예제 #1
 def list(self, query=None):
     Overview of all backend types
     if query is not None:
         query = json.loads(query)
         return DataList(BackendType, query)
     return BackendTypeList.get_backend_types()
예제 #2
 def list(self, query=None):
     Overview of all backend types
     :param query: Optional filter for BackendTypes
     :type query: DataQuery
     if query is not None:
         return DataList(BackendType, query)
     return BackendTypeList.get_backend_types()
예제 #3
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetches metadata
        _ = args, kwargs
        data = {'authenticated': False,
                'authentication_state': None,
                'username': None,
                'userguid': None,
                'roles': [],
                'storagerouter_ips': [sr.ip for sr in StorageRouterList.get_storagerouters()],
                'versions': list(settings.VERSION),
                'plugins': {}}
            # Gather plugin metadata
            plugins = {}
            # - Backends. BackendType plugins must set the has_plugin flag on True
            for backend_type in BackendTypeList.get_backend_types():
                if backend_type.has_plugin is True:
                    if backend_type.code not in plugins:
                        plugins[backend_type.code] = []
                    plugins[backend_type.code] += ['backend', 'gui']
            data['plugins'] = plugins

            # Gather authorization metadata
            if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' not in request.META:
                return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'unauthenticated'}.items())
            authorization_type, access_token = request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(' ')
            if authorization_type != 'Bearer':
                return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'invalid_authorization_type'}.items())
            tokens = BearerTokenList.get_by_access_token(access_token)
            if len(tokens) != 1:
                return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'invalid_token'}.items())
            token = tokens[0]
            if token.expiration < time.time():
                for junction in token.roles.itersafe():
                return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'token_expired'}.items())

            # Gather user metadata
            user = token.client.user
            if not user.is_active:
                return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'inactive_user'}.items())
            roles = [j.role.code for j in token.roles]

            return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authenticated': True,
                                                      'authentication_state': 'authenticated',
                                                      'username': user.username,
                                                      'userguid': user.guid,
                                                      'roles': roles,
                                                      'plugins': plugins}.items())
        except Exception as ex:
            logger.exception('Unexpected exception: {0}'.format(ex))
            return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'unexpected_exception'}.items())
예제 #4
 def list(self, query=None):
     Overview of all backend types
     if query is not None:
         query = json.loads(query)
         query_result = DataList({'object': BackendType,
                                  'data': DataList.select.GUIDS,
                                  'query': query}).data
         return DataObjectList(query_result, BackendType)
     return BackendTypeList.get_backend_types()
예제 #5
 def list(self, query=None):
     Overview of all backend types
     if query is not None:
         query = json.loads(query)
         query_result = DataList({'object': BackendType,
                                  'data': DataList.select.GUIDS,
                                  'query': query}).data
         return DataObjectList(query_result, BackendType)
     return BackendTypeList.get_backend_types()
예제 #6
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetches metadata
        _ = args, kwargs
        data = {
            'authentication_metadata': {},
            'roles': [],
            'identification': {},
            [sr.ip for sr in StorageRouterList.get_storagerouters()],
            'plugins': {}
            # Gather plugin metadata
            plugins = {}
            # - Backends. BackendType plugins must set the has_plugin flag on True
            for backend_type in BackendTypeList.get_backend_types():
                if backend_type.has_plugin is True:
                    if backend_type.code not in plugins:
                        plugins[backend_type.code] = []
                    plugins[backend_type.code] += ['backend', 'gui']
            # - Generic plugins, as added to the configuration file(s)
            generic_plugins = EtcdConfiguration.get(
            for plugin_name in generic_plugins:
                if plugin_name not in plugins:
                    plugins[plugin_name] = []
                plugins[plugin_name] += ['gui']
            data['plugins'] = plugins

            # Fill identification
            data['identification'] = {

            # Get authentication metadata
            authentication_metadata = {'ip': System.get_my_storagerouter().ip}
            for key in ['mode', 'authorize_uri', 'client_id', 'scope']:
                if EtcdConfiguration.exists(
                    authentication_metadata[key] = EtcdConfiguration.get(
            data['authentication_metadata'] = authentication_metadata

            # Gather authorization metadata
            if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' not in request.META:
                return HttpResponse, dict(
                    data.items() +
                    {'authentication_state': 'unauthenticated'}.items())
            authorization_type, access_token = request.META[
                'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(' ')
            if authorization_type != 'Bearer':
                return HttpResponse, dict(
                    data.items() +
                    {'authentication_state': 'invalid_authorization_type'
            tokens = BearerTokenList.get_by_access_token(access_token)
            if len(tokens) != 1:
                return HttpResponse, dict(
                    data.items() +
                    {'authentication_state': 'invalid_token'}.items())
            token = tokens[0]
            if token.expiration < time.time():
                for junction in token.roles.itersafe():
                return HttpResponse, dict(
                    data.items() +
                    {'authentication_state': 'token_expired'}.items())

            # Gather user metadata
            user = token.client.user
            if not user.is_active:
                return HttpResponse, dict(
                    data.items() +
                    {'authentication_state': 'inactive_user'}.items())
            roles = [j.role.code for j in token.roles]

            return HttpResponse, dict(
                data.items() + {
                    'authenticated': True,
                    'authentication_state': 'authenticated',
                    'username': user.username,
                    'userguid': user.guid,
                    'roles': roles,
                    'plugins': plugins
        except Exception as ex:
                'Unexpected exception: {0}'.format(ex))
            return HttpResponse, dict(
                data.items() +
                {'authentication_state': 'unexpected_exception'}.items())
예제 #7
    def get(self):
        returns OpenAPI specs
        version = settings.VERSION[-1]
        data = {'swagger': '2.0',
                'info': {'title': 'Open vStorage',
                         'description': 'The Open vStorage API.',
                         'version': str(version)},
                'basePath': '/api',
                'schemes': ['https'],
                'consumes': ['application/json'],
                'produces': ['application/json; version={0}'.format(version)],
                'paths': {'/': {'get': {'summary': 'Retrieve API metadata',
                                        'operationId': 'api',
                                        'responses': {'200': {'descirption': 'API metadata',
                                                              'schema': {'type': 'object',
                                                                         'title': 'APIMetadata',
                                                                         'properties': {'authenticated': {'type': 'boolean',
                                                                                                          'description': 'Indicates whether the client is authenticated.'},
                                                                                        'authentication_state': {'type': 'string',
                                                                                                                 'description': 'Povides more information on the "authenticated" state of a client.',
                                                                                                                 'enum': ['unauthenticated',
                                                                                        'authentication_metadata': {'type': 'object',
                                                                                                                    'title': 'AuthenticationMetadata',
                                                                                                                    'description': 'Contains information on the usage of an optional 3rd party OAuth2.0 authentication service.',
                                                                                                                    'properties': {'ip': {'type': 'string',
                                                                                                                                          'description': 'The IP address of the current node.'},
                                                                                                                                   'mode': {'type': 'string',
                                                                                                                                            'description': 'Indicates wheter the "local" or a "remote" authentication endpoint should be used.',
                                                                                                                                            'enum': ['local',
                                                                                                                                   'authorize_uri': {'type': 'string',
                                                                                                                                                     'description': 'The URI to which the user has to be redirect to authenticate.'},
                                                                                                                                   'client_id': {'type': 'string',
                                                                                                                                                 'description': 'The client identifier to be used when authenticating.'},
                                                                                                                                   'scope': {'type': 'string',
                                                                                                                                             'description': 'The scope that has to be requested to the authentication endpoint.'}},
                                                                                                                    'required': []},
                                                                                        'username': {'type': 'string',
                                                                                                     'description': 'The username of the client or null if not available.'},
                                                                                        'userguid': {'type': 'string',
                                                                                                     'description': 'The GUID (primary key) of the client\'s user or null if not available.'},
                                                                                        'roles': {'type': 'array',
                                                                                                  'description': 'An array of the scopes that were granted to the client.',
                                                                                                  'items': {'type': 'string'}},
                                                                                        'identification': {'type': 'object',
                                                                                                           'title': 'APIIdentification',
                                                                                                           'description': 'Contains identification information about the API/environment.',
                                                                                                           'properties': {'cluster_id': {'type': 'string',
                                                                                                                                         'description': 'Environment identification string.'}},
                                                                                                           'required': ['cluster_id']},
                                                                                        'storagerouter_ips': {'type': 'array',
                                                                                                              'description': 'An array containing the IP addresses of all StorageRouters in the environment.',
                                                                                                              'items': {'type': 'string'}},
                                                                                        'versions': {'type': 'array',
                                                                                                     'description': 'An array of all versions that this instance of the API supports.',
                                                                                                     'items': {'type': 'integer'}},
                                                                                        'plugins': {}},
                                                                         'required': ['authenticated',
                'definitions': {'APIError': {'type': 'object',
                                             'properties': {'error': {'type': 'string',
                                                                      'description': 'An error code'},
                                                            'error_description': {'type': 'string',
                                                                                  'description': 'Descriptive error message'}},
                                             'required': ['error', 'error_description']}},
                'securityDefinitions': {'oauth2': {'type': 'oauth2',
                                                   'flow': 'password',
                                                   'tokenUrl': 'oauth2/token',
                                                   'scopes': {'read': 'Read access',
                                                              'write': 'Write access',
                                                              'manage': 'Management access'}}},
                'security': [{'oauth2': ['read', 'write', 'manage']}]}

        # Plugin information
        plugins = {}
        for backend_type in BackendTypeList.get_backend_types():
            if backend_type.has_plugin is True:
                if backend_type.code not in plugins:
                    plugins[backend_type.code] = []
                plugins[backend_type.code] += ['backend', 'gui']
        generic_plugins = Configuration.get('/ovs/framework/plugins/installed|generic')
        for plugin_name in generic_plugins:
            if plugin_name not in plugins:
                plugins[plugin_name] = []
            plugins[plugin_name] += ['gui']

        data['paths']['/']['get']['responses']['200']['schema']['properties']['plugins'] = {
            'type': 'object',
            'title': 'PluginMetadata',
            'description': 'Contains information about plugins active in the system. Each property represents a plugin and the area where they provide functionality.',
            'properties': {plugin: {'type': 'array',
                                    'description': 'An array of all areas the plugin provides functionality.',
                                    'items': {'type': 'string'}} for (plugin, info) in plugins.iteritems()},
            'required': []

        # API paths
        def load_parameters(_fun):
            # Parameters by @load decorators
            parameter_info = []
            mandatory_args = _fun.ovs_metadata['load']['mandatory']
            optional_args = _fun.ovs_metadata['load']['optional']
            object_type = _fun.ovs_metadata['load']['object_type']
            entries = ['version', 'request', 'local_storagerouter', 'pk', 'contents']
            if object_type is not None:
                object_arg = object_type.__name__.lower()
                if object_arg in mandatory_args or object_arg in optional_args:
                    parameter_info.append({'name': 'guid',
                                           'in': 'path',
                                           'description': 'Identifier of the object on which to call is applied.',
                                           'required': True,
                                           'type': 'string'})
            for entry in entries:
                if entry in mandatory_args:
                if entry in optional_args:
            docs = _fun.__doc__
            doc_info = {}
            if docs is not None:
                for match in re.finditer(':(param|type) (.*?): (.*)', docs, re.MULTILINE):
                    entries = match.groups()
                    if entries[1] not in doc_info:
                        doc_info[entries[1]] = {}
                    doc_info[entries[1]][entries[0]] = entries[2]
            for argument in mandatory_args + optional_args:
                info = {'name': argument,
                        'in': 'query',
                        'required': argument in mandatory_args,
                        'type': 'string'}
                if argument in doc_info:
                    description = doc_info[argument].get('param')
                    if description:
                        info['description'] = description
                    type_info = doc_info[argument].get('type')
                    if type_info:
                        if type_info in ['int', 'long']:
                            info['type'] = 'integer'
                        elif type_info in ['float']:
                            info['type'] = 'number'
                        elif type_info in ['bool']:
                            info['type'] = 'boolean'
                        elif type_info in ['str', 'basestring', 'unicode']:
                            info['type'] = 'string'
                        elif type_info in ['dict']:
                            info['type'] = 'object'
            # Parameters by @returns_* decorators
            return_info = _fun.ovs_metadata.get('returns', None)
            if return_info is not None:
                # Extra parameters
                params = return_info['parameters']
                fields = []
                if 'contents' in params or 'sorting' in params:
                    _cls = return_info['object_type']
                    fields = [prop.name for prop in _cls._properties] + \
                             ['{0}_guid'.format(rel.name) for rel in _cls._relations] + \
                             [dynamic.name for dynamic in _cls._dynamics]
                    relation_info = RelationMapper.load_foreign_relations(_cls)
                    if relation_info is not None:
                        fields += [('{0}_guid' if rel_info['list'] is False else '{0}_guids').format(key)
                                   for key, rel_info in relation_info.iteritems()]
                    fields = fields + ['-{0}'.format(field) for field in fields]
                for parameter in params:
                    if parameter == 'contents':
                        parameter_info.append({'name': 'contents',
                                               'in': 'query',
                                               'description': 'Specify the returned contents.',
                                               'required': True,
                                               'collectionFormat': 'csv',
                                               'type': 'array',
                                               'enum': ['_dynamics', '_relations', 'guid'] + fields,
                                               'items': {'type': 'string'}})
                    elif parameter == 'paging':
                        parameter_info.append({'name': 'page',
                                               'in': 'query',
                                               'description': 'Specifies the page to be returned.',
                                               'required': False,
                                               'type': 'integer'})
                        parameter_info.append({'name': 'page_size',
                                               'in': 'query',
                                               'description': 'Specifies the size of a page. Supported values: 10, 25, 50 and 100. Requires "page" to be set.',
                                               'required': False,
                                               'type': 'integer'})
                    elif parameter == 'sorting':
                        parameter_info.append({'name': 'sort',
                                               'in': 'query',
                                               'description': 'Specifies the sorting of the list.',
                                               'required': False,
                                               'default': params[parameter],
                                               'enum': ['guid', '-guid'] + fields,
                                               'type': 'array',
                                               'items': {'type': 'string'}})
            return parameter_info

        def load_response(_fun):
            response_code = '200'
            response_schema = None
            return_info = _fun.ovs_metadata.get('returns', None)
            if return_info is not None:
                return_type, _return_code = return_info['returns']
                if _return_code is not None:
                    response_code = _return_code
                if return_type == 'object':
                    _cls = return_info['object_type']
                    response_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/{0}'.format(_cls.__name__)}
                elif return_type == 'list':
                    _cls = return_info['object_type']
                    class_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/{0}'.format(_cls.__name__)}
                    fields = [prop.name for prop in _cls._properties] + \
                             ['{0}_guid'.format(rel.name) for rel in _cls._relations] + \
                             [dynamic.name for dynamic in _cls._dynamics]
                    relation_info = RelationMapper.load_foreign_relations(_cls)
                    if relation_info is not None:
                        fields += [('{0}_guid' if rel_info['list'] is False else '{0}_guids').format(key)
                                   for key, rel_info in relation_info.iteritems()]
                    fields = fields + ['-{0}'.format(field) for field in fields]
                    response_schema = {'type': 'object',
                                       'title': 'DataList',
                                       'properties': {'_contents': {'type': 'array',
                                                                    'description': 'Requested contents.',
                                                                    'items': {'type': 'string'},
                                                                    'required': True,
                                                                    'collectionFormat': 'csv',
                                                                    'enum': ['_dynamics', '_relations', 'guid'] + fields},
                                                      '_paging': {'type': 'object',
                                                                  'title': 'PagingMetadata',
                                                                  'properties': {'total_items': {'type': 'integer',
                                                                                                 'description': 'Total items available.'},
                                                                                 'max_page': {'type': 'integer',
                                                                                              'description': 'Last page available.'},
                                                                                 'end_number': {'type': 'integer',
                                                                                                'description': '1-based index of the last item in the current page.'},
                                                                                 'current_page': {'type': 'integer',
                                                                                                  'description': 'Current page number.'},
                                                                                 'page_size': {'type': 'integer',
                                                                                               'description': 'Number of items in the current page.'},
                                                                                 'start_number': {'type': 'integer',
                                                                                                  'description': '1-based index of the first item in the current page'}},
                                                                  'required': ['total_items', 'max_page', 'end_number', 'current_page', 'page_size', 'start_number']},
                                                      '_sorting': {'type': 'array',
                                                                   'description': 'Applied sorting',
                                                                   'items': {'type': 'string'},
                                                                   'required': True,
                                                                   'collectionFormat': 'csv',
                                                                   'enum': ['-guid', 'guid'] + fields},
                                                      'data': {'type': 'array',
                                                               'description': 'List of serialized {0}s.'.format(_cls.__name__),
                                                               'required': True,
                                                               'items': class_schema}},
                                       'required': ['_contents', '_paging', '_sorting', 'data']}
                    docs = _fun.__doc__
                    doc_info = {}
                    if docs is not None:
                        for match in re.finditer(':(return|rtype): (.*)', docs, re.MULTILINE):
                            entries = match.groups()
                            doc_info[entries[0]] = entries[1]
                    if return_type == 'task':
                        task_return = ''
                        if 'return' in doc_info:
                            task_return = ' The task returns: {0}'.format(doc_info['return'])
                        response_schema = {'type': 'string',
                                           'description': 'A task identifier.{0}'.format(task_return)}
                    elif return_type is None:
                        response_schema = {'type': 'string'}
                        if 'return' in doc_info:
                            response_schema['description'] = doc_info['return']
                        if 'rtype' in doc_info:
                            type_info = doc_info['rtype']
                            if type_info in ['int', 'long']:
                                response_schema['type'] = 'integer'
                            elif type_info in ['float']:
                                response_schema['type'] = 'number'
                            elif type_info in ['bool']:
                                response_schema['type'] = 'boolean'
                            elif type_info in ['str', 'basestring', 'unicode']:
                                response_schema['type'] = 'string'
                            elif type_info in ['dict']:
                                response_schema['type'] = 'object'
                            elif type_info in ['None']:
                                response_schema = None
                                response_code = '204'
            return response_code, response_schema

        paths = data['paths']
        path = '/'.join([os.path.dirname(__file__), 'backend', 'views'])
        for filename in os.listdir(path):
            if os.path.isfile('/'.join([path, filename])) and filename.endswith('.py'):
                name = filename.replace('.py', '')
                module = imp.load_source(name, '/'.join([path, filename]))
                for member in inspect.getmembers(module):
                    if inspect.isclass(member[1]) \
                            and member[1].__module__ == name \
                            and 'ViewSet' in [base.__name__ for base in member[1].__bases__]:
                        cls = member[1]
                        if hasattr(cls, 'skip_spec') and cls.skip_spec is True:
                        base_calls = {'list': ['get', '/{0}/'],
                                      'retrieve': ['get', '/{0}/{{guid}}/'],
                                      'create': ['post', '/{0}/'],
                                      'destroy': ['delete', '/{0}/{{guid}}/'],
                                      'partial_update': ['patch', '/{0}/{{guid}}/']}
                        for call, route_data in base_calls.iteritems():
                            if hasattr(cls, call):
                                fun = getattr(cls, call)
                                docstring = fun.__doc__.strip().split('\n')[0]
                                parameters = load_parameters(fun)
                                return_code, schema = load_response(fun)
                                route = {route_data[0]: {'summary': docstring,
                                                         'operationId': '{0}.{1}'.format(member[1].prefix, call),
                                                         'responses': {return_code: {'description': docstring},
                                                                       'default': {'description': 'Error payload',
                                                                                   'schema': {'$ref': '#/definitions/APIError'}}},
                                                         'parameters': parameters}}
                                if schema is not None:
                                    route[route_data[0]]['responses'][return_code]['schema'] = schema
                                current_path = route_data[1].format(member[1].prefix)
                                if current_path not in paths:
                                    paths[current_path] = {}
                        funs = [fun[1] for fun in inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=inspect.ismethod)
                                if fun[0] not in base_calls.keys()]
                        for fun in funs:
                            if hasattr(fun, 'bind_to_methods'):
                                routes = {}
                                docstring = fun.__doc__.strip().split('\n')[0]
                                parameters = load_parameters(fun)
                                return_code, schema = load_response(fun)
                                name = fun.__name__
                                for verb in fun.bind_to_methods:
                                    routes[verb] = {'summary': docstring,
                                                    'operationId': '{0}.{1}_{2}'.format(member[1].prefix, verb, name),
                                                    'responses': {return_code: {'description': docstring},
                                                                  'default': {'description': 'Error payload',
                                                                              'schema': {'$ref': '#/definitions/APIError'}}},
                                                    'parameters': parameters}
                                    if schema is not None:
                                        routes[verb]['responses'][return_code]['schema'] = schema
                                paths['/{0}/{{guid}}/{1}/'.format(member[1].prefix, name)] = routes

        # DataObject / hybrids
        def build_property(prop):
            _docstring = prop.docstring or prop.name
            _docstring = _docstring.replace('None', 'null').replace('True', 'true').replace('False', 'false')
            info = {'description': _docstring}
            if prop.default is not None:
                info['default'] = prop.default
            if prop.property_type == int:
                info['type'] = 'integer'
            elif prop.property_type == float:
                info['type'] = 'number'
            elif prop.property_type == long:
                info['type'] = 'integer'
            elif prop.property_type == str:
                info['type'] = 'string'
            elif prop.property_type == bool:
                info['type'] = 'boolean'
            elif prop.property_type == list:
                info['type'] = 'array'
            elif prop.property_type == dict:
                info['type'] = 'object'
            elif prop.property_type == set:
                info['type'] = 'array'
            elif isinstance(prop.property_type, list):  # enumerator
                info['type'] = 'string'
                info['enum'] = prop.property_type
            return info

        def build_relation(_cls, relation):
            itemtype = relation.foreign_type.__name__ if relation.foreign_type is not None else _cls.__name__
            _docstring = '{1} instance identifier{3}. One-to-{0} relation with {1}.{2}.'.format(
                'one' if relation.onetoone is True else 'many',
                ('{0}_guid' if relation.onetoone is True else '{0}_guids').format(relation.foreign_key),
                '' if relation.mandatory is True else ', null if relation is not set'
            info = {'description': _docstring,
                    'type': 'string'}
            return '{0}_guid'.format(relation.name), info

        def build_dynamic(_cls, dynamic):
            _docstring = dynamic.name
            if hasattr(_cls, '_{0}'.format(dynamic.name)):
                docs = getattr(_cls, '_{0}'.format(dynamic.name)).__doc__
                if docs is not None:
                    _docstring = docs.strip().split('\n')[0]
                    _docstring = _docstring.replace('None', 'null').replace('True', 'true').replace('False', 'false')
            _docstring = '{0} (dynamic property, cache timeout: {1}s)'.format(_docstring, dynamic.timeout)
            info = {'description': _docstring,
                    'readOnly': True}
            if dynamic.return_type == int:
                info['type'] = 'integer'
            elif dynamic.return_type == float:
                info['type'] = 'number'
            elif dynamic.return_type == long:
                info['type'] = 'integer'
            elif dynamic.return_type == str:
                info['type'] = 'string'
            elif dynamic.return_type == bool:
                info['type'] = 'boolean'
            elif dynamic.return_type == list:
                info['type'] = 'array'
            elif dynamic.return_type == dict:
                info['type'] = 'object'
            elif dynamic.return_type == set:
                info['type'] = 'array'
            elif isinstance(dynamic.return_type, list):  # enumerator
                info['type'] = 'string'
                info['enum'] = dynamic.return_type
            return info

        def build_remote_relation(relation):
            key, relation_info = relation
            remote_cls = Descriptor().load(relation_info['class']).get_object()
            _docstring = '{1} instance identifier{3}. One-to-{0} relation with {1}.{2}.'.format(
                'one' if relation_info['list'] is False else 'many',
                '' if relation_info['list'] is False else 's'
            info = {'description': _docstring,
                    'readOnly': True}
            if relation_info['list'] is True:
                info['type'] = 'array'
                info['items'] = {'type': 'string'}
                _name = '{0}_guids'.format(key)
                info['type'] = 'string'
                _name = '{0}_guid'.format(key)
            return _name, info

        def get_properties(_cls):
            properties = {}
            properties.update({prop.name: build_property(prop) for prop in _cls._properties})
            properties.update(dict(build_relation(_cls, relation) for relation in _cls._relations))
            properties.update({dynamic.name: build_dynamic(_cls, dynamic) for dynamic in _cls._dynamics})
            relation_info = RelationMapper.load_foreign_relations(_cls)
            if relation_info is not None:
                properties.update(dict(build_remote_relation(relation) for relation in relation_info.iteritems()))
            return properties

        def get_required_properties(_cls):
            required = []
            for prop in _cls._properties:
                if prop.mandatory is True:
            for relation in _cls._relations:
                if relation.mandatory is True:
            return required

        definitions = data['definitions']
        definitions['DataObject'] = {'type': 'object',
                                     'title': 'DataObject',
                                     'description': 'Root object inherited by all hybrid objects. Shall not be used directly.',
                                     'properties': {'guid': {'type': 'string',
                                                             'description': 'Identifier of the object.'}},
                                     'required': ['guid']}
        hybrid_structure = HybridRunner.get_hybrids()
        for class_descriptor in hybrid_structure.values():
            cls = Descriptor().load(class_descriptor).get_object()
            definitions[cls.__name__] = {'description': cls.__doc__.strip().split('\n')[0],
                                         'allOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/DataObject'},
                                                   {'type': 'object',
                                                    'properties': get_properties(cls),
                                                    'required': get_required_properties(cls)}]}

        return data
예제 #8
파일: view.py 프로젝트: grimpy/openvstorage
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetches metadata
        _ = args, kwargs
        data = {'authenticated': False,
                'authentication_state': None,
                'authentication_metadata': {},
                'username': None,
                'userguid': None,
                'roles': [],
                'identification': {},
                'storagerouter_ips': [sr.ip for sr in StorageRouterList.get_storagerouters()],
                'versions': list(settings.VERSION),
                'plugins': {}}
            # Gather plugin metadata
            plugins = {}
            # - Backends. BackendType plugins must set the has_plugin flag on True
            for backend_type in BackendTypeList.get_backend_types():
                if backend_type.has_plugin is True:
                    if backend_type.code not in plugins:
                        plugins[backend_type.code] = []
                    plugins[backend_type.code] += ['backend', 'gui']
            # - Generic plugins, as added to the configuration file(s)
            generic_plugins = Configuration.get('/ovs/framework/plugins/installed|generic')
            for plugin_name in generic_plugins:
                if plugin_name not in plugins:
                    plugins[plugin_name] = []
                plugins[plugin_name] += ['gui']
            data['plugins'] = plugins

            # Fill identification
            data['identification'] = {'cluster_id': Configuration.get('/ovs/framework/cluster_id')}

            # Get authentication metadata
            authentication_metadata = {'ip': System.get_my_storagerouter().ip}
            for key in ['mode', 'authorize_uri', 'client_id', 'scope']:
                if Configuration.exists('/ovs/framework/webapps|oauth2.{0}'.format(key)):
                    authentication_metadata[key] = Configuration.get('/ovs/framework/webapps|oauth2.{0}'.format(key))
            data['authentication_metadata'] = authentication_metadata

            # Gather authorization metadata
            if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' not in request.META:
                return dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'unauthenticated'}.items())
            authorization_type, access_token = request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(' ')
            if authorization_type != 'Bearer':
                return dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'invalid_authorization_type'}.items())
            tokens = BearerTokenList.get_by_access_token(access_token)
            if len(tokens) != 1:
                return dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'invalid_token'}.items())
            token = tokens[0]
            if token.expiration < time.time():
                for junction in token.roles.itersafe():
                return dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'token_expired'}.items())

            # Gather user metadata
            user = token.client.user
            if not user.is_active:
                return dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'inactive_user'}.items())
            roles = [j.role.code for j in token.roles]

            return dict(data.items() + {'authenticated': True,
                                        'authentication_state': 'authenticated',
                                        'username': user.username,
                                        'userguid': user.guid,
                                        'roles': roles,
                                        'plugins': plugins}.items())
        except Exception as ex:
            MetadataView._logger.exception('Unexpected exception: {0}'.format(ex))
            return dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'unexpected_exception'}.items())
예제 #9
    def migrate(previous_version):
        Migrates from a given version to the current version. It uses 'previous_version' to be smart
        wherever possible, but the code should be able to migrate any version towards the expected version.
        When this is not possible, the code can set a minimum version and raise when it is not met.
        :param previous_version: The previous version from which to start the migration
        :type previous_version: float

        working_version = previous_version

        if working_version == 0:
            # Initial version:
            # * Set the version to THIS RELEASE version

            from ovs.dal.hybrids.user import User
            from ovs.dal.hybrids.group import Group
            from ovs.dal.hybrids.role import Role
            from ovs.dal.hybrids.client import Client
            from ovs.dal.hybrids.j_rolegroup import RoleGroup
            from ovs.dal.hybrids.j_roleclient import RoleClient
            from ovs.dal.hybrids.servicetype import ServiceType
            from ovs.dal.hybrids.branding import Branding
            from ovs.dal.lists.backendtypelist import BackendTypeList

            # Create groups
            admin_group = Group()
            admin_group.name = 'administrators'
            admin_group.description = 'Administrators'
            viewers_group = Group()
            viewers_group.name = 'viewers'
            viewers_group.description = 'Viewers'

            # Create users
            admin = User()
            admin.username = '******'
            admin.password = hashlib.sha256('admin').hexdigest()
            admin.is_active = True
            admin.group = admin_group

            # Create internal OAuth 2 clients
            admin_pw_client = Client()
            admin_pw_client.ovs_type = 'INTERNAL'
            admin_pw_client.grant_type = 'PASSWORD'
            admin_pw_client.user = admin
            admin_cc_client = Client()
            admin_cc_client.ovs_type = 'INTERNAL'
            admin_cc_client.grant_type = 'CLIENT_CREDENTIALS'
            admin_cc_client.client_secret = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters +
                                                                  string.digits +
                                                    for _ in range(128))
            admin_cc_client.user = admin

            # Create roles
            read_role = Role()
            read_role.code = 'read'
            read_role.name = 'Read'
            read_role.description = 'Can read objects'
            write_role = Role()
            write_role.code = 'write'
            write_role.name = 'Write'
            write_role.description = 'Can write objects'
            manage_role = Role()
            manage_role.code = 'manage'
            manage_role.name = 'Manage'
            manage_role.description = 'Can manage the system'

            # Attach groups to roles
            mapping = [
                (admin_group, [read_role, write_role, manage_role]),
                (viewers_group, [read_role])
            for setting in mapping:
                for role in setting[1]:
                    rolegroup = RoleGroup()
                    rolegroup.group = setting[0]
                    rolegroup.role = role
                for user in setting[0].users:
                    for role in setting[1]:
                        for client in user.clients:
                            roleclient = RoleClient()
                            roleclient.client = client
                            roleclient.role = role

            # Add service types
            for service_type_info in [ServiceType.SERVICE_TYPES.MD_SERVER, ServiceType.SERVICE_TYPES.ALBA_PROXY, ServiceType.SERVICE_TYPES.ARAKOON]:
                service_type = ServiceType()
                service_type.name = service_type_info

            # Branding
            branding = Branding()
            branding.name = 'Default'
            branding.description = 'Default bootstrap theme'
            branding.css = 'bootstrap-default.min.css'
            branding.productname = 'Open vStorage'
            branding.is_default = True
            slate = Branding()
            slate.name = 'Slate'
            slate.description = 'Dark bootstrap theme'
            slate.css = 'bootstrap-slate.min.css'
            slate.productname = 'Open vStorage'
            slate.is_default = False

        # From here on, all actual migration should happen to get to the expected state for THIS RELEASE
        elif working_version < OVSMigrator.THIS_VERSION:
            # Migrate unique constraints
            from ovs.dal.helpers import HybridRunner, Descriptor
            from ovs.extensions.storage.persistentfactory import PersistentFactory
            client = PersistentFactory.get_client()
            hybrid_structure = HybridRunner.get_hybrids()
            for class_descriptor in hybrid_structure.values():
                cls = Descriptor().load(class_descriptor).get_object()
                classname = cls.__name__.lower()
                unique_key = 'ovs_unique_{0}_{{0}}_'.format(classname)
                uniques = []
                # noinspection PyProtectedMember
                for prop in cls._properties:
                    if prop.unique is True and len([k for k in client.prefix(unique_key.format(prop.name))]) == 0:
                if len(uniques) > 0:
                    prefix = 'ovs_data_{0}_'.format(classname)
                    for key in client.prefix(prefix):
                        data = client.get(key)
                        for property_name in uniques:
                            ukey = '{0}{1}'.format(unique_key.format(property_name), hashlib.sha1(str(data[property_name])).hexdigest())
                            client.set(ukey, key)

            # Complete rework of the way we detect devices to assign roles or use as ASD
            # Allow loop-, raid-, nvme-, ??-devices and logical volumes as ASD (https://github.com/openvstorage/framework/issues/792)
            from ovs.dal.lists.storagerouterlist import StorageRouterList
            from ovs.extensions.generic.sshclient import SSHClient, UnableToConnectException
            from ovs.lib.disk import DiskController

            for storagerouter in StorageRouterList.get_storagerouters():
                    client = SSHClient(storagerouter, username='******')
                except UnableToConnectException:

                # Retrieve all symlinks for all devices
                # Example of name_alias_mapping:
                # {'/dev/md0': ['/dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-ad2de634:26d97253:5eda0a23:96986b76', '/dev/disk/by-id/md-name-OVS-1:0'],
                #  '/dev/sda': ['/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:03:00.0-sas-0x5000c295fe2ff771-lun-0'],
                #  '/dev/sda1': ['/dev/disk/by-uuid/e3e0bc62-4edc-4c6b-a6ce-1f39e8f27e41', '/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:03:00.0-sas-0x5000c295fe2ff771-lun-0-part1']}
                name_alias_mapping = {}
                alias_name_mapping = {}
                for path_type in client.dir_list(directory='/dev/disk'):
                    if path_type in ['by-uuid', 'by-partuuid']:  # UUIDs can change after creating a filesystem on a partition
                    directory = '/dev/disk/{0}'.format(path_type)
                    for symlink in client.dir_list(directory=directory):
                        symlink_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(directory, symlink)
                        link = client.file_read_link(symlink_path)
                        if link not in name_alias_mapping:
                            name_alias_mapping[link] = []
                        alias_name_mapping[symlink_path] = link

                for disk in storagerouter.disks:
                    if disk.aliases is None:
                        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
                        device_path = '/dev/{0}'.format(disk.name)
                        disk.aliases = name_alias_mapping.get(device_path, [device_path])
                    for partition in disk.partitions:
                        if partition.aliases is None:
                            # noinspection PyProtectedMember
                            partition_device = alias_name_mapping.get(partition._data.get('path'))
                            if partition_device is None:
                                partition.aliases = []
                            partition.aliases = name_alias_mapping.get(partition_device, [])


            # Only support ALBA backend type
            from ovs.dal.lists.backendtypelist import BackendTypeList
            for backend_type in BackendTypeList.get_backend_types():
                if backend_type.code != 'alba':

            # Reformat the vpool.metadata information
            from ovs.dal.lists.vpoollist import VPoolList
            for vpool in VPoolList.get_vpools():
                new_metadata = {}
                for metadata_key, value in vpool.metadata.items():
                    new_info = {}
                    storagerouter_guids = [key for key in vpool.metadata.keys() if not key.startswith('backend')]
                    if isinstance(value, dict):
                        read_cache = value.get('backend_info', {}).get('fragment_cache_on_read', True)
                        write_cache = value.get('backend_info', {}).get('fragment_cache_on_write', False)
                        new_info['backend_info'] = {'alba_backend_guid': value.get('backend_guid'),
                                                    'backend_guid': None,
                                                    'frag_size': value.get('backend_info', {}).get('frag_size'),
                                                    'name': value.get('name'),
                                                    'policies': value.get('backend_info', {}).get('policies'),
                                                    'preset': value.get('preset'),
                                                    'sco_size': value.get('backend_info', {}).get('sco_size'),
                                                    'total_size': value.get('backend_info', {}).get('total_size')}
                        new_info['arakoon_config'] = value.get('arakoon_config')
                        new_info['connection_info'] = {'host': value.get('connection', {}).get('host', ''),
                                                       'port': value.get('connection', {}).get('port', ''),
                                                       'local': value.get('connection', {}).get('local', ''),
                                                       'client_id': value.get('connection', {}).get('client_id', ''),
                                                       'client_secret': value.get('connection', {}).get('client_secret', '')}
                        if metadata_key == 'backend':
                            new_info['caching_info'] = dict((sr_guid, {'fragment_cache_on_read': read_cache, 'fragment_cache_on_write': write_cache}) for sr_guid in storagerouter_guids)
                    if metadata_key in storagerouter_guids:
                        metadata_key = 'backend_aa_{0}'.format(metadata_key)
                    new_metadata[metadata_key] = new_info
                vpool.metadata = new_metadata

            # Removal of READ role
            from ovs.dal.lists.diskpartitionlist import DiskPartitionList
            for partition in DiskPartitionList.get_partitions():
                if 'READ' in partition.roles:

        return OVSMigrator.THIS_VERSION
예제 #10
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetches metadata
        _ = args, kwargs
        data = {'authenticated': False,
                'authentication_state': None,
                'authentication_metadata': {},
                'username': None,
                'userguid': None,
                'roles': [],
                'identification': {},
                'storagerouter_ips': [sr.ip for sr in StorageRouterList.get_storagerouters()],
                'versions': list(settings.VERSION),
                'plugins': {},
                'registration': {'registered': False,
                                 'remaining': None}}
            # Gather plugin metadata
            plugins = {}
            # - Backends. BackendType plugins must set the has_plugin flag on True
            for backend_type in BackendTypeList.get_backend_types():
                if backend_type.has_plugin is True:
                    if backend_type.code not in plugins:
                        plugins[backend_type.code] = []
                    plugins[backend_type.code] += ['backend', 'gui']
            # - Generic plugins, as added to the configuration file(s)
            generic_plugins = Configuration.get('ovs.plugins.generic')
            for plugin_name in generic_plugins:
                if plugin_name not in plugins:
                    plugins[plugin_name] = []
                plugins[plugin_name] += ['gui']
            data['plugins'] = plugins

            # Fill identification
            data['identification'] = {'cluster_id': Configuration.get('ovs.support.cid')}

            # Registration data
            registered = Configuration.get('ovs.core.registered')
            data['registration']['registered'] = registered
            if registered is False:
                cluster_install_time = None
                for storagerouter in StorageRouterList.get_storagerouters():
                    client = SSHClient(storagerouter)
                    install_time = client.config_read('ovs.core.install_time')
                    if cluster_install_time is None or (install_time is not None and install_time < cluster_install_time):
                        cluster_install_time = install_time
                if cluster_install_time is not None:
                    timeout_days = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
                    data['registration']['remaining'] = (timeout_days - time.time() + cluster_install_time) / 24 / 60 / 60

            # Get authentication metadata
            authentication_metadata = {'ip': System.get_my_storagerouter().ip}
            for key in ['mode', 'authorize_uri', 'client_id', 'scope']:
                if Configuration.exists('ovs.webapps.oauth2.{0}'.format(key)):
                    authentication_metadata[key] = Configuration.get('ovs.webapps.oauth2.{0}'.format(key))
            data['authentication_metadata'] = authentication_metadata

            # Gather authorization metadata
            if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' not in request.META:
                return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'unauthenticated'}.items())
            authorization_type, access_token = request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(' ')
            if authorization_type != 'Bearer':
                return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'invalid_authorization_type'}.items())
            tokens = BearerTokenList.get_by_access_token(access_token)
            if len(tokens) != 1:
                return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'invalid_token'}.items())
            token = tokens[0]
            if token.expiration < time.time():
                for junction in token.roles.itersafe():
                return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'token_expired'}.items())

            # Gather user metadata
            user = token.client.user
            if not user.is_active:
                return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'inactive_user'}.items())
            roles = [j.role.code for j in token.roles]

            return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authenticated': True,
                                                      'authentication_state': 'authenticated',
                                                      'username': user.username,
                                                      'userguid': user.guid,
                                                      'roles': roles,
                                                      'plugins': plugins}.items())
        except Exception as ex:
            logger.exception('Unexpected exception: {0}'.format(ex))
            return HttpResponse, dict(data.items() + {'authentication_state': 'unexpected_exception'}.items())
 def get_valid_backendtypes():
     Retrieve a list of supported Backend Types
     :return: List of Backend Type Names
     return [backend_type.code for backend_type in BackendTypeList.get_backend_types()]
예제 #12
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetches metadata
        _ = args, kwargs
        data = {
            'roles': [],
            [sr.ip for sr in StorageRouterList.get_storagerouters()],
            'plugins': {}
            # Gather plugin metadata
            plugins = {}
            # - Backends. BackendType plugins must set the has_plugin flag on True
            for backend_type in BackendTypeList.get_backend_types():
                if backend_type.has_plugin is True:
                    if backend_type.code not in plugins:
                        plugins[backend_type.code] = []
                    plugins[backend_type.code] += ['backend', 'gui']
            data['plugins'] = plugins

            # Gather authorization metadata
            if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' not in request.META:
                return HttpResponse, dict(
                    data.items() +
                    {'authentication_state': 'unauthenticated'}.items())
            authorization_type, access_token = request.META[
                'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(' ')
            if authorization_type != 'Bearer':
                return HttpResponse, dict(
                    data.items() +
                    {'authentication_state': 'invalid_authorization_type'
            tokens = BearerTokenList.get_by_access_token(access_token)
            if len(tokens) != 1:
                return HttpResponse, dict(
                    data.items() +
                    {'authentication_state': 'invalid_token'}.items())
            token = tokens[0]
            if token.expiration < time.time():
                for junction in token.roles.itersafe():
                return HttpResponse, dict(
                    data.items() +
                    {'authentication_state': 'token_expired'}.items())

            # Gather user metadata
            user = token.client.user
            if not user.is_active:
                return HttpResponse, dict(
                    data.items() +
                    {'authentication_state': 'inactive_user'}.items())
            roles = [j.role.code for j in token.roles]

            return HttpResponse, dict(
                data.items() + {
                    'authenticated': True,
                    'authentication_state': 'authenticated',
                    'username': user.username,
                    'userguid': user.guid,
                    'roles': roles,
                    'plugins': plugins
        except Exception as ex:
            logger.exception('Unexpected exception: {0}'.format(ex))
            return HttpResponse, dict(
                data.items() +
                {'authentication_state': 'unexpected_exception'}.items())
예제 #13
 def list(self):
     Overview of all backend types
     return BackendTypeList.get_backend_types()