def run(self): list_a = ['jx_fk28', 'jx_hg28', 'jx_pc28', 'yz_js28', 'yz_xy28', 'le_js28', 'le_xy28'] mydb = p_mysql.MySQL() sql = "select * from " + list_a[self.var1] + " where vote_time like '%" + str( self.var2) + "%' ORDER by period DESC limit 1000" # print(sql) result = mydb.query(sql) # result = cur.fetchall() # print(result) for index, i in enumerate(result): row = (index,) data = i + row # print(data) self.update_table.emit(data) time.sleep(0.01)
def update_table_combobox(self, var): if var != '': self.combox.clear() # conn = sqlite3.connect('shuju.db') # cur = conn.cursor() mydb = p_mysql.MySQL() if str(var) == "yz_js28" or str(var) == "yz_xy28": sql_1 = "select DISTINCT substr(vote_time,1,5) from " + str(var) + " order by vote_time" else: sql_1 = "select DISTINCT substr(vote_time,1,6) from " + str(var) + " order by vote_time" # sql_1 = 'select DISTINCT substr(vote_time,1,6) from js28 ORDER BY vote_time' print(sql_1) # cur.execute(sql_1) # result = cur.fetchall() result = mydb.query(sql_1) print(result) if result: for a in result: self.combox.addItem(str(a[0])) self.combox.setCurrentIndex(0)
def remaxwrong(self): maxdb = p_mysql.MySQL() sql = 'select * from le_js28 order by period DESC limit 300' result_list = maxdb.query(sql) xwrong = 0 retperiod = 0 for index, x in enumerate(result_list[:-5]): # 当前期结果为 current_result = x[2] current_period = x[0] s1 = int(result_list[index + 1][2]) s2 = int(result_list[index + 2][2]) s3 = int(result_list[index + 3][2]) s4 = int(result_list[index + 4][2]) s5 = int(result_list[index + 5][2]) # print(current_period, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5) if s1 < 14: vode_dx = 0 if s2 > 13 : vode_dx = 1 else: vode_dx = 1 if s2 < 14 : vode_dx = 0 if vode_dx == 0 and int(current_result) < 14: xwrong = 0 if vode_dx == 0 and int(current_result) > 13: xwrong = xwrong + 1 if vode_dx == 1 and int(current_result) > 13: xwrong = 0 if vode_dx == 1 and int(current_result) < 14: xwrong = xwrong + 1 if xwrong == 6: retperiod = result_list[index][0] del maxdb return retperiod del maxdb return retperiod
def q_curr_period(self): first_run = 0 jishu = 0 multiple = [1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 34, 55, 89, 144, 1, 1] maxwrong = 6 global moni firstflag_vote = '' current_period = '' vote_retime = 0 endf = 1 wrong = 0 wrongflag = False vote_list = [] toufayu=False self.header = {"Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "zh-cn", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Connection": "Keep-Alive", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host": "", "Referer": "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"} self.url = '' while True: yinshu = 2 list_v = [] c_time = time.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime(time.time())) try: gol_cookies['cGlobal[last]'] = str(int(time.time())) req = requests.get(self.url, cookies=gol_cookies, headers=self.header) # print('查询页面时使用的全局cookies', gol_cookies) soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'lxml') # 查询当前投注信息 vote_info = soup.find_all('script', attrs={'type': 'text/javascript'}) # 第一步 找到当前期 这里必然找出当前期,目的是为了投注。 if vote_info != None: try: temp_a = re.findall(r"parseInt\(\"(.+?)\"\)", vote_info[2].text) temp_b = re.findall(r"fTimingNO = \"(.+?)\";", vote_info[2].text) current_period = temp_b[0] vote_retime = int(temp_a[0]) if vote_retime > 9: self.up_dt_info.emit('当前期' + current_period + '剩余' + str(vote_retime) + '秒投注') else: self.up_dt_info.emit(str(current_period) + '截止投注') except Exception as e: self.up_dt_info.emit('搜索javascrpt出错,错误信息,%s' % traceback.format_exc()) if current_period != '': # 添加保存第一次金币部分 self.up_table_info.emit(req.text) try: current_jinbi = ( soup.find('span', attrs={'style': 'padding-left:10px;'}).find_next_sibling( 'span').string).replace( ',', '') except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) if firstflag_vote == '': firstflag_vote = current_period firstflag_jinbi = current_jinbi config = configparser.ConfigParser()"Config_lezhuan.ini") config_title = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) try: config.add_section(config_title) config.set(config_title, "starttime:", config_title) config.set(config_title, "firstvote:", firstflag_vote) config.set(config_title, "firstjinbi", firstflag_jinbi) config.write(open("Config_lezhuan.ini", "w")) tempa = config.sections() newa = [] findtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(time.time())) # print(findtime) for x in tempa: # print(x.find(findtime)) if x.find(findtime) >= 0: newa.append(x) todayfirstjinbi = int(config.get(newa[0], 'firstjinbi')) except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Section already exists") # 循环采集部分 mydb = p_mysql.MySQL() # 查询数据库最后一期,然后显示出来 sql_text = "select period from le_js28 ORDER BY period DESC limit 1" sql_re = mydb.query(sql_text) if len(sql_re) <= 0: endf = 67 else: endf = int((int(current_period) - int(sql_re[0][0])) / 25) + 1 if endf >= 67: endf = 67 self.up_dt_info.emit("需采集" + str(endf) + "页数") x = 1 while x <= endf: self.up_dt_info.emit("开始采集,第" + str(x) + "页") pdata = {'p': x} try: if x == 1: req_one = req else: req_one = requests.get(self.url, cookies=gol_cookies, headers=self.header, params=pdata) soup = BeautifulSoup(req_one.text, 'lxml') for y in soup.find_all('tr'): if str(y).find('已结束') > 0: res = y.find_all('td') period = res[0].text vote_time = res[1].text jcjg = re.findall(r'\d+', str(res[2].find_all('img')[-1]))[0] # print(period, vote_time, jcjg) sql = "insert into le_js28 values ('" + period + "','" + vote_time + "','" + str( jcjg) + "')" mydb.query(sql) time.sleep(0.5) x = x + 1 except Exception as e: self.up_dt_info.emit("采集过程中,页面信息问题,重新采集该页") x = x - 1 if x <= 0: x = 1 self.up_dt_info.emit("采集完成") if first_run == 0: self.up_dt_info.emit('先搜索最近的一次错6') remax = self.remaxwrong() first_run = 1 self.up_statusinfo.emit('第一次查询错六为: ' + str(remax) + " 期") self.up_dt_info.emit('搜索结束') # 每一次,必须采集完成后,才开始从数据库中拿数据判断 if vote_list: # 如果不为空,说明上一次投注了,判断是否正确。 try: vote_period = str(vote_list[-1]).strip() sql = "select * from le_js28 where period='" + vote_period + "' limit 1" redata = mydb.query(sql) last_vote = redata[0][2] # print('返回列表', vote_list, '查找返回投注期的结果', last_vote[0]) self.up_dt_info.emit('上期投注列表' + str(vote_list)) if int(last_vote) in vote_list: print('投注正确,倍率清空') self.up_lastinfo.emit((vote_period, '', '', last_vote, '正确', '')) wrong = 0 if wrongflag == True and moni == 1: wrongflag = False toufayu = True jishu = 0 moni = 0 else: self.up_lastinfo.emit((vote_period, '', '', last_vote, '错误', '')) if int(last_vote) > 0: # print('投注错误,次数加 1 ,错误次数:', wrong) wrong = wrong + 1 if wrong >= maxwrong: wrongflag = True moni = 1 except Exception as e: self.up_dt_info.emit("查询已投注的结果错误:%s" % traceback.format_exc()) # --------------------------------------------------- s1 = str(int(current_period) - 1) s2 = str(int(current_period) - 2) s3 = str(int(current_period) - 3) s4 = str(int(current_period) - 4) sql = "select * from le_js28 where period='" + s1 + "' or period='" + s2 + "' or period='" + s3 + "' or period='" + s4 + "' order by period DESC" # print(sql) redata_1 = mydb.query(sql) print(redata_1) last_1 = redata_1[0][2] last_2 = redata_1[1][2] last_3 = redata_1[2][2] last_4 = redata_1[3][2] print(last_1, last_2, last_3, last_4) if vote_retime > 9: if moni == 0: if jishu >= 5 and wrong == 0: toufayu = False if toufayu == True: yinshu = 10 jishu = jishu + 1 if jishu >= 220 and wrong<=2: moni = 1 jishu = 0 print('lezhuan,最大错:', maxwrong, '当前错误', wrong, "金币:", '倍数', yinshu, '模拟', moni, '投注次数', jishu, '错标', wrongflag, '偷发育', toufayu) list_v = daxiao_1(last_1, last_2, last_3, last_4, multiple[wrong], yinshu) if list_v: vote_list = vote_thing(current_period, list_v) if int(vote_list[0]) < 10: dd = '小' else: dd = '大' self.up_curinfo.emit((current_period, multiple[wrong] * yinshu * 500, jishu, wrong, int(current_jinbi) - todayfirstjinbi, moni, dd)) else: vote_list = [] self.up_curinfo.emit((current_period, '', '', '', '', moni, '')) del mydb dealy_time = vote_retime + 28 self.up_dt_info.emit('延时%s刷新' % dealy_time) for m in range(dealy_time, -1, -1): self.up_lcd_num.emit(m) time.sleep(1) else: self.up_dt_info.emit("当前期都没找到,继续延时30秒查找") except Exception as e: print('traceback.format_exc():%s' % traceback.format_exc()) self.up_dt_info.emit("访问网站出错,等待10秒,重新访问" + repr(e)) time.sleep(5)
def xunhuan(self, gol_cookies): wrong = 0 first_run = 0 jishu = 0 toufayu = False multiple = [1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 34, 55, 89, 144, 1, 1] maxwrong = 6 global moni firstflag_vote = '' current_period = '' vote_retime = 0 endf = 1 wrongflag = False vote_list = [] self.header = { "Accept": "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN", "Connection": "Keep-Alive", "Host": "", "Referer": "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64;Trident/5.0)" } post_head = { "Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "zh-cn", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Connection": "Keep-Alive", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "Host": "", "Referer": "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest" } self.url = '' yinshu = 1 list_v = [] czlst = [] c_time = time.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime(time.time())) try: req = requests.get(self.url, cookies=gol_cookies, headers=self.header) soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'lxml') # 查询当前投注信息 vote_info = soup.find('p', attrs={'class': 'time-static1'}) # 第一步 找到当前期 这里必然找出当前期,目的是为了投注。 if vote_info != None: if (vote_info.text).find('正在开奖') > 0: print('正在开奖,等待5秒') time.sleep(5) else: # 如果没有开奖,则查询当前投注期 try: vote_current = vote_info.find_all('span') # 结束标识,查询 end_flag = (vote_info.text).find('截止投注') if end_flag > 0: # 即使投注了,当前期也需要展示出来,为投注判断 print(vote_current[0].string + '期已经截止投注') current_period = vote_current[0].string else: print('当前期' + vote_current[0].string + '剩余' + vote_current[1].string + '秒投注') vote_retime = int(vote_current[1].string) current_period = vote_current[0].string except Exception as e: print('搜索资料出错,列表错误') print('traceback.format_exc():%s' % traceback.format_exc()) if current_period != '': # 添加保存第一次金币部分 try: current_jinbi = (soup.find('span', attrs={ 'class': 'J_udou' }).string).replace(',', '') except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) if firstflag_vote == '': firstflag_vote = current_period firstflag_jinbi = current_jinbi config = configparser.ConfigParser()"Config_jxyfk28.ini") config_title = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) try: config.add_section(config_title) config.set(config_title, "starttime:", config_title) config.set(config_title, "firstvote:", firstflag_vote) config.set(config_title, "firstjinbi", firstflag_jinbi) config.write(open("Config_jxyfk28.ini", "w")) tempa = config.sections() newa = [] findtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(time.time())) # print(findtime) for x in tempa: # print(x.find(findtime)) if x.find(findtime) >= 0: newa.append(x) todayfirstjinbi = int(config.get( newa[0], 'firstjinbi')) except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Section already exists") # 循环采集部分 mydb = p_mysql.MySQL() # 查询数据库最后一期,然后显示出来 sql_text = "select period from jx_fk28 ORDER BY period DESC limit 1" sql_re = mydb.query(sql_text) if len(sql_re) <= 0: endf = 44 else: endf = int( (int(current_period) - int(sql_re[0][0])) / 25) + 1 if endf >= 44: endf = 44 self.up_dt_info.emit("需采集" + str(endf) + "页数") w = 1 while w <= endf: self.up_dt_info.emit("开始采集,第" + str(w) + "页---") try: base_time = int(time.time()) * 1000 x_sign = baseN(base_time, 36) # 为header字典添加一个X-sign标识,毫秒级时间戳36进制 post_head['X-Sign'] = x_sign # 服务器接受str格式,把字典格式json格式转化 a = json.dumps({ "c": "quiz", "fun": "getEachList", "items": "crazy28", "pageSize": 23, "pageIndex": w }) b = json.dumps({"items": "crazy28"}) # 毫秒级时间戳,同时作为postdatspeed16a数据发现服务器 pst_data = { 'jxy_parameter': a, 'timestamp': base_time, 'params': b, 'xtpl': 'fun/private/jc-index-tbl' } url = '' # Post数据服务器,cookies使用登录页面与验证码 合并cookies提交 req_one =, data=pst_data, cookies=gol_cookies, headers=post_head, allow_redirects=False) vote_data = json.loads(req_one.text) if vote_data['code'] == 10000: for x in vote_data['itemList']: period = x['num'] vote_time = x['date'] jcjg = x['jcjg2'] state = x['state'] if state == 1: sql = "insert into jx_fk28 values ('" + period + "','" + vote_time + "','" + str( jcjg) + "')" mydb.query(sql) w = w + 1 except Exception as e: self.up_dt_info.emit("采集过程中,页面信息问题,重新采集该页") print("错误:%s" % traceback.format_exc()) w = w - 1 if w <= 0: w = 1 self.up_dt_info.emit("采集完成") self.up_table_info.emit(req.text) # if moni == 1 and first_run == 0: # wrong = firstwrong # print('当我更新wrong时,我的值还是',firstwrong) if first_run == 0: self.up_dt_info.emit('先搜索最近的一次错6') remax = self.remaxwrong() if int(current_period) - int(remax) <= 30: moni = 0 first_run = 1 self.up_statusinfo.emit( '第一次查询错六为: ' + str(remax) + " ,间隔期 : " + str(int(current_period) - int(remax))) self.up_dt_info.emit('搜索结束') # 每一次,必须采集完成后,才开始从数据库中拿数据判断 if vote_list: # 如果不为空,说明上一次投注了,判断是否正确。 try: vote_period = str(vote_list[-1]).strip() sql = "select * from jx_fk28 where period='" + vote_period + "' limit 1" redata = mydb.query(sql) last_vote = redata[0][2] # print('返回列表', vote_list, '查找返回投注期的结果', last_vote[0]) self.up_dt_info.emit('上期投注列表' + str(vote_list)) if int(last_vote) in vote_list: print('投注正确,倍率清空') self.up_lastinfo.emit( (vote_period, '', '', last_vote, '正确', '')) wrong = 0 if wrongflag == True and moni == 1: wrongflag = False toufayu = True jishu = 0 moni = 0 else: self.up_lastinfo.emit( (vote_period, '', '', last_vote, '错误', '')) if int(last_vote) > 0: # print('投注错误,次数加 1 ,错误次数:', wrong) wrong = wrong + 1 if wrong >= maxwrong: wrongflag = True moni = 1 except Exception as e: self.up_dt_info.emit("查询已投注的结果错误:%s" % traceback.format_exc()) # --------------------------------------------------- s1 = int(current_period) - 1 s2 = str(int(current_period) - 2) s3 = str(int(current_period) - 3) s4 = str(int(current_period) - 4) # sql = "select * from jx_fk28 where period='" + s1 + "' or period='" + s2 + "' or period='" + s3 + "' or period='" + s4 + "' order by period DESC" sql = "select * from jx_fk28 where period <= %s order by period DESC LIMIT 20" % ( s1) # print(sql) redata_1 = mydb.query(sql) # print(redata_1) last_1 = redata_1[0][2] last_2 = redata_1[1][2] last_3 = redata_1[2][2] last_4 = redata_1[3][2] print(last_1, last_2, last_3, last_4) for x in redata_1: czlst.append(int(x[2])) print(czlst) if vote_retime > 9: if moni == 0: if jishu >= 6 and wrong == 0: toufayu = False if toufayu == True: yinshu = 20 jishu = jishu + 1 if jishu >= 250 and wrong <= 2: moni = 1 jishu = 0 # print('lezhuan,最大错:', maxwrong, '当前错误', wrong, "金币:", '倍数', yinshu, '模拟', moni, '投注次数', jishu, # '错标', wrongflag, '偷发育', toufayu) # list_v = daxiao_1(last_1, last_2, last_3, last_4, multiple[wrong], yinshu) list_v = daxiao_2(last_1, last_2, last_3, last_4, multiple[wrong], yinshu, czlst) if list_v: vote_list = vote_thing(current_period, list_v) if int(vote_list[0]) < 10: dd = '小' else: dd = '大' self.up_curinfo.emit( (current_period, multiple[wrong] * yinshu * 500, jishu, wrong, int(current_jinbi) - todayfirstjinbi, moni, dd)) else: vote_list = [] self.up_curinfo.emit( (current_period, '', '', '', '', moni, '')) del mydb dealy_time = vote_retime + 28 self.up_dt_info.emit('延时%s刷新' % dealy_time) for m in range(dealy_time, -1, -1): self.up_lcd_num.emit(m) time.sleep(1) else: self.up_dt_info.emit("当前期都没找到,继续延时30秒查找") time.sleep(5) except Exception as e: print('traceback.format_exc():%s' % traceback.format_exc()) self.up_dt_info.emit("访问网站出错,等待10秒,重新访问" + repr(e)) time.sleep(5)