def test_save_method_saves_the_version_type_to_the_database(self): """testing if the save method saves the current VersionType to the database """ self.kwargs["name"] = "Test Animation" self.kwargs["code"] = "TA" new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) code = new_vtype.code environments = new_vtype.environments filename = new_vtype.filename name = output_path = new_vtype.output_path path = new_vtype.path type_for = new_vtype.type_for # del new_vtype new_vtypeDB = VersionType.query().filter_by(name=self.kwargs["name"]).first() self.assertEqual(code, new_vtypeDB.code) self.assertEqual(filename, new_vtypeDB.filename) self.assertEqual(name, self.assertEqual(output_path, new_vtypeDB.output_path) self.assertEqual(path, new_vtypeDB.path) self.assertEqual(type_for, new_vtypeDB.type_for) self.assertEqual(environments, new_vtypeDB.environments)
def test_save_method_saves_the_version_type_to_the_database(self): """testing if the save method saves the current VersionType to the database """ self.kwargs["name"] = "Test Animation" self.kwargs["code"] = "TA" new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) code = new_vtype.code environments = new_vtype.environments filename = new_vtype.filename name = output_path = new_vtype.output_path path = new_vtype.path type_for = new_vtype.type_for # del new_vtype new_vtypeDB = VersionType.query().\ filter_by(name=self.kwargs["name"]).first() self.assertEqual(code, new_vtypeDB.code) self.assertEqual(filename, new_vtypeDB.filename) self.assertEqual(name, self.assertEqual(output_path, new_vtypeDB.output_path) self.assertEqual(path, new_vtypeDB.path) self.assertEqual(type_for, new_vtypeDB.type_for) self.assertEqual(environments, new_vtypeDB.environments)
def test_type_for_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the type_for argument is working properly """ self.kwargs["name"] = "Test Animation" self.kwargs["code"] = "TA" self.kwargs["type_for"] = "Asset" new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertEqual(new_vtype.type_for, "Asset")
def test_extra_folders_argument_is_None(self): """testing if the extra_folders attribute is going to be an empty string when the extra folders argument is given as None """ self.kwargs["extra_folders"] = None new_version_type = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertEqual(new_version_type.extra_folders, "")
def test_extra_folders_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if the extra_folders argument is skipped the extra_folders attribute will be an empty string """ self.kwargs.pop("extra_folders") new_version_type = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertEqual(new_version_type.extra_folders, "")
def test_assets_tableWidget_horizontal_labels_are_set_properly(self): """testing if the assets_tableWidget horizontal labels are filled with all the possible VersionTypes for assets """ db.setup() asset_vtypes = VersionType.query()\ .filter(VersionType.type_for=='Asset')\ .order_by(\ .all() dialog = status_manager.MainDialog() # self.show_dialog(dialog) self.assertEqual( dialog.assets_tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(0).text(), 'Thumbnail') self.assertEqual( dialog.assets_tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(1).text(), 'Type') self.assertEqual( dialog.assets_tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(2).text(), 'Name') self.assertEqual( dialog.assets_tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(3).text(), 'Take') self.assertEqual(dialog.assets_tableWidget.columnCount(), len(asset_vtypes) + 4) for i, vtype in enumerate(asset_vtypes): self.assertEqual( dialog.assets_tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(i + 4).text(), vtype.code)
def test_name_attribute_is_not_unique(self): """testing if an IntegrityError error will be raised when the name argument is not unique """ # creating a new VersionType should raise the ?? error new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertRaises(IntegrityError,
def setUp(self): """setup the test settings with environment variables """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # start of the setUp conf.database_url = "sqlite://" # create the environment variable and point it to a temp directory self.temp_config_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.temp_projects_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.environ["OYPROJECTMANAGER_PATH"] = self.temp_config_folder os.environ[conf.repository_env_key] = self.temp_projects_folder self.test_project = Project("TEST_PROJ1") self.test_project.create() self.kwargs = { # "project": self.test_project, "name": "Test VType", "code": "TVT", "path": "{{project.full_path}}/Sequences/{{sequence.code}}/SHOTS/{{version.base_name}}/{{type.code}}", "filename": "{{version.base_name}}_{{version.take_name}}_{{type.code}}_v{{'%03d'|format(version.version_number)}}_{{version.created_by.initials}}", "environments": ["MAYA", "HOUDINI"], "output_path": "SHOTS/{{version.base_name}}/{{type.code}}/OUTPUT/{{version.take_name}}", "extra_folders": """{{version.path}}/exports {{version.path}}/cache """, "type_for": "Shot", } self.test_versionType = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self._name_test_values = [ ("base name", "Base_Name"), ("123123 base_name", "Base_Name"), ("123432!+!'^+Base_NAme323^+'^%&+%&324", "Base_NAme323324"), (" ---base 9s_name", "Base_9s_Name"), (" ---base 9s-name", "Base_9s_Name"), ( " multiple spaces are converted to under scores", "Multiple_Spaces_Are_Converted_To_Under_Scores", ), ("camelCase", "CamelCase"), ("CamelCase", "CamelCase"), ("_Project_Setup_", "Project_Setup"), ("_PROJECT_SETUP_", "PROJECT_SETUP"), ("FUL_3D", "FUL_3D"), ("BaseName", "BaseName"), ("baseName", "BaseName"), (" baseName", "BaseName"), (" base name", "Base_Name"), (" 12base name", "Base_Name"), (" 12 base name", "Base_Name"), (" 12 base name 13", "Base_Name_13"), (">£#>$#£½$ 12 base £#$£#$£½¾{½{ name 13", "Base_Name_13"), ("_base_name_", "Base_Name"), ]
def setUp(self): """setup the tests """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # start of the setUp # create the environment variable and point it to a temp directory conf.database_url = "sqlite://" self.temp_config_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.temp_projects_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.environ["OYPROJECTMANAGER_PATH"] = self.temp_config_folder os.environ[conf.repository_env_key] = self.temp_projects_folder # create a test project self.project = Project("Test Project") self.project.create() # create a test asset self.asset1 = Asset(self.project, "Test Asset 1") # version type self.asset_vtypes = VersionType.query()\ .filter(VersionType.type_for == "Asset").all() self.shot_vtypes = VersionType.query()\ .filter(VersionType.type_for == "Shot").all() self.user1 = User(name="Test User 1", email="*****@*****.**") # create a test version self.kwargs = { "version_of":self.asset1, "base_name":self.asset1.code, "type":self.asset_vtypes[0], "created_by":self.user1, "extension":"ma" } self.version1 = Version(**self.kwargs) # create the environment instance self.mEnv = mayaEnv.Maya() # just renew the scene pm.newFile(force=True)
def setUp(self): """setup the tests """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # start of the setUp # create the environment variable and point it to a temp directory conf.database_url = "sqlite://" self.temp_config_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.temp_projects_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.environ["OYPROJECTMANAGER_PATH"] = self.temp_config_folder os.environ[conf.repository_env_key] = self.temp_projects_folder # create a test project self.project = Project("Test Project") self.project.create() # create a test asset self.asset1 = Asset(self.project, "Test Asset 1") # version type self.asset_vtypes = VersionType.query()\ .filter(VersionType.type_for == "Asset").all() self.shot_vtypes = VersionType.query()\ .filter(VersionType.type_for == "Shot").all() self.user1 = User(name="Test User 1", email="*****@*****.**") # create a test version self.kwargs = { "version_of": self.asset1, "base_name": self.asset1.code, "type": self.asset_vtypes[0], "created_by": self.user1, "extension": "ma" } self.version1 = Version(**self.kwargs) # create the environment instance self.mEnv = mayaEnv.Maya() # just renew the scene pm.newFile(force=True)
def test_code_attribute_is_not_unique(self): """testing if an IntegrityError error will be raised when the code argument is not unique """ # creating a new VersionType should raise the IntegrityError self.kwargs["name"] = "A Different Name" new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertRaises(IntegrityError,
def test_environments_argument_works_properly(self): """testing if the environments attribute will be initialized correctly with the environments argument """ test_value = ["MAYA", "HOUDINI"] self.kwargs["environments"] = test_value new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) for env in test_value: self.assertTrue(env in new_vtype.environments)
def test__ne__(self): """testing the equality operator """ verst1 = VersionType(name="Test Type", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset") verst2 = VersionType(name="Test Type", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset") verst3 = VersionType(name="Test Type 2", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset") verst4 = VersionType(name="Test Type 3", code="TT3", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset") self.assertFalse(verst1 != verst2) self.assertTrue(verst1 != verst3) self.assertTrue(verst3 != verst4)
def __init_db__(): """initializes the just setup database It adds: - Users - VersionTypes to the database. """ logger.debug("db is newly created, initializing the db") global query global session # get the users from the config from oyProjectManager import conf # ------------------------------------------------------ # create the users from oyProjectManager.models.auth import User # get all users from db users_from_db = query(User).all() for user_data in conf.users_data: name = user_data.get("name") initials = user_data.get("initials") email = user_data.get("email") user_from_config = User(name, initials, email) if user_from_config not in users_from_db: session.add(user_from_config) # ------------------------------------------------------ # add the VersionTypes from oyProjectManager.models.version import VersionType version_types_from_db = query(VersionType).all() for version_type in conf.version_types: version_type_from_conf = VersionType(**version_type) if version_type_from_conf not in version_types_from_db: session.add(version_type_from_conf) session.commit() logger.debug("finished initialization of the db")
def test_assets_tableWidget_horizontal_labels_are_set_properly(self): """testing if the assets_tableWidget horizontal labels are filled with all the possible VersionTypes for assets """ db.setup() asset_vtypes = VersionType.query()\ .filter(VersionType.type_for=='Asset')\ .order_by(\ .all() dialog = status_manager.MainDialog() # self.show_dialog(dialog) self.assertEqual( dialog.assets_tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(0).text(), 'Thumbnail' ) self.assertEqual( dialog.assets_tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(1).text(), 'Type' ) self.assertEqual( dialog.assets_tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(2).text(), 'Name' ) self.assertEqual( dialog.assets_tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(3).text(), 'Take' ) self.assertEqual( dialog.assets_tableWidget.columnCount(), len(asset_vtypes) + 4 ) for i, vtype in enumerate(asset_vtypes): self.assertEqual( dialog.assets_tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(i + 4).text(), vtype.code )
class VersionTypeTester(unittest.TestCase): """tests the VersionType class """ def setUp(self): """setup the test settings with environment variables """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # start of the setUp conf.database_url = "sqlite://" # create the environment variable and point it to a temp directory self.temp_config_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.temp_projects_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.environ["OYPROJECTMANAGER_PATH"] = self.temp_config_folder os.environ[conf.repository_env_key] = self.temp_projects_folder self.test_project = Project("TEST_PROJ1") self.test_project.create() self.kwargs = { # "project": self.test_project, "name": "Test VType", "code": "TVT", "path": "{{project.full_path}}/Sequences/{{sequence.code}}/SHOTS/{{version.base_name}}/{{type.code}}", "filename": "{{version.base_name}}_{{version.take_name}}_{{type.code}}_v{{'%03d'|format(version.version_number)}}_{{version.created_by.initials}}", "environments": ["MAYA", "HOUDINI"], "output_path": "SHOTS/{{version.base_name}}/{{type.code}}/OUTPUT/{{version.take_name}}", "extra_folders": """{{version.path}}/exports {{version.path}}/cache """, "type_for": "Shot", } self.test_versionType = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self._name_test_values = [ ("base name", "Base_Name"), ("123123 base_name", "Base_Name"), ("123432!+!'^+Base_NAme323^+'^%&+%&324", "Base_NAme323324"), (" ---base 9s_name", "Base_9s_Name"), (" ---base 9s-name", "Base_9s_Name"), ( " multiple spaces are converted to under scores", "Multiple_Spaces_Are_Converted_To_Under_Scores", ), ("camelCase", "CamelCase"), ("CamelCase", "CamelCase"), ("_Project_Setup_", "Project_Setup"), ("_PROJECT_SETUP_", "PROJECT_SETUP"), ("FUL_3D", "FUL_3D"), ("BaseName", "BaseName"), ("baseName", "BaseName"), (" baseName", "BaseName"), (" base name", "Base_Name"), (" 12base name", "Base_Name"), (" 12 base name", "Base_Name"), (" 12 base name 13", "Base_Name_13"), (">£#>$#£½$ 12 base £#$£#$£½¾{½{ name 13", "Base_Name_13"), ("_base_name_", "Base_Name"), ] def tearDown(self): """cleanup the test """ # set the db.session to None db.session = None # delete the temp folder shutil.rmtree(self.temp_config_folder) shutil.rmtree(self.temp_projects_folder) def test_name_argument_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the name argument is None """ self.kwargs["name"] = None self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_name_attribute_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the name attribute is set to None """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "name", None) def test_name_argument_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the name argument is not a string or unicode instance """ self.kwargs["name"] = 123 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_name_attribute_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the name argument is not a string or unicode instance """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "name", 8) def test_name_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the name argument is working properly and sets the name attribute correctly """ self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["name"], def test_name_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the name attribute is working properly """ test_value = "New Name" = test_value self.assertEqual(test_value, def test_name_attribute_is_not_unique(self): """testing if an IntegrityError error will be raised when the name argument is not unique """ # creating a new VersionType should raise the ?? error new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertRaises(IntegrityError, def test_code_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the code argument is skipped """ self.kwargs.pop("code") self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_code_argument_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the code argument is None """ self.kwargs["code"] = None self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_code_attribute_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the code attribute is set to None """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "code", None) def test_code_argument_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the code argument is not a string or unicode instance """ self.kwargs["code"] = 123 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_code_attribute_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the code argument is not a string or unicode instance """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "code", 8) def test_code_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the code argument is working properly and sets the code attribute correctly """ self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["code"], self.test_versionType.code) def test_code_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the code attribute is working properly """ test_value = "New Name" self.test_versionType.code = test_value self.assertEqual(test_value, self.test_versionType.code) def test_code_attribute_is_not_unique(self): """testing if an IntegrityError error will be raised when the code argument is not unique """ # creating a new VersionType should raise the IntegrityError self.kwargs["name"] = "A Different Name" new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertRaises(IntegrityError, def test_filename_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the filename argument is skipped """ self.kwargs.pop("filename") self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_filename_argument_is_empty_string(self): """testing if a ValueError will be raised when the filename argument is an empty string """ self.kwargs["filename"] = "" self.assertRaises(ValueError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_filename_attribute_is_empty_string(self): """testing if a ValueError will be raised when the filename attribute is set to an empty string """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "filename", "") def test_filename_argument_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the filename argument is not a string instance """ self.kwargs["filename"] = 13245 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_filename_attribute_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the filename attribute is not a string instance """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "filename", 23412) def test_filename_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the filename attribute is initialized correctly with the same value of the filename argument """ self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.filename, self.kwargs["filename"]) def test_filename_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the filename attribute is working properly """ test_value = "test_filename" self.test_versionType.filename = test_value self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.filename, test_value) def test_path_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the path argument is skipped """ self.kwargs.pop("path") self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_path_argument_is_empty_string(self): """testing if a ValueError will be raised when the path argument is an empty string """ self.kwargs["path"] = "" self.assertRaises(ValueError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_path_attribute_is_empty_string(self): """testing if a ValueError will be raised when the path attribute is set to an empty string """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "path", "") def test_path_argument_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the path argument is not a string instance """ self.kwargs["path"] = 13245 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_path_attribute_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the path attribute is not a string instance """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "path", 23412) def test_path_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the path attribute is initialized correctly with the same value of the path argument """ self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.path, self.kwargs["path"]) def test_path_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the path attribute is working properly """ test_value = "test_path" self.test_versionType.path = test_value self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.path, test_value) def test_output_path_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the output_path argument is skipped """ self.kwargs.pop("output_path") self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_output_path_argument_is_empty_string(self): """testing if a ValueError will be raised when the output_path argument is an empty string """ self.kwargs["output_path"] = "" self.assertRaises(ValueError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_output_path_attribute_is_empty_string(self): """testing if a ValueError will be raised when the output_path attribute is set to an empty string """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "output_path", "") def test_output_path_argument_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the output_path argument is not a string instance """ self.kwargs["output_path"] = 13245 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_output_path_attribute_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the output_path attribute is not a string instance """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "output_path", 23412) def test_output_path_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the output_path attribute is initialized correctly with the same value of the output_path argument """ self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.output_path, self.kwargs["output_path"]) def test_output_path_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the output_path attribute is working properly """ test_value = "test_output_path" self.test_versionType.output_path = test_value self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.output_path, test_value) def test_extra_folders_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if the extra_folders argument is skipped the extra_folders attribute will be an empty string """ self.kwargs.pop("extra_folders") new_version_type = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertEqual(new_version_type.extra_folders, "") def test_extra_folders_argument_is_None(self): """testing if the extra_folders attribute is going to be an empty string when the extra folders argument is given as None """ self.kwargs["extra_folders"] = None new_version_type = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertEqual(new_version_type.extra_folders, "") def test_extra_folders_attribute_is_None(self): """testing if the extra_folders attribute will be an empty list when it is set to None """ self.test_versionType.extra_folders = None self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.extra_folders, "") def test_extra_folders_argument_is_not_a_string_instance(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the extra_folders argument is not a string or unicode instance """ self.kwargs["extra_folders"] = 123 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_extra_folders_attribute_is_not_a_string_instance(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the extra_folders attribute is set to something other than a string or unicode instance """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "extra_folders", 23423) def test_extra_folders_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the extra_folders attribute will be set to the same value with the extra_folders argument while initialization """ self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.extra_folders, self.kwargs["extra_folders"]) def test_extra_folders_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the extra_folders attribute is working properly """ test_value = "extra_folders" self.test_versionType.extra_folders = test_value self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.extra_folders, test_value) def test_environments_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments argument is skipped """ self.kwargs.pop("environments") self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_environments_argument_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments argument is None """ self.kwargs["environments"] = None self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_environments_attribute_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments attribute is set to None """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "environments", None) def test_environments_argument_is_not_a_list(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments argument is not a list instance """ self.kwargs["environments"] = 12354 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_environments_attribute_is_not_a_list(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments attribute is set to something other than a list """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "environments", 123) def test_environments_argument_is_not_a_list_of_strings(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments argument is not a list of strings """ self.kwargs["environments"] = [123, "MAYA"] self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_environments_attribute_is_not_a_list_of_strings(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments attribute is not a list of strings """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "environments", [123, "MAYA"]) def test_environments_argument_works_properly(self): """testing if the environments attribute will be initialized correctly with the environments argument """ test_value = ["MAYA", "HOUDINI"] self.kwargs["environments"] = test_value new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) for env in test_value: self.assertTrue(env in new_vtype.environments) def test_environments_attribute_works_properly(self): """testing if the environments attribute is working properly """ test_value = ["MAYA", "HOUDINI", "NUKE", "3DEQUALIZER"] self.test_versionType.environments = test_value for env in test_value: self.assertTrue(env in self.test_versionType.environments) def test_type_for_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the type_for argument is skipped """ self.kwargs.pop("type_for") self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_type_for_argument_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the type_for argument is None """ self.kwargs["type_for"] = None self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_type_for_argument_is_not_a_string_or_integer(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the type_for argument is not a string or unicode or an integer """ self.kwargs["type_for"] = [12] self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_type_for_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the type_for argument is working properly """ self.kwargs["name"] = "Test Animation" self.kwargs["code"] = "TA" self.kwargs["type_for"] = "Asset" new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertEqual(new_vtype.type_for, "Asset") def test_type_for_attribute_is_read_only(self): """testing if type_for attribute is read-only """ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "type_for", "Asset") def test_save_method_saves_the_version_type_to_the_database(self): """testing if the save method saves the current VersionType to the database """ self.kwargs["name"] = "Test Animation" self.kwargs["code"] = "TA" new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) code = new_vtype.code environments = new_vtype.environments filename = new_vtype.filename name = output_path = new_vtype.output_path path = new_vtype.path type_for = new_vtype.type_for # del new_vtype new_vtypeDB = VersionType.query().filter_by(name=self.kwargs["name"]).first() self.assertEqual(code, new_vtypeDB.code) self.assertEqual(filename, new_vtypeDB.filename) self.assertEqual(name, self.assertEqual(output_path, new_vtypeDB.output_path) self.assertEqual(path, new_vtypeDB.path) self.assertEqual(type_for, new_vtypeDB.type_for) self.assertEqual(environments, new_vtypeDB.environments) def test__eq__(self): """testing the equality operator """ verst1 = VersionType( name="Test Type", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset", ) verst2 = VersionType( name="Test Type", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset", ) verst3 = VersionType( name="Test Type 2", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset", ) verst4 = VersionType( name="Test Type 3", code="TT3", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset", ) self.assertTrue(verst1 == verst2) self.assertFalse(verst1 == verst3) self.assertFalse(verst3 == verst4) def test__ne__(self): """testing the equality operator """ verst1 = VersionType( name="Test Type", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset", ) verst2 = VersionType( name="Test Type", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset", ) verst3 = VersionType( name="Test Type 2", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset", ) verst4 = VersionType( name="Test Type 3", code="TT3", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset", ) self.assertFalse(verst1 != verst2) self.assertTrue(verst1 != verst3) self.assertTrue(verst3 != verst4)
def test_shots_tableWidget_is_filled_with_Shot_data(self): """testing if the shots_tableWidget is filled with shot data properly """ db.setup() # create a project proj1 = Project('Test Project 1') proj2 = Project('Test Project 2') shot_vtypes = VersionType.query()\ .filter(VersionType.type_for=='Shot')\ .order_by(\ .all() admin = User.query().first() # seqs for proj1 seq1 = Sequence(proj1, 'Test Seq 1') seq2 = Sequence(proj1, 'Test Seq 2') # seqs for proj2 seq3 = Sequence(proj2, 'Test Seq 3') seq4 = Sequence(proj2, 'Test Seq 4') # shots for seq1 shot1 = Shot(seq1, 1) shot2 = Shot(seq1, 2) shot3 = Shot(seq1, 3) # shots for seq2 shot4 = Shot(seq2, 4) shot5 = Shot(seq2, 5) shot6 = Shot(seq2, 6) # shots for seq3 shot7 = Shot(seq3, 7) shot8 = Shot(seq3, 8) # shots for seq4 shot9 = Shot(seq4, 9) shot10 = Shot(seq4, 10) # versions for shot1 version1 = Version(version_of=shot1, base_name=shot1.code, type=shot_vtypes[0], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[0]) version2 = Version(version_of=shot1, base_name=shot1.code, type=shot_vtypes[1], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[1]) # versions for shot2 version3 = Version(version_of=shot2, base_name=shot2.code, type=shot_vtypes[2], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[2]) version4 = Version( version_of=shot2, base_name=shot2.code, type=shot_vtypes[3], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[3], ) # versions for shot3 version5 = Version( version_of=shot3, base_name=shot3.code, type=shot_vtypes[4], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[4], ) version6 = Version( version_of=shot3, base_name=shot3.code, type=shot_vtypes[5], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[4], ) # versions for shot4 version7 = Version(version_of=shot4, base_name=shot4.code, type=shot_vtypes[5], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[4]) version8 = Version(version_of=shot4, base_name=shot4.code, type=shot_vtypes[5], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[0]) dialog = status_manager.MainDialog() # self.show_dialog(dialog) # start tests # set the project to project1 dialog.projects_comboBox.setCurrentIndex(0) #self.show_dialog(dialog) # asset1's vtypes[0] vtypes[1] vtypes[2] vtypes[3]'test is not finished yet!')
def test_assets_tableWidget_is_filled_with_Asset_data(self): """testing if the assets_tableWidget is filled with asset data properly """ db.setup() # create a project proj1 = Project('Test Project 1') proj2 = Project('Test Project 2') asset_vtypes = VersionType.query()\ .filter(VersionType.type_for=='Asset')\ .order_by(\ .all() admin = User.query().first() asset1 = Asset(proj1, 'Test Asset 1', type='Char') asset2 = Asset(proj1, 'Test Asset 2', type='Prop') asset3 = Asset(proj1, 'Test Asset 3', type='Environment') asset4 = Asset(proj1, 'Test Asset 4', type='Prop') # versions for asset1 version1 = Version(version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[0], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[0]) version2 = Version(version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[1], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[1]) version3 = Version(version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[2], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[2]) # version for asset1 with different takes version4 = Version(version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[3], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[3], take_name='Test_A') version5 = Version(version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[4], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[4], take_name='Test_A') version6 = Version(version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[5], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[4], take_name='Test_B') version7 = Version(version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[5], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[4], take_name='Test_B') dialog = status_manager.MainDialog() # self.show_dialog(dialog) # start tests # What we should see shoul be: # # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # | Thumbnail | Type | Name | Take | Asset Version Types | # +===========+=============+==============+========+=====================+ # | (IMAGE) | Char | Test Asset 1 | MAIN | ******************* | # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # | (IMAGE) | Char | Test Asset 1 | Test_A | ******************* | # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # | (IMAGE) | Char | Test Asset 1 | Test_B | ******************* | # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # | (IMAGE) | Environment | Test Asset 3 | ---- | ******************* | # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # | (IMAGE) | Prop | Test Asset 2 | ---- | ******************* | # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # | (IMAGE) | Prop | Test Asset 4 | ---- | ******************* | # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # # set the project to project1 dialog.projects_comboBox.setCurrentIndex(0) # asset1's vtypes[0] vtypes[1] vtypes[2] vtypes[3] # set to assets dialog.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) #self.show_dialog(dialog) # expect to see 6 rows self.assertEqual(6, dialog.assets_tableWidget.rowCount()) # expect the assets types listed in the first column # first three should be Char dialog.assets_tableWidget.setCurrentCell(0, 1) self.assertEqual('Char', dialog.assets_tableWidget.currentItem().text()) dialog.assets_tableWidget.setCurrentCell(1, 1) self.assertEqual('Char', dialog.assets_tableWidget.currentItem().text()) dialog.assets_tableWidget.setCurrentCell(2, 1) self.assertEqual('Char', dialog.assets_tableWidget.currentItem().text()) # next should be Environment dialog.assets_tableWidget.setCurrentCell(3, 1) self.assertEqual('Environment', dialog.assets_tableWidget.currentItem().text()) # the next two should be Prop dialog.assets_tableWidget.setCurrentCell(4, 1) self.assertEqual('Prop', dialog.assets_tableWidget.currentItem().text()) dialog.assets_tableWidget.setCurrentCell(5, 1) self.assertEqual('Prop', dialog.assets_tableWidget.currentItem().text())
def fill_shots_tableWidget(self): """fills the shots_tableWidget """ # TODO: merge cells of the same shot, or at least paint them in some other color # clear the tableWidget self.shots_tableWidget.clear() shot_vtypes = VersionType.query()\ .filter(VersionType.type_for=='Shot')\ .order_by(\ .all() shot_vtype_codes = map(lambda x: x.code, shot_vtypes) labels = ['Thumbnail', 'Sequence', 'Number', 'Take'] labels.extend(map(lambda x: x.code, shot_vtypes)) #logger.debug('shot_tableWidget.labels: %s' % labels) self.shots_tableWidget.setColumnCount(len(labels)) self.shots_tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels) # get the project project = self.get_current_project() if project is None: return # get all the shots for the sequence sequences = Sequence.query()\ .filter(Sequence.project==project)\ .order_by(\ .all() shot_count = db.query(func.count(\ .join(Sequence)\ .filter(\ .filter(Sequence.project==project)\ .all()[0][0] # set the row count for all shots in that sequence self.shots_tableWidget.setRowCount(shot_count) items = [] row = 0 column = 0 for sequence in sequences: shots = Shot.query()\ .filter(Shot.sequence==sequence)\ .order_by(Shot.number)\ .all() # sort according to numbers shots.sort(key=lambda x: utils.embedded_numbers(x.number)) #logger.debug('shots of sequence %s is %s' % (, shots)) # feed the shots to the list previous_shot = None for shot in shots: take_names = map( lambda x: x[0], db.query(distinct(Version.take_name)) .filter(Version.version_of==shot) .all() ) if not len(take_names): take_names = ['-'] for take_name in take_names: # add the seq name to the first column column = 0 item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem() item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) #set the thumbnail if os.path.exists(shot.thumbnail_full_path): thumbnail_full_path = shot.thumbnail_full_path pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(thumbnail_full_path) pixmap = pixmap.scaled( conf.thumbnail_size[0] / 2, conf.thumbnail_size[1] / 2, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio, QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation ) brush = QtGui.QBrush(pixmap) item.has_thumbnail = True item.setBackground(brush) else: item.has_thumbnail = False items.append(item) column = 1 item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem( item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) #self.shots_tableWidget.setItem(row, column, item) items.append(item) # add the shot code to the second column column = 2 item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(shot.code) item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) #self.shots_tableWidget.setItem(row, column, item) items.append(item) # add the take name to the third column column = 3 item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(take_name) item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) #self.assets_tableWidget.setItem(row, column, item) items.append(item) for type_code in shot_vtype_codes: column += 1 # get the latest version of that type and take version = Version.query()\ .join(VersionType)\ .filter(Version.version_of==shot)\ .filter(\ .filter(VersionType.code==type_code)\ .filter(Version.take_name==take_name)\ .order_by(Version.version_number.desc())\ .first() if version: # mark the status of that type in that take item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem( version.status + '\n' + ) item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) # set the color according to status index = conf.status_list.index(version.status) bgcolor = conf.status_bg_colors[index] fgcolor = conf.status_fg_colors[index] bg = item.background() bg.setColor(QtGui.QColor(*bgcolor)) item.setBackground(bg) fg = item.foreground() fg.setColor(QtGui.QColor(*fgcolor)) item.setForeground(fg) try: item.setBackgroundColor(QtGui.QColor(*bgcolor)) except AttributeError: # for PySide pass # set this version to the item item.version = version else: # set the background color to black item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem('-') item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) bg = item.background() bg.setColor(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) item.setBackground(bg) try: item.setBackgroundColor(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) except AttributeError: # for PySide pass # set the version to None for this item item.version = None items.append(item) row += 1 self.shots_tableWidget.setRowCount(row) item_index = 0 for r in range(row): for c in range(column + 1): item = items[item_index] self.shots_tableWidget.setItem(r, c, item) item_index += 1 # adjust the row heights accordingly self.shots_tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # need to pass over the first rows again # to resize the thumbnail cell for r in range(row): item_index = r * (column + 1) item = items[item_index] if item.has_thumbnail: # scale the row height self.shots_tableWidget.setRowHeight( r, conf.thumbnail_size[1] / 2 ) # resize columns to fit the content self.shots_tableWidget.resizeColumnsToContents() # set the column width self.shots_tableWidget.setColumnWidth(0, conf.thumbnail_size[0] / 2)
def fill_assets_tableWidget(self): """fills the asset_tableWidget """ # clear the table self.assets_tableWidget.clear() asset_vtypes = VersionType.query()\ .filter(VersionType.type_for=='Asset')\ .order_by(\ .all() asset_vtype_codes = map(lambda x: x.code, asset_vtypes) labels = ['Thumbnail', 'Type', 'Name', 'Take'] labels.extend(map(lambda x: x.code, asset_vtypes)) logger.debug('asset_tableWidget.labels: %s' % labels) self.assets_tableWidget.setColumnCount(len(labels)) self.assets_tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels) # get the project project = self.get_current_project() if project is None: return # get all the assets for the project assets = Asset.query()\ .filter(Asset.project==project)\ .order_by(Asset.type)\ .all() # feed the assets to the list items = [] row = 0 column = 0 for asset in assets: # get the distinct take names take_names = map( lambda x: x[0], db.query(distinct(Version.take_name)) .filter(Version.version_of==asset) .all() ) if not len(take_names): take_names = ['-'] for take_name in take_names: # add the asset type to the first column column = 0 item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem() item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) # set the thumbnail if os.path.exists(asset.thumbnail_full_path): thumbnail_full_path = asset.thumbnail_full_path pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(thumbnail_full_path) pixmap = pixmap.scaled( conf.thumbnail_size[0] / 2, conf.thumbnail_size[1] / 2, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio, QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation ) brush = QtGui.QBrush(pixmap) item.has_thumbnail = True item.setBackground(brush) else: item.has_thumbnail = False items.append(item) column = 1 item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(asset.type) item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) items.append(item) # add the asset name to the second column column = 2 item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem( item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) items.append(item) # add the take name to the third column column = 3 item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(take_name) item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) #self.assets_tableWidget.setItem(row, column, item) items.append(item) for type_code in asset_vtype_codes: column += 1 # now for every asset vtype create two rows instead of one # and show the users name on the second row # get the latest version of that type and take version = Version.query()\ .join(VersionType)\ .filter(Version.version_of==asset)\ .filter(\ .filter(VersionType.code==type_code)\ .filter(Version.take_name==take_name)\ .order_by(Version.version_number.desc())\ .first() if version: # mark the status of that type in that take item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem( version.status + '\n' + ) item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) # set the color according to status index = conf.status_list.index(version.status) bgcolor = conf.status_bg_colors[index] fgcolor = conf.status_fg_colors[index] bg = item.background() bg.setColor(QtGui.QColor(*bgcolor)) item.setBackground(bg) fg = item.foreground() fg.setColor(QtGui.QColor(*fgcolor)) item.setForeground(fg) try: item.setBackgroundColor(QtGui.QColor(*bgcolor)) except AttributeError: # gives errpor with PySide pass # add this version to the item item.version = version else: # set the background color to black item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem('-') item.setTextAlignment(0x0004 | 0x0080) bg = item.background() bg.setColor(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) item.setBackground(bg) try: item.setBackgroundColor(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) except AttributeError: # gives error with PySide pass # set the related version to None item.version = None items.append(item) row += 1 self.assets_tableWidget.setRowCount(row) item_index = 0 for r in range(row): for c in range(column + 1): item = items[item_index] self.assets_tableWidget.setItem(r, c, item) item_index += 1 # adjust the row heights accordingly self.assets_tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # need to pass over the first rows again # to resize the thumbnail cell for r in range(row): item_index = r * (column + 1) item = items[item_index] if item.has_thumbnail: # scale the row height self.assets_tableWidget.setRowHeight( r, conf.thumbnail_size[1] / 2 ) # resize columns to fit the content self.assets_tableWidget.resizeColumnsToContents() # set column width self.assets_tableWidget.setColumnWidth(0, conf.thumbnail_size[0] / 2)
def setUp(self): """setup the test settings with environment variables """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # start of the setUp conf.database_url = "sqlite://" # create the environment variable and point it to a temp directory self.temp_config_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.temp_projects_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.environ["OYPROJECTMANAGER_PATH"] = self.temp_config_folder os.environ[conf.repository_env_key] = self.temp_projects_folder self.test_project = Project("TEST_PROJ1") self.test_project.create() self.kwargs = { # "project": self.test_project, "name": "Test VType", "code": "TVT", "path": "{{project.full_path}}/Sequences/{{sequence.code}}/SHOTS/{{version.base_name}}/{{type.code}}", "filename": "{{version.base_name}}_{{version.take_name}}_{{type.code}}_v{{'%03d'|format(version.version_number)}}_{{version.created_by.initials}}", "environments": ["MAYA", "HOUDINI"], "output_path": "SHOTS/{{version.base_name}}/{{type.code}}/OUTPUT/{{version.take_name}}", "extra_folders": """{{version.path}}/exports {{version.path}}/cache """, "type_for": "Shot" } self.test_versionType = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self._name_test_values = [ ("base name", "Base_Name"), ("123123 base_name", "Base_Name"), ("123432!+!'^+Base_NAme323^+'^%&+%&324", "Base_NAme323324"), (" ---base 9s_name", "Base_9s_Name"), (" ---base 9s-name", "Base_9s_Name"), (" multiple spaces are converted to under scores", "Multiple_Spaces_Are_Converted_To_Under_Scores"), ("camelCase", "CamelCase"), ("CamelCase", "CamelCase"), ("_Project_Setup_", "Project_Setup"), ("_PROJECT_SETUP_", "PROJECT_SETUP"), ("FUL_3D", "FUL_3D"), ("BaseName", "BaseName"), ("baseName", "BaseName"), (" baseName", "BaseName"), (" base name", "Base_Name"), (" 12base name", "Base_Name"), (" 12 base name", "Base_Name"), (" 12 base name 13", "Base_Name_13"), (">£#>$#£½$ 12 base £#$£#$£½¾{½{ name 13", "Base_Name_13"), ("_base_name_", "Base_Name"), ]
class VersionTypeTester(unittest.TestCase): """tests the VersionType class """ def setUp(self): """setup the test settings with environment variables """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # start of the setUp conf.database_url = "sqlite://" # create the environment variable and point it to a temp directory self.temp_config_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.temp_projects_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.environ["OYPROJECTMANAGER_PATH"] = self.temp_config_folder os.environ[conf.repository_env_key] = self.temp_projects_folder self.test_project = Project("TEST_PROJ1") self.test_project.create() self.kwargs = { # "project": self.test_project, "name": "Test VType", "code": "TVT", "path": "{{project.full_path}}/Sequences/{{sequence.code}}/SHOTS/{{version.base_name}}/{{type.code}}", "filename": "{{version.base_name}}_{{version.take_name}}_{{type.code}}_v{{'%03d'|format(version.version_number)}}_{{version.created_by.initials}}", "environments": ["MAYA", "HOUDINI"], "output_path": "SHOTS/{{version.base_name}}/{{type.code}}/OUTPUT/{{version.take_name}}", "extra_folders": """{{version.path}}/exports {{version.path}}/cache """, "type_for": "Shot" } self.test_versionType = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self._name_test_values = [ ("base name", "Base_Name"), ("123123 base_name", "Base_Name"), ("123432!+!'^+Base_NAme323^+'^%&+%&324", "Base_NAme323324"), (" ---base 9s_name", "Base_9s_Name"), (" ---base 9s-name", "Base_9s_Name"), (" multiple spaces are converted to under scores", "Multiple_Spaces_Are_Converted_To_Under_Scores"), ("camelCase", "CamelCase"), ("CamelCase", "CamelCase"), ("_Project_Setup_", "Project_Setup"), ("_PROJECT_SETUP_", "PROJECT_SETUP"), ("FUL_3D", "FUL_3D"), ("BaseName", "BaseName"), ("baseName", "BaseName"), (" baseName", "BaseName"), (" base name", "Base_Name"), (" 12base name", "Base_Name"), (" 12 base name", "Base_Name"), (" 12 base name 13", "Base_Name_13"), (">£#>$#£½$ 12 base £#$£#$£½¾{½{ name 13", "Base_Name_13"), ("_base_name_", "Base_Name"), ] def tearDown(self): """cleanup the test """ # set the db.session to None db.session = None # delete the temp folder shutil.rmtree(self.temp_config_folder) shutil.rmtree(self.temp_projects_folder) def test_name_argument_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the name argument is None """ self.kwargs["name"] = None self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_name_attribute_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the name attribute is set to None """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "name", None) def test_name_argument_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the name argument is not a string or unicode instance """ self.kwargs["name"] = 123 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_name_attribute_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the name argument is not a string or unicode instance """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "name", 8) def test_name_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the name argument is working properly and sets the name attribute correctly """ self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["name"], def test_name_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the name attribute is working properly """ test_value = "New Name" = test_value self.assertEqual(test_value, def test_name_attribute_is_not_unique(self): """testing if an IntegrityError error will be raised when the name argument is not unique """ # creating a new VersionType should raise the ?? error new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertRaises(IntegrityError, def test_code_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the code argument is skipped """ self.kwargs.pop("code") self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_code_argument_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the code argument is None """ self.kwargs["code"] = None self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_code_attribute_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the code attribute is set to None """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "code", None) def test_code_argument_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the code argument is not a string or unicode instance """ self.kwargs["code"] = 123 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_code_attribute_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the code argument is not a string or unicode instance """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "code", 8) def test_code_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the code argument is working properly and sets the code attribute correctly """ self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["code"], self.test_versionType.code) def test_code_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the code attribute is working properly """ test_value = "New Name" self.test_versionType.code = test_value self.assertEqual(test_value, self.test_versionType.code) def test_code_attribute_is_not_unique(self): """testing if an IntegrityError error will be raised when the code argument is not unique """ # creating a new VersionType should raise the IntegrityError self.kwargs["name"] = "A Different Name" new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertRaises(IntegrityError, def test_filename_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the filename argument is skipped """ self.kwargs.pop("filename") self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_filename_argument_is_empty_string(self): """testing if a ValueError will be raised when the filename argument is an empty string """ self.kwargs["filename"] = "" self.assertRaises(ValueError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_filename_attribute_is_empty_string(self): """testing if a ValueError will be raised when the filename attribute is set to an empty string """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "filename", "") def test_filename_argument_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the filename argument is not a string instance """ self.kwargs["filename"] = 13245 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_filename_attribute_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the filename attribute is not a string instance """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "filename", 23412) def test_filename_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the filename attribute is initialized correctly with the same value of the filename argument """ self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.filename, self.kwargs["filename"]) def test_filename_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the filename attribute is working properly """ test_value = "test_filename" self.test_versionType.filename = test_value self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.filename, test_value) def test_path_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the path argument is skipped """ self.kwargs.pop("path") self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_path_argument_is_empty_string(self): """testing if a ValueError will be raised when the path argument is an empty string """ self.kwargs["path"] = "" self.assertRaises(ValueError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_path_attribute_is_empty_string(self): """testing if a ValueError will be raised when the path attribute is set to an empty string """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "path", "") def test_path_argument_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the path argument is not a string instance """ self.kwargs["path"] = 13245 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_path_attribute_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the path attribute is not a string instance """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "path", 23412) def test_path_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the path attribute is initialized correctly with the same value of the path argument """ self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.path, self.kwargs["path"]) def test_path_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the path attribute is working properly """ test_value = "test_path" self.test_versionType.path = test_value self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.path, test_value) def test_output_path_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the output_path argument is skipped """ self.kwargs.pop("output_path") self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_output_path_argument_is_empty_string(self): """testing if a ValueError will be raised when the output_path argument is an empty string """ self.kwargs["output_path"] = "" self.assertRaises(ValueError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_output_path_attribute_is_empty_string(self): """testing if a ValueError will be raised when the output_path attribute is set to an empty string """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "output_path", "") def test_output_path_argument_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the output_path argument is not a string instance """ self.kwargs["output_path"] = 13245 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_output_path_attribute_is_not_a_string(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the output_path attribute is not a string instance """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "output_path", 23412) def test_output_path_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the output_path attribute is initialized correctly with the same value of the output_path argument """ self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.output_path, self.kwargs["output_path"]) def test_output_path_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the output_path attribute is working properly """ test_value = "test_output_path" self.test_versionType.output_path = test_value self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.output_path, test_value) def test_extra_folders_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if the extra_folders argument is skipped the extra_folders attribute will be an empty string """ self.kwargs.pop("extra_folders") new_version_type = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertEqual(new_version_type.extra_folders, "") def test_extra_folders_argument_is_None(self): """testing if the extra_folders attribute is going to be an empty string when the extra folders argument is given as None """ self.kwargs["extra_folders"] = None new_version_type = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertEqual(new_version_type.extra_folders, "") def test_extra_folders_attribute_is_None(self): """testing if the extra_folders attribute will be an empty list when it is set to None """ self.test_versionType.extra_folders = None self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.extra_folders, "") def test_extra_folders_argument_is_not_a_string_instance(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the extra_folders argument is not a string or unicode instance """ self.kwargs["extra_folders"] = 123 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_extra_folders_attribute_is_not_a_string_instance(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the extra_folders attribute is set to something other than a string or unicode instance """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "extra_folders", 23423) def test_extra_folders_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the extra_folders attribute will be set to the same value with the extra_folders argument while initialization """ self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.extra_folders, self.kwargs["extra_folders"]) def test_extra_folders_attribute_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the extra_folders attribute is working properly """ test_value = "extra_folders" self.test_versionType.extra_folders = test_value self.assertEqual(self.test_versionType.extra_folders, test_value) def test_environments_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments argument is skipped """ self.kwargs.pop("environments") self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_environments_argument_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments argument is None """ self.kwargs["environments"] = None self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_environments_attribute_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments attribute is set to None """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "environments", None) def test_environments_argument_is_not_a_list(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments argument is not a list instance """ self.kwargs["environments"] = 12354 self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_environments_attribute_is_not_a_list(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments attribute is set to something other than a list """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "environments", 123) def test_environments_argument_is_not_a_list_of_strings(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments argument is not a list of strings """ self.kwargs["environments"] = [123, "MAYA"] self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_environments_attribute_is_not_a_list_of_strings(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the environments attribute is not a list of strings """ self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "environments", [123, "MAYA"]) def test_environments_argument_works_properly(self): """testing if the environments attribute will be initialized correctly with the environments argument """ test_value = ["MAYA", "HOUDINI"] self.kwargs["environments"] = test_value new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) for env in test_value: self.assertTrue(env in new_vtype.environments) def test_environments_attribute_works_properly(self): """testing if the environments attribute is working properly """ test_value = ["MAYA", "HOUDINI", "NUKE", "3DEQUALIZER"] self.test_versionType.environments = test_value for env in test_value: self.assertTrue(env in self.test_versionType.environments) def test_type_for_argument_is_skipped(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the type_for argument is skipped """ self.kwargs.pop("type_for") self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_type_for_argument_is_None(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the type_for argument is None """ self.kwargs["type_for"] = None self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_type_for_argument_is_not_a_string_or_integer(self): """testing if a TypeError will be raised when the type_for argument is not a string or unicode or an integer """ self.kwargs["type_for"] = [12] self.assertRaises(TypeError, VersionType, **self.kwargs) def test_type_for_argument_is_working_properly(self): """testing if the type_for argument is working properly """ self.kwargs["name"] = "Test Animation" self.kwargs["code"] = "TA" self.kwargs["type_for"] = "Asset" new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) self.assertEqual(new_vtype.type_for, "Asset") def test_type_for_attribute_is_read_only(self): """testing if type_for attribute is read-only """ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, self.test_versionType, "type_for", "Asset") def test_save_method_saves_the_version_type_to_the_database(self): """testing if the save method saves the current VersionType to the database """ self.kwargs["name"] = "Test Animation" self.kwargs["code"] = "TA" new_vtype = VersionType(**self.kwargs) code = new_vtype.code environments = new_vtype.environments filename = new_vtype.filename name = output_path = new_vtype.output_path path = new_vtype.path type_for = new_vtype.type_for # del new_vtype new_vtypeDB = VersionType.query().\ filter_by(name=self.kwargs["name"]).first() self.assertEqual(code, new_vtypeDB.code) self.assertEqual(filename, new_vtypeDB.filename) self.assertEqual(name, self.assertEqual(output_path, new_vtypeDB.output_path) self.assertEqual(path, new_vtypeDB.path) self.assertEqual(type_for, new_vtypeDB.type_for) self.assertEqual(environments, new_vtypeDB.environments) def test__eq__(self): """testing the equality operator """ verst1 = VersionType(name="Test Type", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset") verst2 = VersionType(name="Test Type", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset") verst3 = VersionType(name="Test Type 2", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset") verst4 = VersionType(name="Test Type 3", code="TT3", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset") self.assertTrue(verst1 == verst2) self.assertFalse(verst1 == verst3) self.assertFalse(verst3 == verst4) def test__ne__(self): """testing the equality operator """ verst1 = VersionType(name="Test Type", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset") verst2 = VersionType(name="Test Type", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset") verst3 = VersionType(name="Test Type 2", code="TT", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset") verst4 = VersionType(name="Test Type 3", code="TT3", path="path", filename="filename", output_path="output_path", environments=["MAYA", "NUKE"], type_for="Asset") self.assertFalse(verst1 != verst2) self.assertTrue(verst1 != verst3) self.assertTrue(verst3 != verst4)
def test_shots_tableWidget_is_filled_with_Shot_data(self): """testing if the shots_tableWidget is filled with shot data properly """ db.setup() # create a project proj1 = Project('Test Project 1') proj2 = Project('Test Project 2') shot_vtypes = VersionType.query()\ .filter(VersionType.type_for=='Shot')\ .order_by(\ .all() admin = User.query().first() # seqs for proj1 seq1 = Sequence(proj1, 'Test Seq 1') seq2 = Sequence(proj1, 'Test Seq 2') # seqs for proj2 seq3 = Sequence(proj2, 'Test Seq 3') seq4 = Sequence(proj2, 'Test Seq 4') # shots for seq1 shot1 = Shot(seq1, 1) shot2 = Shot(seq1, 2) shot3 = Shot(seq1, 3) # shots for seq2 shot4 = Shot(seq2, 4) shot5 = Shot(seq2, 5) shot6 = Shot(seq2, 6) # shots for seq3 shot7 = Shot(seq3, 7) shot8 = Shot(seq3, 8) # shots for seq4 shot9 = Shot(seq4, 9) shot10 = Shot(seq4, 10) # versions for shot1 version1 = Version( version_of=shot1, base_name=shot1.code, type=shot_vtypes[0], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[0] ) version2 = Version( version_of=shot1, base_name=shot1.code, type=shot_vtypes[1], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[1] ) # versions for shot2 version3 = Version( version_of=shot2, base_name=shot2.code, type=shot_vtypes[2], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[2] ) version4 = Version( version_of=shot2, base_name=shot2.code, type=shot_vtypes[3], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[3], ) # versions for shot3 version5 = Version( version_of=shot3, base_name=shot3.code, type=shot_vtypes[4], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[4], ) version6 = Version( version_of=shot3, base_name=shot3.code, type=shot_vtypes[5], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[4], ) # versions for shot4 version7 = Version( version_of=shot4, base_name=shot4.code, type=shot_vtypes[5], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[4] ) version8 = Version( version_of=shot4, base_name=shot4.code, type=shot_vtypes[5], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[0] ) dialog = status_manager.MainDialog() # self.show_dialog(dialog) # start tests # set the project to project1 dialog.projects_comboBox.setCurrentIndex(0) #self.show_dialog(dialog) # asset1's vtypes[0] vtypes[1] vtypes[2] vtypes[3]'test is not finished yet!')
def test_assets_tableWidget_is_filled_with_Asset_data(self): """testing if the assets_tableWidget is filled with asset data properly """ db.setup() # create a project proj1 = Project('Test Project 1') proj2 = Project('Test Project 2') asset_vtypes = VersionType.query()\ .filter(VersionType.type_for=='Asset')\ .order_by(\ .all() admin = User.query().first() asset1 = Asset(proj1, 'Test Asset 1', type='Char') asset2 = Asset(proj1, 'Test Asset 2', type='Prop') asset3 = Asset(proj1, 'Test Asset 3', type='Environment') asset4 = Asset(proj1, 'Test Asset 4', type='Prop') # versions for asset1 version1 = Version( version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[0], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[0] ) version2 = Version( version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[1], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[1] ) version3 = Version( version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[2], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[2] ) # version for asset1 with different takes version4 = Version( version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[3], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[3], take_name='Test_A' ) version5 = Version( version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[4], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[4], take_name='Test_A' ) version6 = Version( version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[5], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[4], take_name='Test_B' ) version7 = Version( version_of=asset1, base_name=asset1.code, type=asset_vtypes[5], created_by=admin, status=conf.status_list[4], take_name='Test_B' ) dialog = status_manager.MainDialog() # self.show_dialog(dialog) # start tests # What we should see shoul be: # # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # | Thumbnail | Type | Name | Take | Asset Version Types | # +===========+=============+==============+========+=====================+ # | (IMAGE) | Char | Test Asset 1 | MAIN | ******************* | # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # | (IMAGE) | Char | Test Asset 1 | Test_A | ******************* | # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # | (IMAGE) | Char | Test Asset 1 | Test_B | ******************* | # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # | (IMAGE) | Environment | Test Asset 3 | ---- | ******************* | # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # | (IMAGE) | Prop | Test Asset 2 | ---- | ******************* | # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # | (IMAGE) | Prop | Test Asset 4 | ---- | ******************* | # +-----------+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------------+ # # set the project to project1 dialog.projects_comboBox.setCurrentIndex(0) # asset1's vtypes[0] vtypes[1] vtypes[2] vtypes[3] # set to assets dialog.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) #self.show_dialog(dialog) # expect to see 6 rows self.assertEqual(6, dialog.assets_tableWidget.rowCount()) # expect the assets types listed in the first column # first three should be Char dialog.assets_tableWidget.setCurrentCell(0, 1) self.assertEqual('Char', dialog.assets_tableWidget.currentItem().text()) dialog.assets_tableWidget.setCurrentCell(1, 1) self.assertEqual('Char', dialog.assets_tableWidget.currentItem().text()) dialog.assets_tableWidget.setCurrentCell(2, 1) self.assertEqual('Char', dialog.assets_tableWidget.currentItem().text()) # next should be Environment dialog.assets_tableWidget.setCurrentCell(3, 1) self.assertEqual( 'Environment', dialog.assets_tableWidget.currentItem().text() ) # the next two should be Prop dialog.assets_tableWidget.setCurrentCell(4, 1) self.assertEqual( 'Prop', dialog.assets_tableWidget.currentItem().text() ) dialog.assets_tableWidget.setCurrentCell(5, 1) self.assertEqual( 'Prop', dialog.assets_tableWidget.currentItem().text() )