def ready(self): global world global ontology global graph if world is None: world = owlready2.World(filename=settings.FLONT_DB) if ontology is None: ontology = world.get_ontology( "").load() if graph is None: graph = world.as_rdflib_graph()
def rereason(G, filename): world = owlready2.World() with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(G.serialize(format='ntriples')) on = world.get_ontology(f"file://./{filename}").load() owlready2.sync_reasoner(world, infer_property_values=True) G = world.as_rdflib_graph() G.bind('rdf', RDF) G.bind('owl', OWL) G.bind('rdfs', RDFS) G.bind('skos', SKOS) G.bind('brick', BRICK) G.bind('tag', TAG) G.bind('bldg', BLDG) return G
def __init__(self, subfolder_id="000", folder="IIMB_LARGE", filename="onto.owl"): """ Load an ontology from a given folder. By extracting the default folder IIMB_LARGE, subfolders are of the form 000, 001, 002, ..., 080. Each contains a file onto.owl with an ontology in XML format. This method intializes a Ontology object by loading the content of a given folder. """ self.iri = os.path.join("file://", sys.path[0], folder, subfolder_id, filename) print("Loading ontology at", self.iri) owl.Ontology.__init__(self, owl.World(), base_iri=self.iri + "#") self.load()
import owlready2 as owl import pathlib # import rdflib tpoPath = pathlib.Path('../TissuePhenomics.owl') importsPath = pathlib.Path('..\imports') clPath = importsPath / 'cl_import.owl' # TPO tpoWorld = owl.World() if tpoPath.exists(): owl.onto_path.append(str(tpoPath.parent.resolve())) owl.onto_path.append(str(importsPath.resolve())) try: tpo = tpoWorld.get_ontology(str( tpoPath.resolve())).load(only_local=True) except: pass else: raise FileNotFoundError # CL Imports clWorld = owl.World() if clPath.exists(): owl.onto_path.append(str(clPath.parent.resolve())) owl.onto_path.append(str(importsPath.resolve())) try: cl = clWorld.get_ontology(str(clPath.resolve())).load(only_local=True) except: pass else:
def GetOntology(cls, iri, doReasoner=False, cachePath=None): iri_hash = cls.IRI_HASH.get(iri) if iri_hash is None: cls.IRI_HASH[iri] = iri_hash = hashlib.sha1( iri.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() onto = cls.ONTO_CACHE.get(iri_hash) if onto is None: worldDB = cls.TermWorlds.get(iri_hash) if worldDB is None: worldDBPath = cls.GetWorldDBPath(iri_hash, cachePath) # Activate this only if you want to save a copy of the ontologies #ontologiesPath = os.path.join(cachePath,'ontologies') #os.makedirs(ontologiesPath,exist_ok=True) #owlready2.onto_path.append(ontologiesPath) worldDB = owlready2.World(filename=worldDBPath, exclusive=False) cls.TermWorlds[iri_hash] = worldDB # Trying to get the metadata useful for an optimal ontology download metadataPath = cls.GetMetadataPath(iri_hash, cachePath) if os.path.exists(metadataPath): try: with open(metadataPath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as metadata_fh: metadata = json.load(metadata_fh) except: # A corrupted cache should not disturb metadata = {} else: metadata = {} ontologyPath = cls.GetOntologyPath(iri_hash, cachePath) gotPath, gotMetadata = download_file(iri, ontologyPath, metadata) if gotPath: gotMetadata['orig_url'] = iri # Reading the ontology with open(ontologyPath, mode="rb") as onto_fh: onto = worldDB.get_ontology(iri).load(fileobj=onto_fh, reload=True) # Save the metadata with open(metadataPath, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as metadata_fh: json.dump(gotMetadata, metadata_fh) # Re-save once the reasoner has run if doReasoner: owlready2.sync_reasoner(onto) else: onto = worldDB.get_ontology(iri).load() # And now unlink the ontology (if exists) if os.path.exists(ontologyPath): os.unlink(ontologyPath) cls.ONTO_CACHE[iri_hash] = onto return onto
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os, shutil import owlready2 CachePath = '/tmp/onto' shutil.rmtree(CachePath, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(CachePath, exist_ok=True) owlready2.onto_path.append(CachePath) import time w = owlready2.World(filename=os.path.join(CachePath, 'firstDirect.sqlite3'), exclusive=False) print("FirstDirect") onto1 = w.get_ontology( '' ).load() res1 ="participant") import pprint pprint.pprint(res1) theRes = res1[0] print("{0} => {1}".format(theRes.label, theRes.iri)) w = owlready2.World(filename=os.path.join(CachePath, 'firstIndirect1.sqlite3'), exclusive=False) print("FirstIndirect1")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os , shutil import owlready2 CachePath = '/tmp/onto' shutil.rmtree(CachePath,ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(CachePath,exist_ok=True) owlready2.onto_path.append(CachePath) import time w = owlready2.World(filename='/tmp/onto/firstDirect.sqlite3', exclusive=False) print("FirstDirect") onto1 = w.get_ontology('').load() res1 = = "participant") import pprint pprint.pprint(res1) theRes = res1[0] print("{0} => {1}".format(theRes.label,theRes.iri)) w = owlready2.World(filename='/tmp/onto/firstIndirect1.sqlite3', exclusive=False) print("FirstIndirect1") onto1 = w.get_ontology('').load() res1 = = "participant")
'owlready2': {}, 'reasonable': {}, } # owlready2 import owlready2 for data_file in data_files: print(f"Benching owlready2 on {data_file}") all_samples['owlready2'][data_file] = [] for i in range(N): g = rdflib.Graph() load_file(g, data_file) for ont_file in ontology_files: load_file(g, ont_file) g.serialize("_owlready2_input.ttl", format="ttl") world = owlready2.World() onto = world.get_ontology(f"file://./_owlready2_input.ttl").load() t0 = time.time() owlready2.sync_reasoner(world, infer_property_values=True) G = world.as_rdflib_graph() t1 = time.time() print(f" owlready2: {data_file} took {t1-t0}") all_samples['owlready2'][data_file].append({ 'duration': t1 - t0, 'triples': len(G) }) # OWLRL import owlrl for data_file in data_files: print(f"Benching owlrl on {data_file}")
def load(self): """Load the ontology schema. """ uri = "file://" + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.folder, "schema.owl") = owlready2.World() self.ontology =