def GetSystem(self, doQCMM=True, log=logFile, nbModel=None, qcModel=None): """Get the system with the energy model defined.""" # . Basic setup. molecule = MOLFile_ToSystem( os.path.join(self.dataPath, self.fileName + ".mol")) molecule.label = self.label molecule.DefineMMModel(self.mmModel) # . Set up the QC model. if qcModel is not None: molecule.electronicState = ElectronicState( charge=self.qcCharge, multiplicity=self.multiplicity) if doQCMM: molecule.DefineQCModel(qcModel, qcSelection=self.qcSelection) else: molecule.DefineQCModel(qcModel) # . Set up the NB model. if (qcModel is None) or doQCMM: if nbModel is None: molecule.DefineNBModel(self.nbModel) else: molecule.DefineNBModel(nbModel) # . Summary. if LogFileActive(log): molecule.Summary(log=log) log.Paragraph("\nFormula = " + molecule.atoms.FormulaString() + ".") # . Finish up. return molecule
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Paths. dataPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE"), "data", "mol") log = self.GetLog() # . Get the system. molecule = MOLFile_ToSystem( os.path.join(dataPath, "tyrosineDipeptide.mol")) molecule.DefineMMModel(MMModelOPLS("protein")) molecule.DefineNBModel(NBModelFull()) molecule.Summary(log=log) molecule.Energy(log=log, doGradients=True) # . Save initial coordinates. reference3 = Clone(molecule.coordinates3) # . Do some dynamics. normalDeviateGenerator = NormalDeviateGenerator.WithRandomNumberGenerator( RandomNumberGenerator.WithSeed(247171)) LangevinDynamics_SystemGeometry( molecule, collisionFrequency=25.0, log=log, logFrequency=1000, normalDeviateGenerator=normalDeviateGenerator, steps=_NSteps, temperature=300.0, timeStep=0.001) # . Check RMSs which should be the same as rotation and translation are removed. masses = molecule.atoms.GetItemAttributes("mass") rms0 = molecule.coordinates3.RMSDeviation(reference3, weights=masses) molecule.coordinates3.Superimpose(reference3, weights=masses) rms1 = molecule.coordinates3.RMSDeviation(reference3, weights=masses) # . Get the observed and reference data. observed = {"RMS Deviation": rms1} referenceData = TestDataSet("Rotation/Translation Removal") referenceData.AddDatum( TestReal("RMS Deviation", rms0, referenceData, absoluteErrorTolerance=_RMSAbsoluteErrorTolerance, toleranceFormat="{:.3f}", valueFormat="{:.3f}")) # . Check for success/failure. if len(observed) > 0: results = referenceData.VerifyAgainst(observed) results.Summary(log=log, fullSummary=self.fullVerificationSummary) isOK = results.WasSuccessful() else: isOK = True self.assertTrue(isOK)
def runTest ( self ): """The test.""" # . Initialization. isOK = True numberErrors = 0 # . Output setup. dataPath = os.path.join ( os.getenv ( "PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE" ), "data", "mol" ) log = self.GetLog ( ) # . Get the files. molFiles = glob.glob ( os.path.join ( dataPath, "*.mol" ) ) molFiles.sort ( ) # . Loop over the files. for ( i, molFile ) in enumerate ( molFiles ): try: # . Get the system. system = MOLFile_ToSystem ( molFile ) system.Summary ( log = log ) # . Convert to PDB component. component = PDBComponent.FromSystem ( system, label = ( "{:03d}".format ( i ) ) ) component.Summary ( log = log ) # . Convert back to a system. system = component.ToSystem ( ) system.Summary ( log = log ) # . Finish up. log.Separator ( ) # . Error. except Exception as e: numberErrors += 1 if log is not None: log.Text ( "\nError occurred> " + e.args[0] + "\n" ) # . Success/failure. self.assertTrue ( isOK and ( numberErrors == 0 ) )
def runTest ( self ): """The test.""" # . Paths. dataPath = os.path.join ( os.getenv ( "PDYNAMO_ROOT" ), "molecularStructures", "aminoAcids", "mol" ) log = self.GetLog ( ) # . Models. mmModel = MMModelOPLS ( "protein" ) nbModel = NBModelFull ( ) # . Get all files. molFiles = glob.glob ( os.path.join ( dataPath, "*.mol" ) ) molFiles.sort ( ) # . Read all mol files. numberFailed = 0 for molFile in molFiles: if log is not None: log.Text ( "\nProcessing " + molFile + ":\n" ) molecule = MOLFile_ToSystem ( molFile ) try: molecule.DefineMMModel ( mmModel, log = log ) molecule.DefineNBModel ( nbModel ) molecule.Summary ( log = log ) molecule.Energy ( log = log, doGradients = True ) except Exception as e: numberFailed += 1 if log is not None: log.Text ( "\nError occurred> " + e.args[0] + "\n" ) # . Summary of results. if log is not None: summary = log.GetSummary ( ) summary.Start ( "OPLS Protein Parameter Tests" ) summary.Entry ( "Successes", "{:d}".format ( len ( molFiles ) - numberFailed ) ) summary.Entry ( "Failures" , "{:d}".format ( numberFailed ) ) summary.Stop ( ) # . Success/failure. self.assertTrue ( ( numberFailed == 0 ) )
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Paths. dataPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE"), "data") molPath = os.path.join(dataPath, "mol") xyzPath = os.path.join(dataPath, "bAlaConformations") log = self.GetLog() # . Conformations. xyzFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(xyzPath, "*.xyz")) xyzFiles.sort() # . Generate the molecule. molecule = MOLFile_ToSystem(os.path.join(molPath, "bAla_c7eq.mol")) molecule.Summary(log=log) # . Initialization. isOK = True # . Loop over the structures in the xyz files. for xyzFile in xyzFiles: molecule.coordinates3 = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3(xyzFile) if log is not None: conformation = os.path.split(xyzFile)[-1].split("_", 1)[-1][0:-4] log.Heading("bALA Configuration " + conformation, QBLANKLINE=True) results = CIPLabelFinder(molecule, log=log) if results is None: localIsOK = False else: ((tCenters, rtCenters, stCenters, utCenters), (dCenters, edCenters, zdCenters, udCenters)) = results localIsOK = ( len ( tCenters ) == 4 ) and ( len ( dCenters ) == 0 ) and \ ( len ( stCenters ) == 1 ) and ( len ( utCenters ) == 3 ) isOK = (isOK and localIsOK) # . Success/failure. self.assertTrue(isOK)
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Paths. dataPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE"), "data") molPath = os.path.join(dataPath, "mol") xyzPath = os.path.join(dataPath, "bAlaConformations") log = self.GetLog() # . Conformations. xyzFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(xyzPath, "*.xyz")) xyzFiles.sort() # . Generate the molecule. molecule = MOLFile_ToSystem(os.path.join(molPath, "bAla_c7eq.mol")) molecule.Summary(log=log) # . Translate to principal axes using masses as weights. masses = molecule.atoms.GetItemAttributes("mass") molecule.coordinates3.ToPrincipalAxes(weights=masses) # . Loop over structures and output at the same time. if log is not None: table = log.GetTable(columns=[20, 10]) table.Start() table.Title("Radii Of Gyration") table.Heading("Conformation") table.Heading("Value") for xyzFile in xyzFiles: conformation = os.path.split(xyzFile)[-1].split("_", 1)[-1][0:-4] coordinates3 = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3(xyzFile) radiusOfGyration = coordinates3.RadiusOfGyration( weights=masses) table.Entry(conformation, alignment="left") table.Entry("{:.2f}".format(radiusOfGyration)) table.Stop() # . Success/failure. self.assertTrue(True)
def GetSystem(self, log=logFile, maximumAtoms=None): """Get the system with the energy model defined.""" # . Get the QC model options. convergerKeywords = getattr(self, "convergerKeywords", {}) qcModelArguments = getattr(self, "qcModelArguments", []) qcModelClass = getattr(self, "qcModelClass", None) qcModelKeywords = getattr(self, "qcModelKeywords", {}) # . Basic setup. if self.fileFormat == "mol": molecule = MOLFile_ToSystem( os.path.join(self.dataPath, self.fileName + ".mol")) elif self.fileFormat == "xyz": molecule = XYZFile_ToSystem( os.path.join(self.dataPath, self.fileName + ".xyz")) molecule.electronicState = ElectronicState( charge=getattr(self, "charge", 0), multiplicity=getattr(self, "multiplicity", 1)) molecule.label = self.label # . Only keep the molecule if it is not too large. if (maximumAtoms is None) or ((maximumAtoms is not None) and (len(molecule.atoms) <= maximumAtoms)): # . Define the QC model. if qcModelClass is not None: converger = DIISSCFConverger(**convergerKeywords) kwargs = dict(qcModelKeywords) kwargs["converger"] = converger qcModel = qcModelClass(*qcModelArguments, **kwargs) molecule.DefineQCModel(qcModel, log=log) # . Summary. if LogFileActive(log): molecule.Summary(log=log) log.Paragraph("\nFormula = " + molecule.atoms.FormulaString() + ".") # . Molecule rejected. else: molecule = None # . Finish up. return molecule
def runTest ( self ): """The test.""" # . Paths. dataPath = os.path.join ( os.getenv ( "PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE" ), "data", "mol" ) if self.resultPath is None: outPath = os.path.join ( os.getenv ( "PDYNAMO_SCRATCH" ), _Destination ) else: outPath = os.path.join ( self.resultPath , _Destination ) if not os.path.exists ( outPath ): os.mkdir ( outPath ) log = self.GetLog ( ) # . Energy models. mmModel = MMModelOPLS ( "protein" ) nbModel = NBModelFull ( ) qcModel = QCModelMNDO ( converger = DIISSCFConverger ( densityTolerance = 1.0e-10 ) ) # . Initialization. numberFailures = 0 # . Loop over molecules. for moleculeLabel in _MoleculeLabels: # . Get the system. system = MOLFile_ToSystem ( os.path.join ( dataPath, moleculeLabel + ".mol" ) ) if moleculeLabel in _QCModels: system.DefineQCModel ( qcModel ) else: system.DefineMMModel ( mmModel, log = log ) system.DefineNBModel ( nbModel ) system.Summary ( log = log ) system.Energy ( log = log ) # . Minimize well. LBFGSMinimize_SystemGeometry ( system, log = log , logFrequency = _LogFrequency , maximumIterations = _Iterations , rmsGradientTolerance = _Tolerance ) # . Normal mode analysis. nmState = NormalModes_SystemGeometry ( system, log = log ) # . Do a dynamics simulation: equilibration and then data collection. normalDeviateGenerator = NormalDeviateGenerator.WithRandomNumberGenerator ( RandomNumberGenerator.WithSeed ( _Seed ) ) LangevinDynamics_SystemGeometry ( system , collisionFrequency = _CollisionFrequency , log = log , logFrequency = _LogFrequency , normalDeviateGenerator = normalDeviateGenerator , steps = _NSteps0 , temperature = _Temperature , timeStep = 0.001 ) reference3 = Clone ( system.coordinates3 ) trajectory = AmberTrajectoryFileWriter ( os.path.join ( outPath, moleculeLabel + ".crd" ), system ) LangevinDynamics_SystemGeometry ( system , collisionFrequency = _CollisionFrequency , log = log , logFrequency = _LogFrequency , normalDeviateGenerator = normalDeviateGenerator , steps = _NSteps1 , temperature = _Temperature , timeStep = 0.001 , trajectories = [ ( trajectory, _SaveFrequency ) ] ) # . Check RMSs. masses = system.atoms.GetItemAttributes ( "mass" ) rms0 = system.coordinates3.RMSDeviation ( reference3, weights = masses ) system.coordinates3.Superimpose ( reference3, weights = masses ) rms1 = system.coordinates3.RMSDeviation ( reference3, weights = masses ) if ( math.fabs ( rms1 - rms0 ) >= _RMSAbsoluteErrorTolerance ): numberFailures += 1 # . Do a quasi-harmonic analysis. trajectory = AmberTrajectoryFileReader ( os.path.join ( outPath, moleculeLabel + ".crd" ), system ) qhState = QuasiHarmonic_SystemGeometry ( system, log = log, temperature = _Temperature, trajectories = [ trajectory ] ) # . Success/failure. self.assertTrue ( ( numberFailures == 0 ) )
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Paths. dataPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE"), "data", "mol") log = self.GetLog() # . Energy models. mmModel = MMModelOPLS("protein") nbModel = NBModelFull() # . Get the files. molFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(dataPath, "*.mol")) # . Initialization. numberErrors = 0 numberFailures = 0 # . Loop over the files. for molFile in molFiles: try: # . Get the system. try: system = MOLFile_ToSystem(molFile) system.DefineMMModel(mmModel, log=log) system.DefineNBModel(nbModel) system.Summary(log=log) except: continue # . Calculate an energy. eBefore = system.Energy(log=log, doGradients=True) # . Define all hydrogen positions as undefined. for (i, atom) in enumerate(system.atoms): if atom.atomicNumber == 1: system.coordinates3.FlagCoordinateAsUndefined(i) # . Build as many undefined coordinates as possible. randomNumberGenerator = RandomNumberGenerator.WithSeed(957197) BuildHydrogenCoordinates3FromConnectivity( system, log=log, randomNumberGenerator=randomNumberGenerator) # . Calculate an energy if all coordinates have been defined. if system.coordinates3.numberUndefined > 0: numberFailures += 1 if log is not None: log.Paragraph("Not all hydrogens have been rebuilt.") else: eAfter = system.Energy(log=log, doGradients=True) if log is not None: log.Paragraph( "Energy difference after rebuilding = {:.1f}.". format(eAfter - eBefore)) except Exception as e: numberErrors += 1 if log is not None: log.Text("\nError occurred> " + e.args[0] + "\n") # . Success/failure. self.assertTrue(((numberErrors == 0) and (numberFailures == 0)))
# . Define the solvent MM and NB models. mmModel = MMModelOPLS ( "bookSmallExamples" ) # . Get the system. system = Unpickle ( os.path.join ( outPath, "step7.pkl" ) ) system.Summary ( ) # . Reorient the system if necessary (see the results of masses = system.atoms.GetItemAttributes ( "mass" ) if _Reorient: system.coordinates3.ToPrincipalAxes ( weights = masses ) # . Get the positive and negative ions. if _NNegative > 0: anion = MOLFile_ToSystem ( os.path.join ( dataPath, _NegativeIon + ".mol" ) ) anion.DefineMMModel ( mmModel ) anion.Summary ( ) if _NPositive > 0: cation = MOLFile_ToSystem ( os.path.join ( dataPath, _PositiveIon + ".mol" ) ) cation.DefineMMModel ( mmModel ) cation.Summary ( ) # . Add the counterions. newSystem = AddCounterIons ( system, _NNegative, anion, _NPositive, cation, ( _XBox, _YBox, _ZBox ) ) # . Save the combined system. newSystem.configuration.Clear ( ) Pickle ( os.path.join ( outPath, "step8_a.pkl" ), newSystem ) # . Print PDB file. PDBFile_FromSystem ( os.path.join ( outPath, "step8_a.pdb" ), newSystem )
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Output setup. dataPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE"), "data", "mol") log = self.GetLog() # . Define the MM, NB and QC models. mmModel = MMModelOPLS("bookSmallExamples") nbModel = NBModelFull() qcModel = QCModelMNDO() # . Define the dimer with an MM model. dimer = MOLFile_ToSystem(os.path.join(dataPath, "waterDimer_cs.mol")) dimer.DefineMMModel(mmModel) dimer.Summary(log=log) # . Define the monomer selections. selection1 = Selection.FromIterable(range(0, 3)) selection2 = Selection.FromIterable(range(3, 6)) # . Get the monomer energies. e1 = self.MonomerEnergies(dimer, selection1, nbModel, qcModel, log=log) e2 = self.MonomerEnergies(dimer, selection2, nbModel, qcModel, log=log) # . Get the binding energies. e12 = {} for model1 in _Models: for model2 in _Models: key = model1 + " " + model2 if log is not None: log.Heading(model1 + "/" + model2 + " Dimer Calculation", QBLANKLINE=True) # . Define the energy model. if key == "QC QC": dimer.DefineQCModel(qcModel) elif key == "QC MM": dimer.DefineQCModel(qcModel, qcSelection=selection1) elif key == "MM QC": dimer.DefineQCModel(qcModel, qcSelection=selection2) else: dimer.energyModel.ClearQCModel(dimer.configuration) if "MM" in key: dimer.DefineNBModel(nbModel) dimer.Summary(log=log) # . Store the results. e12[key] = dimer.Energy(log=log) - e1[model1] - e2[model2] # . Output the results. if log is not None: keys = e12.keys() keys.sort() table = log.GetTable(columns=[20, 20, 20]) table.Start() table.Title("Water Dimer Binding Energies") table.Heading("Monomer 1") table.Heading("Monomer 2") table.Heading("Binding Energy") for key in keys: (model1, model2) = key.split() table.Entry(model1) table.Entry(model2) table.Entry("{:.1f}".format(e12[key])) table.Stop() # . Success/failure. isOK = True for e in e12.values(): if (e < _LowerBound) or (e > _UpperBound): isOK = False break self.assertTrue(isOK)
# takes no (interesting) arguments. # # . Note on scratch names: # # It has been noticed that ORCA itself can give an error when the name of the scratch directory is too long. # This occurs in the "%pcname" line of the ORCA input file. To cure this use a shorter name - either by resetting # the environment variable PDYNAMO_SCRATCH or by explicitly passing a name to the model with the "scratch" option. # # . Define the MM, NB and QC models. mmModel = MMModelOPLS("bookSmallExamples") nbModel = NBModelORCA() qcModel = QCModelORCA("MP2:6-31G*", "EXTREMESCF", "SCFCONV10") # . Define the molecule. molecule = MOLFile_ToSystem( os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE"), "data", "mol", "waterDimer_cs.mol")) # . Define the selection for the first molecule. firstWater = Selection.FromIterable([0, 1, 2]) # . Define the energy model. molecule.DefineMMModel(mmModel) molecule.DefineQCModel(qcModel, qcSelection=firstWater) molecule.DefineNBModel(nbModel) molecule.Summary() # . Calculate an energy. molecule.Energy(doGradients=True)
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Initialization. dataPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE"), "data", "mol") log = self.GetLog() translation = Vector3.Uninitialized() # . Get the individual systems. energies = [] molecules = [] for (i, label) in enumerate(_Molecules): molecule = MOLFile_ToSystem(os.path.join(dataPath, label + ".mol")) molecule.label = label molecule.DefineMMModel(_mmModel) molecule.DefineNBModel(_nbModel) molecule.Summary(log=log) molecule.coordinates3.TranslateToCenter() molecule.configuration.Clear() energies.append(molecule.Energy(log=log, doGradients=True)) molecules.append(molecule) # . Data initialization. observed = {} referenceData = TestDataSet("Merge/Prune Energies") # . Loop over the tests. for (testIndex, (moleculeFrequencies, moleculePruneIndices)) in enumerate(_Tests): # . Heading. if log is not None: log.Heading("Merge/Prune Test {:d}".format(testIndex), QBLANKLINE=True) # . Initialization. mergedEnergy = 0.0 prunedEnergy = 0.0 translation.Set(0.0) # . Gather items. index = 0 numberAtoms = 0 pruneIndices = [] toMerge = [] for (i, frequency) in enumerate(moleculeFrequencies): molecule = molecules[i] mergedEnergy += energies[i] * frequency for f in range(frequency): cloned = Clone(molecule) translation[0] += _Displacement cloned.coordinates3.Translate(translation) toMerge.append(cloned) if index in moleculePruneIndices: pruneIndices.extend( range(numberAtoms, numberAtoms + len(cloned.atoms))) prunedEnergy += energies[i] index += 1 numberAtoms += len(cloned.atoms) # . Merging. merged = toMerge[0].Merge(toMerge[1:]) merged.Summary(log=log) eMerged = merged.Energy(log=log) # . Pruning. pruned = merged.Prune(Selection.FromIterable(pruneIndices)) pruned.Summary(log=log) ePruned = pruned.Energy(log=log) # . Get the observed and reference data. for (tag, eObserved, eReference) in (("Merged Energy {:d}".format(testIndex), eMerged, mergedEnergy), ("Pruned Energy {:d}".format(testIndex), ePruned, prunedEnergy)): observed[tag] = eObserved referenceData.AddDatum( TestReal( tag, eReference, referenceData, absoluteErrorTolerance=_EnergyAbsoluteErrorTolerance, toleranceFormat="{:.3f}", valueFormat="{:.3f}")) # . Finish up. if log is not None: log.Separator() # . Check for success/failure. if len(observed) > 0: results = referenceData.VerifyAgainst(observed) results.Summary(log=log, fullSummary=self.fullVerificationSummary) isOK = results.WasSuccessful() else: isOK = True # . Success/failure. self.assertTrue(isOK)
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Initialization. isOK = True log = self.GetLog() molPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE"), "data", "mol") # . Options. converger = DIISSCFConverger(densityTolerance=1.0e-6, maximumSCFCycles=500) qcModel = QCModelMNDO("am1", converger=converger, isSpinRestricted=False) singlet = ElectronicState(charge=1, multiplicity=1) triplet = ElectronicState(charge=1, multiplicity=3) # . Optimizer. optimizer = QuasiNewtonMinimizer(logFrequency=1, maximumIterations=500, rmsGradientTolerance=0.05) optimizer.Summary(log=log) # . Set up the system. system = MOLFile_ToSystem(os.path.join(molPath, "phenylCation.mol")) system.electronicState = singlet system.label = "Phenyl Cation" system.DefineQCModel(qcModel) system.Summary(log=log) # . Check both methods. numberNotConverged = 0 results = {} for method in ("GP", "PF"): # . Reset coordinates. system.coordinates3 = MOLFile_ToCoordinates3( os.path.join(molPath, "phenylCation.mol")) system.configuration.Clear() # . Set up the objective function. seamOF = SEAMObjectiveFunction.FromSystem(system, singlet, triplet, method=method) #seamOF.RemoveRotationTranslation ( ) # . Minimize. #seamOF.TestGradients ( delta = 1.0e-05 ) # . Works with 1.0e-10 density tolerance. cpu = CPUTime() report = optimizer.Iterate(seamOF, log=log) report["CPU Time"] = cpu.CurrentAsString() # . Final energies. (f1, f2) = seamOF.Energies(doGradients=True, log=log) report["Energy 1"] = f1 report["Energy 2"] = f2 results[method] = report if not report.get("Converged", False): numberNotConverged += 1 # . Print out a summary of the results. if LogFileActive(log): table = log.GetTable(columns=[10, 20, 20, 10, 10, 20]) table.Start() table.Title("Surface Crossing Optimizations") table.Heading("Method") table.Heading("State Energies", columnSpan=2) table.Heading("Converged") table.Heading("Calls") table.Heading("Time") for method in ("GP", "PF"): report = results[method] table.Entry(method, alignment="left") table.Entry("{:20.1f}".format(report["Energy 1"])) table.Entry("{:20.1f}".format(report["Energy 2"])) table.Entry("{!r}".format(report.get("Converged", False))) table.Entry("{:d}".format(report["Function Calls"])) table.Entry(report["CPU Time"]) table.Stop() # . Finish up. self.assertTrue(numberNotConverged == 0)