = time()
      count = count + 1
      #load image file
      image = cv2.imread(folderPath + "/" + picture)
      #resize and crop
      height, width, depth = image.shape
      new_height = output_side_length
      new_width = output_side_length
      if height > width:
          new_height = output_side_length * height / width
          new_width = output_side_length * width / height
      resized_img = cv2.resize(image, (new_width, new_height))
      height_offset = (new_height - output_side_length) / 2
      width_offset = (new_width - output_side_length) / 2
      image= resized_img[height_offset:height_offset + output_side_length,
                         width_offset:width_offset + output_side_length]
      #subtract mean image
      image = image.transpose(2, 0, 1)
      image = image[:, start:stop, start:stop].astype(np.float32)
      image -= mean_image
      x_batch = np.ndarray(
          (1, 3, in_size,in_size), dtype=np.float32)
      if gpu >= 0:
      #get neural code
      x = chainer.Variable(x_batch, volatile=True)
      answer[folderPath + "/" +  picture] = neuralCode(x)
      sen = overwrite.bar(count,numPic)
  return answer
예제 #2
#obtain url
#put image id at the end
apiUrl = "http://www.image-net.org/api/text/imagenet.synset.geturls?wnid="

files = [re.sub(r"\.txt$", "", name) for name in os.listdir(baseUrl) if re.findall(r"\.txt$",name)]
setSynset = set(synset)
fileUrl = list(setSynset.difference(set(files)))

#get all urls
numId = len(synset)
count = numId - len(fileUrl)
print("getting all urls....")
for picId in fileUrl:
  count = count + 1
  sen = overwrite.bar(count, numId)
  sen = sen + " " + str(picId)
  cmd = "wget " + apiUrl + picId + " -O tmp -q"
  subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
  cmd = "mv tmp " + baseUrl + picId + ".txt"
  subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
print("urls are all prepared!")

def checkExistance(path):
  if os.path.exists(path):
    return True
    return False

def makeDirectory(path):