def test_no_versioned_bundles(tempdir): bundles_directory = p(tempdir, 'bundles') makedirs(p(bundles_directory, 'example')) b = Bundle('example', bundles_directory=bundles_directory) with pytest.raises(BundleNotFound, match='No versioned bundle directories'): b._get_bundle_directory()
def test_specified_bundle_does_not_exist(tempdir): bundles_directory = p(tempdir, 'bundles') makedirs(p(bundles_directory, 'example')) b = Bundle('example', bundles_directory=bundles_directory, version=2) with pytest.raises(BundleNotFound, match='at version 2.*specified version'): b._get_bundle_directory()
def test_ignore_non_version_number(tempdir): bundles_directory = p(tempdir, 'bundles') b = Bundle('example', bundles_directory=bundles_directory) makedirs(p(bundles_directory, 'example', 'ignore_me')) expected = p(bundles_directory, 'example', '5') makedirs(expected) actual = b._get_bundle_directory() assert actual == expected
def setUp(self): self.bnd = Bundle('openworm/owmeta-data') self.bnd.initdb() self.conn = self.bnd.connection self.conf = self.conn.conf self.g = self.conf["rdf.graph"] self.context = self.conn(Context)(ident="") self.qctx = self.context.stored
def test_latest_bundle_fetched(tempdir): bundles_directory = p(tempdir, 'bundles') makedirs(p(bundles_directory, 'example', '1')) makedirs(p(bundles_directory, 'example', '2')) expected = p(bundles_directory, 'example', '3') makedirs(expected) b = Bundle('example', bundles_directory=bundles_directory) assert expected == b._get_bundle_directory()
def test_specified_version_fetched(tempdir): bundles_directory = p(tempdir, 'bundles') makedirs(p(bundles_directory, 'example', '1')) expected = p(bundles_directory, 'example', '2') makedirs(expected) makedirs(p(bundles_directory, 'example', '3')) b = Bundle('example', version=2, bundles_directory=bundles_directory) assert expected == b._get_bundle_directory()
def test_bundle_selected_remotes(tempdir): with patch('owmeta_core.bundle.Fetcher') as Fetcher: remotes = (object(), object()) cut = Bundle('bundle_id', version=1, bundles_directory=tempdir, remotes=remotes) cut.resolve() Fetcher().fetch.assert_called_with(ANY, 1, remotes)
def test_specified_bundles_root_permission_denied(tempdir): bundles_directory = p(tempdir, 'bundles') b = Bundle('example', bundles_directory=bundles_directory) makedirs(bundles_directory) chmod(bundles_directory, 0) try: with pytest.raises(OSError, match='[Pp]ermission denied'): b._get_bundle_directory() finally: chmod(bundles_directory, 0o777)
def test_bundle_retrieve_remotes_default_dir(tempdir): with patch('owmeta_core.bundle.retrieve_remotes') as retrieve_remotes: remotes_dir = '/tmp/remotes_dir' cut = Bundle('bundle_id', version=1, bundles_directory=tempdir, remotes_directory=remotes_dir) try: cut.resolve() except NoRemoteAvailable: pass retrieve_remotes.assert_called_with(remotes_dir)
def test_triples_choices_context_not_included(custom_bundle): dep_desc = Descriptor.load(''' id: dep includes: - ''') test_desc = Descriptor.load(''' id: test dependencies: - dep ''') depgraph = ConjunctiveGraph() ctx_graph = depgraph.get_context('') quad = (URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef(''), ctx_graph) depgraph.add(quad) with custom_bundle(dep_desc, graph=depgraph) as depbun, \ custom_bundle(test_desc, bundles_directory=depbun.bundles_directory) as testbun, \ Bundle('test', bundles_directory=testbun.bundles_directory) as bnd: match = False for x in bnd.rdf.triples_choices((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), [URIRef('')]), context=ctx_graph): match = True assert not match
def test_dependency_version_in_manifest_without_spec(dirs): ''' It is permitted to not specify the version of a bundle dependency in the descriptor, but we must pin a specific version of the bundle in the manifest. ''' ctxid_1 = '' ctxid_2 = '' # Make a descriptor that includes ctx1 and the imports, but not ctx2 d = Descriptor('test') d.includes.add(make_include_func(ctxid_1)) d.dependencies.add(DependencyDescriptor('dep')) dep_d = Descriptor('dep') dep_d.includes.add(make_include_func(ctxid_2)) # Add some triples so the contexts aren't empty -- we can't save an empty context g = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph() cg_1 = g.get_context(ctxid_1) cg_2 = g.get_context(ctxid_2) cg_1.add((aURI('a'), aURI('b'), aURI('c'))) cg_2.add((aURI('d'), aURI('e'), aURI('f'))) bi = Installer(*dirs, graph=g) bi.install(dep_d) bi.install(d) test_bnd = Bundle('test', bundles_directory=dirs.bundles_directory) assert test_bnd.manifest_data['dependencies'][0]['version'] == 1
def test_unrelated_imports_excluded(dirs): imports_ctxid = '' ctxid_1 = '' ctxid_2 = '' ctxid_3 = '' ctxid_4 = '' # Make a descriptor that includes ctx1 and the imports, but not ctx2 d = Descriptor('test') d.includes.add(make_include_func(ctxid_1)) d.includes.add(make_include_func(ctxid_2)) # Add some triples so the contexts aren't empty -- we can't save an empty context g = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph() cg_1 = g.get_context(ctxid_1) cg_2 = g.get_context(ctxid_2) cg_3 = g.get_context(ctxid_3) cg_4 = g.get_context(ctxid_4) cg_imp = g.get_context(imports_ctxid) with transaction.manager: cg_1.add((aURI('a'), aURI('b'), aURI('c'))) cg_2.add((aURI('d'), aURI('e'), aURI('f'))) cg_3.add((aURI('g'), aURI('h'), aURI('i'))) cg_4.add((aURI('j'), aURI('k'), aURI('l'))) cg_imp.add((URIRef(ctxid_1), CONTEXT_IMPORTS, URIRef(ctxid_2))) cg_imp.add((URIRef(ctxid_3), CONTEXT_IMPORTS, URIRef(ctxid_4))) bi = Installer(*dirs, imports_ctx=imports_ctxid, graph=g) bi.install(d) with Bundle(, dirs.bundles_directory) as bnd: g = bnd.rdf.get_context(bnd.conf[IMPORTS_CONTEXT_KEY]) assert (URIRef(ctxid_3), CONTEXT_IMPORTS, URIRef(ctxid_4)) not in g
def test_imports_are_included(dirs): ''' If we have imports and no dependencies, then thrown an exception if we have not included them in the bundle ''' imports_ctxid = '' ctxid_1 = '' ctxid_2 = '' # Make a descriptor that includes ctx1 and the imports, but not ctx2 d = Descriptor('test') d.includes.add(make_include_func(ctxid_1)) d.includes.add(make_include_func(ctxid_2)) # Add some triples so the contexts aren't empty -- we can't save an empty context g = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph() cg_1 = g.get_context(ctxid_1) cg_2 = g.get_context(ctxid_2) cg_imp = g.get_context(imports_ctxid) with transaction.manager: cg_1.add((aURI('a'), aURI('b'), aURI('c'))) cg_2.add((aURI('d'), aURI('e'), aURI('f'))) cg_imp.add((URIRef(ctxid_1), CONTEXT_IMPORTS, URIRef(ctxid_2))) bi = Installer(*dirs, imports_ctx=imports_ctxid, graph=g) bi.install(d) with Bundle(, dirs.bundles_directory) as bnd: g = bnd.rdf.get_context(bnd.conf[IMPORTS_CONTEXT_KEY]) assert (URIRef(ctxid_1), CONTEXT_IMPORTS, URIRef(ctxid_2)) in g
def test_add_to_graph_not_supported(custom_bundle): dep_desc = Descriptor.load(''' id: dep includes: - ''') test_desc = Descriptor.load(''' id: test dependencies: - dep ''') depgraph = ConjunctiveGraph() ctx_graph = depgraph.get_context('') quad = (URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef(''), ctx_graph) depgraph.add(quad) with custom_bundle(dep_desc, graph=depgraph) as depbun, \ custom_bundle(test_desc, bundles_directory=depbun.bundles_directory) as testbun, \ Bundle('test', bundles_directory=testbun.bundles_directory) as bnd: with pytest.raises(ZODB.POSException.ReadOnlyError): with transaction.manager: bnd.rdf.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')))
def test_bundles_directory_None(): with patch('owmeta_core.bundle.expandvars') as expandvars, \ patch('owmeta_core.bundle.realpath') as realpath, \ patch('owmeta_core.bundle.expanduser') as expanduser: assert realpath( expandvars(expanduser(DEFAULT_BUNDLES_DIRECTORY))) == Bundle( 'test', None).bundles_directory
def test_transitive_dep_null_context_triples_no_imports(custom_bundle): dep_dep_desc = Descriptor.load(''' id: dep_dep includes: - ''') dep_desc = Descriptor.load(''' id: dep dependencies: - dep_dep ''') test_desc = Descriptor.load(''' id: test dependencies: - dep ''') depgraph = ConjunctiveGraph() ctx_graph = depgraph.get_context('') quad = (URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef(''), ctx_graph) depgraph.add(quad) with custom_bundle(dep_dep_desc, graph=depgraph) as depdepbun, \ custom_bundle(dep_desc, bundles_directory=depdepbun.bundles_directory) as depbun, \ custom_bundle(test_desc, bundles_directory=depbun.bundles_directory) as testbun, \ Bundle('test', bundles_directory=testbun.bundles_directory) as bnd: assert set([quad[:3]]) == set(bnd.rdf.triples((None, None, None)))
def test_bundle_contextualize(bundle): with Bundle(, version=bundle.descriptor.version, bundles_directory=bundle.bundles_directory) as cut: ctxble = Mock(spec=Contextualizable) cut(ctxble) ctxble.contextualize.assert_called_with(ContextWithNoId())
def test_load_from_class_registry_from_conjunctive(custom_bundle): ''' Test that we can load from the class registry for un-imported classes ''' from owmeta_core.dataobject import DataObject class_registry_ctxid = '' data_ctxid = '' defctxid = '' # Add some triples so the contexts aren't empty -- we can't save an empty context g = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph() with open(p('tests', 'test_data', 'owmbundletest01_data.n3'), 'rb') as f: g.get_context(data_ctxid).parse(f, format='n3') with open(p('tests', 'test_data', 'owmbundletest01_class_registry.n3'), 'rb') as f: g.get_context(class_registry_ctxid).parse(f, format='n3') with open(p('tests', 'test_data', 'owmbundletest01_defctx.n3'), 'rb') as f: g.get_context(defctxid).parse(f, format='n3') # Make a descriptor that includes ctx1 and the imports, but not ctx2 d = Descriptor('test') d.includes.add(make_include_func(data_ctxid)) d.includes.add(make_include_func(defctxid)) with custom_bundle(d, graph=g, class_registry_ctx=class_registry_ctxid) as testbun, \ Bundle('test', bundles_directory=testbun.bundles_directory) as bnd: bctx = bnd(Context)().stored for m in bctx(DataObject)().load(): assert type(m).__name__ == 'Person' break else: # no break'Expected an object') with custom_bundle(d, graph=g) as testbun, \ Bundle('test', bundles_directory=testbun.bundles_directory) as bnd: bctx = bnd(Context)().stored for m in bctx(DataObject)().load(): assert type(m).__name__ != 'Person' break else: # no break'Expected an object')
def test_bundle_store_conf_with_two_dep_levels(custom_bundle): ''' Test that transitive dependenices shared by multiple bundles are not included more than once ''' imports_ctxid = '' ctxid_1 = '' ctxid_2 = '' # Make a descriptor that includes ctx1 and the imports, but not ctx2 d = Descriptor('test') d.includes.add(make_include_func(ctxid_1)) d.includes.add(make_include_func(imports_ctxid)) d.dependencies.add(DependencyDescriptor('dep')) d.dependencies.add(DependencyDescriptor('dep_dep')) dep_d = Descriptor('dep') dep_d.dependencies.add(DependencyDescriptor('dep_dep')) dep_dep_d = Descriptor('dep_dep') dep_dep_d.includes.add(make_include_func(ctxid_2)) # Add some triples so the contexts aren't empty -- we can't save an empty context g = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph() cg_1 = g.get_context(ctxid_1) cg_2 = g.get_context(ctxid_2) cg_1.add((aURI('a'), aURI('b'), aURI('c'))) cg_2.add((aURI('d'), aURI('e'), aURI('f'))) # End setup with custom_bundle(dep_dep_d, graph=g) as depdepbun, \ custom_bundle(dep_d, bundles_directory=depdepbun.bundles_directory) as depbun, \ custom_bundle(d, bundles_directory=depbun.bundles_directory) as testbun, \ Bundle('test', bundles_directory=testbun.bundles_directory) as bnd: assert bnd.conf['rdf.store_conf'] == [ ('FileStorageZODB', dict(url=p(testbun.bundle_directory, BUNDLE_INDEXED_DB_NAME), read_only=True)), # dep ('owmeta_core_bds', dict(type='agg', conf=[('FileStorageZODB', dict(url=p(depbun.bundle_directory, BUNDLE_INDEXED_DB_NAME), read_only=True)), ('owmeta_core_bds', dict(type='agg', conf=[('FileStorageZODB', dict(url=p(depdepbun.bundle_directory, BUNDLE_INDEXED_DB_NAME), read_only=True))]))])) ]
def test_class_registry_contents(dirs): ''' If a class registry context is specified, then include it ''' cr_ctxid = '' # Make a descriptor that includes ctx1 and the imports, but not ctx2 d = Descriptor('test') # Add some triples so the contexts aren't empty -- we can't save an empty context g = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph() cg_cr = g.get_context(cr_ctxid) with transaction.manager: cg_cr.add((aURI('blah'), aURI('bruh'), aURI('uhhhh'))) bi = Installer(*dirs, class_registry_ctx=cr_ctxid, graph=g) bi.install(d) with Bundle(, dirs.bundles_directory) as bnd: g = bnd.rdf.get_context(bnd.conf[CLASS_REGISTRY_CONTEXT_KEY]) assert (aURI('blah'), aURI('bruh'), aURI('uhhhh')) in g
def test_quad_not_in_dependency(custom_bundle): dep_desc = Descriptor.load(''' id: dep includes: - ''') test_desc = Descriptor.load(''' id: test dependencies: - dep ''') depgraph = ConjunctiveGraph() ctx_graph = depgraph.get_context('') quad = (URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef(''), ctx_graph) depgraph.add(quad) with custom_bundle(dep_desc, graph=depgraph) as depbun, \ custom_bundle(test_desc, bundles_directory=depbun.bundles_directory) as testbun, \ Bundle('test', bundles_directory=testbun.bundles_directory) as bnd: assert quad not in bnd.rdf
def _read_connections(self, termination=None): if not self.cached: with Bundle('openworm/owmeta-data', version=6) as bnd: ctx = bnd(Context)(ident="").stored # Extract the network object from the worm object. net = ctx(Worm).query().neuron_network() syn = net.synapse.expr pre = syn.pre_cell post = syn.post_cell (pre | post).rdf_type(multiple=True) (pre | post).name() pre() post() syn.syntype() syn.synclass() syn.number() self.connlist = syn.to_objects() self.cell_names = self.get_cells_in_model(net) self.cached = True if termination == 'neuron': term_type = set([Neuron.rdf_type]) elif termination == 'muscle': term_type = set([BodyWallMuscle.rdf_type]) else: term_type = set([Neuron.rdf_type, BodyWallMuscle.rdf_type]) conns = [] pre_cell_names = set() post_cell_names = set() for conn in self.connlist: if (Neuron.rdf_type in conn.pre_cell.rdf_type and term_type & set(conn.post_cell.rdf_type)): num = conn.number syntype = conn.syntype or '' synclass = conn.synclass or '' pre_name = post_name = if BodyWallMuscle.rdf_type in conn.post_cell.rdf_type: post_name = format_muscle_name(post_name) if not synclass: # Hack/guess if syntype and syntype.lower() == "gapjunction": synclass = "Generic_GJ" else: if pre_name.startswith("DD") or pre_name.startswith("VD"): synclass = "GABA" synclass = "Acetylcholine" conns.append(ConnectionInfo(pre_name, post_name, num, syntype, synclass)) pre_cell_names.add(pre_name) post_cell_names.add(post_name) print_("Total cells %i (%i with connections)" % ( len(self.cell_names | pre_cell_names | post_cell_names), len(pre_cell_names | post_cell_names))) print_("Total connections found %i " % len(conns)) return list(self.cell_names), pre_cell_names, post_cell_names, conns
class DataIntegrityTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Integration tests that read from the database and ensure that basic queries have expected answers, as a way to keep data quality high. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # grab the list of the names of the 302 neurons csvfile = open('tests/neurons.csv', 'r') reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';', quotechar='|') # array that holds the names of the 302 neurons at class-level scope cls.neurons = [] for row in reader: if len(row[0]) > 0: # Only saves valid neuron names cls.neurons.append(row[0]) def setUp(self): self.bnd = Bundle('openworm/owmeta-data') self.bnd.initdb() self.conn = self.bnd.connection self.conf = self.conn.conf self.g = self.conf["rdf.graph"] self.context = self.conn(Context)(ident="") self.qctx = self.context.stored def tearDown(self): self.conn.disconnect() def test_correct_neuron_number(self): """ This test verifies that the worm model has exactly 302 neurons. """ # FIXME: Test execution is not properly isolated -- it fails if # test_compare_to_xls fails. Other conditions may cause # it to pass net = self.qctx(Worm).query().get_neuron_network() self.assertEqual(302, net.neuron.count()) def test_correct_muscle_number(self): """ This test verifies that the worm model has exactly 158 muscles. 95 body wall muscles, 37 Pharynx muscles, 26 other muscles See counts on row 3 here: """ self.assertEqual(158, self.qctx(Worm).query().muscle.count()) def test_INS_26_neuropeptide_neuron_list(self): """ This test verifies that the set of neurons which contain the neuropeptide INS-26 is correct (the list is given below). """ neuronlist = self.qctx(Neuron)() neuronlist.neuropeptide("INS-26") thlist = set( for x in neuronlist.load()) self.assertEqual({'ASEL', 'ASER', 'ASIL', 'ASIR'}, thlist) def test_bentley_expr_data(self): """ This verifies that the data in Bentley et. al (2016) receptor expression has been incorporated, by checking that one of the novel receptor expression patterns is in the worm. """ va9 = self.qctx(Neuron).query('VA9') self.assertIn('LGC-53', va9.receptors()) def test_unique_neuron_node(self): """ There should one and only one unique RDF node for every neuron. If more than one is present for a given cell name, then our data is inconsistent. If there is not at least one present, then we are missing neurons. """ results = {} for n in self.neurons: # Create a SPARQL query per neuron that looks for all RDF nodes # that have text matching the name of the neuron qres = self.g.query(f""" SELECT distinct ?n WHERE {{ ?n <{}> {R.Literal(n).n3()} }} LIMIT 5 """) results[n] = (len(qres), [x[0] for x in qres]) # If there is not only one result back, then there is more than one RDF # node. more_than_one = [(x, results[x]) for x in results if results[x][0] > 1] less_than_one = [(x, results[x]) for x in results if results[x][0] < 1] self.assertEqual( 0, len(more_than_one), "Some neurons have more than 1 node: " + "\n".join(str(x) for x in more_than_one)) self.assertEqual( 0, len(less_than_one), "Some neurons have no node: " + "\n".join(str(x) for x in less_than_one)) def test_neurons_have_types(self): """ Every Neuron should have a non-blank type """ results = set() for n in self.neurons: s = f'''SELECT ?v WHERE {{ ?k <{}> {R.Literal(n).n3()} . ?k <> <{Neuron.rdf_type}> . ?k <{}> ?v . }}''' qres = self.g.query(s) for x in qres: v = x[0] if isinstance(v, R.Literal): results.add(n) self.assertEqual( len(results), len(self.neurons), "Some neurons are missing a type: {}".format( set(self.neurons) - results)) def test_neuron_GJ_degree(self): """ Get the number of gap junctions from a representation """ # was 81 -- now retunring 44 -- are we sure this is correct? self.assertEqual(self.qctx(Neuron).query(name='AVAL').GJ_degree(), 44) def test_neuron_Syn_degree(self): """ Get the number of chemical synapses from a representation """ # was 187 -- now returning 105 -- are we sure this is correct? self.assertEqual( self.qctx(Neuron).query(name='AVAL').Syn_degree(), 105) @unittest.skip("have not yet defined asserts") def test_what_nodes_get_type_info(self): qres = self.g.query("""SELECT ?o ?p ?s WHERE {{ ?o <> "motor". ?o ?p ?s # for that type ?o, get its value ?v }} LIMIT 10 """) for row in qres: print(row) def test_all_cells_have_wormbaseID(self): """ This test verifies that every cell has a Wormbase ID. """ cells = set(self.qctx(Cell)().load()) for cell in cells: assert cell.wormbaseID() is not None def test_all_neurons_have_wormbaseID(self): """ This test verifies that every neuron has a Wormbase ID. """ net = self.qctx(Worm).query().get_neuron_network() for neuron_object in net.neurons(): assert neuron_object.wormbaseID() is not None def test_all_muscles_have_wormbaseID(self): """ This test verifies that every muscle has a Wormbase ID. """ muscles = self.qctx(Worm).query().muscles() for muscle_object in muscles: assert muscle_object.wormbaseID() is not None def test_all_neurons_are_cells(self): """ This test verifies that all Neuron objects are also Cell objects. """ net = self.qctx(Worm).query().get_neuron_network() for neuron_object in net.neurons(): self.assertIsInstance(neuron_object, Cell) def test_all_muscles_are_cells(self): """ This test verifies that all Muscle objects are also Cell objects. """ muscles = self.qctx(Worm).query().muscles() for muscle_object in muscles: self.assertIsInstance(muscle_object, Cell) def test_correct_connections_number(self): """ This test verifies that there are exactly 7319 connections. """ net = self.qctx(Worm).query().get_neuron_network() # XXX: The synapses contain some cells that aren't neurons self.assertEqual(7319, net.synapses.count()) def test_number_neuron_to_neuron(self): """ This test verifies that the worm model has exactly 5805 neuron to neuron connections. """ synapse = self.qctx(Connection)() synapse.termination('neuron') self.qctx(Worm).query().get_neuron_network().synapse(synapse) self.assertEqual(5805, synapse.count()) def test_number_neuron_to_muscle(self): """ This test verifies that the worm model has exactly 1111 neuron to muscle connections. """ synapse = self.qctx(Connection)() synapse.termination('muscle') self.qctx(Worm).query().get_neuron_network().synapse(synapse) self.assertEqual(1111, synapse.count()) def test_correct_number_unique_neurons(self): """ This test verifies that the worm model has exactly 300 unique neurons making connections. """ synapse = self.qctx(Connection)() pre = self.qctx(Neuron)() synapse.pre_cell(pre) self.qctx(Worm).query().get_neuron_network().synapse(synapse) self.assertEqual(300, pre.count()) def test_unconnected_neurons(self): """ This test verifies that there are exactly 2 unconnected neurons, i.e., CANL and CANR, in the new connectome. """ # In previous tests, there is a check for exactly 302 neurons in total. # There is also a test for exactly 300 unique neurons making connections. # That means it should be enough to check that the set {CANL, CANR} and # the set of neurons making connections are disjoint. neuron = self.qctx(Neuron)() synapse = self.qctx(Connection)() synapse.pre_cell(neuron) self.qctx(Worm).query().get_neuron_network().synapse(synapse) connected_neurons = set() unconnected_neurons = {'CANL', 'CANR'} for name in connected_neurons.add(name) self.assertTrue(connected_neurons.isdisjoint(unconnected_neurons)) def test_neuron_lineage_names(self): """ Neurons should have lineage names in the bundle """ neuron = self.qctx(Neuron)() self.qctx(Worm).query().get_neuron_network().neuron(neuron) for n in neuron.load(): assert set(n.lineageName.get())
def test_specified_bundles_root_directory_does_not_exist(tempdir): bundles_directory = p(tempdir, 'bundles') b = Bundle('example', bundles_directory=bundles_directory) with pytest.raises(BundleNotFound, match='Bundle directory'): b._get_bundle_directory()
def generate_c302_info(nml_doc, verbose=False): net = nml_doc.networks[0] cc_exc_conns = {} cc_inh_conns = {} all_cells = [] for cp in net.continuous_projections: if not cp.presynaptic_population in cc_exc_conns.keys(): cc_exc_conns[cp.presynaptic_population] = {} if not cp.presynaptic_population in cc_inh_conns.keys(): cc_inh_conns[cp.presynaptic_population] = {} if not cp.presynaptic_population in all_cells: all_cells.append(cp.presynaptic_population) if not cp.postsynaptic_population in all_cells: all_cells.append(cp.postsynaptic_population) for c in cp.continuous_connection_instance_ws: if 'inh' in c.post_component: cc_inh_conns[cp.presynaptic_population][ cp.postsynaptic_population] = float(c.weight) else: cc_exc_conns[cp.presynaptic_population][ cp.postsynaptic_population] = float(c.weight) gj_conns = {} for ep in net.electrical_projections: if not ep.presynaptic_population in gj_conns.keys(): gj_conns[ep.presynaptic_population] = {} if not ep.presynaptic_population in all_cells: all_cells.append(ep.presynaptic_population) if not ep.postsynaptic_population in all_cells: all_cells.append(ep.postsynaptic_population) for e in ep.electrical_connection_instance_ws: gj_conns[ep.presynaptic_population][ ep.postsynaptic_population] = float(e.weight) all_cells = sorted(all_cells) try: from PyOpenWorm import connect as pyow_connect, __version__ as pyow_version, ConnectionFailError pow_conn = pyow_connect('./pyopenworm.conf') all_neuron_info, all_muscle_info = c302._get_cell_info( pow_conn, all_cells) ver_info = 'PyOpenWorm v%s' % pyow_version except Exception as e: c302.print_('Unable to connect to PyOpenWorm database: %s' % e) from owmeta_core.bundle import Bundle from owmeta_core import __version__ as owc_version from owmeta import __version__ as owmeta_version ver_info = 'owmeta v%s (owmeta core v%s)' % (owmeta_version, owc_version) with Bundle('openworm/owmeta-data', version=6) as bnd: all_neuron_info, all_muscle_info = c302._get_cell_info( bnd, all_cells) all_neurons = [] all_muscles = [] for c in all_cells: if c302.is_muscle(c): all_muscles.append(c) else: all_neurons.append(c) info = '# Information on neuron and muscles\n' info += '## Generated using %s\n' % ver_info info += '### Neurons (%i)\n' % (len(all_neuron_info)) info += '<table>\n' for n in all_neuron_info: info += '<tr>\n' ni = all_neuron_info[n] #print(ni) info += ( '<td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>Colour: %s</td>' % (n, _info_set(ni[1]), _info_set(ni[2]), _info_set( ni[3]), ni[4], ni[5])) info += '</tr>\n' info += '</table>\n' info += '### Muscles (%i)\n' % (len(all_muscle_info)) info += '<table>\n' for n in all_muscle_info: info += '<tr>\n' ni = all_muscle_info[n] info += ( '<td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>Colour: %s</td>' % (n, _info_set(ni[1]), _info_set(ni[2]), _info_set( ni[3]), ni[4], ni[5])) info += '</tr>\n' info += '</table>\n' with open('examples/summary/', 'w') as f2: #f2.write('<html><body>%s</body></html>'%info) f2.write('%s' % info)
from owmeta_core.bundle import Bundle from owmeta_core.context import Context from owmeta.neuron import Neuron from owmeta.worm import Worm with Bundle('openworm/owmeta-data') as bnd: ctx = bnd(Context)(ident="").stored # Extract the network object from the worm object. net = ctx(Worm).query().neuron_network() syn = net.synapse.expr pre = syn.pre_cell post = syn.post_cell (pre | post).rdf_type(multiple=True) (pre | post).name() pre() post() syn.syntype() syn.synclass() syn.number() connlist = syn.to_objects() conns = [] for conn in connlist: if (Neuron.rdf_type in conn.pre_cell.rdf_type and Neuron.rdf_type in conn.post_cell.rdf_type): num = conn.number syntype = conn.syntype or '' synclass = conn.synclass or ''
def generate_conn_matrix(nml_doc, save_fig_dir=None, verbose=False): net = nml_doc.networks[0] cc_exc_conns = {} cc_inh_conns = {} all_cells = [] for cp in net.continuous_projections: if not cp.presynaptic_population in cc_exc_conns.keys(): cc_exc_conns[cp.presynaptic_population] = {} if not cp.presynaptic_population in cc_inh_conns.keys(): cc_inh_conns[cp.presynaptic_population] = {} if not cp.presynaptic_population in all_cells: all_cells.append(cp.presynaptic_population) if not cp.postsynaptic_population in all_cells: all_cells.append(cp.postsynaptic_population) for c in cp.continuous_connection_instance_ws: if 'inh' in c.post_component: cc_inh_conns[cp.presynaptic_population][ cp.postsynaptic_population] = float(c.weight) else: cc_exc_conns[cp.presynaptic_population][ cp.postsynaptic_population] = float(c.weight) gj_conns = {} for ep in net.electrical_projections: if not ep.presynaptic_population in gj_conns.keys(): gj_conns[ep.presynaptic_population] = {} if not ep.presynaptic_population in all_cells: all_cells.append(ep.presynaptic_population) if not ep.postsynaptic_population in all_cells: all_cells.append(ep.postsynaptic_population) for e in ep.electrical_connection_instance_ws: gj_conns[ep.presynaptic_population][ ep.postsynaptic_population] = float(e.weight) all_cells = sorted(all_cells) try: with Bundle('openworm/owmeta-data', version=6) as bnd: all_neuron_info, all_muscle_info = c302._get_cell_info( bnd, all_cells) except Exception as e: c302.print_('Unable to connect to owmeta bundle: %s' % e) traceback.print_exc() all_neurons = [] all_muscles = [] for c in all_cells: if c302.is_muscle(c): all_muscles.append(c) else: all_neurons.append(c) data_exc_n = np.zeros((len(all_neurons), len(all_neurons))) data_exc_m = np.zeros((len(all_neurons), len(all_muscles))) data_inh_n = np.zeros((len(all_neurons), len(all_neurons))) data_inh_m = np.zeros((len(all_neurons), len(all_muscles))) for pre in cc_exc_conns.keys(): for post in cc_exc_conns[pre].keys(): c302.print_( "Exc Conn %s -> %s: %s" % (pre, post, cc_exc_conns[pre][post]), verbose) if post in all_neurons: data_exc_n[all_neurons.index(pre), all_neurons.index(post)] = cc_exc_conns[pre][post] else: data_exc_m[all_neurons.index(pre), all_muscles.index(post)] = cc_exc_conns[pre][post] if pre in all_muscles: raise Exception("Unexpected...") for pre in cc_inh_conns.keys(): for post in cc_inh_conns[pre].keys(): c302.print_( "Inh Conn %s -> %s: %s" % (pre, post, cc_inh_conns[pre][post]), verbose) if post in all_neurons: data_inh_n[all_neurons.index(pre), all_neurons.index(post)] = cc_inh_conns[pre][post] else: data_inh_m[all_neurons.index(pre), all_muscles.index(post)] = cc_inh_conns[pre][post] if pre in all_muscles: raise Exception("Unexpected...") _show_conn_matrix(data_exc_n, 'Excitatory (non GABA) conns to neurons', all_neuron_info, all_neuron_info,, save_figure_to='%s/%s_exc_to_neurons.png' % (save_fig_dir, if save_fig_dir else None) _show_conn_matrix(data_exc_m, 'Excitatory (non GABA) conns to muscles', all_neuron_info, all_muscle_info,, save_figure_to='%s/%s_exc_to_muscles.png' % (save_fig_dir, if save_fig_dir else None) _show_conn_matrix(data_inh_n, 'Inhibitory (GABA) conns to neurons', all_neuron_info, all_neuron_info,, save_figure_to='%s/%s_inh_to_neurons.png' % (save_fig_dir, if save_fig_dir else None) _show_conn_matrix(data_inh_m, 'Inhibitory (GABA) conns to muscles', all_neuron_info, all_muscle_info,, save_figure_to='%s/%s_inh_to_muscles.png' % (save_fig_dir, if save_fig_dir else None) data_n = np.zeros((len(all_neurons), len(all_neurons))) data_n_m = np.zeros((len(all_neurons), len(all_muscles))) data_m_m = np.zeros((len(all_muscles), len(all_muscles))) neuron_muscle = False muscle_muscle = False for pre in gj_conns.keys(): for post in gj_conns[pre].keys(): c302.print_( "Elect Conn %s -> %s: %s" % (pre, post, gj_conns[pre][post]), verbose) if pre in all_neurons and post in all_neurons: data_n[all_neurons.index(pre), all_neurons.index(post)] = gj_conns[pre][post] elif pre in all_neurons and post in all_muscles or pre in all_muscles and post in all_neurons: if pre in all_neurons: data_n_m[all_neurons.index(pre), all_muscles.index(post)] = gj_conns[pre][post] else: data_n_m[all_muscles.index(pre), all_neurons.index(post)] = gj_conns[pre][post] neuron_muscle = True elif pre in all_muscles and post in all_muscles: muscle_muscle = True data_m_m[all_muscles.index(pre), all_muscles.index(post)] = gj_conns[pre][post] else: raise Exception("Unexpected...") _show_conn_matrix(data_n, 'Electrical (gap junction) conns to neurons', all_neuron_info, all_neuron_info,, save_figure_to='%s/%s_elec_neurons_neurons.png' % (save_fig_dir, if save_fig_dir else None) if neuron_muscle: _show_conn_matrix( data_n_m, 'Electrical (gap junction) conns between neurons and muscles', all_neuron_info, all_muscle_info,, save_figure_to='%s/%s_elec_neurons_muscles.png' % (save_fig_dir, if save_fig_dir else None) if muscle_muscle: _show_conn_matrix(data_m_m, 'Electrical (gap junction) conns between muscles', all_muscle_info, all_muscle_info,, save_figure_to='%s/%s_elec_muscles_muscles.png' % (save_fig_dir, if save_fig_dir else None)
def test_bundle_empty_str_ident(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r'non-empty string'): Bundle('')
def test_bundle_contextualize_non_contextualizable(bundle): cut = Bundle(, version=bundle.descriptor.version, bundles_directory=bundle.bundles_directory) token = object() assert cut(token) == token
from owmeta_core.bundle import Bundle from owmeta_core.context import Context from owmeta_core.dataobject import DataObject with Bundle('person_bundle') as bnd: ctx = bnd(Context)().stored for x in ctx(DataObject)(ident='').load(): assert type(x).__name__ == 'Person' break else: # no break raise Exception('Expected a result')