예제 #1
async def test_mainmenu_autostart_timeout(
    ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub, nosleep: None
) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    app = MockApp()
    ovshell.apps.stub_add_app("mockapp", app, MockExtension())
    ovshell.settings.set("ovshell.autostart_app", "mockapp")
    ovshell.settings.set("ovshell.autostart_timeout", 3)
    act = MainMenuActivity(ovshell)
    w = act.create()

    # WHEN
    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    await asyncio.sleep(0)

    # THEN
    rendered = _render(w)

    assert "Starting Mock App in" in rendered
    assert "Press any button to cancel" in rendered

    # Let the countdown finish
    assert act.autostart_countdown_task is not None
    await act.autostart_countdown_task
    rendered = _render(w)
    assert "Press any button to cancel" not in rendered
    assert app.launched
예제 #2
def test_mainmenu_start_initial(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    act = MainMenuActivity(ovshell)

    # WHEN
    w = act.create()

    # THEN
    rendered = _render(w)
    assert "Main Menu" in rendered
    assert "Applications" in rendered
    assert "Settings" in rendered
def test_mainmenu_exit(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    act = MainMenuActivity(ovshell)
    w = act.create()

    # WHEN
    _keypress(w, ["esc"])

    # THEN
    quitdialog = ovshell.screen.stub_dialog()
    assert quitdialog is not None
    assert quitdialog.title == "Shut Down?"

    # Perform the shut down
    closed = quitdialog.stub_press_button("Shut Down")
    assert not closed
    finalact = ovshell.screen.stub_top_activity()
    assert finalact is not None
    rendered = _render(finalact.create())
    assert "Openvario shutting down..." in rendered
    assert "OS: Shut down" in ovshell.get_stub_log()
async def test_mainmenu_autostart_cancel(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub,
                                         nosleep: None) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    app = MockApp()
    ovshell.settings.set("ovshell.autostart_timeout", 3)
    ovshell.apps.stub_add_app("mockapp", app, MockExtension())
    act = MainMenuActivity(ovshell, "mockapp")
    w = act.create()
    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    assert "Press any button to cancel" in _render(w)

    # WHEN
    _keypress(w, ["esc"])
    await asyncio.sleep(0)

    # THEN
    rendered = _render(w)
    assert "Press any button to cancel" not in rendered
    assert act.autostart_countdown_task is not None
    assert act.autostart_countdown_task.cancelled()
예제 #5
def test_mainmenu_exit(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    act = MainMenuActivity(ovshell)
    w = act.create()

    # WHEN
    _keypress(w, ["esc"])

    # THEN
    quitact = ovshell.screen.stub_top_activity()
    assert quitact is not None
    qw = urwid.Filler(quitact.create())
    rendered = _render(qw)
    assert "Shut Down?" in rendered

    # Perform the shut down
    _keypress(qw, ["enter"])
    finalact = ovshell.screen.stub_top_activity()
    assert finalact is not None
    rendered = _render(finalact.create())
    assert "Openvario shutting down..." in rendered
    assert "OS: Shut down" in ovshell.get_stub_log()
async def test_mainmenu_autostart_immediate(
        ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub, nosleep: None) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    app = MockApp()
    ovshell.apps.stub_add_app("mockapp", app, MockExtension())
    act = MainMenuActivity(ovshell, "mockapp")

    # WHEN
    await asyncio.sleep(0)

    # THEN
    assert app.launched
예제 #7
def startui(ctx: Tuple[OpenvarioShellImpl, Optional[str]]) -> None:
    shell, autostart = ctx
    shell.screen.push_activity(MainMenuActivity(shell, autostart))