def usage_disk(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).usage_disk() if ret: return ret (exit_code,stdout,_) = self.do_execute( "%s exec %d \"/usr/bin/env df -B 1K -P\" | " % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id ) + \ "/usr/bin/env grep -E \" /$\" | " + \ "/usr/bin/env sed -r \"s/^[^ ]+[ ]+[^ ]+[ ]+([0-9]+) .*$/\\1/g\"" ) # command failed if exit_code != 0: return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code) # update stats db (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "vps_stats", "update_attribute", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), "usage_disk", stdout[0].strip() ) # return code return php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code)
def uptime(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).uptime() if ret: return ret (exit_code,stdout,_) = self.do_execute( "%s exec %d %s" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id, glob.config.get("paths", "uptime") ) ) # error with the status command if exit_code != 0: return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code) # get uptime stdout_arr = stdout[0].split(",") uptime = stdout_arr[0][stdout_arr[0].index("up")+2:].strip() if uptime[-4:] == "days": uptime += " " + stdout_arr[1].strip() # update stats db (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "vps_stats", "update_attribute", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), "uptime", uptime ) # return code return php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code)
def users(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).users() if ret: return ret (exit_code,stdout,_) = self.do_execute( "%s exec %d \"/usr/bin/env who -q\" | " % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id ) + \ "/usr/bin/env grep -vE \"^#\"" ) # command failed if exit_code != 0: return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code) # update db (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "vps_stats", "update_attribute", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), "users", stdout[0].strip() ) # return code return php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code)
def destroy(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).destroy() if ret: return ret (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s destroy %d" % (glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id) ) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)
def remove_all_ips(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).remove_all_ips() if ret: return ret (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s set %d --save --ipdel all" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id ) ) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)
def mount(self): if not self.require("real_id"): return errors.throw(errors.BACKEND_INVALID_INPUT) (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s mount %d" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id ) ) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)
def poweroff(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).poweroff() if ret: return ret (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s exec %d %s -h now" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id, glob.config.get("paths", "shutdown") ) ) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)
def remove_ip(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).remove_ip() if ret: return ret (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s set %d --save --ipdel %s" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id, executer.escape(self.ip) ) ) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)
def set_dns(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).set_dns() if ret: return ret (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s set %d --save --nameserver %s" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id, self.dns.replace(" ", " --nameserver ") ) ) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)
def passwd(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).passwd() if ret: return ret (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s set %d --userpasswd \"%s:%s\"" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id, executer.escape(self.username), executer.escape(self.password) ) ) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)
def set_hostname(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).set_hostname() if ret: return ret # continue setting stuff (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s set %d --save --hostname %s" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id, executer.escape(self.new_hostname), ) ) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)
def service_stop(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).service_stop() if ret: return ret (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s exec %d %s stop" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id, os.path.join( glob.config.get("paths", "initd"), executer.escape(self.service) ) ) ) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)
def status(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).status() if ret: return ret (exit_code,stdout,_) = self.do_execute( "%s status %d" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id ) ) # error with the status command if exit_code != 0: return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code) # split up stdout stdout_arr = stdout[0].split(" ") # deleted if stdout_arr[2] == "deleted": is_running = "0" ret = errors.VPS_STATUS_DELETED # running elif stdout[0][-9:] == " running\n": is_running = "1" ret = errors.VPS_STATUS_RUNNING # stopped else: is_running = "0" ret = errors.VPS_STATUS_STOPPED # update DB (php_exit_code,stdout,stderr) = php.db_update( "vps", "is_running", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), is_running ) # just report error, DO NOT RETURN if php_exit_code != 0: php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code) return ret
def modify(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).modify() if ret: return ret # continue setting stuff (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s set %d --save --hostname %s --cpulimit %d --cpus %d " % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id, executer.escape(self.hostname), self.cpu_pct, self.cpu_num ) + \ # "--vmguarpages %d --privvmpages %d --diskspace %dK" % ( (self.g_mem*256/1024), (self.b_mem*256/1024), self.disk_space ) ) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)
def usage_mem(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).usage_mem() if ret: return ret (exit_code,stdout,_) = self.do_execute( "%s exec %d \"/usr/bin/env cat /proc/meminfo\"" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id ) ) # command failed if exit_code != 0: return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code) # get string version of stdout str_stdout = " ".join(stdout) # get total match ="MemTotal:[ ]*([0-9]+)", str_stdout) total = int(match.groups()[0]) # get free match ="MemFree:[ ]*([0-9]+)", str_stdout) free = int(match.groups()[0]) # get cached match ="Cached:[ ]*([0-9]+)", str_stdout) cache = int(match.groups()[0]) # calculate usage usage = total - free - cache # update db (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "vps_stats", "update_attribute", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), "usage_mem", str(usage) ) # return code return php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code)
def stop(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).stop() if ret: return ret (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s stop %d" % (glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id) ) # update DB (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "vps", "is_running", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), "0" ) # just report error, DO NOT RETURN if php_exit_code != 0: php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)
def usage_beancounters(self): if not self.require("real_id"): return errors.throw(errors.BACKEND_INVALID_INPUT) (exit_code,beancounters,_) = self.do_execute( "%s exec %d cat /proc/user_beancounters" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id ) ) if exit_code != 0: return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code) # update db (php_exit_code,tmp,tmp2) = php.db_update( "vps_stats", "update_attribute", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), "usage_beancounters", "\n".join(beancounters) ) # return code return php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code)
def ost_create(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).ost_create() if ret: return ret # stop VM (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s stop %d" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id ) ) # also must account for not running ret = ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code) if exit_code != 0 and ret != errors.OVZ_NOT_RUNNING: return ret # sanitize OST path self.do_execute("mkdir -p \"%s\"" % glob.config.get("paths", "ost_ovz")) # get OST path and private directories ost_path = os.path.join( glob.config.get("paths", "ost_ovz"), executer.escape(self.ost_file) ) ost_private = os.path.join( glob.config.get("paths", "ovz_private"), str(self.real_id) ) # sanity checks self.do_execute( "rm -f \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (ost_path + ".tar", ost_path + ".tar.gz") ) # get list of directories, then tar it (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "ls -x \"%s\" | /usr/bin/env xargs " % ost_private + "/usr/bin/env tar cf \"%s\" -C \"%s\"" % ( ost_path + ".tar", ost_private ) ) if exit_code != 0: return errors.throw(ERR_TAR_FAILED) # gzip tarred VM (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "/usr/bin/env gzip \"%s\"" % (ost_path + ".tar") ) if exit_code != 0: return errors.throw(ERR_GZIP_FAILED) # transfer OST over to master node (exit_code,_,_) = execute( "scp -i \"%s\" -P %d \"root@%s:%s\" \"%s\"" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "master_private_key"), self.server['port'], executer.escape(self.server['ip']), ost_path + ".tar.gz", ost_path + ".tar.gz" ) ) if exit_code != 0: return errors.throw(ERR_SCP_FAILED) # update DB (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "ost", "insert", self.ost_name, ost_path + ".tar.gz", self.ost_driver_id, self.ost_arch ) if php_exit_code != 0: return php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code) # start VM (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s start %d" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id ) ) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)
def usage_cpu(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).usage_cpu() if ret: return ret (exit_code,stdout,_) = self.do_execute( "%s exec %d \"%s\" | " % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id, glob.config.get("paths", "vmstat") ) + \ "/usr/bin/env sed -r \"s/[ ]+/ /g\"" ) # command failed if exit_code != 0: return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code) # parse out CPU info data_line = stdout[2] data_arr = data_line.split(" ") usage_cpu_user = data_arr[-5] usage_cpu_system = data_arr[-4] usage_cpu_idle = data_arr[-3] # start PHP exits php_exit_first = False # user CPU usage (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "vps_stats", "update_attribute", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), "usage_cpu_user", usage_cpu_user ) # just throw, DO NOT RETURN if php_exit_code != 0: php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code) if not php_exit_first: php_exit_first = php_exit_code # system CPU usage (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "vps_stats", "update_attribute", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), "usage_cpu_system", usage_cpu_system ) # just throw, DO NOT RETURN if php_exit_code != 0: php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code) if not php_exit_first: php_exit_first = php_exit_code # idle CPU usage (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "vps_stats", "update_attribute", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), "usage_cpu_idle", usage_cpu_idle ) # just throw, DO NOT RETURN if php_exit_code != 0: php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code) if not php_exit_first: php_exit_first = php_exit_code # return code if php_exit_first: return php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_first) else: return errors.throw(errors.ERR_SUCCESS)
def load_averages(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).load_averages() if ret: return ret (exit_code,stdout,_) = self.do_execute( "%s exec %d %s" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id, glob.config.get("paths", "uptime") ) ) # error with the status command if exit_code != 0: return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code) # gather load averages stdout_arr = stdout[0].split(" ") load_average_1 = stdout_arr[-3].strip(",") load_average_5 = stdout_arr[-2].strip(",") load_average_15 = stdout_arr[-1].strip(",").strip() # start PHP exits php_exit_first = False # update stats db (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "vps_stats", "update_attribute", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), "load_average_1", load_average_1 ) # just throw, DO NOT RETURN if php_exit_code != 0: php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code) if not php_exit_first: php_exit_first = php_exit_code # update stats db (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "vps_stats", "update_attribute", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), "load_average_5", load_average_5 ) # just throw, DO NOT RETURN if php_exit_code != 0: php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code) if not php_exit_first: php_exit_first = php_exit_code # update stats db (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "vps_stats", "update_attribute", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), "load_average_15", load_average_15 ) # just throw, DO NOT RETURN if php_exit_code != 0: php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code) if not php_exit_first: php_exit_first = php_exit_code # return code if php_exit_first: return php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_first) else: return errors.throw(errors.ERR_SUCCESS)
def create(self): ret = super(ovz_core, self).create() if ret: return ret # copy OS template if necessary if self.server_is_slave(): # sanitize OST path self.do_execute("mkdir -p %s" % glob.config.get("paths", "ost_ovz") ) # get OST path ost_path = os.path.join( glob.config.get("paths", "ost_ovz"), executer.escape(self.ost) ) # sync OST file server = self.get_server() server.file_sync(ost_path) # OST directory exists (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "test -e /vz/template/cache" ) # exists, get rid of it if exit_code == 0: # check for OST directory symlink (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "test -L /vz/template/cache" ) # is a symlink, remove it if exit_code == 0: self.do_execute("rm -f /vz/template/cache") # not a symlink? fix it else: # check if destination exists (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "test -e /vz/template/__cache" ) # if it does, remove it if exit_code == 0: self.do_execute("rm -rf /vz/template/__cache") # move to new directory self.do_execute( "mv /vz/template/cache /vz/template/__cache" ) # make symlink self.do_execute( "ln -s %s /vz/template/cache" % glob.config.get("paths", "ost_ovz") ) # get ost name ost_name = self.get_ost_name() # delete default config self.do_execute( "rm -f %s" % glob.config.get("paths", "vzconf_default") ) # copy default config over execute( "scp -i %s -P %d %s root@%s:%s" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "master_private_key"), self.server['port'], glob.getfile("shared/etc/ovz_vm_default.conf"), executer.escape(self.server['ip']), glob.config.get("paths", "vzconf_default") ) ) """ # check if disk quotas are enabled (exit_code,stdout,_) = self.do_execute( "/usr/bin/env grep DISK_QUOTA %s" % glob.config.get("paths", "vzconf") ) # disk quotas not set if exit_code != 0: disk_quotas = None else: # disk quotas not set stdout_str = "\n".join(stdout).strip() if stdout_str == "": disk_quotas = None # disk quotas set to yes elif stdout_str.lower().find("yes"): disk_quotas = True # disk quotas set to no else: disk_quotas = False # disable disk quotas for create if enabled if disk_quotas == True: self.do_execute( "/usr/bin/env sed -r " + "\"s/^[ ]*DISK_QUOTA[ ]*=.*$/DISK_QUOTA=no/g\" -i %s" % glob.config.get("paths", "vzconf") ) # make sure disk quotas are disabled if set as default elif disk_quotas == None: self.do_execute("echo \"DISK_QUOTA=no\" >> %s" % glob.config.get("paths", "vzconf") ) # else: it's already disabled... """ # remove directory if it's empty; goes with get_new_real_id() (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute("rmdir /vz/private/%d" % self.real_id) # create (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( # prolog anyone? "%s create %d --ostemplate %s --hostname %s" % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id, executer.escape(ost_name), executer.escape(self.hostname) ) ) """ # re-enable disk quotas if necessary if disk_quotas == True: self.do_execute( "/usr/bin/env sed -r " + "\"s/^[ ]*DISK_QUOTA[ ]*=.*$/DISK_QUOTA=yes/g\" -i %s" % glob.config.get("paths", "vzconf") ) # delete line if it wasn't there before elif disk_quotas == None: self.do_execute("/usr/bin/env sed \"/DISK_QUOTA/d\" -i %s" % glob.config.get("paths", "vzconf") ) """ # fail if exit_code != 0: return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code) # continue setting stuff (exit_code,_,_) = self.do_execute( "%s set %d --save --setmod restart --quotaugidlimit 3000 " % ( glob.config.get("paths", "vzctl"), self.real_id ) + \ "--cpulimit %d --cpus %d " % ( self.cpu_pct, self.cpu_num ) + \ # "--vmguarpages %d --privvmpages %d --diskspace %dK" % ( (self.g_mem*256/1024), (self.b_mem*256/1024), self.disk_space ) ) return ovz_exit_codes.translate(exit_code)